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1 材料与仪器 0.1% 咔唑试液(50 mg咔唑溶于50 mL 95%乙醇),葡萄糖醛酸(GlcA)、半乳糖醛酸(GalA)、葡萄糖(Glc)、半乳糖(Gal)、甘露糖(Man)、木糖(Xyl)、阿拉伯糖(Ara)、鼠李糖(Rha)、果糖(Fru)均为化学纯,枸杞多糖样品LbGP3,LbGP4,LbP1,LbP2,LbP3由本课题组提供。722分光光度计。2 方法与结果2.1 常用的硫酸-咔唑法2.1.1 标准曲线绘制:精确称取干燥的单糖标准样品10 mg,定容于25 mL容量瓶中。然后准确量取0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 mL单糖标准溶液于带塞试管中,各管加水至1 mL。在冰水浴中向各管加入6 mL浓硫酸,摇匀后,改在85 ℃水浴中保持20 min,取出后冷至室温,各管加0.2 mL咔唑液,在室温下保持2 h,测定吸收度(530 nm),以浓度对吸收度作标准曲线。2.1.2 测定各单糖在530 nm处的检测响应:分别准确吸取各种单糖溶液(10 mg/25 mL)0.4 mL,补水至1 mL用2.1.1项下方法测得其吸收值,结果如表1。表1 咔唑法测定时各单糖在530 nm处的吸收值Gal Glc Man Xyl Ara Rha Fru GalA GlcA 0.0493 0.1018 0.0503 0.0840 0.0251 0.0140 0.1245 0.2603 0.2498 上述结果表明,用咔唑法测定时,天然多糖化合物中常见的各种中性单糖在530 nm处也均有程度不同的吸收。2.2 各单糖浓度与咔唑法测定时在530 nm处吸收值的线性关系:以常用咔唑法(参考2.1.1)测定各单糖吸收标准曲线(其中GalA和GlcA标准溶液的配制为精确称取干燥的糖醛酸10 mg溶于100 mL容量瓶),其线性回归方程及相关系数如下。 Glc Y=0.4631X+0.004939(r=0.9996) Gal Y=0.2358X+0.004567(r=0.9993) Man Y=0.1587X+0.002963(r=0.9998) Xyl Y=0.2559X+0.000884(r=0.9997) Fru Y=0.1727X+0.001872(r=0.9960) Rha 吸收值基本保持不变 GalA Y=0.5857X+0.005917(r=0.9998) GlcA Y=0.4264X+0.000601(r=0.9999) 上述结果可知,各中性单糖在0.04~0.32 mg/mL范围内、GalA和GlcA在0.01~0.08 mg/mL范围内各单糖浓度与咔唑法检测吸收值呈线性。2.3 定量考察各中性单糖对咔唑法测定糖醛酸含量的影响2.3.1 分别准确量取GalA和GlcA(10 mg/100 mL)0.4 mL,各加入0.0,0.4,0.6 mL各中性单糖溶液(10 mg/25 mL),分别补水至1 mL,按咔唑法测其吸收值。2.3.2 分别准确量取各中性单糖溶液(10 mg/25 mL)0.0,0.4,0.6 mL,分别补水至1 mL,按咔唑法测其吸收值。得数据如表2。表2 各种中性单糖对糖醛酸影响的定量考察结果A530 加入标准中性糖体积(mL) A530 加入标准中性糖体积(mL) 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.6 GalA+Glc 0.2738 0.3732 0.3920 GlcA+Glc 0.2438 0.3506 0.4043 Glc 0.0000 0.1017 0.1377 Glc 0.0000 0.1183 0.1741 (GalA+Glc)Glc 0.2738 0.2715 0.2543 (GlcA+Glc)Glc 0.2438 0.2323 0.2302 GalA+Gal 0.2549 0.3059 0.3495 GlcA+Ga1 0.2603 0.3143 0.3406 Gal 0.0000 0.0513 .0914 Gal 0.0000 0.0473 0.1051 (GalA+Gal)Gal 0.2549 0.2546 0.2584 (GlcA+Gal)Gal 0.2603 0.2670 0.2355 GalA+Man 0.2636 0.3152 0.3100 GlcA+Man 0.2403 0.3050 0.3101 Man 0.0000 0.0463 0.0552 Man 0.0000 0.0533 0.0854 (GalA+Man)Man 0.2636 0.2636 0.2548 (GlcA+Man)Man 0.2403 0.2517 0.2247 GalA+Xyl 0.2692 0.3455 0.3837 GlcA+Xyl 0.2600 0.3432 0.3710 Xyl 0.0000 0.0759 0.1275 Xyl 0.0000 0.084 0.1072 (GalA+Xyl)Xyl 0.2692 0.6296 0.2562 (GlcA+Xyl)Xyl 0.2600 0.2592 0.2638 GalA+Rha 0.2218 0.2400 0.2223 GlcA+Rha 0.2204 0.2370 0.2215 Rha 0.0000 0.0090 0.0170 Rha 0.0000 0.0100 0.0120 (GalA+Rha)Rha 0.2218 0.2310 0.2063 (GlcA+Rha)Rha 0.2204 0.2270 0.2095 GalA+Fru 0.2444 0.3721 0.4432 GlcA+Fru 0.2204 0.3585 0.4335 Fru 0.0000 0.1345 0.2191 Fru 0.0000 0.1103 0.2097 (GalA+Fru)Fru 0.2444 0.2376 0.2241 (GlcA+Fru)Fru 0.2204 0.2482 0.2338 GalA+Ara 0.2551 0.2678 0.3125 GlcA+Ara 0.2360 0.2619 0.28885 Ara 0.0000 0.0072 0.0539 Ara 0.0000 0.0254 0.0558 (GalA+Ara)Ara 0.2551 0.2606 0.2586 (GlcA+Ara)Ara 0.2360 0.2365 0.2327 上述实验结果表明样品的吸收值随中性糖的含量增加而增大(Rha除外),而样品吸收值与中性糖吸收值之差和糖醛酸的吸收值基本一致。2.4 改进的硫酸-咔唑法:根据2.3的实验结果,我们提出一种改进的硫酸-咔唑法测定糖醛酸含量的方法,即样品的吸收值减去中性糖的吸收值为样品的吸收值。2.4.1 标准溶液的配制 溶液1.准确量取GalA(10 mg/100 mL)0.2 mL,加入0.2 mL Gal(10 mg/25 mL)和0.2 mL Glc(10 mg/25 mL),补水至1 mL。 溶液2.准确量取GalA(10 mg/100 mL)0.4 mL,加入0.2 mL Gal(10 mg/25 mL)和0.2 mL Glc(10 mg/25 mL),补水至1 mL。 溶液3.准确量取GalA(10 mg/100 mL)0.6 mL,加入0.2 mL Gal(10 mg/25 mL)和0.2 mL Glc(10 mg/25 mL),补水至1 mL。 中性单糖溶液.量取0.2 mL Gal(10 mg/25 mL)和0.2 mL Glc(10 mg/25 mL),补水至1 mL。2.4.2 方法改进前后糖醛酸测定结果的比较:上述中性单糖溶液按咔唑法测定在530 nm处的吸收值为0.0442。 表3所列结果表明,改进的咔唑法所测得的标准溶液中糖醛酸吸收值与实际测定值基本一致,因此这种改进的硫酸-咔唑法在测定各种样品中糖醛酸的含量时,排除了样品中中性糖对测定的影响,因而要比常用的硫酸-咔唑法准确。表3 不同方法的糖醛酸测定结果溶液1 溶液2 溶液3 咔唑法测定值 0.1497 0.2482 0.3628 改良咔唑法测定值 0.1055 0.2040 0.3186 糖醛酸实际值 0.1092 0.2058 0.3207 注:改进的咔唑法测定值为常用咔唑法测定值与标准配制溶液中中性单糖吸收值(0.0442)之差。2.5 改进的咔唑法测定糖醛酸实例:从枸杞子中分离得到的多糖样品LbGP3,LbGP4,LbP1,LbP2和LbP3中的糖醛酸含量测定,具体操作如下:2.5.1 样品中中性糖吸收值的测定:要求得样品中中性糖对检测的吸收干扰值,首先必须知道其中中性糖的含量和组成比。根据蒽酮-硫酸法〔4〕可测得中性糖的含量。组成比的测定需先将样品全水解〔5〕,然后再用HPLC或GC测得样品中各中性单糖的组成比。以此称取各种相应标准中性单糖配成混合液,然后取1 mL溶液于带塞试管中,然后按2.1.1所述的标准曲线制备操作,测得其吸收值。2.5.2 样品的吸收值测定:按咔唑法(方法同2.1.1),测得样品吸收值(注:样品中中性糖浓度应在其线性范围内)。2.5.3 样品中糖醛酸含量的测定:样品中糖醛酸的吸收值为样品吸收值与中性糖吸收值之差,再根据对应标准的回归方程,计算出该样品中糖醛酸含量。实验结果如表4所示。表4 常用的与改进的咔唑法测定糖醛酸含量结果的比较糖醛酸含量(%) 多糖样品 常用咔唑法 改进咔唑法 LbGP3 5.3 3.4 LbGP4 10.4 6.4 LbP1 8.8 5.9 LbP2 8.1 6.7 LbP3 8.7 5.7 从表4结果可以看出常用咔唑法测定糖醛酸的含量其值偏高。3 讨论 在咔唑法所规定的测定波长下,中性戊糖和中性己糖均有吸收,影响糖醛酸含量测定的准确性。为此我们对7种不同的中性糖分别进行了考察,测得其浓度与吸收值的线性范围。实验结果表明Xyl,Man,Glc,Gal,Fru分别找到了各自的线性范围,Rha随着浓度的改变其吸收值基本保持不变,Ara较难判断。各种单糖线性范围的测得,不仅证实了中性糖的存在对咔唑法测定糖醛酸的结果产生干扰,而且为提出一种比常用咔唑法准确性高的糖醛酸测定方法提供了实验依据。 用咔唑法测定各种中性单糖对糖醛酸影响的定量考察实验表明,糖醛酸和各中性单糖在其各自的线性范围内取样,样品的吸收值与中性糖吸收值之差与不含中性糖的糖醛酸实际测得吸收值基本一致。就知道这么多了


windows.open() 格式如下:<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- window.open ("page.html", "newwindow", "height=100, width=400, top=0, left=0, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no,location=n o, status=no") //这句要写成一行 --> </SCRIPT> 参数解释: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> js脚本开始; window.open 弹出新窗口的命令; "page.html" 弹出窗口的文件名; "newwindow" 弹出窗口的名字(不是文件名),非必须,可用空""代替; height=100 窗口高度; width=400 窗口宽度; top=0 窗口距离屏幕上方的象素值; left=0 窗口距离屏幕左侧的象素值; toolbar=no 是否显示工具栏,yes为显示; menubar,scrollbars 表示菜单栏和滚动栏。 resizable=no 是否允许改变窗口大小,yes为允许; location=no 是否显示地址栏,yes为允许; status=no 是否显示状态栏内的信息(通常是文件已经打开),yes为允许; </SCRIPT> js脚本结束


RAMP指令若是与模拟信号输出搭配使用时,可执行缓冲启动/ 停止的动作。 具体样例如:RAMP S1 S2 D n S1:倾斜信号的起点设置。 S2 :倾斜信号的终点设置。 D :倾斜信号的经过时间值。 n :扫描次数。 例如:LD X10 RAMP D10 D11 D12 K100 预先将倾斜信号的起点设置值写入D10 及倾斜信号的终点设置值写入D11 内,当X10=On 时,D10 设置值朝D11 迈进(增加),其经过的时间(n=100 次扫描)被存放于D12 当中,扫描次数存放于D13 当中。 在程序中首先将M1039驱动为On即可固定扫描周期,再使用 MOV指令将固定扫描周期设置值写入至特殊数据寄存器D1039 当中即可。假设该值为 30ms,以上述程序为例,n=K100,则D10 至D11 的时间为3 秒(30ms×100 ) 指令执行中,启动信号 X10 变成Off时,指令停止执行,当X10 再度On的时候,D12 的内容被复位为0 而重新计算。 注意:M1026=Off时,M1029=On ,D12 的内容被复位成D10 的设置值。





Pinnacle HollywoodFX Plus和Pinnacle Studio Plus V10及premiere 三者的区别!没分了,还望各位不吝赐教!

Pinnacle HollywoodFX Plus是Pinnacle旗下的一款视频转场特效软件,有非富多彩的转场特效,不过各种特效难以根据个人的需要进行精确的调整。视频编辑功能非常弱,特长在于视频转场特效上。(它有转门用于premiere的版本,名子为HollywoodFX for premiere)Pinnacle Studio Plus V10是Pinnacle旗下一款视频采集卡所用的采集软件,同时支持简单的视频编辑功能。其它的特效不是很多。premiere是adobe公司旗下的一款视频编辑软件,也是目前最这强大的视频编辑软件。功能非常强大,利用它的特效插件,可以根据个人的需要要,做出千变万化的特效来,包括品尼高HollywoodFX Plus中的一些特效(只是相当的费时间,不如HollywoodFX Plus集成的方便)。如果它与同一公司旗下的视频特效制作软件AE结合,则目前平面内的特效,基本全部拿下!没有其它软件能比的了!


我给你我公司的吧Company No: xxxxxxCERTIFICATE CONFIRMING INCORPORATION OF COMPANYThis is to confirm that xxxx is incorporated under the Companies Act (xxx), on and from xxx and that the company is a PRIVATE COMPANY by shares.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL ON XXXX.Shirley Lim xxxxxxxxxxx 的地方就着情填入你公司的资料。 你把中文的跟翻译的英文同时发过去。

求John Milton"On Time"中文翻译,望高手不吝赐教

On time——John Milton2009-07-11 22:09我们静静沐浴在繁星余辉中,傲视着一切死亡、命运和时间!— 约翰·弥尔顿《On time》Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race,Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours,Whose speed is but the heavy plummet"s pace;And glut thyself with what thy womb devours,Which is no more than what is false and vain,And merely mortal dross;So little is our loss,So little is thy gain.For when as each thing bad thou hast intombed,And last of all thy greedy self consumed,Then long Eternity shall greet our blissWith an individual kiss,And Joy shall overtake us as a flood;When every thing that is sincerely goodAnd perfectly divine,With truth, and peace, and love, shall ever shineAbout the supreme throneOf Him, t" whose happy-making sight aloneWhen once our heav"nly-guided soul shall climb,Then, all this earthly grossness quit,Attired with stars, we shall for ever sit,Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, O Time... ——John Milton无情的时间飞速掠过,直至人们无法跟上它的步伐,而后开始悄然流淌,正如沉重的铅锤般缓缓坠落。人们惯常为之孜孜以求的,无非尽是些谬误与徒劳,甚至一些无用残渣,我们尽管毫无损失,但同时亦将收获甚微。当周围一切都归于平寂,勃勃野心亦将烟消云散,唯余永恒在迎接我们祝福,同时带来神秘的亲吻,我们将被巨大喜悦充溢全身,因为此时所有一切都如此俊美,处处绽放出神圣光辉。真理、和平和爱情,争相熠熠夺目,为至高无上的王者增添光彩,在其炯炯目光注视下,苦难深重的灵魂终于得到救赎,所有烦扰纷争俱已化为无形,我们静静沐浴在繁星余辉中,傲视着一切死亡、命运和时间。— 约翰·弥尔顿

什么是全极滤波器? 是全通滤波器吗?二者有什么区别啊? 希望各位大牛不吝赐教!在此谢过!


诸位高手,麻烦请教一下,虚拟现实,ogre和d3d有什么关系 初级中的初级,还望各位不吝赐教 谢啦!!!!


英语中 程度副词“高,较高,一般 ,低”该如何翻译,急用,望各位大虾不吝赐教

high Above Normal [highly] popularly lowly


1st, how do you regard luxury goods profession I to think that the luxury goods are one kind surpass the people to survive need the scope with the development, has uniquely, scarce, precious and so on characteristic consumables, but regarding most people, the luxury goods forever is possibly a dream, also therefore just, it even more arouses the desire which the people pursue, in the life, the luxury goods enjoys the very special market and the status, it besides gives the customer the good product, what are more for the human is one kind of life savoring with the status symbol, the visitor purchases the product and not only purchases the product itself, meanwhile has purchased the product added value, for example at heart on satisfyingAnd so on 2, you think in the work most importantly any Service and business 3rd, how do you regard the personnel to drain? I thought that should look from two aspects, on the one hand the staff drains may maintain the troop the curiosity, removes in the team the negative factor, increases the competitive power. Another convenience brings the service not stably, the managed cost to increase source of tourists outflow and so on, generally speaking advantages are accompanieds by disadvantages. But I hoped that has certain rate of personnel loss also maintains the troop the curiosity.4th, how do you regard the team cooperation? I thought that the team is gathers for a goal in same place group of people. The team cooperation looked from individual angle that first does own matter, then trusts other people, simultaneously is willing to pay from the overall angle looked, the team should have a core, next is the division of labor is clear, but is not stereotypical, finally should strengthen the team member"s daily exchange, when exchange uses our word, simultaneously lets each person feel that oneself is very important.5, during the sales process you thought that any most important lets the customer feel at heart the satisfied maximization our income.


squier 是fender旗下的低端电吉他品牌, 至于你发的那组号码,应该不是型号你再看看有没有其他的编号, 找个琴头位置的图片,或者琴的吊牌




William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616)[a] was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world"s pre-eminent dramatist.[1] He is often called England"s national poet and the "Bard of Avon".[2][b] His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays,[c] 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.[3]Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain"s Men, later known as the King"s Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare"s private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.[4]Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613.[5][d] His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the sixteenth century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.Many of his plays were published in editions of varying quality and accuracy during his lifetime. In 1623, two of his former theatrical colleagues published the First Folio, a collected edition of his dramatic works that included all but two of the plays now recognised as Shakespeare"s.Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the nineteenth century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare"s genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".[6] In the twentieth century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.莎士比亚的

WOORI BANK是哪个银行,知道的请不吝赐教

WOORI BANK ——韩国友利银行






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Starting an enterprise can not only solve the employment problem of the graduates themselves, but also create more jobs, promote technology innovation and laboratory achievements conversion, thus create more social wealth, push forward social economic development, bring about positive interaction of economic development and employment expansion.我的建议是 1.but also后面是可以加一个并列动词的,create正确 promote最好改成promoting或用像楼上说的,改做and+promote2.thus后用creating,pushing,bringing3. 我个人认为conversion可以用,不过最好再加个动词 accelerate the conversion of laboratorial achievements (不好用laboratory)


大二上学期 英语口语考试1. On CultureWhat do you know about the American symbols?Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture.I think the most famous American symbols of usa are The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像),Barbie dolls(芭比娃娃), Mattel Toy Company,Buffalo Nickel(野牛镍币),Uncle Sam(山姆大叔).(记不住最后三个就 and so on). The Statue of Liberty is located in the Newyork City. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Of all the symbols,I like the Barbie dolls most. Barbie doll is very lovely and when I am a child,I played with it when I"m lonely. Even it can"t speak and act,it is one of my best friends.Our motherland has long history,the symbols that stand for our culture are numerous. In my opion,the most standing three symbols are Chinese Dragon, Chinese Characters and Beijing Opera. They are all our precious treasures. I love them very much!2. Friends and FriendshipWhat do you think of friendship and how do you get it?Do you prefer making friends on the Internet or face to face?It"s hard to find the best friendship in life,because best friends should has the special qualities. I value most in friendship are honest and comprehension.Honest is the root for friendship. Though it is easier to tell a lie, it is difficult to keep it. In another way,a friend indeed is a friends in need. He must be comprehensive so that he can know your sadness as well as happiness. Because of honest,we can be friends,and becaue of comprehension,we can be the best friends. So the honest and comprehension is the way I get my friendship.I prefer making a friend face to face. Because internet must have some dangerous fact, it"s too easy to tell a lie on the net. Some advantages making friends face to face can"t be placed by the net. So I prefer making friend face to face.3. On SuccessWhat do you think success is ?What would you do to be a successful manwoman?In my own understanding, success is a feeling when you are satisfied with your living at present, is the happiness when you make your dream come true at last . I have a lot of dreams actually,some are small and some are quite huge. My dream is to feel happiness and let the world feel happiness. The first part has already come true. To be success means to make my dream come true.I am going to keep going and don"t let other things beat me and my dreams. Dreams is really difficult to be done ,everyone needs to try best to make them come true, but to me ,dreams can be done in the end .4. City life and Country lifeWhere would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city or in a small town?What is the most serious challenge of living in big cities?I prefer finding a job in a big city. in the cities, we have more opportunities.In cities there are many shops. There is no problem if I need to buy something. If it isn"t in one shop I can go to another one. In the village there are usually only few shops and even the only one with the necessary foods. But cities aren"t only centres of shopping but there are also many offices. Of course all the good schools are in cities. People in the cities can find a now job more easily than people in the country.By contrast, Citizens have to put up with noise, harmful smoke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded conditions and bad environments.5. Teacher-student RelationshipWhat do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?How to achieve a good Teacher-student relationship? (cooperation in class, mutual understanding and respect)The qualities of a good teacher I think ,first of all,she or he must be patient enough to adjust his or her students"mistakes ,bad habits or bad tempers. second,I think he or she must be kind and easy going,though strict is needed sometimes,but be too strict will frighten the students,and make them think you are not reliable and feasible.Just make yourself be their friend and they will trust you,and listen to you. finally I think that a good teacher should set good examples to his or her students so that he or she can get respect .and be the leader of the students As a student, it"s good for us to cooperate with teacher,this is symbol of respecting teacher and ourselves.of course ,the respect is the mutual respect,and i want to say that the good behaviors of students will also give teacher some confidence ,encouragement ,and i think this is the largest satisfaction the teachers want to gain from students . 6. Lottery TicketsSuppose you won 0.3 billion yuan, what would you do with the money?Do you think money is everything?I would use the money to realize my dream. My dream is to feel happiness and let the world feel happiness. Winning the lottery has already made me happy, so I would try to do something meaningful,like help others who can"t afford school,help the people who are poor. I can make full use of it to make more money to do the more helpful and meaningfull things.Though money is important in our life,is not the most important thing in our life.Money can buy a bed,but can"t buy a good sleep. Money can buy a house,but can"t buy a close home.Money can buy a lot of things,but can"t buy health.Is that right? So money isn"t everthing in our life.I think it just a kind of useful thing.In a peaceful world,the most important thing in our life is to help others,make our world more beautiful.Maybe one day,we all live in love with our goodness,joy and delight.Mqybe one day we all share in joy and celebrate in light!This is the most important thing in one"s life. It"s a hope of all over the world.7. TravelingDescribe a place that has deeply impressed you.Where do you want to visit most?This semester, I went to the Mountian Tai together with my classmates. Very exicited, we were eager to reach the destination on the course by bus. We began to climb directly we got to the foot of the mountian. It was very late in the evening , but none of us felt tired. There were many visiters there, and all of us enjoyed the process of climbing the mountain. Eventually, we reached the top. Not only did we have a rest there, but we took several pictures as well. Though very tired, we were very enjoyable about this unforgettable trip.I would like to visit Paris. Because people say that Paris is a very romantic city. Paris people are also very romantic,I know this through the news. I want to breathe the romantic air in Paris city and also become a romantic person.8. How to Prepare for Earthquakes?1) Have you ever experienced an earthquake?2) What would you do if an earthquake happened?I haven"t experienced an earthquake. But I have a deeply impression of Sichuan"s earthquake. Wenchuan,a small city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed.The army came to help people ,saved some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them.When the earthquake happened, I would run outside as soon as possible and stay in the open fields. If I can"t get out the house,I should choose a safe place to protect myself,saying the corner of the house. After the earthquake, I would try my best to help others and rebuild my homeland.


A 本应想到而没想到B quite与表示多的量词搭配,如quite a lot ofC attain the rank 考察固定搭配C low season 淡季B hold/keep sb. in suspense 使处于焦灼等待状态; in suspension 悬浮中B the wholesome food 有益健康的食品C take an idea 固定搭配D pass off 冒充; 假装为; pass over 去世;pass out昏厥, 失去知觉; 喝得烂醉C none other than his former schoolmate 不是别人正是他的前校友. no more than的意思是“只不过”,no more … than = 和……一样不 (否定两者);no less … than = 和……一样 (肯定两者);none the less adv.依然A respectable 值得尊敬的

新光天地有dior homme吗?dh一般走秀款的西装多少钱?新光天地二楼的dior男装是DH吗?懂得不吝赐教啊

新光天地有,Dior男装就是DH,秀款的西装最低的1W5 ,一般都在2万以上,特殊点的像09AW的全真丝刺绣剑领的要4万多,07AW的珠片西装价格6万多,06SS的铆钉西装价格接近20万



问问大家《the Great Gatsby》这本书咋样,读过原文的说说啊。不吝赐教

中文版的我看过几遍,英文版因为英文水平的缘故,仅仅囫囵吞枣似的看了一遍,颇有感触的一段话:I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.我身在其中又身在其外,对人生的变幻莫测既感到陶醉又感到厌恶。如同乔治。萧伯纳所言:人生有两大悲剧,一是未能得偿所愿,而是如愿以偿http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/f/fitzgerald/f_scott/gatsby/index.html这是英文版的。


问友,你好,因为在英国,美国,没有书记这个职位,所以答案就是Clerk"s Office


螺杆出婴儿玩具步行与一些大喊大叫谁没有车费里斯, 而严重吃到绿巨人鉴于月球我对道路immodest 同样在今天,只有fumbled 几乎看不到的开始堆填区的池塘飞,并会继续涌入鸟场所早在天空没有返回到一个空白我呢? 见舍不会有太大! 歌对方夺惯れ过世界上还活着臭气燃烧引擎, 沥青,因为他们的影子我的意思是死, 鉴于它的思考三井络围栏, 风折腾裸鼠玩牌明天,这是忘记了, 采取每天建筑物城市的树开始下降, 我会检查越来越请你告诉我,现在, 我应该怎么办? 我在一个离, 太肤浅相信,在对方时代要活着但今天上午轻运行的城市浮か光辉海仆胆,以海蜇合谋和温柔, 我觉得只是一个绝望我有权力拒绝我们的嘿,什么, 仆说,什么是您在寻找呢? 真情( hon. )冠冕堂皇,以躲避对方karappo机构夹头它放在床浮力与梦一再撃ち落とし仆期待为爱


你这个是系统设置问题----你试试我的方法 依次点击-开始-控制面板-用户账户-更改用户账户控制设置-然后把那个拉条拉倒最底下-然后从新启动程序


Establishing Battlefield Control, 战场控制建立中,请等待。Stand By Battle Control Online 作战控制连线。 Incoming Transmission 信号输入。 New Objective Received 收到新任务目标。 Objective Complete 任务目标达成。 Mission Accomplished 任务完成。 Mission Failed 任务失败。 Reinforcements Have Arrived 援军已抵达。 Critical Unit Lost 丧失关键单位。 Critical Strucure Lost 丧失关键建筑物。 Battle Control Terminated 作战控制终止。 Ore Miner Under Attack 采矿车正遭受攻击。 Our Base Is Under Attack 我军基地正遭受攻击。 Our Ally Is Under Attack 我军盟友正遭受攻击。 Cannot Deploy Here 无法在此部署。 Unit Promoted 单位晋升。 Unit Lost 丧失单位。 Robot Tanks Offline * 遥控坦克断线。 Robot Tanks Back Online * 遥控坦克恢复连线。 Player Defeated 玩家被击败了。 You Are Victorious 你胜利了。 You Have Lost 你失败了。 Unit Armor Upgraded 单位装甲升级了。 Unit Firepower Upgraded 单位火力升级了。 Unit Speed Upgraded 单位速度升级了。 生产建造/修理类: Building 建筑中 Training 训练中。 Unable To Comply, Building in Progress 无法执行,生产进行中。 On Hold 等待。 Canceled 取消。 Insufficient Funds 资金不足。 Low Power 能源低。 Construction Complete 建筑完工。 Unit Ready 单位就绪。 New Construction Options 新建筑选项。 New Rally Point Established 建立新集合点。 Primary Building Selected 主要建筑选取。 Structure Sold 变卖建筑。 Repairing 修理中。 Unit Repaired 单位修复。 Structure Repaired 建筑修复。 Bridge Repaired 桥梁修复。 占领/渗透/驻扎类: Building Captured 建筑占领。 Tech Building Captured 科技建筑占领。 Hospital Captured, * 医院占领, All Infatry Units Are Now Auto Heal * 所有步兵单位现在自动治疗。 Machine Shop Captured, * 机器零件商店占领, All Vehicle Are Now Auto Repair * 所有车辆单位现在自动修复。 Airfield Captured, * 机场占领, You Can Recruit Para Troopers * 您可以补充伞兵了。 Secret Lab Captured, * 秘密实验室占领, New Tachnology Available * 可使用新的科技。 Oil Refinery Captured, * 钻油井占领, Acquiring Additional Resources * 获得额外资源。 Repair Facility Captured * 前哨维修厂占领。 Tech Building Lost 失去科技建筑物。 Building Infiltrated, 建筑渗透。 Radar Sabotaged 雷达被毁坏。 Cash Stolen 资金遭窃取。 Power Sabotaged 能源被切断。 Enemy Power Restored 敌人的基地电力恢复。 Structure Garrisoned 驻扎建筑物。 Structure Abandoned 离开建筑物。 超级武器类: Warning: Iron Curtain Detected 警告:侦测到铁幕(装置)。 Warning: Iron Curtain Activated 警告:铁幕发动了。 Iron Curtain Ready 铁幕就绪。 Warning: Nuclear Silo Detected 警告:侦测到核弹发射井。 Warning: Nuclear Missile Launched 警告:核弹发射了。 Nuclear Missile Ready 核弹就绪。 Warning: Chronosphere Detected 警告:侦测到超空间转移发生器。 Warning: Chronosphere Activated 警告:超空间传送发动了。 Chronosphere Ready 超空间传送就绪。 Warning: Weather Control Device Detected 警告:侦测到天气控制机。 Warning: Lightning Storm Created 警告:闪电风暴产生。 Lightning Storm Ready 闪电风暴就绪。 Warning: Genetic Mutator Detected * 警告:侦测到基因突变器。 Warning: Genetic Mutator Activated * 警告:基因突变发动了。 Genetic Mutator Ready 基因突变就绪。 Warning: Psychic Dominator Detected * 警告:侦测到心灵控制器。 Be one with Yuri... * #$&$&*%^$$%$#%。 Warning: Psychic Dominator Ready 心灵控制就绪。 Force Shield Ready * 力场护盾就绪。 Reinforcements Ready 援军就绪。 Spy Plane Ready * 侦察机就绪。 Select Target 选择目标。=================================================================任务/作战/拾获升级工具箱类: Establishing Battlefield Control, 战场控制建立中,请等待。 Stand By Battle Control Online 作战控制连线。 Incoming Transmission 信号输入。 New Objective Received 收到新任务目标。 Objective Complete 任务目标达成。 Mission Accomplished 任务完成。 Mission Failed 任务失败。 Reinforcements Have Arrived 援军已抵达。 Critical Unit Lost 丧失关键单位。 Critical Strucure Lost 丧失关键建筑物。 Battle Control Terminated 作战控制终止。 Ore Miner Under Attack 采矿车正遭受攻击。 Our Base Is Under Attack 我军基地正遭受攻击。 Our Ally Is Under Attack 我军盟友正遭受攻击。 Cannot Deploy Here 无法在此部署。 Unit Promoted 单位晋升。 Unit Lost 丧失单位。 Robot Tanks Offline * 遥控坦克断线。 Robot Tanks Back Online * 遥控坦克恢复连线。 Player Defeated 玩家被击败了。 You Are Victorious 你胜利了。 You Have Lost 你失败了。 Unit Armor Upgraded 单位装甲升级了。 Unit Firepower Upgraded 单位火力升级了。 Unit Speed Upgraded 单位速度升级了。 生产建造/修理类: Building 建筑中 Training 训练中。 Unable To Comply, Building in Progress 无法执行,生产进行中。 On Hold 等待。 Canceled 取消。 Insufficient Funds 资金不足。 Low Power 能源低。 Construction Complete 建筑完工。 Unit Ready 单位就绪。 New Construction Options 新建筑选项。 New Rally Point Established 建立新集合点。 Primary Building Selected 主要建筑选取。 Structure Sold 变卖建筑。 Repairing 修理中。 Unit Repaired 单位修复。 Structure Repaired 建筑修复。 Bridge Repaired 桥梁修复。 占领/渗透/驻扎类: Building Captured 建筑占领。 Tech Building Captured 科技建筑占领。 Hospital Captured, * 医院占领, All Infatry Units Are Now Auto Heal * 所有步兵单位现在自动治疗。 Machine Shop Captured, * 机器零件商店占领, All Vehicle Are Now Auto Repair * 所有车辆单位现在自动修复。 Airfield Captured, * 机场占领, You Can Recruit Para Troopers * 您可以补充伞兵了。 Secret Lab Captured, * 秘密实验室占领, New Tachnology Available * 可使用新的科技。 Oil Refinery Captured, * 钻油井占领, Acquiring Additional Resources * 获得额外资源。 Repair Facility Captured * 前哨维修厂占领。 Tech Building Lost 失去科技建筑物。 Building Infiltrated, 建筑渗透。 Radar Sabotaged 雷达被毁坏。 Cash Stolen 资金遭窃取。 Power Sabotaged 能源被切断。 Enemy Power Restored 敌人的基地电力恢复。 Structure Garrisoned 驻扎建筑物。 Structure Abandoned 离开建筑物。 超级武器类: Warning: Iron Curtain Detected 警告:侦测到铁幕(装置)。 Warning: Iron Curtain Activated 警告:铁幕发动了。 Iron Curtain Ready 铁幕就绪。 Warning: Nuclear Silo Detected 警告:侦测到核弹发射井。 Warning: Nuclear Missile Launched 警告:核弹发射了。 Nuclear Missile Ready 核弹就绪。 Warning: Chronosphere Detected 警告:侦测到超空间转移发生器。 Warning: Chronosphere Activated 警告:超空间传送发动了。 Chronosphere Ready 超空间传送就绪。 Warning: Weather Control Device Detected 警告:侦测到天气控制机。 Warning: Lightning Storm Created 警告:闪电风暴产生。 Lightning Storm Ready 闪电风暴就绪。 Warning: Genetic Mutator Detected * 警告:侦测到基因突变器。 Warning: Genetic Mutator Activated * 警告:基因突变发动了。 Genetic Mutator Ready 基因突变就绪。 Warning: Psychic Dominator Detected * 警告:侦测到心灵控制器。 Be one with Yuri... * #$&$&*%^$$%$#%。 Warning: Psychic Dominator Ready 心灵控制就绪。 Force Shield Ready * 力场护盾就绪。 Reinforcements Ready 援军就绪。 Spy Plane Ready * 侦察机就绪。 Select Target 选择目标。================================================================1. New construction options 部署新的建筑物(一般是部署基地车时说的)。 2. Loading 等待。(正在进行) 3. Construction complete 建筑完成。 4. On hold 等待。(暂停进行) 5. Canceled 取消。 6. Can not put it here 不可以放在这里。 7. Low power 电力不足。 8. Techology stolen 科技被偷。 9. Training 训练中…… 10.Unit ready 完成。 11.Our base is under attack 我们的基地在遭受攻击。 12.Unit lost 丧失了一个兵/车辆。 13.Our miner under attack 我们的矿车再遭受攻击。(电脑的惯用打法) 14.Spy plane ready 侦察机就绪。 15.Reinforcements ready 援兵就绪(一般都是伞兵)。 16.Select target 选择目标。 17.Repairing 修理中。 18.Unit repaired 单位修理完毕。 19.Building info treated,cash stolen 获得建筑物信息,偷到金钱。 20.Building info treated,new technology aquired 获得建筑物信息,获得新科技(升级、或者的到新兵种)。 21.Tech-building captured 占领科技建筑。 22.Unit promotedss 升级了。 23.Force shield ready 力场护盾准备完毕。 24.Our ally is under attack 我们的盟友正遭受攻击。 25.Player defeated 玩家被击败。 26.You have lost 你失败了。 27.You are the victorious 你胜利了。 28.Oil refinery captured,aquiring additional resoures 占领油井,获得了额外资源。 29.Primary building selected 选择主要建筑。 30.New realign point established 建立了目标线。(兵或车出来的时候按线路走到某处) 31.Unable to comply,building in progress. 不能做到,建筑正在进行中。 32.Structure sold 卖掉了建筑物。 33.Structure garrisoned 建筑进行了警戒。(兵进到楼里时说的) 34.Structure abandoned 放弃建筑。(兵从楼中出来) 35.Battle control on line 作战控制连线。 36.Batrle control terminated 退出作战。 37.Radar sabotaged 雷达被破坏。(间谍进入雷达,导致已探测的地图消失) Power sabotaged 电力被破坏。(间谍进入电厂,电力会瘫痪一段时间) 38.Units" fire power are greated 火力有增强(捡到箱子时) 39.Units" armer are greated 武装(防御)增强 (同上) 40.Units" speed are greated 速度变快 (同上) 41.Machine shop captured, all mechanical vehicle unit will be all repaired. 占领科技商店,所有的机械车辆都将被修理。(自动加血了) 42.Hospital captured,all infantry unit will be all cured. 占领医院, 所有的步兵都将被治疗。 (自动加血) 43. Super weapon 超级武器 Chronorsphere 超时空传送 Lightning storm 闪电风暴 Iron curtain 铁幕 Nuclear missile 核弹 Warning! Iron curtain detected 警告!探测到铁幕。(敌方建立起超武时会提示) Warning! Chronorsphere/Iron curtain activated. 警告!超时空传送/铁幕已经部署。 Warning! Lightning storm created. 警告!闪电风暴已经创建。 Warning! Nuclear missle launched. 警告! 核弹已经发射。 Gene mutator(ready). 基因突变(就绪) Psychic dorminator (ready). 心灵控制(就绪) 44.Form allianced. 与XX结盟。 (与别人连的时候会听到) 45.Form declared. 向XX宣战。



(高分)明天装机,麻烦大家帮我写个配置单,整机价格 3500元左右 望大虾些不吝赐教


m=x>y?x:y; 这段简写是什么意思,还有一般C语言中还有哪些类似的简写,多谢高手不吝赐教!




removal 和disassemble有什么区别?两个不都是拆卸么,翻译外文事时竟然都有。。。 请各位不吝赐教,多谢

removal - 移动; 搬disassemble - 拆卸,


没有什么箱子一定适合初烧玩,或者只有老烧才能玩的。关键看自己的口味,有很多人烧了一大圈,最后就用胆机推Spendor听个人声、弦乐啥的,也不追求素质,就是图个舒服。上海以前有一位网名Ericzhu88的烧友玩了一大圈,丹拿C3都玩了,最后回到用几千块钱的Melody推挽机推1/2的组合上。我个人第一对音箱是Spendor SP2/3 SE,中间玩过超奥 CS 3.7,现在用一台国产FU50并联推挽机推JBL 4429。我肯定不会再回到Spendor,因为我主要听交响、钢琴,Spendor在表现这些类型的音乐方面很弱。所以音响没有优劣、高低之分,关键是找到适合自己的器材。