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bananas and apples are his favorite (fruit)这里的fruit要加s吗,还有tomatoes and carrots are his

要加S的, 泛指一类物质时可数名词要用复数形式。

affiliated card是什么意思

affiliated card附属卡

affiliated card是什么意思

affiliated card附属卡

Squatting on the carriage, singing loudly Elegy什么意思


Idon"t care是什么意思?另求either和neither的用法

Idon"tcare 我不太喜欢对比either,neither的用法either意思是"两者中的任何一个",neither意思是"两者都不",两个词在句中都可以充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语。①作主语时,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,either,neither接谓语动词一般用单数形式,但这两者在口语中作主语时,其后的谓语动词也可以用复数。例如:Either(ofthem)isOK.(他们两个中)任何一个都行。②作宾语,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,放在动词或介词之后。例如:Idon"tknowwhichbookisthebetter;Ishallreadboth.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读。Ilikeneither.(两个)我一个也不喜欢。③作定语,either和neither后面接单数名词。例如:Oneithersideoftherivertherearealotoftrees.河的两边都有许多树。句中可作主语、宾语和定语。Neitherofthefilmsisgood.两部电影都不好。(没有一部是好的)Eitherofthefilmsisgood.(作主语,谓语动词用单数)两部电影中有一部不错。Hewrotetoneitherofthem.他没给他们两个任何一个人写信。Hewrotetoeitherofthem.(作宾语)他给他们中的一个人写了信。Neitherteacheroftenanswersthequestions.这两个老师,没有一个经常解答问题。Eitherteacheroftenanswersthequestions.这两个老师中有一个常常解答问题。Boththeteachersoftenanswerthequestions.(作定语)这两个老师都常常解答问题。

Innovation with care什么意思

小心谨慎地进行创新。如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。<( ̄3 ̄)>如果有不清楚的地方或者质疑,欢迎继续追问。


affectionate英 [əˈfekʃənət] 美 [əˈfɛkʃənɪt] adj.亲热; 深情的,挚爱的; 慈爱的; 有感情的no frill无虚饰casual care休闲保健take it up and put it down把它拿起来放在


区别在于:carousel指的是旋转木马;传送带。slide指的是滑落; 下跌; 打滑;滑垒;衰落。例句如下:carouse1、I haven"t done anything right since I left the carousel. 自从我离开了旋转木马我就没有做对一件事情。2、The baggage carousel has broken down. 行李传送带失灵了。3、Which carousel is for the baggage from China? 从中国来的行李在哪个行李传送带上?slide1、She slid the door open.她滑开了门。2、He slid into the driver"s seat.他麻利地坐进驾驶员的座位。3、She had slid into a depression.她不觉沮丧起来。

report card是什么意思



past:做形容词可译为 过去的,名词:过去. 动词:常用于被动语态:过去. carefully副词:仔细地,小心地.


题主是说gum care吧。牙龈护理。


gum care:牙龈护理。例句:Observation on effect of chewing gum in mouth care for patients after underwent gastrointestinal operation.口香糖用于胃肠手术后口腔护理效果观察。重点词汇Observation 观察 ; 观测 ; 监视 ; 评论effect 效应 ; 影响 ; 结果 ; 外观,声响,印象,效果 ; 财产,所有物,财物 ; 使发生 ; 实现 ; 引起chewing gum 口香糖patients 接受治疗者,病人 ; 病人 ; 受动者 ; patient的复数underwent 经历,经受 ; undergo的过去式gastrointestinal 胃肠的operation 活动 ; 手术 ; 行动 ; 企业 ; 公司




scary的意思:可怕的。scary,英 ["skeəri],美 ["skeri]    adj. 可怕的;容易受惊的;引起恐慌的副词: scarily 比较级: scarier 最高级: scariest 名词: scariness例句:1、That"s scary!   真令人害怕!2、The sea witch lived in a scary place.海巫婆住在一个可怕的地方。scary近义词frighten,英 ["fraɪtn],美 ["fraɪtn]    vt. 使惊吓;害怕vi. 惊吓副词: frighteningly 名词: frightener 过去式: frightened 过去分词: frightened 现在分词: frightening 第三人称单数: frightens例句1、They tried to frighten the public into obedience.他们企图吓唬群众使他们屈服。2、He frightened the old man into giving him all the money.他恐吓那位老人把所有的钱都给了他。You frighten me, even though you"re gentle with me.你使我害怕,尽管你对我很温柔。The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog.那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。查看更多用作不及物动词 (vi.)You"ll find that I don"t frighten easily.你会发现我不是轻易就会害怕的。



Carefulsurveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs as directed




there were no cars or aeroplanes是什么意思


he can"t carry a tune in a bucket 是什么意思?


Carlsber bucket是什么意思中文翻译?


以"the advantages and disadvantages of owning a private car"写60字英语短文

It is very convenient to own a private car.It can save us a lot of time.And it is able to take us to the place that is far-away.What"s more,private cars are more flexible than any other traffic tools.However,every coin has two sides.As the price of petrol is rising,more and more money will be spent on cars.What is worse, cars have brought out many problems,such as traffic jams and air pollution.

my opinion on owning a privite car作文

With the quick development of China, there have taken on many outstanding changes. One of them is the increase of private cars. On the one hand, some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars. On the other hand, some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks. Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car? Just as a coin has two sides , so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private car. So far as its advantages are concerned, there are two examples for this. First , it plays a very important part in providing its owner with convenience, enabling the owner to go where he wants to quickly and easily. Second, it can help its owner to save a lot of time which may be wasted by waiting for other vehicles. However, it also has its disadvantages . For one thing, it will have a negative effect on both the crowded traffic system and the environment in the long run. For another, it places burden on the public utility in providing more parking lots. In short , owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable that we should pay much attention to the environmental protection by not having a private car if we have little or no practical use of the private car.

my opinion on owning a privite car作文

With the quick development of China,there have taken on many outstanding changes.One of them is the increase of private cars. On the one hand,some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars.On the other hand,some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks. Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car?Just as a coin has two sides ,so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private car.So far as its advantages are concerned,there are two examples for this.First ,it plays a very important part in providing its owner with convenience,enabling the owner to go where he wants to quickly and easily.Second,it can help its owner to save a lot of time which may be wasted by waiting for other vehicles.However,it also has its disadvantages .For one thing,it will have a negative effect on both the crowded traffic system and the environment in the long run.For another,it places burden on the public utility in providing more parking lots. In short ,owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages.It is advisable that we should pay much attention to the environmental protection by not having a private car if we have little or no practical use of the private car.

my father is in. owning a private car

his favourite in favour of

Benefits of owning a car写一篇200字英语作文

owning a carNow as we are getting richer,more and more people are buying personal cars.I think owning a car can make it easy for people to go out and a car is much more comfortable than buses,bikes and motorbikes.But a car will do harm to the environment and if more and more people have cars,the street will be very busy all the time,it"s difficult for people to go across the road,and the more cars,the more accidents.So when choosing a car,you should consider if you really need a car.仅供参考哦,若有愚昧、错误之处请给与指点,

以"the advantages and disadvantages of owning a private car"写60字英语短文

Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car - if he or she can afford it. Having a car of your own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway. Moreover, it also means that you can enjoy the weekends and holidays better, because with a car you can go to places where the regular buses and trains do not go so it"s very convenient. Like every coin has two sides. Owning a private car also has it"s disadvanges. It"s expensive. it is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of gasoline and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the prices you have to pay for a licence and insurance coverage. And sometimes you will have a traffic jam. Most important of all, there will be more pollution.

My father is for owning a private car什么意思?

单看句子并不能确定,需要放在一定的语境之下。单看句子有两种含义:第一种:我父亲是为了拥有一辆私家车。第二种:我父亲是支持拥有一辆私家车的。be for:支持,赞同,相当于be in favor of, 反义词be against.一般情况下,be for连用时句子更倾向于第二种翻译,但为了严谨,最好看下语境。

Owning Private Cars

Private cars in China To judge this issue, we should look at three aspects: What are the advantages of private cars; what are their disadvantages; and is China ready for the free development of private cars? First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom. It enables an individual or a family to travel anywhere and at any time, without relying on public transport. It is convenient for shopping and transporting children to and from school. Moreover, in the case of illness, it can carry its owner or other sick person to hospital without delay. However, too many private cars can lead to traffic jams, thus slowing down life and work rather than speeding it up. In addition, automobiles are major polluters of the atmosphere. And, last but not least, the more cars there are on the roads, the more traffic accidents occur.It seems to me that China, at its present stage of development, should restrict the number of private cars. For one thing, it would be a waste of resources to build a huge automobile industry at a time when only a few people can afford to buy cars. For another, the country must first bring pollution under control before adding to the problem with more cars.

clever. scary. ugly. 分别是什么意思啊

clever adj.聪明的;机灵的;熟练的scary adj.(事物)可怕的;恐怖的;吓人的;(人)提心吊胆的;引起惊慌的;胆小的ugly adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的注意:clever,一般用于形容小孩或者一些动物所展现的聪明,如果形容一个大人,则不能用,要用smart。

owning a car什么意思?


clever. scary. ugly. 分别是什么意思啊

聪明的 恐怖的吓人的 丑陋的

carry a long history of experience

a true friendship 【主语】 carries【谓语】 a long history of experience【宾语】 that determines who we are .【定语从句】 定语从句分析: that【关系词】 determines 【谓语】 who we are【宾语从句】 真正的友谊有着长久的历史经历,这些历史经历决定了我们是谁. 如还有疑问~欢迎追问

西班牙语,se te cayo la carpeta求详细讲解se和te在这句的用法





far-farther/further-fartherest/furthereststrong-stronger-strongestsafe-safer-safesthigh-higher-highestpatient-more patient-most patientexpensive-more expensive-most expensivedangerous-more dangerous-most dangerouscareful-more careful-most carefulthin-thinner-thinnest



welcome, teach, prefer, arrive, hold, take, meet, raise, rise, sleep, carry 的过去式和过去分词

(welcome welcomed welcomed)(teach taught taught)(prefer preferred preferred)(arrive arrived arrived)(take took taken)(meet met met)(raise raised raised)(rise rose risen)(sleep slept slept)(carry carried carried)

法国的"Le Grand Ecart" 、"La Cave Caucasienne"是什么意思,谢谢

écartn.m. 1.间距,间隔,差距,差别,差异;2.避让,躲闪,(车辆等的)偏离,偏驶;离正道,入歧途;3.偏僻的地方,小村落4.(打牌时)调出不需要的牌;(打牌时)调出的牌 Le Grand Ecart 很大的间隔,很大的差距La Cave Caucasienne高加索人的洞穴

求英国阿特金斯(Atkins)、HBA、乔治卡尔森(George Carlson)等国际设计公司旅游规划方案学习!

 5 求英国阿特金斯(Atkins)、HBA、乔治卡尔森(George Carlson)等国际设计公司旅游规划方案学习!自己去bing找啊,要看懂英文哈!


小心、当心:Look out watch out cautious


用法不同。be prudent in sth;be careful about/with sth

scrupulous 、prudent 、cautious、careful有啥区别

careful,cautious,attentive,prudent这些形容词均含有“小心的,谨慎的”之意。 careful 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。cautious 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。prudent 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。scrupulous 良心不安的;有顾忌的近义词,但是侧重的意思是不一样的~~

scrupulous 、prudent 、cautious、careful有啥区别


caution,look at,take care区别?

为您解答caution小心!look at 看。。。take care保重,take care of ...照顾。。。


The Cranberries有一首很出名的歌叫 Dying in the sun 在百度上就可以搜到,听听看就知道了

take care 和caution的区别?

动词短语和名词Take care of the wet floor或Caution! WET FLOOR!


caution侧重警告警示,例如一些危险品上贴的标签可能会有caution,而careful强调人的小心谨慎的态度,attention则表示注意,留心,专注。 用中文表达的意思来区别:caution =警示,例如:Caution: Don"t enter "警示":请勿进入,careful=小心,例如: Be careful with the cross of roads. "小心"马路交汇处; attention = 注意,例如: We need to pay attention to the weather.我们要"注意"天气。caution ["k_:__n]_. 小心,谨慎;警告,警示_t. 警告_ith caution: 小心地;留心;强力金属;慎重_aution light: 警示灯;_aution against: 警告;警惕?;警告...以防;对?谨防_areful ["kε_ful] adj. 仔细的,小心的_ 比较级more careful 最高级most careful ]_areful in: 对?小心_areful about: 对?注意_ttention [_"ten__n] n. 注意力;关心;立正!(口令)_ay attention to 对??注意


这句话译为“小心搬运箱子”。 caution 在这里意思是小心,警告,是一个名词。with caution 译为 小心,谨慎,放在句子后用来表示提醒搬箱子的时候小心一些。

caution 和 careful 和 attention的区别和用法是什么?


法语问题*^_^* a cause de 与car的区别是什么啊,还有用法什么的都不是很清楚

a cause de 应该和 grace a 作对比,意思“由于”。。表原因,接名词性短语。 a cause de 是负面的grace a 是正面的 ,理解为‘多亏"。car是 因为的意思,接从句。à cause de son absence ,on ne peut pas aller au magasin .grâce à son aide ,on peut finir tous les travails.Car il pleut, on ne peux pas sortir.


advocatevt.提倡; 鼓吹; 拥护; 为…辩护; n.提倡者; (辩护)律师; 支持者; [英][ˈædvəkeɪt][美][ˈædvəˌket]Before entering parliament in 1980, he was an advocate for affordable housing tokyo salarymen. 在1980年进入国会前,菅直人主张为东京工薪阶层修建“保障房”。

苹果官网招聘的AppleCare at home advisor(AHA)这个职位怎么样?

您好!目前国内苹果技术顾问(实际上就是Apple产品的话务支持)。主要业务就是通过电话/邮件/在线对话的方式解决Apple用户的使用问题和相关账户操作。任职地点仅限中国-南京。学历要求专科及以上,语言表达能力强,普通话标准。我大学室友就在实习Apple技术顾问。Apple技术顾问的业务分为多种,当然不同业务工资结算不同。例如有Applepay及iTunes store部门,iMac及Macbook部门,iPhone,Applewatch及AppleID部门,Apple产品售前及售后部门。这有时可以自己意向型选择,有时公司会调度。要说工作内容到也不复杂,首先Apple公司会组织培训让您掌握Apple各种相关知识,最后还有测试。工作场所就在家中,但Apple有时会抽检您家的网络和隔音。签约5年并且客服反馈持续良好可以免费赠送一台iMac,还有一个小耳机(鼠标要自己买。。。)工资的话:五险一金是有的,然后底薪加服务分,服务分计算太复杂了大多是客户反馈的问卷有时Apple会随机监听,一次不良记录会直接扣工资。周六周日可选择休息或加班,加班的话服务分会增长的快一些,当天工资是2~3倍的。其他的我觉得也没什么特别的,就是真的可以在家上班,这一点千正万确。建议面试的时候表露您对Apple产品非常的热爱,而且很乐于帮助他人,而且您有长期使用Apple产品,对工作也有一定的了解。希望有助于您。

渣打银行Careers Advisor这句是啥意思

(Careers Advisor) 职业顾问渣打银行简介:在中文中,出于历史和习惯,我们一般称呼该银行为渣打银行(Chartered Bank)。   其业务主要集中于亚洲、印度次大陆、非洲、中东及拉丁美洲等新兴市场。在英国本土的客户反而比较少。渣打银行在发展中国家的银行中拥有顶尖地位。 渣打银行LOGO渣打银行在全球拥有1,400多家分支机构,遍布世界56个国家。   渣打银行在伦敦证券交易所(代码STAN)及香港交易所(代码2888)上市。渣打银行目前是香港三家发钞银行之一,另外两家分别是中国银行(香港)和汇丰银行(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)。渣打银行主要业务内容:渣打银行主要业务包括零售银行服务如按揭、投资服务、信用卡及个人贷款等,商业银行服务包括现金管理、贸易融资、资金及托管服务等。

career advisor是什么意思


career advisor是什么意思

就业指导老师; Work with Career Advisor, who will proceed further with candidates in a more perceivable manner, to ensure the adequacy of candidates" information regarding the market trend. 与职业顾问(职业顾问将会深入跟进与候选人的沟通合作)紧密合作,以确保有充足的并符合职业市场动向的候选人信息.

career advisor是什么意思

career advisor职业顾问双语对照例句:1.Tonna Duvall has joined Navigator Executive Advisors as a career advisor for the company"s Central Florida operations in Orlando..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

caring about和throwing about分别什么意思?怎么用?

caring about 在乎什么东西throwing about 抛什么东西.

car for sale什么意思

carforsale的中文翻译  carforsale  汽车销售  双语例句  1  Theyadvertisedausedcarforsale.  他们登了出售旧车的广告。  2  Iadvertisedmycarforsale.  我登广告卖我的车。  3  Theyadvertisedinthenewspaperthattheyhadausedcarforsale.  他们在报上登广告,说有部旧车要卖。

如何使用Google 的Cartographer SLAM算法包

0.安装所依赖项sudo apt-get install -y google-mock libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblua5.2-dev libprotobuf-dev libsuitesparse-dev libwebp-dev ninja-build protobuf-compiler Python-sphinx ros-indigo-tf2-eigen libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev liblapack-dev1.首先安装ceres solver选择版本1.11,路径随意Git clone cd ceres-solver-1.11.0/buildcmake ..make –jsudo make install2.安装 cartographer,路径随意git clone cd cartographer/buildcmake .. -G Ninjaninjaninja testsudo ninja install3.安装cartographer_ros谷歌官提供安装比较繁琐我原文件进行少许修改核代码变修改编译文件载catkin_ws面src文件夹面git clone catkin_ws面运行catkin_make即4.数据载测试2d数据概500M用迅雷载3d数据8G左右同用迅雷载运行launch文件即roslaunch cartographer_ros demo_backpack_2d.launch bag_filename:=${HOME}/Downloads/cartographer_paper_deutsches_museum.bagroslaunch cartographer_ros demo_backpack_3d.launch bag_filename:=${HOME}/Downloads/cartographer_3d_deutsches_museum.bag图左侧2d,右侧3d

does anyone ever repair this car的一般过去式,过去分式?

have done anyone ever repaired this car.过去分词形式。








1.n. 卡蒂亚,卡蒂埃(人名)2.地亚(Cartier):卡地十二星座空浪漫壁纸拥拥有150多年历史,是法国珠宝金银首饰的制造名家。3.卡地亚手表4.卡天亚(Cartier)是珠宝界著名度最高、历史最长久的品牌之一 卡地亚(Cartier SA)是一间法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-François Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创办。1874年,其子亚法·卡地亚继承其管理权,由其孙子路易·卡地亚、皮尔·卡地亚与积斯·卡地亚将其发展成世界著名品牌。现为瑞士历峰集团(Compagnie Financière Richemont SA)下属公司。1904年曾为飞机师阿尔拔图·山度士·度门设计世界上首只戴在手腕的腕表——卡地亚山度士腕表 (Cartier Santos)。




1.n. 卡蒂亚,卡蒂埃(人名)2.地亚(Cartier):卡地十二星座空浪漫壁纸拥拥有150多年历史,是法国珠宝金银首饰的制造名家。3.卡地亚手表4.卡天亚(Cartier)是珠宝界著名度最高、历史最长久的品牌之一 卡地亚(Cartier SA)是一间法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-François Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创办。1874年,其子亚法·卡地亚继承其管理权,由其孙子路易·卡地亚、皮尔·卡地亚与积斯·卡地亚将其发展成世界著名品牌。现为瑞士历峰集团(Compagnie Financière Richemont SA)下属公司。1904年曾为飞机师阿尔拔图·山度士·度门设计世界上首只戴在手腕的腕表——卡地亚山度士腕表 (Cartier Santos)。


卡地亚:像明星般闪亮 卡地亚公司网站以红色为主,设计新颖,还入选CoolHompage协会前100名。卡地亚,这个被英国威尔斯亲王誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”的著名品牌,在100余年中,创作了许许多多光彩夺目的美妙作品。这些作品,不仅作为珠宝创作的精品而在艺术上也值得欣赏玩味,而且往往因曾归属名人,而被蒙上一层传奇色彩。从印度王子订制的巨大项链,到曾与温莎公爵夫人行影相随的虎形眼镜,以及大文人科克托充满象征符号的法兰西学院佩剑,卡地亚讲述着一个又一个传奇故事。 卡地亚的故事始于1874年,宗师Louis Francois Cartier(1819-1904)接手师傅Adolphe Picard在巴黎Rue Mon-torgueil31号店铺,卡地亚就这样诞生。 父子相传两代,卡地亚家族在19世纪中叶已是闻名遐尔的法国珠宝金银首饰制造名家。英国威尔斯亲王赞誉卡地亚为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”,英国皇室更向卡地亚订购了27顶加冕用的皇冠。1904年,爱德华七世称誉为“英国皇室的珠宝商”,欧洲多国的皇室也发出皇室委任状。 时至今日,卡地亚的艺术领域不断拓展,旗下产品除饰物钟表外,还包括皮具、香水、书写工具、丝巾、眼镜、打火机,其经典地位屹立不倒。 别致优雅的Baignore手表系列,源自1912年卡地亚为Pavlovna公爵夫人设计的手表。揉合珍珠与钻石的特色,不但给佩戴者增添高贵气派,更见证了卡地亚的重要历史时刻。 卡地亚白金机械手表,以人手镶嵌打磨,汇众了白金的璀璨光华及出类拔萃的制表工艺,不愧为非同凡响的经典杰作,款款皆工艺卓越,浑然天成。   卡地亚犹如一位客串的演艺明星,时常在广阔的舞台上扮演着自己的角色。知名导演都在他们的作品中运用卡地亚,他们包括Cukor、Lubitsch、希区考克、克多和怀尔德。在电影《美女与野兽》中,主角Josette Day滴下的那滴钻石眼泪,就是由卡地亚提供的;女演员Gloria Swanson戴着的用钻石、白金和水晶石制作的手镯,是卡地亚于1930年制作的经典名品……










Cartier - watches (tank...), wedding and engagement rings, diamond jewelry and others luxury goods of the famous French watchmaker-jeweler










1、cartier750是什么意思。 2、Cartier是什么意思。 3、卡地亚手表的寓意是什么。 4、cartier是什么品牌。1.cartier是法国珠宝、腕表品牌,中文名:卡地亚。 2.cartier1874年在法国创立,是世界知名度最高的珠宝、腕表品牌之一,珠宝系列以独特的剪裁和奢华的设计,受到消费者亲睐。 3.卡地亚是法国珠宝、腕表品牌。 4.卡地亚是高档首饰的代名词,同时卡地亚的腕表也以其时尚造型豪华的名表排名。 5.其手表均在瑞士生产,款式精美,很受女性的欢迎,价格从一万多到上百万不等。 6.卡地亚手表在10年前仅是非瑞士品牌,虽然源自法国,但工厂却在瑞士,而且采用瑞士顶级机芯。 7.具有统一的风格和独特的设计,卡地亚手表简约时尚,线条却清晰不呆板,优雅而不繁冗,总能让你一见钟情。 8.中性实用的设计,适用于各种佩戴者和不同的佩戴场合,让你感觉你永远和时间同在,你是时间的主人。 9.这也是卡地亚手表能够成功的主要原因。






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