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structures结构双语对照词典结果:structures[英][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z][美][st"ru028cktu0283u0259z]n.结构( structure的名词复数 ); [生物学]构造; 机构; 构造物; v.组织( structure的第三人称单数 ); 安排; 制定; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:Can we change our pricing structures? 我们能改变自己的价格结构吗?


Use volumn key to select up/down用音量键选择上下


formation一般翻译为组成的意思 ,即某物体的 组成成分等formation [fu0254:u02c8meiu0283u0259n] n. 形成, 构成 This is the formation of a new government. 这是新政府的构成。 形成物 Clouds are formations of condensed water vapour. 云是由凝聚的水蒸气构成的。 编队, 排列 The aircraft are flying in formation. 飞机编队飞行。 而 structure 的意思一般指某样物体 的框架,结构 构造structure [u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259] n. 结构, 构造 A flower has quite a complicated structure. 一朵花的结构相当复杂。 有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world. 艾菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的建筑物之一。 vt. 组织; 安排; 构造; 制定 It"s often difficult to structure one"s career. 安排自己的职业通常很困难。

电脑开机后出现invalid picture是什么问题

Invalid picture的意思是无效图片

英语学习资料:政治体制改革 political structure reform

On political structure reform -- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people"s democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. -- We should place high importance on systemic building, give full play to the strength of the socialist political system and draw on the political achievements of other societies. However, we will never copy a Western political system. 胡 *** 同志在十八大报告中讲到政治体制改革时指出 --必须继续积极稳妥推进政治体制改革,发展更加广泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主。 --要把制度建设摆在突出位置,充分发挥我国社会主义政治制度优越性,积极借鉴人类政治文明有益成果,绝不照搬西方政治制度模式。

求歌名和演唱者hey girl picture for the picture ,sister

Dollhouse " by Melanie Martinez ?"Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse-音乐视频-搜狐视频"Hey girl, open the wallsPlay with your dollsWe"ll be a perfect familyWhen you walk awayIs when we really playYou don"t hear me when I sayMom, please wake upDad"s with a slutAnd your son is smoking cannabisNo one ever listensThis wallpaper glistensDon"t let them see what goes down in the kitchenPlaces, placesGet in your placesThrow on your dress and put on your doll facesEveryone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsPicture, picture, smile for the picturePose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?Everyone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else seesD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else seesHey girl, look at my momShe"s got it going onHa, you"re blinded by her jewelryWhen you turn your backShe pulls out a flaskAnd forgets his infidelityUh oh she"s coming to the attic, plasticGo back to being plasticNo one ever listensThis wallpaper glistensOne day they"ll see what goes down in the kitchenPlaces, placesGet in your placesThrow on your dress and put on your doll facesEveryone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsPicture, picture, smile for the picturePose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?Everyone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else seesD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else seesHey girlHey girl, open your wallsPlay with your dollsWe"ll be a perfect familyPlaces, placesGet in your placesThrow on your dress and put on your doll facesEveryone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsPicture, picture, smile for the picturePose with your brother, won"t you be a good sister?Everyone thinks that we"re perfectPlease don"t let them look through the curtainsD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else seesD-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-EI see things that nobody else sees


Picture控件实际不只是一个CStatic类,派生于CWnd,它独有的方法如下所述:Initialization Create Creates the Windows static control and attaches it to the CStatic object. Operations SetBitmap Specifies a bitmap to be displayed in the static control. GetBitmap Retrieves the handle of the bitmap previously set with SetBitmap. SetIcon Specifies an icon to be displayed in the static control. GetIcon Retrieves the handle of the icon previously set with SetIcon. SetCursor Specifies a cursor image to be displayed in the static control. GetCursor Retrieves the handle of the cursor image previously set with SetCursor. SetEnhMetaFile Specifies an enhanced metafile to be displayed in the static control. GetEnhMetaFile Retrieves the handle of the enhanced metafile previously set with SetEnhMetaFile. 实际上在VC++里面它并没有多大的作用,任何一个CWnd都可以完成绘图工作,而CStatic并没有增加多少有用的功能,它只是简单封装了一下API

owl;regional ;marginal ; intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?

owl [au028al] 啊窝regional [u02c8riu02d0du0292u0259nl] 瑞珍闹marginal [u02c8mɑu02d0du0292u026anl] 马振闹 intellectual[.u026antu0259"lektu0283uu0259l] 因特来客戳


the public intellectual:公共知识分子(简称公知)是近年在中国大陆推出的一个概念,其标准为:具有学术背景和专业素质的知识者;对社会进言并参与公共事务的行动者;具有批判精神和道义担当的理想者。

什么是ip intellectual property

  IP核,全称知识产权核(英语:intellectual property core),是指某一方提供的、形式为逻辑单元、芯片设计的可重用模块。IP核通常已经通过了设计验证,设计人员以IP核为基础进行设计,可以缩短设计所需的周期。[1]IP核可以通过协议由一方提供给另一方,或由一方独自占有。IP核的概念源于产品设计的专利证书和源代码的版权等。设计人员能够以IP核为基础进行专用集成电路或现场可编程逻辑门阵列的逻辑设计,以减少设计周期。  IP核分为软核、硬核和固核。软核通常是与工艺无关、具有寄存器传输级硬件描述语言描述的设计代码,可以进行后续设计;硬核是前者通过逻辑综合、布局、布线之后的一些列工艺文件,具有特定的工艺形式、物理实现方式;固核则通常介于上面两者之间,它已经通过功能验证、时序分析等过程,设计人员可以以逻辑门级网表的形式获取。

请问Intellectual dishonesty 是什么意思


intellectual live



anti-intellectualn.1. 反知识分子者a.1. 反知识的

intellective intellectual intelligence intellect的分别

intellect 表示的是理解力,领悟力intelligence泛指一切智慧

Intellectual property 和 intellectual property right 区别


Intellectual Freedom怎么译

知识自由 望采纳

英语intellectual products怎么翻译?

intellectual products英 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l u02c8pru0252du028ckts] 美 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l u02c8prɑdu0259kts] 智力产品;知识产品

英语The intellectual process怎么翻译?


intellectual disabilities是什么意思

智力残疾;智障双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.Many children with this form of autism also have intellectual disabilities, though not all do. 跟读患有自闭症的大部分儿童(不是全部)还会有智力方面的残疾。2.These children usually do not have difficulties with speech or nonverbalcommunication, nor do they have intellectual disabilities. 他们不具有语言或非语言交流方面的困难,甚至没有智力发育方面的障碍。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************


intellectual rigor理性严谨例句筛选1.For over 60 years, we have been renowned for the quality of ourresearch and the intellectual rigor of our work.六十多年来,我们一直以高质量的研究和工作中的理性严谨态度著称。2.The language was a boy of knowledge to be learned, with anemphasis on intellectual rigor.语言是一门须学习的学问,重点放在智力的严密上。

escalation; gifted ;intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?

escalation [u02ccesku0259u02c8leu026au0283n] 埃斯克雷迅gifted [u02c8ɡu026aftu026ad] 给夫提的intellectual [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l] 因特来客修

intellectual promise 是什么意思


intellectual disabilities是什么意思


intellectual promise 是什么意思





adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者指归在批评——苏轼人生价值取向对当代知识分子的影响 _ 周口论文 关键词:士;知识分子;批评;人格宽容 [gap=706]Key words: scholar; intellectual; criticism; personality toleran ceintellectual capital 智慧资本 ; 智力资本 ; 智能资本 ; 知识资本intellectual history 思想史 ; 心智史 ; 知识史 ; 思想文化史INTELLECTUAL VENTURES 高智发明 ; 高智发明公司 ; 高智公司 ; 高智创造public intellectual 公共知识分子 ; 公众知识分子 ; 公共知识人intellectual discipline 知识学科 ; 智学科 ; 知识intellectual giftedness 资优intellectual circulation 人才流动intellectual ability 智能 ; 心理能力 ; 知识能力 ; 智力Intellectual Freedom 知识自由 ; 智识自由 ; 知性自由 ; 维护知识自由

intellectual capacity是什么意思


intellectual slum

简单说就是"笨蛋"stupid.intellectual poor不过就是说得比较好听..明白?心眼 缺==缺心眼 简单说就是"笨蛋",但缺心眼比笨蛋好听,而且有点可爱.还有一种是穷知识分子:例:A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.^50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象, 穷知识分子以“跨掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国典型的穷人, 正是这个时候大批大学生被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟。



intellectual humility 怎样翻译


intellectual disabilities是什么意思

intellectual disabilities智障人士;智力失能These children usually do not have difficulties with speech or nonverbalcommunication, nor do they have intellectual disabilities. 他们不具有语言或非语言交流方面的困难,甚至没有智力发育方面的障碍。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


intellectual读音为【u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l】。一、释义1、形容词:智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的;智力发达的。2、名词:知识分子;脑力劳动者。二、例句1、Nerdsplaining means explaining in an overly intellectual, obsessively detailed way, particularly when the topic is obscure or highly technical.“书呆子解释”即用过分智力的、详尽的方式解释某事,特别是当主题比较晦涩或科技含量很高时。2、Intellectual activities such as reading books or listening to music can revitalize our mental processes.像看书或者听音乐这样的智力的活动可以修复我们的心理状态。


intellectual英[u02ccu026antu0259u02c8lektu0283uu0259l]美[u02ccu026antlu02c8u025bktu0283uu0259l]adj. 智力的;有才智的;需用智力的;智力发达的n. 知识分子;脑力劳动者;有极高智力的人;凭理智(而非感情)办事的人名词复数:intellectuals[例句]What about concerns over intellectual property?知识产权的忧虑如何解决?


intellectual美 [.u026ant(u0259)l"ektu0283uu0259l]英 [.u026antu0259"lektu0283uu0259l]n.知识分子;脑力劳动者adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的 知性;智识;知性的复数:intellectuals例句筛选1."If I were to argue for federalism, I would be stoned to death, " says anintellectual.“如果我争着要联邦制,会被石头打死的,”一位知识分子说道。2."We drive revenues through intellectual capital, " said the head of research ofa large bank.一家大型银行的研究主管表示:“我们通过智力资本推动收入。”


英-[,u026antu0259"lektu0283u028au0259l; -tju028au0259l]美-[,u026antu0259"lu025bktu0283uu0259l]释义n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的网络知识分子,智力的,过渡的短语intellectual capital智力资本,智慧资本,智慧资本intellectual history思想史,心智史,知识史

toll manufacturer是什么意思

toll manufacturer人数/钟声制造商双语例句1.MAKE A CALL: Could you call a manufacturer using a toll-free number and requestfree samples or coupons? 跟读打电话:你会按照商品上的免费号码打电话给生产商来索取免费样品或优惠券吗?2.Find out whether the manufacturer provides a toll-free number for support, reviewany troubleshooting forums , and check which live assistance options exist. 跟读找出厂商是否提供技术支持免费电话,查阅故障排查论坛,检查其日常助理选项的存在。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

请帮忙翻译一下下边这句话,其中的unless used, in which case, actual time used to count. 是什么意思?

前面说的是 卸货时间默认为发出就绪通知之后的十二个小时后面说如果真的开始卸货,就按实际耗费的时间计算。这句话说得不太清楚,也不严谨,会有歧义。不像是法律用语。


战略结构(Strategic Architecture) 战略结构(Strategic Architecture)是 Hamel 和 Prahalad 为了 制定战略 而提出来的概念,他们把 公司 将其现有的 核心竞争力 转换成 未来 竞争优势 的战略制定过程称为战略结构。 设计战略结构的目的不是要在眼前的 市场 上实现 收益 或 股东权益最大 化,而是要通过识别和 整合 现有的竞争力,捕捉未来 市场机会 , 为将来实现收益最大化做准备。战略结构是一个广泛的机会和路线 计 划,它描绘了公司迈向未来竞争目标的路线图, 这些目标也许在未来的几年内也难以实现。 战略结构不仅提出了公司未来要实现的宏伟目标, 而且要提供达到这些目标的路径。


manufacturingadj. 制造的;制造业的 同意词是fabricatingn. 制造业;工业 同意词是industryv. 制造;生产(manufacture的ing形式) 同意词是producing注意词性要对得上才能称作同义词

V2I是Vehicle to Infrastructure的缩写,其含义是。

V2I是Vehicle to Infrastructure的缩写,其含义是。 A.车辆自身与外界事物之间的信息交换B.车辆自身与其他车辆之间的信息交换C.车辆自身与基础设施之间的信息交换D.车辆自身与外界行人之间的信息交换E.车辆自身与道路之间的信息交换正确答案:C

ICT infrastructure 是什么?不要字面意思,说具体的


infrastructure server是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 infrastructure server 意思是:基础设施服务器个人理解,仅供参考

network infrastructure是什么意思

network infrastructure网络基础设施双语例句1A Study on the Design and Construction of the Core Network Infrastructure ofMiddle-level Enterprises中型企业核心网络基础结构的设计与构建2This paper describes a design example of computer network infrastructurenetwork assistant teaching system.介绍了计算机网络基础网络辅助教学系统的设计实例。

考研英语阅读理解,美国的first wave infrastructure,second wave

infrastructure of chinaThe infrastructure of China has been improved greatly during the past few years. Thanks to the great international events like Beijing Olympics and Shanghai Expo, the two cities has become much more beautiful. The roads are broader and the flats are cleaner. And there are more parks and squares around. There are great changes in some smaller cities as well. There are more high way roads between provinces in China so that it takes shorter time to travel in between. There are more railway lines too, ordinary ones, the underground ones and the high speed ones.In a word, there has been great changes about the infrastructure in China, but there"s still a lot that we need to do to make it even better.希望对你有启发

Infrastructure Mode是什么意思

Infrastructure Mode 基础建设模式;基础设备模式;基础模式例句筛选1.Infrastructure mode Ad Hoc Mode基础结构模式2.Probing into tourism basic infrastructure financing mode旅游基础设施融资模式初探


168 hard-infrastructure168硬基础设施infrastructure[英][u02c8u026anfru0259stru028cktu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8u026anfru0259u02ccstru028cktu0283u025a]n.基础设施; 基础建设; 复数:infrastructures例句:1.Suzhou mainly provides funding for government infrastructure projects. 苏州信托主要为政府基础设施项目提供融资。2.Massive government investment in infrastructure has helped too. 在基础设施方面的大量政府投资也发挥了作用。

Ai infrastructure和ML infra的区别

Infrastructure模式无线局域网是指通过AP互连工作模式,把AP看做传统局域网中集线器功能。该模式下的无线网可以通过AP或无线路由器的以太网口与有线网相连。此种方式是大家最为经常用到的方式。ML infra,不知道。

physical infrastructure是什么意思


structure 和 infrastructure 有什么不同


resilient infrastructure什么意思

resilient infrastructure的中文翻译resilient infrastructure 弹性基础设施

IT infrastructure是什么意思

IT infrastructure 资讯基础架构;基础设施;资讯科技基础建设例句筛选1.Formulate and implement daily maintenance management system and processof IT infrastructure.制定与执行IT基础设施日常维护管理制度与流程。2.This domain data is usually stored in relational databases in your ITinfrastructure.这些领域数据通常存储在IT基础设施的关系数据库中。



InfraStructure模式和Ad Hoc模式的区别是什么

一个是传统的ap模式,开启了之后只能有一个中心,其他节点接入中心点之后通过中心点进行数据交换一个是自组网模式,各个点都是平等的,任意一点均可以和其他节点进行通信,不需要中心点举个例子InfraStructure就好比一个科室,你如果想告诉老张一些事情,必须先报告给科长,科长再告诉老张,如果科长不在,你就没办法和老张联系上Ad Hoc模式就好像你可以直接告诉老张事情,如果你没办法直接告诉老张的话,也可以通过小王、小李等人告诉老张,如果小王小李不在的话,你还可以找小刘小高等人帮忙传话。


不是。We should continue to strengthen infrastructure.继续加强基础设施建设Energy infrastructure is a long-term investment.能源基础设施是一项长期投资。

structure 和 infrastructure 有什么不同



n.基础设施; 基础建设望采纳,谢谢!


infrastructure不可数,没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some、a little、much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,这些量词短语中的名词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。The market still lacks adequate infrastructure, such as accredited warehouses and assaying facilities. 市场仍然缺乏诸如合格仓库和质检工具这样的基础设施。 While agreeing that it will be a big market, Philip Schultz of Key Equipment Finance, sums it up best: The infrastructure still does not exist in China to support leasing as we know it. 目前根据我的观察,如果坚持要进入唯一的理性选择就是使用融资租赁方式促进你的设备和产品销售。作为一个独立的经济实体,我怀疑它是否有这个判断力。 The feasibility includes advantages of the corridor, the stratagem of make Northeast China thriving, the common infrastructure and the common history and culture. 可行性体现在辽西走廊城市自身的优势、国家实施振兴东北战略、共同的基础设施和历史文化基础等方面。 The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit. 从宾馆到交通,所有的基础设施都已陈旧失修。


基础设施(Infrastructure) == 基础设施概述肖璐.《发展经济学》[M]第七章 基础设施== “基础设施”(Infrastructure)一词又可译为“ 基础结构”。最早对基础设施给予足够重视的 经济学家 当推 罗森斯坦 —罗丹,他在1943年把一国或一地区的 社会总资本 或社会总投资 分为两类:“社会分摊资本”(Social Overhead Capital,SOC)和“私人资本” (Private Capital,PC),前者即指基础设施。赫尔希曼(A.o. Hirschman)将后者又称之为“直接生产性活动”( Directly Productive Activites DPA)。这种分类观点一直为后人所承袭。

Infrastructure 指的是什么啊啊?

n.基础设施; 基础建设基础设施;基础结构;基础建设;基础架构


infrastructure的意是:基础设施;基本建设复数形式:infrastructures;infrastructure 双语例句1. In recent years, China has placed great emphasis on supporting the Infrastructure construction and CICO has greatly accelerate its development with this chance.浙江省交投集团公司是一家国有大型企业,承揽并投资了浙江省大部分高速公路建设项目。2. It said India needed to develop an effective competition commission and strengthen regulators to prevent crony capitalism as well as foster greater transparency in the allocation of land and infrastructure projects.报告表示,印度需要成立一个有效的竞争委员会,并强化监管机构的职能,以防范裙带资本主义;同时还要在土地和基础设施项目的分配方面加大透明度。




两者的区别在于:architecture是广义上的建筑,不能用于具体的某个建筑物,只能用于某种类型的建筑样式等,classical architecture (古典建筑);com-memorativearchitecture(纪念性建筑),Byzantine architecture(拜占庭建筑式样)。structure则是指具体的某个建筑物,structure=building,比如the highest structure/buiding.




structure=building在指建筑物上两者的区别在于:architecture是广义上的建筑,不能用于具体的某个建筑物,只能用于某种类型的建筑样式等,classical architecture (古典建筑);com-memorativearchitecture(纪念性建筑),Byzantine architecture(拜占庭建筑式样).structure则是指具体的某个建筑物,比如the highest structure/buiding.

C# pictureBox.BorderStyle 怎么自定义颜色?


i saw you ina picture

我刚刚在你的简介里看到你的照片,抱歉打扰你一下,你可能碰到这个问题很多次了,照片里的是你本人吗?简介上说你14岁,但是? 按照原义翻译出来了.

翻译:I saw you in the picture


i saw you ina picture改为现在时

I am working in a factory,now.

Motion Picture Soundtrack 歌词

歌曲名:Motion Picture Soundtrack歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)Red wine and sleeping pillsHelp me get back to your armsCheap sex and sad filmsHelp me get where I belongStop sending lettersLetters always get burnedIt′s not like the moviesThey fed us on little white liesI think you′re crazy, maybeI will see you in the next lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/29127714

Motion Picture Soundtrack 歌词

歌曲:Motion Picture Soundtrack歌手:Radiohead专辑:Kid A发行时间:2008-06-02发行公司:EMIRed wine and sleeping pillsHelp me get back to your armsCheap sex and sad filmsHelp me get where I belongStop sending lettersLetters always get burnedIt′s not like the moviesThey fed us on little white liesI think you′re crazy, maybeI will see you in the next life


打开M材质编辑器——顶上四个选项选Utilities选项——Reset Meterial Editor slots重置看看行不行。

__________ [A] archeological [B] architectural [C] artistic [D] anthropological



这是建筑几何学的一个MOD,让你建造基地时基地变得整齐!建造和移植时,单独按住键盘P键,将自动为你匹配到附近.0 或.5的网格上。(参考围墙为自动匹配到.5的网格,少了.0的)另外,建筑时如果单独按住Ctrl键,将匹配到小数点后1位。http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3949538-1-1.html

Carly Rae Jepsen的《Picture》 歌词

歌曲名:Picture歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen专辑:CuriosityPictureCarly Rae JepsenI could take a pictureOf you and me togetherNo one would believe meNo one would believe meSay it in a whisperThat baby it don"t get much betterWould I like to see you again?You name the dayAnd I will pick the cityWe"ll fly awayTil then, call me when you miss meIf you"re asking if I"d really like to see you againI say, oh just say whenTell me that you feel itThis you and me togetherNo one would believe meEven I cannot believe itYou kiss me like you mean itOh baby, it don"t get much betterWould I like to see you again?Darling just say whenYou name the dayAnd I will pick the cityWe"ll fly awayTil then, call me when you miss meIf you"re asking if I"d really like to see you againI say oh…just say whenTwo different worldsI thought they"d keep us apartI"m ignoring my headFollow my heartOh you pick the dayAnd I will pick the cityWe"ll fly awayTill then, call me when you miss meI am willing to waitCause I just gotta see you againDon"t ask, no. just say whenYou name the dayAnd I will pick the cityWe"ll fly awayTil then, call me when you miss meIf you"re asking if I"d really like to see you againI say oh…I could take a pictureOf you and me togetherNo one would believe meNo one would believe mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15716570

sculpture is the soul of architecture(译,雕塑是建筑的灵魂)英中双语

some people say that the most beactiful sound in the world is the sound of nature. but I do say. sculpture itself. may be it has something to do with my career. I"m in the construction industry. I haven"t studied some art in depth. but the beauty of art deeply attracted me. the beauty of art is produced in people"s own way. sculpting the soul is a painful process. but real architects have experienced a long process of soul sculpture. only experienced the improvement of artistic acsthetics. only through the simplification of architectural image. from popular popular art and be accepted by the society. this kind of architecture is suitable for lyricism and reflects the times. we need architects to understand the spirit of the times. and can make good use of architectural art language. through the change of shape. space the brightness of lines and the in tensiey of colors. show a certain architectural image and rhythm. achieve the purpose of exchanging thoughts and feelings with human brings.译,有人说,世界上最动听的声音,是天籁之音,但我却说,是雕塑自己,也许与我的职业有关,我是从事建筑业的,对一些艺术没深入研究过,但艺术之美,深深的吸引了我,艺术之美,是以人自己的方式产出,雕塑灵魂是一个痛苦的产出过程,但真正的建筑师,都经过漫长的灵魂雕塑过程,只有经历过艺术审美的提高,才能通过建筑形象的简括,形成大众艺术被社会接受,这种易于抒情,反映时代的建筑,就需要建筑师,既能吃透时代精神,又能运用好建筑艺术语言,通过形体,空间变化,线条明暗,色彩浓淡,表现某种建筑形象和节律,达到与人类交流思想情感的目的。 architecture is a frozen dance. what impresses me most is the cave in yan"an. you will think of yan"an spirit. it"s easy to understand here. yan"an cave is the sould of architecture. the yan"an spirit. the yan"an spirit was sculpted by thousands of communists. so. I say. sculpture is the soul of architecture. architecture of the great cause of socialism. it depends on the sculpture of every communist from me to from a group enuironment. 建筑,就是凝固的音乐,我印象最深的建筑就是延安的窑洞,就会想到延安精神,这里就很容易理解,延安窑洞建筑的灵魂是延安精神,延安精神是千千万万共产党人雕塑出来的,所以,我说,雕塑是建筑的灵魂,社会主义大业的建筑,就靠每一个共产党人来自我雕塑,形成群体环境。 sculpture in architecture. use stones. wood metal. gypsum. clay and other material. In three-dimensional space. the art of exhibition. it can exist independently and make the finishing touch on the building. bring vitality and spirituality too buildings. slowly. sculpture became an indispensable part of the construction project. so I think. sculpture of soul. need traditional culture. thought and spirit. supplemented by the existing spirit of the times. sculpt over time. to become a craftsman worthy of the name. the process of sculpting yourself. it must be accompanied by hard work. but it was a hammer and chisel self beating. it is the embodiment of perseverance and perseverance. don"t g carried away by comfort. don"t be defeated by hard work. all the beauty in the world is due to the perfection of details. 译,建筑物中的雕塑,用石,金属,石膏,泥土等材料,在三维空间内,展现的艺术,能独立存在,对建筑物起画龙点晴作用,给建筑物带来生机和灵性,慢慢的,雕塑就成为建设工程中不可获缺的一部分,由此,我联想到,灵魂的雕塑,需用传统的文化,思想,精神,辅以现有的时代风貌,进行日积月累的雕塑,才能名符其实的成为工匠人,雕塑自己的过程,必定伴随着辛苦,那可是一锤一凿的自我开发,是坚持不懈和毅力的考验,不因舒适而得意忘形,不因辛劳而败下阵来,世间所有的美好,皆因细节的完美而成。 life and death can not be controlled by fate. wealth and honor diligence and thrift. diligence means dedication. focus.lean and innovation. this is consistent with the craftsman spirit advocated by our times. so. sculpture yourself is more valuable. Nietzsche in strong will. art is the greatest stimulant of life. Influenced by him. I also feel in love with piano. chess. books. paintings and other arts. think of yourself as a sculpture. sculpt yourself with music theory. calligraphy and painting theory. architectural criticism and so on. here I give an example. explain what I gained from sculpting myself. when building in Singapore. a Trinity church held an open non Christian gathering. I was invited to the party. after pastor yang Bing bing communicated with me. what kind of builder are you. xu wei jun. are builders so good at art. is history so broad. are you so good at expressing. you have risen to9points in my heart. I really have a sense of pride. it"s like hearing the sound of nature. Thank you for your years of hard work and sculpture life. today. I finally see the results of self sculpture. 译,生死不由命,富贵全在勤和俭,勤就意味着敬业,专注,精益,创新,这与我们时代倡导的工匠精神吻合,所以,雕塑自我才更有价值,尼采在《强力意志》中说,艺术是生命的最大兴奋剂,受他的影响,我也爱上了琴,棋,书,画等艺术,把自己看作是一种雕塑,用乐理知识,书画理论,建筑批评等雕塑自己,这里我举一个例子,说明我雕塑自己的一点收获,在新加坡做建筑时,一次"三一"教会举办开放式非基督徒聚会活动,我有幸被邀请参加,杨冰冰牧师与我交流后说,你,徐卫军,什么建筑工啊,建筑工,还有艺术功底?建筑工,历史知识这么渊博?建筑工,表达能力这么棒?你,在我心里,已经升值到9分了,我听了,真有一种自豪感,仿佛听到天簌之声,(内心)感谢自己经年累月,用勤奋雕塑的人生,今天,终于看到自我雕塑成果! the soul of a building lies in its dynamic sculpture. a real person is the process of self sculpture all his life. especially in adolescence. we should do a good job in basic sculpture. it is also called not forgetting the original heart. being realistic and positive. once the habit of reading. learning. understanding and using is formed. in the professional. professional scope of excellence. conduct will continve to be kind. you will soon become a winner in life. the same is true for construction projects. start with foundation works. every process. every operation. keep improving. strict process management and standardized construction. quality control personnel. control the test. inspection inspection and acceptance. once the construction personnel Form this sculpture consciousness. the building itself has a soul. 译,一个建筑物的灵魂,就在于她的动感雕塑,一个真正的人,就是一生自我雕塑的过程,尤其是青少年阶段,要做好基础雕塑工作,也叫不忘初心,务本求实,积极向上,一旦形成读,学,悟,用的习惯,在专业职业范围内精进,品行再一直善良下去,你很快就会成为人生的赢家,建筑工程亦是如此,从基础工程开始,每一道工序,每一次操作,都精益求精,严格过程管理,规范施工,从事质量控制人员,把好试验,检验,检查,验收关,一旦施工人员形成这种雕塑意识,建筑物本身就有了灵魂。

the architectural equivalent of the abstract art so popular at the time


UCL的Architecture和Architectural Design有什么区别?

Architecture和英国普通的一年制研究生不同,是为期两年的ARB/RIBA Part 2研究生课程。因此,完成了这个课程,就算是半只脚踏入了英国注册建筑师的大门了。这可以说是一个含金量相当高的研究生课程了,所以相对来说在专业方面的要求也就更高一些。Architectural Design似乎并不像看起来的那样,相较于Architectural更侧重于设计。根据官网的介绍,这个为期一年的研究生课程大概2/3的时间都在进行以工作室为基础的设计调研中。在这门课程中,项目和论文是占到同等比重的。Architectural Design专业其实更倾向于在基于建筑设计的基础上,进行一些高科技的实验尝试。例如人工智能,计算机数字化控制制造,3D打印等等。由此可见其实相对于在课程名称上摆着的“design”,它更注重的其实是一些实践,创新性的跨学科尝试。前面提到的看起来中规中矩的Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2),则反而更倾向于传统建筑设计的概念,也相对更加保守。同时,这两个专业直接导向的就业前景也是完全不同的。Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)由于专业程度更高,毕业后的职业选择基本上就固定在建筑师这个职业上。需要注意的是在英国,想要成为建筑师是必须要拿到ARB/RIBA这两个机构的认证的。而Architectural Design的专业程度相对来说没有那么高,选择面也会更多一些,可以从事与建筑及设计相关的专业,如建筑设计师,室内设计师等。

英语翻译 Architectural Designer什么意思



Cold Architecture冰冷的建筑双语例句1Winter Cold Wind Infiltration Of Public Architecture Hall In Chilly Area 寒冷地区公共建筑门厅冬季冷风渗透问题


architectural英 [,ɑu02d0ku026a"tektu0283u0259ru0259l]美 [,ɑrku026a"tu025bktu0283u0259ru0259l]adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的
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