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swift code 一共是几位数字呢?customers BIC和它很相似,到底需要哪个呢?从中国汇款时

SWIFT CODE由以下几部分构成:银行代码(Bank Code):第1-4位,由四位易于识别的银行行名字头缩写字母构成(全球不变,如中国银行的为BKCH);国家(或地区)代码(Country Code):第5-6位,根据国际标准化组织的规定由两位字母构成;(在该国家合法注册经营,如中国的代码为CN)区位代码(Location Code):第7-8位,由两位数字或字母构成,标明城市;(在上述国家或地区注册的银行机构的总行所在城市,如中国银行在中国的总行在北京,所以其代码是BJ)分行代码(Branch Code):第9-11位,由三位数字或字母构成,标明分支机构。(如中国银行广东分行号为400)因此一家银行的SWIFT CODE由11个字符组成,上述的中国银行广东分行的SWIFT CODE为BKCHCNBJ400,如果是一家银行的总行,那么它没有分行号,它的SWIFT CODE就是前面的8位字符或再加上三个“叉”,因此中国银行北京总行的SWIFT CODE可以表达成BKCHCNBJ或BKCHCNBJ叉叉叉。 BIC就是SWIFT CODE,汇款时你把下列四项内容搞到就行客户开户行名称开户行SWIFT CODE(如本级支行没有用上一级分行或总行的)户名账号

custom,convention,institution ,tradition的区别是什么?

1) A convention is a way of behaving that isconsidered to be correct or polite by most people in a society. 社会惯例,重点在被大多数人所认同,约定俗成的东西,包括当下的社会共识;不表达传统、历史延续的意思。简单说来:convention 是惯例、常规,而tradition是传统。比如,Lady first是现代社会的惯例,却不是中国的传统。考虑到convention 也指“公约”,所以它的意思就很明显了:大家达成的一致。这个“一致”可以是非书面的,如社会共识,即惯例,也可以是“国际公约”这类的书面共识。所以,如果表达“打破惯例”这类意思,就应该用convention.a social conventionHe sets at naught every convention ofsociety.By convention, ...This is a common convention.另:A convention is a large meeting of anorganization. convention centerA convention is an official agreementbetween countries or groups of people. International Convention;Paris Convention;Geneva convention --->conventional (adj),conventionalize(v)2) A tradition is a custom or belief that hasexisted for a long time. 存在很长时间的习俗、信仰,Tradition包括custom(仅仅指风俗活动、仪式、行为等) 和文化、精神、原则等。tradition 可以被看做是很长时间的convention,或者说过去的convention。打破传统,反对因循守旧就应该用tradition。 cultural traditiondo sth by traditionoral traditionthe vampire tradition3) A custom is an activity, a way of behaving,or an event, which is usual or traditional in a particular society.风俗活动,比tradition更具象,一定是指某种传统的活动、仪式、行为方式等。不包括传统思想、传统信仰这些精神层面的意义。另:"personal custom to do something" means personalcircumstances.


class Customer{int custid;char custgender ;char custname;Customer(char id,char name,char gender){ this.custname = name; this.custid = id; this.custgender = gender;}int getcustid(){return custid;}char getcustgender(){return custgender;}char getname(){return custname;}void setcustname(char s){custname=s;}void setcustgender(char g){custgender=g;}void setcustid(int h){ custid=h;}void printMSG(){ System.out.println("客户身份证号:"+custid+"客户性别:"+custgender+"客户姓名:"+custname); }}

customer name是什么意思

customer name 英[u02c8ku028cstu0259mu0259 neim] 美[u02c8ku028cstu0259mu025a nem] [词典] [计] 用户姓名; [例句]The third example shows how to find a customer name and how to delete it.第三个例子展示了如何查找某一客户名和如何删除它。

翻译customer loyalty program

客户忠诚计划 特制

Private custom Personal tailor 这两个词组分别是什么意思?有什么区别

private custom 私享定制 如custom car 定制车,private wedding custom婚礼定制等personal tailor 个性化定制,更倾向于服装、服饰等行业

tailor made 和customize的区别

1、tailor made一般用作形容词;而cusomize一般用作动词,表示形容词含义时用customized形式。customized强调已经存在的东西按要求或需要进行改变;tailor made 用作形容词,起源于tailor裁缝裁缝量身体做衣服,强调事情从零开始就按照用户要求制作2、customize 用作动词,意思为"定制;定做;改" If you customize something, you change its appearance or features to suit your tastes or needs.(如果你cusomize某个东西,你改变它的外表或特征以适合你的口味或需要)...a control that allows photographers to customise the camera"s basic settings.使拍照者能够自定义相机的基本设置的控制按钮...customized software.定制软件3、tailor made 用作形容词,意思为“特制的; 定做的”,主要意思有1)ADJ 专门制作的;定制的;特制的 If something is tailor-made, it has been specially designed for a particular person or purpose.(如果某东西是tailor-made,它是专门地为某一特定目的或特定人设计)...tailor-made itineraries for tourists seeking something more individual than packaged holidays.为那些不喜欢包办旅行、寻求个性的游客们专门安排的游览路线Each client"s portfolio is tailor-made.每位客户的投资组合都是量身打造的。2)ADJ 极其适合的;恰到好处的 If you say that someone or something is tailor-made for a particular task, purpose, or need, you are emphasizing that they are perfectly suitable for it.(如果你说某人事某物是为某一特殊任务、工作或需要而tailor-made,你是在强调它完美地适合)He was tailor-made, it was said, for the task ahead.据说他是前头面临任务的最佳人选。These questions were tailor-made for Professor Posner.这些问题请教波斯纳教授算是问对人了。3)ADJ (衣服)量身定做的,量体裁成的 Tailor-made clothes have been specially made to fit a particular person.(tailor-made的衣服为专门定做,以适合于某一特殊的人)He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made.他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是量身定做的。...his expensive tailor-made shirt.他那件定做的高档衬衫

customers ( ) a bewildering amount of choice.


______________he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off theprices of the goods.

【答案】:C【译文】考虑到他是老顾客,老板给他买的商品打了九五折。 【考点】固定句型 【解析】given that可以理解为considering,意为“考虑到”。根据题意,故选C。

英语作文关于Education has become more and more customized(越来越个性化),只求一些能用的观点。

Standards can be used as tools for standardization or customization. To accelerate learning for all students, standards must reject the dominant standardization (sorting) approach to education. Standards should represent attainment levels, be divorced from timetables and age levels, apply also to nonacademic areas, allow choice within limits, and be learning-focused, certified, and aligned with positive incentives and appropriate measures.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schools Use Digital Tools to Customize Education By Michelle R. DavisIn today"s digital marketplace, students of all ages can create experiences tailored just for them. When a teenager searches for movies to watch, an online film site can provide suggestions based on past viewing history. Music lovers can create personalized playlists for everything from a workout in the gym to a study session. And when children play video games, they can choose a variety paths—based on their interests and skill levels—toward slaying a dragon or defeating an enemy.Then many of these same students walk into their classrooms and sit at their desks to absorb one-size-fits-all lessons or, if they"re lucky, instruction aimed at the high-, mid-, or low-level learner. And in many cases, there is little, if any, technology integrated into those lessons.In some pockets around the country, though, educators and schools are turning to technology and different teaching and learning approaches to give students a personalized learning experience that mirrors the customized experiences they take for granted in their lives outside of school.What Works?Researchers Evaluate Tech.-Oriented, Personalized LearningTeachers & TechnologyState, Local Policies Seen to Slow Personalized Learning Teachers are using “intelligent” assessments that allow students to skip concepts they already know to focus on those they struggle with; teachers are also collecting student data to craft lesson plans based on student interests and educational needs; other educators are letting students fulfill curriculum requirements by doing everything from writing a traditional essay to creating a video or a website; and online-course providers are allowing students to go as fast or slow as they need to grasp material.“In regular, face-to-face classrooms, it"s very difficult to create an individual experience for each student unless you can make the learning independent but also interactive,” says Jeff Snyder, a former classroom social studies teacher who is now an assistant principal with the Jefferson County, Ky., public schools" eSchool, an online school with more than 6,000 students. “Technology allows students to go in their own direction, which is really difficult to do in a classroom with 30 different kids at 30 different levels in 50 minutes.”Personalized PathsAs the move toward personalization unfolds, those in the forefront say it can raise students" interest in learning, help them follow their passions, and ultimately boost achievement. Anecdotal evidence of the success of this approach is building, though research on using technology to personalize instruction is still struggling to catch up with practice.Experts caution that personalization doesn"t always mean catering to each and every student"s individual whims.“The kind of personalization that is valuable in education is not complete and total personalization, which would be pandering,” says Vikram Savkar, a senior vice president and publishing director at the New York City-based Nature Publishing Group, which has created an online science-based social-networking site called Scitable. The site allows students to discuss scientific topics and connect with researchers.“In education,” says Savkar, “it"s not about giving students what they want, it"s about a recommended learning path just for them.”Many teachers have been trying to personalize education in one way or another for decades. But they"ve been hampered by the hours needed to prepare such lessons, class-time limits, and the number of students they serve.Until new technologies arrived on the scene, true educational personalization “has been a manual, tedious, laborious process,” says Julie Young, the president and chief executive officer of the 97,000-student Florida Virtual School, based in Orlando.A host of new devices and programs, such as 1-to-1 laptop initiatives, online courses, digital lessons, interactive tools, and smart assessments, have shown learning can take place at all hours of the day or night and at different levels—or even subjects—within the same classroom. The new technology takes the old model of personalization and makes it more scalable, Young suggests.But that doesn"t mean students should be totally in charge of their own learning, Young says. “This does not mean a teacherless environment,” she says. “On the contrary, it means you need an even more talented teacher who can think creatively and guide students.”Definition EvolvingA growing number of schools and programs across the country are trying to make it work. New York City"s School of One program uses technology and teachers to tailor lessons each day based on students" individual strengths and weaknesses. The Florida Virtual School"s online courses often give students a choice of how they want to progress through a course, which topics they want to tackle first, and whether they want to use text, video, audio, or simulations to absorb the material. The North Carolina initiative Project K-Nect uses smartphones to provide students with opportunities to help each other solve math problems at their own pace through social-networking sites created specifically for math.But an understanding of just what personalization through technology means, and definitive research into which strategies and tactics work best, are still evolving, says Yong Zhao, the director of the Center for Advanced Technology in Education based at the University of Oregon in Eugene. “Personalized learning is very hard to measure,” he says. “The objectives are so diverse and varied.”In the end, the goal should be fostering students who are lifelong learners—not just students who have learned the formula for getting good grades in school, says Savkar of the Nature Publishing Group. “We want to inspire intellectual curiosity and those mental skills that students will carry with them their whole lives,” he says. “That"s the most important thing.”

customer reference是什么意思

customer reference客户参考双语例句1The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall conform tothose in customer reference manuals on measurement systemsanalysis.所用的分析方法及接收准则应符合顾客有关测量系统分析的指南。2You might have to implement a special web service to get the customerreference stored in the domain model.你可能必须实现一个特殊的Web服务来获取存储在领域模型中的客户引用。3The context ID ( for example, a customer reference number) is used todetermine which events have a relationship.上下文ID(例如,客户咨询号)用于确定哪些事件与其他事件存在关系。4Include any reference numbers – for example for the product youbought, the account you hold, or a customer reference.乙、包括所有相关的数字,例如,您买卖的货币对、账户号码、还有交易的单号。5It could involve enabling your application on at least two IBM OnDemand middleware products and an IBM eServer platform, submittinga customer reference, and completing a whitepaper.它可能涉及在至少两个IBM随需应变中间件产品和一个IBM eServer平台上激活你的应用程序,提交一份客户参考,以及完成一份白皮书。

Customer DHL account number是什么意思

客户DHL帐户号码双语对照例句:1.Has your life been reduced to an account number? 你的生活是否已经变成了一串串的数字?

英语翻译Waiter:Good evening.Can I take your order?Customer:Um,I’?

侍者:晚上好.我可以请您点菜吗? 顾客:嗯,我还没准备好点菜.能给我一两分钟吗? 服务员:当然可以.把你的时间.  (五分钟后). 服务员:您要点菜了吗? 顾客:是的,我是这样认为的.我想要蔬菜汤. 服务员:主菜吗? 顾客:请给我烤牛肉和沙拉. 服务员:你想喝点什么? 顾客:只是一瓶水. 服务员:谢谢你. 1 客户立即点餐了吗?   不.客户没有.   2.客户想要什么开胃菜?   客户想要蔬菜汤.   3.她主餐点了什么?   烤牛肉和沙拉.   4.她想要什么饮料?   一瓶水.,5,英语翻译 Waiter:Good evening.Can I take your order? Customer:Um,I"m not ready to order yet.Can I have a minute or two? Waiter:Certainly.Take your time. (Five minutes later.) Waiter:Would you like to order now? Customer:Yes,I think so.I"d like the vegetable soup to start with. Waiter:And for the main course? Customer:Roast beef and salad,please. Waiter:Would you like anything to drink? Customer:Just a bottle of water. Waiter:Thank you. Does the customer order at once? No.the customer doesn"t order at once. 2.What does the customer want to start with? The customer wants the vegetable soup to start with. 3.What does she order for the main course? Roast beef and salad. 4.What drink does she want? A bottle of water.




海关监管区(Customs Surveillance Zone) 所谓的海关监管区是由海关全权负责管理的区域,在这个区域里, 对海关来说,法律和行政法规赋予了海关很多执法权力; 对管理相对人来说,进出海关监管区的运输工具、货物、 物品以及相关的人员,都应当办理有关的海关手续。新《海关法》 对海关监管区域的具体范围做了规定, “海关监管区,是指设立海关的港口、车站、机场、国界孔道、 国际邮 件互换局(交换站)和其他有海关监管业务的场所, 以及虽未设立海关,但是经国务院批准的进出境地点”。

想请教你,这里的related是从句的谓语,还是定语修饰customer service?


骑马与砍杀中 custom commander 和战团一样吗

那是一个mod,中文名字叫 领军者

跪求Custom made (Give it to you)歌词翻译

定做(给你) 我得到的权利 - 没有时间玩耍 当谈到这一切达 - 打下的nigga下来 胸围镜头在他的路虎,如果他敢回来围绕 我按时支付或我GOTS采取矿 起初我似乎友好,但只是在我的 我警告你 - 我吹时,它得到一个小多风 你让我想打你,我是不喜欢你的nothin Y"all“薄如纸,”我妈回收 他们叫我莉儿金,又名封面女郎 有时我觉得我从另一个娘的世界很 Niggaz我买玻璃拖鞋和钻石指甲 awwwww,狗屎,我在这个婊子 合唱:莉儿金(在大的“GIMME战利品”)2X 天啊,论文! 凡在现金?凡在藏匿? 黑鬼传递! 我们罗林在有色资产净值的 电视在划线的,看到我们爱情的现金 对我所有的母犬在脱衣舞俱乐部 - 沙金,他们的屁股 (我是不是疯了,做你的事情妈咪!)的现金! 我hustlin niggaz仍然在大街上。 格斗超过块,谁得到了最好的岩石 “天啊,”斗争从未停止 的事情,我们都这样做,以保持我们的口袋里,海里充满 人民他妈的我的音乐 - 他们说的色情 我的广告牌是不错的,有一天坤“的经典 我他妈的帅哥,“成员只有”夹克 用钱,一个床垫,黄铜床睡 “Gettin"钱"母狗,我摇助攻 与我们的花枝招展的“纽约时报”的封面上的图片 纹身了我们的脊椎与一角钱的图片 Cuttin niggaz电话时间的囚犯一样短 我得到的一切 - 定制 Niggaz,要下岗;我,总得得到报酬




一般在外企分别是这样client 是你的上游客户, provider, suppliercustomer 是你的下游客户,销售对象。。。


customer意思是:消费者,用于表示消费者与销售厂家时 client意思是:客户端,专门表示客户一方的术语 tanant意思是:你拼错了吧?(tenant) 是不是房屋租赁的房客 guest意思是:贵宾、客人 用于表示外国来访的客人或自己家来的客人等等

Customer 和Client之间的区别

Customer 和Client翻译成中文有客户的意思,因此很多中国人觉得这两个单词是一样的,但是它们是有很大的去别的。 所以 customer 指从 商店 或其它地方购买商品或服务的人或组织。 因此,如果你去商店或超市买一瓶水,那么你就是商店或超市的 customer 所以 Client 指从 专业的 人或组织购买服务或建议的人或组织 因此,如果你去咨询律师,或把自己的钱交给证券经纪人打理,那么就就是他们的 Client


customer : 主要指交易一方的买主、主顾。client与customer同义,多指进入商店被店员接待或购物的人。

customer obsession是什么意思

客户至上双语对照例句:1.Teamwork spirit is one of the most important factors which help yoube successful in your career. Customer obsession is shown inpractice, not in our tongue. 团队精神是决定一个人能否成功的最关键因素之一;客户至上的理念是体现在实际行动中的,而不是口头上。2.Last year, bezos told fortune: "the three big ideas at amazon arelong-term thinking, customer obsession, and willingness to invent." 去年,贝佐斯层对《财富》杂志(Fortune)表示:“亚马逊坚持三个大的理念:长远思考、客户至上和愿意创新。”3.But as a global company with the same principle of customerobsession, it turned out not only [ to be] a good thing for thecustomer, it was also the best marketing activity we did that year. " 但对于一家秉持‘客户至上"的跨国公司来说,这不仅为消费者带来了实惠,而且也是当年我们操作的最成功的一次营销活动。”4.For hill, it"s all about building a great retail brand that happens to be abank--metro"s slogan is "love your bank at last," a reference to hisobsession with super-fast, offbeat customer service. 对于希尔而言,这完全就是打造一个伟大的零售品牌,而这个品牌恰巧是一家银行而已——Metro的广告词是“终于爱上你的银行”,反映的正是他对提供快速的、不同寻常的客户服务的痴迷。


LZ 意思是CUSTOMER 和 CONSUMER之间的区别吧 CUSTOMER一般是顾客的意思,是比较通俗的用法,因此比较常用. 而CONSUMER就是消费者的意思,比较正式的书面语.

consumers 和customers 都是顾客,消费者的意思吗?



直接翻译 前者是消费者后者是顾客明白了么

S/O中cy open/cy closing/Customs release voucher cut off是什么意思,谢谢

cy open,是可拖柜和交柜的截止日期,CY就是container yard,也就是堆场cy closing,是码头的截期,也就是重柜还码头的截止时间,过了这个时间则无法赶上船期,不过可以向船公司申请LATECOMEcustoms release voucher:是指海关放行条,那么其cut off是指船代的截关期,超过船代截关期的,船代将不予以装船

culture和custom的区别 对不起,还能具体点吗?还是不太明白!

culture n. 1. 文化[C][U] He has studied the cultures of various western countries. 他研究了各西方国家的文化. 2. 教养;陶冶;修养[U] He is a man of culture. 他是一个有修养的人. 3. 栽培;养殖[U] The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱. 4. (微生物等的)培养;培养菌[U][C] custom n. 1. (社会,团体的)习俗,惯例[C][U] The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 庆祝圣诞节是一种风俗. 2. (个人的)习惯[C] 3. (顾客对商店等的)惠顾[U];顾客[U] 4. (常大写)海关[the P] Did you have any trouble with the Customs? 你通过海关有麻烦吗? 5. 关税[P] a. 1. 订做的,订制的[B]


institution偏向一种制度,比较机构性的感觉,就像是学校也可以是institution.tradition是传统了,时间性和历史性的包涵。不一定是死规定,而只是一种N年的习惯或者节日什么的。custom这种习惯比较个人性质,针对性强,有点“独一无二”的味道,强调单体。convention和tradition很像,但是tradition是时间的范围上,convention是种内容多元的范围,广阔;就像是“按照平常的惯例”,是一种多人多次行为成为的统一准则。1、custom 风俗,指某个社会群体的在某个地区所特有的生活习惯。They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride"s dress.2、convention 惯例,指某个社会群体均认可的行为原则。She rebelled against convention and refused to marry.3、instiution 习俗,指某个社会群体共同遵守的重要传统。Local residents are strictly kept in the institutions of marriage and the family.4、tradition 传统,经历了千百年生活沉淀而形成的生活习惯。By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.





customized 与custom-made区别


burton 的 custom 和costom 有什么区别

  custom 分 camber 板型的 跟 flying V 板型的……  fly v的 更适合玩花样类的 硬度小一下 板型是 反拱形 是向下凹的  custom 是硬度中等的 camber 板型 是凸 这样的板型。  总体来说 fly 适合玩偏花样类的 或者野雪 能给你提供更好的 浮力 和更大的弹跳角度  custom是 全能的 camber 板型 偏滑行一些  如果是新手选板的话 我推荐更选择custom  另外 custom 还有个 custom X 我也不知道哪个是先 哪个是后  custom X 是所有指标更优于 custom的 硬度更大 也是camber板型。


旧的系统会在windows.old文件夹中1  依次:“计算机”→单击Windows.old文件夹所在的盘符右键→“属性”2打开Windows.old文件夹所在盘符属性后,单击“磁盘清理”,磁盘清理工具便开始扫描该盘符内可以清理的文件。3、扫描完成后,磁盘清理工具会显示可以删除的文件列表,在其中就可以看到“以前的Windows安装”并显示容量大小,下方的“描述”中明确介绍该文件夹名为Windows.old,这里小编提醒大家可以一同将列表中的临时文件、错误文件报告等没有的文件一同选中,然后但击“确定”。4、确认后系统会弹出提示窗口,询问是否永久删除选中的文件,点选“删除文件”后,被选中的文件将不会被删除的“回收站”,而是做永久性的删除,因此在确认删除前,一定要仔细核对是否为需要删除的文件。5、点击“删除文件”后磁盘清理工具开始清理选中的文件,经过几秒到几分钟的时间后(时间长短由文件大小而定),Windows.old文件夹以及用户选中的文件即被彻底删除。

custom nc background怎么用

一、使用介绍:1)安装完「Custom NC Background」后,由桌面的「设定」进入「Custom NC Background」。2)开启设定操作后,再点击「Pick Image」选取照片即可。二、安装「Custom NC Background」必须通过「Cydia」下载,也就是说必须要越狱后才能使用。插件源址 (cydia自带源)安装方法:在cyida中搜索安装即可三、Custom NC Background是美化iOS 5通知中心(Notification Center)背景的软件,主要是将背景的材质底图换成使用者的图片。




风俗要加s,总称就不用加。例如Custom and Tradition习俗与传统。




customcursor用不了原因:因为插件没有更新,跟不上现在的WOW版本了。也有多种制式,如NMT,AMPS,TACS,但是基本上只能进行语音通信,收讯效果与保密性不足,无线宽带利用不充分。在第二代手机出现以后有了对比,人们才把这些模拟制式的手机称为第一代手机。用于第三代移动通信系统(3G)的手机也已经研制出来了,但是由于相关网络没有普及,并未得到广泛的应用。指定的桌面属性:移除指定的属性更改侦听器。protected voidsetDesktopProperty(String name, Object newValue)将指定桌面属性设置为指定值,并触发一个属性更改事件,以通知所有侦听器该值已更改。 voidsetDynamicLayout(boolean dynamic)控制 Container 的布局是在调整大小期间动态地生效,还是在完成调整大小后静态地生效。

custom cursor ,为什么我用不了



CUSTOM是定制款的意思 不是品牌













custom 短语

Custom短语搭配如下:1、Custom Fields自定义字段 ; 自定义栏目 ; 自定义域 ; 自订栏位。2、Custom design定制设计 ; 客制化设计服务。3、Custom installation自定义安装 ; 自订安装 ; 定制安装 ; 习惯设置。4、Custom event自定义事件 ; 自定义变乱。5、Custom rule自定义规则 ; 自订规则。6、Custom Size自定义大小 ; 自定义尺寸 ; 规矩尺 ; 自定义杂志编辑尺寸技术。7、Custom Cruiser巡洋舰。8、Marriage custom婚姻习俗 ; 论中美婚俗。9、Custom Commander领军者 ; 骑马与。Custom双语例句:1、Can you tell me the origin of this custom.你能告诉我这个习俗的由来吗?2、What should we do to revive this old custom.要恢复这个古老的风俗,我们应该做些什么?3、We need to know the custom of this country so that we would not displease anyone.我们需要知道这个国家的习俗,这样我们就不会惹怒任何人了。

custom是什么意思 探究custom一词的含义?

















电脑custom是什么意思:custom.dic是WPS借鉴OFFICE办公软件设定的用户自定义词典文件,可以协助用户提高常用词输入速度,该文件可以使用写字板或记事本打开编辑,一般存放在UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming的某个文件夹下面。该答案适用于华硕X84EI235HR-SL、戴尔灵越15(5559) Ins15U-3548等大多数电脑品牌型号。




Custom包包没有固定的品牌,它通常是指根据客户的要求量身定制的手工制作包包。这种包包是独一无二的,可以在形状、大小、颜色、材料等方面进行定制,以满足个性化和品味要求。一些高端品牌,如Hermes、Louis Vuitton等也可以提供定制服务,但相对较为昂贵。与传统品牌包包相比,Custom包包更具个性和独特性,也更符合个人的审美和需求。另外,Custom包包的生产过程相对较为复杂,需要一定的手工技巧和经验,因此质量更高档次更高端。





custom什么意思 解释custom一词的含义?

"Custom" 一词有多种含义,以下是其中的两个主要含义:风俗习惯:指一种特定社会或群体中长期以来保持的行为方式、礼节、仪式、传统等,通常是代代相传的。例如:It"s a custom in Japan to take off your shoes before entering someone"s home.(在日本,进入别人的家时要脱鞋是一种风俗习惯。)订制的:根据某人或某组织的具体要求和需要,量身定制的、专门生产的、非标准化的。例如:The store specializes in custom-made suits.(这家店专门生产订制的西装。)"Custom" 这个词也可以作为动词,意思是 "定制、订做"。例如:She had her wedding dress custom-made.(她订制了自己的婚纱。)

custom是什么意思 探究custom一词的含义?


custom是什么意思 custom的中文翻译、读音、例句?

、经常性的”的意思,还有习惯法的意思,单词读音音标为[k"u028cstu0259m],custom在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到17个与custom相关的句子。1. Custom made weapons, that kind of thing.翻译:定制武器之类的 Custom made weapons, that kind of thing.。2. (Mary from the custom service)3. You mean there"s no such custom?4. For such was the ancient custom:5. There is a custom in my country which is not a custom in your country.6. is the custom different in Naath?翻译:纳斯岛的风俗不同吗 Is the custom different in Naath?。7. Custom: Where is the ftting room?8. Well, isn"t that the custom?翻译:Well, I -Isn"t that the custom? 哦 我…。9. uh, Don. i guess i"m still not used to calling my superiors by their first name.翻译:我还是有点(alittlebit)儿不习惯(Custom)对上司真呼其名。。10. it"s a totally barbaric custom.翻译:这是野蛮的习俗。 It"s a totally barbaric custom.。11. it"s the custom of the house12. What kind of custom is this?13. You"re saying Byron had it custom-made?翻译:你是说拜伦订制了一个 You"re saying Byron had it custom -made?。14. it is a perfect custom prison.15. This…this is a custom job.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:






"Customer"是一个英语单词,翻译成中文为 "顾客"、"客户"或者 "消费者"。以下是更详细的解释:"Customer"的词源和历史"Customer"这个单词最早来源于拉丁语 "consuetudo",意思是 "惯例"。随着时间的推移,这个单词逐渐演变成了 "customer",并成为了一个常见的词汇。"Customer"的意思和用法"Customer"的主要意思是 "顾客"、"客户"或者 "消费者",通常用来描述购买商品或服务的人。例如,当你去商店购买物品时,你可以被称为 "customer",意思是 "顾客"。这个词也可以用来形容企业的客户、银行的客户等。"Customer"的应用"Customer"在英语中是一个非常常用的单词,它可以用来描述购买商品或服务的人。在商业和服务领域中,这个词被广泛使用,例如零售业、餐饮业、银行业、保险业等。在这些领域中,客户是非常重要的,因为他们是商家的生命线,没有客户就没有生意。"Customer"的同义词和近义词"Customer"的近义词包括 "client"、"consumer"、"patron" 等。这些词也可以用来描述购买商品或服务的人。


shoppern.(名词)1. One who visits stores in search of merchandise or bargains.顾客:一个逛商店购买商品或便宜商品的人2. A commercial agent who compares the merchandise and prices of competing merchants.为商店打听行情的人:一个对互相竞争的商人的商品和价格进行比较的商业人商业员3. A commercial employee who fills mail or telephone orders.代客选购的人:一个按顾客的邮购或电话订单交货的商业雇员4. A newspaper containing advertisements and some local news, usually distributed free.商品信息报:一种登有广告和一些本地新闻的报纸,通常免费分发customern.(名词)1.One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人2.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙



customer与 customers的意思,区别





customer[英][ˈkʌstəmə(r)][美][ˈkʌstəmɚ]n.顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙; 复数:customers以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Every company provides a customer experience. 每一家公司都提供了客户体验。

customer 和 consumer的区别在哪

customer 顾客 (一般站在商家的立场上说的) consumer 消费者(官方,经济学家,统计学家的术语)


欲准确理解这两个词,最好还是看看英文字典的解释: ---Customer: 通常译为顾客 a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron. 从他人处购买货物或服务的人;买主;赞助人。 ---Client: 通常译为客户 1.a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer, accountant, advertising agency, architect, etc.使用如律师、会计师、广告经纪、建筑师等专业咨询或服务的个人或团体。 2.a person who is receiving the benefits, services, etc., of a social welfare agency, a government bureau, etc. 接受社会福利机构、政府机构等的福利、服务的人。 3.a customer. 顾客 由此可知凡是买东西的人,不管买的是货品或服务都可以是customer,client广义上也包括了customer。而在现实生活中,人们通常对这两词的认可是(不排除有例外的情况):customer是指购买货品的人;而client是指购买或接受服务的人,像律师、会计师、银行、医生、理财顾问、保险经纪、房地产经纪等的客户。

client 和customer 有什么区别?


select customer中“customer”指的是什么?

customer 意为"客户“,select customer 意为“选择客户”


customer造句有:1、Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.我们最关心的是为顾客提供优质服务。2、The product was developed in response to customer demand.这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。3、Customer relations is an important element of the job.与客户的关系是这个工作的重要部分。4、Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.一年里这个季节顾客很少。5、They set high standards of customer service.他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。6、We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务。7、We offer a personal service to all our customers.我们为所有顾客提供个别服务。8、We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers.我们对客户要确保服务的连贯性。9、We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer.我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。10、They know me ─ I"m a regular customer.我是老主顾,他们都认识我。




customer英 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mu025a] n.顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙网络顾客的需求和期望; 定义; 客户类复数: customers双语例句 Our customers have very tight budgets. 我们的顾客很会精打细算。
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