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Heartless (Cottage Session) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless (Cottage Session)歌手:Justin Nozuka专辑:HeartlessKanye West - Heartless / 坎耶·维斯特 — 绝情的女人翻译:金佳野 审校:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so / 你怎么可以哟Cold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo? / 冷如冬日寒风当它刮起的时候Just remember that you talkin to me hoe / 要知道你就是那样跟我讲话哟You need to watch the way you talkin to me hoe / 你可要当心跟我讲话的方式哟I mean after all the things that we"ve been through / 我是说当我们经历过这些事后I mean after all the things we got into / 我是说当我们陷入了这些事后Ayo I know there"s some things that you aint told me / 哎哟我知道有些事你没告诉我Ayo I did some things but that"s the old me / 哎哟我也一样可那是过去的我And now you wanna get me back and you gonna show me / 现在你回心转意想向我表心迹So you walk around like you don"t know me / 故作不识你在我身边转来转去You got a new friend, but I got homies / 你有新交,可我也有兄弟But in the end, still so lonely / 可到最后,却还一样孤寂In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so doctor evil? / 你怎么可以如此残忍如此邪恶You bring out a side of me that I don"t know / 为何要无情地揭穿另一面的我I decided we weren"t gonna speak so / 何苦凌晨三点还要对着电话说Why we up 3 a.m. on the phone / 我已决定今后不再与你有瓜葛Why would you be so mad at me for / 我不明白她为何总对我大动肝火Homie I don"t know, she"s hot and cold / 兄弟我真不懂,她总是忽冷忽热I won"t stop, won"t mess my groove up / 我不会停止脚步打乱快乐的生活Cause I already know how this thing goes / 因为结局注定我们必定东西相隔You run and tell your friends that you leavin me / 你四处奔走对你朋友说打算离开我They said they don"t see what you see in me / 他们说看到的并非你眼中的那个我You wait a couple months, then you gonna see / 等过了个把月之后你可要好好看着You never find nobody better than me / 你再也找不到哪个男人能优秀如我In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talk / 谈吧,谈吧,谈吧,谈Baby let"s just knock it off / 宝贝就让我们做个了断They don"t know what we"ve been through / 他们既不知你我经历的They don"t know about me and you / 他们也不真了解你与我So I got something new to see / 所以我要找我的新生活And you just gonna keep hatin" me / 你可一如既往地痛恨我And we just gonna be enemies / 干脆我们从此就做仇人I know you can"t believe / 我知道你决不会相信I could just leave it wrong / 我偏会这样一错到底And you can"t make it right / 你已经无力挽回一切I"m gonna take off tonight / 今晚我将要离你远去Into the night / 消失于黑夜In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?

cottage cheese怎么吃


when dawn broke and the first rays of the sun reached the small cottage,it was so beautiful

分析的很准确。dawn broke黎明破晓,主谓结构,dawn为主语,broke为谓语,break在这里是不及物动词,译为破晓,,所以后面的the small cottage并不是broke和reached共用的宾语,这点需要注意。dawn broke这句和and后面那句在状语从句中是并列句子。而逗号前when引导的句子在整句中做时间状语从句。

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace的中文意思是什么?



《The Moorland Cottage》(Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Cleghorn Gas; Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: 2dev书名:The Moorland Cottage作者:Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Cleghorn Gas; Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell;页数:116

virtual cottage 打不开

那应该是配置跟不上,可以尝试重启设备,然后再打开。virtual cottage是一款很有趣的放置沙盒游戏,你可以在这里简单的构建属于自己的小家,轻松地体验这些属于你的精彩与快乐。 virtual cottage免费是一款体验起来十分有意思的趣味休闲益智类游戏,你需要去迅速开启更多不同的精彩挑战,能够给玩家带来最轻松的体验,这里会发生许多有趣的事情,按照自己的喜好来任意的进行装扮,每个场景都需要花费时间去认真进行体验。


Lessons on how to cultivate a feeling of abundance while living simply. Lesson 1-Learn to slow down.学会慢下来 Lesson2-Happiness must be cultivated through the practice of self-discoovery and selflessness.幸福必须通过对自我探索和忘我的实践来培养。 Lesson 3-Learn form the seasons of nature.向四季学习。(Things don"t ever stay the same for long, The seasons change and so will you.万物不会永久停留,季节如此,你也如此。) Lesson 4-Seek the environment that best suits your needs.找到最适合你需求的环境。 Lesson 5-Comparison steals individuality and dulls creativity.比较限制个性和削弱创造力的区别。(City life was overwhelming to my more sensitive quiet spirit , I longed to move to the countryside. It wasn"t until I come here that I realize how crucial one"s environment is to their creativity and their mental health.直到我搬到乡下,我才意识到环境对一个人的创造性和身体健康有多重要。) Lesson 6-By finding joy in small emotions, you cultivate satisfaction in the rhythms of everyday life.通过在微小的情绪中寻找快乐,你可以在日常生活的节律中培养丰足感。 Lesson 7-there is magic everywhere, if you know how to perceive it.如果你知道如何感知,你将发现生活中充满魔法。 Lesson 8-The joy of learning a new skill lasts a lifetime.学习新技能的乐趣将持续一生。 Lesson 9-Reignite your love of learning new things.重燃你对学习新事物的热爱。 Lesson 10-Happiness is a byproduct of giving to your family and community.幸福是给予家庭和社区的副产品。

Chili con cottage cheese是什么食物?

Chili 是 辣椒con 是 withCottage Cheese 是白干酪所以Chili con cottage cheese 是一种辣椒与白干酪煮出来的一种调味品

When Dunstan Cass left the cottage, Silas Marner was only a hundred metres away. 翻译

当Dunstan Cass 离开农舍,距离Silas Marner只有100米了

《Driftwood Cottage》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Driftwood Cottage》(Woods, Sherryl)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 813h书名:Driftwood Cottage作者:Woods, Sherryl出版年份:2013-9

Swiss Cottage的樱花是什么品种?


皮皮岛 酒店的 air condition房 villa房 cottage房 building room 这几个房间有什么区别吗? 有什么区别

不保证绝对正确:air condition房 →空调房villa房 →别墅房cottage房 →小木屋building room→主楼房间


《The Cottage》(Steel, Danielle)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:21x4书名:The Cottage作者:Steel, Danielle出版社:Bantam Dell Pub Group出版年份:2002-2页数:312内容简介:In her fifty-fourth bestselling novel, Danielle Steel weaves a compelling story of fame and friendship, charmed lives and private struggles...and of three very different men whose lives converge and collide at The Cottage .On a sunny day in Hollywood, a gleaming Rolls-Royce convertible pulls through the gates of the magnificent estate known as The Cottage . Modeled after the “cottages” of Newport, Rhode Island, the spacious, elegant property, sitting on fourteen acres of lush Bel Air, fits its owner to a T. For the man behind the wheel of the Rolls is Hollywood"s ageless wonder, Cooper Winslow. A star of the silver screen for decades, a man whose allure to women is the stuff of legend, Coop exudes grace, charm, and old-fashioned style. But today Coop Winslow is in for a major surprise. He"s broke. And with no major roles coming his way, Coop is faced with the heartbreaking prospect of selling his beloved home of forty years, or at least renting out the gatehouse and part of the main house. A huge blow to Coop, whose debonair attitude allows him to escape reality much of the time.His new tenants, Mark Friedman and Jimmy O"Connor, are busy coping with problems of their own. Mark"s wife of sixteen years just walked out, and Jimmy recently lost his own wife to a devastating illness. But everything changes when Mark"s teenage son and daughter move in. Suddenly, The Cottage is transformed, with music blasting from every corner, teenagers on skateboards crashing into vintage cars, and a never-ending parade of young starlets streaming in and out to visit Coop.But amid all the noise and the chaos, something unexpected is happening. Three men who never would have met are becoming friends...and each man finds himself changing in surprising ways, Coop most of all. Because beneath the dazzle and flash, the impeccably tailored suits and the sheer bravado, is a man trying to keep control of his carefully ordered world–a world that is becoming more and more unpredictable with each passing day.First, a tabloid scandal erupts, threatening Coop"s budding romance with a wealthy debutante. . .A stranger approaches Coop with stunning news....A devastating accident almost claims the life of one of the housemates....And in the midst of it all, The Cottage welcomes a new houseguest with a secret of her own, who will change Coop"s life in unexpected ways. Because among the people who share his cottage and his life, Coop Winslow–loner, bachelor, movie star–may find the rarest of all opportunities: a chance to build a happiness he could never have dreamed of on his own, and to become the kind of human being he has never been.Against a glittering backdrop of celebrity and glamour, Danielle Steel digs deeper to tell a story of friendship and love, tragedy and second chances...of the choices and unexpected turns of fate that can shape characters and lives.

country cottage是什么意思

country cottage是度假屋的意思

villa ,cottage和house有什么区别啊?


turned,queen ordered,cottage它们分别是什么意思

turned 英["tu025c:nd] 美["tu025c:nd] v. (使) 转动( turn的过去式和过去分词 ); 旋转; (使) 改变方向; (使) 不适; [例句]He turned over in bed and fell asleep again.他翻了个身又睡着了。queen ordered 女王下令cottage 英[u02c8ku0252tu026adu0292] 美[u02c8kɑ:tu026adu0292] n. 小屋,村舍; (农舍式的) 小别墅; (郊外的) 新式住宅,(大院内的)单幢住宅; 乡下房子,小房子; [例句]They used to have a cottage in N.W. Scotland他们原来在苏格兰西北部有一间小屋。[其他] 复数:cottages


一、详细释义: , n. , 小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅 , 例句: ,The cottage is an ideal place for bird watch.,小屋是观鸟最理想的地方。, 例句: ,Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.,爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的豪宅。, 二、词义辨析: , cabin,cottage,hut,shed ,这些名词均含有“小屋”之意。cabin多指建造粗糙的简陋小木屋,也指旅客或船员住的船舱。现在也指节假日游游者的简便住房。cottage指穷苦人住的乡间小茅屋。现在也指雅致的小住宅,在美国可指别墅。hut多指供居住或遮避风雨的简易小屋。shed一般指四壁没有完全封闭,供牲畜用或储藏东西、停放车辆等的简易棚屋。, 三、相关短语: ,cottage cheese,软白干酪,cottage industry,n.家庭手工业,cottage pie,n. 上面铺一层捣碎的马铃薯的肉饼,农家馅饼, 四、参考例句: ,Come to this cottage of mine.,到我的小屋去住吧。,The cottage wears a very crude appearance.,那幢农舍外观颇为简陋。,That old cottage is hidden among trees.,那座古老的农舍隐藏在树林中。,They squat in the cottage for long.,他们在那个小屋子偷住很久了。,The cottage had exposed oak beams.,小屋的橡木梁 *** 着。,We have a holiday cottage in Qingdao.,我们在青岛有度假屋。,The *** all cottage could acmodate up to five people.,这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。,He fixed up the cottage before they moved in.,他把农舍修整好,他们才搬进去。,The cottage could acmodate up to five people.,这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。,The cottage is an ideal place for bird watch.,小屋是观鸟最理想的地方。


汉语翻译:n.小屋,茅舍词意辨析:cabin, cottage, but, shed这些名词均含有“小屋”之意。cabin: 多指建造粗糙的简陋小木屋,也指旅客或船员住的船舱。现在也指节假日旅游者的简便住房。cottage: 指穷苦人住的乡间小茅屋。现在也指雅致的小住宅,在美国可指别墅。but: 多指供居住或遮避风雨的简易小屋。shed: 一般指四壁没有完全封闭,供牲畜用或储藏东西、停放车辆等的简易棚英语解释:名词 cottage:1、a small house with a single story同义词:bungalow例句:He has a house in London and a cottage near the sea.他在伦敦有一所房子,在海边还有一个小屋。From the cottage window a few lamps were glimmering in the distance.远处的农舍窗户闪烁着几盏微弱的灯。The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire.那小屋被森林大火烧毁。Please accept the use of our cottage as a quid pro quo for lending us your car.请尽管使用我们的村舍,以酬谢借给我们汽车之事。The cottage could accommodate up to five people.这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。They own a cottage in Scotland and a house in London as well as a pied-a-terre in Paris.他们在苏格兰有一村舍,在伦敦有一所房子,在巴黎还有一套备用公寓。His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill.他的小屋在山的缓坡上。We dreamed of buying a little cottage in the country.我们梦想在乡间买一所小别墅





love in cottage形容什么爱情


有谁知道Cottage Door Press童书出版公司的具体情况


cottage industry是什么意思

家庭手工业在最近几年,这个谜团催生出了一个完整的家庭手工业(cottage industry):成千上万的“领导专家”已经以测试和辅导管理者作为自己的职业,所有这些人都追求让商人把大胆的目标——战略的、财务的、组织...农村手工业英语翻译必背短语 ... especially English 具有英国特征的 cottage industry 农村手工业 Indian summer 最后的余辉 ... 家庭工业曾经是家庭工业(cottage industry)的对冲基金行业正在实现机构化。投资者构成在过去5年里发生了引人注目的变化,并导致了从基金规模到竞争、风险状况、透明度以及监... 家庭式工业香港大学母语教学教师支援中心 ... cost-benefit analysis 损益分析;成本收益分析cottage industry 家庭式工业 counter radiation 逆辐射 ...

cottage cheese有什么比喻

Cottage Cheese 茅屋(脱脂) 芝士 “茅屋芝士”(Cottage cheese)是最好的酪蛋白来源之一,磷蛋白是主要蛋白质.


  您好,我来为您解答:  前者是小屋,村庄,后者是草屋,帐篷的意思。  如果我的回答没能帮助您,请继续追问。

我想知道 cottage,hut 和 cabin 的区别

cottage 村舍,小别墅 (强调在乡村里的)hut 小屋, 棚屋 (不一定在乡村,但是完整而小巧的屋子)cabin 小木屋,船舱,客舱 (偏向一种密闭空间,可能比一般屋子小。比如搭在树上的屋子,和船舱)

villa ,cottage和house有什么区别啊?

villa, 别墅 cottage茅舍, 小屋 house房屋


cottage 常用词汇 英 ["ku0252tu026adu0292]     美 ["kɑu02d0tu026adu0292]    n.小屋;村舍




cottage 村舍,小别墅 (强调在乡村里的) hut 小屋, 棚屋 (不一定在乡村,但是完整而小巧的屋子) cabin 小木屋,船舱,客舱 (偏向一种密闭空间,可能比一般屋子校比如搭在树上的屋子,和船舱)



初中英语Upon our arrival at his cottage为什么用arrival

our 后面跟名词

cottage bungalow区别

cottage (乡间)小屋;村舍 A cottage is a small house, usually in the country.bungalow<英>平房;<美>单层小屋,多于一层的小屋平房 A bungalow is a house which has only one level, and no stairs.

bungalows 和cottages 有什么不同???

bungalow是只有一层楼的平房cottage是乡间小别墅以下是朗文在线的英文解释:cottage:a small house in the countrybungalow:(British English)a small house with one floor


cottage n. 小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅village n. 村庄;村民;(动物的)群落

cottage;measureable;champagne 这英语用谐音怎么读?


我想知道 cottage 和 cabin 的区别

cottage:small simple house, esp in the country 简陋的小屋:(尤指)农舍cabin:samll hut or shelter, usu made of wood 小棚屋(通常为木制的)另外,cabin还有(轮船或者飞行器的)舱室的意思