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two bird–charity vance 中文歌词翻译

当我双手的掌心When the palm of my two hands紧紧相依时Hold each other那感觉非比寻常That feels different不同于你我双手合十的温存From when your hands are in mine真实而且难以名状That"s just the way it is当我的尖叫脱口而出时And when my voice is screaming out对于我的耳畔来说To my own ears那感觉非比寻常That feels different不同于我触及到你的声音From when I hear yours真实而且难以名状Now thats just the way it is当我只身站在镜子前And when I"m standing in this mirror在经历过这许多年后After all these years我所看见的已与以往略有差异What I"m viewing is a little different你眼中的流波已不胜当年From what your eyes show you我想我在你的面前,我已失去自我I guess I didn"t see myself before you缓步前行Moving forward超乎寻常的能量Super power一种微妙的力量A subtle power超乎寻常的能量Super power一份隽永的爱意A tough love超乎寻常的能量Super power有时如鲨鱼般凶猛Like a shark超乎寻常的能量Super power有时像棕熊般雄壮Like a bear一份隽永的爱意A tough love我想世间的一切都在缓缓地演变着And I thought the world would move on我想世间的一切均为停止前进的脚步I thought the world would move on除了我们Without us除了我们 除了我们Without us Without us但我心知没有什么可以滞缓我们的脚步But nothing I know could slow us down也没有什么可以成为我们的累赘Couldn"t tow us down我想我可也许可以离开你而生存I thought I could live without you因我知没有什么能击垮我们Cause nothing I know can break us down没有什么能打到我们They can"t break us down只要有你在身边,我便不会害怕And just like you I can"t be scared正如你一样,我渴望得到宽恕Just like you I hope I"m spared但是这份爱坚贞不渝But it"s tough love我知道你能觉察到这力量无处不在I know you feel it in the air一切都是那么鲜明,它就在那Even the babies know it"s there隽永的爱意Tough love这超乎寻常的能量Super power世间的规律冥冥中暗示着我们The laws of the world tell us升上天堂的What goes sky和坠入凡间的And what falls是一种超乎寻常的能量It"s a super power超乎寻常的能量Super power世间的规律从未禁锢着我们The laws of the world never stopped us once因为我们的结合交融了大量的这些超乎寻常的能量Cause together we got plenty super power超乎寻常的能量Super power一种微妙的力量A subtle power超乎寻常的能量Super power一份隽永的爱意A tough love超乎寻常的能量Super power有时如一只礁鲨Like a shark超乎寻常的能量Super power有时却更好似一头棕熊Too much to a bear超乎寻常的能量Super power我想世间的一切都在缓缓地演变着And I thought the world would move on我想世间的一切均为停止前进的脚步I thought the world would move on除了我们Without us除了我们 除了我们

with so many orphans ___ , the charity organization calls for more donations.

如果单据with复合结构来看的话,被动语态确实没有太大错误,不过从整个句子结构上来看,整句话的主语是the charity organization,主语和动作的承受着orphans构成的是主动关系,所以非谓语的选择上不需要用被动语态,在看时间关系,非谓语动作发生在主句动词的动作之后,故选择不定式形式。

动词适当形式填空I wish I (be) a host of a charity show.


before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause ,charity or foundation as First Lady.是什么意

在她得到一个作为第一夫人致力于事业,慈善和基金会的机会之前··· 还有后文吧。



电影台词Big charity to-do up Portland way.(肖申克的救赎)如何翻译?


谁知道《on charity》这首诗是谁写的?


求这首英文歌的歌词 Charity Vance - Walk in the Park

Walk In the Park-Charity VanceDreaming my dream-cranberriesDying in the sun-CranberriesGoodbye Alice in Wonderland-Jewelyesterday yes a day-marlinEverytime-Britney SpearsOnly Time-EnyaNot Going Anywhere-Keren AnnWe Are One-Kelly SweetGotta Have You-The WeepiesPedalo-The Heart Strings

求一篇写charity show的中学英语作文

A large-scale Charity show co-presented by Guangdong"s top media is held in Guangzhou last night (Jan. 6), and the enthusiastic crowd donated generously for the tsunamis-hit Asian countries. The show brought together many China"s top entertainers and arouse local public"s attention. During the 3-hour show, Guangdong"s famous corporate TCL and Gree donate 3 mln yuan and 1 mln yuan respectively, and the hot line received about 10000 calls from donors. In the show, consulates of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia expressed their thank to people of China and Guangdong province. Guangdong people"s donation fever has shown no trace of ebbing, more and more departments and enterprises open their wallet for the disaster-hit areas. Up till yesterday morning, the provincial Red Across Society has received 7,200,000 yuan donations. Another charity performance named "Love is the world", initiated by the famous Chinese film star Jackie Chan, will be held in Hong Kong this evening. Last night, there was another charity show held in Beijing, in which China National Petroleum Corporation had donated more than 12.56 million yuan (US$1.5 million).

raise money for charity为何不用复数?


international charity 什么意思

international charity国际慈善机构双语例句1The Red Cross is an international charity. 红十字会是个国际性的慈善机构。2The international charity Every Child currently provided support to families in two of the country"s regions. 国际慈善机构“Every Child”目前在该国的两个地区提供家庭支助

英语谚语:Charity begins at home, but should not end there 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Charity begins at home but should not end there 中文意思: 仁爱须由近及远。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A good tale is none the worse for being twice told 好故事百听不厌。 A good tongue is a good weapon 伶俐的口齿是一种锐利的武器。 A good wife makes a good hu *** and 有好妻子就有好丈夫。 A good winter brings a good summer 瑞雪兆丰年。 A great ship asks deep water 巨轮寻深水而航行。 A great talker is a great liar 最会饶舌的人也是最会说谎的人。 A guilty conscience is a self-accuser 做贼心虚,良心自诛。 A guilty conscience needs no accuser 贼胆心虚。 A handful of mon sense is worth bushel of learning 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。 A happy heart makes a blooming visage 心花怒放,笑逐颜开。 英语谚语: Charity begins at home but should not end there 中文意思: 仁爱须由近及远。

raise to charity

We want to raise money for a charity called Project Hope.

初中英语作文-charity party

This evening, my town organized a charity gala. That is because of my school tobuilding a teaching building, let us have a better learning environment, do not have to squeeze in a teaching building, I know, heart indescribably happy!In the evening, I arrived early at the Plaza, where huge crowds of people. My school the young pioneers row tidy team standing by the road, his hands holding the flowers and a riot of colours of the balloon, welcome the arrival of entrepreneurs.About eight o"clock, the host took the microphone to be courteous and accessiblesaid: "everybody is good! Welcome to participate in the charity party, now I declare the charity party start!" Under the stage immediately sounded the bursts of applause,people whistle, someone patted the palm of the hand, especially a warm atmosphere."Now look at which good masters able to auction two picture I Town, a famousphotographer own collection of photography, he is Taoyuan primary school was able to raise more money and gave the two pieces. If anyone want to auction, please raise your hand." The staff just took two photographs, have a keen entrepreneur raised his hand, respectively to eighty thousand yuan and fifty thousand yuan price bought thistwo works.Then, the host came up, said: "in order to be a force for fundraising, leaves the mayordo their own ability, performing a show for us. Now by leaf mayor sang "because you have"." At this time, leaves the mayor went on stage, affectionately sang songs,although he sang beautiful enough star, but he kind of spirit shook the people present, I looked around, I saw a few little angel with a donation box in front to all the entrepreneurs and the audience, they readily took out from his pocket a stack ofmoney into the donation box. Ye Zhenchang finished performing, I saw the prosperity of the construction company immediately donated two hundred thousand yuan, and a northern entrepreneurs are also not to be outdone also donated five hundred thousand yuan. At this moment, the audience burst into applause and cheers.Then, is the Secretary Li calligraphy performing, I saw he was carrying a broom likebrush conscientiously written words, because he had never had such a big brush, socarefully written. After that, we see is the word "tiger" vivid, eye of the tiger. The end of the performance, an entrepreneur pledging $one hundred thousand. Then, song,dance and comedy...... These programs also has been gradually pledgingentrepreneurs.Finally, to the end of the party, the host the three step and two step on the stage, hesaid excitedly: "tonight through our efforts, raising nearly three million yuan, so our school building teaching building is expected to, thank you for your good masters."Hear the voice of the host, under Taiwan also burst into warm applause.The party ended in the song, but my heart can"t be calm once. In the evening, I realized that the world is full of love, enthusiastic people to my town a lot, they attach great importance to the cause of education. So, I decided to henceforth study hard torepay the society.今天晚上,我镇举办了一个慈善晚会。那是因为我校要建筑一栋教学楼,让我们有更好的环境学习,不用挤在一间教学楼里,我知道后,心里别提多高兴了!  到晚上,我早早地来到了广场,只见那里人山人海。我校的少先队员排着整齐的队伍站在路旁,双手拿着鲜花和五彩缤纷的气球,欢迎各界企业家的来临。  大约8点钟,主持人拿着麦克风和蔼可亲地说:“大家好!欢迎大家来参与这个慈善晚会,现在我宣布慈善晚会开始!”台下立刻响起了阵阵的掌声,有人吹口哨,有人拍手掌,气氛特别热烈。“现在看一看哪位善长人翁能够拍卖得两幅我镇一位有名摄影师自己珍藏的摄影作品,他为桃源小学能筹到更多的善款而献出了这两幅作品。如果有谁想拍卖,请举起手。”工作人员刚拿出两幅摄影作品,就有一位热心的企业家举起了手,分别以八万元和五万元的高价买了这两幅作品。  接着,主持人走上台上,说:“为了能为筹款出一份力,叶镇长尽自己的能力,为我们表演一个节目。现在由叶镇长高歌《全赖有你》。”这时,叶镇长走上了舞台,深情地唱起了歌,虽然他唱得不够歌星动听,但是他那种精神撼动了在场的人,我向四周看了看,只见几位小天使拿着捐款箱走向各位企业家和观众面前,他们豪爽地从口袋里拿出一叠叠钱放进捐款箱。叶镇长表演完毕,只见强盛建筑公司立刻捐了二十万元,而一位北方的企业家也不甘示弱也捐了五十万元。此时此刻,台下响起了阵阵掌声和欢呼声。  紧接着,是李书记的书法表演,只见他拿着一支扫把般的毛笔认认真真地写着字,因为他从来没有拿过这么大的毛笔,所以小心翼翼地写着。写完后,大家看到是“虎”字栩栩如生、虎虎生威。表演完毕,一个企业家认捐了十万元。接着,表演合唱、舞蹈、小品……这些节目又得到了各位企业家的陆续认捐。  最后,晚会到尾声,主持人三步并着两步走上舞台,他兴奋地说:“今晚经过大家的努力,集资近三百万元,所以我们学校建筑的教学楼有望了,多谢各位善长人翁。”听见主持人的话,台下又响起了热烈的掌声。  晚会在歌声中结束了,但是我的心情久久不能平静。在这个晚会中,我体会到了人间充满爱,我镇的热心人士很多,他们对教育事业很重视。所以,我决心从今以后努力学习,回报社会。

how about a charity shiw

A 那个慈善演出 怎么样?(特指,用the.) _我应该说,它很成功. a (big) success 常见词组; The charity was a big success,and they raised a lot of money . Emma and John"s concert was a big success

篮球里的charity stripe什么意思

charity stripe 篮球比赛中,现场解说员经常会提到这个词,意思是指“罚球线”。 “charity”本意是指“慈善”,说白了也就是“白送”;而“stripe”指的是“线”。 在篮球比赛中,一方队员犯规后,另一方队员就要罚球,罚球得的分等于对方白送的分,因此, “罚球线”就可以用“charity stripe”来表示了。 例句:Grant Hill goes to the charity stripe. 中译:格兰特.希尔走上罚球线.



以charity作为词根的英语词组有哪些 以charity为词根的单词,要有翻译!

charity KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 慈悲,仁爱,博爱;慈善[U] She gave the beggar some money out of charity. 她出于慈善给乞丐一些钱. 2. 施舍;善举[U] Poor as they were, the old couple never asked for charity. 老两口虽然很穷,但从不请求施舍. 3. 慈善团体,慈善事业[C] The rich lady left all her money to charities. 那个阔太太把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业. The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities. 火灾灾民从数个慈善团体收到食物和衣服. 4. (对别人的)宽容,宽厚[U] 5. 施舍物[C]




1、Employees make regular donationsto charity.(员工们定期向慈善机构捐赠物品。)2.The charity is run on a purelyvoluntary basis.(这个慈善团体的工作人员完全是自愿性质的。)3、They are very generous givers to charity.(他们是慈善事业的慷慨捐助者。)4.She has always interested herself incharity work.(她始终关注慈善工作。)5、These people are not wholly reliant on Western charity.(这些人并非完全依赖西方的施舍。)6.We hold a dance every year to raisemoney for charity.(我们每年举行一场舞会,为慈善事业募捐。)















all his money has been donated to a charity organization for homeless by he,对吗?

正确的表达是:1)All his money have been donated to a charity organization for homeless by him.或者:2)He has donated all of his money to a charity organization for homeless.







charity activities是什么意思

charity activities慈善活动双语对照例句:1.Their activities concentrate on environmental protection, educational support and charity activities.

give it to charity和give it to charities的区别是什么


charity uniaid 是什么意思

charity united慈善联合-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

charity walk什么意思

charity walk网络慈善步行双语例句1He took a leaf out of Danny"s book and joined the charity walk. 他以丹尼为榜样,参加了慈善步行活动。paper.wenweipo.com2People over eighteen can a team of four and join this charity walk. 十八岁以上的人自行组成四人一组参加这次慈善步行。Provided by gtcom3A charity walk is a fund-raising event. 慈善步行是个募集资金的活动。

work on charity

选B work on 的意思:1、对...起作用,对...有影响;2、使人信服,说服;3、从事于,致力于;4、拧进;5、继续工作. 但是这里的意思是尽管她很忙,她还是会抽出时间做慈善. for charity就是为了慈善、做慈善的意思.这里介词for就是为了的意思. 如果用A的话意思就变成了她本职就是慈善工作者. 不知道这样解释可以不?初三了,加油啊



为什么work for a 后面加charity?

应该有上下文吧work for a charity.做慈善工作 They work for a charity all the time.

charity donation是什么意思


charity rather than

to buy 有would 的时候,是因为would 后需要用原形do,而rather than 连接的是并列成分,所以在形式上前后是一致的. 这个句子中,to give money to chairty 和to buy 是两个相同的成分,所以前面用to do 的形式,后面也用to do的形式 例如:I like staying at home rather than playing outside.

charity walks是什么意思

charity works:慈善事业


这是个名词呀。。很好用啊,就相当于book , station一类的,很好运用呀。你这是要什么情况下用介词呢?不解

句子翻译 The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam .

第一个慈善商店是1947年被乐施会开的charity翻译慈善机构词典名词 1. 慈爱;仁爱,博爱,【宗教】上帝之爱,(基督徒之间的)教友之爱。2. (对别人的)仁慈;宽大,宽容;慈悲心。3. (常 pl. )慈善(行为),施舍,捐助;抚恤金;慈善事业;慈善机关[团体];施诊所。oxfam 乐施会

charity show什么意思


it was about a charity show是啥意思

it was about a charity show这是关于一个慈善表演charity 英[ˈtʃærəti] 美[ˈtʃærɪti] n. 慈善; (行为) 施舍,捐助; 慈善机关; 仁爱,宽容; [网络] 爱; 慈善组织; 仁爱; [例句]The National Trust is a registered charity.全国托管协会是个已注册的慈善机构。[其他] 复数:charities 形近词: chariot clarite charily

a charity to do或者doing哪个好?

不定式的话,就是to do,一个做…的慈善机构。


解答:charity fairy:慈善仙子


charity begings at home慈善机构开始在家charity 英[ˈtʃærəti] 美[ˈtʃærɪti] n. 慈善(行为); 施舍,捐助; 慈善机关; 仁爱,宽容; [网络] 爱; 慈善组织; 仁爱; [例句]The National Trust is a registered charity.全国托管协会是个已注册的慈善机构。[其他] 复数:charities 形近词: chariot clarite charily





句子翻译 The famous charity"s appeal to aid poatwar Greece had been so sucessful it

charity"s 慈善机构的 aid potwar Greece 希腊战争的救助(那个potwar应该是什么战争的名字,)那个著名慈善机构的关于对希腊战争救助的呼吁是如此成功。


做名词时,意为.施舍;慈善;慈善团体;施舍物;宽容.可以是可数名词和不可数名词,慈善机构或团体时是可数名词,一个慈善机构a charity两个或两个以上就用charities.




charity[英][ˈtʃærəti][美][ˈtʃærɪti]行为); 施舍,捐助; 慈善机关; 仁爱,宽容; 以上结果来自金山词霸


可以.做“慈善团体,慈善事业”时做复数,可数.做慈悲,仁爱,博爱时,做不可数名词.1.慈悲,仁爱,博爱;慈善[U]She gave the beggar some money out of charity.她出于慈善给乞丐一些钱.2.施舍;善举[U]Poor as they were,the old couple never asked for charity.老两口虽然很穷,但从不请求施舍.3.慈善团体,慈善事业[C]The rich lady left all her money to charities.那个阔太太把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业.The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities.火灾灾民从数个慈善团体收到食物和衣服.



英 [ˈtʃærəti]、美 [ˈtʃærəti]。名词,作名词时意为“慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物”。短语搭配:charity sale 义卖 ; 义卖活动 ; 绿洲论坛。Charity singles 公益歌曲。charity marketing 公益营销 ; 关键词之一慈善营销。Charity Burbage 凯瑞迪·布巴吉 ; 博伯奇。Charity Vance 夏洛蒂 ; 文斯。High Charity 博爱之城。charity foundation 慈善基金会。charity drive 慈善活动。双语例句:What do you do in charity school?你在慈善学校做些什么呢?These are to have charity as their aim and norm .这些都是有慈善作为他们的目标和规范。Our society must do this not only for justice or charity, but for the greatness of human progress.我们的社会必须这样做,不仅仅是为了公正或慈善,而且是为了人类的伟大进步。


charity没有时尚的意思。charity  英 ["tʃærəti]     美 ["tʃærəti]    n. 慈善;宽厚;慈善机关(团体);仁慈。 12世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的charite;最初源自拉丁语的caritas,意为仁爱。They did so under the mask of charity.他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。True charity doesn"t consist in almsgiving.真正的慈善不在于施舍。She was always very generous in her charity.她行善时总是很慷慨。She regards his moral faults with charity.她宽恕他的品行不端。

charity 前面加the时 用不用变复数,为什么

I"d give it to charity 中“慈善机构”本来就是特定的专有名词,既不能加the 更加不能加a 或变复数,否则不可思议。


charity /ˈtʃærəti/   中文谐音:柴若提;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物




你好!有两篇可供选择,都是关于慈善的①关于慈善义演的:题目:Charity Show:Nowadays, there"re so many pop singers and bands around China. We can hear all kinds of songs. Some bands are really good, like S.H.E, Twins and so on. But My favorite band is called Nanquan Mama, a new band discovered by Jay Chou. Nanquan was orgnized in the last summer. Their fist album was "the Summer of Nanquan Mama",which was not popular at first. But after a few weeks, it sold quite well, once became the bestseller. Many songs sound quite beautiful. Thanks to Jay"s help, Nanquan grows very quickly. This summer, they issued their second album"the second meal". In the future, I hope Nanquan will do better and better. Maybe it will become the best band in China!②关于呼吁大家来做慈善的事:题目:Let"s make our world more beautiful Charity is the responsibility for all of us. I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful to others. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. Therefore, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful!

charity organization是什么意思

charity是慈善的意思,organization是组织、机构的意思,charity organization就是慈善机构或者慈善组织的意思!

charity show什么意思

charity show慈善表演双语例句1I was helping with a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope.我正在为一场慈善演出帮忙,想为绿色希望工程筹款。2I felt very happy when I was chosen to be host of the charity show.当我被选为义演的主持人时我感到很高兴;


一般可以这么说 doing charity work.


要看情况而言Charity, 在这里是慈善团体,前面没有the,说明不是特指,用单数表示一类事物。 这里没有必要用复数来表示一类

They sang at the concert for Charity.


put on a charity是什么意思

put on a charity放在一个慈善机构Case in point: The pecs he put on display at a charity soccer match in his native Scotland in August.八月在苏格兰举行的慈善足球赛上他展示的胸大肌就是个很好的例子

英语laser-shard charity怎么翻译?

勿忘初心,方得始终 英文该怎么翻译要意译 勿忘初心,方得始终Don"t forget your initiative, so as to achieve your goal.Holding your initative, you"ll achieve your goals皆可!-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

pundarika charity是什么意思

你好, pundarika,依《长阿含经》卷一《大本经》中所述,尸弃佛姓拘利若(Kondan~n~a),于过去三十一劫时出世,在分陀利(Pundarika)树下成佛,这时人寿七万岁。是一种佛经术语,charity指慈善。所以,意思为:分陀利慈善望采纳,谢谢!


第一个不知道,接着的是: getting, devote, afford,最后一个没有上下文 也猜不出来

charity可数吗 慈善机构 前边加the 么?



说起来,英国慈善事业有悠久的历史传统。早在12、13世纪,英国就出现了500多家民间慈善机构。 1601年,英国颁布了世界上第一部《慈善法》,确认了慈善组织的法律地位,规定了慈善组织的行为范畴。根据该法律,英国慈善组织具有公益性、慈善性和民间性,独立性(于国家政府外)、非营利性(资源仅用于其最终目标)、非政治性(避免不适当的政治活动)等特征。工业革命带来的社会巨变,促使慈善事业更加发展壮大。英国最有历史名望的一些慈善组织都是在这段时期内成立的,如:Barnado"s、National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children(国家防止虐童社团)、Salvation Army (救世军)等。据说当时伦敦一地的慈善经费就超过许多欧洲国家的政府收入。

charity begins at home怎么理解



1、charity英[?t??r?ti]美[?t??r?ti],n.慈善机构(或组织); 慈善; 赈济; 施舍; 仁爱; 宽容; 宽厚。2、[例句]The charity has been an agent for social change.这个慈善机构一直推动社会变革。


  诚如罗翔所说,我们这个世界上大多数人都爱抽象的人,但不爱具体的人。一直以来人们认为爱就是love,这只是情感的宣泄;但大家忘了,真正之爱或许是charity,一种宽厚之爱、仁义之爱。  随之也就衍生出了两个概念:抽象的爱和具体的爱。   所谓的love,大抵说的就是抽象的爱。抽象往往从感性认识出发,抽象的人和概念也尽生发于此。那么抽象的爱更像是一种幻想和概念,为什么往往人们都觉得苏格拉底式的爱情、柏拉图式的爱情是好的,因为这爱的不是个人,而是一种概念,极大程度的脱离于我们的理性思考和生活,真正的爱一定爱的不是这种感觉,一旦遇到挑战,这种抽象的爱的感觉很快就会消失,因为我们很容易在不同的人身上获得这种感觉。那么一旦将这种抽象的爱具体到某个人身上,相处下来不难发现他的种种缺点,似乎眼前这个人没有想象中那么可爱了,所以说抽象之爱的施加对于任何一个人来说这都是难以承受之重。   相较之下,具体的爱似乎就没那么可爱了,我称之为charity,有仁爱、宽容、宽厚之意。因为具体的人都是有缺陷的,具体的爱也是一样。一个人如果很可爱,那么当然人人都爱他,但是和一个人相处得越久,光环熄灭了之后,人显现出来的缺点也就越多。这个时候我们仍然愿意去包容他的缺点、发掘他的可爱之处,或许这就是具体之爱了。真正的爱也一定是对具体人的爱,其中就包含着发现了具体人的缺陷和不完美,还能够生发出真正的发自内心的欣赏。同时具体的爱也意味着责任、牺牲和成就,很多时候命运之手会将责任安置在你肩上,让你在人生的旅途中留下厚重的脚印,甩开肩膀的责任你也许会觉得轻松,但这种轻松也许只是生命中一种不可承受之轻,最终会带来痛苦。   那么如何去看待love和charity?诚然,我们需要有love,但更需要有charity。抽象是对自己的,我们可以去想象、构造抽象之爱,为我们提供了一个近乎完美标本,让我们有所依据的去不断完善自己,而万不是以此要求、苛责别人;生活在真实世界就要求我们需要有现实情感和真实经历,那么具象仿佛就更加重要,渴望真实的爱,我们就应当能够走进真实世界,关注真实具体的人,获得真实的自我发展和情感收获。   愿我们能够认清自己,勤勉度日,由衷的生发仁爱之心、宽容之爱,以期独特个性的形成,真实自我的发现以及精神上的结果和丰收。




charity 英[�0�4t�0�6�0�3riti] 美[�0�4t�0�6�0�3r�0�1ti] 名词复数: charities 


charitable的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[ˈtʃærɪtəb(ə)l]美语音标:[ˈtʃærətəbl]adj.仁慈的;(为)慈善事业的;宽恕的单词例句用作形容词 (adj.)Acting under the cloak of charity, he made a good income for himself from the gifts of charitable people. 他打着办慈善事业的幌子,用慈善家们的捐献中饱私囊。


用a。只有元音开头的可数名词才用an,辅音开头的可数名词用a 例句炫音
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