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mild climate什么意思

mild climate意思是:温和的气候

climate envelope和climatic regime是什么意思

climate气候;风气;思潮;风土;气侯envelope 信封,封皮;包膜;[天] 包层;包迹;信封climatic气候的;气候上的;由气候引起的;受气候影响的;顶点的regime 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制

英语问题请教:a climate


Polar explorers have to be extremely _____ to bear the climate and other hardships. A.tough..

A 考查形容词辨析。句意“极地探险家应该极其坚强,以承受极端的气候和其它困难。”A“坚强的,不屈不挠的”;B“粗糙的”;C“困难的”;D“勇敢的”。故选A。

climate change and global warming 英语作文

气候变化和全球变暖 基本涉及环境污染,提倡绿色地球,呵呵

Service Wear PGO High Heat Climate (Total PGO) (Sold Vehicle) 里面的PGO代表什么含义呢?


just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates 是什么意思?

just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates because winter arrives就像在气候比较潮湿的树会在潮湿的气候掉叶子因为冬天来临了*感觉怪怪的句子

Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth详细的语法结构,cost consumers the earth咋理解

应该是cost sb sth.(以...为代价)的用法。Tackling climate change是主语,cost谓语动词,consumers指sb.,the earth是cost的宾语。


名词可以作定语修饰名词,作定语的名词往往是说明其中名词的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容、类别等. 例如 health problems 健康问题 math lessons 数学课

Talks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.

【答案】:C【答案】C【解析】 combat“应对”。focus on“集中于……”;settles down“专心于……”;fight against“抵抗,对抗”;sumup“总结、概括”。

Due to climate change, Arctic ice is breaking up earlier in the spring, and its area is decreas...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:C 文章介绍了冰融化以后,北极熊得生活受到了很大的影响。小题1:细节题。根据文章第一段可知冰在不停地融化。小题2:推理题。根据文章第2段3,4行There, they have begun to frequent beaches, feeding on the remains of whales caught by native hunters.可知B正确。小题3:细节题。根据第3段2,3行Polar bears on Hudson Bay fast(绝食) during the summer, waiting for ice to form in the fall to hunt.小题4:推理题。根据文章内容可知是关于野生动物的情况介绍。

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change




climate change的change为什么不加s?不是可数吗


What do you think about climate change?不是要翻译 你的认为

warm house

how can i impact climate change in a positive way


Climate change may be a big problem, but there a

选c,make a difference是固定短语。

Climate change could drive more than 100 milli


雅思national parks and climate change 全文翻译



From Tianjin to Cancun: Seeking common ground on climate changeClimate change is a serious challenge to the whole world in the 21st Century. As the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen last year failed to reach any legally-binding treaty for the years beyond 2012, hopes are high for the forth-coming Cancun conference in Mexico in November."People all hope that substantial progress can be made at Cancun Conference, and parties can arrive at legally binding agreements. But based on the current situation, there are still a lot of differences," said He Jiankun, director of Low Carbon Energy Lab, Tsinghua University.In He"s views, developing countries will be hoping to continually bring out agreements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, deals on targets of carbon emission cut by industrial nations after 2012, and deals for developing countries to effectively join the move.The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2012."A main problem now is that the United States and some other developed countries are trying to cancel the Kyoto Protocol and play down their responsibilities. They want to discuss the responsibilities with the developing countries only under the UNFCCC. And this will blur the differences between developing and developed countries," said He Jiankun.A conflict of interest and responsibility in terms of emission reduction for developing countries and industrial nations has been a dominating issue at the Copenhagen conference. And it is not likely to subside soon.As a final effort before the Cancun conference, climate change talks were hosted in Tianjin, north China, in October to smooth away disagreements and prepare for the talks in Mexico. Some 3,000 people from signatories and non-governmental organizations gathered in China to seek common ground and set agenda for the Cancun talks.No agreements have been reached as to how industrial nations provide funding for developing countries to combat climate change, or quota allocations on greenhouse emission for developed and developing countries. Hence any legally binding deal is still out of sight.Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCC, admitted in Tianjin that there will always be a differentiation between developing and developed countries."The growth of the developing countries do have an increasing opportunity to contribute to mitigation in a global effort, which is not to say that they should pay for that mitigation," she noted, adding that there would be a "common but differentiated responsibilities" for developing and developed countries.The Tianjin negotiations aimed to set the tone for the Cancun conference in November so that all the latest progress on climate change will be zoomed in in Mexico. However, given the fact that negotiations pertain to some essential national interests, insiders say the talk process will be long and arduous. And lack of action on the part of the industrial nations in tackling climate change is also blamed.Su Wei, head of China delegation at the UN climate change talks, said: "Industrial nations are not active at all in setting their quota for emission reduction. Even for existing targets, such as 30 percent set by the European Union, or 17 percent by the Unites States up to the year 2020, they are far from the expectations of developing countries or the Copenhagen talks."Funding would be a key element for any substantial results at Cancun conference. It is also crucial in rebuilding the trust between developed and developing countries. In addition, providing funding for the developing countries to tackle climate change is the obligations of industrial nations stipulated in the UN Convention.During the Tianjin talks, the European Union pledged 2.4 billion euro to help developing countries to establish an adaptive mechanism. But the Umbrella Group including the U.S. has not meted out any concrete figure. Nonetheless, many delegates are optimistic about this.Li Yan, project director with Greenpeace, said: "industrial nations would be more concerned about whether the money is used properly. These questions need to be answered on the road to Cancun."Many insiders believe that there is certain basis for the international community to negotiate on emission reduction, capital arrangement and technological transfer. As long as industrial nations demonstrate their sincerity, there could be periodical results at Cancan talks, despite its complexity."In Cancun conference, agreements on funding might be reached. Some parties have already made their pledge on the 30-billion-dollar initial fund." said He Jiankun.China made its position clear in November last year, to cut carbon dioxide per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level. This is another step China takes of its own accord since it reduced CO2 emission by 46 percent from 1990 to 2005."The Chinese government has made its promise on carbon mitigation," said Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission during the Tianjin talks.Due to differences in population, natural resources and economic development, every country has its own special reality to face. There is still much divergence among countries in negotiations."If we put aside our differences and seek common ground, there might be some phased outcome in Cancun." said Su Wei.The UNFCCC came into force in 1994. It aims to prevent "dangerous" human interference with the climate system. A total of 192 countries have ratified the framework. However, the European Union, the Umbrella Group, China and Group 77, Group Small Island, and the most undeveloped countries, have made up a complicated negotiation system with various interests and appeals."From the 1992 UNFCCC and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, to the 2007 Bali Road Map and the Copenhagen Conference, our human society has made their efforts on the long road of coping with Climate Change. We should cherish our achievements and continue to move forward based on that. We can"t deviate from the principles," said He Jiankun.The time for dealing with climate change is running out and if countries do not come to common decisions and common actions the fate for all will be worse, warned Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCC.The year 2010 has witnessed strong earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and China, as well as severe droughts and devastating mudslides in China, deadly floods in Pakistan. Natural disasters of unprecedented scale have struck the Earth, killing thousands of people, and making tens of thousands homeless.Climate change is already a pressing reality. Only through global efforts could the humanity slow down the trend and save planet Earth. Differences aside, the upcoming UN conference slated for November 29 to December 10 in Cancun, Mexico is bound to be an important meeting that might change the outlook of both developing and industrial countries alike.

climate change and a low-carbon life这篇课文的翻译是什么

Climate change and a low-carbon life气候变化与低碳生活There is no doubt that the world climate has beenchanging in recent years.毫无疑问,近年来世界气候一直都在变化着。Many people blame this change on gases such ascarbon dioxide.很多人把这种变化归咎于诸如二氧化碳的气体。Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide whenthey breathe.动物和人类在呼吸时会释放二氧化碳。However, many other human activities also let off carbon gases.然而,很多其他的人类活动也会释放出碳气体。Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put into the atmosphere.无论什么时候何时燃烧物品,碳都会被释放到大气层。Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most oftenburns fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity.汽车和其他交通工具的发动机燃烧汽油,电力型的工厂经常燃烧煤和油等燃料来发电。Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.因此,我们消耗越多的汽油和电,释放的碳也就越多。One thing we can all do to help solve this problem is to walk or use a bicycle when possible.想要解决这个问题,我们都可以做到的一件事就是尽可能的步行或骑自行车。Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than thatproduced by a car.尽管我们呼吸时释放碳,但我们释放的碳量远不及一辆汽车所产生的含量。Of course, there are times when we need to travel long distances.当然,有时候我们需要走很长的距离。In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground are always much betterchoices than a private car or a taxi.遇到这样的情况,可以选择公共交通,比如公共汽车和地铁,这比选择私家车或打车好得多。If you must drive a car, it is never good to travel alone--you should try to find other people totravel with you.如果必须要开车的话,最好还是不要独自旅行—你应该找其他人一起旅游。

关于climate change的英文演讲

Climate Change For over a decade, the IEA has been providing analyses on the energy dimension of climate change and the energy implications of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. The Agency"s areas of expertise include emissions trading and the CDM (from international architecture to domestic implementation issues), the links between energy security and climate policy goals and, the effects of policy uncertainty on investment, and sectoral approaches to emission reductions.IEA"s activities on energy efficiency and future emission scenarios are also of direct relevance to climate change policy issues. In 2005, in Gleneagles, the G8 leaders mandated the IEA to provide advice on a range of energy policy issues linked to climate change.Since 1999, the IEA has also maintained a database of its Member countries" policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as databases on energy efficiency and renewable energy policy.Together with the OECD Environment Directorate, the IEA provides a Secretariat for the Annex I Expert Group (AIXG) on the UNFCCC, providing analysis of technical issues of relevance to the development of the Convention.另外我认为这个网站的资料会对你演讲的生动性有帮助

climate change的change为什么不加s?不是可数吗

climate 专有名词

climatic change和climate change的区别


climate change可数吗

climate change,气候变化,这里应该是泛指,没有特指到那些气候变化.泛指一类的都用的是单三形式.所以这里并不是不可数,而是单三. 当不是指一类东西的时候,就可以加冠词a/an/the,或者用复数.






climate-vulnerable气候脆弱型更多例句筛选1.They are acting now and acting differently to shift from beingclimate vulnerable to being climate smart.他们正在行动,并以不同的方式在行动,努力实现从气候脆弱型向气候智能型转变。2.This in turn will require identifying areas and social groupsmost vulnerable to climate change.反过来这又需要发现对气候变化最脆弱的地区和社会人群。

怎样区分 weather / climate / condition / environment. 这4个单词的用法的怎样的?

weather单指自然界各种天气像风雨雪等0 climate指一个地区常年的气候condition名词1状况2环境(状况)形势及物动词:调节一般指抽象的物如『天气』状况不容乐观;他是在『苦难』的环境中长大的。 environment名词单指自然环境(生态环境)











weather和climate的区别是? 最好能给出例句

weather 指某地短时间内(几天内) 的天气情况 What is the weather like today?今天天气如何? climate 一般指某个地区(范围较大)一段时间(较长) 内的气候情况 如: The climate of Beijing is much colder thab that of Guangzhou. 北京的天气比广州的要冷得多.






climate weather 名词 (n.) 可以进行计算的名词是可数名词 不可以进行计算的是不可数名词所以他们是不可数名词 望采纳










climate,weather   这两个词的词义有细微的差异,使用场合也有所不同。   Climate指某地的平均气候或经常性的气候(average weather conditions);weather指某地一时的天气,如寒暖、晴雨和干湿的变化情况(a particular condition of wind,rain,snow,sunshine,etc.)。例如:   The climate of our country is mild,but individual places experience bad weather.   我国的气候是温和的,但有时个别地区也会出现坏天气。   请再看下面的例句:   A drier climate would be good for your health.   比较干燥的天气也许会对你的健康有好处。   What is the weather like today?   今日天气如何?   In Hong Kong people seldom wear galoshes in wet weather.   在香港下雨天很少有人穿童鞋。   请注意,weather之前不可以用不定冠词a来修饰。例如我们不可以说:What a brilliant weather!应把a删去。   另外,用作比喻义时,climate与weather都指“环境”,“情况”,但使用场合有些不同。例如:   The favourable political climate is conducive to economic investment.   良好的政治气候有利于经济投资。   The hostile climate in the institute makes working there difficult.   机构里的恶劣气氛使在那里工作变得困难。   You cannot rely on fair-weather friends to help you in all weathers.   你不要指望一些酒肉朋友在种种环境里都能帮助你。



climate单数还是复数 我知道weather是单数 例句 the climate of Beijing is wor

1. climate (C)可数名词 气候,指较长时间内某地区的天气变化情况 eg. What"s the climate like in your country? 2. weather (U)不可数名词 天气 指较短时间的天气情况 eg. What"s the weather like today? 3. The climate of Bejing is worse than that of Shanghai. that可 用来代替名词单数(the climate) ,避免重复,和北京的天气形成鲜明对比.







climate 和 weather的区别

climate (气候)指一个地方长期的较为固定的气候状态,包括阴晴、干湿、风雨等情况在内;而weather(天气)则指某特定日子的天气情况。1. climate的用例He wants to move to a warmer climate. 他想搬到一个气候较温暖的地方去住。Orange trees won"t grow in this climate. 在这样气候橘子树不能生长。I can"t (couldn"t) imagine what it would be like to live in a hot climate.我无法想像住在热带会怎么样。2. weather的用例We have fine weather today. climate (气候)指一个地方长期的较为固定的气候状态,包括阴晴、干湿、风雨等情况在内;而weather(天气)则指某特定日子的天气情况。1. climate的用例He wants to move to a warmer climate. 他想搬到一个气候较温暖的地方去住。Orange trees won"t grow in this climate. 在这样气候橘子树不能生长。I can"t (couldn"t) imagine what it would be like to live in a hot climate.我无法想像住在热带会怎么样。2. weather的用例We have fine weather today.



weather 与 climate 的区别在何处?

这两个单词的区别如下: weather指的是一个地区短期内的具体的天气状况,例如晴天,阴雨,暴雪等.如: What is the weather like today? It is rainy. climate 指的是一个地区的长期的气候情况或者特点.例如: What is the climate like in Winter in Beijing? It"s very cold.






climate英 ["klaɪmət] 美 ["klaɪmət] 释义n. 气候;风气


既是可数也是不可数,具体要看实际表达的意思。climate当气候讲时,可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。climate指某一地区常年的气候情况,包括气温、降雨量。还可用作比喻。 Climate的例句 Britain has a temperate climate. 英国气候温和。 The climate affected his health. 气候影响了他的健康。 The climate here is rigorous. 这里的天气很严酷。 The climate is very pleasant. 气候非常宜人。 The climate moulded his character. 气候影响了他的性格。 The economic climate remains uncertain. 经济气候依然是不确定。 Climate change is a fact. 气候变化已成为事实。 The climate there is tropical. 那里是热带气候。 Perhaps he is a climate sceptic. 或许他是一名气候变化怀疑论者。

climate 和 weather的区别

climate 气候weather 天气


Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives 气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。The climate is very dry in the desert area. 沙漠地区气候很干燥

climate怎么读音 climate英语怎么读

1、英 [klau026amu0259t] 美 [klau026amu0259t] 2、climate,英语单词,名词,意思是“气候;风气;思潮;风土”。 3、How do you like the climate here?你觉得这里的气候如何? 4、What should we do about climate change?面对气候变化,我们应当做什么?




climate表示“气候”时,是不可数名词,表示“气氛”时,是可数名词。 例句: The economic climate remains uncertain. 经济气候依然是不确定。 The area is famous for its very mild winter climate. 这个地区以其非常温暖的冬季气候而闻名。 扩展资料   You"ll soon get used to the climate here.   你会很快习惯这儿的"气候的。   They enjoyed an especially benign climate.   他们那里的气候十分宜人。   Her health was adversely affected by the climate.   那种气候损害了她的健康。   As the climate warms (up) the ice caps will melt.   随着气候变暖,冰盖将融化。




weather和climateweather 意为“天气”,为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather , 而不能说in such a fine weather。如:The weather has changed. 天气变了。【注意】weather前虽不可加不定冠词,但在表示“各种各样的天气”,或“不论哪种天气”时,weather用复数。如:She goes out in all 指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况。climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况。A drier climate would be good for her health.气候干燥的地区会对他的健康有益。












climate [英]u02c8klau026amu0259t [美]u02c8klau026amu026at n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势 [例句]Even those relationships can be jeopardized by fluctuations in the political climate.但这种关系同样会因为政局气候的变迁而受到威胁n.(名词)气候,气候条件风气;思潮趋势,倾向风土气氛,环境气氛具有某种气候的区域;气候区水土态度形势,情况民意状况社会趋势查看更多v.(动词)使...适应新环境这两个词的区别在于:1.weather指某地某天的具体天气情况,如阴晴、降水、气温、风力、风向等; climate指某一地区总的气候情况,如干旱、湿润、温度、凉爽等。例如:The weather looks promising.天气看起来有晴朗的希望。The climate of China is mild.中国的气候温和。2.climate(气候)变化不大; 而weather(天气)变化较大。用作名词 (n.)Britain has a temperate climate.英国气候温和。The small city has the climate that is changeable in the extreme.这座小城有变化多端的气候。


climate [英]u02c8klau026amu0259t [美]u02c8klau026amu026at n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势 [例句]An example is climate change.气候变化就是一个例子。

climate怎么读 climate的意思

1、climate的读音:英[u02c8klau026amu0259t],美[u02c8klau026amu0259t] 2、n.气候; 气候区; 倾向; 思潮; 风气; 环境气氛; 3、[例句]It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。 4、复数:climates


气候的字面意思是“气候、大气、条件、形势”。如果汽车有气候按钮,一般是在空音调控制面板,也就是智能空音调气候控制系统的按钮。气候按钮感觉有点像汽车的auto 空开关。汽车空会根据GPS、时间、行驶方向、日照方向等信息,全面智能地调节空各个小区的温度和风量。即会根据外界温度和设定温度自动调节,创造更舒适的驾驶体验。 有些人可能会发现点击气候按钮空没有反应。事实上,气候按钮会在车辆启动前自动启动。例如,在远程启动发动机后,将自动启动空气候控制系统: 1.当车外很冷时 除雾器在适当的温度下启动,如果车辆装备了车门后视镜加热器和座椅加热器,除雾器也会自动启动。 2.当车外很热的时候。 激活自动空内部环路模式。 汽车常用英文钥匙的意思是: “SEL ”就是菜单选择确认按钮,一般在多功能方向盘上。 “OK ”还有“SEL ”钥匙的功能完全一样,只是有些车“SEL ”有些汽车使用“OK ”。 “a/C ”;按钮是压缩机开关,全称是空调,也就是空调制冷开关,因为汽车空不能用压缩机制热。 “VOL+/-”;是调节音量增减的按钮,vol是单词“音量”缩写,翻译过来就是音量,可以调节汽车音响的音量。 “静音”是静音键,可以一键静音。 “MODE ”这是开关模式按钮。 “设置”多功能方向盘上有巡航控制功能按钮。 @2019




两个音节。climate[ˈklaɪ/mət]“/”前面一个音节,后面一个音节。释义:n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势


那是气候调节按键,其中包含 座椅加热和空调出风方向等等




climate 这单词是不可数名词,但前面用an不表示“一个”,而表示“一种”.又如:a rain一阵雨;而不是“一个雨”


climate_百度翻译climate 英[u02c8klau026amu0259t]美[u02c8klau026amu026at]n. 气候; 氛围; 状况; 局势;[例句]The economic climate remains uncertain.经济形势依然不确定。[其他] 复数:climates双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义

climate 还是weather?(英语语法

要用weather因为你已经提到了极端天气,而weather就是天气的意思。我们来看下这2个词的区别:weather意为“天气”,指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况。为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather , 而不能说in such a fine weather。如:The weather has changed. 天气变了。而climate意为“气候” 指一个地方一般比较长的时间的天气状况,如一季的天气状况。所以极端高温,暴雨,冰冻,洪水,这些都是短时间内发生的天气现象,所以用weather



一个英语单词 climate 气候是可数的还是不可数的,具体的例句给我找几句, unhealthy diet of fast foods; an unhealthy climate 不利于健康的快餐;不利于健康的气候 来源: 2.He likes to live where the climate is warm. 他喜欢住在气候暖和的地方. 来源: 3.influenced by the soil rather than by the climate 受土壤影响而不受气候影响的 来源: 4.Is the climate tropical or subtropical in your hometown? 你的家乡属热带气候还是亚热带气候? 来源: 5.I have not used to this maritime climate yet. 我到现在还不习惯这里的海洋性气候. 来源: 6.Soil that had been indurated by extremes of climate. 因气候的极端变化而变硬的土壤 来源: 7.Some plants will not seed in a cold climate. 有些植物在寒冷的气候条件下不能结果实. 来源: 8.The climate here is just right for plantingr ice. 这里的气候恰好宜于种植水稻. 来源: 9.The climate here is just right for planting rice. 这里的气候恰好宜于种植水稻. 来源: 10.The climate in the July is very ardent here. 这里七月中的气候是非常热的. 来源:
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