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分类: 资源共享 >> 文档/报告共享 问题描述: 请问人际传播中 冲突中存在的四种常见反应是什么? (貌似有脱离,声明,顺从,忽略之类的) 解析: 人际传播的冲突理论 pkubbs/attach/0Announce/groups/GROUP_C/Communications/D9734BD05/DA8A1F324M.***********.A/6%c8%cb%bc%ca%b4%ab%b2%a5.ppt#289,2, 人际传播研究 关于对人际传播的一点认识传播是人类生存和发展的必要条件,而人际传播更是在我们的生活中广泛存在、发生着。以前我对于人际传播的概念理解仅仅来源于传播学书上对传播类型的划分(如张隆栋老师《大众传播学总论》中谈到:人际传播即为个人之间的信息传递/张国良老师《传播学原理》中谈到以传播的范围和规模划分,人际传播是指我和他人、个人和个人之间的传播,至少有两个人以上参加,上限不明,应不具组织性。),和现实生活中的经验,可以说并没有形成较为清晰和准确的理解。 在认识的过程中,我发现我对人际传播的理解只注重了信息的传递、交流,对大众传播的理解又片面强调信息的共享性,交流信息与共享信息应是不同的概念,而它们还不能涵盖人际传播的全部意义。 我认为人际传播的发生条件正如以上的归纳,而人际传播一经进行就会产生效果(有意义效果、潜在效果和无意义效果,比如甲对乙进行商品推销,甲以良好态度详尽介绍了商品,并抓住了乙的价值和情感诉求点,乙因此给予理想的反馈。但一次成功的沟通却并不一定导致有意义的效果,乙可能并不会购买,也可能将来会购买。) 人际传播不仅仅是表面的信息沟通,而应该是人作为独特的个体,最大限度地以个性的方式谈话和倾听,并在其中沟通心声、共建意义。人际传播中的个体不是社会中承担一定责任的角色,不是“类”的化身,是不戴任何面具的“我与你”的传播。在人际传播过程中,说者与听者传播关系具有完整性,是心与心的对话。这样的沟通应该是人际传播追求的理想境界,会带来最有意义的效果。 实际生活中的经历给人以最直接最具体的理解。平时,与人交往的经历常常会引起我很大的兴趣,这样的经历又多是微不足道的小事。在大学上自习,教室门的开开合合总是一个敏感的问题,方寸之间也是人际传播的小舞台。在这个舞台上演出的角色有自觉随手关门的人、不自觉随手关门的人、对不自觉者表示反感但并不采取行动的人(可能伴以抬头注视、发出轻微声音表达某种 *** 等)、以及对不自觉者表示反感并采取起身关门行动的人,而在多频率的干扰下,可能关门的人会放弃行动,也可能会有人离开教室。在这样的一个过程中,语言有时存在,有时完全是一种会意的心灵交流,达到默契或 *** 交流。人们通过对一种行为的判断标准,对彼此的行为进行理解和评断。人际传播相对一切参与判断和理解者均是有效的,效果有好有坏,对开关门场景中毫不受影响的人则无效、无意义,即没有成功的人际传播。 在家庭传播中,沟通是极为重要的。我所经历的无数事情几乎无一例外地证明了只要进行积极有效的沟通,就没有什么化解不了的问题。由于个体差异的在所难免,事件发生时背景的种种不同,人们经常不愿(可能是违背内心里的“我”的愿望)借助沟通的桥解决冲突、交流思想。 网上聊天带给人们新的交流方式,人们在虚拟的网上,可能会转变现实中的角色、变得更温情或者变得更加强悍、冷漠等,而不真实的一切是最安全的隐蔽,人们的聊天不仅仅可能是对身边任何人都无法做到的真实,而且可能是潜意识、幻想中的东西。 人际传播是彰显人类独特个性的人类行为,其独特之处就在于,我们之所以能够成功地使倾听者产生我们意图中的效果,是由于我们使倾听者承认恰好产生那种效果的意向。人际传播的意图就是要产生理解,而理解就在于要领会传播者的意义。通过这样的理解,我发现概念中的人际传播范围缩小了,深度却大大增加了。 传统上的人际传播主要是指以人体自身为媒介、尤以语言为主要手段 、而以表情和动作等为辅助手段的个体间传播方式。在传播技术飞速发展的背景下,人际传播的形式越来越多地被运用于大众传播当中,凡是能较准确把握人际传播特性的节目夜都取得了不错的效果。媒介总是采用特定的方式呈现信息以构架内容,而以人际传播形式呈现可以更好地帮助受众提升参与性、亲切度,进一步消灭受众与媒介间的物理距离和心理距离,媒介的社会整合功能也由此可能重新伸发。 在大规模传播不断导致内容被非语境化、信息符号被大量复制的过程中,表达新传播理念、凸显个体个性特征的人际传播在大众传播的舞台上可能会有更精彩的演出。 krwh//jkjy/2006-4/30/200604300613013532917084365

跪求翻译下文关于 社会冲突理论的英语翻译!求高手

Social harmony is "normal" or "abnormal", the existence of differences in understanding. Such differences are reflected in the social sciences, the gradual evolution of structure and function for and with the traditional clash of two different paradigms, and ultimately the formation of the modern theory of social conflict results. Society is composed of norms, values and public morality will be members of society join together to form social consensus, that is, the value of corporate social cohesion, making a balanced society. All the social problems, can be balanced by the social model to explain. The traditional school of thought is precisely the conflict to see the side of social disharmony, many social problems can not be explained is not got a balanced model of the. It said that the community is dynamic, ever-changing. Society as a whole is definitely not a balanced system, in the social systems of each and every part of the conflict and do not include the factors and is a source of social change. Functioning in the community in maintaining order, in addition to members of the social values of society and recognition of the authority, power also plays a very important role in the maintenance. Emphasis on modern conflict theory of social conflict "is" functions, features and more than constructive. It is not only that the conflict has led to social disharmony, it also has the role of social integration, and its interest in the conflict is through the mechanism of how to promote change, to prevent the rigid social system. Clash of the modern social conflict in the recognition of the universality of the At the same time, the study of social harmony as the end-result, and constructive social conflict that has the function of social integration is a driving force for social change. Stability in itself is a neutral term, could mean that the order of a benign, but also may mean that the conservative, lagging behind, not fair, the order of the crisis brewing. The function of the conservative and strong, from the ideological point of view origin, it absorbed the functions of ideology, "society is a balanced system" theory of social systems. "Safety valve" theory of modern conflict theory of the important results. It said that the community should remain open, flexible, inclusive, and can be controlled through the legitimate and institutionalize a mechanism for a variety of social tensions can be released, the demands of society to respond to social conflict resolution. Therefore, the release of the conflict itself is a hostile relationship and maintain the mechanism, you can use a "safety valve" to describe the concept of social discontent as the legitimate way to provide the release mechanism of conflict. In addition, the "safety valve" mechanism to some extent, can also shift the focus of conflicts, to avoid the accumulation of contradictions. In other words, the social tensions not only to vent their dissatisfaction with the original object can be an alternative target to vent, to avoid the impact of the system and the overall harmony.