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vivo recovery模式是什么意思



手机重启后,进入recovery模式(恢复模式):Recovery模式指的是一种可以对安卓机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式(类似于windows PE或DOS)。在这个模式下我们可以刷入新的安卓系统,或者对已有的系统进行备份或升级,也可以在此恢复出厂设置。reboot system now:重启手机(刷机完毕选择此项就能重新启动系统)。apply安装存储卡中的update.zip升级包(你可以把刷机包命名为update.zip然后用这个选项直接升级)。wipe data/factory reset:清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置(刷机前必须执行的选项)。wipe cache partition:清除系统缓存(刷机前执行)(系统出问题也可尝试此选项,一般能够解决)。install zip from SDcard:从SDcard上安装zip升级包(可以执行任意名称的zip升级包,不限制升级包名称)。backup and restore:备份和还原系统(作用和原理如同电脑上的Ghost一键备份和还原)。mounts and storage:挂载和存储选项(详细功能见下面的解释)。advanced:高级设置‘"


怎样才能进入recovery模式呢?下面请听我慢慢道来。一、recovery是什么意思 recovery模式就是一个恢复模式,用户进入这个模式之后,可以对当前用户的一些数据进行清除,并恢复出厂设置。而比较官方的解释recovery模式是什么意思的话,则是recovery模式是手机系统的一个工程模式二、怎样进入recovery 用户通过同时按住关机键+音量+/- (依机型不同而不同,不过有些机型可能没有刷入recovery,可自行刷入)即可进入recovery界面,在这个界面你可以直接用sd 卡上的zip格式的rom 升级或者备份你的系统,老版本的recovery 只有三个选项,但是无法备份系统,只能用update.zip这个文件名的文件升级,不能用任何文件名的zip文件升级。新版本已经多出很多选项可以供你操作。 此外,一般刷rom 之前最好wipe一下(wipe只是抹除rom 以外的个人数据,不会影响rom 本身),也就是返回出厂设置一下比较好,但是这样就会丢失你的所有软件,短信彩信,联系人(备份在google上没有关系)和设置等等,备份或者不wipe 都可以。 recovery的使用原理就和电脑上的GHOST软件一样,起到系统备份与还原作用。当然也可以升级内核,刷补丁等。recovery的编写是和系统基带联系在一起的,不同的基带版本不能乱刷。三、recovery的作用 每部Android设备进入Recovery模式的方法不同,具体版本具体分析。进入recovery就可以通过这个恢复模式界面刷入或者备份你手机的安卓系统,由于recovery版本更新较快,老版本只有三个选项,因此无法备份系统,也只能通过一个叫做update.zip文件进入系统升级,大部分局限在三星旧机型,例如三星s5660.新版本更新后,舍弃了繁琐的操作,支持更加强大的备份还原等功能,或者你也可以去腾讯手机管家PC版里面进行自己手机文件的查看和备份,这也是不错的选择。




Recovery模式可以说是安卓手机的高级模式,其功能相当强大,比如在我们安卓手机无法格式化SD卡的时候,进入Recovery模式即可轻松格式化SD卡,另外再刷机、双wipe等方面均需要进入到该模式下进行操作,下面本文主要是教大家安卓手机如何进入Recovery模式,需要注意的是,该高级模式需要在了解各项功能后才使用,以免导致出现各种手机问题。通常来说,不同品牌安卓手机进入Recovery模式方法会有所不同,但是也有一些通用的方法,下面我们都会详细介绍,首先说说安卓手机进入Recovery模式通用方法: 安卓手机进入Recovery模式通用方法一:使用安卓辅助工具目前我们知道有很多刷机与ROOT工具,比如豌豆荚、卓大师、刷机精灵、360手机助手等等,这些安卓手机辅助工具都可以很方便帮助我们将安卓手机进入Recovery模式,下面我们以卓大师为例,教你如何进入Recovery模式。1、首先在电脑中安卓卓大师;2、将USB数据线将手机与电脑连接好,之后打开卓大师,等待卓大师识别,第一次使用,则需要下载安装手机驱动,需要联网条件下,等待一会即可完成;PS:如果卓大师识别不到安卓手机,请注意检查手机是否是开机状态,并且手机书否开启了USB调试模式。不懂的朋友情阅读:usb调试在哪 安卓手机usb调试开关开启方法;3、以上都完成之后,进入卓大师的使用工具,然后点击顶部的“实用工具”,之后在“常用工具”里边即可找到“重启到Recovery”,点击该项即可看到手机将自动重启,之后手机即可进入Recovery模式了安卓手机进入Recovery模式方法二:使用安卓组合键进入Recovery模式如果您觉得以上使用工具进入安卓Recovery模式麻烦的话,也可以采用最原始的方法,就是直接在安卓手机上按键来实现,由于不同的安卓手机进入方法不同,以下介绍两种比较常见的安卓手机进入Recovery模式方法。方法一:如果手机是开机状态,请先关机,在关机情况下,同时按住电源(挂机键)+ 小房子(Home)键,直到出现Recovery界面为止。方法二:如果以上方法无法进入,那么再开机,先按住音量+键不放,然后再长按电源开机键,知道出现Recovery界面为止。


recovery模式是恢复模式的意思。Recovery是手机安卓系统提供的一种可以对手机内部的数据、系统进行修改的模式,有点像Windows操作系统下的DOS,在手机进入Recovery后,可以将手机恢复到出厂设置、升级手机的系统、对手机进行刷机。想要进入recovery模式,手机必须能够正常能开机,如果手机已经无法开机,就不能进入recovery模式了,在手机进入Recovery模式后,使用音量上下键,可以移动光标,按电源键表示确认。手机如何进入Recovery模式不同的安卓手机进入Recovery模式的情况略有不同,主要有以下几种:1、将手机关机后,同时按住音量上键和电源键,按住3秒,即可进入 Recovery模式。2、将手机关机后,同时按住音量下键和电源键,按住3秒,即可进入 Recovery模式。3、将手机关机后,同时按住音量上键、Home键和电源键 ,待手机震动后松开电源键(音量+、HOME键继续保持按住)即可进入 Recovery模式。




recovery[英][ru026au02c8ku028cvu0259ri][美][ru026au02c8ku028cvu0259ri]n.恢复,复原; 重获; 痊愈; 矫正; 复数:recoveries以上结果来自金山词霸




“进入recovery mode”意思是“进入恢复模式”,是一种可以对安卓机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式。Recovery具体介绍:Recovery其字面的意思翻译过来就是“恢复”的意思,在安卓系统里,Recovery模式就如同Windows PE,是一个具有一些很基本功能的临时系统,它所提供的功能不是给用户来使用手机,而是给用户一个临时简易的平台来恢复手机操作系统。Recovery的功能:在官方recovery模式下我们可以对手机进行 恢复出厂设置、格式化手机内部储存、升级官方ZIP格式刷机包(一般只识别update.zip文件);在第三方Recovery下我们除了有官方recovery的全部功能之外,还具有格式化data、system等分区,刷入第三方ZIP格式升级包、补丁包、基带、内核等、还具有备份、恢复整个系统的功能。recovery中文版图解注释:-reboot system now 重启系统-apply 使用SD卡根目录的update.zip更新系统-wipe data/factory reset 清空data分区并恢复出厂设置-wipe cache partition 清空cache分区-install zip from sdcard 从SDcard选择文件更新系统-apply 使用SD卡根目录的 更新系统-choose zip from sdcard 从SD卡选择zip格式升级包-toggle signature verification 切换签名验证-toggle script asserts 切换升级脚本检查-backup and restore 备份和恢复-Backup 备份-Restore 恢复-Advanced Restore 高级恢复-mounts and storage 挂载和存储-mount /system 挂载/system分区(系统分区)-mount /data 挂载/data分区(数据分区)-mount /cache 挂载/cache分区(缓存分区)-mount /sd-ext 挂载/sd-ext分区(A2SD分区)-format boot 格式化内核分区-format system 格式化系统分区-format data 格式化数据分区-format cache 格式化缓存分区-format sdcard 格式化存储卡-format sd-ext 格式化内存卡SD-mount USB storage 挂载SD卡为U盘模式-advanced 高级-Reboot Recovery 重启Recovery-Wipe Dalvik Cache 清空Dalvik缓存-Wipe Battery Stats 清空电池状态-Report Error 报告错误-Key Test 键位测试-Partition SD Card 对SD卡分区-Fix Permissi** 修复权限


Recovery是用户想要刷机的过程中经常会遇到的一个词。Recovery的字面意思是恢复、复原。对于手机来说,Recovery就是安卓的手机提供的一种可以对手机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式,有点像Windows操作系统下的DOS。在手机进入Recovery后,可以将手机恢复到出厂设置、升级手机的系统、对手机进行刷机等等。不同的安卓手机进入Recovery模式的情况略有不同,主要有以下几种:1、将手机关机后,同时按住音量上键和电源键,按住3秒,即可进入 Recovery模式。2、将手机关机后,同时按住音量下键和电源键,按住3秒,即可进入 Recovery模式。3、将手机关机后,同时按住音量上键、Home键和电源键 ,待手机震动后松开电源键(音量+、HOME键继续保持按住)才能进入。如果以上方法都不行,请上网搜索自己的机型,查找具体办法。

Groove Coverage的的歌词是什么?

英文版   My friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top, got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock.Oh baby"s catching Junglefever, Junglefever"s catching you, Shouldn"t try to tell me lies rather come out with the blues. I got a feeling baby, I lose control.   You cut my heart in pieces you crush my soul.   I got a passion baby, I lose control.   You rip my heart in pieces you crush my soul.   You can go you can walk   You can run you can hide away,   Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.   All the time that I cry   That I die that I lost in you,   I"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.   My man is creeping slowly day by day he"s knocking boots,   magnatising all the ladys, will I pick my gun and shoot.   Oh babys playing with my warning with my heart you shouldn"t play,   cause I"m living for the moment so I"m leaving you today.   I got a feeling baby, I lose control.   You cut my heart in pieces you crush my soul.   I got a passion baby, I lose control.   You rip my heart in pieces you crush my soul.   You can go you can walk   You can run you can hide away,   Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.   All the time that I cry   That I die that I lost in you,   I"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.   When I feel so bad when I feel so sad   I"m longing at the time we had the time I can"t forget中文翻译  我的朋友经常告诉我他们看到你把上衣弄掉,   有一个女孩在每一个城市在时钟周围调情   哦,宝贝得乐丛林热,丛林热在抓你   与其表现出犹豫也不应该尝试告诉我谎话   我有个感觉宝贝,我失去控制   你把我的心切成一块块你压碎我的灵魂。   我有激情,我失去控制   你把我的心撕成小块你压碎我的灵魂   你走吧,可以走   你可以跑你可以藏起来   然后你会听到我说,那只是爱   我一直哭   我死去,我在你那里迷失   我会一直相信你,那是爱   我的男人一天天的慢慢爬,踹着他的靴子   吸引所有的女人,我可不可以就拿起枪开火   噢,宝贝你在我的警告下也玩,你不应该在我把心给你的情况下玩   因为我为这一刻活所以我现在离开你   我有个感觉宝贝,我失去控制   你把我的心切成一块块你压碎我的灵魂。   我有个激情,我失去控制   你把我的心撕成小块你压碎我的灵魂   你走吧,可以走   你可以跑你可以藏起来   然后你会听到我说,那只是爱   我一直哭   我死去,我在你那里迷失   我会一直相信你,那只是爱   当我感觉不好,当伤心的时候   那时我渴望,我们在一起的日子,我不会忘记   商讨   有些地方我认为可以这样翻译:   I got a feeling baby I lose control宝贝,我激动到失控   I got a passion baby I lose control宝贝,我冲动到失控   You can go you can walk you can run you can hide away,   then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.   All the time that I cry that I die that I lost in you,   I"d always trust in you, it"s only love.   你给我听着:只有爱,才能让你整天走跑游荡藏匿   只有爱,才能让我一直哭到死到因为你迷失自己也信任你(的鬼话)   cause I"m living for the moment so I"m leaving you today.   使现在,我只有离开了你才能活着

求解Groove Coverage的Only Love的歌词和翻译

歌曲名称:Only Love (只是爱) 歌手: Groove Coverage 专辑:Covergirl (封面女郎) Verse 1 第一节 My friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top, 朋友常常告诉我 你喝多了 got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock. 在每个城市每时每刻都和女孩子鬼混. Oh baby"s catching Junglefever Junglefever"s catching you, 哦,宝贝得了热感冒,热感冒附体了 shouldn"t try to tell me lies rather come out with the blues. 不要告诉我,谎言源于郁闷 I got a feeling baby I lose control you cut my heart in peaces you crush my soul. 宝贝,我对你有感觉,我失去理智,你把我心剪碎,灵魂碾碎 I got a passion baby I lose control you rip my heart in peaces you crush my soul. 宝贝,我喜爱你,我失去理智,你把我心撕碎,灵魂碾碎 Verse 2 第二节 My man is creeping slowly day by day he"s knocking boots, 我丈夫正在一天天得寸进尺,他正在鬼混 magnatising all the ladys, will I pick my gun and shoot. 吸引所有的女人,我会拔出手枪崩了他 Oh babys playing with my warning with my heart you shouldn"t play, 哦,宝贝,你不听劝告,玩弄我心,你不该鬼混 cause I"m living for the moment so I"m leaving you today. 因为我是为了现在而活,所以今天我要离开你 Refrain 重复 You can go you can walk you can run you can hide away, 你去吧,你走吧,你跑吧,你还可以藏起来 then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love. 然后你将听到我说,都是为了爱 All the time that I cry that I die that I lost in you, 从头到尾,我哭泣,我死去,只因失去了你 I"d always trust in you, it"s only love. 我会永远相信你,都是为了爱 Bridge 过渡 When I feel so bad when I feel so sad I"m longing, 当我感到难过,当我感到悲伤,我还在憧憬 at the time we had the time I can"t forget 昔日时光,永生难忘

Groove Coverage的《Only Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Only Love歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:CovergirlOnly LoveGroove CoverageMy friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top,got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock.Oh baby"s catching Junglefever, Junglefever"s catching you,Shouldn"t try to tell me lies rather come out with the blues.I got a feeling baby, I lose control.You cut my heart in peaces you crush my soul.I got a passion baby, I lose control.You rip my heart in peaces you crush my soul.You can go you can walkYou can run you can hide away,Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.All the time that I cryThat I die that I lost in you,I"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.My man is creeping slowly day by day he"s knocking boots,magnatising all the ladys, will I pick my gun and shoot.Oh babys playing with my warning with my heart you shouldn"t play,cause I"m living for the moment so I"m leaving you today.I got a feeling baby, I lose control.You cut my heart in peaces you crush my soul.I got a passion baby, I lose control.You rip my heart in peaces you crush my soul.You can go you can walkYou can run you can hide away,Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.All the time that I cryThat I die that I lost in you,I"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.When I feel so bad when I feel so sadI"m longing at the time we had the time I can"t forgetYou can go you can walkYou can run you can hide away,Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.All the time that I cryThat I die that I lost in youI"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.You can go you can walkYou can run you can hide away,Then you"ll hear me say, it"s only love.All the time that I cryThat I die that I lost in you,I"ll always trust in you, it"s only love.

recovery time是什么意思

recovery time的意思是:恢复时间例句:Also, if the upgrade reacts negatively in production, you can quickly fall back to the other cell, significantly reducing recovery time. 而且,如果更新在生产中产生负面效果,您可以迅速切换到另一个单元,极大地减少恢复时间。Alonger pause means more memory degradation, increased likelihood of a taskswitch, and the assumption that recovery time is also longer. 较长的停顿意味着更多记忆的衰退,任务切换的可能性增大,以及恢复时间也更长这样的假设。Both of these mega-disasters make an obvious point: poverty and weakinfrastructures increase the health impact of disasters and extend recovery time. 这两次大灾难很明显地说明,贫穷和薄弱的基础设施会加大灾害对健康的影响并 延长恢复时间。But she was adamant that shedidn"t want one of each, thus doubling her side effects and recovery time. 但她非常确定的是她不希望两种都做一遍,这样会让她受到的副作用和恢复时间倍增。Make certain you value and allow rest and recovery time. 确信你重视并允许休息和恢复时间。Without sufficient "recovery time" each night, you will run your body down and wearout your life force, paving the way for disharmony and disease. 没有每晚足够的“恢复时间”,你的身体将每况愈下而精疲力竭,走向身体失衡和患病的道路。


#musicoverdoseEverybody 全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れてAround the world 音(おと)に身(み)を任(まか)せてPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands upPut your mother fukin" hands upAre you ready?后悔(こうかい)しないように今(いま)をただ楽(たの)しめばいいPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up朝(あさ)まで騒(さわ)ごう Oh yeahWhat time is it?何时(なんじ)かなんて気(き)にしてるようなヤツは排除(はいじょ)来(こ)ないヤツには内绪(ないしょ)だろ今夜(こんや)起(お)こるMy Showアイツはお家(いえ)でスヤスヤこっちゃは爆音(ばくおん)とお酒(さけ)でクラクラ游(あそ)びと仕事(しごと)は眠(ねむ)れない 吟味(ぎんみ)する前(まえ)にGive me俺(おれ)らは不眠症(ふみんしょう)気味(キミ)Fuck you pay me メモっとけ俺(おれ)らのやり方(かた)ベースにまずはチェーンをGold そしてGivenchy like a平成(へいせい)生(う)まれSwaggin" Headsにテクニックなら任(まか)しときなAct Sing Rap Dance どれがいいそれともベッドの上(うえ)でParty night?こんなんじゃまだまだ騒(さわ)ぎ足(た)りない?Let go!!!Work Hard Play Hard JobもPartyも かかせないMusic overdoseEverybody 全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れてAround the world 音(おと)に身(み)を任(まか)せてPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands upPut your mother fukin" hands upAre you ready?后悔(こうかい)しないように今(いま)をただ楽(たの)しめばいいPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up朝(あさ)まで騒(さわ)ごう Oh yeah俺(おれ)がやりてえようにやらせてもらうぜ嫌(きら)われてもそれがマイルール饱(あ)きさせはしないぜ 决(けっ)して退屈(たいくつ)なんて口(くち)が裂(さ)けても言(い)わせはしないこのパーティーはまだまだ続(つづ)くLife gose on 寝(ね)る间()も惜(お)しむ2倍(にばい)高速(こうそく)GET,MONEY,FUCK,BITCHES谁(だれ)かが引(ひ)いてったレールは无视(むし) ルールはBullshitクールな振(ふ)りじゃなくリアルなNewshitを提供(ていきょう)Music Overdose ブッ飞(と)べTake offWork Hard Play Hard JobもPartyも かかせないMusic overdoseWork Hard Play Hard JobもPartyも かかせないMusic overdoseEverybody 全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れてAround the world 音(おと)に身(み)を任(まか)せてPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands upPut your mother fukin" hands upAre you ready?后悔(こうかい)しないように今(いま)をただ楽(たの)しめばいいPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up朝(あさ)まで騒(さわ)ごう Oh yeahEverybody 全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れてAround the world 音(おと)に身(み)を任(まか)せてPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands upPut your mother fukin" hands upAre you ready?后悔(こうかい)しないように今(いま)をただ楽(たの)しめばいいPut your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up朝(あさ)まで騒(さわ)ごう Oh yeah

stm32f407discovery的usb host的实现可以不在主函数用死循环吗

>> STM32F4的2个USB是否可以同时使用STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.3.0 提供了两个例子DualCore_Standalone USB Host Dual Core exampleThis is a typical example on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Host peripheral to operate with an USB MSCdevice connected to the High Speed port and a HID device connected to the Full Speed port.DualCore_Standalone USB Device Dual Core exampleThis is a typical example on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Device peripheral, where STM32 is enumerated as a MSC device in the High Speed mode, and also as a HID device in the Full Speed mode,using the native PC Host HID/MSC drivers to which the STM324xG-EVAL board is connected.HS的作为Device,FS的作为Host 理论上是可行的

Mr. Big的《Take Cover》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Cover歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Hey ManWords in my mouthSomeone told me to sayThey go unspokenMy mind gets in the wayI hold my tongueSave my, save my soulTrue to myselfAnd stay goldSometimes you gotta pull the plugSomewhere a little place to crawlLove me for who I amIt doesn"t have to be this hardfor an ordinary manI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom youSold all my dreamsWatched them all disappearI"ve spilled my bloodNo one seems to careSometimes you gotta pull the plugSomewhere a little place to crawlLove me for who I amHow low do I have to go to make youUnderstandI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom youI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom you

Mr. Big的《Take Cover》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Cover歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Big, Bigger, Biggest! The Best Of Mr. BigWords in my mouthSomeone told me to sayThey go unspokenMy mind gets in the wayI hold my tongueSave my, save my soulTrue to myselfAnd stay goldSometimes you gotta pull the plugSomewhere a little place to crawlLove me for who I amIt doesn"t have to be this hardfor an ordinary manI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom youSold all my dreamsWatched them all disappearI"ve spilled my bloodNo one seems to careSometimes you gotta pull the plugSomewhere a little place to crawlLove me for who I amHow low do I have to go to make youUnderstandI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom youI wanna take cover, take coverFrom you, wake me when it"s overTake cover, I wanna take coverFrom you

Groove Coverage的《Darkness》 歌词

歌曲:Darkness歌手: Groove Coverage所属专辑:《Riot On the Dancefloor》歌词:Cold, Bitter, Sweet And Empty Is How I Am SometimesWeak, Weary, Crazy, Restless Is What I Feel TonightYou Build Up All These Walls To Make Yourself Feel SafeBut I Can See Right Through All This ShameI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI Wanna Make It Through Your NightI Will Be Your Weakness And I"ll Be AfraidI"ll Be The Poison In Your VeinsI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI"ll Be The Best Time Of Your LifeCalm, Angry And Frustrated, Leave It All BehindTogerther, Strong And Faithful, Read What"s On My MindDon"t Close Your Door, I Am The One To Save Your Dreams"Cause I Am Taking Over All Your DreamsI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI Wanna Make It Through Your NightI Will Be Your Weakness And I"ll Be AfraidI"ll Be The Poison In Your VeinsI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI"ll Be The Best Time Of Your LifeI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI Wanna Make It Through Your NightI Will Be Your Weakness And I"ll Be AfraidI"ll Be The Poison In Your VeinsI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI"ll Be The Best Time Of Your LifeI Will Be Your Weakness And I"ll Be AfraidI"ll Be The Poison In Your VeinsI Will Be Your Darkness And I"ll Be Your LightI"ll Be The Best Time Of Your Life

Ringo的《Cover Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Cover Up歌手:Ringo专辑:NtumbaTrapt - Cover UpYou must have pulled the triggerYour eyes give you awayThe gun in your hand"s still smokingYou don"t have to take the blameYou have to do what you have to doYou know I"d never judge youStill time to close those eyesForget what happened, forget you liedPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueYou"re free to do what you wantYou never though of consequencesYou created your own little worldWhere you could always beat a friendA place where the rules do not applyYou could never be deniedYou took advantage of a good thinkNow the void you filled is emptyPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you chooseDoes anyone, ever reach down to you?Does anyone, ever seen your real face?Does anyone, know what you"ve been doing?Does the one we used to know fades away?Cover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you choose

be covered in 和be covered with 有什么区别?

cover in(用土)掩埋 填起来, 填满be covered with盖满,覆满 充满(羞惭,慌乱等),不胜...

cover后一般接什么。如:The mountain is( ) green trees. A.cover with B.covered with C.cover under


用“was covered”组句子。

The street was covered by children yesterday.


covered option:the writer of the option owns an offsetting position.For a call writer owns the shares. For a put the writer is long on cash.简单来说就是,对于call option而言:卖方有option的标的资产可以在期权到期日被买方“强制”买走。对于put option而言:卖方有钱可以去买买方“强制”要卖给他的资产。也就是没有risk exposure。(卖option的人是义务方,只能接受没资格不履行。)

How many pages have you covered 现在完成时? 有多页面 你覆盖? 求翻译



为什么用have covered 而不用covers ?

have covered 是一个过去完成时态,因为对于你来说,看完这本书,这个状态永远都是多去完成时

be covered by/with有什么区别?怎么用

be covered by意为“被……所覆盖”,是被动语态,“为……所覆盖”还可用be covered with来表示,但这不是被动语态,而是系表结构,注重于事物的状态,可译为“到处都是”.例:The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.这座山一年到头都被雪覆盖着.It must have rained last night,for the ground is covered with water.昨晚一定下过雨,因为底上到处都是水另外be covered by ...:还有“由...承担/负担/支付;被...掩护/报道/监视/控制等等,表示抽象的概念,后面接人,机构,或者组织.”的意思.These expenses are covered by the state

金融术语covered call是什么意思

covered call的意思是属于看涨期权,而不是看跌,用option的收益弥补下跌的损失。看涨期权给予买方什么是看涨期权以一定价格在给定的日期或之前购买一定数量的基看涨期权什么意思础资产的权利。期权买方支付一定金额的期权费,购人看涨期权,即买方可以在期权的有效期内,按协定价格向期权卖方购买合同规定数量的基础资产。即使该资产的市场价格上升很多,期权买方也有权以事先约定的价格购买,期权卖方必须按合同要求执行。这时看涨期权多方可以从所购资产价格上升中获益,空方的或有义务成为应尽义务,并承受协定价格和市场价格之间的价差损失。扩展资料:注意事项:如果该资产的市场价格下降,低于协定价格,多方可以选择放弃行使期权,多方的最大损失就是期权费,看涨期权空方的最大获利是期权费。所以看涨期权的买方通过购买期权,将基础资产价格上涨的风险转嫁给卖方,代价就是预付的期权费,而买方的最大风险就是损失期权费。看涨期权的卖方由于预先获得买方支付的期权费,其代价就是承担基础资产价格波动的风险。即使基础资产市场价格上涨很多,卖方必须按协定价格出将给买方。看涨期权多头与空头就是持有人对期权的预期判断,看涨期权多头是买入看涨期权,看涨期权空头是指卖出看涨期权。参考资料来源:百度百科-看涨期权参考资料来源:百度百科-金融

be covered by/with有什么区别?怎么用

be covered by 被…覆盖; 由....承担be covered by snow 被积雪所覆盖be covered by us 由我方负担be covered with 被……盖满;充满着……be all covered with snow 满身是雪be speedily covered with fire 一片火海be all covered with mud 全部为泥泞所掩盖

be covered with 和be covered by 的区别,请造句哇

be covered with 被…所覆盖,覆盖着,盖满… The grass was covered with frost in the early morning. The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. be covered by ...:由...承担/负担/支付;被...掩护/报道/监视/控制等等,表示抽象的概念,后面接人,机构,或者组织. These expenses are covered by the state.


包括;采访,报导;涉及.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物. 覆盖;代替from cover to cover 从头至尾 under cover 隐藏着;秘密地 cover up 掩盖,盖住 cover for 代替 cover with 覆盖 cover to cover 完整收录 cover letter 附信 under separate cover 在另函中 land cover 土地覆盖 cover in 用泥土填;遮盖住 cover an area of 占地面积,占地多少 ground cover 地被植物 vegetation cover 植被(覆盖);植物覆盖层 cover plate 电机活动盖板;荧光屏前面防护玻璃 take cover 躲藏,隐蔽 upper cover 上盖,上层覆盖 snow cover 积雪;积雪层;雪盖层 front cover n. 封面;机壳前盖 separate cover 另函;分散掩蔽 end cover 端盖 更多收起词组短语 vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及deal with, complete withn.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物envelope, coervi.覆盖;代替write over, substitute for. 书皮,封面2. 覆盖物,盖子,套子3. 保护;遮蔽;隐藏4. 隐藏处;遮蔽物,掩护物5. 借口,假装6. 一份餐具7. 外表,门面8. [美国英语] =cover charge9. (邮件的)封套,封皮,信封;首日封10. 代替人,替身11. [复数]床罩,被子,毯子12. (特工人员的保护性)化装,伪装13. (美国海军陆战队员戴的)钢盔14. =cover versioncover ["kʌvə] n.1. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter somethingunder cover of darkness 2. bedding that keeps a person warm in bedhe pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep 3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of itthe cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft 4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book5. a natural object that covers or envelopsunder a covering of dust the fox was flushed from its cover 6. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)put the cover back on the kettle 7. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formationsartillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal 8. a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink9. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody elsethey made a cover of a Beatles" song 10. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment v.1. provide with a covering or cause to be coveredcover her face with a handkerchief cover the child with a blanket cover the grave with flowers 2. form a cover overThe grass covered the grave 3. span an interval of distance, space or timeThe period covered the turn of the century This farm covers some 200 acres 4. provide forThe grant doesn"t cover my salary 5. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expressionThe course covered all of Western Civilization 6. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one"s sphere or territorythis should cover everyone in the group 7. travel across or pass overThe caravan covered almost 100 miles each day 8. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalismThe cub reporter covered New York City 9. hold within range of an aimed firearm10. to take an action to protect against future problemsCount the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself 11. hide from view or knowledgeThe President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House 12. protect or defend (a position in a game)he covered left field 13. maintain a check on; especially by patrollingThe second officer covered the top floor 14. protect by insuranceThe insurance won"t cover this 15. make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities16. invest with a large or excessive amount of somethingShe covered herself with glory 17. help out by taking someone"s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilitiesShe is covering for our secretary who is ill this week 18. be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost ofIs this enough to cover the check? 19. spread over a surface to conceal or protectThis paint covers well 20. cover as if with a shroud21. copulate with a female, used especially of horsesThe horse covers the mare 22. put something on top of something elsecover the meat with a lot of gravy 23. play a higher card than the one previously playedSmith covered again 24. be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game25. sit on (eggs)The female covers the eggs 26. clothe, as if for protection from the elementscover your head


We have you covered.意思是:1) 我们把你也包括在内;2) (保险用语)我们把你保在内。3) 我们把你掩盖了。

cover by还是covered by

要看情况,被动就用covered by。covered做形容词是"大量的""有遮盖的"也有可能是动词cover的过去分词"覆盖""遮盖"。be covered by/with的区别:这两个短语的主要区别在于be covered with中covered有形容词的感觉,是一种状态。而be covered by更有一种动作的感觉。在某些句子中他。be covered with与be covered by这两个词语都有“由覆盖”之意介词with用于主动或被动语态均可,指“用覆盖/掩盖”,表状态介词by用于被动语态,引出动作的逻辑。cover的基本意思是“覆盖,遮盖”,既可表示无意地将某物放在某一物的上面,也可表示有意地隐藏、遮掩。有时还可表示包含、包括、概括。cover可引申表示“走完(一段路程)”“够付(费用)”“(大炮、堡垒等的)射程能达到”“能控制”“用枪对准(某人)”。cover是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。

cover(反义词) appear(反义词)


be covered with 与 be covered by 的区别

be covered by:被……覆盖be covered是被动语态,by用于引出动作的执行者,be为助动词。be covered with:满是……,覆盖着……。这里边的covered更倾向于形容词,be covered是系表结构,be为be动词。跟be full of,be filled with等结构相似。

关于cover 的用法


be covered in 和be covered with 有什么区别


被覆盖为什么不用be covered 用 covered


Public Image Ltd的《Covered》 歌词

歌曲名:Covered歌手:Public Image Ltd专辑:That What Is Not (2011 - Remaster)If we all feel sorryWill we all feel something elseSentiments are around itUp to nearest words on every pageWe are born with a knowledgeMines so different to everyone elseAnd when our paths cross I worryI like to be so far away from hereMaybe I was crying out for me to be discoveredMaybe I was crying out for youMaybe I was hiding when I ran away for coverMaybe I was just looking out for youHave we all made a journeyA one that takes us where we want to goAnd with a drop of an eyelidYou lock us up and throw away the keyMaybe I was crying out for me to be discoveredMaybe I was crying out for youMaybe I was hiding when I ran away for coverMaybe I was just looking out for you...


cover一词词义很多。现将其常用词义和用法归纳如下:作及物动词,用法为“cover+宾语/宾语+介词+(代)名词”1.覆盖,遮盖(根据语境,译法较灵活)He covered the sleeping child with his coat.他把大衣盖在熟睡的孩子身上。The whole city is covered with/by thick fog.浓雾笼罩着整个城市。Books covered his desk.他的桌子上面尽是书。2.走过(一段路程);(钱)够付(费用);


及物动词 vt. 1.遮盖;覆盖[(+with)] Mary covered her face with her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住脸. 2.覆盖...的表面[(+in/with)] The highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆盖着. 3.掩饰;隐匿 She laughed to cover her anxiety. 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑. 4.包含;适用于 These regulations cover such cases. 这些规定适用于这类情况. His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科. 5.(不用被动态)行过(路程) We covered about 30 miles a day. 我们每天大约走三十英里. 6.采访,报导 Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. 杰克当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争. 7.(钱)足够付 Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗? 8.给...保险;使免受损失[(+against)] Are the goods covered against fire damage? 这批货物保了火险吗? 9.用枪掩护;把枪口对准(某人) 10.巡逻 11.【体】(为夺球)盯住(对手);守(位) 不及物动词 vi. 1.顶替,代替[(+for)] 名词 n. 1.遮盖物;盖子;套子[C] 2.(书的)封面,封底[C] On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy. 杂志的封面是一张男孩的照片. 3.掩护(物);掩蔽处[U] This is only the cover for their unlawful activity. 这仅仅是他们非法活动的掩护而已. 4.保险[U][(+against)] 5.伪装;借口[S] 6.(一副)餐具;餐席[C] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 cover 1.采访;采写 雅思分类词汇—— 报刊常用词汇-雅思考试(... cover vt.采访;采写 2.补位 北京奥运项目英语词汇 - 奥鹏学习论坛 奥... cover 补位 3.涵盖 覆盖 术语对照(英中繁简) - 男人.No bo... cover 涵盖 覆盖


及物动词 vt. 1.遮盖;覆盖[(+with)]Mary covered her face with her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住脸。 2.覆盖...的表面[(+in/with)]The highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆盖着。 3.掩饰;隐匿She laughed to cover her anxiety. 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑。 4.包含;适用于These regulations cover such cases. 这些规定适用于这类情况。 His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。 5.(不用被动态)行过(路程)We covered about 30 miles a day. 我们每天大约走三十英里。 6.采访,报导Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. 杰克当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争。 7.(钱)足够付Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗? 8.给...保险;使免受损失[(+against)]Are the goods covered against fire damage? 这批货物保了火险吗? 9.用枪掩护;把枪口对准(某人)10.巡逻11.【体】(为夺球)盯住(对手);守(位)不及物动词 vi. 1.顶替,代替[(+for)]名词 n. 1.遮盖物;盖子;套子[C]2.(书的)封面,封底[C]On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy. 杂志的封面是一张男孩的照片。 3.掩护(物);掩蔽处[U]This is only the cover for their unlawful activity. 这仅仅是他们非法活动的掩护而已。 4.保险[U][(+against)]5.伪装;借口[S]6.(一副)餐具;餐席[C]以下结果来自互联网网络释义cover1.采访;采写雅思分类词汇—— 报刊常用词汇-雅思考试(...cover vt.采访;采写2.补位北京奥运项目英语词汇 - 奥鹏学习论坛 奥...cover 补位 3.涵盖 覆盖术语对照(英中繁简) - 男人.No bo...cover 涵盖 覆盖


及物动词 vt. 1.遮盖;覆盖[(+with)] Mary covered her face with her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住脸. 2.覆盖...的表面[(+in/with)] The highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆盖着. 3.掩饰;隐匿 She laughed to cover her anxiety. 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑. 4.包含;适用于 These regulations cover such cases. 这些规定适用于这类情况. His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科. 5.(不用被动态)行过(路程) We covered about 30 miles a day. 我们每天大约走三十英里. 6.采访,报导 Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. 杰克当时替美国有线新闻电视网报导海湾战争. 7.(钱)足够付 Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗? 8.给...保险;使免受损失[(+against)] Are the goods covered against fire damage? 这批货物保了火险吗? 9.用枪掩护;把枪口对准(某人) 10.巡逻 11.【体】(为夺球)盯住(对手);守(位) 不及物动词 vi. 1.顶替,代替[(+for)] 名词 n. 1.遮盖物;盖子;套子[C] 2.(书的)封面,封底[C] On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy. 杂志的封面是一张男孩的照片. 3.掩护(物);掩蔽处[U] This is only the cover for their unlawful activity. 这仅仅是他们非法活动的掩护而已. 4.保险[U][(+against)] 5.伪装;借口[S] 6.(一副)餐具;餐席[C] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 cover 1.采访;采写 雅思分类词汇—— 报刊常用词汇-雅思考试(... cover vt.采访;采写 2.补位 北京奥运项目英语词汇 - 奥鹏学习论坛 奥... cover 补位 3.涵盖 覆盖 术语对照(英中繁简) - 男人.No bo... cover 涵盖 覆盖


covered意思是盖满。 covered: adj.盖着一层;盖满;有顶的。 v.掩蔽;遮盖;盖;覆盖;撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)。 cover的过去分词和过去式。 扩展资料   The present perfect is covered in Unit 8.   现在完成时在第8单元讲解。   The baby"s whole body was covered in small red spots.   当时这孩子浑身布满小红疙瘩。   Don"t move ─ we"ve got you covered!   不许动!我们的.枪口正对着你们!   The article covered a wide range of topics.   这篇文章讨论了一系列广泛的论题。   The page was covered with a mass of figures.   纸上写满了密密麻麻的数字。

got you covered什么意思


got you covered

表达可以算地道,其实简单点“you got me"就好,或是”you are covered" 另外: I"ve got you covered is a way of saying I"ve got your back,or don"t worry about it,I"ll make sure everything works out. Covered is also frequently used for paying.Like,if we go to a restaurant,and you take out your wallet,I can tell you "put that away,I"ve got you covered".it means I will take care of your payment for you. 补充:我还是翻译一下吧 “ I"ve got you covered”是说”有我挺你“或“不用担心”“我将保证一切顺利”的一种说法. “ covered"也是一种经常用来表示付钱的词.如,如果我们去餐厅,并且你拿出了你的钱包,这时你就可以说”你不用管了(拿开你的钱吧),我来付.“这里 I"ve got you covered就是此意.

金融术语covered call是什么意思

covered call的意思是属于看涨期权,而不是看跌,用option的收益弥补下跌的损失。看涨期权给予买方什么是看涨期权以一定价格在给定的日期或之前购买一定数量的基看涨期权什么意思础资产的权利。期权买方支付一定金额的期权费,购人看涨期权,即买方可以在期权的有效期内,按协定价格向期权卖方购买合同规定数量的基础资产。即使该资产的市场价格上升很多,期权买方也有权以事先约定的价格购买,期权卖方必须按合同要求执行。这时看涨期权多方可以从所购资产价格上升中获益,空方的或有义务成为应尽义务,并承受协定价格和市场价格之间的价差损失。扩展资料:注意事项:如果该资产的市场价格下降,低于协定价格,多方可以选择放弃行使期权,多方的最大损失就是期权费,看涨期权空方的最大获利是期权费。所以看涨期权的买方通过购买期权,将基础资产价格上涨的风险转嫁给卖方,代价就是预付的期权费,而买方的最大风险就是损失期权费。看涨期权的卖方由于预先获得买方支付的期权费,其代价就是承担基础资产价格波动的风险。即使基础资产市场价格上涨很多,卖方必须按协定价格出将给买方。看涨期权多头与空头就是持有人对期权的预期判断,看涨期权多头是买入看涨期权,看涨期权空头是指卖出看涨期权。参考资料来源:百度百科-看涨期权参考资料来源:百度百科-金融








covered:形容词的意思: 覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的动词的意思:覆盖;包括;掩护。他是cover的过去分词。cover动词的意思:包括;采访,报导;涉及;行走(一段路程);掩护;翻唱; 覆盖;代替;敷衍;给…投保名词的意思:.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;幌子。词性不太一样。另外做动词时cover的意思更多样



be covered with 和be covered by 的区别,

参考这两个短语的共同意思是“被…所遮盖”,当介词宾语为非人为的自然物时,两者可互换。例如:The mountain is covered with〔by〕 snow all the year round.山上终年积雪。其区别是:1、强调点不同。强调状态时多接with,强调动作时多接by。例如:1)The mountains are covered with forests.山上长满了树木。2)His teeth were never entirely covered by his lips.他的牙齿从未被嘴唇完全遮住过。2、用法不同。当介词宾语为一件较小的覆盖物(如:cloth, book)时,一般要用with,因为此时往往用“人”作为行为施动者。例如:The table was covered with a table cloth (by me).(我在)桌上盖着一块桌布。


第一句用的是covered,是cover的过去式,此剧中cover与前面的was 以及put时态相一致,而第二句covering与and前的动词putting相一致.covered和covering是动词cover的过去式和现在分词形式,根据具体时态使用,没什么特殊用法


vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物vi. 覆盖;代替from cover to cover 从头至尾 under cover 隐藏着;秘密地 cover up 掩盖,盖住 cover for 代替 cover with 覆盖 cover to cover 完整收录 cover letter 附信 under separate cover 在另函中 land cover 土地覆盖 cover in 用泥土填;遮盖住 cover an area of 占地面积,占地多少 ground cover 地被植物 vegetation cover 植被(覆盖);植物覆盖层 cover plate 电机活动盖板;荧光屏前面防护玻璃 take cover 躲藏,隐蔽 upper cover 上盖,上层覆盖 snow cover 积雪;积雪层;雪盖层 front cover n. 封面;机壳前盖 separate cover 另函;分散掩蔽 end cover 端盖 更多收起词组短语 vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及deal with, complete withn.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物envelope, coervi.覆盖;代替write over, substitute for网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义补位<排球实用英语>三 英汉排球术语 志愿者英语俱乐部... ...Court width 场地宽度Cover 保护,补位Coverage 保护,补位 ...基于589个网页-相关网页封面答卷封面(COVER)评阅结果Final mark评阅人Examiner课程名称(Subject):旅游概论编号(No.基于340个网页- 相关网页 覆盖新东方酷学社区: 酷学社区 - [分享]词汇的记忆... ...mentally disordered 精神错乱 discover 发现cover 覆盖disclose 揭示,揭露 ...基于196个网页- 相关网页 在市场上通过补进或回抛结清空盘部位期货交易常用术语英语词汇 ...Counterparty 合约对方 Cover 平仓,补进:在市场上通过补进(如原有部位在空头)或回抛(如原有部位是多头)结清空盘部位 Cross(Close hedge)买空卖空:同一个结算会员的套购套售,交叉保值 ...基于160个网页- 相关网页 短语cover plate[建] 盖板;盖片;离合器盖;阀盖POCKET COVER袋盖cover heel包皮跟;包跟toilet cover恭桶盖;梳妆台布;马桶盖back cover封底;底盖;表后背;后盖cover glass盖玻片;复盖玻璃;盖玻璃;盖片front cover封面;前盖;面盖;包括论文题目protective cover保护罩;防护罩;保护层;安全罩ground cover铺地植物;地面覆盖;地被;地被物 更多收起网络短语 cover ["kʌvə] vt.1. 盖,覆盖,遮盖:She covered her face with her hands.她用双手蒙住她的脸。2. 穿(衣),戴(帽),盖上(被子等):She covered the baby up with a blanket.她用毯子把婴儿盖好。3. 使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得:He covered himself with honours at college.他在学院里获得多种荣誉。4. 【军事】(用炮火)掩护;保护,庇护:Our planes covered the tanks which were attacking the enemy.我们的飞机掩护着正向敌人进攻的坦克。5. 在…上面涂以:They covered the affected parts with menthol.他们在患部涂上薄荷醇。6. 对…瞄准:The police man covered the robber with a pistol.警察用手枪对准强盗。7. 使…处于射程之内;控制住;监视:The fortress on the hill covered the harbour area beneath.山上的炮楼把下面的海港地区置于射程之内。Two policemen covered the back door and two covered the front.两个警察监视后门,两个监视前门。8. 包括,涉及;论及:His studies covered a wide field.他的研究项目涉及的范围很广。9. 负担支付;够付(费用):This check should cover all her expenses.这张支票应该足够支付她的全部开支。10. 弥补(损失等):The price barely covers the cost.这种价格刚够抵上成本。11. [美国英语]【新闻学】采访关于…的新闻;报道(…的新闻等):Two reporters were sent to cover the war.派去两名记者采访有关战事的新闻。12. 对…进行保险:Insurance companies try to persuade them to cover themselves against fire.保险公司试图劝说他们保火险。13. 通过,走过(若干里),走完(一段路程):They covered thirty-five kilometers yesterday.他们昨天走了35公里。14. 负责(某个地区):Our salesman covers the west coast.我们的推销员负责西部沿海地区。15. 【棒球】补接,补漏16. 【体育】盯防,防守17. (动物、牲畜等)交配,配种:A horse covers a mare.雄马与雌马交配。18. 孵(蛋、小鸡),孵化19. 【牌戏】盖打(出较大点数的牌来压倒对方打出的牌),吃掉:North covered West"s jack with the queen.北家用皇后吃掉西家的杰克。20. 下(与对方相等的赌注),接受(对方打赌的条件)21. [俚语]勾搭(女人)做情人22. 替…工作:to cover a lesson for an absent colleague代替缺勤的同事上课vi.1. 代替(某人):Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter?我出去寄封信,你替我照看一下电话总机好吗?2. [美国英语](为别人)找借口,打掩护,包庇(某人):I tried to cover up for him but without success.我设法替他掩饰,但没成功。n.1. 书皮,封面2. 覆盖物,盖子,套子3. 保护;遮蔽;隐藏4. 隐藏处;遮蔽物,掩护物5. 借口,假装6. 一份餐具7. 外表,门面8. [美国英语] =cover charge9. (邮件的)封套,封皮,信封;首日封10. 代替人,替身11. [复数]床罩,被子,毯子12. (特工人员的保护性)化装,伪装13. (美国海军陆战队员戴的)钢盔14. =cover versioncover ["kʌvə] n.1. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter somethingunder cover of darkness 2. bedding that keeps a person warm in bedhe pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep 3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of itthe cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft 4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book5. a natural object that covers or envelopsunder a covering of dust the fox was flushed from its cover 6. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)put the cover back on the kettle 7. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formationsartillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal 8. a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink9. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody elsethey made a cover of a Beatles" song 10. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment v.1. provide with a covering or cause to be coveredcover her face with a handkerchief cover the child with a blanket cover the grave with flowers 2. form a cover overThe grass covered the grave 3. span an interval of distance, space or timeThe period covered the turn of the century This farm covers some 200 acres 4. provide forThe grant doesn"t cover my salary 5. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expressionThe course covered all of Western Civilization 6. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one"s sphere or territorythis should cover everyone in the group 7. travel across or pass overThe caravan covered almost 100 miles each day 8. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalismThe cub reporter covered New York City 9. hold within range of an aimed firearm10. to take an action to protect against future problemsCount the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself 11. hide from view or knowledgeThe President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House 12. protect or defend (a position in a game)he covered left field 13. maintain a check on; especially by patrollingThe second officer covered the top floor 14. protect by insuranceThe insurance won"t cover this 15. make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities16. invest with a large or excessive amount of somethingShe covered herself with glory 17. help out by taking someone"s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilitiesShe is covering for our secretary who is ill this week 18. be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost ofIs this enough to cover the check? 19. spread over a surface to conceal or protectThis paint covers well 20. cover as if with a shroud21. copulate with a female, used especially of horsesThe horse covers the mare 22. put something on top of something elsecover the meat with a lot of gravy 23. play a higher card than the one previously playedSmith covered again 24. be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game25. sit on (eggs)The female covers the eggs 26. clothe, as if for protection from the elementscover your head!

be covered with, be covered by, be covered in三者有什

All three are in use, and the differences are subtle; but they do exist."Covered by" generally means that the covering actually hides the thing that is covered: it would usually be an object (a sheet, a lid, a curtain) rather than a substance, that is doing the covering. "covered by snow" would imply that the snow is so deep that you can"t see what it is covered. "Covered by blankets" is a more likely example."Covered in" is more metaphorical: the covering is widely distributed over the object, but does not actually hide it. "Covered in snow" is a typical expression, and does not usually mean that every single point on the surface has snow, rather that snow is widespread over it."Covered with" is somewhere in the middle, and can mean the same as either of the other two.

be covered by/with有什么区别?怎么用

becoveredby/with的区别:  这两个短语的主要区别在于becoveredwith中covered有形容词的感觉,是一种状态。而becoveredby更有一种动作的感觉。  在某些句子中他们的意思相近,比如可以说:  thefieldiscoveredwithsnow.  thefieldiscoveredbysnow.  以上两句话都可以表示“大地被白雪覆盖”,但这里nativespeakers会更倾向选择前者,尽管后者在语法上也是正确的。不选择后者---becoveredby是因为这个短语更强调cover这个动作,也就是说更强调了snow去cover大地这个动作。而我们日常说话中不会特意去强调雪做出的动作。所以在这个语境中becoveredwith是更好的选择。(说明大地被雪覆盖的状态)  becoveredby其实是一种被动语态(passivevoice),在强调动作的发出者(by后面的人或物)时可以使用,比如:  that"scoveredbyinsurancepolicy.(theinsurancepolicyconversthat.)  thequiltwascoveredbymymother.(mymothercoveredthisquilt.)


第一句用的是covered,是cover的过去式,此剧中cover与前面的was 以及put时态相一致,而第二句covering与and前的动词putting相一致。covered和covering是动词cover的过去式和现在分词形式,根据具体时态使用,没什么特殊用法


covered的用法如下:covered,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的”,作动词时译为“覆盖;包括;掩护(cover的过去分词)”。短语搭配covered electrode焊条;包覆焊条;敷料焊条;Covered Bond资产担保债券;有资产担保债券;资产支持证券;covered channel暗槽;暗渠;有盖排水渠;有盖排水槽;covered drain暗排水沟;暗沟;covered berth[船]室内船台;[船]晴雨作业泊位。covered造句1、As I turned back around to see if l had cut off the kitchen light I saw the coveredbird cage in the living room.当我转过头去确认是否关上了厨房灯时,我看见了客厅里的那个盖着布的鸟笼。2、The fibers consist of an array of metal electrodes connected to a semiconductorand are covered by an insulating polymer sheath.这种纤维由一排连接在半导体上的金属电极组成,被聚合体绝缘层所覆盖。3、As I"m writing this, a box covered in glitter is staring at me with an intense glitterygaze.我写这句话的时候,眼神正凝视着一个亮闪闪的盒子。

covered是什么意思 covered翻译

1、adj.大量的; 有遮盖物的,(尤指)有顶的; 2、v.覆盖( cover的过去式和过去分词); 掩护; 包括; 3、a covered arena 室内运动场; 4、snow-covered hills 白雪覆盖的群山; 5、His face was covered in blood.他满脸是血。


cover 英[u02c8ku028cvu0259] 美[u02c8ku028cvu025a] 过去式:covered 过去分词:covered 现在分词:covering 复数:covers vt. 1.覆盖, 遮盖 2.掩盖 3.控制, 支配 4.涉及, 包含 5.报道 6.走完 7.撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等) 8.足以支付;够付 9.占(一片面积) 10.报道;电视报道 11.代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责) 12.为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,敷衍 13.给…保险 14.采取行动(以使自己免遭责备) 15.掩护 16.用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪) 17.翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲) 18.穿(衣),戴(帽),盖上(被子等) 19.使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得 20.弥补(损失等) 21.通过,走过(若干里),走完(一段路程) n. 1.盖子, 套子, 覆盖物 2.(书等的)封面、封皮 3.隐藏物, 躲避处 4.幌子, 伪装 5.掩蔽, 掩护 6.(一副)餐具, 餐席(位) 7.(保险公司的)保险 8.(生长在一个地区的)树木植物,自然植被 9.(云层的)遮盖;(雪的)覆盖 10.床单;床罩;毯子;被子 11.(对身分、感情或违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰 12.代替工作;代劳;替补 vi. 1.代替(某人) 及物动词 vt.1.覆盖, 遮盖 Snow covered the ground.雪覆盖了大地。2.掩盖3.控制, 支配 The city covered ten square miles.这个城市面积有10平方英里。4.涉及, 包含5.报道6.走完7.撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)8.足以支付;够付9.占(一片面积)10.报道;电视报道11.代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责)12.为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,敷衍13.给…保险14.采取行动(以使自己免遭责备) 15.掩护16.用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪)17.翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲)18.穿(衣),戴(帽),盖上(被子等) She covered the baby up with a blanket.她用毯子把婴儿盖好。 19.使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得 He covered himself with honours at college.他在学院里获得多种荣誉。20.弥补(损失等) The price barely covers the cost.这种价格刚够抵上成本。21.通过,走过(若干里),走完(一段路程) They covered thirty-five kilometers yesterday.他们昨天走了35公里。名词 n.1.盖子, 套子, 覆盖物 A box usually has a cover.箱子通常都有盖子。2.(书等的)封面、封皮 The book needs a new cover.这本书需要装个新封面。3.隐藏物, 躲避处 The problem was that with their cover blown they had nowhere to go.眼前的问题是他们既无藏身之处, 又没有别的地方可去。4.幌子, 伪装 The spy"s cover was that she was a consultant engineer.那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师。5.掩蔽, 掩护 For this operation we need plenty of air cover.为进行这次军事行动, 我们需要充足的空中掩护。6.(一副)餐具, 餐席(位) Covers were laid for eight.摆好了八副餐具。7.(保险公司的)保险8.(生长在一个地区的)树木植物,自然植被 9.(云层的)遮盖;(雪的)覆盖10.床单;床罩;毯子;被子11.(对身分、感情或违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰12.代替工作;代劳;替补 不及物动词 vi.1.代替(某人) Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter?我出去寄封信,你替我照看一下电话总机好吗?


covered 英[u02c8ku028cvu0259d] 美[u02c8ku028cvu0259rd] adj. 大量的; 有遮盖物的,(尤指)有顶的; v. 包括; 覆盖( cover的过去式和过去分词); 掩护; [例句]But the judges allowed samsung to distribute products through units not coveredby the orders.但法官允许三星电子通过未被禁令规定在内的子公司销售产品。




一般是关机状态下按住音量键下和电源键几秒后会跳入 双清一般是wipe开头那两个选项 不过每个手机可能双清不同


以华为为例进入recovery模式后恢复出厂设置有两种方法:第一种方法:进入华为P8的系统设置--备份与重置--里面有恢复出厂设置注意(恢复后手机上的数据会消除)。这是正常恢复出厂设置,如果这种方法不错,就用第二法。第二种方法:(如果手机没有变砖、进不了系统了,手机忘了开机了密码进不了系统时操作,建议最好使用第一种方法)1、先把手机彻底关闭手机2、把华为P8手机彻底关机之后,在关机的状态下(手机必须有电),然后长按手机上的音量上键 加 音量下键 加 电源键组合键,不要松开,直到进入recovery模式下,在recovery中音量键表示选择,电源键表示确认。3、华为P8手机进入recovery模式后,就可以进行双清,不管你的手机是系统自带的recovery还是第三方的recovery,只要有【wipe data/factory reset】(中文版的是:清空所有数据)和【wipe cache partition】(中文版的是:清空所有缓存)这两项就可以4、选择wipe data/factory reset(中文版的是:清空所有数据,就是手机设置里的恢复出厂设置选项),然后按开机键确认,再选择【yes - delete all data】(是的 - 清空所有数据)即可5、选择wipe cache partition(中文版的是:清空缓存),然后按开机键确认,再选择【yes - wipe cache】(是的 - 清空所有缓存)即可6、然后重新重新再选择【reboot system now】,按开机键确认后启动手机就可以了


1:先把手机彻底关闭手机2:手机彻底关机之后,进入的方法:关机状态下同时按住手同的 音量上键 和 电源键 (同时按住这两个键)直到进入Recovery为止,在recovery中音量键表示选择,电源键表示确认。3:进入recovery模式之后进行双清,不管你的手机是系统自带的recovery还是第三方的recovery,不管你的recovery是中文版的还是英文版的,只要有【wipe data/factory reset】【清空数据/恢复出厂设置】和【wipe cache partition】(中文版的是:清空缓存)这两项就可以4:选择【wipe data/factory reset】(中文版的是:清空所有数据,也就是恢复出厂设置了),然后按开机键确认,再选择【yes - delete all data】(是的 - 清空所有数据)即可。5:选择【wipe cache partition】(中文版的是:清空缓存),然后按开机键确认,再选择【yes - wipe cache】(是的 - 清空缓存)即可6:然后重新重新再选择【reboot system now】,按开机键确认后启动手机就可以了


若您当前使用的vivo手机,各机型双清操作方法如下:1、在关机状态下同时按住,锁屏键和音量加键,当出现vivo界面时松开锁屏键继续按住音量加键,选择进入recovery模式(上下音量键为选择键,电源键为确定键),选择清除数据,等界面跳转之后,再选择还原或清除所有设置后返回上层重启手机即可。2、NEX 3/NEX 3S系列机型在关机状态下同时长按顶部圆键+音量加键或长按顶部圆键后插入USB数据线进入到FASTBOOT模式,按电源键确认进入Recovery模式,再选择“清除数据”,等界面跳转之后,再选择还原或清除所有设置后返回上层重启手机即可。注:还原所有设置:即将您手机中的各项设置恢复到出厂状态,比如:闹钟、网络设置、亮度调节、铃声设置等。另外,操作还原所有设置后,手机中登录的第三方软件账号需要重新登录,但不会丢失任何数据。(此操作前建议将手机中重要的数据备份,避免丢失无法找回)清除所有数据:会清除手机上的所有数据(SD卡数据除外),包括安装的应用程序、电话本等数据,此操作前请备份手机中的重要数据。

groove coverage的on the radio 的中文和英文歌词

Hello Mr. DJ, Would you play my songPlease, please, play itAll night long.Hello Mr. DJOn the radioCalling every stationOn the airSending out the messageEverywhereTell it everybodyOn the radioOh, oh, ohEverybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the airHello Mr. DJ I"m losing sleepPlease, please, play itMy knees are gettin" weakHello Mr. DJOn the radioIf you"re not gonna play itI go insaneIf you"re not say itI lose my brainSo tell it everybodyOn the radioOh, oh, ohEverybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the airEverybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the air(DJ on the air)Everybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the airEverybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the airEverybody, everywherePlease call the DJ on the airFrom Moon to Mars and everywherePlease call the DJ on the air你好DJ 先生, 您会演奏我的歌曲请, 请, 演奏它整夜。你好DJ 先生在收音机叫做每个驻地在空气派出消息到处告诉它大家在收音机 噢, oh, oh 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 你好DJ 先生I"m 丢失的睡眠请, 请, 演奏它我的膝盖是gettin" 微弱你好DJ 先生在收音机如果you"re 不去演奏它我去疯狂如果you"re 不是言它我丢失我的脑子如此告诉它大家在收音机 噢, oh, oh 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 (DJ 在空气) 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气

Groove Coverage的的歌词是什么?

Hello Mr. DJ, Would you play my song Please, please, play it All night long. Hello Mr. DJ On the radio Calling every station On the air Sending out the message Everywhere Tell it everybody On the radio Oh, oh, oh Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Hello Mr. DJ I"m losing sleep Please, please, play it My knees are gettin" weak Hello Mr. DJ On the radio If you"re not gonna play it I go insane If you"re not say it I lose my brain So tell it everybody On the radio Oh, oh, oh Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air (DJ on the air) Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air 你好DJ 先生, 您会演奏我的歌曲请, 请, 演奏它整夜。你好DJ 先生在收音机叫做每个驻地在空气派出消息到处告诉它大家在收音机 噢, oh, oh 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 你好DJ 先生I"m 丢失的睡眠请, 请, 演奏它我的膝盖是gettin" 微弱你好DJ 先生在收音机如果you"re 不去演奏它我去疯狂如果you"re 不是言它我丢失我的脑子如此告诉它大家在收音机 噢, oh, oh 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 (DJ 在空气) 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气 大家, 到处请叫DJ 在空气从月亮对火星和到处请叫DJ 在空气


个人觉得 ruin毁灭 比较贴切……


discover的名词形式:discovery n.发现;发觉;被发现的事物(或真相、人) 复数: discoveries 记忆技巧:discover 发现 + y 行为 → 发现 扩展资料   The discovery of a child"s body in the river has shocked the community.   在河里发现一个孩子的`尸体,这使社区大为震惊。   This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.   这一发现被视为一项重大突破。   This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory.   这一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆。


discover与find的区别:discover的基本意思是除去覆盖物,使之显示出本来的面目。find的基本意思是发现,找到,作发现解时指发现已存在而以前不知道的事物,作找到解时指找到了所寻找的东西,知道了其下落,强调寻找的结果。 扩展资料 discover与find的区别:侧重点不同:discover侧重点:强调首次发现之前没有人知道的东西。find侧重点:强调在学习或者观察之后的首次发现。意思不同:discover意思:(第一个)发现;(出乎意料地)发现,找到,发觉;了解到;认识到;查明。find意思:(意外或偶然地)发现,碰到;找到;找回;(经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,找出,求得。






discover a new star 发现一颗新的恒星; discover a particular activity 发现特定的活动; discover a thief 发现小偷; discover America 发现美洲; discover facts 发现事实 扩展资料   Only later did she discover a talent for writing.   她后来才发现自己的.写作天分。   It was a shock to discover he couldn"t read.   得知他不识字真令人震惊。   That"s the wonder of poetry ─ you"re always discovering something new.   这就是诗的奇妙之处,你总有新的发现。


  discover有发现;偶然撞见;发觉等意思,那么你知道discover的用法吗?下面我为大家带来有关discover的用法和 短语 例句,供大家参考学习!    discover的用法:   discover的用法1:discover的基本意思是“除去覆盖物,使之显示出本来的面目”。引申则表示“发现”,指发现的对象本来存在,但人们不知道而被发现者所发现,可指人发现人、物或地方,也可以指人发现特定的活动或科学规律。   discover的用法2:discover也可表示出乎意料地撞见〔碰见〕某事物或了解到、认识到、发觉某事物,由此引申可表示弄明真相或找到答案。   discover的用法3:discover是及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式、现在分词和“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   discover的用法例句:   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. Discover the delights and luxury of a private yacht.   体验私人游艇的乐趣和奢华。   3. He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.   他震惊地发现花费至少超了10亿美元。   4. We happened to discover we had a friend in common.   我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。   5. The newly discover-ed notes are nothing more than Lang"s personal journal.   新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。   6. It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important.   检查员们很难发现哪些文件是重要的。   7. It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.   发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。   8. Haskell did not live to discover the deception.   哈斯克尔至死都没识破那个骗局。   9. We may begin to discover overlaps.   我们可能开始发现交叉的部分了。   10. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.   我们得找出他的计划,照着办。   11. The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.   警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。   12. An inquest was held to discover the cause of death.   对死亡原因进行了调查。   13. It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past.   他以往的丑行被发现时,人们感到震惊。   14. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.   让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了.   15. They discover that the new teacher is a martinet.   他们发现新来的老师非常严格.


  discover有不见,消失; 不复存在等意思,那你知道discover的 近义词 都有哪些吗?discover有哪些常用 短语 ?下面我为大家带来discover的近义词辨析及discover的常用短语,供大家参考学习!   discover近义词:   discover, find, detect, ascertain   discover近义词辨析:   这些动词均有"发现"之意。   discover 普通用词,指发现本来存在,但示被认识的事物、真理或情况。   find 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西。强调动作的结果。   detect 正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。   ascertain 较正式用词,指有意搜寻与发现。   discover的常用短语:   DISCOVER YOURSELF 发现自己   Discover Nature 自然探索   DISCOVER CHANNEL 探索频道   discover的英语例句:   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. Discover the delights and luxury of a private yacht.   体验私人游艇的乐趣和奢华。   3. He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.   他震惊地发现花费至少超了10亿美元。   4. We happened to discover we had a friend in common.   我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。   5. The newly discover-ed notes are nothing more than Lang"s personal journal.   新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。   6. It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important.   检查员们很难发现哪些文件是重要的。   7. It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.   发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。   8. Haskell did not live to discover the deception.   哈斯克尔至死都没识破那个骗局。   9. We may begin to discover overlaps.   我们可能开始发现交叉的部分了。   10. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.   我们得找出他的计划,照着办。   11. The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.   警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。   12. An inquest was held to discover the cause of death.   对死亡原因进行了调查。   13. It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past.   他以往的丑行被发现时,人们感到震惊。   14. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.   让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了.   15. They discover that the new teacher is a martinet.   他们发现新来的老师非常严格. discover的近义相关 文章 : 1. disappear的同义词辨析 2. discuss的同义词辨析


  discover表发现的意思,那么你知道discover的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了discover的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   同义词辨析:   discover, find, detect, ascertain   这些动词均有"发现"之意。   discover : 普通用词,指发现本来存在,但示被认识的事物、真理或情况。   find : 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西。强调动作的结果。   detect : 正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。   ascertain : 较正式用词,指有意搜寻与发现。   词组习语:   all found   1. (英,旧)(雇员工资)食宿免费   你们的工资是五先令,食宿免费。   your wages would be five shillings all found.   find fault   find favour   1. 受喜爱,获得欢心;被接受   芭蕾舞剧不受大众喜爱。   the ballets did not &B{find favour with} the public.   find one"s feet   1. 能站立行走   find God   1. (宗教上)皈依;觉醒;顿悟   find in favour of   find it in one"s heart to do something   1. 允许(或强迫)自己做,忍心做u2026   塞布不忍心讨厌普朗凯特。   Seb could not find it in his heart to dislike Plunkett.   find against   1. (律)(法庭)判决u2026有罪   find for (或 find in favour of)   1. (律)(法庭)判决u2026无罪   税务署判原告无罪。   the Court of Exchequer found for the plaintiffs.   find someone out   1. 发觉,察觉,看出,看穿(某人的不道德或无礼行为)   要是他想撒谎,她总能察觉。   she would always find him out if he tried to lie.   find something out (或 find out about something)   1. 发现(情况,事实)   他无暇搞清是什么在困扰她。   he hadn"t time to find out what was bothering her.   find out   1. 查明:如通过观察或询问查明(某事)   通过查找我查到了电话号码。如果你不肯定,查一查   I found out the phone number by looking it up. If you"re not sure, find out.   2. 发现:探明真相或性质;暴露   骗子被揭穿的危险   Liars risk being found out.   3. 探明并逮捕;抓住   大多数贪污犯最后都被查出并逮捕归案   Most embezzlers are found out in the end.   discover的例句:   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. Discover the delights and luxury of a private yacht.   体验私人游艇的乐趣和奢华。   3. He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.   他震惊地发现花费至少超了10亿美元。   4. We happened to discover we had a friend in common.   我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。   5. The newly discover-ed notes are nothing more than Lang"s personal journal.   新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。   6. It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important.   检查员们很难发现哪些文件是重要的。   7. It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.   发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。   8. Haskell did not live to discover the deception.   哈斯克尔至死都没识破那个骗局。   9. We may begin to discover overlaps.   我们可能开始发现交叉的部分了。   10. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.   我们得找出他的计划,照着办。   11. The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.   警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。   12. An inquest was held to discover the cause of death.   对死亡原因进行了调查。   13. It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past.   他以往的丑行被发现时,人们感到震惊。   14. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.   让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了.   15. They discover that the new teacher is a martinet.   他们发现新来的老师非常严格.   discover的同义词例句:   1. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.   我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。《赎罪》   2. I have $100m hidden away where no one will ever find it.   我把1亿美元藏到了一个永远没人会找到的地方。   3. It would be difficult to find two men who were more dissimilar.   很难找到彼此间差异更大的人了。   4. He kept encouraging Rosie to find a place of her own.   他不断鼓励罗茜为自己找个住处。   5. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.   很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情。   6. Four of them had gone off to find help.   他们中的4个人去寻求帮助了。   7. Find out how much your surveyor"s and solicitor"s fees will be.   弄清你要向鉴定员和律师支付多少费用。   8. He returned to the airport to find his car alarm going off.   他回到机场时听到自己的汽车报警器响了。   9. He made it his object in life to find the island.   他把找到那座岛屿当成自己的人生目标。   10. There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.   仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。   11. They find it difficult to pump themselves up for the games.   他们感到要为自己加油打气,自信满满地去打比赛并不容易。   12. You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard.   一觉醒来,你会发现电影摄制组进驻了你家后院。   13. We guarantee that you will find a community with which to socialise.   我们保证你们会找到自己的交际圈。   14. He awoke to find Charlie standing near the bed.   他醒了过来,发现查利正站在床边。   15. I find that I need very little sleep these days.   我发现最近我只需要睡很少时间。   1. He conjectured that some individuals may be able to detect major calamities.   他猜测说有些人也许能够察觉重大灾难。   2. We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change.   我们正努力探寻并理解气候是如何变化的。   3. An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture, and movement.   善于观察的医生常常能从人的表情、姿势以及动作诊察出抑郁症。   4. The tests are designed to detect the disease early.   这些检查旨在早期查出疾病。   5. I detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals.   我察觉到对新提案有一股潜在的不满情绪。   6. The policeman waited to detect the prisoner in a lie.   警察等着在囚犯撒谎时揭穿他.   7. I can detect signs of improvement in your thinking.   我可以察觉出你思考问题方面的进步.   8. Their instruments can detect the slightest vibration.   他们的仪器能探测出极微弱的震动.   9. I could detect no triumph in his eye.   我不能在他的眼里看出胜利的喜悦.   10. The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.   这个探针的灵敏度很高,足以测出任何微生物的存在.   11. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.   日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。   12. An infra-red eye is said to detect the movement of any animal within an angle of 110 degrees at up to 10 metres.   据说红外眼能够探测到110度角范围内远至10米的任何动物的活动。   13. It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime.   防止及侦察犯罪是警察的职务而惩罚犯罪是法庭的职责.   14. Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man"s face.   阿诺德能觉察到老人脸上的一丝悲伤。   15. The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.   新的检测手段应该能够使医生们尽早查出这种疾病。   1. It can be difficult to ascertain the facts.   可能难以查明事实真相。   2. I"m going to ascertain the truth.   我要查明真相.   3. It"s difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.   煤储量很难探明.   4. Take time to ascertain what services your bank is providing, and at what cost.   花些时间确认一下你的银行会提供什么样的服务,费用是多少。   5. A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness.   一家瑞士公司表示愿意向工厂周边派遣小组进行环境检测以协助环境投资者。   6. Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading.   这样一来,老师就能确定孩子们对他所读的内容理解多少了。   7. She felt a morbid desire to ascertain the point.   她感到有一种病态的欲望想弄明白这一点.   8. As a matter of fact you needn"t bother to ascertain.   其实你也不必仔细看了,我已经仔细看过.   9. The court must therefore ascertain the " properlaw " of the contract.   因此,法院务必查明该契约的 “ 准据法 ”.   10. They are doing everything possible to ascertain his whereabouts.   他们正在尽力调查他的下落.   11. It is difficult to ascertain the exact duration of protection.   要弄清确切的予防有效期并不容易.   12. We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situtations.   我们必须根据不同情况判定责任.   13. My purpose is to ascertain whether you are interested or not.   我的目的是要弄清你是否感兴趣.   14. An autopsy was needed to ascertain the cause of his death.   需验尸方能确定他的死因.   15. It has been difficult to ascertain the correct source of origin.   要查实材料的正确起源很困难.
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