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《An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding》(David Hume)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 8b8j书名:An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding作者:David Hume豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Oxford University Press, U.S.A.出版年份:1998-2-26页数:306内容简介:Oxford Philosophical Texts Series Editor: John Cottingham The Oxford Philosophical Texts series consists of authoritative teaching editions of canonical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world down to modern times. Each volume provides a clear, well laid out text together with a comprehensive introduction by a leading specialist, giving the student detailed critical guidance on the intellectual context of the work and the structure and philosophical importance of the main arguments. Endnotes are supplied which provide further commentary on the arguments and explain unfamiliar references and terminology, and a full bibliography and index are also included. The series aims to build up a definitive corpus of key texts in the Western philosophical tradition, which will form a reliable and enduring resource for students and teachers alike. David Hume"s aim in writing An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748) was to introduce his philosophy to a European culture in which many educated people read original works of philosophy. He gives an elegant and accessible presentation of strikingly original and challenging views about the limited powers of human understanding, the attractions of scepticism, the compatibility of free will and determinism, and weaknesses in the foundations of religion. Hume"s philosophy was highly controversial in the eighteenth century and remains so today. The text printed in this edition is that of the Clarendon critical edition of Hume"s works. A substantial introduction by the editor explains the intellectual background to the work and surveys its main themes. The volume also includes detailed explanatory notes on the text, a glossary of terms, a full list of references, and a section of supplementary readings.

concerned 与 concerning

be concerned about是固定搭配,你这里写的concerned about…应该是省略了主语和系动词的形式。而concerning是动词的现在分词,并不能和about搭配使用,因此只能用concerned。


I recieved a letter concerning this meeting.


I received a letter concerning about this meeting.

get hold of concerning music 为什么 of concerning 两个介词可以连用啊


as concerns 怎么用?为什么concern要加s?concerning怎么用?

as concerns其实省略是as (it) concerns,所以加sconcerning和regarding差不多:关于,论及,就…而言:He heard nothing concerning this matter.关于这件事他什么都没听到。

Professor Lu made a lecture concerning how to prevent teenagers from smoking.为什么用 concerning

concerning 作介词 prep. 关于;就…而言相当于Professor Lu made a lecture about how to prevent teenagers from smoking

9.充当介词或连词的几个分词, 如regarding,concerning, provided, given的用法


concerning 和 regarding的区别


about 与concerning都解释关于,有什么区别? 还有respecting.

这几个关于基来上差不多,但是concerning比about较正式. 还有on也表关于,可是它是表示比较专业内容方面的.例如:1. I want to know about your family.2.Conerning his proposal(提案) ,there are were pros(赞成) and...

about 与concerning都解释关于, 有什么区别?

其实可以说没有什么区别,在使用上可以互换的。具有这个意思的词或短语非常多,比如:aboutregardingpertaining to with respect to respectingconcerningin/with regard to pertinent to onas for 等等


concerning prep.介词(表示论及)关于, 有关, 就…而论,涉及with regard toadv.副词1. 关于两者后跟的词语形式不同

as to和concerning有什么区别

as to 常用于相当正式的语境中,尤其用于争论和做出决定时。可放于句首或与 wh- 疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词性从句连用(有时可省略),concerning prep.介词 (表示论及)关于, 有关, 就…而论,涉及,表示比较专业内容方面的.例如:1. I want to know about your family.2.Conerning his proposal(提案) ,there are were pros(赞成) and cons (反对).3.I buy a book on Shakespeare.(莎士比亚)

concerning是什么 词性




concerning是什么 词性



about 和 concerning 这几个单词都有“关于”的意思,而且在有些场景中的使用方式非常相似。有时候越是简答的英语单词其使用方法越最难把握。你知道什么时候使用 about,什么时候使用 concerning?两者对比,虽然 about 更为常见,但 concerning 则更加正式。除此之外,从语法来看,这两者之间也有很大的区别。而单词 over 在一些特定的语境和搭配中可以和 about 互换。首先,我们对比一下 about 与 concerning 这两个词。大家需要注意的一点是 concerning 是正式用语,比 about 要正式的多。不过,about 在英语中的使用频率非常高。另外语法上大家要注意的是,concerning 不能和动词搭配,只和名词搭配。例如:We need to talk about your daughter. 关于您女儿,我们得谈一谈了。注意这句话是动词 talk 后面跟了about。这是通顺的。但是我们不能说:We need to talk concerning your daughter.如果要用 concerning,那它前面必须是一个名词。我们需要把这句话改一下,加上名词 discussion。例如:We need to have a discussion concerning your daughter. 关于您女儿,我们需要进行讨论。通过以上的例子,我们可以看出about 和 concerning 在用法上的区别。另外关于 about,我们还可以告诉大家两个小贴士。第一,about 相当于 around,可以和动词 to be 一起用,意思是某人在某个地方或者在附近。请听例句。例如:Sorry, my boss isn"t about – try again tomorrow. 对不起,我的老板不在 – 明天您再来吧。Isn"t about 就是“不在”,如果“在”就是 is about。Yeah, Michael"s about – let me give him a shout. 是啊,麦克在的 – 等我叫他一下。第二个小贴士,大家知道 about to 或者 just about to 吗?这两个短语的意思是“正想、刚想”干什么事情。例如:I was just about to call you! 我正想打电话给你呢!I"m about to head to the shops – do you need anything? 我刚想去趟商店 – 你有什么要买的吗?至于Over, 一般我们第一反应是 over 指“上面 above”,比如:There is a dark sky over Los Angeles 洛杉矶上空被黑暗笼罩着;或者表示“结束 finished”,比如:It"s over 结束了。Over 其实在不同的语境中有不同的含义。那么在什么情况下,over 有“关于”的意思呢?例如:We had a long argument over who has the best voice. 对于谁的嗓音是最好的这个问题,我们争执了好久。上面的例句中,over 有“关于、对于”的意思。我们需要注意的是 over 仅限于在有争执或者担忧的情景中使用。例如:There are a lot of concerns over the future of the firm. 关于公司的将来,有着许多担忧。We disagreed over the right time to invest. 对于投资的最佳时机,我们的观点不一致。


回答:concerning 即是现在分词,也是动名词,还是介词。它在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语、状语,但不能作谓语。例如:He made a suggestion concerning ( 介词,意思是"关于,涉及") the educational reform ( 定语 ).他就教育改革提出来一个建议。His not concerning himself with his family (主语)made me angry.他对家庭漠不关心让我很生气。I feel his safety concerning his mother(宾补). 我感觉他的安全让他的母亲担心。We recommend concerning ourselves with the poor people ( 宾语).Concerning the problem (状语), we shall discuss it next time. 关于这个问题,我们将下次讨论。This book will come out tomorrow, concerning with the history of World War II(状语).这本书明天发行,它讲述了二战史。My idea is her not concerning me(表语). 我的想法是不让她担心我。


concerning后面可以加句子。concerning,英文单词,介词、动词,作介词时意为“关于;就…而言”,作代词时意为“涉及;使关心(concern的ing形式);忧虑”。双语例句What do you know concerning this?关于这事你知道些什么?We have no information concerning her whereabouts.我们没有关于她下落的消息。This is what I think concerning them.关于这些事,我的想法是这样的。


marketing (动名词,要加ing)concerning....(分词短语作定语,修饰 advice)

in表示concerning sth的意思与on和about有什么区别

on,about 两者都可作介词,表示“关于”之意。在涉及文章、书籍、演说、报告等有关内容时,二者可通用。如: a book on /about the radio一本关于无线电的书 二者的区别在于: on常用于较正式场合,着重指内容的严肃性、学术性及深度。一般指学术专著。如: a report on the international situation关于国际形势的报告


bout,concerning的同义词R开头的 regard?related?(关于) to hold responsible,to find fault with同义词 B开头的 blame(指责,责备) carelessness,failure to take proper care 同义词N negligence (粗心大意) 大概差不多吧,不知道对不对,

这句话里的concerning 为什么是用的现在进行时?

解释如下British glass production developed after changes to laws concerning taxes这里 concerning不是进行时,而是现在分词。全句意思是 英国玻璃生产在税法修改后发展起来


concerning 是与某某相关的意思 做后置定语修饰problem表主动 不是被动

concerning 和 regarding的区别





这个问题有些不明不白,为啥尼,因为当一个介词连接句子时,它就是连词; 当连接短语时,它就是个介词。当然,这样回答也是不明不白的,见下面例子吧——

about 与concerning都解释关于,有什么区别

concerning做后置定语柯林斯英汉双解大辞典concerning /ku0259nu02c8su025cu02d0nu026au014b/ 1.介词 You use concerning to indicate what a question or piece of information is about. 关于例:For more information concerning the club, contact Mr. Coldwell.想了解更多有关该俱乐部的信息,请跟科德韦尔先生联系。

concerning regarding about 的区别



concerning用法是用作形容词,形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。 语法是语言的组织规律,任何人在使用语言时,不管他是否学过语法,但都必须合乎语法。另外,总结语法本身的规律也能加深我们对语言的理解,让我们能够真正熟练地运用语言。想要掌握规范标准的英语,语法是不可忽略的部分。就形容词而言,也是英语语法中一个不可或缺的部分。


concerning用法如下:1、什么是concern,涉及。concern是一个动词名词同形的高频词汇,意思是关心,担心或者关心担心之事。它的形容词是concerned,表示关心的,担心的。常用短语为be concerned about, concerning表示关于,相当于介词about。2、释义(1)vt.影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心。(2)n.担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;关系;公司,企业;(非正式)复杂的物体。3、concern的用法与短语举例例句What concerns me most is that whether you can arrive on time.我最担心的是你是否能准时到。4、concern的短语有concern oneself从事,忙于(常与with, about, in, over连用)of concern重要的;具有意义concern about对…表示担心/忧虑;使(自己)关心…concern oneself inadj. 干预;从事(参与;从事参与);干涉concern withv. 使关心,挂念


concerning,有关She reads everything concerning music.中文意思是:她阅读一切有关音乐的读物。

concern sth 与 concerning sth 怎么区别?

事实上没有区别...只是concerning sth 是非谓语形式,用带ING的还是不带ING其实是由它所在的句子决定的。比如说:The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life.” The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns every nation and its people.2010年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。未来的城市生活是全球关注的话题,与每一个国家及其人民息息相关。这一句中的concerns 就是谓语啦 但是如果句子变成这样:The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life.” The prospect of future urban life is a subject of global interest, concerning every nation and its people.意思是一样的 只是在句中加了个is,而concern就和is重复了 因为一个句子中只有一个谓语嘛 所以就把concern变成非谓语形式concerning啦。

concern concerns concerning concerned,求大神破解

concern n. 关注 show concern for sth, n. 对。。。表示关注A concerns B V. A涉及到B e.g. The book concerns English Grammar. 这本书是涉及到英语语法的concerning 涉及到 (现在分词,做非谓语动词使用) e.g. The book concerning English Grammar was written by Mr. Smith. 这本涉及到英语语法的书是斯密斯先生写的(concerning English Grammar 是分词短语,作book的后置定语)concerned有几种结构,过去分词 动词的词性 as far as sb./sth. is concerned 据。。。所知 as far as I am concerned 据我所知 be concerned with 涉及到。。。= concern e.g. The book is concerned with English Grammar. be concerned about 对。。。关注,担心的 e.g. The teacher is concerned about Mary. 这个老师为Mary担心着。




concerned,concerning这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句:  This agreement will be signed by the partiesconcerned.此协议将由各有关方面签署。  They called on all departments concerned to take prompt stepsto promote the development of lightindustry.  他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在动词“tobe”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如:  This book is concerned with English usage.  此书是与英语惯用法有关。  值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”、“挂…念的,担…心”的解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例:  He was deeply concerned at the news.  听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。  We are all concerned about the pollution of the environmenthere.  对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。Parents are naturally concerned for their children"ssafety.  父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。I am very concerned about her.我非常挂念她。to concern oneself with public work关心公众事务We"re rather concerned about father"s health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。We are all concerned for [about] her safety.我们大家都担心着她的安全。下面是concerning的例句:  This is a proposal concerning the construction of the newairport.  这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。  Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the businessarrangement.  昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。  在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which areconcerned with中的which are 省略了。例如:  We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned withthis matter.关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。  请注意,下列语句的区别:  They were concerned(worried)about the matter.他们为此事而担忧。  They were concerned(implicated)in the matter.他们参与此事。  They were concerned (connected)with the matter.他们与此事有关。此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking aboutsth.例:  As far as I"m concerned,this plan isimpractical.依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As faras funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provideloans.关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。 词形词义拓展: unconcerned adj.漠然的, 漠不关心的;无关的,不相干的 = indifferentIt is quite indifferent to me whether you go orstay.对你的去留我毫不关心。I am indifferent to their arguments.我对他们的争论毫不关心。


concerned,concerning这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句:  This agreement will be signed by the partiesconcerned.此协议将由各有关方面签署。  They called on all departments concerned to take prompt stepsto promote the development of lightindustry.  他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在动词“tobe”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如:  This book is concerned with English usage.  此书是与英语惯用法有关。  值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”、“挂…念的,担…心”的解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例:  He was deeply concerned at the news.  听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。  We are all concerned about the pollution of the environmenthere.  对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。Parents are naturally concerned for their children"ssafety.  父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。I am very concerned about her.我非常挂念她。to concern oneself with public work关心公众事务We"re rather concerned about father"s health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。We are all concerned for [about] her safety.我们大家都担心着她的安全。下面是concerning的例句:  This is a proposal concerning the construction of the newairport.  这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。  Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the businessarrangement.  昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。  在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which areconcerned with中的which are 省略了。例如:  We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned withthis matter.关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。  请注意,下列语句的区别:  They were concerned(worried)about the matter.他们为此事而担忧。  They were concerned(implicated)in the matter.他们参与此事。  They were concerned (connected)with the matter.他们与此事有关。此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking aboutsth.例:  As far as I"m concerned,this plan isimpractical.依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As faras funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provideloans.关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。 词形词义拓展: unconcerned adj.漠然的, 漠不关心的;无关的,不相干的 = indifferentIt is quite indifferent to me whether you go orstay.对你的去留我毫不关心。I am indifferent to their arguments.我对他们的争论毫不关心。