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这些词组的英文怎么写 1. offer the seat to someone 2. jump to the floor / table 3. rainy over the day 4. Hue voice is heard 5.… To the security zone 6. Apologized to someone7. make remendations/advices for someone8. Get good treatment 9. Accepted the remendations/advices of someone10. Join the team / club / group / mittees / pany 11. Explain to someone12. Cure a person of 13. Hurriedly go to the hospital / school / post office / police station / train station / bus station / airport 14. intend to pay 100 yuan 15. get 100 yuan 16. pay 100 yuan 17. take a taxi18. Soaked body of 19. Download the files 20. Go fishing / hiking / piic / swimming / boating / camping 21. Turn back to leave更精确拉,哈哈。 短语用英语怎么说? 短语的英文翻译是phrase,在句中可以作为名词和动词使用,具体解析如下: phrase 英 [freu026az] 美 [frez] n.成语;乐句;说法;短语 vt.叙述,措词 vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱) 相关短语: 1、noun phrase [语] 名词短语 ; 名词组 ; 名词词组 ; 名词片语 2、Parting phrase 告别字句 3、Phrase Search 短语检索 ; 词组检索 ; 短语搜索 ; 词组搜索 4、Phrase reading 成组视读 ; 组视读 ; 意群阅读 ; 短语阅读 5、phrase degradation 短语降格 扩展资料 相关例句: 1、Rose"s stories weren"t bad; she had a nice turn of phrase. 罗斯的故事写得不错,她的语言表达形象生动。 2、The speech was carefully phrased . 该演讲措词严谨。 3、Cross out this phrase. 抹掉这个短语。 4、A phrase from the conference floor set my mindwandering. 会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。 5、There is almost no phrase so simple that he cannot mangle it . 几乎再简单的话他也表达不清。 这些词组的英文怎么写 1. offer the seat to someone 2. jump to the floor / table 3. rainy over the day 4. Hue voice is heard 5.… To the security zone 6. Apologized to someone 7. make remendations/advices for someone 8. Get good treatment 9. Accepted the remendations/advices of someone 10. Join the team / club / group / mittees / pany 11. Explain to someone 12. Cure a person of 13. Hurriedly go to the hospital / school / post office / police station / train station / bus station / airport 14. intend to pay 100 yuan 15. get 100 yuan 16. pay 100 yuan 17. take a taxi 18. Soaked body of 19. Download the files 20. Go fishing / hiking / piic / swimming / boating / camping 21. Turn back to leave 更精确拉,哈哈 这些词组的英文怎么写(10分钟内再追加10分) 21. 转身离开 to turn round and leave 22. 陷入沉思 lost in thought. 23. 返回取某物 return for sth.24. 走过去看一看发生了什么 go to have a look at 25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣 share a room/umbrella/toy/interest with *** . 26. 对某人大声喊叫 shout at *** .27. 使劲移开那块大石头 struggle to move that rock 28. 背着一个沉重的包 carry a heavy bag 29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会 go to the dinner/meeting/evening/sightseeing/party30. 背负沉重的课业负担 with heavy schoolwork 31. 约某人 make an appointment with32. 顺道拜访某人 drop in 33. 看家 look after the house 34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人 run and help the blind /elderly 35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家 waiting for *** . for dinner/meeing/home36. 下车 get off 37. 站在门口 stand at door 38. 坐在窗前 sit at the widow39. 靠在墙上/树上 lean against the wall/tree 40. 逆风而行 run against the wind 41. 下大雨/大雪 it rains/snows badly 42. 刮大风 blow hard 43. 起雾 it is fogging 44. 熟睡 sleep soundly 45. 举手 put up one"s hard 46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家 home on foot/by car/by bus/ by bicycle 47. 突然停止 break off 48. 把某人救到河岸上 to rescue *** to the bank 49. 结束 end 50. 为某人喝彩 cheer up for *** . 51. 登门拜访 call at *** "s house: 52. 真相大白 the truth is out 53. 伸手去够某物 reach one"s hand for sth.