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英翻中。Understanding Media Cultures

了解媒体文化因此,文化发展的说法可以被假定为"镜" 经济发展不能再被视为适用。在视角转换 暗示这些结构性变化已导致马特拉和马特拉(1992) 主张对媒介帝国主义论文抛弃。他们认为,虽然 政治经济学的尺寸仍然是重要的文化生产 它应该连接到一个更具体的路口之间的不同升值 全球各地区和当地的条件。现在他们认为,虽然媒体 帝国主义历史上重要的论文已在提高意识 富人俱乐部以外的资本主义国家,不再充分的理论 地图(如果确实曾有过的)全球沟通关系。此外,Mattelarts 媒体认为,帝国主义一直有其弱点,因为它始终 没有考虑到在"第三世界"国家和文化关系 分配不均的资本主义的技术。以占全球关系 在"媒体帝国主义毕业论文需要更换一个不同的理论 范例。 最近马特拉和马特拉(1992)点对提高 商业化和经济渗透的共享公共空间的最 有希望的竞争者的新的范例。这些论点有加 种族中心主义的西化开沟概念的优势,而不是谈 一个多极的商业文化。对于那些有兴趣在全球问题 政治经济已经不再是强加的文化同质性 通过美国化,而是涉及改造和私有化 在世界经济中的公共空间。这些变革,尤其是在 欧洲,破坏了国家的媒体制作公共服务模式 通过放松管制的过程,以及在国际竞争的需要 市场。从政治经济学的角度看,全球化进程的关注 自由化,商业化,私有化和国际化。该 走到一起的大型传媒集团和新信息技术 定义了一个由商业通信领域,而不是国家调控明显 (摩士高,1996)。 无论是否足够这些反射我认为主要的绊脚石 为媒体帝国主义论文,就在于它的经济本质。这些谁 席勒帝国主义的媒体,如提倡形式获得他们的研究主要是从 经济依赖理论。在这个论点的缺陷是,文化身份 和进程被认为是反映物质的社会结构。对于席勒,如果 美国是在20世纪60年代占主导地位的文化力量,这是一个直接反映 其经济地位。此外,如果我们可以证明全球性的 美国文化则是十分恰当的假设,世界人民 被灌输其意识形态的影响。

Edward Tylor的Primitive Culture一书,1871版的出版社是什么?

J. Murray, 1871

英语小测试 In many cultures people who were thought to

interpret dreams 解梦intervene dreams 干预梦想inherit dreams 继承梦想impart dreams 传授梦想你看呢?

苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,高分

food and culture .food is a very important thing in our daily life .without food we wouldn"t live in the earth .so ,for important thing ,we always pay more attention to watching it !like food ,there is many kind of food .In china ,between the south food and the north food have many different !for example ,the south like rice but the north like Pasta. since the earliest civilization appeared in the earth .culture appeared at the same time ,and developed with the civilization .now ,there is many different culture in the world ,almost every country has its own culture .and every culture has the equal position of the world ! we hope the world will be more beautiful with food and culture"s developing !




考古学历史学上所说的“文化”和“文明”这两个概念是有严格区别的 (虽然我们在日常生活中常常可以把它们混用)。简单说来:“文化(culture)”是一个属于石器时代范畴的概念,用于专指石器时代特别是新石器时代包 括金石并用时代的原始部落人类遗迹,而“文明(civilization)”是属于青铜时代范畴的概念,专指人类进入青铜时代以后的国家阶段。其实,从“文化(culture)”和“文明(civilization)”这两个英文单词的词源上我们就可以清楚地看出两者的区别。“文化 (culture)”这个单词的词根“cult-”的原始意义是“耕作”,这很清楚地表明了“文化”这个概念的本义是属于与“农耕”相联系的原始部落时代 的范畴的;而“文明(civilization)”这个单词的词根“civ-”的原始意义是“市民”,这也同样清晰的表明了“文明”这个概念的本义是属于 与伴随着“市民”的出现而同时产生的“城市”及工商业相联系的青铜时代的范畴的。(城市city这个单词就是从词根“civ-”的变体“cit-”演绎而 来的。) 而“文明(civilization)”的几个主要特征:文字,金属冶炼术,城市国家(城邦),宗教礼仪,等等(雅斯贝尔的定义),正是与工商业的出现密切相关。 “文明”“文化”均指人类所创造的财富 ,但“文明”所指的即包括“精神财富”也包括“物质财富” .“文化”一词则特指“精神财富”,不包括“物质财富”。如文学、艺术、教育、科学等 .


  civilization, culture 这两个名词均含“文化,文明”之意。  civilization : 指广义的文化,标志人类发展开化的进程。强调物质方面的文明。 The Romans brought civilization to many of the lands theyconquered.罗马人给他们征服的许多地区带来了文明。    culture : 侧重指精神方面,即多由科技、文化等所体现的人类智力开发的程度。 He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.他研究过东方国家的文化。

counterculture of 1960s是指什么

  下面是英语的介绍  The counterculture of the 1960s refers to a cultural movement that mainly developed in the United States and the United Kingdom and spread throughout much of the western world between 1956 and 1974.The movement gained momentum during the U.S.government"s extensive military intervention in Vietnam.Many scholars of this era believe that the peak years of the counterculture movement were from 1965 to 1972.  As the 1960s progressed,widespread tensions developed in American society that tended to flow along generational lines regarding the war in Vietnam,race relations,sexual mores,women"s rights,traditional modes of authority,experimentation with psychoactive drugs,and differing interpretations of the American Dream.New cultural forms emerged,including the pop music of the British band The Beatles and the concurrent rise of hippie culture,which led to the rapid evolution of a youth subculture that emphasized change and experimentation.In addition to the Beatles,many songwriters,singers and musical groups from the United Kingdom and America came to impact the counterculture movement.  In Trafalgar Square London in 1958 in an act of civil disobedience 60,000–100,000 peace loving protesters made up of students and pacifists converged in what was to become the “ban the Bomb” demonstrations out of which emerged one of the first counterculture groups.It is from this British group that the Peace symbol was designed and remains to this day the most recognized symbol of peace,freedom and hippiedom.  Social anthropologist Jentri Anders observed that a number of freedoms were endorsed within a countercultural community in which she lived and studied:"freedom to explore one"s potential,freedom to create one"s Self,freedom of personal expression,freedom from scheduling,freedom from rigidly defined roles and hierarchical statuses...".Additionally,Anders believed some in the counterculture wished to modify children"s education so that it didn"t discourage,but rather encouraged,"aesthetic sense,love of nature,passion for music,desire for reflection,or strongly marked independence."

Chinese culture has a long history, the culture i


请用英语回答:“what is culture?"

Culture" (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate,") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity"s significance and importance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity.Culture is manifested in music, literature, painting and sculpture, theater and film.[1] Although some people identify culture in terms of consumption and consumer goods (as in high culture, low culture, folk culture, or popular culture)[2], anthropologists understand "culture" to refer not only to consumption goods, but to the general processes which produce such goods and give them meaning, and to the social relationships and practices in which such objects and processes become embedded. For them, culture thus includes technology, art, science, as well as moral systems.Anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity to classify, codify and communicate their experiences symbolically. This capacity has long been taken as a defining feature of the humans. However, primatologists have identified aspects of culture among humankind"s closest relatives in the animal kingdom.[3] As a rule, archaeologists focus on material culture (the material remains of human activity), whereas social anthropologists focus on social interactions, statuses and institutions, and cultural anthropologists focus on norms and values. This division of labor reflects the different conditions under which different anthropologists have worked, and the practical need to focus research. It does not necessarily reflect a theory of culture that conceptually distinguishes between the material, the social, and the normative, nor does it reflect three competing theories of culture.

international youth culture 翻译?


西方国家的饮食文化 Food Culture in Western Countries

In England people always havesome bread and milk for breakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry. But onweekends breakfast is a big feast with bacon porridge coffee eggs toasts cakes and so on. 在英国,人们总是在工作日的时候匆匆忙忙的吃一些面包和牛奶来当午餐。但在周末,早餐是非常丰富的,有培根,鸡蛋,粥,咖啡,面包,蛋糕等等。 As for lunch it"s always sosimple. People usually have a sandwich or a hot dog. Some people also eat in a fast-foodrestaurant nearby. This meal won"t last very long. 至于午餐,却总是那么简单。人们通常吃一个三明治或热狗。有些人在附近的快餐店吃。这顿饭不会持续很长时间。 Dinner is the biggest meal withpotato beef chicken soup and some desserts. At this meal people usuallysit around the table and talk about their daily events. This is the best timefor family gathering. 晚餐是最丰富的有土豆,牛肉,鸡肉,汤,和一些甜点。在这顿饭中人们通常坐在桌子旁边谈论他们的日常活动。这是家庭聚会的最佳时间。 Cheese is the most popular foodin European countries and the United States. According to different dishes andwine different cheese is tied in. The simplest cheese is to put a certainamount of all kinds of cheese on a plate called cheese dish. 在欧洲国家和美国奶酪是最受欢迎的食品。根据不同的菜肴和葡萄酒,奶酪是不同的。最简单的奶酪是把各种芝士按一定数量放到一个盘子上,叫做奶酪盘。 Jewish usually eat apples withhoney on New Year"s Day in order to celebrate the happiest New Year. 犹太人通常和自己所爱的人在新年的那一天吃苹果,来了庆祝这快乐的新年。

甜品时间的企业文化 Enterprise Culture


求一篇英语作文,120字左右,talk about company culture

The carrier of culture is the staff, positive enterprise culture, will give the staff set up a wider development platform.Therefore, the enterprise culture is one of the important strength, cohesion and motivation worker is every enterprise has become the motivation and source.Have the culture of an enterprise, an enterprise of different enterprises, because of the historical background, working environment, the production of the nature of differences and different, an enterprise can reflect culture subtleties, big to philosophy spirit, strategy, corporate logo, staff dress.Enterprise culture characteristic inevitably internalized to each employee"s heart of hearts, and through their actions, including language, movement, expression, etiquette, etc.译文:文化的载体是员工,积极向上的企业文化,会给员工搭建了一个更为广阔的发展平台。因此,企业文化是凝聚和激励职工的重要力量,是每个企业长盛不衰的动力和源泉。一个企业有一个企业的文化,不同的企业,因历史背景、工作环境、生产性质的差别而不同,一个企业细微之处都能体现出文化,大到理念精神、战略方针,小到企业标识、员工着装。企业的文化特点必然内化到每一个员工的内心深处,并通过他们的行为表现出来,包括语言、动作、表情、礼节等。

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Culture shock is

小题1:C小题2:F小题3:G小题4:E小题5:D 试题分析:文章讨论了文化冲击给那些移居国外的人带来的影响,文化冲击就像疾病一样影响着这些人的生活,让他们感到很不适,特别是精神上很有压力。小题1:句意是像很多疾病一样,有它自己的症状和疗法。与前一句意思相符。小题2:句意是标志包含我们日常生活中的很多方面,承接了前一句失去了社会交流熟悉的标志。小题3:句意是我们都依靠这些数以百计的符号,我们大部分人不是有意识的。与前一句意思相符。小题4:句意是首先他们拒绝引起他们不适的环境。与前一句意思相符。小题5:句意是往往回到家里才能回到现实。与前一句意思相符。点评:做这样的题型先通读全文,了解大意,弄清文章逻辑关系,前后照应, 做完后再仔细阅读全文,看文章是否通顺,前后是否连贯。

Who can tell me the history and culture of thailand? Please answer it in English. Thank you.

i have no idea~ iam so sorry

求翻译!instead,selves and objects simultaneously arise out of and create a shared culture,


food and culture

go for urself...u can"t always rely on others....

电影《低俗小说》(Pulp Fiction)里,包含了哪些流行文化(Pop Culture)?


The culture of Chinese tea

中国是茶的故乡,早在唐代以前,中国生产的茶叶便通过陆路及海运的方式远销各地。首先到达了日本和韩国,然后传到印度和中亚地区。在明清时期,又传到了阿拉伯半岛。在17世纪初期,中国茶叶又远销至欧洲各国,很多上层社会的贵族、绅士都养成了喝茶的习惯。中国的共和中国的丝绸及磁器一样,已经成为了中国在全世界的代名词。 "When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him."— Ancient Chinese poem China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. 这个网站满好的.里面应该有很多你需要的chinese tea cultureChinese tea culture has a long history.Tea culture entered its most prosperous ear in Tang and Song Dynasty, which had evolved into a condition that the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status as national beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. That the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status asnational beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. The Buddhist monks also began drinking tea in large quantity in order to attain a better meditation on Buddhism. Their study on tea, interpretation of tea and pursuit for tea was completely different from the secular people. With the introduction of religious tinge and Buddhist meditation into the tea culture, a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese tea culture came forth, that is an integration of tea and Zen. After Ming and Qing Dynasty, tea culture seemed to take on a tendency of returning to the most basics in nature with less people deliberately seeking quality water and less occasions on which tribute tea was blindly elaborated. People paid more attention to and placed more stress on the pure flavor of tea and its inherent taste through which spiritual pursuit could be realized, solace to soul could be obtained and the pursuit for a supreme bourn that human being and nature had been integrated into one entity could be attained. Tea culture is of much elegance. In the contemporary society, tea culture plays a role of enriching cultural and leisure life, promoting the development of tea-related economy and trade, and propelling culture exchange between nations. In the 21st century, tea culture will grow to an even larger scale, involve an even wider range of fields, perform an even stronger function and bring an even closer integration of tradition and modern times which will in turn promote tea culture to an international level.!c61386d8a4b43276!181.entry这个也是噢 那篇文章满好的我的理解吧. Chinese tea is part of Chinese culture.Many people likes drinking tea,and a lot of kinds of tea have become famous.Tea has a long history in China.There are a variety of good tea which attract many foreigns.So we must do more to improve Chinese tea and add up more history stories and culture to it.At the same time ,we should prevent some bad tea from damaging the fame of Chinese tea.Only by doing so can Chinese tea become more and more popular and valuable.

英语翻译31.People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” s?

31. People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to _________. C. give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners 32. People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be ________. A. loud 33. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in munication is _____________. B. How they invite people. 34. In 2010, the Easter is on _________. A. 4th, April 35. Which of the munication style can"t be characterized as high considerateness? C. Mainstream American,5,你是要翻译这些文字还是要回答里面的问题?,2,英语翻译 31.People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to _________. A.expect to be interrupted B.use polite listening sound C.give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners D.speak one at a time 32.People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be ________. A.loud B.passive C.chatty D.pushy 33.One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in munication is _____________. A.How they say,“No.” B.How they invite people. C.How they teach people.D.How they accept people. 34.In 2010,the Easter is on _________. A.4th,April B.5th,April C.2nd,April D.6th,April 35.Which of the munication style can"t be characterized as high considerateness? A.Chinese B.Japanese C.Mainstream American D.Russian 能翻译最好 若嫌麻烦做出来也行

mosaic cultures 可以表示多元文化这个意思吗?

France JEC Composites Paris Exhibition of composite materials is the development of composite materials by the French Association hosted the annual session since 1965, to 2010, has held 45 sessions, Europe and the world"s oldest and largest composite show.JEC Composites Paris to create a European-based composite materials dedicated to the exchange and trade platform. In the last 10 years, visitors increased from nearly 15,000 people develop to the 27,000 others increased by 86%, of which the audience source of most of the countries were Germany, Britain, Italy, Belgium,china tile, the United States, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Russia and China.Concern for the composites industry, the largest automobile manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing and building materials. Exhibits many applications for the automotive, marine boats, aerospace equipment, building materials, rail transportation, wind power, leisure products, pipeline and power, radiation is the breadth of the industry can not match other similar event.(by China Leiyuan, 9/26/2010)

suspension culture是什么意思

悬浮培养1. To induce callus tissues and establish suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L.目的探计对地钱愈伤组织的诱导和悬浮细胞培养的条件.2. Panax quinquefolium L . cell suspension culture was carried out in a concentric tube air lift reactor.在不同的气升式反应器中对西洋参细胞进行了大规模培养.3. The progress epitomizes the process on callus culture, suspension culture and ferment of Panax quinquefolium"s cell.概述了国内外在西洋参愈伤组织培养 、 细胞悬浮培养和发酵培养方面的研究进展情况.4. Suspension culture was adopted in theproduction of coriolus versicolor , shortening the production period from cultivation.云芝的生产采用是浮培养法, 较其栽培法生产周期大大缩短.5. Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants.胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料.

suspension culture是什么意思

suspension culture[英][su0259u02c8spenu0283u0259n u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259][美][su0259u02c8spu025bnu0283u0259n u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a]悬浮培养;

The use of chopsticks become a part of Chinese culture.是用become还是becomes 为什么?

becomes三单主语是the use 用途不是筷子

研究生英语读写译《western culture》翻译


24 hours and American culture

Twenty-Four Hours (24 Hours) was a long-running late evening current affairs and documentary series on BBC 1. Launched in 1965 it focused on investigative journalism.It brought together the production teams from two BBC television programmes: Gallery, a weekly political programme and Tonight the seminal early evening magazine programme. The editors were Tony Whitby from Tonight and Derrick Amoore from Gallery.Its first presenter was Cliff Michelmore. With him in the studio were Kenneth Allsop, Michael Barratt and Robert McKenzie , a professor of politics at the LSE.Its style was very different from other current affairs programmes at the time. Critical to the point of confrontational, Twenty-Four Hours [1] abandoned the orthodox reverential rules of engagement with politicians and took a tougher, more modern approach to interviews. It undoubtedly helped establish an approach to current affairs that can still be seen to this day and is in many ways the forerunner to BBC2"s current affairs flagship Newsnight.Twenty-Four Hours originally had a fluid start time somewhere after 10pm. The decision to give it a fixed start time of 9.55pm was taken in 1967 following the establishment of ITN"s popular News at Ten programme. However on Wednesdays it would begin at 10.20pm "in order that The Wednesday Play may begin ... and run its full 75 minutes."[2]Huw Wheldon, BBC Controller of Programmes said Twenty-Four Hours "has become such a valuable part of our coverage of national and international affairs, that we feel we must give it a regular and predictable placing. David Attenborough ... who wants to put his BBC-2 programmes on in such a way as to provide real choice for viewers, is driven mad by Twenty-Four Hours which has had to keep jumping about all over the place. Now we"ve got Twenty-Four Hours fixed at five-to-ten, we can handle all that!".[3]Twenty-Four Hours finished its run on 4 April 1972.1^ Production paperwork, The Radio Times and BBC Archive library all list the title in words, while the programme"s logo used numerals. 2^ Pg. 19 Radio Times 15 June, 1967 3^ Pg. 19 Radio Times 15 June, 1967

Coal can _______ to produce electricity for agriculture and industry A have used B used C be used

C use 和coal之间是被动关系,煤可以用来给农业和工业供电。

The new england bring with them the culture of the old world

不是多余的the new england bring with them the culture of the old worldthe new england 主语them宾语the culture of the old world 宾语补足语


从域名缩写来推导文化culture缩写cul公司company 可以缩写成com,用于商业公司域名;(com域名与biz域名相近, biz=business生意、商业)军队military 可以缩写成mil,用于军事机构域名移动mobile 可以缩写成mobi,用于手机域名(就是读音“墨笔”不太雅)电话telephone可以缩写成tel,用于电子名片域名;(tel域名与mobi域名相近)教育education可以缩写成edu,用于教育机构域名; 信息information可以缩写成info,用于信息网络公司域名;(info域名与net域名相近)政府government可以缩写成gov,用于政府部门域名;国际International可以缩写成int,用于国际组织域名; 组织organizations可以缩写成org,用于非盈利组织域名;所以:文化culture缩写为cul,成为文化部或者文化组织域名,随着商家的开发将是不久的事。上面好多词英语是没有缩写的,但却缩写了;所以涉及到经济利益,不存在可以不可以一说。我们要勇于做第一个吃螃蟹者,不要老跟在他人后面跑。



作文culture 500字左右

Way of life, a group of people have accumulated quite a long time to become people"s culture. Culture, including people"s values and beliefs, as well as their technical ability. Certain aspects of culture on formal occasions, such as schools, and other aspects are learned routine everyday existence of informal process. A kind of culture is changing. In to the cultural change often borrow and invention in the form of another culture. In order to enrich the culture of our nation, we constantly adapt to the new inventions, into our way of life of the new way of thinking.






是。根据高三网相关资料显示,Culture既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,区分具体可不可数的时候要看实际要表达的含义。culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。culture,动词、名词,作动词的意思是“[细胞][微] 培养(等于cultivate)”,作名词的意思是“文化,文明;修养;栽培”。




文化culture是可数名词也是不可数名词; culture n.文化,文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织); v.培养(细胞或细菌); 第三人称单数: cultures; 复数: cultures; 现在分词: culturing; 过去式: cultured; 过去分词: cultured 扩展资料   Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history.   威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的`美丽城市。   The political cultures of the United States and Europe are very different.   美国的政治观和欧洲的大不相同。   A culture of failure exists in some schools.   在某些学校中存在着失败文化。




culturen文化(cult→[对心灵的]培养→人类文化) agriculturen农业;农学(agri田地]+culture文化,引申为养殖业→农业) arboriculturen树木栽培(arbori树木+ckulrure) pisciculturen养鱼业(pisci鱼+culrure) aquiculturen水产养殖(apui水+culture) floriculturen花卉栽培(flori花+culrure) mariculturen水产养殖(mari++culture养殖业)


culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时可数,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。culture,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词的意思是“[细胞][微] 培养(等于cultivate)”,作名词的意思是“文化,文明;修养;栽培”。culture双语例句:1、It demonstrated the brilliance of China"s ancient culture.它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。2、This should be the culture of an enterprise.这应该就是一家企业的文化吧。3、He repeats not only his mistakes , but also those of his family and culture.他不仅重复自己的错误,而且他的家庭和文化的人。4、Do you have plans to go to either country in the future, or prefer the culture of one over another?想想你将来有没有去到哪个国家的打算,或者自己更喜欢哪国的文化?

chinese culture为什么不用复数

culture 表示“文明”时不可数,表示“文化”时既可数又不可数,当总称时不可数,当表示“不同国家的文化”时是可数的。这里作为总称,不可数的。


 culture常用作不可数名词。  当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。  culture英语例句:  1. The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.  孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。  2. Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.  我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。  3. They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.  他们不再担心文化的同质化。  4. She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.  她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。  5. There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.  当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。  6. Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.  埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。  7. Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult".  任何对流行文化有一点兴趣的人都应该买《完全崇拜》这张专辑。  8. His work offers an insight into an alien culture.  他的作品能让人们对一种异域文化产生较深入的了解。  9. He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.  他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。  10. It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.  它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。  11. The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.


Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere,meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has different meanings.For example,in 1952,Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture:A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However,the word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities,also known as high culture An integrated pattern of human knowledge,belief,and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning The set of shared attitudes,values,goals,and practices that characterizes an institution,organization or group


culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 culture用法 n.文化,[生物学](微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖 vt.培植,培养 变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured; culture可以用作名词 culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。 culture用作名词的用法例句 He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。 She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的文化。 He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。 culture用法例句 1、The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。 2、Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。 3、They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture. 他们不再担心文化的同质化。 4、Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture. 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。 5、Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult". 任何对流行文化有一点兴趣的人都应该买《完全崇拜》这张专辑。 6、His work offers an insight into an alien culture. 他的作品能让人们对一种异域文化产生较深入的了解。 7、He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture. 他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。 8、It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture. 它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。


culture:[U] the customs andbeliefs, art, way of lifeand social organization of a particular country or group文化,文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织)[C] a country, group, etc. with its own beliefs, etc.文化(指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等)[U] art, music, literature, etc., thought of as agroup文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称)[C, U] the beliefs and attitudes about sththat people in a particular group or organization share文化(某群 体或组织的一致看法和态度)[U] (technical术语) the growing of plants orbreeding of particular animals in order toget a particular substance or crop fromthem种植;栽培;养殖;培育[C] (biology生medical医a group of cellsor bacteria, especially one taken from a person or an animal and grown for medicalor scientific study, or to produce food; theprocess of obtaining and growing thesecells培养物;培养细胞;培养菌; (为医疗、科研或食品生产而作细胞或细菌的)培养


culture的形容词是cultural。基本字义:cultural英["ka1tJf(a)r(a)1]美["ka1tJeral]。adj.文化的;教养的。双语例句1、Manchester has a rich cultural,economic and sporting heritage.曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。2、Their cultural backgrounds gavethem aspirit ofadventure.他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。3、We are doing this work in the context ofreforms in theeconomi c, social and cultura1 spheres.我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项工作的。




culture文化既是可数又是不可数名词。 culture: n.文化,文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织);文化; v.培养(细胞或细菌); 第三人称单数: cultures复数: cultures现在分词: culturing过去式: cultured过去分词: cultured 扩展资料   Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.   移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。   White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.   在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。   They spent a month steeping themselves in Chinese culture.   他们花了一个月时间潜心钻研中国文化。   They come from totally different cultures.   他们来自完全不同的文化。


culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   culture用法   n.文化,[生物学](微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖   vt.培植,培养   变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured;   culture可以用作名词   culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。   culture用作名词的用法例句   He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。   She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的"文化。   He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。   culture用法例句   1、The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.   孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。   2、Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.   我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。   3、They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.   他们不再担心文化的同质化。   4、Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.   埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。   5、Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult".   任何对流行文化有一点兴趣的人都应该买《完全崇拜》这张专辑。   6、His work offers an insight into an alien culture.   他的作品能让人们对一种异域文化产生较深入的了解。   7、He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.   他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。   8、It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.   它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。

culture 中文意思是?

culture 的中文意思是指文化一词。通常指某个群体、种族…等,在某一时期的风俗习惯和信仰。 常见英文单字: youth/working-class culture 青年/工人阶级文化 popular culture 流行文化 culture 英文例句: 例:American culture has been exported all over the world. 美国文化已经出口到世界各地。 例:Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood. 每个文化都有一种特殊的仪式,让男孩成为男人。 culture, culture 中文, culture 中文意思, culture 意思, culture 翻译, culture 英文, culture 英文例句


culture[英]["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a]简明释义n.文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖vt.培植,培养复数:cultures第三人称单数:cultures过去式:cultured过去分词:cultured现在分词:culturing扩展资料:1.N-UNCOUNT文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。


culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   culture用法:   n.文化,(微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖   vt.培植,培养   变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured;   culture可以用作名词   culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。   culture用作名词的用法例句   He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。   She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的文化。   He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。   culture用法例句:   1、The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.   孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。   2、Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.   我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。   3、They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.   他们不再担心文化的.同质化。   4、Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.   埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。   5、Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult".   任何对流行文化有一点兴趣的人都应该买《完全崇拜》这张专辑。   6、His work offers an insight into an alien culture.   他的作品能让人们对一种异域文化产生较深入的了解。   7、He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.   他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。   8、It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.   它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。



culture怎么读 culture如何读

1、英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259(r)]、美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259r] 2、n.文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称或指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等); 文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织); 3、vt.培养(细胞或细菌); 4、[例句]We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:cultures 复数:cultures 现在分词:culturing 过去式:cultured 过去分词:cultured


culture既是可数也是不可数。 culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   culture用法:   n.文化,[生物学](微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖;   vt.培植,培养;   变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured;   culture可以用作名词   culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的"文化时,可用于复数形式。   culture用作名词的用法例句:   He has to learn the culture of bees.   他得学养蜂。   She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.   她研究过东方各国的文化。   He is a man of little culture.   他没多少文化修养。




culture[英]["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] 生词本简明释义n.文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖vt.培植,培养复数:cultures第三人称单数:cultures过去式:cultured过去分词:cultured现在分词:culturing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。


culture [u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259] 音译:“考却儿”



culture 的简单英文介绍

google翻译The concept of culture: one of human society at the history of the development process created by the material and spiritual wealth of the sum of specific spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science and so on. 2. Archeology terminology, refers to the same historical period is not easy locations for the transfer of relics, artifacts of the complex. The same instrument, appliance, manufacturing technology, such as a culture are the same characteristics, such as Yangshao Culture, Longshan Culture. 3. The use of language ability and general knowledge: study culture, level of education. Architectural Culture Religious and cultural Fashion Culture Food Culture


文化是不可数的,Chinese culture。用法,可以跟在国家后面,如:Chinese culture,也可以跟在名词性物主代词后面,如:our culture.也可以跟在形容词后,如:beautiful culture.




Culture既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,区分具体可不可数的时候要看实际要表达的含义。culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 culture的短语 ancient culture:古代文化 artistic culture:艺术修养 Confucian culture:儒教 acquire culture:受到教育 develop a culture:发展文化 lack culture:缺乏修养 man of culture:有教养的人 culture的例句 The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。 Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。 They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture. 他们不再担心文化的同质化。 She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。 There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. 当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。



chinese culture可数吗

chinese culture不可数,chinese culture 意思是中国文化; culture 表示“文明”时不可数,表示“文化”时既可数又不可数,当总称时不可数,当表示“不同国家的文化”时是可数的。这里作为总称,不可数的。 扩展资料   Now I have a better understanding of Chinese culture.   现在我更加了解中国文化。   We should assimilate the good things in ancient Chinese culture, as well as in foreign cultures.   对中国古代的文化,我们要吸收其中有益的东西,同样,对外国的"也应如此。   The riches and splendour of our Chinese culture has evolved over a long history of thousands of years.   在中国几千年的历史中,产生了丰富灿烂的文化。   TCM is an important part of Chinese culture.   中医是中国文化的重要组成部分。






We should learn about other countries" culture when you travel abroad.




culture is 文化. civilization is 文明.


culture的形容词是cultural,发音是英["ku028cltu0283(u0259)r(u0259)l],美["ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l],含义是文化的;教养的。 基本字义 cultural 英["ku028cltu0283(u0259)r(u0259)l] 美["ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l] adj.文化的;教养的 双语例句 1.Manchester has a rich cultural, economic and sporting heritage. 曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。 2.Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure. 他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。 3.We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres. 我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项工作的。 4.A rich and varied cultural life is essential for this couple. 丰富多样的文化生活对这对夫妇而言至关重要。 5.All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way. 凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,都应当批判地继承。





culture什么意思中文 culture的意思

1、culture的意思: n.文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称或指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等); 文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织); 文化; 种植; 培养物; vt.培养(细胞或细菌); 2、culture的读音:英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259(r)],美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259r]。 3、[例句]We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。

culture 意思

culture的意思是:栽培;文化。音标:英["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)];美["ku028cltu0283u0259r]。释义:栽培,(人工)培养,培育;文化,文明;养殖;教养,修养;培养菌,培养物。语法:culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。用作名词,Paris is a good city for people who are interested in culture.对于修养心性有兴趣的人来说,巴黎是个好城市。双语例句1、Universities are centers of culture.大学是文化中心。2、He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.他研究过东方国家的文化。3、She is a woman of culture and taste.她是一个有修养,有风度的女人。4、This is a culture of cholera germs.这是培养出的霍乱菌。5、He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。


culture的读音是:英["k?lt??(r)]。culture的读音是:英["k?lt??(r)]。culture的例句是用作名词(n.)He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。culture【近义词】art。一、详尽释义点此查看culture的详细内容n.(名词)栽培,(人工)培养,培育文化,文明养殖教养,修养培养菌,培养物陶冶磨炼培养组织耕作,造林,培植,种植《文化报》v.(动词)养殖培养(细菌),栽培,培植,培育耕种,耕作修养,修习,使有教养磨炼二、词典解释1.文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.e.g. There is just not enough fun and frivolity inculture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。e.g. ...aspects of popularculture.大众文化的方方面面2.文化(尤指拥有特定信仰、生活方式或艺术形式的社会或文明)Aculture is a particular society or civilization, especially considered in relation to its beliefs, way of life, or art.e.g. ...people from different cultures...来自不同文化背景的人们e.g. I was brought up in aculture that said you must put back into the society what you have taken out.我成长于其中的那个社会文化认为,取之社会必须回报社会。3.文化(某组织或群体的一致习惯和行为方式)Theculture of a particular organization or group consists of the habits of the people in it and the way they generally behave.e.g. But social workers say that this has created aculture of dependency, particularly in urban areas...然而社会工作者认为这使得人们普遍产生了依赖,尤其是在城市地区。e.g. The institutions have realised they need to change theirculture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。4.培养物;培养菌;培养细胞In science, aculture is a group of bacteria or cells which are grown, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment.e.g. ...aculture of human cells.人类细胞的培养物e.g. ...a number of tissueculture experiments.多次组织细胞培养实验5.培养(细菌);培植(细胞)In science, toculture a group of bacteria or cells means to grow them, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment.e.g. To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory mustculture a colony of bacteria.为进一步确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个细菌菌落。e.g. ...cultured human blood cells.培养的人体血细胞三、网络解释1. 企业文化:知识管理的理论模式与架构 知识管理的方式 勤业知识管理的公式 策略与领导 企业文化(culture) 知识管理过程 IBM知识管理 以程序观点区分知识管理议题 知识管理的程序 知识取得 知识流通之来源 ......2. culture的翻译2. 培养:无菌组织块经培养液洗液洗涤后制成10~20%悬液离心后,取上清接种;咽洗液,粪便,尿,感染组织或昆虫等污染本在接种前先用抗生素处理,杀死杂菌.1.细胞培养用分散的活细胞培养称细胞培养(culture).所用培养液是含血清(通常为胎牛血清),四、例句He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的文化。He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。The culture of the mind is vital.修心养性是极其重要的。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~absorb〔bridge〕 culture吸收〔沟通〕文化acquire culture受到教育develop a culture发展文化lack culture缺乏修养promote physical culture发展体育运动spread culture传播文化形容词+~ancient culture古代文化artistic culture艺术修养Confucian culture儒教ethnic culture民族文化human culture人类文化intellectual culture智育physical culture体育western culture西方文化名词+~beauty culture美容术bird culture鸟的饲养fruit culture果树栽培health culture养身法mass culture大众文化介词+~man of culture有教养的人六、经典引文Their method of rice culture was far superior to any other in SE Asia.出自:F. Fitzgerald七、词语用法n.(名词)culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。culture的相关近义词art、civilization、good tasteculture的相关临近词culvert、cultural、cultures、cultured、culturette、culture set、culture map、culture war、culture aim、culture gap、culture day、culture fit点此查看更多关于culture的详细信息




culture[英]["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] 生词本简明释义n.文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖vt.培植,培养复数:cultures第三人称单数:cultures过去式:cultured过去分词:cultured现在分词:culturing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。...aspects of popular culture.大众文化的方方面面...France"s Minister of Culture and Education.法国文化和教育部部长

vary from culture to culture是什么意思


vary from culture to culture是什么意思

vary-from-culture-to-culture因文化的不同而不同双语例句1. Prices may vary so it"s well worth shopping around before you buy. 价格可能会有高有低,所以在买之前很有必要货比三家。2. The treatment regime may vary widely depending on the type of injury. 因受伤类型不同治疗方法可能有很大的区别。3. This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary. 这种绝对主义的信念被规则可以变通这一认识所替代。4. Monthly interest costs vary. 每个月的利息费用都不一样。5. The island"s hotels vary wildly. 岛上的宾馆千差万别。
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