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cartier卡地亚(Cartier)于1847年在法国创立,世界珠宝,腕表及配饰领域的翘楚,被英国国王爱德华七世赞誉为"皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝"。以不断创新的理念和巧夺天工的设计,书写世界珠宝及腕表设计制作的历史,受到无数皇室贵族与名流雅士的推崇和爱戴。 更多关于cartier是什么牌子,进入:查看更多内容


01 卡地亚 cartier也就是我们常说的卡地亚品牌,卡地亚一家来自法国的钟表及珠宝制造商,品牌于1847年在法国巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创办创立,被爱德华七世誉为皇帝的珠宝商和皇帝的珠宝商。 cartier也就是我们常说的卡地亚品牌, 来自一家法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-François Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创办。1874年,其子亚法·卡地亚继承其管理权,由其孙子路易·卡地亚、皮尔·卡地亚与积斯·卡地亚将其发展成世界著名品牌。 1904年曾为飞机师阿尔拔图·山度士·度门设计世界上首只戴在手腕的腕表——卡地亚山度士腕表,自此涉足腕表领域,百年来,美誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”的卡地亚以其非凡的创意和完美的工艺为人类创制出许多精美绝伦,无可比拟的旷世杰作。 卡地亚属三大奢侈品巨头之一历峰集团旗下品牌,系百年老品牌,以其非凡的创意和完美的工艺,被美誉为"皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝",深受欧洲皇室贵族的青睐,目前位列世界十大名表行列,关于卡地亚手表档次,部分钟表杂志将其划分属顶级品牌档次,与江诗丹顿、爱彼、宝玑、帕玛强尼、宝珀同级;也有将其归类一类一等表档次,与劳力士、萧邦、伯爵、万国、积家同级。


cartier是法国品牌卡地亚手表。cartier是路易-弗朗索瓦·卡地亚(Louis-François Cartier)在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创立了卡地亚品牌,1874年,其子亚法·卡地亚继承其管理权,由其孙子路易·卡地亚、皮尔·卡地亚与积斯·卡地亚将其发展成世界著名品牌。自1847年起,cartier(卡地亚)对品牌历史持续探索,以创意创新不断丰富自身传承。一直以来,卡地亚从多样的文化中获得启发,作为创作核心不断丰富品牌内涵。卡地亚以追求美感为动力,心怀激情,与众共赏。cartier手表的特点卡地亚作为世界知名的奢侈品牌,价格不菲,但不可否认的是,卡地亚的设计和制作确实在细节上取胜。它以其非凡的创造力和完美的工艺,为人类创造了许多精美绝伦的杰作。卡地亚精致细节的设计也需要成本支撑,开发设计的成本也是巨大的,尤其是大牌珠宝,所以研发设计的成本占了一部分。卡地亚,被誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”,已成为享誉全球的奢侈品牌。正因为如此强大的品牌效应,卡地亚的价格自然是不菲的。

找出不同的词 catively carefully friendly

friendly 是不同的。其余两个都是副词,friendly 是形容词,虽然后面也带着 -ly


looks stays makes passes goes watches brushes flies studies carries worries


go 动词过去式:went 过去分词:gone 过去分词:gone 现在分词:going 现在分词:going 第三人称单数:goes eater名词:eater 动词过去式:ate 动词过去式:ate 过去分词:eaten 过去分词:eaten 现在分词:eating 第三人称单数 eatsdo 名词复数:do"s 动词过去式:did 动词过去式:did 过去分词:done 过去分词:done 现在分词:doing 第三人称单数 doesplay 动词过去式:played 过去分词:played 过去分词:played 现在分词:playing 现在分词:playing 第三人称单数:plays put动词过去式:put 过去分词:put 过去分词:put 现在分词:putting 第三人称单数 putswatch 动词过去式:watched 过去分词:watched 过去分词:watched 现在分词:watching 第三人称单数 watchesrun 动词过去式:ran 过去分词:run 过去分词:run 现在分词:running carry 名词复数:carries 动词过去式:carried 动词过去式:carried 过去分词:carried 过去分词:carried 现在分词:carrying 第三人称单数 carrieshave动词过去式:had 过去分词:had 过去分词:had 现在分词:having 第三人称单数 has

写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink—— go—— stay—— make—— look—— have—— pass—— carry——

wash——washesteach——teachesdo——doesstudy——studiescome——comeswatch——watchesfly——fliesmatch——matchesguess——guessesstudy——studiescatch——ctaches总结:动词第三人称单数的变化形式1一般情况下加-s2以s,x ,ch,sh.o结尾的,加-es3辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i,再加-es

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good better best careful more careful most careful hard harder hardest late later latest slowly more slowly most slowly quickly more quickly most quickly loudly more loudly most loudly carelessly more carelessly most carelessly quietly more quietly most quietly early earlier earliest

一道高中英语题。。。求解。。。大哥大姐们。。。。Car racing is an adventurous sport,, 题目在下。

首先排除D 这是一个非限制性定语从句 that只能引导限制性定语从句再次排除B what引导表语从句做主语然后是C when引导时间状语从句选where popular with young men在这里是插入语,所以不要受它影响Car racing is an adventurous sport, _____quick mind and skill matters much more than anything else.where 在这里表示 “在这项运动中”

TED-carrie Nugent: Adventures of an asteriod hunter

I am holding something remarkably old. It is older than any huam artifact, older than life on Earth, older than the continents大陆 and the oceans between them. This was formed over four billion years ago in the earliest days of the solar system while the plants were still forming. This rusty荒废、生锈的 lump of nickel镍 and iron may not appear special, but when it is cut can see that it is different from earthly metals. This pattern模式、方式、模型 reveals metallic crystals that can only form out in space where molten溶化的 metal金属 can cool extremely非常、极端 slowly, a few degrees every million years. This was once part of a much larger object, one of millions left over after the plants formed. We call these objects asteroids小行星.  A steroids are our oldest and most numerouscosmic宇宙的 neighbors. Thisgraphic图形、图样的 shows near-Earth asteroids orbiting around the Sun, shown in yellow, and swinging close to the Earth"s orbit, shown in blue. The sizes of the Earth, Sun and asteroids have been greatly  exaggerated夸大  so you can see them clearly. Teams of scientists across the globe are searching for these objects. discovering new ones every day, steadily稳定地、坚固地 mapping绘制...的地图  near-Earth space. Much of this work is funded by NASA. I think of the search for these asteroids as a giantpublic works project, but instead of building a highway, we"re charting outer space, building anarchive档案  that will last for generations. These are the 1,556 near-Earth asteroids discovered just last year. And these are all of the known near-Earth asteroids, which at last count was 13,733. Each one has been imaged, cataloged and had its path around the Sun determinded. Although it varies from asteroid to asteroid, the paths of most asteroids can be predicted for dozens of years. And the paths of some asteroids can be predicted with incredible precision精确、准确 . For example, scientists at the Jet Propulsion 推进 Laboratory predicted where the asteroid Toutatis小行星图塔蒂斯 was going to be four years in advance to within 30 kilometers. In those four years, Toutatis traveled 8.5 billion kilometers. That"s fractional很小的、很少的,微不足道的 precision of 0.000000004. Now, the reason I have this beautiful asteroid fragment is because, like all neighbors, asteroids sometimes drop by unexpectedly. Three years ago today, a small asteroid exploded爆炸、 over the city of Chelyabinsk 俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克,Russia . That object was about 19 meters across, or about as big as a convenience store. Objects of the size hit the Earth every 50 years or so. 66 million years ago, a much larger object hit the Earth, causing a massive extinction. 75 percent of plant and animal species were lost, including, sadly, the dinosaurs. That object was about 10 kilometers across, and 10 kilometers is roughly the cruising巡航、漫游 altitude of a 747 jet. So the next time you"re in an airplane, snag抓住、被构筑 a window seat, look out and imagine a rock so enormous that resting on the ground, it just grazes擦过 your wingtip翼梢. It"s so wide that it takes your plane one full mimute to fly past it. That"s the size of the asteroid that hit the Earth. It has only been within my lifetime that asteroids have been considered a credible threat to our planet. And since then, there"s been a focused effort underway to discover and catalog these objects. I am lucky enough to be part of this effort. I"m part of a team of scientists the use NASA"s NEOWISE telescope. Now, NEOWISE was not designed to find asteroids. It was designed to orbit the eat                 h and look far beyond our solar system to seek out the coldest stars and the most luminous明亮的,发光的 galaxies. And it did that very well for its designed lifetime of seven month. But today,six years later, it"s still going. We"ve repurposed稍加修改 it to discover and study asteroids. And although it"s a wonderful little space robot, these days it"s kind of like  a used car. The cryogen制冷剂【化】 that used to refrigerate冷藏 its sensors传感器 is long gone, so we joke that its air-conditioning is broken. It"s got 920 million miles on the odometer里程表, but it still runs great and reliably takes a photograph of the sky every 11 seconds. It"s taken 23 photos sice I began speaking to you. One of the reasons NEOWISE is so valuable is that it sees the sky in the thermal infrared热红外波段. That means that instead of seeing the sunlight that asteroids reflect , NEOWISE sees the heat that they emit发出 . This is a vital capability since some asteroids are as drak as coal and can be diffcult or impossible to spot注意到 with other telescopes. But all asteroids, light or dark, shine brightly for NEOWISE. Astronomers are using every technique at    their disposal to discover and study asteroids. In 2010, a historic milestone里程碑 was reached. The community, together, discocered over 90 percent of asteroids bigger than one kilometer across-objects capable of massive destruction to Earth. But the job"s not done yet. An object 140 meters or bigger could decimate严重破坏 a medium-sized country. So far, we"ve only found 25 percent of those. We must keep searching the sky for neat-Earth asteroids. We are the only species able to understand calculus微积分 or build telescopes. We know how to find these objects. This is our responsibility. If we found a hazardous危险的、有害的 asteroid with significant early warning, we could nudge轻推 it out of the way. Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes or volcanic eruptions喷发, an asteroid impact撞击 can be precisely精确地 predicted and prevented. What we need to do now is map near-Earth space. We must keep searching the sky. Thank you.

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用taking adventures祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)




毛毛虫的英文是caterpillar。英 ["kætəpɪlə]  美 ["kætɚpɪlɚ] n. [无脊椎] 毛虫;履带车短语:1、Crazy Caterpillar 疯狂毛毛虫2、caterpillar tread 履带 ; 履带式车辆在其上行进的环形链带3、Caterpillar drive 履带驱动 ; 履带传动 ; 链轨驱动 ; 履带传动装置4、caterpillar bulldozer 履带式开土机 ; 履带式推土机 ; 推土机5、caterpillar loader 履带式装载机 ; 翻译 ; 覆带式装载机扩展资料近义词:1、palmerworm英 ["pɑːmə,wɜːm]  美 ["pɑmɚ,wɝm] n. 毛虫例句:And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 我打发到你们中间的大军队,就是蝗虫,蝻子,蚂蚱,剪虫,那些年所吃的,我要补还你们。2、eruca英 [i"ru:kə] n. 毛虫例句:Histological studies of somatic embryogenesis in Eruca sativa mill. 芸芥体细胞胚胎发生的组织细胞学研究。

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career advancement是什么意思

career advancement职业晋升;职业发展;职场晋升;事业发展If career advancement is important to you, there may be some lateral moves that would work out for you and the company. 如果职业发展对你很重要,那么在公司内部做一些横向调动对你和公司来说都是可行的。祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

career advancement是什么意思

英文:career advancement中文:职业发展很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

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Adults take 1 capsule 2 times per day with meals,or as directed by your healthcare professional.


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求mariah carey两首歌词

So Blessed LyricsMP3 DownloadsSend Mariah Carey polyphonic ringtone to your cell phoneLying beside youThis joy is so deepI reach out and touch youTenderlyLooking inside youMy world is completeI struggled to find youNow I"m freePrecious loveBurning so deeplyShining completelyFor youChorus:So blessedAmazinglyTouching you nowAwakens meYou are my heartMy everythingFeeling you nowIs all I needAdrift in a momentSo sacred and pureAlive for you onlyI am yoursAs you touch me so sweetlyAnd you whisper my nameI feel how you love meWe are the samePrecious oneDon"t ever leave meForever need meThis wayChorusStay with meBeyond the endI treasure youYou made me whole againChorusI Don"t Wanna Cry LyricsMP3 DownloadsSend Mariah Carey polyphonic ringtone to your cell phoneOnce again we sit in silenceAfter all is said and doneOnly emptiness inside usBaby, look what we"ve becomeWe can make a million promisesBut we still won"t changeIt isn"t right to stay togetherWhen we only bring each other painChorus:I don"t wanna cryDon"t wanna cryNothing in the worldCould take us backTo where we used to beThough I"ve given you my heart and soulI must find a way of letting go"Cause baby, I don"t wanna cryToo far apart to bridge the distanceBut something keeps us hanging on and onPretending not to know the differenceDenying what we had is goneEvery moment we"re togetherIt"s just breaking me downI know we swore it was foreverBut it hurts too much to stay aroundChorusAll the magic"s goneThere"s just a shadow of a memorySomething just went wrongWe can"t go on make-believingChorus


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谁知道jaleesa唱的carzy over you的歌词啊?

` 不能帮你 ~

Carzy for you是什麼意思

应该是:Crazy for you【译文】为你疯狂 或者 为你痴狂

so carzy歌词

[00:00.85] so crazy [00:04.29] [00:05.05] [00:06.76] [00:21.45]YOU BETTER CHECKIT OUT [00:22.25]我想这里只有你能做到 [00:23.68]总是可以随时随地卧倒 [00:26.00]还以为你只是迷茫我cao [00:28.50]脸上表情就快被人摸爆 [00:31.32]嘿找到自己的心理要害 [00:33.76]这是一个人吃人的时代 [00:36.40]the CK in the house checkit boom boom [00:38.73]灯红酒绿的社会 疯的了疯的了的人类 [00:41.58]你跟我说这是一场疯的梦 [00:43.44]就不如抬头感受天空还有好的风 [00:46.43]我知道我在进行一场什么样的游戏 [00:49.18]我宁愿输了自己 [00:50.85]无所谓伤口丢到脑后 [00:52.19]这一刻开始堕落还是振作都跟你无关 [00:53.83]mutha fuckin DJ [00:56.71]scartch的效果控制不了自己 [00:58.65]无辜谁都会我已经受够 [01:00.54]可不可以不要再做baby [01:02.39]我有一个想法就想马上去把它做完 [01:05.82]这样会很奇怪可是他们都爱还说我太坏 [01:09.83]yo crazy man [01:11.34]the crazy girlz [01:12.68]是不是要继续歌颂纯洁 [01:14.61]失去羽毛的angle就剩下伤口 [01:17.35]蜕变掉软弱拿开面具面目如此狰狞 [01:20.41]JUST TELL ME WHY [01:23.01]我们一起来吧唱唱唱 [01:25.30]这声音不错哈check boom boom [01:27.87]只要还有香烟 堕落又怎样 [01:30.37]我曾经都不想要只要你的承诺 [01:32.86]才发现那个baby真是傻的可爱 [01:35.31]我没有变坏 [01:36.71]其实还有期待 [01:37.95]那天看到一个MV很美的大上海 [01:46.54]男人女人的故事都更加精彩 [01:48.55]他的唇性感无比 [01:50.02]我们在演习然后假惺惺说主阿我有罪 [01:53.72]I am sorry ! [01:54.42]罪恶感吞噬一切我曾经愿意为他失去自己 [01:56.58]现在的坚强做给谁看 [01:58.39]我想要怎样 没有人告诉我对还是错 [02:01.28]安静的歇斯底里 你看不见理智的可怕 [02:04.99]我找借口不敢靠近 [02:06.15]怎么这么傻 [02:07.44]一个游戏难道能让自己失去什么 [02:10.38]噢宝贝不要想太多丢开莫名其妙的情绪 [02:13.64]那并不会影响你 [02:14.88]跟我一起 [02:15.90]这个地方很美它会让你忘记过去 [02:18.74]一起生活 这本来就是场游戏 [02:21.50]我们一起来吧唱唱唱 [02:27.14]这声音不错哈check boom boom [02:29.66]只要还有香烟 堕落又怎样 [02:32.52]我曾经都不想要只要你的承诺 [02:35.11]才发现那个baby真是傻的可爱 [02:37.48]我没有变坏 [02:39.43]其实还有期待 [02:40.81]yo crazy man [02:42.98]the crazy girlz [02:44.89] [02:47.35]

so carzy歌词

看见你站在门外12朵玫瑰花带我去看海感觉自己离开了安全地带你的手动作太快突然间就把我的领口打开能不能忍耐证明你不是个坏的男孩baby don"t baby don"t start baby因为我需要更多时间要爱也不能太快you"re marking me 感觉很奇怪现在我不想让你爱想要我的爱情你就必须等待因为我需要慢慢来you别让爱来得快也去的更快you要向我证明你对我的真爱喜欢聊天上网 love.com在这个年代宁愿在网上谈个恋爱因为太多的男孩要很多个女朋友才算精彩把e-mail打开随时能开始谈情说爱rap:break it downt"s like this and i want you bad.some skunk funk with a shotgun bang.drop that ass stop that jazz.don"t be no pussy.ain"t nobody gonna tell you when you miss that pass.yo get down with the posse trippon"em in the back, gottayou lob my get me up the juice, gottaget dog air.big jin markin"it.take it like you"re stickin"it fumblim with the line withyou make me loco like when u put your ass on my hips whenlike keeping the beat, like keeping the the hahahahaha

Get Carzy 什么意思?

应该是拼写单词错误,正确的应该是get crazy:对是什么事特别热衷接近疯狂的程度。

so carzy歌词


lets go carzy歌词-----cnblue

歌曲:LET"S GO CRAZY演唱:C.N.BLUE歌词:let"s go crazy let"s go crazyi can feel the hit in my flesh and bonei don"t wanna be here on my ownmight miss a chance turning every stonea moment or two and it"s gonei only wanna play for funcome let"s get together every oneif you wanna know, stay till the endi could be lover or friendi"ll be damned if i doi"ll be damned if i don"t do tooi find a way to get throughthat is youlet"s go crazy you gotta show oh babylet"s go crazy go with the flow and maybenot so hasty takin" it slow it"s so easy and let us go crazy againsome of the days gonna pass you bynot always great and you don"t know whyi will if you up till you touch the skycause i"m gonna make you flyi"m gonna go break now i"m gonna uh go break nowi"m gonna go break now i"m gonna go uh uh uh woolet"s go crazy (crazy) baby let"s go crazy (crazy)oh baby let"s go crazy (crazy)it"s so easy and let"s go crazy again oh! 这首歌好像没韩语的耶…… ;p

Isn"t she.and just look at it .necessary so carzy.什么意思啊

我就对别人的答案补充一下。isn"tShe 不是“不是她”的意思Isn"tShe的意思是“她。。。。。不是吗”的意思比如 Isn"tsheCarzy 翻译为“她很疯狂,不是吗”isn"tshebeautiful “她很漂亮,不是吗”如果是说不是她应该是it"snother 她不是则为sheisnot





有没有一首英文歌的歌词有carzy和hei ye

Who knowsArtist:Avril LavigneYeah, yeah,Yeah-eah, yeah,Yeah-eah, yeahWhy do look so familiarI could swear that I have seen your face beforeI think I like that you seem sincereI think I like to get to know you a little bit moreI think there"s something more, life"s worth living forWho knows what could happen.Do what you do, just keep on laughingOne thing"s true, there"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayYeah, yeah,Yeah-eah, yeah,Yeah-eah, yeahWho knows what could happen.Do what you do, just keep on laughingOne thing"s true, there"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happen.Do what you do, just keep on laughingOne thing"s true, there"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayFind yourself, cause I can"t find youBe yourself, who are you?Find yourself, cause I can"t find youBe yourself, who are you?Who knows what could happen.Do what you do, just keep on laughingOne thing"s true, there"s always a brand new daySo you go and make it happenDo your best just keep on laughingIt"s all on you, there"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happen.Do what you do, just keep on laughingOne thing"s true, there"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last day




应该是 crazy 吧 , crazy ["kreizi] adj. 1. 疯狂的,发疯的2. 愚蠢的;不切实际的3. [口语]狂热的,着迷的;神魂颠倒的4. 急切的,渴望的5. 异常的,古怪的6. 摇摇晃晃的,不牢固的7. 衰弱的,带病的8. [美国口语]极好的,了不起的 n. 1. [俚语]疯子;怪人;政治狂人(尤指政治上持激进或极端主义态度、行为异常、不可思议的人)2. [the crazies][俚语]极度不安,恐慌,紧张adv.[美国俚语]非常,极 短语 1. be crazy about(或 over) a. 热衷于,醉心于 b. 迷恋上,爱上2. be crazy for a. 渴望 b. 迷恋上3. crazy like a fox狡猾4. drive someone crazy使某人发狂5. like crazy ( 或 mad )[口语]发狂似的,拼命地;猛烈地;极度地 变形: adj.craziercraziest n.crazies

一首英文歌曲 女独唱的,其中高潮 句子 一句有 baby 另一句 好像是carzy 求歌名!

  Edward Maya Vika Jigulina -Stereo Love  演唱:The CDM Chartbreakers歌词:   When you"re gonna stop breaking my heart  I don"t wanna be another one  Paying for the things I never done  Don"t let go,  Don"t let go  To my love  I hate to see you cry  my love is dying inside  I hate to see you cry  your smile is a beautiful lie  I can fix all those lies  Oh baby, baby I run, but I"m running to you  You won"t see me cry, I"m hiding inside  My heart is in pain but I"m smiling for you  Can I get to your soul?  Can you get to my thought?  Can we promise we won"t let go?  All the things that I need  All the things that you need  You can make it feel so real.  Cuz you can"t deny  You"ve blown my mind  When I touch your body  I feel I"m loosing control  Cuz you can"t deny  You"ve blown my mind  When I see you baby  I just don"t wanna let go.  When you"re gonna stop breaking my heart  I don"t wanna be another one  I hate to see you cry, my love is dying inside  I hate to see you cry,your smile is a beautiful lie  I can fix all those lies  Oh baby, baby I run, but I"m running to you  You won"t see me cry, I"m hiding inside  My heart is in pain but I"m smiling for you  Oh baby I"ve tried to make the things right,  I need you more than air when I"m not with you,  Please don"t ask me why, just kiss me this time  My only dream is about you and I



求一首歌 歌词 有感觉就不累 还有 你是我的明星 高潮是英文 高潮带carzy

张惠妹的 《you make me free》下面是歌词啦,“有感觉就不累”和“你就是我的明星”和“crazy”都有的。你是怀疑过自己越想越不太可能现在开始你会相信带着梦去旅行让我看看你的瞳孔正在排练的电影我听见你的心房跳动越靠近越大声you make me freeyou make me happy有翅膀就想飞you make me dreamingmake me fly有自由就想追you make me crazymake me feeling有感觉就不累你就是我的明星让聚光灯一路跟踪我们要擦亮眼睛捕捉流星一辈子都相信你是怀疑过自己越想越不太可能现在开始你会相信带着梦去旅行让我看看你的瞳孔正在排练的电影我听见你的心房跳动越靠近越大声you make me freeyou make me happy有翅膀就想飞you make me dreamingmake me fly有自由就想追you make me crazymake me feeling有感觉就不累你就是我的明星让聚光灯一路跟踪我们要擦亮眼睛捕捉流星一辈子都相信(music)相信这世界什么都可能发生千真万确的爱是我们唯一的潜能everybody 集中精神oh love is everything越相爱越相信就越可能可能你可能我都是明星you make me freeyou make me happy有翅膀就想飞you make me dreamingmake me fly有自由就想追you make me crazymake me feeling有感觉就不累你就是我的明星让聚光灯一路跟踪我们要擦亮眼睛捕捉流星一辈子都相信you make me freeyou make me happy有翅膀就想飞you make me dreamingmake me fly有自由就想追you make me crazymake me feeling有感觉就不累你就是我的明星让聚光灯一路跟踪我们要擦亮眼睛捕捉流星一辈子都相信

张根硕carzy carzy carzy的译音!!!

不是carzy,是Quick,是歌曲《my bus》




Crazy是疯狂的意思,形容词 Carzy应该是个人名





Carzy 汉语什么意思啊【一定要准确】









这不是英文单词,, 没有这个翻译,



美国Cary加利DAC-200TS 怎么连接




library cary什么意思






cary 200ts自带界面怎么样




cary mlce是什么牌子?


安捷伦 cary 630 ftir 光谱仪怎么样

安捷伦 Cary 630 FTIR 光谱仪通用性强、设计新颖且界面直观,可为固体、液体和气体常规分析提供高质量定量和定性数据。凭借广泛的样品接口和高性能光学系统(包括用于液体测量的安捷伦独家创新仪器 DialPath),紧凑型安捷伦 Cary 630 FTIR 将为您提供快速准确的结果。Cary 630 仅重 3.8 kg(8 磅),高 17.1 cm(6.75 英寸),永久准直的光学元件可确保正常运行时间,快捷模块可增加检测次数,简单易用的技术可减少培训需求。

求把“Don"t cary”这个词组以一个签名的形式写给我,连笔,洒脱,飘逸,有美感,但是还是要能


crazy 疯狂的


应该是carefully吧?意思是:仔细地; 小心谨慎地; 警惕地; 周密地;

neccary 什么意思

necessary的误拼吧:adj. 必要的,不可缺的;必须的,强迫的;必然的,必定的


没见过这个单词 是crazy吧 这个事疯狂的意思




不是 是curry powder


看了一眼death row评论 这集剧情是有个政客配枪被黑帮交火的时候用了??然后C保护K么再加上点dana和K接上头,她俩在暧昧没什么情况 CK到第四第五季才床单 之前什么关系都没有1 2 C单恋K后者不鸟他 S3升了副州检要用他消息 dana之后也要套K在LG律所的消息 所以两个人互通有无更多C还是单恋成分大 因为知道现在s5快结束了K也从没法信任过他。顶多朋友来往帮助一下 至于C说他在想K无法摆脱,K爷表示你要不爷们点别想我,要不你就想着我吧天天 我不会拦你这个自由的 但是一两年内你也得不到我之后没几集就把C的小姘头Dana将计就计耍了个准

咖喱粉的英文是不是cary ?

不是 是curry



lol里farm poke rank cary 都是什么意思

ID:你的游戏角色名字 楼主/房主/LZ:创建游戏房间的人 FB:1血,也是DOTA类游戏的魅力之一,FB的全称是firstblood,指第一个杀死的英雄,不光有击杀英雄的奖励,还会额外的奖励的100元(杀英雄本身获得300) 3:闪人,撤退 b:闪人,撤退 卡:机器卡,网络延迟,服务器卡 Lag:一般是指网络延迟,当然有时候也是因为电脑的原因,总体意思和“卡”差不多。 Combo:由2个或者2个以上的英雄进行配合,打出的连招或者组合技。 Aoe:范围伤害,范围攻击。 Gank:游走杀人,限制对方英雄发展(一般简称抓人) KS:抢人头 补刀:对方的小兵要没血的时候,砍他最后一下,获取金钱 ult:大招 push:推进,进攻。 farm:打兵赚钱 afk:人不在电脑面前,离开,英雄挂机等等。 bd:偷塔 mia:敌人在地图上消失,让队友提高警惕 miss:消失,同上 noob:菜鸟 Jungling:打野 打野:杀地图上的中立怪物 拉野:依靠走位视野阴影等方式对野怪进行击杀,通常这种杀怪方式比正常的杀怪方式要慢一些,但是耗血比较少。 控线:就是把自己的小兵控制在自己的塔附近,防止自己被对方gank,也便于让自己人gank对方。 全屏流:是指技能释放的覆盖面非常大。当然全屏传送也应该算做全屏流 包眼:整场比赛买眼睛。一般是由辅助英雄来做。 PUB:路人局 BAN人:特定模式中(排位赛)禁用对方英雄 AP:魔法伤害 AD:物理伤害 ARM/Armor:物理护甲 MR/Magic Resistance:魔法抗性 buff:自己或者友方英雄身上的增益性魔法效果 debuff:自己或者友方英雄身上持续性的负面魔法效果 黑店:指游戏平台上几个认识的人在一起玩 集火:集中火力攻击一个人 先手控/先手技能:指向性的控制技能 后手控:在第一轮技能或者攻击完以后进行第二轮技能控制 Dps:输出伤害的英雄 Tank:肉盾,坦克,专门用于保护己方重要英雄或者吸收对方伤害。 奶妈:治疗 超神:在自己不死的情况下连续杀死对方多个英雄 超鬼:自己死死很多很多次 BLINK:闪现技能 stun:带有晕眩效果的技能 slow:带有减速效果的技能 brb:马上回来 弹道:远程英雄普通攻击出手到攻击到敌方单位的时间 团控:指团战里面有先手范围控制技能的英雄 沉默:对对方英雄使用禁魔技能 持续施法:需要站在一个地方吟唱,直到法术释放完毕。 CD:冷却时间 神装:全身顶级牛B装备 红药:加血回血药品 蓝药:回复魔法值药品 绿药:增加暴击攻击速度药品 大蓝药:增加法伤减少CD药品 top:上路 bot:下路 mid:中路 base:基地/老家 care:小心 oom:没魔了 solo:单独走一路 dd :直接伤害技能。先点技能,后点目标,就可以看到效果,这就是DD的好处。比如黑暗之子安妮的Q键,火球。 feed :送人头/经验书。经常死掉从而养肥敌人的玩家(敌人通过杀他而获得了很多金钱)。被叫做经验书可不是一种赞美0.0。杀经验书的玩家会获得很多杀人数。 ms:移动速度 gl hf:good luck have fun=祝你好运。通常会在游戏开始打这句话进行礼貌性的问候。 gg:good game。大部分时候是在游戏结束的时候,由输的一方打出来。称赞对方打的好,自己认输的一种表现。

running man中的cary是什么组合?


Cary NC是什么意思

cary NC中文翻译为:卡里数控。


谋反了。《傲骨贤妻 第一季 The Good Wife Season 1 (2009)》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看链接:提取码:i3jy政客Peter(克里斯·诺斯 Chris Noth 饰)因性丑闻和政治丑闻被捕入狱后,妻子Alicia (朱丽安娜· 玛格丽丝 Julianna Margulies 饰)只能结束“家庭主妇”的生活,独支撑家庭的重任。Alicia重拾自己婚前的职业--辩护律师。作为芝加哥一所知名法律公司的初级合伙人,Alicia受到了老朋友Will(乔西·查尔斯 Josh Charles 饰)的欢迎。Will是她读法律学校时的同学,也是公司的冠名合伙人。
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