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What really concerns you about college?


ethical concerns是什么意思

伦理问题双语例句1. It was a debate which aroused fervent ethical arguments.那是一场引发强烈的伦理道德争论的辩论.2. I thought it was not ethical.我认为那是不合乎道德的.3. It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.必须使青年具有高度的道德观念.4. I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任。5. Promote ideological and ethical progress.切实加强思想道德建设.

大家帮帮忙 帮我用英语写200字关于这篇文章的主要内容 谢谢咯! ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS IN CHINA

Abstract: THREE GORGES DAM PROJECT will be the largest hydroelectric dam in the world when it is completed in 2014. The huge power generation ability will improve China"s waterway conditions as well as reduce the coal consumption. But it has aroused both domestic and overseas criticism. In addition, the project also has an irreversible impact on the ambient environment: 1. a lot of endangered species will be extinct from the wild; 2. it has caused a large scale of deforestation; 3. it will deteriorate the hydrology of the Yangtze River, resulting in huge flooding.

as concerns 怎么用?为什么concern要加s?concerning怎么用?

as concerns其实省略是as (it) concerns,所以加sconcerning和regarding差不多:关于,论及,就…而言:He heard nothing concerning this matter.关于这件事他什么都没听到。


concerns :(名词) 关注,关注点,关注者(复数);(动词)涉及,关系到...; focus :(名词) 焦点,中心 ,清晰,焦距;(动词)使集中,使聚焦,...。二者的不同,用中文解释就是:concerns 是主观上的成分较多,而focus是客观上的成分较多。


"Concerns"的意思是关注、关心,或者指涉及、涉及到某个问题或事情的内容或问题。一些常见的与concerns搭配使用的短语包括:1、environmental concerns:环保问题。2、safety concerns:安全问题。3、health concerns:健康问题。4、privacy concerns:隐私问题。5、economic concerns:经济问题。6、political concerns:政治问题。7、ethical concerns:伦理问题。8、security concerns:安全问题。9、social concerns:社会问题。10、legal concerns:法律问题。双语例句1、She has concerns about her son"s performance in school.她对儿子在学校的表现很关心。2、The report raises serious concerns about environmental pollution.这份报告提出了环境污染方面的严重问题。3、The meeting will address a variety of concerns related to the project.会议将讨论与项目相关的各种问题。concerns用法"Concerns"可以作为名词或动词使用。1、作为名词,"concerns"表示关心、关注的事情、问题或利益。例如:"I have some concerns about the project."(我对这个项目有一些顾虑。)2、作为动词,"concerns"表示关心、涉及到、牵扯到等意思。例如:"This report concerns environmental pollution."(这份报告关乎环境污染问题。)此外,"concerned"还可以作形容词使用,表示关心、担心的。例如:"I am concerned about her health."(我对她的健康很担心。)

raise concerns with 是什么意思


concern concerns concerning concerned,求大神破解

concern n. 关注 show concern for sth, n. 对。。。表示关注A concerns B V. A涉及到B e.g. The book concerns English Grammar. 这本书是涉及到英语语法的concerning 涉及到 (现在分词,做非谓语动词使用) e.g. The book concerning English Grammar was written by Mr. Smith. 这本涉及到英语语法的书是斯密斯先生写的(concerning English Grammar 是分词短语,作book的后置定语)concerned有几种结构,过去分词 动词的词性 as far as sb./sth. is concerned 据。。。所知 as far as I am concerned 据我所知 be concerned with 涉及到。。。= concern e.g. The book is concerned with English Grammar. be concerned about 对。。。关注,担心的 e.g. The teacher is concerned about Mary. 这个老师为Mary担心着。

It comes amid concerns about 如何翻译?

能给前后文吗?我觉得It应该指的是一个问题,担忧之类的吧。它来自于对30年的硬币很容易被伪造,并且估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中的问题的担忧中。It comes amid concerns about the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting, with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation. It comes.直译就是它来了amid concerns 在 一些关注 中这个关注concerns 是about (the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting)即关注的主题是30年的硬币很容易被伪造承接上面的about 的内容with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中

safety concerns是什么意思


-Hopefully,any concerns about a dramatic slowdown in Europe are misplaced(see Outlook,pages 22-23),



concerns n. 关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式)v. 使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…关注点一个 关注点 ( Concerns )就是一个特定的目标,一个需要关心的问题或区域.在多个模块中出现的 关注点 ,叫做"穿插 关注点 ".基于35个网页- 相关网页 as concerns关于crosscutting concerns横切关注点;横切关系;贯穿特性everyday concerns日常事务;负责日常事务的处理担心Michael Jackson Remembere... ...circumstances 情况concerns 担心,挂念post-mortem examination 验尸报告 ...基于12个网页- 相关网页 担忧


concerns n. 关注;关注点;关注者(concern的复数形式)v. 使关心(concern的三单形式);涉及;关系到…网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 关注 关注点 担忧 担心短语social concerns 社会所关注的事物 ; 社会考虑 ; 社会关注 ; 社会关怀cosmic concerns 宇宙关怀career concerns 职业生涯 ; 职业关注 ; 职业生涯考虑