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倡议书格式包括倡议目的、倡议内容、提出呼吁三部分;首先是称呼语,然后正文部分直接引出倡议目的,接下来列举倡议内容,提出呼吁,最后是落款跟署名。1、引出倡议目的常用in order to引出的不定式短语或用with / for the purpose of引导的介词短语。2、列举倡议内容倡议其实就是提建议,因此,可用be supposed to (应该),it is suggested that... (建议),it would be better if... (如果......,那就更好了)等。倡议的内容通常都不只一个,因此可用in addition,besides,additionally,whats more,furthermore,moreover来列举这些内容。3、提出呼吁提出呼吁可用It is (high) time that...句型,该句型中that从句的谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,should不可省略。也可用in a word引出呼吁的内容。例如:Boys and girls,男孩女孩们,Recently some blood banks across the country are reported to be in short supply of blood.最近,据报道全国各地的一些血库供血不足。Some people hold the wrong idea that donating blood does harm to the donor"s health. But the truth is that when a small amount of blood is taken out, the body will make a quick adjustment to work normally.有些人错误地认为献血有害捐赠者的健康。但事实是,当少量的血液被取出时,身体会迅速调整正常工作。As we know, donating blood is of great importance. Blood is important to patients, without which many can"t survive. Among young people like us, donating blood is a social responsibility.正如我们所知,献血是非常重要的。血液对病人来说是重要的,没有很多患者就无法生存。在像我们这样的年轻人中,献血是一种社会责任。We senior high school students, who have a better understanding of medical knowledge, should set a good example for other people. From now on, our school will hold a series of activities to explain the benefits of donating blood.我们高中生对医学知识有更好的了解,应该为他人树立好榜样。从现在起,我们学校将举办一系列活动来说明献血的好处。Donate now and save a life!现在捐献,拯救生命!The Students" Union学生会


英文倡议书格式由倡议目的、倡议内容、提出呼吁、谢辞跟落款组成。1、引出倡议目的常用in order to引出的不定式短语或用with / for the purpose of引导的介词短语。如:In order to/To offer help to the migrant kids/For the purpose of offering help to the migrant kids,we think our government should take measures to pour more money into improving the present situation of migrant schools.( 2010揭阳市一模)为了帮助民工子弟,我们认为政府应该采取措施,将资金投入到改善民工学校现状中。2.、列举倡议内容倡议其实就是提建议,因此,可用be supposed to (应该),it is suggested that... (建议),it would be better if... (如果......,那就更好了)等。倡议的内容通常都不止一个,因此可用in addition,besides,additionally,whats more,furthermore,moreover来列举这些内容。如:(2) It is suggested/advised that we choose a healthy and environmentally-friendly way of traveling,that is,bicycle riding.有人建议我们选择一个既健康又环保的旅游方式即骑自行车。(3) It would be better if the local students help to collect money or donate books to the migrant kids.如果当地的学生能帮忙集资或者给农民工子弟捐书,那就更好了。3、提出呼吁提出呼吁可用It is (high) time that...句型,该句型中that从句的谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,should不可省略。也可用in a word引出呼吁的内容。如:It is high time that we started / should start from ourselves and reduced / reduce transportation pressure by riding a bike.是我们从我做起,通过骑自行车来减少交通压力的时候了。4、谢辞像thank you!谢谢。5、落款写明落款人是谁或者是哪一个单位群体,例如The Students union.学生会。特点1、广泛的群众性倡议书不是对某个人或某一小集体而发的,它的受众往往是广大群众,或是部门的所有人,或是一个地区的所有人,甚至是全国人民。所以,其对象十分广泛。广泛的群众性是倡议书的根本特征。2、响应者的不确定性倡议书的对象范围往往是不确定的,即便是在文中明确了倡议的具体对象,但实际上,有关人员可以表示响应,也可以不表示响应,它本身不具有很强的约束力。即便是与此无关的别的群众团体,也可以有所响应。3、倡议书的公开性倡议书就是一种广而告之的书信。它是要让广大的人民群众知道了解,从而激起更多的人人响应,以期在最大的范围内引起共鸣。