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come and meet our employees 是什么句子结构


pscad4.5 运行时弹出对话框“ specified fortran compiler is not installed"是怎么回事


no protocol specified怎么解决

1. 查看DISPLAY是否设置:env| grep DISPLAY。如未设置则,export DISPLAY= (斜体字修改为自己的服务器的ip)2.root用户执行 xhost +3.切换到oracle用户安装即可

Employees are compelled to join the company`s pension plan after a year`s service

be compelled to是被强制要求be regarded to就没有强制那一层的意思,有点像be considered to

sound forge,cakewalk sonar, cool Edit Pro 有什么区别,哪一种好用?


some of the employees in the company are 填什么to work at flexible hours

1、some of the employees in the company are anxious to work at flexible hours。公司里有些员工-渴望-能够弹性工作。2、some of the employees in the company are willing to work at flexible hours。公司里有些员工-希望-能够弹性工作。anxious比willing强烈一些

打印时出现could not find specified file

could not find specified file 直译是"找不到指定文件"这种错误一般出现在通用打印程序与需要打印的数据之间的配合上.用通用打印程序打印某个表的数据,打印程序找不到需要打印的数据文件时会出现这个提示.

employees from both companies什么意思汉语

employees from both companies从两个公司的员工

为公司填公司介绍,有一栏是:“Employees according to AÜG”,请问后面那个简写是什么意思?

AÜG = Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz (雇员借调法律)Das deutsche Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz (AÜG) regelt die Überlassung von Arbeitnehmern (Leiharbeitnehmern), soweit sie im Rahmen einer wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit stattfindet. Bis zum 30. November 2011 war der Anwendungsbereich des Gesetzes auf solche Arbeitnehmerüberlassung beschränkt, die gewerbsmäßig ausgeübt wurde.[1] Das AÜG diente ursprünglich ausschließlich dem sozialen Schutz der Leiharbeitnehmer und sollte diese insbesondere vor Ausbeutung bewahren. Mittlerweile verfolgt der Gesetzgeber mit dem AÜG auch arbeitsmarktpolitische Zwecke.在奥地利也有相应的法律: Arbeitskräfteüberlassungsgesetz (AÜG) = 劳力借调法律In Österreich ist Rechtsgrundlage das Arbeitskräfteüberlassungsgesetz (AÜG).

Audition和Cakewalk sonar和cool edit这三款音乐处理软件那个好?他们的区别在那?

Audition就是COOL EDIT啊,cool edit被adobe收购以后就叫audition了现在比原来比多了点编辑MIDI的功能,插件也很强大,挺好用的,大家都用它。 这个视频里8分40秒开始有你想知道的所有软件的对比,看看吧,这也是一个AU的教程,很好,在线就可以看,oeasy出品,我前一段就在学,呵呵。 总的来说audition是最好的选择,虽说它不是最专业的吧(专业的那些不是没学习资料就是要装在MAC上),但是它的学习资料是最多的,相对来说最好学习的,功能也很强大的,就这些吧,给分吧。




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安装奇迹背单词 提示the specified module could not be found


fl studio,cooledit,cakewalk,cubase哪个最适合做音乐呢

首先给你分一下类:FL Studio是一个做Loop很好的软件,内置大量高品质波形,一切都很直观,但是发挥空间很受限制。Cool Edit是音频编辑软件,很大众化,也很好用。Cakewalk和Cubase是音乐工作站,综合了MIDI/音频的大量功能,是功能强大的音频工作站。Cakewalk已经被更为强大的SONAR取代。其次,脱离外部硬件没问题,现在的软音源声音都是非常出色的,鼠标作曲还是要适应一段时间的,毕竟用鼠标修出充满感情的音乐还是需要很高技巧的。推荐使用SONAR或者CUBASE,一个软件内就能搞定基本想要的所有东西了。祝你作曲愉快~




Jade Horse and the Historical and Cultural Implication of “Journey to Annam”---Concerning the other critical elements and descriptions in the story “Journey to Annam” is the third story in Zhaoshibei, written by the Master of Zhuoxuan Pavilion酌玄亭主人 in early Qing. It is about the downfall of an official family(Hu family) in Guangxi and the loss and gain of a merchant family(Du Jingshan"s family), connected by the exchange of a jade horse and thirty spans scarlet velvet in Annam. Special researches about it were rare. However, Tina Lu"s book Accidental Incest contributes the whole Chapter Four “Exchange Across Borders” to it and her analysis is thought provoking. She raised many enlightening questions that she had reached no definite answers. Considering the most common narrative strategy in Huaben, that is the karmic retribution, Lu says: “A story all about what lies beyond the borders makes the peculiar choice to conclude with an entirely enclosed narrative about the connection between the state sphere and the domestic sphere: no outside forces contribute to the death of the young lecher(Hu Yanei) or to the fall of his father(Hu Commissioner). Everything necessary to their destruction lies within their own four walls.” Then what causes the downfall of the family? “If the pacification commissioner and his family can be punished without Du Jingshan"s travels to Annam, then why did those travels have to take place at all?” Why a jade horse? It"s tempting to simply adjust it to the notion “being restless and whimsical like a monkey or a horse”(心猿意马) that does appear in the text: the mind unbridled like a horse or a monkey, young man gets lost in desire all the time(意马心猿拴不住,郎君年少总情迷). However, despite the “give the show(horse feet) away”(露出马脚), even the horse he rode on to run away does not really fit into the notion of an unbridled horse(a metaphor for a restless mind). “Get off the horse! How could you a barbarian ride on my horse from Annam!”(“快下马来!俺安南国的马,可是你蛮子偷来骑得的么!”) The horse was stolen from an Annamese and he couldn"t control it. He was scolded as a barbarian(蛮子) because he tried to ride on it. The live horse here is obviously a counterpart or even a metaphor of the jade horse, both belong to Annam. What authorizes the Annamese to call Hu Yanei a babarian(蛮子)? He does not condemn him of stealing his horse, but satires him of being a barbarian who cannot ride on an Annam horse. What"s his value system revealed in this scene? Why does the author put the plot like this? It certainly has something to do with the other aspects of Annam ethnography described in the story and they together show the author"s value for the writing of the story. I will talk about it later but first of all we have to define the Jade Horse and look into the issue why it has to be a jade horse to be traded for the velvet. Jade horse appeared in history beginning at Shang Dynasty. During the pre-Qin time, it had the flat appearance and symbolized the character of courtier(“臣”). In Han Dynasty, it took on the design of an immortal riding on it and became three-dimensional. In Tang, it was still in the shape of a standing horse. But after Song and Yuan, the image of a lying horse became common and when it was shaped as a standing horse, it was not a normal horse but a monster that has the shape of a horse. Considering that in Ming, lying horse is the fitted image of a jade horse, we are supposed to give the jade horse in the story an appearance of a lying horse if it is a common object made at the time. But judging by the description in the story, the jade horse is related to an immortal who rides on it, so it should have the shape of a standing horse ready for someone to ride on. However, it is also described as a paperweight through Zhu Chunhui"s eyes, in this sense, it should better be a lying horse or a standing horse with a pedestal. Combining these, I would assume the jade horse in the story to be a standing horse with a pedestal like the jade horse in the story in Record of Anecdotes(《闻奇录》) written in the Five Dynasties. In the story, a little jade horse was found underground who could shout like a real horse by Shen Fushi(沈傅师) , a Suzhounese who was proficient in calligraphy. It was fed on cinnabar and could produce shit. The Summery of Palacehall Xuan (《宣室志》) quoted by Extensive Records of the Taiping Era(《太平广记》) Volume 401 also has the story that an official Shen Youzhi(沈攸之)"s wife had a little jade horse tied up by a green rope, it could turn into a real white horse and run away in the night and then come back in the morning. Shen Youzhi was also a Jiangnanese who was a senior general in Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties. He led the insurrection in 477 AD. against Xiao Daocheng(萧道成), who usurped the throne of Song Dynasty. The insurrection failed and Shen hanged himself with his third son in the woods in Huarong Realm(华容界). In Huang Xiucai story in Lasting Words to Awaken the World(《醒世恒言》), which was written in Late Ming, earlier than the time “Journey to Annam” was written, before the downfall of the Ming Dynasty, the jade horse played the role of a supernatural power that related to Daoism and Buddhism, which saved the love of Huang Shun and Han Yu"e. The story had its origin in Tang Romance with the main character Huangshun(a real man in history) coming from Yangzhou, which endowed historical and cultural meaning to it, indicating the author"s intention of rewriting it into a huaben. We are also certain that the jade horse was a standing one because the original story was from Tang Romances. As to “Journey to Annam” story, from the description and the notion that it is an antique, it could be a standing horse that dates back to Tang. Annam got its own independence only at the end of Tang, before which time it had been under the reign of China for nearly a thousand years. In this case, the jade horse is a representative of the traditional Chinese culture. This notion is implicit in this text but is revealed in many layers as sarcasm maybe due to the early Qing censorship. So there are two important aspects concerning history and culture of the jade horse that cannot be ignored in this story, which are actually explicit in the text. First, jade horse is an antique. It is not merely some kind of ordinary paperweight but an antique that bear some history before it was sent to Hu Commissioner, some history concerning Annam"s history and culture, even relating to Li Jili(黎季犁). He should have been a prime minister of Annam. He once usurped the throne of the king and then was defeated by the Chinese and was taken to China as a captive. His heir, the Manager Li is dealing with Chinese merchants at the time, whom Zhu Chunhui thought would know how to get the prohibited scarlet velvet. But instead Li warned Du Jingshan of the difficulty of getting the velvet, the argument that “the adventure abetted by Master Li returns the jade horse to the very family from whom his own had taken it” by Lu is problematic because Master Li didn"t urged him on pursuing the velvet but warned him not even to try it and it was on the journey to Nituo Mountain to ask the returning of the silver that has been “robbed” that Du Jingshan run into the Zhuzhu family. In this sense, even political retribution is not the major problem in this story, it must have something to do with the encounter by Du Jingshan of Chinese culture with the Annamese culture, which is not only on the layer of present but relating to history. Second, it has magic power and some immortal is connected to it in the eyes of the old lady from Zhuzhu family. It"s way more than a dead object but something that has a live and immortal spirit, which certainly has something to do with culture and religion. An immortal is coming to ride on it every night and Hu Yanei is certainly not the right one to be its master, neither is his father who owns it before it is thrown to Fenggu by Hu Yanei. The downfall of the Hu family In addition to the calling of Hu Yanei a Manzi(蛮子) by an Annamese, Dujingshan calls Hu Commisioner a Manniu(蛮牛) when he told Zhu Chunhui about his mission assigned by him of getting thirty spans scarlet vevelt. When he was in China, he didn"t call him like that. It seemed that after he came to Annam, he realized this fact better. Even as the Manager Li is a manager himself, he doesn"t want to be called a Dianguan. Why is that? What is the naming system like in Annam? It seems that though they have no such courtesy like the one in China, their own naming system is still strict itself. To Hu Commissioner, the jade horse is a present from the King of Annam. He shouldn"t have given it to his son. Despite his ignorance of its historical and cultural value, he didn"t even treat it as a political object. To him, it could only be an ordinary paperweight like in the eyes of Zhu Chunhui. If it was an ordinary object, then why Du Jingshan said “This is an antique” when he first saw it? It is almost obvious here that the jade horse has something to do with the new cultural authority of Manchu government and the downfall of the Han Culture. In Han ethnics, even a merchant could recognize an antique, but the value of it has greatly downgraded so it could not be sold or be valuable enough to cause great trouble to Du even though he got it illegally. One could imagine if it were a literatus to have it, it would not be treated so casually, especially after it was recognized as an antique. To get the pretty Fenggu, Hu Yanei tried to use the pearl as a false evidence of robbing or stealing on the part of Du Jingshan to have him arrested or even killed, not the jade horse. But it was denied by Hu Commissioner because he didn"t want to risk to lose his position. Why wasn"t the jade horse mentioned at all? It was a present from the King of Annam, how could Hu commissioner not treasure it or at least want to keep it at all? He didn"t care about the losing of the jade horse but was only disturbed by the losing of the pearl. To go even further, he lost the chance to use the jade horse as false evidence of some wrongdoing on Du because of his poor knowledge of history and culture. How could an official raised by imperial examination(科举) so ignorant of political, historical and cultural value? Comparing his reaction to the Zhuzhu family"s reaction, why is the jade horse so precious in Annam and so worthless in China? Yet it turned out in the story that the jade horse became the critical thing to absolve Du from the crisis and it"s like the politic of Annam is the fair judge of the lawsuit never taken to court. This could only happen when the lawsuit was looked over through the so-called trade of the jade horse and the scarlet velvet, which is not a trade in economic sense or even a political one because there is no direct political relationship between Hu and Zhuzhu family. Only cultural comparison between them is obvious. The only resolution to why the Hu family"s downfall was caused by no external forces is their ignorance of the cultural tradition and the failure of nurturing the heir according to the scholarship tradition. When an official care only about gathering money but pay no attention to the nurturing of the heir, his family is bound to fall. It showed the worry of the literati about the downgrade of culture due to the national regime transformation from Han to Manchu. Because of the ignorance of the jade horse, even his intention of getting profit by punishing Du will fail at the end. Obviously his plan was that Du wouldn"t be able to get the scarlet velvet on time and he could get his property as a punishment for that. Instead, he got the scarlet velvet that he couldn"t sell to get silver, so it is actually worthless. That"s why neither the velvet Hu got from Du nor the one Du kept was mentioned anymore. It is obvious that Hu was punished in failing in the revenge because his ignorance of the value of the jade horse, which represents his ignorance of history and culture. Du Jingshan and Fenggu"s loss and gain Lu says: “The horse might change hands, but ultimately its return to where it belongs will right other wrongs too, whether personal or political, but perhaps not before Fenggu and Du Jingshan suffer unduly.” But did they really suffer unduly? If Du Jingshan"s gaining the Pearl by grasping the hat of the Hu Yanei can be seen as unintentional, Fenggu"s keeping the jade horse should be seen as a wrongdoing at any rate. If she only got a handkerchief, she would have thrown it back or simply discarded it. From “Papaya” in “The Songs of Wei” (《卫风·木瓜》) to “There is linen on the hill” in “The Songs of Wang”(《王风·丘中有麻》) and “The woman says that the cocks crow” (《女曰鸡鸣》) in The Book of Songs, jade was seen as a token of love between unmarried young lovers. When it came to an illegal extramarital affair, most of the time cloth was taken as a keepsake, which bears erotic meaning. Because of this, the jade horse was tied to a handkerchief. One simply couldn"t throw a single jade horse or jade whatever to a woman to flirt with her. Even despite the political and historical token of it, the jade horse as a token of love bear some cultural meaning itself, representing controllable and mediate love, which here in the story carry a voyeur"s desire instead. In the story of Huang Xiucai, a jade horse is not only a token of love but actually saved the love. Being a lovelace, Hu Yanei threw the jade horse to Fenggu and specially reminded her that it was a jade horse, meaning it was worthier than the handkerchief, representing he tried to use it as a commodity with commercial value to get women. He was totally ignorant of its cultural meaning even as a token of love. So the ignorance of the cultural value of it was showed on Hu family"s side by Hu Yanei in addition to Hu Commissioner. As a counterpart, Du Jingshan treated it in a peculiar way. After pointing out it was an antique, he


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谁能翻译一下eminem的welcome 2 hell

我先把歌词发上来,假如你要翻译版本的话你可以在百度视频里查,就OK了Eminem Ft. Royce Da 5′9″ – Welcome 2 Hell 歌词[Intro]Yeah, told you we"d be backWelcome 2 Hell[Eminem]There"s a switch, I flip, emotions cut offSo cold I done froze my butt offAnd this ain"t even the tip of the iceberg yetIt"s like squirting a squirt gun in the ocean, fuck offOther words I didn"t put a dent in the game comparedTo the damage I"ve yet to doAs long as you still have feelings to hurtI"ll be around as long as you let me get to youLong as I got two balls to palmI"ll be the bomb, you"re just a false alarmGet scared little pissantsAnd see if I don"t come along and stomp your farmThunder and lightning, rain, hailSleet with a tornado"s the kind of brainstorm I getSo when the wind starts blowing, shitTalking about going in? Going insane is more like itWizard of words when he spits hazardous with itLike a disastrous blizzardSo you better listen quick fast don"t miss itYeah, go ahead little prick bastard, diss itBut when you get hit with a sick ass explicit flowDon"t ask how much of his passion is it that goes in itJust know, that all he knows is thisIt"s better to kick ass than kiss itDick dastardly of audacityMental capacity, unmatched it has to be stoppedBut it can"t be, but man I can"t just keepDoing them like that or no one will rap with meExcept one, you asked who is it?[Royce]Guess who just came through the blast, you bitchesWith the ratchet, the book of MatthewA book of matches, lighting them under white linenYou about to have to admit it, they pass you the micAsked you to spit it, you got handed your own assYour ass in your own hands, I"m sure they gon" laughWhen you"re going to the bathroom with itNow with what would you come against usBetter be something with a big foot pedigreeEasily these are the reasonsThat we need to be in your prayersEach region breeds some MCs that wanna beWhich means they wanna breath our airWith these ideas, anybody thinkin"That the game don"t need, the Bad and the Evil regimeThat"s like saying that bad boy Piston team didn"t need Isaiah[Eminem]Sip piss and bleed, this is a different breed of MCsI swear, better be aware, there"s too much at stakeAnd to find someone this raw on a beat is rareYou can kiss my ass and the shit stains on my underwear that I don"t even wear[Royce]This gotta be no fairThis like hittin" the lottery, oh yeahWho you know hotter there gotta be no pairShotty that I got a lobotomy, your hairClassic, smack it, smother it, read it and weep itAnd perhaps you"ll have no rebuttalin"In fact, you seein" me in this rapAnd it"s like saying Tila Tequila can sing like Jasmin Sullivan[Eminem]Back to bash her skull againPush a bitch out the Aspen until I get the fuck out of Dodge (Dodge Aspen)Shouldn"t have to explain my metaphorsYou has-beens are duller than color books that ain"t colored inSecond and third, fourth wind, gotta another winHere they come again, none other than, Bad and EvilAlso known as Saddam and Osama BinIt"s been a long timeBut I bet neither one of us have felt sicker than we do right nowAnd we only get iller with timeMe and Nickel fucking shit up on the dime so tellin" us to pipe downIt"s like talking to a meth headBruce Willis on his death bed, last breath with an infectionFighting it while he"s watching internet pornAbout to meet his death with an erectionMy God, what I mean isDavid Carradine jacking his penis in front of his tripodChoking his own neck, what part you don"t get?I"m saying I die hard[Royce]When you listen to my bars, nothin" but the F-I-R/ EComin" out your iPod (we) come up in a placeChicks heads start spinning like motherfuckin" white walls[Eminem]Got your mother suckin" my balls(While we) fuck each other, we punch each other in the eyeballsAnd I never say I"m sor-ry, the Five-Nine and the Fire Marshall(We) spit with an intensity to shut shit down in the industryTwo different entities, with a propensityTo put these N-U-T-S up inside of your fucking mouthWelcome to the CD

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Mini cooper各个系列的车有什么区别吗?


Coupe和COOPER都分不清 还怎么当键盘车神?

“妹子以为你开MINI COOPER,你却开来了台叫Coupe的买菜车……” 伴随着购车消费者日益年轻化,人们对自己座驾的需求不再仅限于车辆的空间、配置、尺寸等方面,产品的个性化、文化价值以及调性,开始成为 汽车 厂商吸引消费者的手段。众多车企除在近几年推出一大波采用溜背式车尾、造型更年轻的车型,用来迎合消费者多元化的口味外,为进一步吸引年轻消费者,他们往往也会将一些能展现出产品格调的词用在这些车型上。于是,Coupe、GT、CC、Shooting Brake等等附加在车名后的后缀,一时间让我们的普通消费者眼花缭乱。可这些后缀都是什么意思呢?今天我们不妨聊聊它们的含义。 Coupe和Cooper有啥关系? Coupé/Coupe一词念作/kuːˈpeɪ/ (拼音大致读作“ku pèi”)或/kuːp/(拼音大致读作 “kù pu”),该词源于法语词汇Couper意为切割(cut),最早是指一种轿厢内只有两个座位的马车。早在上世纪30年代,这一名称也出现在了具有运动属性的双门 汽车 上,不过直到1977年,Coupe这一名称才被正式纳入国际标准用语中。 "1932 Ford Model B Coupe 这种双门轿车与标准轿车最大的差异在于造型更扁平的固定车顶和只有两个车门。也是从此开始,Coupe成为了双门轿跑车/轿跑车的学名。当然,一部分车企为凸显车型的与众不同,也采用不一样的命名方式,比较有代表性的是法拉利在上世纪50年代开创的Berlinetta车型,在意大利语中该词意为小轿车(Little Saloon),随后诸如玛莎拉蒂、阿尔法·罗密欧、欧宝等品牌也曾将旗下的双门轿跑命名为Berlinetta。 "2000 BMW M3 Coupe (E46) "2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta 2000年初,在消费者对实用性和视觉效果需求的推动下,开始有车企尝试推出四门版的轿跑车或跑车,奔驰CLS和马自达RX-8则成为最早“吃螃蟹”的车型。为了能让coupe这个名字在四门车型上更合适,各车企采取的办法也不尽相同。奔驰是将双门车的溜背式造型、无框车门等元素融入到了CLS级中,而马自达则是用属于跑车的性能、动态表现和特立独行的对开式门车门设计表达对“功能融合”的理念。随后,宝马的Gran Coupe(直译为“大轿跑”)车型、奥迪A5的Sportback车型、大众Passat CC(CC代表Comfort Coupe,直译为舒适性轿跑车)等四门轿跑车及融入轿跑理念的四门车也应运而生。 "2005 Mercedes-Benz CLS 55 AMG (C219) "2003 Mazda RX-8 "2008 Volkswagen Passat CC 由于四门轿跑的出现,Coupe这一名词也逐步成为了运动造型或轿跑式设计风格的代名词,这也就催生了一大批为迎合年轻消费者推出的轿跑式SUV,以及一部分以“轿跑”元素为噱头的家用车/SUV。 "1964 Morris Mini Cooper S Rally John Cooper和2000款Mini Cooper Final Edition 至于很多人将轿跑车叫作“库伯”Cooper,纯属误传了Couper这个词。Cooper这个名字仅会出现在MINI品牌(包含前身Austin/Morris)的产品上。该名称取自于赛车界传奇人物John Cooper的名字,也正是MINI性能部JCW(John Cooper Works)的创始人。而在车尾写有这一名字的车型则是“运动版”的代表。 "2015 MINI John Cooper Works (F56) MINI JCW Coupé MINI JCW Roadster 此外,其实本没有MINI Cooper这款车/车系独立存在。Cooper只是MINI(MINI Hatch掀背车型)其中的一个型号。不过,MINI确实也推出过基于上代MINI打造的轿跑车和敞篷版轿跑,分别名为MINI Coupé和MINI Roadster。 敞篷车居然有这么多名字? 与马车时代的双座马车和双座敞篷马车(Cabriolet)一样,在双门轿跑车型诞生后,凭借着更容易改造的结构和外形,它们也衍生出敞篷车型。从早期的Drop Top、Open Two-seater、convertible到后来的Cabriolet、Cabrio、CC(标致的Coupe Convertible)等,车企们为彰显自家产品的与众不同,催生了更多表达敞篷之意的词汇,也使得敞篷车型的名字相比双门轿跑车更加多元。 "1954 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible "2011 Peugeot 308 CC 当然,也有一些 汽车 品牌为使敞篷版车型更加独特,他们打造出更特别的敞篷版车型。例如保留车辆C柱的Cabriolet Coach半敞蓬车,只会出现在一些顶级豪华轿车上的landaulet敞篷,常出现在跑车上的T-top或Targa顶等,其实这些名字也都是在表达敞篷车的意思。 "1966 Porsche 911 2.0 Targa(901) 此外,一部分跑车品牌为使旗下敞篷车更符合空气动力学同时拥有更运动造型,研发出采用窄前窗、溜背尾的敞篷车,这种车型也被称作Roadster。不过在不同品牌下,它们的名字也不尽相同,例如: 保时捷将这种敞篷车称作Speedster、Spyder。 "1989 Porsche 911 Carrera Speedster "2019 Porsche 718 Spyder 以法拉利为首的意大利跑车品牌称其为Barchetta、Spider。 "2000 Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina "2000 Ferrari 360 Spider 在阿斯顿·马丁这种敞篷车被叫做Volante。 "2018 Aston Martin DB11 V8 Volante 还有一些跑车将其叫做GTC(Gran Turismo Cabriolet)。 GT是个筐 啥都往里装 在17世纪的欧洲,贵族家的公子会在成年之际花上数月甚至几年时间在欧洲各地游历,作为成年礼。这种只有显贵家族才能负担得起的旅行则被称为Grand Touring(意大利语为Gran Turismo)。 在20世纪30年代,随着 汽车 在功能性方面的多元化发展,富人们对 汽车 的装配工艺、内饰材料、舒适性、车辆可靠性、动力等方面的更高需求也促使了“豪华巡游车”的出现。一些意大利车企则想到了用Gran Turismo命名这些车型,意为适合长距离高速旅行的豪华跑车,GT一词也由此诞生。 "2019 Bentley Continental GT V8 "2017 AMG GT S 在传统意义上,GT车型都采用了前置后驱的传动布局,车头造型较长,驾驶舱则相对靠后。在动力方面则多会采用V12或V8这类发动机。比较有代表性的是:宝马8系、奔驰S级Coupe、AMG GT、宾利欧陆GT、法拉利812 Superfast等。它们往往也被看作是高阶的Coupe车型,不过它们大多生来就是跑车,而并非与轿跑车一样起源于普通轿车(但也有不少超级跑车/GT跑车“谦虚”地称自己是双门轿跑)。 BMW 630d Gran Turismo 当然,也有一些另类的GT,例如宝马2系、3系和6系的GT车型。虽然它们并非传统意义上的GT车型,但其因长途自驾旅行而生的定位却也算得上“点题”。 此外,GT这个简称配上不同的简写后缀,还能产生更多不同的含义: GTR/GT-R(Gran Turismo Racing):大家都知道的日产GT-R、AMG GTR。 Nissan GT-R GTC(Gran Turismo Cabriolet/Corsa/Compressre/Coupe……):C的含义比较多,例如宾利欧陆GT C的敞篷版之意,法拉利458 GTC的赛道版之意,阿尔法·罗密欧表示是涡轮增压车型的GTC等。 "2006 Bentley Continental GTC GTB(Gran Turismo Berlinetta):之前曾提到过的法拉利Berlinetta,例如488 GTB等车型。表示其身份是一款硬顶轿跑车(真谦虚……)。 Ferrari 488 GTB GTS(Gran Turismo Spider/Sport):S象征的含义也较为广泛,比如法拉利348 GTS的敞篷版含义,道奇蝰蛇GTS表示运动型车的意义等。 "2013 SRT Viper GTS (VX) GTA(Gran Turismo Alleggerita):这里自然不是指的Grand Theft Auto……Alleggerita是意大利语“轻量化”的意思,一些车型会在GTA后面加个小写的“m”,指Modificata(意大利语“改装”之意)。 Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA GTO(Gran Turismo Omologata):Omologata意为经法规认证的赛车,法拉利250 GTO、三菱GTO、庞蒂亚克GTO的名字都是由此而来。 Ferrari 250 GTO GTI/GTi(Gran Turismo Iniezione):I代表采用燃油喷射系统,我们熟悉的高尔夫GTI名字由此而来。 Volkswagen GTI TCR GTV(Gran Turismo Veloce):Veloce是意大利语“快速”的意思,顾名思义这同样是高性能车的代名词。 猎装车和小名众多的“瓦罐” 热爱打猎的英国富人们则让车企倒腾出了Shooting Brake(猎装车)这种不同寻常的旅行车。早期的猎装车多基于价格昂贵的GT车型打造,以表明其车主的显贵身份。劳斯莱斯、阿斯顿·马丁都是最早打造出猎装版车型的 汽车 品牌。随着 汽车 的不断演化,有更多 汽车 品牌投入到研发猎装车的行列。例如,法拉利FF、GT4Lusso采用双门布局的猎装车,将原汁原味的富人玩车文化传承了下来。此外,也诞生了一些相对比较亲民且有代表性的猎装车,例如:奔驰CLS、CLA Shooting Brake。 Aston Martin DB5 Shooting Brake 除猎装车外,“瓦罐”一词也被大家慢慢熟知,不过表示旅行车的名字可不止Wagon这一个。由于各国家、各品牌文化差异的影响,旅行车也拥有众多的小名。 Mercedes-Benz C class Estate 在德国,大众为旗下旅行车命名为Variant,也是“瓦罐迷”熟悉的蔚揽。而“BBA”三巨头则分别将旅行车成为Estate、Touring、Avant。不过奔驰和奥迪都另辟蹊径的开创了跨界旅行车的概念,并未这种具备一定越野能力的旅行车命名为All-Terrain(全地形)和All Road(全道路)。 Audi A6 Allroad 在法国,早期人们则习惯称旅行车为“Break”,其中比较出名的有标致的404 Break和雪铁龙DS的Break旅行版车型。不过由于西方文化的相互影响,许多PSA的旅行版车型又被叫成了Station Wagon(美系表示旅行版车型常用的名字)、GT Touring,例如:308 SW、508 SW等车型。 Citroen DS Break 起名字是门艺术,不过也需要一款真正有价值的产品去衬托。相信大家在看完本文后,想必已经对这些五花八门的车名后缀有所了解。等有人吹嘘一台车有轿跑或GT血统时,一定要学会分辨哦。

宝马的mini cooper有哪些型号啊?该怎么区分它们?


2021款奔驰E Coupe预告图发布 新车将于5月27日亮相!

中期改款的奔驰E级发布至今已有两个月的时间,近日我们又从海外获得了新款E级Coupe(双门轿跑版)、Cabrio(敞篷版)以及AMG E级Coupe的预告图。同样作为中期改款车型,三款新车使用了奔驰家族最新的设计语言,在内饰上也有一系列升级。目前,这三款车型都计划在5月27日以数字首映的形式亮相,并有望于年内全球同步上市。在新车亮相前,梅赛德斯奔驰并没有向外界透露过多的消息。不过通过此前的谍照我们了解到,新车在前脸和尾部造型上都进行了调整,在前包围处加入了大量的扁平元素以此来增加车辆的视觉宽度,同时还能有效提升车辆的运动与优雅属性。除此以外,我们还得知E级敞篷的软顶会提供更多颜色供消费者选择,这种做法可以最大限度的满足消费者追求小众的心理,同时还能增添不少趣味。值得一提的是,车漆的颜色也将更加丰富,许多款式都是此前从未有过的。内饰部分,中期改款的三款车型均使用10。25英寸全液晶仪表+12.3英寸中控显示屏的组合,而且MBUX信息娱乐系统和驾驶员辅助系统都得到了升级。此外,2021款E Coupe还将使用新款方向盘,其内部配有传感器,可以检测司机的手是否有离开方向盘。动力方面,新款奔驰ECoupe和Cabrio车型均采用奔驰代号为M254的新型2.0T涡轮增压发动机+48V轻混动力总成,此外还有更高功率的3.0T发动机提供,该发动机最大输出功率为367Ps。至于奔驰E53 Coupe AMG车型,它将搭载3.0T 六缸涡轮增压发动机+EQ Boost电机的动力总成,综合输出功率为429Ps,最大扭矩为520N?m。(编辑:纪琦 图片来源于网络)本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。




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请问 cabriot ,cooper,spider,roadster 有什么区别阿?

“cabrio/cabriot/cabrioelt”就是敞蓬的意思如保时捷Carrera 4 Cabrioelt和MINM cabrio。 “cooper”是MINI车款的名字(库柏),与敞蓬或硬顶没关系,你问的应该是“coupe”吧?“coupe”就是硬顶小跑车的意思,比如现代coupe(酷派)和菲亚特coupe,标致的“206cc”和“306cc”就是以上两种名字的结合,这两款车都是折叠硬顶所以被命名为“cc”,“cc”在这里不是体积单位,而是“cabrioelt”和“coupe”的缩写,兼顾了敞蓬和硬顶的特点。 “spider”也是敞蓬的意思如法拉利F430spider。 还有“spyder(这个词应该是意大利语)”同样代表敞蓬,如玛莎拉蒂spyder。 “roadster”的意思和上面一样,简单来说“cabrioelt spider spyder roadster ”是近义词...

cooper cabrio怎么读

英文原文:cooper cabrio英式音标:[ˈkuːpə] cabrio 美式音标:[ˈkupɚ] cabrio



英文cable gland与cable connector中文意思有什么不同


cable connection什么意思?

check cable connection是“检查电缆连接”的意思。1、检查电脑所有设备之间的连线是不是都连接好了;2、是不是什么地方松了,或者接触不良了;3、把显示器、鼠标、键盘、音箱等等都重新插拔,检查一下4、检查无误后,再启动电脑无此信息提醒了。扩展资料:开机无显示故障检查流程:一、开机能听到"嘀"一声(正常启动声音);说明主机启动正常,若无显示,则检查显示电源是否正常;检查数据线是否松动(若主板有集成显卡和独立显卡,则检查是否插的正确)。检查显卡是否松动或被氧化了,重新插拔一下(若集成显卡则检查内存)。二、开机听不到"嘀"一声;说明故障在于主机,打开机箱检查。1、通电开机,若电源和CPU风扇运转正常。则可能是内存被氧化。处理办法:断开主机电源,拔下内存,用橡皮擦拭后重新插牢。(若装有独立显卡,则按此法检查独立显卡)。2、通电后,CPU风扇不转;则可能是主板供电故障,检查是否漏液或鼓包电容。若没有,则故障较隐蔽,请专人检查。3、通电后,电源风扇不转;则首先检查电源插头是否松动。若插头正常,则断开电源插头,用曲别针或铁丝连接插头的"绿线"和"黑线"孔后,再接通电源,若风扇运转,说明电源正常。若不转,说明电源坏了,更换电源。参考资料:百度百科-FXE

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wire cord cable 的区别

wire: [ "waiə ] n. 电线,电报,金属丝v. 给…装电线,发电报词形变化: 形容词:wirable 动词过去式:wired 过去分词:wired 现在分词:wiring 第三人称单数:wires 例句与用法: 1. The rope was not strong enough, so we used wire. 这根绳子不够结实,所以我们用金属线。 2. The two pieces of wood were wired together. 这两块木头已用金属丝捆在一起了。 3. As soon as the equipment is wired up, you can use it. 这个设备一接通电源你就能用了。 4. The fabric was displayed on a wired stand. 那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。 ---------------------------------------cord: [ kɔ:d ] n. 绳索,束缚词形变化: 名词:corder 动词过去式:corded 过去分词:corded 现在分词:cording 第三人称单数:cords 例句与用法: 1. He tied the package with a cord. 他用绳子把包裹扎紧。 2. Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts. 用来抽打的绳索用于鞭笞或捆缚部件的材料,如线或绳 3. The dancer could kick over a cord four feet from the ground. 这位舞蹈家能把脚举到离地4英尺的绳索上面。 4. A leather loop that slides to change the tension on the cord of a drum. 滑动皮环通过滑动以改变鼓弦张力的皮环 --------------------------------------------cable: [ "keibl ] n. 电缆,海底电报v. 打海底电报词形变化: 名词:cabler 动词过去式:cabled 过去分词:cabled 现在分词:cabling 第三人称单数:cables 例句与用法: 1. She cabled the good news about her arrival in Chicago. 她打电报说她已顺利到达芝加哥。 2. A number of cables are needed in this project. 这项工程需要大量电缆。 3. News of his death was cabled to his family. 他的死讯已电告其家属。 4. They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。 5. It is a cable or, to be more exact, a commercial cable. 那是一封电报,确切点说,是一封商业电报。 6. Cable television has been around for some time now. 有线电视面世已有些时日了.

我的网站怎么baidu site只有一页了?

这个明显被降权了,你查查是否抄袭了?或者采用了作弊手段?baiu管理很严格的,我的网站今年4月就给拔锚了,site: 英语论文关键词查询都没了,不过后来放出来了,俄河和

请详细解释以下单词的不同. Congress,Council,commission,cabinet和parliament

congress n.国会、议会(美国的说法).含参、众议院. council n.委员会,比如UN的security council,安理会. commission n.佣金,委托 cabinet n.内阁.如日本内阁. parliament n.国会、议会.


n. 骗局, 反对, 反对的理由n. This so-called bargain is just a con! n. 这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局! n. 骗局n. This so-called bargain is just a con! n. 这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局! n. 反对n. The UN Security Council Voted with Three pros, one con and one abstention. n. 联合国安理会投票,三票赞成,一票反对,一票弃权。 n. 反对的理由n. We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con. n. 我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。 adv. 反面地, 反对地adv. 反面地adv. They debated the issue pro and con. adv. 他们从正反两方面讨论这个问题。 adv. 反对地adv. Much has been written on the subject pro and con. adv. 对那问题已有很多赞成和反对的文章。 vt. 精读, 记诵vt. 哄骗vt. 哄骗vt. She conned me out of £100. vt. 她骗走我100英镑。 vt. You can"t con me -- you"re not really ill! vt. 你骗不了我--你根本就没病! adj. 欺骗的

美国政治问题,chamber,senate,congress, house, cabinet.到底是什么关系?white house只是总统办公的地方

不是学国际政治的,用法律英语的知识来回答你的问题吧。congress由senate和house of representatives 组成。cabinet帮助president的工作活动,cabinet member:secretaries of departments and other officials with cabinet rank,总统任免,不是congress成员。chamber应该就是both houses of congress.golden triangle是说三权分立,也就是three branches:president--executive,congress--legislative,court--judiciary

拜托了 翻译一下这个会议记录 一定要注意格式啊 翻译成英文 书面文体要很正式的 邮箱

Board meeting on July 12, 2002 (Friday), at 4-5:30 p.m. 10th floor conference room, chairman of the foreign trade building Robert Mr White chaired the meeting content: through the last meeting (i.e., 14 June meeting) (the record has been sent to all members of the board of directors in advance) Huang Wen financial manager reporting to the board of directors in the second quarter of the company"s financial situation (written summary distributed to each director (s) review, all signed by) executive board chairman li on behalf of the board of directors for a report, also announced some personnel changes, including: a) to accept the vice general manager Zhang Xiongfei resignation; B) lm hong development planning commission director elected; C) is removed for the position of sales manager. Submitted to Joseph (Joseph) commission proposal for an additional $6000 for in-service training. Vote on the proposals to marry: seven votes


colombia-antioquia哥伦比亚-安蒂奥基亚双语例句1. Colombia has called out the army and imposed emergency measures. 哥伦比亚出动了军队,并采取了紧急措施。2. Abstention is traditionally high in Colombia. 在哥伦比亚,弃权率历来较高。

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colombia的读法是[kə"lʌmbiə]。colombia是哥伦比亚的意思。哥伦比亚共和国(以下称“哥伦比亚”)位于南美洲西北部,国土面积114.17万平方公里,居拉美第五位。2019年,哥伦比亚人口5034万,居拉美第三位。官方语言为西班牙语。可造句子如下:1、Colombia has called out the army and imposed emergency measures.哥伦比亚出动了军队,并采取了紧急措施。2、Abstention is traditionally high in Colombia.在哥伦比亚,弃权率历来较高。3、The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903.巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。4、The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia"s political history.这一选举可能成为哥伦比亚政治史上关键的一次。



Converge的《i abstain》 歌词

歌曲名:i abstain歌手:Converge专辑:caring and killingBelow my solitude I abstain.Above my bitterness I grace the lie.Sinking alone I severed the chord, drifting into the wide. It lies below this tragedy, this suffering.Life"s blood flows out of me.The deeper I sink the more life flows out of me.Drifting towards the light I see torn from my home to be.Hook clawing at my flesh guiding me through my journey.Drowning in a see of rusting faith.Killing your dreams with bleeding mistakes.A part of her dies too.



我想知道 cottage 和 cabin 的区别

cottage:small simple house, esp in the country 简陋的小屋:(尤指)农舍cabin:samll hut or shelter, usu made of wood 小棚屋(通常为木制的)另外,cabin还有(轮船或者飞行器的)舱室的意思

shortly; coal; cabin 这英语怎么读?

shortly 英[ˈʃɔːtli] 美[ˈʃɔːrtli] 少特来adv. 不多时; 不久; 立刻; 马上; 没好气地; 不耐烦地; [例句]Their trial will shortly begin他们的审判很快就要开始了。coal 英[kəʊl] 美[koʊl] 克尔n. 煤; (尤指燃烧着的) 煤块; vt. 上煤; 加煤给…加煤; 把…烧成炭; [例句]Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal天然气发电比煤便宜。[其他] 第三人称单数:coals 复数:coals 现在分词:coaling 过去式:coaled过去分词:coaled cabin 英[ˈkæbɪn] 美[ˈkæbɪn] 凯本n. (轮船上工作或生活的) 隔间; (飞机的) 座舱; (通常为木制的) 小屋,小棚屋; vi. 把…关在小屋里; 使受拘束住在小屋里; [例句]He showed her to a small cabin.他把她领到了一个小船舱。[其他] 第三人称单数:cabins 复数:cabins 现在分词:cabining过去式:cabined 过去分词:cabined

coal \ quantity \ cabin 这英语怎么念?



使用webcollector爬取搜索引擎,按照关键字搜索的结果页面,解析规则可能会随百度搜索的改版而失效。代码如下:[java] view plain copypackage com.wjd.baidukey.crawler; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class BdiduKeywordCrawler extends RamCrawler{ private Connection connection; private PreparedStatement pstatement; // 连接MySql数据库,用户名root,密码mahao String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/wjd"; String username = "root"; String password = "mahao"; //保存抽取到的数据 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); public BdiduKeywordCrawler(String keyword, int maxPageNum) throws Exception { for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum <= maxPageNum; pageNum++) { String url = createUrl(keyword, pageNum); CrawlDatum datum = new CrawlDatum(url) .putMetaData("keyword", keyword) .putMetaData("pageNum", pageNum + "") .putMetaData("pageType", "searchEngine") .putMetaData("depth", "1"); addSeed(datum); } } @Override public void visit(Page page, CrawlDatums next) { String keyword = page.getMetaData("keyword"); String pageType = page.getMetaData("pageType"); int depth = Integer.valueOf(page.getMetaData("depth")); if (pageType.equals("searchEngine")) { int pageNum = Integer.valueOf(page.getMetaData("pageNum")); System.out.println("成功抓取关键词" + keyword + "的第" + pageNum + "页搜索结果"); // || div[class=result-op c-container xpath-log ]>h3>a Elements results ="div[class=result c-container ]>h3>a"); // Elements results1 ="div[class=result-op c-container xpath-log]>h3>a");//,div[id=result-op c-container xpath-log]>h3>a //System.out.println(results1.get(0)); //results.add(results1.get(0)); for (int rank = 0; rank < results.size(); rank++) { Element result = results.get(rank); /* * 我们希望继续爬取每条搜索结果指向的网页,这里统称为外链。 * 我们希望在访问外链时仍然能够知道外链处于搜索引擎的第几页、第几条, * 所以将页号和排序信息放入后续的CrawlDatum中,为了能够区分外链和 * 搜索引擎结果页面,我们将其pageType设置为outlink,这里的值完全由 用户定义,可以设置一个任意的值 * 在经典爬虫中,每个网页都有一个refer信息,表示当前网页的链接来源。 * 例如我们首先访问新浪首页,然后从新浪首页中解析出了新的新闻链接, * 则这些网页的refer值都是新浪首页。WebCollector不直接保存refer值, * 但我们可以通过下面的方式,将refer信息保存在metaData中,达到同样的效果。 * 经典爬虫中锚文本的存储也可以通过下面方式实现。 * 在一些需求中,希望得到当前页面在遍历树中的深度,利用metaData很容易实现 * 这个功能,在将CrawlDatum添加到next中时,将其depth设置为当前访问页面 的depth+1即可。 */ CrawlDatum datum = new CrawlDatum(result.attr("abs:href")) .putMetaData("keyword", keyword) .putMetaData("pageNum", pageNum + "") .putMetaData("rank", rank + "") .putMetaData("pageType", "outlink") .putMetaData("depth", (depth + 1) + "") .putMetaData("refer", page.getUrl()); next.add(datum); } } else if (pageType.equals("outlink")) { /*int pageNum = Integer.valueOf(page.getMetaData("pageNum")); int rank = Integer.valueOf(page.getMetaData("rank")); String refer = page.getMetaData("refer");*/ try { String content = ContentExtractor.getContentByUrl(page.getUrl()); /*String line = String.format( "第%s页第%s个结果:标题:%s(%s字节) depth=%s refer=%s", pageNum, rank + 1, page.getDoc().title(), content, depth, refer);*/ String line = String.format("标题:%s 来源:%s 正文:%s", page.getDoc().title(),page.getUrl(),content); HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String,String>(); Date currentDate = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat myFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss"); TimeZone timeZoneChina = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai");// 获取中国的时区 myFmt.setTimeZone(timeZoneChina);// 设置系统时区 String grabTime = myFmt.format(currentDate);// new Date()为获取当前系统时间 data.put("title", page.getDoc().title()); data.put("from", page.getUrl()); data.put("content", content); data.put("grabTime", grabTime); //String line = String.format("标题:%s ", page.getDoc().title()); //持久化到word文档中 //是否为线程安全??? //synchronized(this) { String destFile = "D:\"+"Result"+keyword+".doc"; result.append(line); //将result写到doc文件中 write2File(destFile,result.toString()); //添加到数据库中 addResultData(data); //} System.out.println(line); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("链接"+page.getUrl()+"失效"); } } } //将数据保存到mysql数据库中 private void addResultData(HashMap<String, String> data) { String title = data.get("title"); String source_url = data.get("from"); String content = data.get("content").replaceAll("\?{2,}", "");//去掉字符串中出现的多个连续问号。 //抓取时间 String grabTime = data.get("grabTime"); /*SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss"); Date date = null; try { date = format.parse(grabTime); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ //System.out.println("抓取时间"+grabTime); try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); String sql = "INSERT INTO wjd_keyword_search_table(TITLE,GRAP_TIME,CONTENT,SOURCE_URL) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; String checkSql = "select 1 from wjd_keyword_search_table where TITLE="" + title + """; Statement statement = connection.prepareStatement(checkSql); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(checkSql); if (! { // 如果数据库中不存在该记录,则添加到数据库中 pstatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); pstatement.setString(1, title); //pstatement.setString(2, date); pstatement.setString(2,grabTime); pstatement.setString(3, content); pstatement.setString(4, source_url); pstatement.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 将数据持久化到本地doc文件中 * @param destFile * @param line */ private void write2File(String destFile, String line) { try { //doc content ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(line.getBytes()); POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(); DirectoryEntry directory = fs.getRoot(); directory.createDocument("WordDocument", bais); FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(destFile); fs.writeFilesystem(ostream); bais.close(); ostream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] keywordsList = {"网络爬虫","搜索引擎"}; int pageToal =5; for (String keyword : keywordsList) { BdiduKeywordCrawler crawler = new BdiduKeywordCrawler(keyword, pageToal); crawler.start(); } } /** * 根据关键词和页号拼接百度搜索对应的URL */ public static String createUrl(String keyword, int pageNum) throws Exception { int first = (pageNum-1) * 10; keyword = URLEncoder.encode(keyword, "utf-8"); return String.format("", keyword, first); } }


compoundercompounder 英["kəmpaʊndɜ:] 美["kəmpaʊndɜ:] n. 部分还款者,中止起诉者,混合者; [例句]The Electromagnetic Parameters and Absorbing Properties of Light-Compounder复合轻型吸波涂层电磁参数及吸波性能的研究

中英-Jack Welch, the Commercial genius

Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co. from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, has died at 84, GE said. 通用电气公司:杰克韦尔奇颠覆了商业界。在上世界八九十年代,他把一个灯泡和洗衣机制造商转变成为美国最具价值的上市公司。而在他84岁时,他的传奇停止了。 Known as “Neutron Jack” for cutting thousands of jobs, Welch bought and sold scores of businesses, expanded the industrial giant into financial services and produced steadily rising profits. His success led other CEOs to begin using financial wizardry to improve earnings and wow Wall Street. 因裁员数千人而为人所知的“中子弹杰克”,他通过买卖数十家企业,把工业界的巨人拓展到金融服务并且持续盈利。他的成功,启发其他的企业领导人也开始使用金融的魔法提高收入,是华尔街都为之震惊。 ​ In Welch"s 20 years as chief executive, GE"s market value grew from US 410 billion, making him one of the most iconic corporate leaders of his era. 在韦尔奇20年首席执行官生涯,通用电气的市场价值从120亿美元增长到4100亿美元,这使得他成为他那个时代的标志性的企业领军人物。 “When the book about business leaders in this century is written, Jack Welch will be near the very top,” said Thomas Cooke, professor at Georgetown University"s McDonough School of Business. “What he did as the leader of GE was remarkable.” “当在写关于本世纪的商业领军人物时,杰克韦尔奇将是站在顶端的人,“乔治大学麦克唐纳商业学院的教授汤姆斯·库克说,”他作为通用电气的领导人,他的事迹是卓越非凡的。“ US President Donald Trump tweeted: “There was no corporate leader like “neutron” Jack,” adding his warmest sympathies “to his wonderful wife & family!” 美国总统特朗姆发了推特表示世界上不再有第二个像“中子弹”杰克这样的企业领导人,他还像杰克的完美妻子和家庭表示了最温暖的同情。 But Welch"s innovations, which included ruthless personnel management, cost-cutting and offshoring, also set the stage for problems that would hit the company years after he left. 韦尔奇的创新之处,包括无情的人事管理,成本削减和离岸外包,也为在他离开之后为公司能避免不少麻烦。 John F. Welch, Jr., followed Reginald Jones as CEO in April 1981 and served in that role until he retired in September 2001, choosing Jeff Immelt as his successor. 小约翰韦尔奇跟随Reginald Jones在1981年4月出任CEO,并于2001年9月退休,选择Jeff Immelt作为他的继任者。 Two of Welch"s other top disciples – and Immelt rivals – left GE to head other major companies, helping spread Welch"s gospel: Jim McNerney at Boeing Co. and Bob Nardelli at Chrysler and Home Depot Inc. 两位韦尔奇的顶级门徒——Immelt的竞争者——离开通用电气去了其他大公司,开始传播韦尔奇的哲学:波音的Jim McNerney和在克莱斯勒和家得宝的Bob Nardelli。 “Today is a sad day for the entire GE family,” current GE chairman and CEO Larry Culp said in a statement. “Jack was larger than life and the heart of GE for half a century. He reshaped the face of our company and the business world.” “今天对于通用电气这个大家庭来说是个悲伤的日期,“现任通用电气的董事长兼首席执行官Larry Culp在一份声明中说。“半个世纪以来,杰克比通用电气的声明和核心更重要,他重塑了我们公司的面貌和商业世界。” The outsized financing business Welch built nearly toppled GE during the 2008 financial crisis, requiring a bailout from legendary investor Warren Buffett. Immelt sold most of GE Capital and GE now trades at a fraction of its peak value. 韦尔奇打造的庞大的金融在2008年几近破产,不得不向传奇投资家巴菲特求助。Immelt卖掉了大部分GE的股票,而现在GE交易的价格仅为其峰值时的一小部分。 The stock closed at US 57.68 in August 2000, according to Eikon data from Refinitiv. 星期一股市以11.21美元收盘,上升了3个百分点。据Refinitiy的Eikon数据,它在2008年顶峰交易价格是57.68美元。 Welch acquired new businesses and did not hesitate to use layoffs and outsourcing to streamline them, sometimes leaving shattered, embittered communities behind. 韦尔奇收购了新的企业,并毫不犹豫地通过裁员和外包来精简这些企业,有时还会留下一些支离破碎、痛苦不堪的团体。 He faced criticism – particularly after he retired from GE – for his cavalier attitude about offshoring and shutting US plants, a theme that has grown more potent since Trump"s election. 尤其是在他从GE退休之后,他因对离岸外包和关闭美国工厂的傲慢态度而受到批判,自美国总统选举以来,这一主题影响力越来越大。 The US industrial belt is dotted with communities devastated by GE"s downsizing. At its peak, for instance, GE employed 30,000 at a sprawling integrated industrial plant in Schenectady, New York, that now employs fewer than 3,000. 随着GE规模的减小,美国产业带变得支离破碎。例如在GE发展巅峰的时候,他们在纽约的庞大综合工厂雇用了30,000人,而现在的工人不足3,000。 Both Welch"s style of management and the strategy he pursued to expand GE have since fallen from favor. CEOs who order mass layoffs now get attacked in tweets from the Oval Office, and Wall Street has lost its appetite for conglomerates. 自那以后,韦尔奇的管理风格和他所追求的扩张GE的战略都因此失宠。企业CEO们因大量裁员遭到白宫办公室在推特上的攻击,并且华尔街对企业集团也失去了胃口。 Welch also made GE a training ground for business leaders and advocated aggressively ousting poor performers. In a 2001 New Yorker interview, he said, “If they"re in the bottom 10, they get zero raises, zero stock options, they don"t get a bit of bonus, they get zero.” 韦尔奇也在GE创建了一个为企业领导人的训练基地,并积极提倡驱逐表现差的人。在2001年的纽约报采访中,他说,“如果他们在倒数后十名,他们不会得到任何加薪,没有任何股票期权,他们不会得到分红,什么也得不到。” Thomas F. O"Boyle, author of the 1998 book, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit, was an early critic of Welch"s tenure. 托马斯·O·鲍伊尔(Thomas F. O"Boyle)是1998年《不惜一切代价:杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气和追求利润》一书的作者,他是韦尔奇任期的早期批评者。 In an interview on Monday, O"Boyle said: “You have to look at the totality of what occurred based on the strategy Welch initiated: the de-emphasizing of manufacturing, offshoring as many jobs as possible, and emphasizing financial services in GE Capital for earnings growth.” 在一个周一的采访中,O"Boyle说:“你一定要根据韦尔奇所开创的战略来审视一切:通过削减生产制造业,尽可能的离岸外包,并强调GE股票的金融服务来实现经济增长。” O"Boyle noted that 80 percent of the some 1,000 acquisitions under Welch were in financial services. “And that strategy had terrible, terrible consequences for General Electric in the long run.” O"Boyle注意到,韦尔奇所收购的1000家企业中,有80%是在金融服务领域。“那样的战略对通用电气的长远发展有着非常可怕的影响。” Diminished conglomerate 企业集团减少 In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of US 130 billion. In 2001, GE was one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world, up from America"s tenth-largest by market cap in 1981. 在1980年,韦尔奇成为CEO之前,GE的收益记录是268亿美元;在2000年,他离开之前,收益达到了1300亿美元。在2001年,GE成为从1981年的市值排在美国第十位之后的公司一举成为世界上最大的和最具价值的公司之一。 Yet today, GE has sold most of the divisions Welch added, and many fault him for much of GE"s recent decline. 然而今天,通用电气已经卖掉了韦尔奇新增的大部分业务,许多人都为通用电气最近的下滑感到难过。 “He was lauded in business schools, and many CEOs considered him a role model, but few today would praise his tactics,” said Erik Gordon, assistant professor at the University of Michigan"s Ross School of Business. “He left a bloated, hollow mess to his successors. GE went from being a titan of industry to a dismembered wreck.” “他曾被商业学校的人赞美,许多CEO把他视作榜样,但是今天很少人会赞扬他的那些策略了,“密歇根大学罗斯商学院助理教授Erik Gordon说,“他走之后给他的接班人留下了臃肿的空洞的烂摊子。GE从一个行业巨人变成了残缺的沉船。” The company spun off its insurance business into Genworth Financial Inc. in 2004, for example, but kept a large batch of money-losing policies written during Welch"s tenure. Those forced GE in 2018 to take a US 15 billion in reserves. 该公司把他的保险业务剥离后成立了Genworth Financial公司。例如,在2004年,在韦尔奇任职期间保留了一大笔亏本政策。这些都迫使通用电气在2018年承担了62亿美元的费用,并拨出了150亿美元的储备金。 In 2015, activist investor Nelson Pelz"s Trian Partners bought a US$2.5 billion stake in GE and pushed for further focus on core industrial businesses, prompting Immelt to sell most of the remaining parts of GE Capital. 2015年,激进投资者纳尔逊·佩尔兹(Nelson Pelz)的Trian Partners购买了GE 25亿美元的股份,并推动进一步专注于核心工业业务,促使伊梅尔特出售了GE Capital其余大部分股份。 Engineer by training 培训出来的工程师 Born in 1935, Welch earned his B.S. degree in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering at the University of Illinois in 1960. 韦尔奇生于1935年,获得了理学学士学位。马萨诸塞大学化学工程学士学位及其硕士学位和博士学位1960年在伊利诺伊大学获得化学工程学位。 That same year, Welch joined GE as a chemical engineer at its plastics division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was elected the company"s youngest vice president in 1972 and became vice chairman in 1979. 同年,韦尔奇加入通用电气,在马萨诸塞州匹兹菲尔德的塑料部门担任化学工程师。1972年,他当选为公司最年轻的副总裁,并于1979年成为副董事长。 While his GE career is mostly seen as an upward trajectory, it included an early setback. In 1963, the Pittsfield plastics factory had an explosion that tore off the roof, and Welch was nearly fired. He later touted the experience as part of what created his management approach, noting that a manager at the time talked him through what he could have done better. 虽然外界普遍认为他在通用电气的职业生涯处于上升期,但也有早期的挫折。1963年,皮茨菲尔德塑料厂发生爆炸,屋顶被掀翻,韦尔奇差点被解雇。后来,他把这段经历吹嘘为自己管理方式的一部分,并指出当时的一位经理告诉他,他本可以做得更好。 Books by Welch include Winning, from 2005. He co-wrote a column with his wife Suzy Welch for Reuters and other media. 韦尔奇的著作包括2005年的《赢》。他与妻子Suzy Welch共同为路透社和其他媒体撰写了专栏。 “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others,” Welch wrote in Winning. Reuters 最后一段:不想翻译了。。。原来这句话是他说的,这句话在科比身上也体现的淋漓尽致! 吴一清/译


创世块就是区块链所有区块中的第一块,起始于比特币的诞生。创世块是区块链的开始,从创世块出现的那一刻起,这条链就正式诞生了。    但事实上很多的“币”是没有创世块的,因为这些币本身就是由其他的链创造出来的,就是所谓的token,叫做代币或是通证。受比特币的分布式记账的启发,一个叫做Vitalik的少年创造了一种新的区块链:以太坊,从那时起,在以太智能合约发行的token就开始大行其道,只要改改合约内容,在链上存个地址加数字,一种代币就创造出来了,传说中的分布式账本。显然,这些代币是以太坊上的一组数字,本身并没有什么价值,只有利用这些token支付的Dapp真的能被大多数人接受,这些数字才有自己的价值,即所谓的共识凝聚价值。 扯的有点远了,下面来看看比特币的创世块吧: 看到这里,有些小伙伴可能会说:难道你觉得我能看懂你贴的这些玩意。坦白说我也很后悔……但是粘一半又显得不专业了,你懂的。 创世块的意思就是说有一个50BTC的UTXO发给了1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa这个地址。那UTXO又是什么?这个一言难尽,下次再说,你就当是一个账本上有50BTC,转账给了可能是聪哥的一个地址,但是奇葩的是由于这个账本是需要验证输入输出的,帐要平,但是第一笔钱没有设置input,造成聪哥无法使用这笔钱,有人说这个聪哥厉害之处,因为很多人会监视这个地址的交易记录,这样就会找到聪哥。现在这个bug让别人无法追踪,反正聪哥还有100万个…… 注意coinbase打头的字符串,翻译成本文就是 "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks",中文为 “2009年1月3日,首相第二次对处于崩溃边缘的银行进行紧急救助”,这句话正是The Times当天的头版文章标题。是不是和现在的格局很相似?本来还想说下其他区块链的创世块的,这个以后再说吧,本文也是我的公众号xiaointalk的创世篇,当时还记了币圈大家都知道的一句话,现在看来也是百感交集啊: “ 卖币是不可能,一辈子都不会卖币,币圈的人各个都是人才,说话又好听,我超喜欢这里的 !” 同时欢迎大家在 微博 和 头条 关注XiaoInTalk进行交流! 最后我的微信号kanhaixiaofu

求指教joint venture和co-venture的区别和翻译

joint venture英 [dʒɔint ˈventʃə] 美 [dʒɔɪnt ˈvɛntʃɚ] 合资企业co-venture共同创业;合资伙伴双语例句Joint venture is to expand media cooperation as a means to bring both sides to co-venture huge return on investment, but also to cross-media companies, cross-regional development and create the conditions. 合作合资经营是媒介扩张的一种手段,给合作合资双方也带来丰厚的投资收益,也给传媒企业进行跨行业、跨区域发张创造了条件。希望对你有帮助~

venture company是什么意思



区块中的第一笔交易是笔特殊交易,称为创币交易或者coinbase交易。这个交易是由Jing的节点构造并用来奖励矿工们所做的贡献的。Jing的节点会创建“向Jing的地址支付25.09094928个比特币”这样一个交易,把生成交易的奖励发送到自己的钱包。Jing挖出区块获得的奖励金额是coinbase奖励(25个全新的比特币)和区块中全部交易矿工费的总和。 与常规交易不同,创币交易没有输入,不消耗UTXO。只包含一个被称作coinbase的输入,仅仅用来创建新的比特币。创币交易有一个输出,支付到这个矿工的比特币地址。创币交易的输出将这25.0909个比特币发送到矿工的比特币地址 这儿注意和普通交易的结构及内容的区别,在创币交易中,“交易哈希”字段32个字节全部填充0,“交易输出索引”字段全部填充0xFF(十进制的255),这两个字段的值表示不引用UTXO。“解锁脚本”由coinbase数据代替,数据可以由矿工自定义。不包含“解锁脚本“(又称作 scriptSig)字段,这个字段被coinbase数据替代,长度最小2字节,最大100字节。除了开始的几个字节外,矿工可以任意使用coinbase的其他部分,随意填充任何数据。like “The Times 03/Jan/ 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks“ 现在,矿工使用coinbase数据实现extra nonce功能,并嵌入字符串来标识挖出它的矿池,这部分内容会在后面的小节描述。区块277,316的coinbase就是交易输入的scriptSig字段,这个字段的十六进制值为03443b0403858402062f503253482f。第一个字节是03,脚本执行引擎执行这个指令将后面3个字节压入脚本栈(见表4-1),紧接着的3个字节——0x443b04为十进制的277,316。十六进制数(03858402062)用于编码extra nonce(参见"8.11.1 随机值升位方案"),或者一个随机值,从而求解一个适当的工作量证明。结尾部分(2f503253482f)是ASCII编码字符 /P2SH/,表示挖出这个区块的挖矿节点支持BIP0016所定义的pay-to-script-hash(P2SH)。



venture company是什么意思

venture company 创业公司;风险投资公司风险投资公司 风险企业 创业企业短语venture capital company 向创业投资公司 ; 风险投资公司tech Venture Capital Company 无锡高新技术风险投资股份有限公司Teda Venture Capital Company 天津泰达投资

venture company是什么意思

venture company创业公司 风险投资公司venture capital company 向创业投资公司 ; 风险投资公司tech Venture Capital Company 无锡高新技术风险投资股份有限公司Teda Venture Capital Company 天津泰达投资**************************************************您好,答案已经给出,有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如满意,请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮您的采纳,是我答题的动力***************************************************

公司的英文怎么说,是company 还是firm还是 venture 还是enterprise?建立公司用set up 还是establishe

the establishment of a company,一家公司的建立要用establishe公司是companyfirm,也有公司的意思但是 他经常用作n.商号,商行;公司;企业;工作集体venturen.冒险事业;冒险;冒险行动;商业冒险vt.冒……的危险;拿……冒险;用……进行投机;以……做赌注vi.冒险前进,冒险行事;猜测(常与at连用)enterprisen.企(事)业单位;事业,计划;事业心,进取心


在做题中一般都会有相应的短语出现,你要仔细观察题目。常见的短语attract on. 吸引……be absorbed in. 专注于……concentrate on.集中注意力…… drawd one"s attention.引起某人的注意, 可以根据短语做题。

急!!!!!!U.S. Congress reaches tentative deal on bailout bill这篇文章翻译


Jacob Riis 在马刺更衣室的这句话用英文怎么说

The time when everything seems irreversible, I went to see him stonemason repeat hammering rock 100 times, but the stone did not reveal even a crack. The next time this Article a hammer stone into two parts, this is not because a hammer, but because of your tireless efforts and consistent.

Cordyceps sinensis是什么意思

Bailing Capsule (preparation of Cordycepssinensis)百令胶囊(发酵型冬虫夏草菌丝)双语例子:1Effect of the Cordyceps sinensis on Heymann Nephritis in Rats冬虫夏草对Heymann肾炎的疗效研究dict.cnki.net2Quantitative analysis of fatty acids in Cordyceps sinensis by GC气相色谱法分析冬虫夏草中的脂肪酸www.dictall.com3Fingerprint comparison on Cordyceps sinensis and artificial ones by RAPD康定冬虫夏草与人工虫草的RAPD指纹图谱比较研究dict.cnki.net4New Component Analysis of Essential Oil from Cultured Cordyceps sinensis冬虫夏草新药效成分分析dict.cnki.net5Most are available in the market by deep fermentation of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium as an alternative to natural Cordyceps.现市面上大多采用深层发酵法生产冬虫夏草发酵菌丝体以替代天然虫草。


A. absorb是吸收的意思,例如土壤吸收水分,是一个客观的功能。B. uptake主要是举起,也有吸收的意思。C.intake是摄入,是一个主观的动作。D.consume是消耗的意思,例如消耗体力。题干意思:你要试着控制咖啡因和酒精的_____,所以选C,摄入,一个主观的动作。

什么是drip drop coffee


counting sheep -Safia中文歌词

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如何解决OOM command not allowed when used memory gt

如何解决OOM command not allowed when used memory gt

redis可以被作为类似memcached的应用级缓存使用,在内存超过限制时,按照配置的策略,淘汰掉相应的kv,使得内存可以继续留有足够的空间保存新的数据。 redis的conf文件中有对该机制的一份很好的解释: 194 # Don"t use more memory than the specified amount of bytes. 195 # When the memory limit is reached Redis will try to remove keys 196 # accordingly to the eviction policy selected (see maxmemmory-policy). 197 # 198 # If Redis can"t remove keys according to the policy, or if the policy is 199 # set to "noeviction", Redis will start to reply with errors to commands 200 # that would use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue 201 # to reply to read-only commands like GET. 202 # 203 # This option is usually useful when using Redis as an LRU cache, or to set 204 # an hard memory limit for an instance (using the "noeviction" policy). 205 # 206 # WARNING: If you have slaves attached to an instance with maxmemory on, 207 # the size of the output buffers needed to feed the slaves are subtracted 208 # from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will 209 # not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output 210 # buffer of slaves is full with DELs of keys evicted triggering the deletion 211 # of more keys, and so forth until the database is completely emptied. 212 # 213 # In short... if you have slaves attached it is suggested that you set a lower 214 # limit for maxmemory so that there is some free RAM on the system for slave 215 # output buffers (but this is not needed if the policy is "noeviction"). 216 # 217 # maxmemory <bytes> 注意,在redis按照master-slave使用时,其maxmeory应设置的比实际物理内存稍小一些,给slave output buffer留有足够的空间。 redis支持如下五种缓存淘汰策略: 219 # MAXMEMORY POLICY: how Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory 220 # is reached? You can select among five behavior: 221 # 222 # volatile-lru -> remove the key with an expire set using an LRU algorithm 223 # allkeys-lru -> remove any key accordingly to the LRU algorithm 224 # volatile-random -> remove a random key with an expire set 225 # allkeys->random -> remove a random key, any key 226 # volatile-ttl -> remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL) 227 # noeviction -> don"t expire at all, just return an error on write operations 注释已经解释的很清楚了,不再赘述。 其缓存管理功能,由redis.c文件中的freeMemoryIfNeeded函数实现。如果maxmemory被设置,则在每次进行命令执行之前,该函数均被调用,用以判断是否有足够内存可用,释放内存或返回错误。如果没有找到足够多的内存,程序主逻辑将会阻止设置了REDIS_COM_DENYOOM flag的命令执行,对其返回command not allowed when used memory > "maxmemory"的错误消息。 具体代码如下: int freeMemoryIfNeeded(void) { size_t mem_used, mem_tofree, mem_freed; int slaves = listLength(server.slaves); /* Remove the size of slaves output buffers and AOF buffer from the * count of used memory. */ 计算占用内存大小时,并不计算slave output buffer和aof buffer,因此maxmemory应该比实际内存小,为这两个buffer留足空间。 mem_used = zmalloc_used_memory(); if (slaves) { listIter li; listNode *ln; listRewind(server.slaves,&li); while((ln = listNext(&li))) { redisClient *slave = listNodeValue(ln); unsigned long obuf_bytes = getClientOutputBufferMemoryUsage(slave); if (obuf_bytes > mem_used) mem_used = 0; else mem_used -= obuf_bytes; } } if (server.appendonly) { mem_used -= sdslen(server.aofbuf); mem_used -= sdslen(server.bgrewritebuf); } /* Check if we are over the memory limit. */ if (mem_used <= server.maxmemory) return REDIS_OK; if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION) return REDIS_ERR; /* We need to free memory, but policy forbids. */ /* Compute how much memory we need to free. */ mem_tofree = mem_used - server.maxmemory; mem_freed = 0; while (mem_freed < mem_tofree) { int j, k, keys_freed = 0; for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) { long bestval = 0; /* just to prevent warning */ sds bestkey = NULL; struct dictEntry *de; redisDb *db = server.db+j; dict *dict; if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_LRU server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_RANDOM) { dict = server.db[j].dict; } else { dict = server.db[j].expires; } if (dictSize(dict) == 0) continue; /* volatile-random and allkeys-random policy */ if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_RANDOM server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_RANDOM) { de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); bestkey = dictGetEntryKey(de); }//如果是random delete,则从dict中随机选一个key /* volatile-lru and allkeys-lru policy */ else if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_ALLKEYS_LRU server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU) { for (k = 0; k < server.maxmemory_samples; k++) { sds thiskey; long thisval; robj *o; de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); thiskey = dictGetEntryKey(de); /* When policy is volatile-lru we need an additonal lookup * to locate the real key, as dict is set to db->expires. */ if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU) de = dictFind(db->dict, thiskey); //因为dict->expires维护的数据结构里并没有记录该key的最后访问时间 o = dictGetEntryVal(de); thisval = estimateObjectIdleTime(o); /* Higher idle time is better candidate for deletion */ if (bestkey == NULL thisval > bestval) { bestkey = thiskey; bestval = thisval; } }//为了减少运算量,redis的lru算法和expire淘汰算法一样,都是非最优解,lru算法是在相应的dict中,选择maxmemory_samples(默认设置是3)份key,挑选其中lru的,进行淘汰 } /* volatile-ttl */ else if (server.maxmemory_policy == REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_TTL) { for (k = 0; k < server.maxmemory_samples; k++) { sds thiskey; long thisval; de = dictGetRandomKey(dict); thiskey = dictGetEntryKey(de); thisval = (long) dictGetEntryVal(de); /* Expire sooner (minor expire unix timestamp) is better * candidate for deletion */ if (bestkey == NULL thisval < bestval) { bestkey = thiskey; bestval = thisval; } }//注意ttl实现和上边一样,都是挑选出maxmemory_samples份进行挑选 } /* Finally remove the selected key. */ if (bestkey) { long long delta; robj *keyobj = createStringObject(bestkey,sdslen(bestkey)); propagateExpire(db,keyobj); //将del命令扩散给slaves /* We compute the amount of memory freed by dbDelete() alone. * It is possible that actually the memory needed to propagate * the DEL in AOF and replication link is greater than the one * we are freeing removing the key, but we can"t account for * that otherwise we would never exit the loop. * * AOF and Output buffer memory will be freed eventually so * we only care about memory used by the key space. */ delta = (long long) zmalloc_used_memory(); dbDelete(db,keyobj); delta -= (long long) zmalloc_used_memory(); mem_freed += delta; server.stat_evictedkeys++; decrRefCount(keyobj); keys_freed++; /* When the memory to free starts to be big enough, we may * start spending so much time here that is impossible to * deliver data to the slaves fast enough, so we force the * transmission here inside the loop. */ if (slaves) flushSlavesOutputBuffers(); } }//在所有的db中遍历一遍,然后判断删除的key释放的空间是否足够 if (!keys_freed) return REDIS_ERR; /* nothing to free... */ } return REDIS_OK; } 注意,此函数是在执行特定命令之前进行调用的,并且在当前占用内存低于限制后即返回OK。因此可能在后续执行命令后,redis占用的内存就超过了maxmemory的限制。因此,maxmemory是redis执行命令所需保证的最大内存占用,而非redis实际的最大内存占用。(在不考虑slave buffer和aof buffer的前提下)

Owning slaves was “like having a large bank account”... 这个句子中的like作介词,

是的like为介词,having...account为like的宾语, like having...account 为was的表语。

如何解决OOM command not allowed when used memory gt

求翻译Lincoln was the US president who set the slaves free



1、ECO:Engineer Change Order即工程变更命令。当发现工程资料有问题时工程部发出的变更指令。2、ECR:Engineer Change Request即工程变更请求。当发现工程资料有问题时生产部门等向工程发出的资料变更请求。当工程部同意后,工程部会发出ECO同意变更。3、PEN:Professional Executive Network即专业人士。4、PCN:Process Change Notification即工艺变更通知。5、MPL:Mozilla Public License即软件许可证,是1998年初Netscape的 Mozilla小组为其开源软件项目设计的软件许可证。MPL许可证出现的最重要原因就是,Netscape公司认为GPL许可证没有很好地平衡开发者对源代码的需求和他们利用源代码获得的利益。6、SOP:Standard Operation Procedure即标准作业指导书。品质主要指定型的科学技术内在信息状态,作为企业要素的人力、人才、产品、服务等,都必须借助科学技术手段,不断的提升其内在的科技内涵,进行必要的信息化披露,准备接受质量标准的衡量和评测。具体而言,产品品质是指产品所具备的一种或几种为达到客户满意所具备的固有特性。扩展资料:品质管理的方法:1、掌握5M1E的品质变异要素;2、运用QC—STORY解决品质问题;3、SQC统计技术的应用;4、QC七大手法;5、其他常用品质管理方法:①实验计划;②抽样计划;③SPC统计制程管制(Statistical Process Control)④APQP,即先期质量策划,真正意义上的做到源流质量管理。参考资料:百度百科——品质管理

the South could not afford to part with its slaves帮忙翻译下



absolve 有赦免,宽恕,开脱的意思,一般搭配罪行,罪责remit 有汇款,职权,免除,宽恕的意思,一般指免除债务或者刑期condone 有容忍,宽恕,原谅的意思,一般搭配某种不良的行为或者习惯release 有释放,发布,发行的意思 作释放解释一般搭配气体释放,或者刑满释放acquit 是宣判无罪,付清,还清的意思望采纳,谢谢

请问为……提供膳宿 是provide accommodation for还是make accommodations for?谢谢

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