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【Wait for the wizard to complete his mediation】【等那个巫师完成冥想】===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

请问perfect competition ,monopolistic competition,m

perfect competition(PC)是自由贸易,也就是所有的交易都是市场来决定的,比如价钱和生产量monopoly(M)是垄断,也就是整个市场中只有一个producer(生产者),所以价钱和生产量是由这个生产者决定的PC的生产者们进入和离开市场都是很自由的,在PC里面会有很多很多生产者(也就是公司),但是他们都生产相同或者相似的产品。M则相反。PC和M的demand-supply图就不一样。monopolistic competition和oligopoly都介于两者之间oligopoly就是只有几个producermonopolistic competition嚒就是进出市场并不是自由的学经济么?希望能帮到你哟~

complete the puzzle的汉意是什么


从源码的角度分析vue computed的依赖搜集

vue 源码版本是2.6.12 很多介绍vue源码的文章对computed怎么计算值讲的很清楚,但是对computed 怎么搜集到依赖它的视图渲染watcher,以及怎么去通知对应的渲染watcher去更新讲解的很模糊或者干脆一笔带过。这篇文章主要讲解——computed watcher是怎么搜集到订阅它的渲染watcher。 文件在src/core/instance/state.js 当组件读取computed a的值的时候会执行 computedGetter函数,先是通过 计算出computed函数的值,然后通过 进行依赖搜集。 Dep.target指向当前组件的渲染watcher,进入watcher.depend()看看是怎么进行依赖搜集的 文件位于 src/core/observer/watcher.js 第一个问题:this.deps的赋值 是在cleanupDeps函数中执行this.deps = this.newDeps,所以要看cleanupDeps在哪里被调用的,以及this.newDeps中的值是哪里产生的 get函数是在computed 通过watcher.evaluate()计算值的时候被调用的,讲解下这个函数的核心操作 这个this是计算属性的watcher,调用dep.js中的 作用是放到栈顶,同时将计算属性的watcher赋值给Dep.taget 会调用 计算属性a的函数 由于引用到了i,所以会触发i的get 函数,就会调用dep.depend(),实际上是i的依赖搜集,这里的dep对象属于i dep.depend() 位于src/core/observer/dep.js 这里的Dep.target就是上面保存的computed watcher实例,会执行watcher中的addDep,这里的this就是i的dep实例 文件位于 src/core/observer/watcher.js 做了两件事 把栈顶的watcher弹出,改变Dep.target的指向,此时指向组件的渲染watcher 这一步就是 将this.newDeps的值赋给this.deps,此时this.deps中的数组中的对象其实就是i的dep实例 再回到 watcher.depend() this.deps[i].depend() 这里就是执行 此时Dep.target是组件的渲染watcher,所以实现的逻辑是组件渲染watcher调用addDep(this),其实就是持有i的dep,最终被i搜集到依赖。 转了这么大一圈,实际上是为了让组件的watcher被计算属性中引用的data变量搜集到,这也不难理解,既然组件依赖computed的变化,当然也依赖computed中的值的变化,示例中computed中的值变化来自于i的变化,所以当i变化时,就让去通知计算属性的watcher去重新计算,通知组件watcher重新渲染。 对于data中变量的响应式原理和依赖搜集、派发更新可以参考我的这篇文章 从源码的角度分析Vue视图更新和nexttick机制 参考:


原作:榊一郎“萌萌侵略者 OUTBREAK COMPANY”(讲谈社轻小说文库刊) 原作插画、角色原案:Yuugen 监督:及川启 系列构成:荒川稔久 角色设计:豆冢隆 主动画师:枡田邦彰、清水祐实、村山公辅、山崎正和 色彩设计:岩井田洋 美术监督:池之上由纪 摄影监督:中村雄太 编辑:平木大辅 音响监督:榎本崇宏 音乐:井内启二 音乐制作:波丽佳音 制片人:田中润一朗、高取昌史、有本充利、新宿五郎、相田武一郎、川崎とも子 动画制作人:泷崎诚 动画制作:feel. 制作:OBC制作委员会、TBS


加纳慎一声优:花江夏树本作的主人公,因向青梅竹马表白后被拒绝,使他不再上学,而在高中入学之后为了摆脱一直以来的家里蹲模式的生活而选择了开始就职工作。就职的结果不知为何竟然变成了:在与日本相连的奇幻世界“神圣艾尔当特帝国”中,宣传OTAKU文化——这样的一份工作。从自家的警卫变成安缪特克的负责人。是一个真挚对待自己的嗜好的忠实“死宅”。 缪雪儿·佛兰(ミュセルu30fbフォアラン)声优:三森铃子女主角之一,半精灵女仆。在异世界是被歧视的种族,学习能力超强,各种家务万能,但是是天然呆的属性,待人友善,慎一写了一张五十音表给她后,每晚自己学习,再经过慎一的教导,很快就到达了日常沟通的地步,在第一卷末为佩特菈卡挡了一刀,在经过最高级的冶疗后康复。因慎一的温柔,所以喜欢加纳慎一。 佩特菈卡·安·艾尔丹特三世(ペトラルカu30fbアンu30fbエルダント三世)声优:渕上舞女主角之一,神圣艾尔当特帝国的皇帝。由于接近她的人一直都是为了利益,所以对人不是太信任,而慎一是第一个对佩特菈卡真心的朋友,所以佩特菈卡十分喜欢他,并让慎一让她学习日语,特别在意慎一身边的女孩跟他有暧昧举动,因为缪雪儿和慎一的亲密关系,经常吃醋,是个傲娇。 古贺沼美埜里声优:内田真礼是陆上自卫队一等陆士,负责担当慎一的护卫。与慎一同样是御宅族,并且是名腐女,会在脑内妄想慎一与迦流士间的感情交流。 艾儿比娅u30fb哈娜伊蔓(エルビアu30fbハーナイマン)声优:上坂堇狼女,男主角御用画师  加纳紫月加纳慎一的妹妹,拽的不行,看到哥哥就像看到臭虫一样讨厌,反抗父母且讨厌御宅族,加纳慎一认为根本是把那些无法对父母表达的厌恶,一股脑发泄在他身上。 的场甚三郎声优:藤原启治外表和善,实际上城府很深的大叔,负责面试主角及公司实际上和异世界的中间担当者。 迦流士·恩·克德巴尔(ガリウスu30fbエンu30fbコルドバル)声优:三木真一郎三世的武官,持有单手剑,应该是一个用剑高手,经常向古贺借BL书,是一个总受。 札哈尔宰相(ザハール宰相)声优:一条和矢三世的文官,态度和蔼,拯(挽)救(救)局(公)面(主)能(形)力(象)一流。曾经穿上男主的衣服伪装过男主。

向各位英语高手求关于Computer game 的英语短文,高分,在线等,

counter striker

什么是spin-off company?

spin-off company 是指剥离公司指一个大公司把它的某一个部门分离出来,使之成为一个独立的公司。

牛津高阶英汉双解词典上说sincere " no comparative " ,网上又说sincere的比较

我查到的情况也是如此。除了牛津高阶特别指出sincere没有比较级,其他几个我查的辞典Longman, Cambridge, MacMillan并没有特别指出,但也查不到sincerer。 而"the free dictionary"上标注了比较级: " adj. sin·cer·er, sin·cer·est"国外论坛的看法是,比较级的sincerer非常罕见:" I never hear sincerer”"Sincerest" is commonly used, though not "sincerer". 我的看法是,尽量避免使用sincerer,牛津高阶应该是规范英语的代表,如果它特别指出没有比较级,哪怕网上有这种用法,我们也应当慎用。

portion component sector division

4 分公司使用portion的场合,一般与各方分享(或分担)某事物有关,强调各方各占一部分。I accept my portion of the blame.我接受我应负的那份责任。component的前缀com-是使成一体的意思,由此可以推测它所表示的“成分”是构成整体的一个有机部分,不可分割的、融入整体的一部分。这个词指组成某事物的组成部分,如汽车的零件、机床的部件。division是divide(分开)的名词形式,所以这个词做组成部分讲时,也含有把原事物分成多少份的意思,也就是该事物事先已经分成了这些部分,各自可以独立发挥作用,而不像component那样只能在整体中起作用。the bank"s Latin American division.银行的拉美分部。


Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively, as in a sports team. Large ambitious goals usually require that people work together, so teamwork has bee an important concept in anizations. Effective teams are an intermediary goal towards getting good, sustainable results. Industry has seen increasing efforts through training and cross-training to help people to work together more effectively and to acplish shared goals, whether colleagues are present or absent. The old structures are being reformed. As anizations seek to bee more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers, they are experimenting with new, team-based structures. (Jackson & Ruderman, 1996) Team Player A 2003 national representative survey, HOW-FAIR [1], revealed that Americ think that "being a team player" was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors, including "merit and performance", "leadership skills", "intelligence", "making money for the anization" and "long hours". The meaning of being a team player has been reevaluated, though, by those that *** yze workplace dynamics through the lens of racial, cultural and gender diversity. In this view, evaluating employees on being a team player may sometimes be a shortcut to imposing the default cultural norms. People who behave outside of the implicit and default norms may be perceived not to be team players. Implicit and default norms often include unwritten, unspoken cultural norms. It is the difference beeen individuation, maintaining a sense of self and identity in an anization, and losing the self in the anization. Skills needed for teamwork Aside from any required technical proficiency, a wide variety of social skills are desirable for successful teamwork, including: Listening - it is important to listen to other people"s ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas. Questioning - it is important to ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the team. Persuading - individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas. Respecting - it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas. Helping - it is crucial to help one"s coworkers, which is the general theme of teamwork. Sharing - it is important to share with the team to create an environment of teamwork. Participating - all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team. team work is the key to a win in a game team is like a beam, that can se seen, from even the very far gleam. Team development The forming-storming-norming-performing model takes the team through four stages of team development and maps quite well on to many project management life cycle models, such as initiation - definition - planning - realisation. As teams grow larger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressed freely. Managers must use these to create or maintain a spirit of teamwork change. The intimacy of a *** all group is lost, and the opportunity for misinformation and disruptive rumors grows. Managers find that munication methods that once worked well are impractical with so many people to lead. Specifically, leaders might encounter difficulties based on Daglow"s Law of Team Dynamics: "Small teams are informed. Big teams infer.",团结就是POWER,

sourcing company是什么意思


长句翻译: I left the company in 1994...

参考:1994年我离开了公司,假设比尔已经完全忘记了我,直到我注意到一个简短的比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)在《华尔街日报》的采访中,他提到,几乎是顺便,这本书的难度是招募,说,一个好的项目经理Excel。他们不只是长在树上,别的什么,或其他诸如此类的东西

ACCA里哪种收益是计入other comprehensive income的,按IAS准则。

6种。Foreign excahge gains and losses arrising on translation of foreign operation.(IAS21).Effective parts of CF hedging arrangement(IFRS9)Remeasurement of investment in debt instruments that are classified as FV through OCI(IFRS9)Changed in revaluation surplus of PPE will not be reclassified to P/L(IAS16&38)Remeasurement components on defined benefit plans will not be reclassified to P/L(IAS 19)Remeasurement of investment in equity instrument that are classified as FV through OCI will not be reclassified to P/L(IFRS9)属于其他综合收益的情况包括以下情况:一是以公允价值计量且其变动计入其他综合收益的金融资产。也包括将持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产时,重分类日公允价值与账面余额的差额计入“其他综合收益”的部分。以及将可供出售金融资产重分类为采用成本或摊余成本计量的金融资产的,对于原记入资本公积的相关金额进行摊销或于处置时转出导致的其他资本公积的减少。二是确认按照权益法核算的在被投资单位其他综合收益中所享有的份额导致的其他资本公积的增加或减少。这里需区分两种情况:(1)对合营联营企业投资,采用权益法核算确认的被投资单位除净损益以外所有者权益的其他变动,导致的其他综合收益的增加,不是资本交易,是持有利得。因此,不论是在投资单位的个别报表还是合并报表,均应归属于其他综合收益。(2)对子公司投资,在编制合并报表时,只有因子公司的其他综合收益而在合并报表中按权益法确认的其他资本公积和少数股东权益的变动才是其他综合收益,子公司因权益性交易导致的资本公积或留存收益的变动使得合并报表按权益法相应确认的其他资本公积和少数股东权益的变动不是其他综合收益。三是计入其他资本公积的现金流量套期工具利得或损失中属于有效套期的部分,以及其后续的转出。四是境外经营外币报表折算差额的增加或减少。五是与计入其他综合收益项目相关的所得税影响。针对不确认为当期损益而直接计入所有者权益的所得税影响。其他。如:(1)自用房地产或存货转换为采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产,转换当日的公允价值大于原账面价值,其差额计入所有者权益导致的其他资本公积的增加,及处置时的转出。(2)计入其他资本公积的,满足运用套期会计方法条件的境外经营净投资套期产生的利得或损失中有效套期的部分,以及其后续的转出。

WIP Completion是什么意思?


开头是Josh was 12 when his parents bought him a computer for his room完形填空答案


complete absolute thorough有什么区别?

A.complete= 完全perfect= 完美absolute=绝对thorough=完整

3 Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? Due to the fierce competition in modern so

People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on and so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetable and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it"s not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day"s hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent---at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present. But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think:” I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me a breakfast and dinner every day?” And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: “I can take care of myself, at least I don"t really need someone prepare me dinner!” Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people"s life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.

公司产品可以直接翻译成英文 Company Product

公司产品 Company Product 可以 公司主要产品 Company Main Products 比如: “Company Products” means the products listed in Schedule 2 hereto. “公司产品”是指在本协议附件二中所列的产品.

Something In The Water ( Does Not Compute ) (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Something In The Water ( Does Not Compute ) (Lp Version)歌手:Prince专辑:1999JoJo - Something In The WaterWhat am I doing?Watchin" all his movementsPullin" apart everything that he"s doingWhat is the reason at switchin" up free stuffLike I"m held up by the policeI need freedomAnd I"m just not myselfNeed control, cause I just don"t have any leftOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me outCause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeel like I"m drowningDon"t drink the waterJust put your glasses downCause there"s something in the waterThis isn"t like meI really don"t like thisSomebody must"ve taken my Fiji and spiked itFish outta waterI"m pushin" ya fartherHe calls, I act like I don"t wanna be botheredBut I can"t help myselfI"m in deep, feel like I"m runnin" out of breathOnly way to explain itThe water is taintedThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeels like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the waterThere"s something in the waterSomebody help me out"Cause there"s something in my systemThe doctors haven"t foundBut I know it"s thereDamn it I know it"s thereI really want himIt"s gettin" strongerFeelin" like I"m drownin"Don"t drink the waterJust put your glasses down"Cause there"s something in the water

quantum computing是什么意思

quantum computing量子计算;量子运算;昆腾计算双语例句1. Solid state systems seem to be good candidates for quantum computing implementations. 固态纳米结构是实现量子计算的热门候选系统.2. Quantum computing will be strictly mainframe for the foreseeable future. 确切地说,量子运算处理在可预见的未来将会是台大型机.3. One branch of the field is quantum computing. 该领域的一个分支就叫做量子计算.4. His research interests include analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, cryptography and quantum computing. 他的研究方向包括算法分析 、 计算的复杂性, 以及密码和量子计算等.5. The Yale team asserts that its hulking size is an advantage over other quantum computing designs. 耶鲁团队断言说,巨大的尺寸对于量子计算机设计将是一个优势.

Who is Ivan Strand?A.A poetB.A lecturerC.A sales managerD.A company president

【答案】:B解析:这段话在介绍邀请的嘉宾,通过最后一句话It"s my pleasure now to welcome Mr. Ivan Strand.可以得知Ivan Strand是邀请的嘉宾。通过This man is…frequently lectures at universities…这句话也可以推知Ivan Strand是演讲者。

offshore company是什么意思


totally and completely的用法


This question is ______ easy. A) extremely B) completely C) totally D) highly


Roaming底下的apple computer可以删不啊。。。 我都崩溃了!21+G。。。。。





我今天找了很多方法都没用,都说的莫名其妙的,最后终于解决了,游戏本身_CommonRedist——vcredist———2012——X64 运行一下。这个是简单又能解决问题,不知其然,不知其所以然。祝好运!

求近义单词辨析compress condense contract shrink

都有使变小的含义 但是具体含义不同compress压缩condense(密度)大contract这个是合同的意思,同时也有压缩/简约的意思shrink缩小(字面意义)

unreal C++获得 actor 以及component

1:获得场景里的actor 2:获得场景里直接拖到actor上面的actor 3:获得actor上面的component 通过类型 4:获得actor上面的component 通过class 5:获得actor上面的component 通过class(所有这个类型的component)比上面的方法多了一个s 6:获得actor上面的root component 下面的所有component //不常用 7:获得actor上面的UChildComponent 上面的actor //不常用 8:AActor 类里 有一个Children 属性,这个是服务器用来复制网络消息的,客户端一般用不到

求题目为 my favorite computer game 的一分钟短文,写穿越火线的,急急急啊!!!

To cross the line, english is a cf crossfire short, is a game in just entered a cf, the system will give you 5000gp, the role and rifles, grenades, you"re not familiar with the case, need to enter the camp. after training, you can become a true "military", "battlefield" 杀敌 is your duty. a chemical pattern, the messiah model, type, model, team broke through the spectre of modes, challenge, after the game mode


LUGGAGE COMP OPEN行李托运开luggage[英][u02c8lu028cgu026adu0292][美][u02c8lu028cɡu026adu0292]n.<英>行李; <美>皮箱; 例句:1.My ipad and light carry-on luggage. 我的ipad和轻便手提行李。

keep his company occupied 应该点译?

1. pany 的意思要看上下文.有可能是"公司"也有可能是"朋友们". 2. 所以整句的意思可能是: 保持他的公司一直忙碌(有事可以做). 让他的朋友们有事可忙(所以不来打扰他) 例子们: A) That project will keep his pany occupied for a while. B) The super bowl game will keep his pany occupied to allow him a little privacy. His pany :应可译为他的同伴(幽默时宠物、玩具都可为同伴). Occupied :过去分词就是有被的涵意,意为被占领、被拥有. 思想转个小弯,比如说两个人你靠我,我靠你。原先可能有的问题不是都解决了吗? 再比如说,你在忙煮饭、你唯一的小孩要你抱,你就塞一堆玩具给他,这不是keep him occupied (如下文)? 那你的问题也解决了。 Yahoo international 有类似发问如下: Q1. How can i keep my 14 month old occupied all day? A1. i am a stay at home momma and my problem is keeping my son occupied all day and i cant drive to take him to do things like zoo mall etc my hu *** and works 12 hours a day 7 days a week hes r only way of getting out while hes gone i cant seem to keep my son entertained all day we go on walks to park on nice days i bought a baby pool but its been raining the last couple days and ive ran out of indoor play ideas any suggestions would be great he seems to get bored and me to.(原文照抄 - 感觉上漏字不少) Q2. Is it okay to give my puppy a toy while away at work to keep him occupied? I am getting a French Mastiff in a few weeks and when I go to work I want to know if it oaky to give him a toy or bone or anything to keep him occupied/to play with while I am away? I have been reading and they need a lot of attention throughout the day if i can"t get anyone to take for potty break(夜壶–但有时会取代一般的尿尿 - 美式幽默) or to play with him(狗) what is the best thing to do for him? Q3. My dog is a hyper low energy dog what breeds(类似的狗) would keep him (他不是人 – 是狗) pany(有伴)? A3. Best Answer: I would remend getting another *** all dog. Maybe another Chihuahua or Schipperke or a Cocker Spaniel or something. Whatever you get get it as a puppy so it can grow up with the other dog as both Chihuahuas and Schipperkes are strong-willed.

求介绍进口MVR(Mechanical Vapor Recompression)压缩机的品牌


请问加拿大技术移民0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers具体指什么职位?工作经验怎么证明?




ultime complete skincare

1一个彻底的高浓缩维他命C的肌肤关怀 2维他命乳液 3淡的调色剂

如何启用basic compression

Oracle提供了一下几种类型的表压缩方法:1、Basic Compression:压缩等级High,CPU开销较小2、OLTP Compression:压缩等级High,CPU开销较小3、Warehouse Compression:压缩等级Higher,CPU开销较大(取决于压缩参数是Low还是High,默认是HIGH)4、Archive Compression:压缩等级Highest,CPU开销很大(取决于压缩参数是Low还是High,默认是LOW)当使用Basic Compression,warehouseCompression,Archive Compression类型的压缩时,尽在发生批量数据导入时才会执行压缩。OLTP Compression被用于联机事务处理系统,可以对任意的SQL操作执行数据压缩。Warehouse Compression和Archive Compression可以获得很高的压缩等级,因为它们采用了Hybrid Columnar(混合列)压缩技术,Hybrid Columnar采用一种改良的列的存储形式替代一行为主的存储形式。Hybird Columnar技术允许将相同的数据存储在一起,提高了压缩算法的效率。当使用混合列压缩算法时,将导致更多的CPU开销,因此这种压缩技术适用于更新不频繁的数据。之前未压缩的表可以通过alter table ... compression ... 语句进行压缩。在这种情况下,压缩启用前的记录不会被压缩,只有新插入或更新的数据才会进行压缩。同样,通过alter table ... nocompression ...语句解除对一个表的压缩,表内已压缩的数据还会继续保持压缩的状态,新插入的数据就不再被压缩。表压缩语法:CREATE TABLE table_name (column_defination...)COMPRESS FOR [OLTP]|[QUERY|ARCHIVE[LOW|HIGH]];ALTER TABLE table_name COMPRESS FOR [OLTP]|[QUERY|ARCHIVE [LOW|HIGH]];

运行游戏时提示scenario file requires code page 950,the current code page(ACP) in this comp,怎么办?


MPU-401 Comptible MIDI Device


ponent作为词根的意思 像在opponent component 中

ponent 西方的opponent[u0259"pu0259u028anu0259nt]n. 对手;反对者;敌手adj. 对立的;敌对的component[ku0259m"pu0259u028anu0259nt]adj. 组成的,构成的希望可以帮助到您

ponent作为词根的意思 像在opponent component 中

ponent 西方的 opponent[u0259"pu0259u028anu0259nt] n.对手;反对者;敌手 adj.对立的;敌对的 component[ku0259m"pu0259u028anu0259nt] adj.组成的,构成的 希望可以帮助到您

opponent rival competitor三者有什么区别? 有把握者回答,其他免进,

opponent 在争论、辩论、战争、对抗,政治中持相反意见的人 competitor比赛或竞赛中的其他竞争者 rival大范畴的竞争,行业竞争,国家竞争.


competitor One that competes with another, as in sports or business; a rival.竞争者:指与他人竞争的人,如在体育或商业上;对手opponent One that opposes another or others in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate.对手:在争论、辩论、战争、对抗或其它口头论战中反对对方或其他人的人


区别如下:1、opponent:对手。泛指在战争或论战中不支持对方的人,可简单的认为是后二者的综合。 a political (...) opponent; an opponent of a war(...).2、enemy:敌人。泛指战争双方;暗指决不会妥协、不是你死就是我死的完全对立的关系。 The enemies of our enemies are our friends.3、competitor:竞争者,对手,敌人。泛指竞技性体育中的参赛选手;或者商业活动中争夺资源的双方;亦可指为了一个共同目标进行角逐的人,比如:总统竞选。 Over 30,000 competitors will run in the New York marathon.

这句话怎么理解:Exactly what he thought he would accomplish is unclear.

Exactly what he thought he would accomplish isunclear.他认为他到底要完成什么任务是不清楚的。



CS作图中用到的 LynxCompile.exe 是一款什么样的软件?干嘛用的?

Lynx::Compile是由某CS地图爱好者使用VB6制作的*HL专用*仿X-man超级编译器编译外壳,与X-man超级编译器相比增加了一些人性化功能。基于.NET Framework 4.0版本的Lynx::Compile 2制作中,目前状态是*坑*。目前最新版本为1.1.27··主要功能:·编译CS地图,嗯嗯,还能打包wad文件呢。·LOG文件分析,生成错误列表方便处理。·RMF转MAP,BSP反编译,RES文件自动分析生成。呵呵这是转发······

Max compute支持NVL吗


英文口语 关于Compromise(妥协)

when we come to compromise, the first word comes into our mind is its antonym "forthrightness" i gusee. Beause for our part, compromise is tantamount to yeilding and surrendering or so something nagetive in some consevative views. On the contrary, forthrightness have lots of positive meaning in our opinion. However, what i want to talk about today is the necessity and importance of compromise. First all, as we know team-work is inevitalbe in our information age. Of course we can"t deny that forthrightness is essential, but we should not insist on only one two ideas all the time. we should reach a consensus in difference so that we should listen to others and weigh all-sides opinions before we make the ultimate decision.Secondly, as an asocial young person, we have to compromise to some wise elders who have enough social experience. Because isolated from society by school, we can"t deal relationship with others properly. We should seek our parents or teachers for help. Although you may disagree with something what they tell you and you even want to resist, please hold on and compromise. Because they give you advice in terms of your benefits. To sum up, compromise is necessary in some consideration, we should deal with the relationship between compromise and forthrightness properly. Only in this way can we succeed.

mead & company是什么

最佳答案 - 由投票者2007-07-05 20:22:16选出 出现这个一般是装了一下三个程序的一个或几个: 1、Neptune - Netscape类 浏览器 上的IE插件,相当于Firefox中的ietab。 2、ScriptX - 简单来说就是打印控制。通过IE来提供从 服务器 端到客户端文档打印的 绝对控制 。 3、Zeepe - 一个RIA(rich internet application)的开放 框架

Mead & Company是什么东西(软件)??

出现这个一般是装了一下三个程序的一个或几个:1、Neptune - Netscape类浏览器上的IE插件,相当于Firefox中的ietab。 2、ScriptX - 简单来说就是打印控制。通过IE来提供从服务器端到客户端文档打印的。 3、Zeepe - 一个RIA(rich internet application)的开放框架。 可以使用killbox删除

Mead & Company是什么东西


vue-upload-component 上传文件及图片

演示: 地址:

请帮忙翻译this is a uk-based car loan and car finance company.其中loan和finance的区别

这是一家总部在英国的汽车贷款和汽车金融公司。LOAN 指贷款,这是银行发出但必须归还的一种FINANCE是融资,他可以说是现在人们常用的资金信贷,比如我们说月供汽车,这个总资金有在,但是他们发放的贷款是融资型的,不用再特意归还,而以其他方式进行信用托负,您觉得呢!

求To Cyriack Skinner 和Composed Upon Westminster Bridge的英文翻译~~谢谢了!


请问一下这是一什么机器?说是破碎机,英文名称是plate compactor.好像是做建筑材料,用来捣碎材料的机器


resident company是什么意思

resident company常驻公司双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 居民公司例句:1.Us resident co-investors in a family-owned company run through the office may alsoforce it to register. 一个通过理财办公室经营的家族企业若有共同投资者在美国定居,也可能迫使该理财办公室进行登记。

race、 game、 match、 competition、 contest的区别是什么?

一、race、game、match、competition、contest的区别1、意思不同“race”意思是:n. 属,人种,家庭,赛事;vt. 使参加比赛;vi. 参加竞赛,全速行进“game”意思是:n. 游戏,比赛;adj. 勇敢的;vi. 赌博“match”意思是:n. 火柴,比赛,竞赛,匹配,婚姻;v. 相配,相称“competition”意思是:n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛“contest”意思是:n. 比赛,争论;v.竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳2、词性不同race:可作名词、及物动词和不及物动词。game:可作名词、形容词和不及物动词。match:可作名词和动词。competition:只可作名词。contest:可作名词和动词。二、race、game、match、competition、contest的用法1、race通常在句子中用作谓语,放在主语或宾语之后。例句:We raced them to the summit.译文:我们和他们一路赛跑到最高点。2、game通常在句子中用作宾语。例句:It was the first game of the season.译文:那是本赛季的第一场比赛。3、match通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.译文:这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。4、competition通常在句子中用作主语或宾语。例句:There"s been some fierce competition for the title.译文:已有一些为此头衔的激烈竞争。5、contest通常在句子中用作谓语或宾语。例句:He quickly won his party"s nomination to contest the elections.译文:他迅速赢得了其党派的提名来参加竞选。

non Compliance Penalty 在合同中的条款,怎样翻译更精确


急!!!填英文表格中education里大学一栏的years completed 是已学的年数还是总学制?



gjx bk hllhllc


比赛的英语是competition。一、短语搭配:1、market competition:市场竞争。2、fierce competition:激烈的竞争。3、intense competition:激烈的竞争。4、fair competition:公平竞争。5、price competition:价格竞争。6、keen competition:剧烈竞争。7、design competition:设计大赛。二、近义词辨析:competition,contest,match,这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛;contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争;match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。词形变化:过去式:competed,eg:They competed against each other in business.(他们是生意场上的对手。)过去分词:competed,eg:Liu had competed in the biennial indoor athletics tournament for three times.(刘翔已经三次参加两年一届的室内田径锦标赛。)现在分词:competing,eg:Several companies are competing for the contract. (为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。)动词:compete,eg:He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon. (他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。)competition例句:1、He wants to take part in the competition by himself.他想独自参加比赛。2、Furniture-makers in Italy grapple with growing competition from China.来自中国的竞争日益强大,意大利家俱制造商奋力抗争。3、He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race.他与十个人竞争,所以他确实跑得不错,才赢得了这场赛跑。4、The price competition studies is one of pricing influence factors.价格竞争是研究定价的影响因素之一。5、She was barred from (entering) the competition because of her age她因年龄的关系而被禁止(参加)比赛。6、Her singing during the final round of the competition was rather flat.她在最后一轮比赛中用的降调演唱。7、The prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.比赛获胜者的奖品是在巴黎度过为期两周的假期。8、The TV was playing the track and field competition of the Olympic Games.电视机前展示的是奥运会田径赛场。

戴尔电脑出现check for viruses on your computer. ,难以解决

戴尔电脑出现check for viruses on your computer. ,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。 打开BIOS是为了用光盘安装系统设置光驱启动的,如果您不是重装,打开这个BIOS是没用的,因为卡死机引起的不能开机,不是设置问题引起的,所以进入BIOS是没有用的。

check for viruses on your computer

0X0000007B 这个代码和硬盘有关系,不过不用害怕,不是有坏道了,是设置问题或者病毒造成的硬盘引导分区错误。 如果您在用原版系统盘安装系统的时候出这个问题,那说明您的机器配置还是比较新的,作为老的系统盘,不认这么新的硬盘接口,所以得进BIOS把硬盘模式改成IDE兼容模式。当然了,现在人们都用ghost版的操作系统,比较新的ghost盘是不存在这个问题的。 如果您的操作系统使用了一段时间了,突然有一天出现这个问题了,那么对不起,病毒造成的,开机按F8,选择最后一次正确的配置,恢复不到正常模式的话那么请重新做系统吧。

蓝屏check for viruses on your computer怎么解决?


电视蓝屏,check for viruses on your computer.


电视蓝屏,check for viruses on your computer.

可以通过更改硬盘工作方式来解决蓝屏check for viruses on your computer的问题。具体步骤如下:1、开机时,按F2进入BIOS的主界面。2、在BIOS的主界面,把硬盘工作方式更改为ATA(或IDE)模式。3、更改好硬盘工作方式后进入系统,运行regedit 。4、在运行regedit后的界面中,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR。5、在USBSTOR文件夹中,找到并右键单击“Start”。6、在“Start”的“数值数据”选项框中,输入“0”并点击“确定”。7、最后,重启电脑即可解决蓝屏check for viruses on your computer的问题。

电脑不能重装系统,安装系统盘准备时出现蓝屏,然后出现以下字:check for viruses on your computer.remo


电脑蓝屏 有check for viruses on your computer.字符出现


complete the crossword whit the answers you get是什么意思*


请问 Microsoft Windows Application Compatibility Database 是个什麼东东?


英语四级完型:It is the species-typical behavior that sets humans completely _______

选A~~ set apart的意思1. 分开放, 隔离开2. 留出, 拨出3. 突出, 区别在这里应该是“区别”的意思

谁能详细介绍下万宝路香烟的marketing environment,consumer analysis and competitor analysis?重赏

Marlboro!这是一句英文的缩写 Men Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only 男人总是因为浪漫才记得爱情 其实这个就是强调说 男人是忘不了女人的爱哦!! 这个名字的由来也是有历史背景的20世纪20年代的美国,被称为“迷惘的时代”。经过第一次世界大战的冲击,许多青年都自认为受到了战争的创伤,并且认为只有拼命享乐才能将这种创伤冲淡。他们或在爵士乐的包围中尖声大叫,或沉浸在香烟的烟雾缭绕当中。无论男女,他(她)们嘴上都会异常悠闲雅致地衔着一支香烟。妇女们愈加注意起自己的红嘴,她们精心地化妆,与一个男人又一个男人“伤心欲绝”地谈恋爱;她们挑剔衣饰颜色,感慨红颜易老,时光匆匆。妇女是爱美的天使,社会的宠儿,她们抱怨白色的香烟嘴常沾染了她们的唇膏。于是“万宝路” 出世了。“万宝路” 这个名字也是针对当时的社会风气而定的。“MARLBORO”其实是“Man Always Remember Lovely Because Of Romantic Only”的缩写,意为“男人们总是忘不了女人的爱”。其广告口号是“像五月的天气一样温和”。用意在于争当女性烟民的“红颜知己”。 后来万宝路改变了其市场定位 转为男性 广告做得也很狂野!!万宝路”在烟领域现在为当今世界第一品牌。本人也蛮欣赏这个牌子的!!


squeeze指外在的力量作用于物体上,力量可来自各个方面。例:Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.捏紧海绵,把水挤出来。compress指把某些东西压在一起或使占有较小空间。

求beautiful lies和其演唱者B-Complex的资料

这种独立音乐人的介绍网上很少的。这个是myspace上的主页:的一篇采访:帮你翻译了前三个问题,后面的问题是关于他现在的工作的,有兴趣你可以再去看看。请你自我介绍一下。我叫Matus Lenicky,艺名叫B-Complex,但我朋友都叫我Mato。我来自斯洛伐克的首都布拉迪斯拉发。我小时候就很喜欢音乐了,最初喜欢上音乐,也就是在96年我12岁的时候。当我那时候接触到Fast tracker(音乐软件),我觉得音乐能使我快乐,从那以后我彻底迷上了制作音乐。我开始的时候对音乐可以说是一无所知,但是一旦我有空闲的时间我都扎进音乐中,这真的很有趣。最后这些都慢慢演化成了更加成熟的作品。我走上DJ这条道路可以追溯到差不多四年前吧,人们都在问我能不能再夜店里放我的歌曲、你怎样评价你的音乐?我一直在尝试着做复杂多样的音乐,所以你会在每一首曲子中都找到它创新的一面。虽然我的风格多变,受着世界各地音乐的影响,但总的来说你可以理解成旋律舞曲。我喜欢尝试新的东西但不会去管这么做的缘由,所以我总能发现一些有趣的东西。比如做Drum & bass(一种舞曲)的时候我喜欢借用所有的副本并且融入一些我自己非常喜欢的元素。你音乐的灵感是什么?这是老调重弹了,生活永远是我灵感的第一来源.在我看来,你需要有某件事或某个人值得你去做这些。在去年我有非常多的灵感,这你得感谢那些在我生命中十分重要的人们。当你有了某种强烈的生活体验之后,这些就像手扣动扳机一样,激发出很多想法。当然去听一些新潮的音乐也是很有好处的,当这些音乐让你想“他们到底是怎么做的?”,这同样会激励你回到录音室去做很多的音乐。

pascal中的 Incompatible types:got "Double" expected "Smallint" 是什么意思?谢谢!


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关于tout用于passé composé...法语高手进!!


在对外贸易购销合同中,Company LOI是什么意思?

LOI有两种含义:1.letter of intent,意向书的意思。好多外国公司在合作前,一般都会要求对方签订一个合作意向书,就是有意向购买,不能作为法律依据,就相当于“验证码”,只有输入,才能进行下一环节,表现一种合作的诚意,省的浪费大家时间。2.letter of indemnity,意思是赔偿保证书,就相当于一种保函,常用作为卸货保函。在卸货过程中,船长只有见到正本提单才会同意卸货,但由于邮寄等原因,船可能先于单据到达,为了及时安排靠泊卸货,不产生滞期费并影响船期,一般船长需要见到卸货保函(买卖双方都可以提供),防止因无正本提单卸货而产生责任问题。在你的陈述中,应该是指卸货保函的意思,就是船到后,需要你们安排卸货保函,以便卸货的意思。(因为就这一句英文表述,所以不太确定)
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