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american carnage 什么意思

american carnage 美国屠杀

求the flower of carnage 歌词

ShindeitaAsa niTomorai noYuki ga furuHagure inu noTouboeGeta noOtokishimuIin na naomosaMitsumete arukuYami wo dakishimeruJanomeno kasa hitotsuInochi no michi woYuku onnaNamida wa tooniSutemashitaFurimuitaKawa niToozakaruTabinohimaItteta tsuru waUgokasuNaitaAme to kazeKieta mizu mo niHotsure ga miutsushiNamida sae misenaiJanomeno kasa hitotsuUrami no michi woYuku onnaKokoro wa tooniSutemashitaGiri mo nasake moNamida mo yume noKinou mo ashita moHenno nai kotobaUrami no kawa niMi wo yudaneteHonma wa tooniSutemashitaTranslation: Begrieving snow falls in the dead morningStray dog"s howls and the footsteops of Geta pierce the airI walk with the weight of the Milky Way on my shouldersbut an umbrella that holds onto the darkness is all there is.I"m a woman who walks at the brink of life and death who"s emptied my tears many moons ago.All the compassion tears and dreams The snowy nights and tomorrow hold no meaningI"ve immersed my body in the river of veneganceand thrown away my womanhood many moons agoOn the behalf of heaven, they"re our soldiers, the loyal, invincible and brave.Now it"s time for them to leave the country of theirparents their hearts buoyed by encouraging voices.They are solemnly resolved not to return alive, without victory.Here at home, the citizens wait for you.In foreign lands, the brave troopsInstead of kindness from someoneI do not care aboutI rather prefer selifshness from you my beloved.Oh, it the world a dream or an illusion?I am all alone in jail.




每一关的评价包括 通关时间 风格得分 和红魂收集量,其中你说的是和风格得分有关系的。如果使用不同的招数,华丽地打击敌人的话,style会随着combo不断地提升,如果反复使用同一招的话就不会加。如果被敌人打到的话,style就会退回deadly,你得重新累计。如果style越高的话,打怪时累计的分数加成越多,比如你在deadly时打一下是10分,有可能在SSS时打一下的得分就是10*10=100,具体公式不是很清楚但是游戏这样设计的用意就是考验你在不被怪物摸到的情况下还能够非常具有技巧地干掉敌人。如果你每场小战斗都能达到A以上的话,一关累计的style分数超过一定的值,就能在style这栏里拿到S评价。

zombie carnage2怎么调节帧数

zombie carnage2调节帧数的步骤如下:1.首先,打开zombie carnage2客户端,进入游戏。2.进入游戏之后,选择“设置”。3.然后在顶部菜单中点选“视频”。4.在左侧点击“设置帧数限制”。5.默认的是无限制,根据自己的电脑性能配置情况,合理的选择游戏运行的帧数即可,可以是30、60、90、120多个档位。无须手动保存,系统会自动保存更改设置。

英文"maximum carnage"是什么意思?


英语里面这些屠杀有语义上的区别吗?bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, massacre, bloodshed, holocaust


