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手机上viber突然连不上网了 一直显示connecting to service 就是连接不上没法打电话了 谁知道怎么回事


Kicked whilst connecting to dt什么意思

Kicked whilst connecting to dt踢而连接到DT

自己弄得小服务器出现Sere is still starting!Please wait before reconnecting

"Server is still starting!please wait before reconnecting" 是服务器启动中,请稍后登录

connecting A to B和connected to B的区别


connecting flights counter和transfer correspondence的区别


The bridge connecting the villages was built three years ago为什么用conn

The bridge connecting the villages was built three years ago用connect的原因:句子的意思是连接这些村庄的桥是三年前建造的,connect的意思是连接,用于两者或多者之间的连接。

connecting the dots是什么意思

连接点 人生的小点与连线 建立关联的能力Connecting the Dots HD 连点绘画Connecting the Dots magazine logo 连接小点杂志

connecting room是什么意思

connecting room连接室connecting[英][ku0259"nektu026au014b][美][ku0259"nektu026au014b]n.连接,管接头,套管; v.连接( connect的现在分词 ); 把…看作有关联; 由…联想到; 给…接通电话; 例句:1.I also could view photos and videos on my tv by connecting the evo with a special cable. 我还可以用一条特殊缆线将evo与电视连接,在电视上浏览照片和视频。2.Children who have problems connecting letters with sounds or understanding what they read may be showing signs of learning disabilities. 有连接字母与读音的困难或有阅读理解问题的孩子,可能显示了其语言障碍症的迹象

吃鸡为什么老是显示connecting failed啊 之前正式服没上线的时候明明玩的好好的




英语翻译 connecting people 好像是诺基亚的广告词. 大虾给翻一下

这个应该有双关意: 一方面指把人与人联系起来,另一方面是手机的每一项改进都与人的需要相联系! 所以我觉得最好的翻译已应该是:以人为本!

一直卡在TCP connecting最后一点,什么原因


connecting flight是什么意思

connecting flight[英][ku0259u02c8nektiu014b flait][美][ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026au014b flau026at]v.转接班机; 例句:1.I hope I"ll be able to make my connecting flight. 我希望可以赶上我转机的航班。2.Sure, most of the time you"ll get off the plane a few minutes later than the folks up near the pilot, but unless you"ve got a tight connecting flight, it"s not going to make much difference.无疑地,大多数时候你将比那些离飞行员近的人晚一点下机,但是除非你处于紧急衔接航班中,这不会有太大的影响。

connecting flight是什么意思

转机 中转航班

A railway connecting Beijing to Shanghai.的语法问题


connecting flight是什么意思

connecting flight英 [ ku0259u02c8nektiu014b flait ] 美 [ ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026au014b flau026at ]转接班机,联程航班双语例句1.Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.由于移民局方面令人讨厌的繁琐公事程序,我误了联程航班。2.A connecting flight was canceled.一架转接班机取消了。

connecting flight是什么意思


connecting call是什么意思


connecting device是什么意思

你好。connecting device翻译成中文是:连接装置。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

Connecting u273d A Song for You的歌词+中文+罗马音

connecting【罗马音歌词】Find a reason to singkiminiaitaiutaukoto oshi etekureta kiminidarekaga kobosumerodeiwodareka gahiro tsutemata darekaga hako n dekunamaemo kaoma wakarana itsunagaru kiseki gadarekawoshia wasenisurukaku mengoshi tadanagame urayande bakariitaimamade haFind a reason to singkimi to uta e bajikan wowasure muchuu ninaretandaFind a reason to singtatsu tahito tsunogamisama niataerareta [sainou] oku rimonoconnecting connecting with your songconnecting connecting with your dreamconnecting connecting with your lifeconnecting with yourbokura wa nanto tataka inani ni yabu retenani wo ushina te ki tadarounamae ma kaoma wakaranaiyugan dako tobagadare kano nichi jouwo ubaueienni tsuujia u koto wa naitoomo tetaimamade haFind a reason to singkimitouta ebahitorijiya naito hajimete kanjitandaFind a reason to singitsu hana souchiyan to mete 【ha ji me ma shi te】woiuyoconnecting connecting with your songconnecting connecting with your dreamconnecting connecting with your lifeconnecting with yourrap :Everything"s too hard for me right nowsono kawa itanichijou niyumewo DownloadEverything"s a little crazy right nowsonokanjou nomamani nagetsukero Uploaddoushite hito meguriauno daroukoushite wara tsuteiwa tsutegatsutesoushite tsugi wananigao kirunokaMaybe nobody knowsdarekano sakebu goegasuruyukiba wona kushitaanogorono bokunoyouninamaema kaoma wakaranaikimino yasashi sanidoredake suku ware tadarougamen goshitewo nobashitsugiha bokuga dareka wotsunagerubanFind a reason to singboku toutaoujikanwo wasure muchuu ninare runaraFind a reason to singsore haki tonegamisama niataerareta [sainou] oku rimonoFind a reason to singkimini aitaiutaukoto oshiete kuretakiminiFind a reason to singisshoni utaounanimo naikedo kimieno 【kotoba】 o ku ri mo noconnecting connecting with your songconnecting connecting with your dreamconnecting connecting with your lifeconnecting with youronce againconnecting connecting with your songconnecting connecting with your dreamconnecting connecting with your lifeconnecting with your

connecting people 是什么意思?


connecting cable是什么意思

connecting cable英 [ku0259u02c8nektiu014b u02c8keibl]美 [ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026au014b u02c8kebu0259l][释义] 连接电缆;[例句]Seven-core connecting cable of motor vehicles and towed vehiclesGB/T5054-1985汽车与挂车的七芯电缆线

同屏投影显示connecting to host

connecting to host意思是连接到主机。显示“connecting to host”是指当前触摸屏在传输模式,当更新完固件后,触摸屏里的项目就没有了,会一直显示在传输模式,需要重新装载程序。可试着点击画面中的取消按钮,看是否能回到4个按钮的画面,如果能按前面说的做就可以。如果点击取消按钮没反应,那可尝试做一下OS更新,这个可能导致的原因是在做固件更新时不成功或不完整。重做OS就可以了。


赛马娘手游是一款以赛马为题材的二次元拟人化赛马游戏,不过由于游戏的问题,在游玩时会出现赛马娘卡在connecting,赛马娘卡界面的情况,我这就为大家带来赛马娘卡在connecting,赛马娘卡界面解决办法,一起来看一看吧。 由于赛马娘手游国内还没上线,所以为了避免赛马娘进不去,卡界面等情况,建议用奇游手游加速后进入游戏。下载方法也比较简单,可以去奇游官网下载,也可以通过打开下方地址下载奇游手游加速器官方版: 赛马娘卡在connecting怎么办,赛马娘卡在connecting解决办法: 有不少玩家反馈,玩赛马娘的时候,会出现卡在connecting的情况(如下图)。 (赛马娘卡在connecting) 具体解决方法如下: 我亲测,可以用奇游加速之后再进入游戏,这样就不会出现赛马娘卡在connecting的情况了。 另外,我还整理了赛马娘进不去的其他常见情况(附解决办法),玩家们可以参考。 当提示如下内容,建议玩家使用奇游手游加速器进行加速,可以多试几次就能进去了。 还有一些玩家则会出现通信故障102,弹出了这种报错意味着玩家的网络状态不好,也可以尝试用奇游加速之后再进入游戏。 另外一种,提示“端末错误”:可能是游戏官方ban掉部分机型,建议提供具体机型信息,咨询奇游客服具体解决办法。



sth connected和sth connecting

选A. sth be connected with sth to 是介词,之后接动词或助动词ing形式(就成动名词).





connecting wlan是什么意思

Connecting 的意思是: 1、adj. 连接的;起连接作用的 2、v. 连接;接通;通电,通水;(使)计算机连接;



英语翻译 connecting people 好像是诺基亚的广告词. 大虾给翻一下

这个应该有双关意: 一方面指把人与人联系起来,另一方面是手机的每一项改进都与人的需要相联系! 所以我觉得最好的翻译已应该是:以人为本!



connecting line 意思是飞机 转机 的意思,为什么这个 connecting 和转

connecting意思很广,基本的意思是连接,在航空方面就是衔接的意思,line是航线,所以connecting line和connecting flight一样都可以表示衔接航班、转机的意思,不能说一点关系也没有。当然转机是意译。






不行 这里是非谓语动词 connecting 在这里和前面的逻辑主语tunnel 不是被动关系 所以不能换 一般来说 正常语态是the tunnel connects Britain to european.




填词 Connecting 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy 呗:初音ミクu30fb镜音リンu30fb镜音レンu30fb巡音ルカu30fbKAITOu30fbMEIKO 重填词:小菲侠Find a reason to sing 变成爱的习惯 人海中寻觅奇迹 只为找到这一段旋律游走街头 像浪潮风起云涌沉浸于冰冷空气 全被定格在温暖的灯光里多少陌生 却又熟悉每一张脸 隐藏在不起眼角落 淹没在夕阳的行色匆匆里闪耀的明星 欢快的歌曲围绕在团聚的笑意 回荡 幸福的愿望Find a reason to sing 若能和你一起唱见过人间的悲伤 依然要高声地歌唱Find a reason to sing 尽管命运多惆怅 多少模糊的对岸 始终有理想在导航Connecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with you假如生活 充满欺骗和背叛 也忍痛独自承担 深深埋葬着内心单纯渴望复杂笑容 刺痛了多少目光宁愿打破封闭高墙 也不愿麻木变成日常问候年少的轻狂 岁月的梦想能否重头越过屏障 飞翔 向最初方向Find a reason to sing 若能和你一起唱 拥有满天的太阳 暂时忘却生命的匆忙Find a reason to sing 有个人念念不忘记录失败的骄傲 无声在热烈地奏响Connecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with youEverything"s too hard for me right now伤痕是我的轨迹奔跑在天涯或海角Everything"s a little crazy right now唏嘘着当年原封不动投入迷失放纵为什么 不同的人相识邂逅转角碰撞出 各种各样千姿百态的反射到最后 甜言蜜语还能紧紧地厮守?Maybe nobody knows黄昏路口 听听枯燥心跳节奏恍惚度过几个年头 笑着哭着回忆童年的午后一路错过 是陌生人的双手难以忘记你的温柔 千万次拯救了我灵魂腐朽跨越了画面 挑战着极限演奏出永恒的思念 不灭 铭刻在你我心上Find a reason to sing 请你和我一起唱忙碌的人来人往 沉醉在迷惘的海洋Find a reason to sing 黑暗中隐隐光亮感受赋予的牵绊 仿佛是天使召唤Find a reason to sing 变成爱的习惯 人海中寻觅奇迹 终于找到这一段旋律Find a reason to sing 今夜音乐不停歇 祝福的歌声带去 是我最珍贵的收藏Connecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with you. Once againConnecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with you翻译 Connecting 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy 呗:初音ミクu30fb镜音リンu30fb镜音レンu30fb巡音ルカu30fbKAITOu30fbMEIKO 翻译:黑暗新星 Find a reason to sing 君(きみ)に逢(あ)いたい ki mi ni a i ta i 想要与你相遇 歌(うた)うこと教(おし)えてくれた君(きみ)に u ta u ko to o shi e te ku re ta ki mi ni 与教会了我歌唱的你 谁(だれ)かが零(こぼ)すメロディーをda re ka ga ko bo su me ro di i wo某个人所落下的旋律谁(だれ)かが拾(ひろ)ってda re ka ga hi ro tte被某个人捡起また谁(だれ)かが运(はこ)んでくma ta da re ka ga ha ko n de ku然後又被某个人带走名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚繋(つな)がる奇迹(きせき)がtsu na ga ru ki se ki ga但彼此相连的奇迹谁(だれ)かを幸(しあわ)せにするda re ka wo shi a wa se ni su ru却能让某个人变得幸福画面(がめん)越(ご)しただ眺(なが)め羡(うらや)んでばかりいたga me n go shi ta da na ga me u ra ya n de ba ka ri i ta仅仅只是隔著画面眺望著羡慕著今(いま)まではi ma ma de wa一直以来都是如此Find a reason to sing君(きみ)と歌(うた)えばki mi to u ta e ba和你一同歌唱的话时间(じかん)を忘(わす)れ梦中(むちゅう)になれたんだji ka n wo wa su re mu chu u ni na re ta n da就能忘却时间沉醉其中Find a reason to singたったひとつのta tta hi to tsu no仅仅就此一样神様(かみさま)に与(あた)えられた才能(おくりもの)ka mi sa ma ni a ta e ra re ta o ku ri mo no神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with you仆(ぼく)らは何(なに)と戦(たたか)いbo ku ra wa na ni to ta ta ka i我们在与什麽战斗著何(なに)に败(やぶ)れてna ni ni ya bu re te又输给了什麽何(なに)を失(うしな)ってきただろうna ni wo u shi na tte ki ta da ro u又失去了什麽直至今日呢名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚歪(ゆが)んだ言叶(ことば)がyu ga n da ko to ba ga但歪曲的话语谁(だれ)かの日常(にちじょう)を夺(うば)うda re ka no ni chi jo u wo u ba u却能夺走某个人的日常生活永远(えいえん)に通(つう)じ合(あ)う事(こと)はないと思(おも)ってたe i e n ni tsu u ji a u ko to wa na i to o mo tte ta认为人与人永远都不可能互相理解今(いま)まではi ma ma de wa一直以来都是如此Find a reason to sing君(きみ)と歌(うた)えばki mi to u ta e ba和你一同歌唱的话独(ひと)りじゃないと初(はじ)めて感(かん)じたんだhi to ri ja na i to ha ji me te ka n ji ta n da就第一次感受到了自己并非独自一人Find a reason to singいつか话(はな)そうi tsu ka ha na so u哪天来聊一聊吧ちゃんと目(め)を见(み)て「はじめまして」を言(い)うよcha n to me wo mi te ha ji me ma shi te wo i u yo好好地看著对方眼睛说声「初次见面」吧Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with youEverything"s too hard for me right nowその乾(かわ)いた日常(にちじょう)に梦(ゆめ)をDownloadso no ka wa i ta ni chi jo u ni yu me wo download在那枯燥的每一天中将梦DownloadEverything"s a little crazy right nowその感情(かんじょう)のままに投(な)げつけろUploadso no ka n jo u no ma ma ni na ge tsu ke ro upload将那感情原封不动地发洩出去吧Uploadどうして 人(ひと)は巡(めぐ)り逢(あ)うのだろうdo u shi te hi to wa me gu ri a u no da ro u为什麽 人们会彼此相遇呢こうして 笑(わら)って祝(いわ)って繋(つな)がってko u shi te wa ra tte i wa tte tsu na ga tte就这样 欢笑著祝贺著彼此相连著そうして 次(つぎ)は何(なに)が起(お)きるのかso u shi te tsu gi wa na ni ga o ki ru no ka再然後 又会发生些什麽呢Maybe nobody knows谁(だれ)かの叫(さけ)ぶ声(こえ)がするda re ka no sa ke bu ko e ga su ru有某个人正在叫喊著行(ゆ)き场(ば)を无(な)くしたyu ki ba wo na ku shi ta失去了去处あの顷(ころ)の仆(ぼく)のようにa no ko ro no bo ku no yo u ni就像那时的我一般名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚君(きみ)の优(やさ)しさにki mi no ya sa shi sa ni但却被你的温柔どれだけ救(すく)われただろうda re da ke su ku wa re ta da ro u给拯救了多少次呢画面(がめん)越(ご)しga me n go shi隔著画面手(て)を伸(の)ばしte wo no ab shi伸出手去次(つぎ)は仆(ぼく)が谁(だれ)かをtsu gi wa bo ku ga da re ka wo接下来轮到我来繋(つな)げる番(ばん)だtsu na ge ru ba n da将某个人联系起来了Find a reason to sing仆(ぼく)と歌(うた)おうbo ku to u ta o u和我一同歌唱吧时间(じかん)を忘(わす)れ梦中(むちゅう)になれるならji ka n wo wa su re mu chu u ni na re ru na ra能够忘却时间沉醉其中的话Find a reason to singそれはきっとねso re wa ki tto ne那就一定啊神様(かみさま)に与(あた)えられた才能(おくりもの)ka mi sa ma ni a ta e ra re ta o ku ri mo no是神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)Find a reason to sing君(きみ)に逢(あ)いたいki mi ni a i ta i想要与你相遇歌(うた)うこと教(おし)えてくれた君(きみ)にu ta u ko to o shi e te ku re ta ki mi ni与教会了我歌唱的你Find a reason to sing一绪(いっしょ)に歌(うた)おうi ssho ni u ta o u一同来歌唱吧何(なに)もないけど君(きみ)への言叶(おくりもの)na ni mo na i ke do ki mi e no o ku ri mo no虽然微不足道但仍想给你的话语(礼物)Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with youOnce againConnecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with you望采纳


方法一:使用 App 进行对频1. 将遥控器与移动设备连接,开启飞行器、遥控器电源;2. 进入 App,点击【设置】-【遥控器设置】-【遥控器对频】;3. App 显示倒计时,在倒计时结束前,点按机身右侧盖板下的对频按钮,飞行器将自动完成对频。




赛马娘卡在connecting怎么解决?很多玩家下载并进入游戏后,一直卡在connecting的界面无法正常操作,下面为大家介绍一下遇到这种情况的解决方法:1、遇到这种问题的玩家很可能是由于谷歌卡了的缘故,需要玩家卸载谷歌并且重新下载才可以;2、Google play那里点取消,联协也一起取消,然后重新安装,从Google play那里进入游戏之后,就可以正常的链接了。相关内容:赛马娘三星怎么编队赛马娘育成是什么赛马娘初始三星券选哪个赛马娘怎么刷初始赛马娘抓娃娃怎么触发大和赤骥怎么养铃鹿怎么练限定任务翻译是什么怎么充值氪金赛马娘手游在哪下载目前这款游戏没有国服代理版本,所以玩家可以通过谷歌商店来下载和安装游戏,不过想要登陆的话需要使用一些特殊方法优化网络环境。


<br>开始菜单-运行-输入msconfig回车 在里边的启动栏里把Can load"common_Rc .dll前面的勾去掉就行了。 1、开始——运行——msconfig——启动——把加载项Can load"common_Rc .dll的那个勾勾去掉。 重启电脑,通常到这就可以了,如果还弹出来再进行第二步 2、开始——运行——regedit 在下面的位置删除相应键值: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 说明:以上问题大多是杀毒残留,就是杀毒后,病毒被删除,但启动项里相关加载设置还在,解决方法就是上述方法,如果找不到那个加载失败的启动项说明是做了伪装,具体他伪装到那个启动项不好说需要自己分析分析。 【注意】如果启动项没有的话,请接着用下面软件解决的方法 1、AutoRuns 8.73 汉化版 下载地址 http://www.newhua/soft/21022.htm 运行“autoruns.exe”,点“全部”,然后按“Ctrl+F”(或点文件-----查找)-----输入加载时出错的“Can load"common_Rc .dll”文件名,找到后右键点删除。 2、IceSword 1.22 中文版 下载地址 http://www.onlinedown/soft/53325.htm 打开IceSword.exe,点左下角的“文件”,在目录"+"找到加载时出错的文件所在文件夹,加载时出错的文件上键点“强制删除”。 注:启动项并不一定指向特定的dll名字,提示中的加载失败的项可能只是启动项其中一个需要调用的文件,所以要了解你所有启动项的意义,这样才能找出可疑的启动项来删除,从而解决加载失败的问题。


Connecting 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy 呗:初音ミクu30fb镜音リンu30fb镜音レンu30fb巡音ルカu30fbKAITOu30fbMEIKO 翻译:黑暗新星 Find a reason to sing 君(きみ)に逢(あ)いたい ki mi ni a i ta i 想要与你相遇 歌(うた)うこと教(おし)えてくれた君(きみ)に u ta u ko to o shi e te ku re ta ki mi ni 与教会了我歌唱的你 谁(だれ)かが零(こぼ)すメロディーをda re ka ga ko bo su me ro di i wo某个人所落下的旋律谁(だれ)かが拾(ひろ)ってda re ka ga hi ro tte被某个人捡起また谁(だれ)かが运(はこ)んでくma ta da re ka ga ha ko n de ku然後又被某个人带走名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚繋(つな)がる奇迹(きせき)がtsu na ga ru ki se ki ga但彼此相连的奇迹谁(だれ)かを幸(しあわ)せにするda re ka wo shi a wa se ni su ru却能让某个人变得幸福画面(がめん)越(ご)しただ眺(なが)め羡(うらや)んでばかりいたga me n go shi ta da na ga me u ra ya n de ba ka ri i ta仅仅只是隔著画面眺望著羡慕著今(いま)まではi ma ma de wa一直以来都是如此Find a reason to sing君(きみ)と歌(うた)えばki mi to u ta e ba和你一同歌唱的话时间(じかん)を忘(わす)れ梦中(むちゅう)になれたんだji ka n wo wa su re mu chu u ni na re ta n da就能忘却时间沉醉其中Find a reason to singたったひとつのta tta hi to tsu no仅仅就此一样神様(かみさま)に与(あた)えられた才能(おくりもの)ka mi sa ma ni a ta e ra re ta o ku ri mo no神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with you仆(ぼく)らは何(なに)と戦(たたか)いbo ku ra wa na ni to ta ta ka i我们在与什麽战斗著何(なに)に败(やぶ)れてna ni ni ya bu re te又输给了什麽何(なに)を失(うしな)ってきただろうna ni wo u shi na tte ki ta da ro u又失去了什麽直至今日呢名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚歪(ゆが)んだ言叶(ことば)がyu ga n da ko to ba ga但歪曲的话语谁(だれ)かの日常(にちじょう)を夺(うば)うda re ka no ni chi jo u wo u ba u却能夺走某个人的日常生活永远(えいえん)に通(つう)じ合(あ)う事(こと)はないと思(おも)ってたe i e n ni tsu u ji a u ko to wa na i to o mo tte ta认为人与人永远都不可能互相理解今(いま)まではi ma ma de wa一直以来都是如此Find a reason to sing君(きみ)と歌(うた)えばki mi to u ta e ba和你一同歌唱的话独(ひと)りじゃないと初(はじ)めて感(かん)じたんだhi to ri ja na i to ha ji me te ka n ji ta n da就第一次感受到了自己并非独自一人Find a reason to singいつか话(はな)そうi tsu ka ha na so u哪天来聊一聊吧ちゃんと目(め)を见(み)て「はじめまして」を言(い)うよcha n to me wo mi te ha ji me ma shi te wo i u yo好好地看著对方眼睛说声「初次见面」吧Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with youEverything"s too hard for me right nowその乾(かわ)いた日常(にちじょう)に梦(ゆめ)をDownloadso no ka wa i ta ni chi jo u ni yu me wo download在那枯燥的每一天中将梦DownloadEverything"s a little crazy right nowその感情(かんじょう)のままに投(な)げつけろUploadso no ka n jo u no ma ma ni na ge tsu ke ro upload将那感情原封不动地发洩出去吧Uploadどうして 人(ひと)は巡(めぐ)り逢(あ)うのだろうdo u shi te hi to wa me gu ri a u no da ro u为什麽 人们会彼此相遇呢こうして 笑(わら)って祝(いわ)って繋(つな)がってko u shi te wa ra tte i wa tte tsu na ga tte就这样 欢笑著祝贺著彼此相连著そうして 次(つぎ)は何(なに)が起(お)きるのかso u shi te tsu gi wa na ni ga o ki ru no ka再然後 又会发生些什麽呢Maybe nobody knows谁(だれ)かの叫(さけ)ぶ声(こえ)がするda re ka no sa ke bu ko e ga su ru有某个人正在叫喊著行(ゆ)き场(ば)を无(な)くしたyu ki ba wo na ku shi ta失去了去处あの顷(ころ)の仆(ぼく)のようにa no ko ro no bo ku no yo u ni就像那时的我一般名前(なまえ)も颜(かお)も分(わ)からないna ma e mo ka o mo wa ka ra na i虽然名字或是面孔都不清楚君(きみ)の优(やさ)しさにki mi no ya sa shi sa ni但却被你的温柔どれだけ救(すく)われただろうda re da ke su ku wa re ta da ro u给拯救了多少次呢画面(がめん)越(ご)しga me n go shi隔著画面手(て)を伸(の)ばしte wo no ab shi伸出手去次(つぎ)は仆(ぼく)が谁(だれ)かをtsu gi wa bo ku ga da re ka wo接下来轮到我来繋(つな)げる番(ばん)だtsu na ge ru ba n da将某个人联系起来了Find a reason to sing仆(ぼく)と歌(うた)おうbo ku to u ta o u和我一同歌唱吧时间(じかん)を忘(わす)れ梦中(むちゅう)になれるならji ka n wo wa su re mu chu u ni na re ru na ra能够忘却时间沉醉其中的话Find a reason to singそれはきっとねso re wa ki tto ne那就一定啊神様(かみさま)に与(あた)えられた才能(おくりもの)ka mi sa ma ni a ta e ra re ta o ku ri mo no是神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)Find a reason to sing君(きみ)に逢(あ)いたいki mi ni a i ta i想要与你相遇歌(うた)うこと教(おし)えてくれた君(きみ)にu ta u ko to o shi e te ku re ta ki mi ni与教会了我歌唱的你Find a reason to sing一绪(いっしょ)に歌(うた)おうi ssho ni u ta o u一同来歌唱吧何(なに)もないけど君(きみ)への言叶(おくりもの)na ni mo na i ke do ki mi e no o ku ri mo no虽然微不足道但仍想给你的话语(礼物)Connecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with youOnce againConnecting, Connecting with your songConnecting, Connecting with your dreamConnecting, Connecting with your lifeConnecting with you








connecting是connect的现在分词。游戏中出现的意思是正在连接网络。connect[英][ku0259"nekt][美][ku0259u02c8nu025bkt]vt.连接,联结; 使…有联系; 为…接通电话; 插入插座; vi.连接; 建立关系; [体]成功击中; 第三人称单数:connects过去分词:connected现在进行时:connecting过去式:connected例句:①Connect this to the computer. 把这个连到电脑上面。②Use QQ to connect with your audience. 使用QQ与你的观众联络。


你好很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为 :connecting。连接,管接头,套管; 连接( connect的现在分词 ); 把…看作有关联; 由…联想到; 给…接通电话; 望采纳谢谢



我在网上打半条命2叛乱为什么显示Missing map maps/ins_buhirz_vff.bsp,disconnecting


connecting to和connecting有什么区别?

connect to和connect with的区别是含义不同、用法不同。一、含义不同1、connect to释义:使与…连接,使与…接通电话。2、connect with释义:与…连接,使有关系,用电话同…相联系。二、用法不同1、connect to用法:用介词to把两者连接在一起,说话者以前者为主,后者为辅。例句:This is because we have to connect to the naming service.译文:这是因为我们必须连接到命名服务。2、connect with用法:用介词with把两者联系起来或连接在一起,前者后者之间不分主次。例句:This allows you to connect with the others.译文:这是你和别人讲话的礼貌。下列情况通常用介词 with1、表示关系方面的联系时:He"s connected with ourschool. 他与我们学校有联系。He is connected with theSmiths. 他与史密斯家有姻亲。2、表示汽车、火车、飞机等交通方面的“相通”“衔接”时:The trolleybus connectshere with a bus for the airport. 这辆无轨电车与开往机场的公共汽车衔接。This early bus from thevillage connects with the 8:30 train. 这辆从村里开来的早班车与8:30的火车衔接。

Nginx 高并发下报错 connect() failed (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream

背景 在对应用服务进行压力测试时,Nginx在持续压测请求1min左右后开始报错,花了一些时间对报错的原因进行排查,并最终定位到问题,现将过程总结下。 压测工具 这里压测使用的是 siege , 其非常容易指定并发访问数以及并发时间,以及有非常清晰的结果反馈,成功访问数,失败数,吞吐率等性能结果。 压测指标 单接口压测,并发100,持续1min。 压测工具 报错 Nginx error.log 报错 排查问题 发现在TCP的连接有两个异常点 关于这两点开始进行分析: 从 TIME-WAIT 定义中分析得知,当压测工具关闭连接后,实际上Nginx所在机器连接并未立刻CLOSED,而是进入TIME-WAIT状态,网上可以搜到非常多讲解TIME-WAIT过多导致丢包的情况,与我在压测时所遇到情况一样。 net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 5000 5000表示系统同时保持TIME_WAIT套接字的最大数量,如果超过这个数字,TIME_WAIT套接字将立刻被清除并打印警告信息。 优化方案 参照在网上搜索获取的信息,调整Linux内核参数优化: 参考资料:

Connecting 世界版 歌词

Find a reason to sing(French)Pour qu"enfin je puisse te voir(Polish)Ciebie dziś zobaczyć chcę (Korean)노래하는 방밥을 알려순 넌 보고 싶어(Hebrew)אוחך,תמיותז,אשז לימד אוחילשיך(Spanish)Alguien perdió una medía de amorUn extraño la recogióPara hacerla sonar una vez más(Italian)La melodia,che un giorno qualcuno creònel cuore la conserverò e tanta gioia al mondo riporterò(Arabic)متى من دون،آو ن نعر ف آسما ىناان نعرف و خو هنامىعن ة تسعد شخطا ما(BR Portuguese)E mesmo sem nem ao menos nos conhecerPosso sentir que aNossa uniao só pode fortalecer(Swedish)Jag var avundsjuk,alltid tittat ner på min skärm och önskat att det varjagFram tills idag(Chinese)过去到现在,我只是隔着屏幕远远眺望又羡慕着,那样的风景Find a reason to seeIf were to sing with you(Tagalog)Oras ay kalilimutan sa sayang madarama(Hindi)खाे जाऊ खृट को मेँ खा१ीयाँ के इस जयन में ।Find a reason to singThat one and only thing(English)Precious gift of song given by the angels singing high above(Russian)Даром песней исцелять сердца был ты свыше наделен(Oh)Connecting Connecting(French)À notre hymne(Polish)Z twą pieśniąConnecting Connecting(Korean)내 꿈을(Hebrew)עט חלומךConnecting Connecting(French)À ta vie (Polish)Z twym życiėmConnecting with you(Tagalog)Kanino ba tayo nakikipagharapSiyang sa ati"y nagpapabagakAno nga ba sa"tin ay mga nawala(Hindi)ओािखर वो क्या है िजससे हम लड़े ?हम हारे है िकससे ?क्या है जो हमनें खोंया है अभी ।(English)Even despite knowing neither name nor face,the words that had been distorted,they steal away somebody"s everyday life(Russian)Не видим лиц,не знаем Даже именЛюдей которых порой Небрежными словами раним легко(German)Ich hab stets gedacht,es gäb keinen Weg,dass wir uns je wirklich gut versteh"nDoch der Tag ist da!(Japanese)永远に通じ合う事はないと思ってた今まではFind a reason to singIf I were to sing with you(Spanish)Siento por prima vez lo que significa la amistad(Italian)Forse per la prima volta,da solo non mi sentiròFind a reason to singLet us sit and talk some day(AR)ننظر في عتو ننا لاً نا سعداء نا للقاء(BR Portuguese)E haja o que houver Nós ainda vamos nos encontrar(Oh)Connecting Connecting(Tagalog)Sa"yong awit(Hindi)गीतों सेConnecting connecting(English)With your dream(Russian)С мечтоюConnecting Connecting(Tagalog)Sa"yong buhay(Hindi)गीवन सेConnecting with you(Swedish)Allting är för svårt mig just nu(Chinese)现在什么事都太过困难(German)Träum deinen langweiligen Alltag weg mit einem Dowland(Japanese)その乾いた日常に梦をDowland(Swedish)Alltihop är lite galet just nu(Chinese)现在一切都是那么疯狂(German)Wandel all die Gefüble einfach ineinen Upload(Japanese)その感情のままに投げっけろUpload(Tagalog)Bakit nga kaya landas nati"y sadyang pinagtatagpo?(Hindi)जाने क्यँू चोग िमलते दुिनया में इत्तफ़ाक़ से।(Spanish)Riendome,estamos todo siendo conectados(Italian)E riderai con tutti i tuoi amici in tutto il mondo(Arabic)وبعد ذلك،ماذا سيحدث بعد ذالك(BR Portuguese)Qual será a próxima página dessa histria?Maybe nobody knows(French)J"entend au loin,le cri d"un homme désempare,reflet de mon être passé,n"ayant pu retrouver mon foyer en vain(Polish)Słyszałem głos,to w oddali krzyczał ktośKto jak dwomo temu ja Ponubil się,nie wiedział gdzie iść miał(Korean)네 이름도 알굴조차 모른데도너의 따스한 마음에지금도 너는 사랑받은 거죠?(Hebrew)מבלי לחכיך אח פנך או אח שמך אניחוהה כמח פעמים ניצלהי על ידי טוב ליבך(Arabic)خلف الشاشة(BR Portuguese)Sem hesitar(Spanish)Te doy mis manos(Italian)Starò qui con te(Swedish)För det kommer va"min tur nästa gång(Chinese)这一次轮到我来将他人(German)Verbinde mich von nun an(Japanese)繋げる番だFind a reason to sing(English)Come and sing along with me(Russian)Эту песню спой со мной(Tagalog)Kung orays ay malilimutan sa sayang Madarama(Hindi)तुम खो जाआेगे अगर खुि१ायों कं इस जहान में।Find a reason to sing(French)Et ma raison là voilà(Polish)O to właśnie chodzi nam(Korean)신께서 내려주신 재능이사 선물 거야(Hebrew)המחנה אשר האלנהים נחן הנא רק לך Find a reason to singI want to go meet with you(German)Denn du lehrtest mich zu singen,das vergesse ich dir nie(Japanese)歌うこと教えとくれた君にFind a reason to singLet us sing together now(Swedish)Jag vet,det är inte något stort,men du får en gåva utav ord.(Chinese)虽然它微不足道,但我仍然想唱与你听(Oh)Connecting ConnectingWith your songConnecting ConnectingWith your dreamConnecting ConnectingWith your lifeConnecting with youOnce againConnecting Connecting With your song Connecting ConnectingWith your dreamConnecting ConnectingWith your lifeConnecting with you

BT下载时出现connecting to peers 是什么意思,马上给分


连点成线—— connecting the dots

乔布斯最有名的那场在斯坦福大学的演讲看了很多遍,除了最有名的那句 stay hungry, stay foolish, 最喜欢前面的一段“I"m connecting the dots.” 连点成线。 “Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.  Again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust something — your god, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made the difference in my life. ” 这段真的打动我。如他所说,当站在当时往未来看的时候,我们并不知道会发生什么,但是也许在某个时刻,回头的时候你会发现,冥冥之中,跟随着内心的那些热情,自己走到了现在。 我想,既然世界是变的,那是不是从自己出发,再去连接世界,会是更稳妥的方式呢? 最近在找工作,很多时候被问到为什么要选择这个工作,为什么这么笃定要做老师,为什么希望在这个行业发展? 所以,我也在想,走到现在这个时刻,我连接的点有哪些? 第一个开始闪亮的点,是一对一教学的时候热情,虽然只是几个月的兼职,但是和学生接触的时候,发现有一些从来没有显示出的热情,我会非常希望自己成长 才能让孩子们有更多成长、会熬夜希望能有更好的课堂。 后来在科研上遇到问题的时候,最想要逃离到的 也是课堂,也是希望能和孩子们的接触 去影响和感染他们。 再后来真的开始尝试,也会察觉到自己真实的热情。 回想起连接起来的那些点,我会发现,我问自己的这些问题 用过的这些“工具”帮助了我,所以你也不妨问问自己这些问题,甚至找一个安静的时候在纸上写下来,或是和最亲近的人聊一聊,哪怕只是闲聊,也许都会对认识自己有所启发。 一、你的高光时刻是什么时候? 你的低谷时刻是什么时候?  二、做哪些事情,你会比大多数人做得好,做的快?—— 核心优势 同样来自你做过的事情,自己记忆里的取得的一些成就,基于经历和事实的对自己的认知。 周围人的回应与评价也是重要的参考,你被很多人夸过的事情是什么?有什么事情得过奖,或者被他人认可,或者让你自己很有成就感,从经历里找到这些时刻,点亮它。 热情和能力不同,有时候只有passion是不够的,比如只是非常希望成为篮球运动员但是身体条件并不是和符合,那就是能力和passion并不匹配。 但其实很多时候两者是相辅相成的,因为我们会因为一件事情做得好而喜欢它,对吧?想想自己小时候喜欢的事情就是了,如果我的数学一直都是100分,那我会很喜欢这门课的,如果次次都是59,无论多么有毅力有热情的学生 也会丢失兴趣了。 以下两个问题,我用来挖掘自己的热情,思考内心真正想做的事情是什么,思考什么能激发真实的热情。 三、有什么事情,你在非常疲惫的情况下还是会希望做到最好?在没有外界要求的情况下,你还是希望做到最好? 其实小时候,我们喜欢玩的游戏、喜欢做的事情,是会不由自主主动完成的,比如我自己对于一场演讲 或课程的要求,大概是这样的,可以试着想想自己自发主动做的那些事情,那可能是热情所在。 四、有哪些事情是让你怦然心动,觉得非常想要做的? 最近读马斯库 白金汉的《现在,发现你的职业优势》(职业探索的经典书籍之一,除了《远见》最想推荐的职业规划相关书籍) 我非常认同作者在第一章所说的:每个人都有自己的核心优势,在优势范围内 才最有求知欲,最有创造力,也最乐于学习新事物,在工作中,最理想的状态就是工作可以发挥优势。所以每个人其实都需要探索自己的优势是什么 弱势是什么,不断了解自己。书中给出了更为详细科学的优势弱势探测器,还在慢读和实践中,之后再来分享~ 附 《Stay hungry, Stay foolish》演讲全文 Thank you. I"m honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college,and this is the closest I"ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today, I want to tell you three stories from my life. That"s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife -- except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, "We"ve got an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said, "Of course." My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start in my life. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents" savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn"t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out okay. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn"t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting. It wasn"t all romantic. I didn"t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends" rooms. I returned coke bottles for the five cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn"t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can"t capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the "Mac" would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it"s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on that calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards 10 years later. Again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever -- because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference. My second story is about love and loss. I was lucky -- I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz1 and I started Apple in my parents" garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. We"d just released our finest creation -- the Macintosh -- a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. And so at 30, I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating. I really didn"t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down -- that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me: I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over. I didn"t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world"s first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple"s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. I"m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn"t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometime life -- Sometimes life going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don"t lose faith. I"m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You"ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven"t found it yet, keep looking -- and don"t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you"ll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking -- don"t settle. My third story is about death. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you"ll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I"ve looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn"t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor"s code for "prepare to die." It means to try and tell your kids everything you thought you"d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes. I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and, thankfully, I"m fine now. This was the closest I"ve been to facing death, and I hope it"s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don"t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It"s Life"s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it"s quite true. Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life. Don"t be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people"s thinking. Don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the "bibles" of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 60s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along. It was idealistic, overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out


一、释义不同1、connect:v. 连接;接通;联系2、contact:n. 接触;联系;熟人v. (与)联系;(与)接触adj. 接触的二、词性不同1、connect:仅作动词词性。2、contact:名词、动词与形容词词性。三、引申不同1、connect:引申可表示在事物间或抽象概念之间建立起来的一种不十分紧密的关系,即“把…联系起来”。另外也可表示“衔接”、“联运”或“给某人接通电话”。2、contact:用于物时指相互紧密接触,用于人时指通过写信、电话、见面等方式直接联系,但身体未必接触。扩展资料二者用法一、connect的用法:1、connect既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,多接名词或代词作宾语。2、connect后接介词to表示“使与…连接”; 后接副词up表示“接通,连接在一起”; 后接介词with表示“与…连接”“使有关系”“用电话同…相联系”“转乘,及时赶乘”等。3、connect的过去分词connected可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。二、contactt的用法:1、contact可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。2、contact作名词时,既可作单数,也可作复数。英国人习惯用其单数形式,而美国人则习惯用其复数形式,表示“联系”的意思。3、contact作动词时,指“与……联系”。




Connecting的意思:1、adj. 连接的;起连接作用的2、v. 连接;接通;通电,通水;(使)计算机连接;与……有联系;把……联系起来;衔接;用电话联系;为……接通电话;(非正式)击打(connect 的现在分词 )Connecting 读法 英 [kə"nektiŋ]短语:1、connecting wire 连接线2、connecting points 连结点3、connecting device 连接装置;连接设备4、connecting pin 连接销扩展资料connecting的原型:connect词语用法:1、connect是正式用语,基本意思是松散的“连接”,指所分离着的事物在某一点上相互接触,但又各自保持着自己的独立性。connect既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,多接名词或代词作宾语。2、connect后接介词to表示“使与…连接”; 后接副词up表示“接通,连接在一起”; 后接介词with表示“与…连接”“使有关系”“用电话同…相联系”“转乘,及时赶乘”等。connect的过去分词connected可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。词汇搭配:1、connect properly 确已接通2、connect remotely 遥远地连接3、connect socially 社会联系4、connect telegraphically 以电信相连5、connect up 接通,连接在一起