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full cream奶粉的保质期英文怎么写的?大概在什么位置标记的?


engineered screenprint是什么意思



  地毯[dì tǎn]  词典  carpet; rug; footcloth  网络  Carpets; mat; rugs  1  房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。  The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.  2  今天我用吸尘器清洁了地毯。  I vacuumed the carpets today.    3  这些地毯是用毛料和尼龙制成的。  The carpets are made in wool and nylon.

My family has witnessed a sharp increase in the debt. 这句话什么意思呢?withness什么意思呢?


里约大冒险2 "Beautiful Creatures"歌词




both end screwed and one end with socket and the other end covered with plastic cap




you got screwed是什么意思


请问screwed bar stock ball valve 怎么翻译??急!!!


英文问题求解谢谢。。。be screwed by sb / be set up by sb / be framed by sb 这三个区别在哪里

嗨 您好!纯手工帮您解释与造句!be screwed by sb - 被XXX搞砸My plans has been screwed by him.我的计划都被他搞砸了!be set up by sb - 被谁摆一道了! 或是 提出1。 I got set up by him, 我被他摆了一道!2. The theory has been set up by the scientist 这个理论是尤这为科学家提出的!be framed by sb 诬陷1. The wife was dramed by the husband 这妻子被她丈夫诬陷了希望能帮助到您!

screw you是脏话吗

screw u是screw you的简称,get out 之类的意思。(去你的,滚蛋)拓展资料Screw的用法screw 作为名词,是螺丝钉的意思。但是它的口语使用却远远超过了单词本身的意思,多以动词为主。1. Screw you. 去你的,去你*的,滚蛋(脏话)Screw you,Jack. 去你的,杰克。2. Screw sth. 不管了Screw the party:去你的派对,不管了。Screw the meeting:去你的开会,不管了。3.Screw it:管它呢,不管了,算了。Screw it=F**k it.4. Screw 作为动词,还有“占便宜”“骗诈”的意思,口语理解为坑 的意思。I trust you,but you screwed me.我那么信赖你,你却坑了我。I got screwed by you.5. be screwed:完蛋了。Mark lost his way, He is screwed.马克迷路了,那他完蛋了。I"m so screwed. 我是完蛋啦。6. Screw up:弄糟,搞砸了Don"t screw up the party.别把聚会搞砸了。She had screwed up and had to do it all over again.她把事情搞砸了,只得重新再做。I screwed up this time.这次我搞砸了。7. Screw around: 闹着玩。Are you kidding? I"m not screwing around.开什么国际玩笑?我没给你闹着玩。类似表达:screwing around=messing around8.Screw with:玩弄Don"t screw with me. 别玩我。参考资料:常用美式俚语——百度百科

you are screwed,如题,啥意思

you are screwed 你完蛋了



请问I`m screwed.是什么意思




美剧里screw u 什么意思


you are screwed!


screwed you 是什么意思



screwed[英][skru:d][美][skru:d]adj.用螺丝拧紧的,螺丝状的,喝醉的; v.用螺丝拧紧( screw的过去式和过去分词 ); 拧上去; (和某人)性交; 诈骗(钱财等); **************************************************************如果您对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,如果您觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请及时采纳!**************************************************************

religious ; sacred ;holy 区别异同点

帮不上大忙,写上我想到的相关的词:religious region;sacred warrior;holy shit!

proportional method 和incremental method怎么算

unsupervised-method 无监督的方法 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问


1.你说的这个是锦湖KUMHOCRUGENPREMIUMKL33225/60R1799H适配现代IX35智跑,是韩国的锦湖轮胎,品牌和韩泰差不多。 2.来自韩国的锦湖轮胎历史源于1960年。 3.目前已成为全球大型轮胎制造企业之一。 4.锦湖轮胎拥有完备生产线,覆盖乘用车轮胎、商用车轮胎、高科技轮胎等多个类别。 5.锦湖轮胎除拥有辐射全国的上海销售总部外,设立了南京工厂,并在2005年完成南京二期工厂建设。 6.此外,锦湖于2006年设立天津工厂以及研发中心、2007年设立长春工厂、2008年南京TBR工厂建成投产,至此,锦湖轮胎在中国的年生产规模达到3000万条。 7.2011年15晚会曝光了锦湖轮胎掺回收料致轮胎品质下降。



Delphi 使用HTTPRIO控件后在关闭程序窗口时报cannot terminate an externally created thread

cannot terminate an externally created thread无法终止外部创建线程从提示信息推测,建议查看程序在结束之前,是否有线程没有正常关闭。

secret fragrance 什么意思



Secretary的读法:英[ˈsekrətri],美[ˈsekrəteri]。一、释义secretary这个词主要用于指职业秘书、政府内阁成员、某些宗教或组织领袖的助手等职位。Secretary可以指秘书,主要指为高级或领导人员提供文秘、协调和组织工作的职业人员。Secretary可以指部长,某些国家或地区中,部长一词也称为secretary,例如“国务卿”可以被译为“Secretary of State”。Secretary可以指内阁成员,在某些国家或地区,内阁成员的职位也被称为secretary。在政治、宗教和组织等方面,书记也常被称为“secretary”。二、组词1、company secretary指公司的秘书,主要负责公司文件和记录的管理,以及公司法律事务的处理。2、 personal secretary指个人秘书,主要为某个人提供文秘和协调工作的服务。3、school secretary指学校的秘书,主要负责学校行政和管理事务的处理。secretary造句:1、As a personal secretary, her job is to manage her boss"s schedule, answer calls, and draft emails.作为个人秘书,她的工作范围非常的广泛,日常就是管理老板的日程安排、接听电话和起草电子邮件。2、The secretary general of the United Nations is responsible for overseeing the work of the UN and promoting global cooperation.联合国秘书长负责监督联合国的工作并促进全球合作。3、The press secretary held a press conference to answer questions from journalists about the company"s new products.新闻秘书举行了一次新闻发布会,回答了记者有关公司新产品的问题。4、The school secretary helped to organize a fundraising event to support the school"s sports teams.学校秘书帮助组织了一次筹款活动,以支持学校的运动队。

general secretary和secretary general有何区别

general secretary:总书记;秘书长secretary general:秘书长

请问MIRO产生的 Credit Memos是用来干吗的呀?

Credit memo是用来开红字发票的。比如说你觉得供应商卖给你的东西贵了,你和他谈好了降低价格,如果他同意,会在原来发票的基础上开一个红字冲销发票,代表退还给你一部分钱。subsequent credit和creditmemo的区别是,前者只能对发票或者PO的总价值进行减少,而后者可以减少数量来相应的减少价值。credit memo的另一个情况就是发票开完之后发现一个物品坏了,要求供应商退款。


包括肌酐(CREA)、尿素氮(BUN)、血糖(GLU)、血清总蛋白(TP)、血清白蛋白(ALB)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、尿酸(URIC)和胆固醇(TC)等。一、美国生产杜邦AR型生化检验仪器。 主要生化检验 能够检查肝病、肾病、糖尿病、产科的妊高症及各类疾病。 详细检查如下:名称 正常值 单位CREA(血清肌酐) 50-140 umol/lTP(总蛋白) 60.0-80.0 g/lGLOB(球蛋白) 20.0-30.0 g/lALB(白蛋白) 35.0-50.0 g/lA/G(白/球) 1.5-2.5 TBIL(总胆红素) 2.00-19.00 umol/lDBIL(直接胆红素)0.00-6.84 umol/pIBIL(间接胆红素)1.71-12.00 umol/pALP(血清碱性磷酸酶)20-110 u/lURCA(血清尿酸)150.00-350.00 umol/lCHOL(总胆固醇) 3.10-5.70 umol/lLDL(低密度脂蛋白)0.0-3.4 mmol/lHDL(高密度脂蛋白)0.36-2.00 mmol/lTRIG(血清甘油三酯)0.56-1.70 mmol/lNa(钠离子) 135-145 mmol/lK(钾离子) 3.5-5.5 mmol/lCl(氯离子) 96-108 mmol/lMG(镁离子) 0.80-1.20 mmol/lTBA(总胆汁酸) 0.93-20.00 umol/lGLU(血糖) 3.90-6.10 mmol/lALT(丙氨酸氨基转移酶)0-40 u/lCHE(胆碱酯酶) 4300-14000 u/lAST(天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶)8-40u/lCO2(二氧化碳结合力)22.0-30.0mmol/lBUN(血尿素氮) 3.20-7.10 mmol/lGGT(γ-谷氨酰转肽酶) 0-50 mmol/l

inno setup怎么检测系统是否安装了vcredist

通过搜索注册表SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall中是否有类似"Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime - 12.0.21005"如:if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall", Names) thenbeginvc_install := false;for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(Names)-1 dobegindir := "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall"+Names[I];if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, dir, "DisplayName", qStr) thenbegincomp := -1;comp := CompareStr(qStr, "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime - 12.0.21005");if comp = 0 thenbeginvc_install := true; endendendend elsebeginvc_install := false;end

在qt creator中如何删除建立好的讯号和槽

在qt creator中如何删除建立好的讯号和槽 在介面最下面的视窗上,可以修改和删除 Qt的讯号和槽是如何工作的 简单点说就是当你发射一个讯号,Qt的讯号槽机制会自动把你这个讯号触发到关联的槽函式上面去,当然一个讯号可以关联多个槽函式(槽函式用Q_SLOT区别的函式),然后在你的槽函式里面就触发了执行。 给你2个参考文件一个英文的,一个中文的 :woboq./blog/how-qt-signals-slots-work. :blog.csdn./newthinker_wei/article/details/22785763 如何删除phpstorm中建立好的专案 确认你已经安装php开发环境,没安装的话,安装一个整合环境也可以的,php+apache/nginx+mysql这样的 这样设定一下就行 在DLL中使用QT的讯号和槽,在JAVA中不能用吗 一:开启腾讯电脑管家,找到工具箱-电脑诊所。 二:点选软体问题专区。 三:在丢失dll档案一键修复区,找要修复的dll档案选项。 四:点选立即修复,便可以恢复正常了 QT 讯号和槽式如何实现的 一: [ 每个物件 ] 都有一个相应的纪录该物件的 [ 元物件 ] 关于元物件的类: QMetaObject 类: /******************* 生成元物件需要的输入引数 *****************/ 类名 const char * const class_name, 父类名 QMetaObject *superclass, 记录 slot 资讯 const QMetaData * const slot_data, 记录槽的个数 int n_slots, 记录 signal 资讯 const QMetaData * const signal_data, 记录讯号的个数 int n_signals /******************* 元物件类提供的方法 **************************/ int numSlots( bool super = FALSE ) const; 返回槽的个数 int numSignals( bool super = FALSE ) const; 返回讯号的个数 int findSlot( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const; 查询槽 int findSignal( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const; 查询讯号 返回指定位置的槽 const QMetaData *slot( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const; 返回指定位置的讯号 const QMetaData *signal( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const; 所有槽名字的列表 QStrList slotNames( bool super = FALSE ) const; 所有讯号名字的列表 QStrList signalNames( bool super = FALSE ) const; 槽的起始索引 int slotOffset() const; 讯号的起始索引 int signalOffset() const; /*********************** 两个获取类的元物件的方法 *****************/ static QMetaObject *metaObject( const char *class_name ); static bool hasMetaObject( const char *class_name ); QMetaData 类: 记录元物件资料 for 讯号与槽 struct QMetaData { const char *name; 名称 const QUMethod* method; 详细描述资讯 enum Aess { Private, Protected, Public }; Aess aess; 访问许可权 }; 二: [QObject 类实现了讯号与槽机制 ] 它利用元物件纪录的资讯,实现了讯号与槽机制 ( 1 )讯号与槽建立连线的实现 介面函式: 连线 引数(传送物件,讯号,接收物件,处理讯号的讯号 / 槽) static bool connect( const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member ); bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *member ) const; static bool disconnect( const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member ); bool disconnect(const char *signal=0, const QObject *receiver=0, const char *member=0 ); bool disconnect( const QObject *receiver, const char *member=0 ); 连线的内部实现 (传送物件,讯号的索引,接收物件,处理讯号的型别,处理讯号讯号 / 槽的索引) static void connectInternal(const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, int membcode, int member_index ); static bool disconnectInternal(const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, int membcode, int member_index ); 讯号与槽连线的实现原理: ① 阶段 bool QObject::connect( const QObject *sender, 传送物件 const char *signal, 讯号 const QObject *receiver, 接收物件 const char *member 槽 ) { 检查传送物件,讯号,接收物件,槽不为 null if ( sender == 0 || receiver == 0 || signal == 0 || member == 0 ) { return FALSE; } 获取传送物件的元物件 QMetaObject * *** eta = sender->metaObject(); 检查讯号 if ( !check_signal_macro( sender, signal, "connect", "bind" ) ) return FALSE; 获取讯号的索引 int signal_index = *** eta->findSignal( signal, TRUE ); if ( signal_index < 0 ) { normalize and retry nw_signal = qt_rmWS( signal-1 ); remove whitespace signal =; skip member type code signal_index = *** eta->findSignal( signal, TRUE ); } 如果讯号不存在,则退出 if ( signal_index < 0 ) { no such signal return FALSE; } 获取讯号的元资料物件 const QMetaData * *** = *** eta->signal( signal_index, TRUE ); 获取讯号名字 signal = *** ->name; 获取处理讯号的型别(是讯号 / 槽) int membcode = member[0] - "0"; get member code 传送讯号物件 QObject *s = (QObject *)sender; we need to change them 接收讯号物件 QObject *r = (QObject *)receiver; internally 获取接收物件的元物件 QMetaObject *rmeta = r->metaObject(); int member_index = -1; switch ( membcode ) { get receiver member case QSLOT_CODE: 如果是槽 获取槽索引 member_index = rmeta->findSlot( member, TRUE ); if ( member_index < 0 ) { normalize and retry nw_member = qt_rmWS(member); remove whitespace member = nw_member; member_index = rmeta->findSlot( member, TRUE ); } break; case QSIGNAL_CODE: 如果是讯号 获取讯号索引 member_index = rmeta->findSignal( member, TRUE ); if ( member_index < 0 ) { normalize and retry nw_member = qt_rmWS(member); remove whitespace member = nw_member; member_index = rmeta->findSignal( member, TRUE ); } break; } / 如果接收物件不存在相应的讯号或槽,则退出 if ( member_index < 0 ) { return FALSE; } 检查连线的引数 ( 传送的讯号,接收物件,处理讯号的槽或讯号 ) if ( !s->checkConnectArgs(signal,receiver,member) ) { return FALSE; } else { 获取处理讯号的元资料物件 const QMetaData *rm = membcode == QSLOT_CODE ? rmeta->slot( member_index, TRUE ) : rmeta->signal( member_index, TRUE );if ( rm ) { 建立连线 ( 传送讯号的物件,讯号的索引,接收讯号的物件, 处理讯号的型别,处理讯号的索引 ) connectInternal( sender, signal_index, receiver, membcode, member_index ); } } return TRUE; } ② 阶段 建立连线 ( 传送讯号的物件,讯号的索引,接收讯号的物件,处理讯号的型别,处理讯号的索引 ) void QObject::connectInternal( const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, int membcode, int member_index ) { 传送讯号的物件 QObject *s = (QObject*)sender; 接收讯号的物件 QObject *r = (QObject*)receiver; 如果传送物件的连线查询表为 null ,则建立 if ( !s->connections ) { create connections lookup table s->connections = new QSignalVec( signal_index+1 ); Q_CHECK_PTR( s->connections ); s->connections->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } 获取传送物件的相应讯号的连线列表 QConnectionList *clist = s->connections->at( signal_index ); if ( !clist ) { create receiver list clist = new QConnectionList; Q_CHECK_PTR( clist ); clist->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); s->connections->insert( signal_index, clist ); } QMetaObject *rmeta = r->metaObject(); const QMetaData *rm = 0; switch ( membcode ) { get receiver member case QSLOT_CODE: rm = rmeta->slot( member_index, TRUE ); break; case QSIGNAL_CODE: rm = rmeta->signal( member_index, TRUE ); break; } 建立连线 QConnection *c = new QConnection( r, member_index, rm ? rm->name : "qt_invoke", membcode ); Q_CHECK_PTR( c ); 把连线新增到传送物件的连线列表中 clist->append( c ); 判断接收物件的传送物件列表是否为 null if ( !r->senderObjects ) create list of senders { 建立接收物件的传送物件列表 r->senderObjects = new QSenderObjectList; } 把传送物件新增到传送物件列表中 r->senderObjects->append( s ); add sender to list } ( 2 )讯号发生时启用的操作函式 介面: /*************************************************************** ** 启用 slot 的方法 ****************************************************************/ void QObject::activate_signal( int signal ) { #ifndef QT_NO_PRELIMINARY_SIGNAL_SPY if ( qt_preliminary_signal_spy ) { 讯号没有被阻塞 讯号 >=0 连线列表不为空,或者讯号对应的连线存在 if ( !signalsBlocked() && signal >= 0 && ( !connections || !connections->at( signal ) ) ) { QUObject o[1]; qt_spy_signal( this, signal, o ); return; } } #endif if ( !connections || signalsBlocked() || signal < 0 ) return; 获取讯号对应的连线列表 QConnectionList *clist = connections->at( signal ); if ( !clist ) return; QUObject o[1]; activate_signal( clist, o ); } /*************************************************************** ** 启用 slot 的方法 ****************************************************************/ void QObject::activate_signal( QConnectionList *clist, QUObject *o ) { if ( !clist ) return; #ifndef QT_NO_PRELIMINARY_SIGNAL_SPY if ( qt_preliminary_signal_spy ) qt_spy_signal( this, connections->findRef( clist), o ); #endif QObject *object; 传送物件列表 QSenderObjectList* sol; 旧的传送物件 QObject* oldSender = 0; 连线 QConnection *c; if ( clist->count() == 1 ) { save iterator 获取连线 c = clist->first(); object = c->object(); 获取传送物件列表 sol = object->senderObjects; if ( sol ) { 获取旧的传送物件 oldSender = sol->currentSender; sol->ref(); 设定新的传送物件 sol->currentSender = this; } if ( c->memberType() == QSIGNAL_CODE ) 如果是讯号,则传送出去 object->qt_emit( c->member(), o ); else object->qt_invoke( c->member(), o ); 如果是槽,则执行if ( sol ) { 设定恢复为旧的传送物件 sol->currentSender = oldSender; if ( sol->deref() ) delete sol; } } else { QConnection *cd = 0; QConnectionListIt it(*clist); while ( (c=it.current()) ) { ++it; if ( c == cd ) continue; cd = c; object = c->object(); 操作前设定当前传送物件 sol = object->senderObjects; if ( sol ) { oldSender = sol->currentSender; sol->ref(); sol->currentSender = this; } 如果是讯号,则传送出去 if ( c->memberType() == QSIGNAL_CODE ){ object->qt_emit( c->member(), o ); } 如果是槽,则执行 else{ object->qt_invoke( c->member(), o ); } 操作后恢复当前传送物件 if (sol ) { sol->currentSender = oldSender; if ( sol->deref() ) delete sol; } } } } QT怎么重写按钮的讯号和槽传递引数 connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked(button->text())),this,SLOT(get(button->text()))); 我想重写个类继承QPushButton,实现讯号和槽带按钮的文字,我不知道该怎么重写这个类,能帮我用程式码具体实现下么,和怎么呼叫这个自己的button类 更多0 qt里面的讯号和槽是什么东西? 个人观点: GUI程式基本都是事件触发的,只是时间传递的实现方法各不相同。 Windows里面用的是讯息,回拨函式,Qt用的是讯号和槽,GTK+用的是回拨函式。 希望能解决您的问题。 如何用c++模拟qt 讯号和槽机制 说明: 写一个测试程式测试qml和c++利用讯号槽机制传输资讯. 测试程式功能:16进位制和10进位制互相转换. 原始码: main.cpp ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 #include <qtgui qguiapplication=""> #include qtquick2applicationviewer.h #include <qtqml qqmlcontext=""> #include <qtquick qquickitem=""> #include <qtquick qquickview=""> #include myclass.h int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); MyClass my; QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer; viewer.setMainQmlFile(QStrin 如何在实况足球中删除自己已建立好的球员。 首先,你确定他有没有被注册进国家队,如果就换掉他,这样到建立球员选单中按W删除他 Qt怎样连线讯号和槽 假定ui中有QPushButton的物件pushButton_open; 以及.h/.cpp(类名为:Test)定义一个槽函式pushButton_open_onClicked(); 使用connect(ui.pushButton_open, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Test::pushButton_open_onClicked); 或者使用connect(ui.pushButton_open, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pushButton_open_onClicked())); 完成连线

I no case can we create or destroy energy.我们无法创造或毁灭能量。翻译懂了,但是这句话对么?不甚理解

In no case can we create or destroy energy.

shoots fumes that can pass though screen doors是什么意思?


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美标螺丝10-24x3/8"LG SCH CAP SCREWS是什么意思,只是不知道后面SCH CAP SCREWS什么意思,在线等

sch cap screws 螺丝头型

one way screws 是一字螺钉吗

one way screws 不是一字螺钉。

temper proof screw是什么螺钉?

介子螺丝 Tamper-Proof Screw 自攻螺丝 THREAD CUTTING SCREWS

psoc creator提示excess elements in array initializer是什么意思

psoc creator提示excess elements in array initializer在数组的初始化PSoC Creator提示多余的元素psoc creator提示excess elements in array initializer在数组的初始化PSoC Creator提示多余的元素

Hexalobular socket pan head screws是什么意思

Hexalobular socket pan head screws六角插座盘头螺钉socket pan head screws插座盘头螺钉screws[英][sk"ru:z][美][sk"ru:z]n.螺丝钉( screw的名词复数 ); 螺旋桨; 监狱看守; 性交对象; v.用螺丝拧紧( screw的第三人称单数 ); 拧上去; (和某人)性交; 诈骗(钱财等)


这是一个简单的英语句子,其中包含了以下成分:- 主语:one,意为“一件事”或“一个物品”。- 系动词:has worked loose,意为“松动了”。其中,has是动词have的第三人称单数形式,在此表示现在完成时态;worked是work的过去分词形式,表示已经发生的动作;loose表示“松动的”。因此,整个句子的意思是:“有一颗螺丝松动了。”

GB_CROSS_SCREWS_TYPE4 M8X16-11.35 Htype-N是什么


PSoC Creator 和PSoC Designer有什么区别啊?

PSoC Creator 是 Psoc3/5 的开发软件PSoC Designer Psoc1 和CapSense 的开发软件

one+of+screw+has+worked+loose是什么 成分?


self-tapping screws,thread cutting screw什么区别

  可以理解是Self-TappingScrew,包含了ThreadCuttingScrew。Self-TappingScrew是自攻钉的统称。其中,ThreadCuttingScrew,也称为SheetMetalScrew,它们自攻形成螺纹的时候,切削掉一部分基材。与此相对的是ThreadRollingScrew,基本用在塑料产片上,他们是挤压形成自攻螺纹,并不损失材料。  比如,DIN7981就是典型的ThreadCuttingScrew,而DIN7500就属于ThreadRollingScrew,但他们都是Self-TappingScrew。和Self-TappingScrew相对的就是Self-DrillingScrew,我们叫钻尾钉。


Screw 是指螺钉,一般是指没有螺母的螺钉,其尾部一般为锥形,能自己在只有底孔的情况下,通过旋转在底孔上形成螺纹,进入部件或其他,如自攻螺钉等。bolt 是指与螺母配套的螺栓,必须与螺母配套使用,它的尾部非锥形,不能与底孔形成螺纹,一般底孔与其是间隙配合,通过底孔后,在背面与螺母旋拧在一起。



Creature Fear 歌词

歌曲名:Creature Fear歌手:Bon Iver专辑:For Emma, Forever AgoBon Iver - Creature FearAlbum: For Emma, Forever AgoReleased: 19/02/2008Editor: User "UserLogin"(Music...)I was full by your countI was lost but your foolWas a long visit wrong?Say you are the onlySo many foreign worldsSo relatively fuckedSo ready for usSo ready for us,The creature fearI was eased by your blouseSpit out by your mouthI was loud by your loweredSeminary soulTear on tail onTake all on the wind onThe soft bloody noseSign another floorThe so many territoriesReady to reformDon"t let it form usSo did he foil his own?Is he ready to reform?So many torahsSo many for usthe creature fear - The End -



为什么mfc分割窗口CreateStatic(this , 1 , 2)总出错

第一步,建立两个新类。基类为CFormView类,类名CFormView1,CFormView2,Visual Studio会自动新建两个对话框资源并进行关联,ID号为IDD_FORMVIEW1,IDD_FORMVIEW2. 第二步,在CMainFrame插入两个成员变量,变量类型为CSplitterWnd,变量名分别为m_splitter1和m_splitter2. 这两个变量用来标识分割后的窗口区域。 第三步,重载OnCreateClient,添加如下代码。含义见代码注释,具体函数用法参见MSDN,恕不详述。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext){// TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类 CRect rect; this-GetClientRect(&rect); //将窗口划分为1行2列 if( ! m_Splitter1.CreateStatic(this , 1 , 2)) return FALSE; //将第0列分为2行1列 if( ! m_Splitter2.CreateStatic( &m_Splitter1 ,2 , 1,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE)) return FALSE; //为三块区域关联类 m_Splitter1.CreateView(0 , 1,RUNTIME_CLASS(CFormView2),CSize(0,0),pContext); m_Splitter2.CreateView(0 , 0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CTestView), CSize(0,0),pContext); m_Splitter2.CreateView(1 , 0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CFormView1),CSize(0,0),pContext); //设置区域大小 这里的代码不能提前,原因不明- -! m_Splitter1.SetColumnInfo(0,rect.Width()/2,0); m_Splitter2.SetRowInfo(0,rect.Height()/2,100); return TRUE; //return CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第四步,添加头文件,在CMainFrame中添加,建议头文件顺序不变: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Isolation (Screaming To Be With You) 歌词

歌曲名:Isolation (Screaming To Be With You)歌手:Praga Khan专辑:Twenty First Century Skin - The RemixesPeople say we got it madeDon"t they know we"re so afraid?IsolationWe"re afraid to be aloneEverybody got to have a homeIsolationJust a boy and a little girlTrying to change the whole wide worldIsolationThe world is just a little townEverybody trying to put us downIsolationI don"t expect you to understandAfter you"ve caused so much painBut then again, you"re not to blameYou"re just a human, a victim of the insaneWe"re afraid of everyoneAfraid of the sunIsolationThe sun will never disappearBut the world may not have many yearsIsolation

Q: Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values.

问题: 在yarn集群上训练Word2Vec模型数据保存在hadfs上的报错: ERROR datasources.FileFormatWriter: Aborting job Job aborted due to stage failure: Serialized task 5829:0 was 354127887 bytes, which exceeds max allowed: spark.rpc.message.maxSize (134217728 bytes). Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values. 在小数据量上没有出错, slone模式下也没问题,参考问题: spark rpc传输序列化数据应该是有大小的限制,此错误消息意味着将一些较大的对象从driver端发送到executors。 尝试增大partition数目没有奏效 考虑修改spark.rpc.message.maxSize的值 spark.rpc.message.maxSize 默认值是128, 也就是131072K, 134217728 bytes 修改spark.rpc.message.maxSize 值为512, 并尽量增大partiton数

nutrition cream是什么意思?

nutrition cream是什么意思?nutrition cream 营养霜


nutritioncream化妆品中的意思是“营养霜”。这个词语出自韩国的化妆品,uc601uc591ud06cub9bc,Nutrition Cream,营养霜。而营养霜属于面霜的一种,是为干性皮肤和特干性皮肤提供深层滋润促进天然皮脂的产生的一款霜类化妆品。简介:根据2007年8月27日国家质检总局公布的《化妆品标识管理规定》,化妆品是指以涂抹、喷洒或者其他类似方法,散布于人体表面的任何部位,如皮肤、毛发、指趾甲、唇齿等,以达到清洁、保养、美容、修饰和改变外观,或者修正人体气味,保持良好状态为目的的化学工业品或精细化工产品。2020年6月16日,《化妆品监督管理条例》已经2020年1月3日国务院第77次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2021年1月1日起施行。以上内容参考:百度百科-化妆品


secret: n.秘密,机密;例如:This was just another way of not keeping a secret.这只不过是另一种不保守秘密的方式。riddle: 谜语; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜; 例如:All she said was a riddle to me.她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。对比一下,就知道了,secret是知道却不能说的秘密;riddle是不知道答案的谜语。

雅思高手进 improve和increase区别? 为什么improve后面跟的是skills,


CreateFile 函数打开设备失败

2000人的群,名称是VB人生 号148317126,去那里问问

Cream的《Politician》 歌词

歌曲名:Politician歌手:Cream专辑:Disreali GearsSwitchfoot - Politicians(Oh, Oh, Oh,)Everything is broken,Everything is broken,Everything is breaking down, breaking downEverything is bleeding,Everything is bleeding,Everything is breaking down, breaking downI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)Entropy and aching,Where have we been aiming?Everything is fading now,Fading nowWe are the faded,Splintered and sedatedEverything is fading now,Fading nowI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)Oh!Oh!I pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Politicians,Politicians,I am broken, I am bitter!I"m the problem, I"m the Politician,Watching for my sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)

self-tapping screws,thread cutting screw什么区别

  可以理解是Self-Tapping Screw,包含了Thread Cutting Screw。Self-Tapping Screw是自攻钉的统称。其中,Thread Cutting Screw, 也称为Sheet Metal Screw, 它们自攻形成螺纹的时候,切削掉一部分基材。与此相对的是Thread Rolling Screw, 基本用在塑料产片上,他们是挤压形成自攻螺纹,并不损失材料。  比如,DIN 7981就是典型的Thread Cutting Screw, 而DIN 7500就属于Thread Rolling Screw, 但他们都是Self-Tapping Screw。和Self-Tapping Screw相对的就是Self-Drilling Screw, 我们叫钻尾钉。

sheet-metal screw是什么意思

sheet-metal screw金属板螺钉双语对照词典结果:sheet-metal screw[英][u0283i:t u02c8metl skru:][美][u0283it u02c8mu025btl skru]金属板螺钉,自攻丝螺钉; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

谁有2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro的序列号?

【2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro v7.1 特别版】 一个非常好的屏保制作工具!自带十几种特效!你所需要做的只是准备好喜欢的图片,然后轻点鼠标数下就可以作出个性化的屏保了!推荐下载!绝对不错的屏幕保护制作工具,可以利用现有的图片、Flash 资源,甚至视频资料、网站网址制作成随心所欲的屏幕效果。图片支持多种格式,还可以加上 MID Music,各种动态变幻效果,推荐喜欢制作屏保的朋友一定要试试哦。可能是功能最强大的屏幕保护制作工具. 使用图像和音乐文件、FLASH文件,甚至使用电影剪辑或网页制作你自己的专业屏幕保护。 注册信息 Serial Code:367206703030005 【2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro v6.3.5 注册机】

souffle secret 歌词

souffle secret歌手:中川翔子作词:yoffy作曲:yoffyだめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!いま!君のことが好き!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. ほら!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ雨の日も 人ごみもいままで なんだか 苦手だったのに君の差す 伞の中広がる 景色は全てが违うのまつげの触れる距离で君がささやく粉砂糖 ふりかけたないしょの呪文だめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!もぅ!君しか见えない!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. また!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ待ちきれないの?猫舌な君火伤しても 知らない!このきもちいまだけのいっしゅんだけだとわかっているのにいたずらなそんな瞳で抱き寄せられたら全部 忘れちゃう伞のかげにかくれて君にささやく雨の音が奏でるふたりの秘密だめだよ!でも!もっと!世界中の谁よりも!好き!君に梦中なの!とろけるよぅな!キス!何度だって この胸は.. ほら!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ気まぐれな この雨がいつか 止んでも粉砂糖の魔法はさめないよぅに..だめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!いま!君のことが好き!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. ね?ふくらむ スフレ スクレ待ちきれないの!猫舌な君火伤しても 好きなの!



cocreate modeling V19安装license server时提示hardware id status not valid. 电脑是Win7 64位


A secret makes a woman woman 出自哪!

女人因为秘密而美丽有秘密的女人才更像女人 拥有秘密让女人变得完整秘密让女人更加有魅力贝尔摩德说的,贝尔摩德是谁?黑暗组织成员里贝尔的经典台词.出现在“与组织的直接交锋”这集,组织中的“千面女郎”在多年前杀死了茱蒂老师的父亲,小茱蒂并不知道爸爸已经死了,还问“千面女郎”为什么爸爸睡在地上。“千面女郎”本打算把小茱蒂爸爸的眼镜拿走,但看见小茱蒂了,只好把眼镜给了小茱蒂,并对他说a secret make a woman woman。在这之后“千面女郎”本打算防火把小茱蒂和他爸爸烧死,可小茱蒂想起没给爸爸买果汁,就出去了,最后幸免遇难。最终成为了FBI,并作了小兰的老师。我认为这句话有感觉`` 是苦艾酒(vermouth)先说的 剧情跟楼上说的一样 于是茱蒂老师为了记住杀父仇人 把这句话变成了口头禅

strain screen区别

straining device是物理化学方面的过滤,screening device一般指计算机,网络方面的筛选

strain credulity

accelerated urbanization译为加速的都市化 随着经济的快速增长Along with economical swift growth as directe译为如所指示的 strain/stretch credulity译为防止受骗

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creek, stream, rivulet 都有小溪/小流的意思,请问这三者之间有什么区别

分类: 外语/出国 解析: 2. Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它一方面指比river小的小溪、小河,另一方面又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等)。;例如: The stream is full of trout. 河里有很多鳟鱼。 A stream of water ran off the roof. 雨水顺着房顶往下淌。 The music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 这段音乐使人浮想联翩。Streams of people were ing out of the railway station. 人群从火车站涌出。 stream of consciousness 意识流 4. creek 小河,支流。窄小且流速较慢的stream,一般比brook大。但在通俗用法中,stream,brook和creek 可以互换使用。例如: A creek winds through the woods. 一条小河从树林里蜿蜒流过。 rivulet 小溪。即一条很小的brook或者stream, 也可以叫做streamlet。该词由river加后缀 -let(小)构成。例如: Tadpoles can be found in this rivulet. 这条小溪里能见到蝌蚪。

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ice-cream sodan.冰激凌苏打; 复数:ice-cream sodas双语例句1Karen gobbled an ice-cream soda.卡伦大口大口喝下一杯冰淇淋苏打。2He had an ice-cream soda.他喝了一杯冰淇淋果味汽水。

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《A Secret Kept》(De Rosnay, Tatiana)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:extp书名:A Secret Kept作者:De Rosnay, Tatiana出版年份:2011-9页数:330内容简介:This stunning new novel from Tatiana de Rosnay, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Sarah"s Key , plumbs the depths of complex family relationships and the power of a past secret to change everything in the present. It all began with a simple seaside vacation, a brother and sister recapturing their childhood. Antoine Rey thought he had the perfect surprise for his sister Mélanie"s birthday: a weekend by the sea at Noirmoutier Island, where the pair spent many happy childhood summers playing on the beach. It had been too long, Antoine thought, since they"d returned to the islandover thirty years, since their mother died and the family holidays ceased. But the island"s haunting beauty triggers more than happy memories; it reminds Mélanie of something unexpected and deeply disturbing about their last island summer. When, on the drive home to Paris, she finally summons the courage to reveal what she knows to Antoine, her emotions overcome her and she loses control of the car. Recovering from the accident in a nearby hospital, Mélanie tries to recall what caused her to crash. Antoine encounters an unexpected ally: sexy, streetwise Angèle, a mortician who will teach him new meanings for the words life, love and death. Suddenly, however, the past comes swinging back at both siblings, burdened with a dark truth about their mother, Clarisse. Trapped in the wake of a shocking family secret shrouded by taboo, Antoine must confront his past and also his troubled relationships with his own children. How well does he really know his mother, his children, even himself? Suddenly fragile on all fronts as a son, a husband, a brother and a father, Antoine Rey will learn the truth about his family and himself the hard way. By turns thrilling, seductive and destructive, with a lingering effect that is bittersweet and redeeming, A Secret Kept is the story of a modern family, the invisible ties that hold it together, and the impact it has throughout life.

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《A Secret Kept》(De Rosnay, Tatiana)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: hw22书名:A Secret Kept作者:De Rosnay, Tatiana出版年份:2010-9页数:305内容简介:This stunning new novel from Tatiana de Rosnay, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Sarah"s Key , plumbs the depths of complex family relationships and the power of a past secret to change everything in the present. It all began with a simple seaside vacation, a brother and sister recapturing their childhood. Antoine Rey thought he had the perfect surprise for his sister Mélanie"s birthday: a weekend by the sea at Noirmoutier Island, where the pair spent many happy childhood summers playing on the beach. It had been too long, Antoine thought, since they"d returned to the islandover thirty years, since their mother died and the family holidays ceased. But the island"s haunting beauty triggers more than happy memories; it reminds Mélanie of something unexpected and deeply disturbing about their last island summer. When, on the drive home to Paris, she finally summons the courage to reveal what she knows to Antoine, her emotions overcome her and she loses control of the car. Recovering from the accident in a nearby hospital, Mélanie tries to recall what caused her to crash. Antoine encounters an unexpected ally: sexy, streetwise Angèle, a mortician who will teach him new meanings for the words life, love and death. Suddenly, however, the past comes swinging back at both siblings, burdened with a dark truth about their mother, Clarisse. Trapped in the wake of a shocking family secret shrouded by taboo, Antoine must confront his past and also his troubled relationships with his own children. How well does he really know his mother, his children, even himself? Suddenly fragile on all fronts as a son, a husband, a brother and a father, Antoine Rey will learn the truth about his family and himself the hard way. By turns thrilling, seductive and destructive, with a lingering effect that is bittersweet and redeeming, A Secret Kept is the story of a modern family, the invisible ties that hold it together, and the impact it has throughout life.





美制螺丝标注:SCS06-32-0.37NP;SCREW CAP SKT 6-32 3/8L;是啥意思?

螺栓的型号表示: M-圆径*长度(CM),即M-数字号。螺栓:机械零件,配用螺母的圆柱形带螺纹的紧固件。由头部和螺杆(带有外螺纹的圆柱体)两部分组成的一类紧固件,需与螺母配合,用于紧固连接两个带有通孔的零件。这种连接形式称螺栓连接。如把螺母从螺栓上旋下,又可以使这两个零件分开,故螺栓连接是属于可拆卸连接。按连接的受力方式分:分普通的和有铰制孔用的。按头部形状分:有六角头的,圆头的,方形头的,沉头的等等。其中六角头是最常用的。一般沉头用在要求连接的地方。骑马螺栓英文名称为U-bolt,是非标准件,形状为U形所以也称为U型螺栓,两头有螺纹可与螺帽结合,主要用于固定管状物如水管或片状物如汽车的板簧,由于其固定物件的方式像人骑在马上一样,故称为骑马螺栓。按螺纹长度分为全螺纹和非全螺纹两类。 按螺纹的牙型分为粗牙和细牙两类,粗牙型在螺栓的标志中不显示。螺栓按照性能等级分为3.6、4.8、5.6、6.8、8.8、9.8、10.9、12.9八个等级,其中8.8级以上(含8.8级)螺栓材质为低碳合金钢或中碳钢并经热处理(淬火+火),通称高强度螺栓,8.8级以下(不含8.8级)通称普通螺栓。


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