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The friendship conveyed in the gift seems to be the most (value) __________ thing.


Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed.


the remains were___to the mutilated ladies 1 conveyed 2 dispatched 3 carried 4 fetched,


出处“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed;without vocabula

英国语言家David Wilkins, 书名Linguistics in Language Teaching. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.,1972年 第111页

威尔金斯 Without grammar, little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary这句话他在哪本书中写过?

Notional Syllabus

fine_____of meaning are conveyed not only by the words themselves, but by st

It is difficult to convey delicate shades of meaning in a translation.在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。 shades of meaning.意义的细微差别/语意色彩微妙差别 都是这么说的 shades of meaning/opinion有细微差别的意思/意见Very fine shades of meaning cannot easily be conveyed with a limited word bank.细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。

In order for your level of interest to be conveyed it is important to show that effort and ...

level of interest:兴趣的程度,level越高兴趣越浓我的翻译和上面略有区别,也许是不知道上下文的缘故:为了增加你的兴趣,有一点很重要,即是在你们相处的时候要拿出努力和想法保持正确(合适)的语气(我想是说话吧)按照我的翻译:后面那句的意思就是:在你们相处的时候保持正确(合适)的语气


Much meaning can be conveyed可以传达意义




他的解释给那位困惑的女士提供了某些启示 searched shelf after shelf 意思是到处翻找 who就是指代这个女士conveyed 是传达 表达意思


convey 英[kən"veɪ] 美[kənˈve] vt. 传达,传递;运送,输送;[法]让与,转让(财产等);表达 第三人称单数:conveys;过去分词:conveyed;现在分词:conveying;过去... [例句]Central huijin may have hoped to convey a similar message.中央汇金可能就是想传达这样一个信息。conveyed是convey 的过去式。