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An Unlucky Day 英语作文


初三英语作文:my most Unlucky Day !

It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen! Oops! What an unlucky day! 今天早晨我起床时已经7点10分了。我匆匆洗了把脸,没吃早饭就朝学校奔奉。当我到达学校门口时,我发现我忘了带书包。只好又返回家。在回家的路上,我又被狗咬了一口。唉,真倒霉。当我再次赶到学校走进教室后,课已经开始了。我坐了下来,却发现我忘记带钢笔!噢!多么不走运的一天啊!

myunluckyday 英语作文 九年级英语unit12 3b

What an unlucky day I had yesterday!Everything went wrong!In the morning I was just puting out the washing when it started to rain,so I had to bring it all in again.Then I decided to clean out the kitchen cupboard.While I cleaned the top shelf,I lost my balance and fell off the chair!Then while I washed the kitchen floor,the dog ran in and knocked over the bucket of water.And just before you came,I cut my finger while I peeled the pears!

求一英语作文 题目《An unlucky day》 是初中的,60词左右

The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.   It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree. But she didn"t know while she was riding her bike, a man was following her, and wanted to steal her bike.  Fitful icy wind blew the trees. Unlucky things were coming quietly.  The man hid in the trees. Then he found a chance to steal the bike. While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea, the man stole her bike in silence.  An hour later, Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen. She was upset and very worried. So she called the police and waited for someone to help her. She didn"t know what to do.  Now, she does nothing but crying.  This story tells us, we should take care of our things when we get out. Don"t be compunctious until your things have been stolen.

以an unlucky day为题写一篇英语作文

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写篇英语作文《My Unlucky Day》 60个词左右

My unlucky day Yesterday I got up late, so I had to really rush. I rode my bike to school. By the time I got to school, I realized it was Sunday. Then I went to my friend"s home, and talk with him. In the afternoon, I ate lunch with my grandparents. Then I went to home at 16:00. After dinner, I watched TV and went to bed.What an unluck day!

my unlucky day作文写昨天

My Unlucky DayTaday I got up so late that I can"t arrival at school on time.Unfortunately I also forgot taking the homework to school,Besides,I got a fail in math,which make me unhappy and discouraged. What"s more,I bumped against a man on the way to my home.How unlucky today!

请以:MY MOST UNLUCKY DAY为题写一篇英语作文。(谢谢各位!我急用啊!)


《my unlucky day 》英语作文


初三英语作文MY lucky/unlucky day

It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen! Oops! What an unlucky day! 今天早晨我起床时已经7点10分了。我匆匆洗了把脸,没吃早饭就朝学校奔奉。当我到达学校门口时,我发现我忘了带书包。只好又返回家。在回家的路上,我又被狗咬了一口。唉,真倒霉。当我再次赶到学校走进教室后,课已经开始了。我坐了下来,却发现我忘记带钢笔!噢!多么不走运的一天啊!

九年级英语作文mary unlucky day

  My Most Unlucky Day Today was my most unlucky day. I stayed up until 1:00 am because of an NBA match.My alarm clock didn"t go off this morning. After I got up, I found it was 7:30 am. I hurried to the bus station, but the early bus had already left. I had all the way to my school. But just them, I found I was wearing the wrong shoes. They were different. But I had no time. When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home. Just then,the bell for class rang. I had to walk into the classroom without my backpack and without breakfast. Then the teacher came to me. He stood before me for a few seconds. At last he went away shaking his head.

my unlucky day的翻译是:

my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!我的倒霉的一天我上学从来没有迟到过,但是昨天我差点。我的闹钟没有响,我起床的时候,很晚。当我到学校的时候,我才发现我把作业在家里。和我的老师对我很生气,我没有通过数学考试,当我拿到数学试卷。我在回家的路上碰了一个女人而骑自行车,因为我总是想着今天发生的事情。什么倒霉的一天!

求一英语作文 unlucky day》 60词左右?

An unlucky day   The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.  It was a beautiful,sunny day.Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning.She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree.But she didn"t know while she was riding her bike,a man was following her,and wanted to steal her bike.  Fitful icy wind blew the trees.Unlucky things were ing quietly.   The man hid in the trees.Then he found a chance to steal the bike.While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea,the man stole her bike in silence.   An hour later,Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen.She was upset and very worried.So she called the police and waited for someone to help her.She didn"t know what to do.   Now,she does nothing but crying.   This story tells us,we should take care of our things when we get out.Don"t be punctious until your things have been stolen.,4,An unlucky day     The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.     It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She...,2,An unlucky day     The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.     It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She...,1,


my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!


所有这三个方法,也就是save()、saveOrUpdate()和persist()都是用于将对象保存到数据库中的方法,但其中有些细微的差别。例如,save()只能INSERT记录,但是saveOrUpdate()可以进行记录的INSERT和UPDATE。还有,save()的返回值是一个Serializable对象,而persist()方法返回值为void。save与saveOrUpdate的区别save通过INSERT语句将对象保存到数据库,产生一个新的ID,将数据插入到数据库,并返回一个Serializable对象。saveOrUpdate能根据对象是否已存在,而执行插入或更新。显然saveOrUpdate更加灵活,但它需要额外判断对象是否已存在。save与persist的区别返回类型不同:save返回Serializable对象,而persist返回voidID赋值时机不同:二者同样用于将transient实例持久化,但persist不保证ID值立即赋给持久化实例,可能会在flush的时候给ID赋值。transaction外的行为不同:如果在transaction之外调用,persist保证会立即执行INSERT语句;而save则不保证(save返回一个identifier,如果必须执行INSERT来获取该identifier,则就会立即执行INSERT,而不论是在transaction之内或之外)使用场景:由于上述第三点区别,persist方法适用于被扩展的Session上下文的长期运行的会话中(useful in long-running conversations with an extended Session context);而save则不适用。

请以:MY MOST UNLUCKY DAY为题写一篇英语作文。(谢谢各位!我急用啊!)

Today is my most unlucky day.I got up late because of my stomachache.When I got up,I didn"t take my umbrella.I rush to the bus stop,but I found that I didn"t take the money!When I got to school,the classes was begin.After I sitting on my chair,I found that I didn"t bring my text book,and I didn"t take my meals.After school,I couldn"t enter home because I forgot to take my keys.Today is a really unlucky day!本文系个人根据中文意思原创,望采纳!

my unlucky day是什么意思

my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!我的倒霉的一天我上学从来没有迟到过,但是昨天我差点。我的闹钟没有响,我起床的时候,很晚。当我到学校的时候,我才发现我把作业在家里。和我的老师对我很生气,我没有通过数学考试,当我拿到数学试卷。我在回家的路上碰了一个女人而骑自行车,因为我总是想着今天发生的事情。什么倒霉的一天!


blue day

miranda 在西方常用吗?


Miranda Cosgrove--Kissin U的歌词

歌手:miranda cosgrove 专辑:sparks fly 61 搜索"kissin u"LRC歌词61 搜索"kissin u"mp3 [ti:kissin u][ar:miranda cosgrove][al:sparks fly][by:李泽昊][00:-4.00]miranda cosgrove - kissin u[00:-3.00]lrc by lzh, from jiangxi pingxiang[00:-1.00]sparks fly, it"s like electricityi might die when i forget how to breathyou get closer and there"s nowherein this world i"d rather betime stops, like everything around meis frozen, and nothing matters to mefew momentswhen you"d open my mind to things i"ve never seen"cause when i"m kissin" you my senses come alivealmost like the puzzle piece i"ve been tryin" to findfalls right into place, your all that it takesmy doubts fade away when i"m kissin" you.when i"m kissin" you, it all starts makin" senseand all the questions i"ve been asking in my headlike are you the one? should i really trust?crystal clear it becomes when i"m kissin" you.past loves, they never got very farwalls up, made sure i guarded my heartand i promised i wouldn"t do this"til i knew it was right for mebut no one, no guy that i"ve met beforecould make me feel so right and secureand have you noticed i lose my focusand the world around me disapears?i"ve never felt nothin" like this,you"re making me open upno point even trying to fight thiskinda feels like it"s looove


确实没有吧 这里面只有预测好的结果






Miranda个人任务(个人任务在ME2里面是和主线任务放在一起的,大家知道这些任务的重要性了吧。。。)到Illium的Eternity Bar,去见Miranda的联系人Lanteia。得知Miranda的另一个联系人Niket想到一个计划,让Miranda去吸引来抓人的Ecilpse佣兵。和佣兵头目见面后,得知Niket可能背叛了,杀出重围,去救Miranda的妹妹。途中得知Oriana不是Miranda在同一天的双胞胎,她们只是基因相同。Miranda在逃离她父亲的时候把还是婴儿的Oriana带走了。Miranda仍然相信Niket不会背叛她。到达货仓后发现Niket真的背叛了。此处的对话不论如何选择Niket一定会死。灭掉佣兵后,继续前进门旁边会找到一个Locket,开启新的支线任务。要找到一个丢失Locket的Asari。从门出去后,发现Oriana一家安全,此时可以劝说Miranda去和她妹妹说话。任务结束,解锁Miranda最后一个技能和新服装上面支线,丢失Locket的Asari可以在下图的地方找到。走近就会听到她在和Illium交通局抱怨。一段时间后会收到Oriana的邮件,希望Shepard能照看Miranda。最后,Oriana还加了一句话,是对Miranda说的,比较有趣,我翻译一下“Miranda,不要再偷看Shepard的邮件了。哦,别假装你没看过似的。要是我,我也会这么做的。”Mordin个人任务从Mordin处了解到,他之前研究Genophage的小组的一个成员Maelon被Blood Pack佣兵组织劫持了,他希望Shepard能去营救。前往Korgan DMZ的Tuchanka(Korgan的母星)刚着陆,得知这里的Urdnot部落首领想要见Shepard。(这个Urdnot部落就是1代队友Wrex所在的部落)和首领见面后,得知要去找ChiefScout。和Chief Scout谈话后得知被抓的Salarian在Weyrloc部落那里。对话中选择“TAKE TRUCK”一路杀过去,进门之前在图中的地方会找到Combustion Manifold,把这个给部落里的修车的机械师完成支线任务。

Miranda的《Perfecta》 歌词

歌曲名:Perfecta歌手:Miranda专辑:El Disco De Tu CorazónVarious Artist / Perfect DayJust a perfect dayDrink sangria in the parkAnd then later, when it gets dark, well go homeJust a perfect dayFeed animals in the zooThen later a movie too, and then homeChorus:Oh its such a perfect dayIm glad I spent it with youOh such a perfect dayYou just keep me hanging onJust a perfect dayProblems all left aloneWeekenders on our ownIts such funJust a perfect dayYou make me forget myselfI thought I was someone elseSomeone goodChorushttp://music.baidu.com/song/15913631

sikix kino day



Miranda就是天卫五,是围绕天王星运行的卫星。1948年2月16日发现。 公转轨道: 距天王星129,850 千米 卫星直径: 472 千米 卫星半径:235.8千米 自转周期、公转周期:均为1.413天 大小 480×468.4×465.8 km 平均半径 235.8 ± 0.7 km (地球的0.03697) 表面积 700 000 km2 体积 54 835 000 km3 质量 6.59 ± 0.75 × 1019 公斤(地球的1.103 × 10–5) 平均密度 1.20 ± 0.15 g/cm3[2] 赤道表面重力 0.079 米/秒2 宇宙速度 0.193 公里/秒 自转周期 同步自转 转轴倾角 0 反照率 0.32 表面温度 平均59 K 最大86 K 星等 15.8 Miranda是莎士比亚的作品《暴风雨》中魔术师的一个女儿的名字 它是由Kuiper于1948年发现。 1986年1月,美国国家航空航天局的旅行者2号飞船为了继续飞向海王星,不得不飞近天王星以获得推动力,由于整个飞行的方向几乎与黄道面成90度角,所以只与天卫五十分接近。在旅行者2号飞近之前,由于天卫五不是天王星的最大卫星,也没有什么特别之处,因此也不可能被选为主要研究对象,所以当时对于这颗卫星几乎是一无所知的。然而旅行者2号却证明了这是一颗非常有趣的卫星。

我在巴萨官网买了一件球衣,但是发货应该是英国的分部,快递方式选择的是standard delivery



n.米兰达(女子名)[女子名] 米兰达来源于拉丁语,含义是“值得赞美的”(worthy of admiration);[地名] [莫桑比克] 米兰达(马卡洛热的旧称);[地名] [阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、古巴、美国、新西兰] 米兰达




Miranda 米兰达(女子名),源自拉丁语,含义"值得赞美的"(worthy of admiration)


n.米兰达(女子名)[女子名] 米兰达来源于拉丁语,含义是“值得赞美的”(worthy of admiration);[地名] [莫桑比克] 米兰达(马卡洛热的旧称);[地名] [阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、古巴、美国、新西兰] 米兰达



green day 《misery》歌词及翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

MISERY 苦难之旅 Virginia was a lot lizard from FLA 佛吉尼亚离佛罗里达可不近 She had a compound fracture in the trunk 但她在卡车里与司机达成了协议 It started when she ran away 这一切要从她离家出走的时候说起 Thumbs out on the interstate She hitched a ride to misery 她在州际公路上搭上了通向苦难的车 Mr. Whirly had a catastrophic incident 威利先生遭到了一次灾难般的事故 He fell into the city by the bay 他从港口进入了城市生活 He liquidated his estate 他需要清算一下自己的财产 Now he sleeps upon the Haight panhandling misery 现在他要在Haight与他的烦恼一起入睡了 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 他即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 当他在最低谷的时候 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam Vinnie是个阿姆斯特丹来的妓女 He ran the drug cartel in Tinseltown 他在好莱坞嗑药 They found him in a Cadillac 他们发现他在一辆卡迪拉克里 bludgeoned with a baseball bat 拿着一根棒球棍 In the name of misery 以苦难的名义 And Gina hit the road to New York City Gina向纽约出发 Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked 一个神秘的夜晚Vinnie被杀了 She stopped in Vegas to elope 她跑到拉斯维加斯去私奔 With Virginia and the dope 带着佛吉尼亚的毒品 And kissed the bride eternally 永远亲吻着新娘 And they"re gonna get high-igh-igh 他们会转运的 When they"re low low low 尽管现在情况很糟 The fire burns from better days 昨日的烟花还未散去 And she screamed why oh why 她大叫为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Hell hounds on your trail now once again boy 小子,地狱又一次向你招手了 It"s groping on your leg until it sleeps 它抓住了你的腿 The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow 悲伤会充斥着你的灵魂 Cause it"s not what you make it"s what you leave 因为这不是你所创造的 而是你所要逃避的 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 我们即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 即使我们现在在最低谷 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律

Misery_Green Day 的一首歌,帮我翻译一下歌词,谢谢!

弗吉尼亚州是一个很大的蜥蜴从F.L.A. 她有一种化合物骨折躯干 开始时,她逃跑 大拇指上的州际 她结婚乘车前往苦难 “旋先生”的灾难性事件 他落入城市的海湾 他的遗产清算 现在,他睡的海特 行乞的苦难 他一定获得高高高 当他的低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 她尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性从昨天hymnes 苦难 井大奖是一个骗子的阿姆斯特丹 他跑到了贩毒集团的“好莱坞” 他们发现他在凯迪拉克 Bludgered用棒球棍 在名称的苦难 吉娜和打击的道路纽约市 神秘的夜晚大奖低沉 她停在拉斯维加斯私奔 随着弗吉尼亚州及涂料 并亲吻新娘永远 和他们一定获得高高高 当他们正在低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 他尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性的赞美诗从昨天 苦难 地狱猎犬在您的线索现在再次男孩... 这是摸索着在您的腿,直到睡觉 空虚将填补你的灵魂与悲哀 因为这不仅是你那是你离开 我们也一定获得高高高 当我们很低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 她尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性的赞美诗从昨天 苦难囧

《Misery Green Day Warning》中英文歌词

《Misery》演唱:Green Day所属专辑:《Warning》唱片公司:Reprise Records发行时间:2000-10-03歌词:Virginia was a lot lizard from F.L.A. 佛吉尼亚离佛罗里达可不近 She had a compound fracture in the trunk 但她在卡车里与司机达成了协议 It started when she ran away 这一切要从她离家出走的时候说起 Thumbs out on the interstate She hitched a ride to misery 她在州际公路上搭上了通向苦难的车 "Mr. Whirly" had a catastrophic incident 威利先生遭到了一次灾难般的事故 He fell into the city by the bay 他从港口进入了城市生活 He liquidated his estate 他需要清算一下自己的财产 Now he sleeps upon the Haight Panhandling misery 现在他要在黑格与他的烦恼一起入睡了 He"s gonna get high high high 他即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 当他在最低谷的时候 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymnes from yesterday of misery 这是旋律 昨日的灾难 Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam 文尼是个阿姆斯特丹来的妓女 He ran the drug cartel in "Tinseltown" 他在好莱坞嗑药 They found him in a Cadillac 他们发现他在一辆卡迪拉克里 Bludgered with a baseball bat 拿着一根棒球棍 In the name of misery 以苦难的名义 And Gina hit the road to New York City 吉纳向纽约出发 Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked 一个神秘的夜晚文尼被杀了 She stopped in Vegas to elope 她跑到拉斯维加斯去私奔 With Virgina and the dope 带着佛吉尼亚的毒品 And kissed the bride eternally 永远亲吻着新娘 And they"re gonna get high high high 他们会转运的 When they"re low low low 尽管现在情况很糟 The fire burns from better days 昨日的烟花还未散去 And he screamed why oh why 她大叫为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday of misery 这是旋律 昨日的灾难 Hell hounds on your trail now once again ...boy 小子,地狱又一次向你招手了 It"s groping on your leg until it sleeps 它抓住了你的腿 The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow 悲伤会充斥着你的灵魂 Because it"s not what you make it"s what you leave 因为这不是你所创造的而是你所要逃避的 And we"re gonna get high high high 我们即将要发达了 When we"re low low low 即使我们现在在最低谷 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday 这是旋律 昨日的 Of misery 灾难

怎么解决Database server does not support InnoDB storage engine和Database connection error



中文+罗马对照i mi mom cyo bo lin si gan so ge so已经停滞的时间中hi mo si bu so jin gu me cyo ga du无力的破碎的 梦的碎片sa la nun ku lo ke hu lin gum cyo lom爱情 就像是消逝的梦境chi wo jin da被抹去了o nu se mu dyo jin ki o jo pyo ne不知不觉的 磨损的记忆中su di sun han sum gwa na son chim mu du出现了苦涩的叹息和陌生的沉默i pyo lun ku lo ke a mu ma lo si 离别 就这样默默地sa la jin da消失殆尽She Will Dance, She Will Dance-----na wa ma ji ma chu mu 在与我最后的一支舞中ham ge mo mu don ki o so ge so成为我记忆的尽头I Will Dance, I Will Dance-----go jan nan si ge cyo lom 就像是故障的时钟般ka su me go in nun mu sam gi myo我吞下了心里的泪水do u nun na再次微笑mom cyo jo bo lin i go li wi e在彻底泪湿的布料上cya ga ge bo lyo jin nun mu cya u du冰冷弃置的泪渍chu o gun 回忆ku lo ke a pun nun mu lo su yo jin da却成为这么心痛的泪She Will Dance, She Will Dance-----na wa ma ji ma chu mu 在与我最后的一支舞中ham ge mo mu don ki o so ge so成为我记忆的尽头I Will Dance, I Will Dance-----go jan nan si ge cyo lom 就像是故障的时钟般ka su me go in nun mu sam gi myo我吞下了心里的泪水do u nun na再次微笑tu nu nu gam go chi u lyo do e lu so bwa do我闭上双眼 努力却也无法抹去bo i nun no ye hun jo du你浮现眼前的痕迹She Will Dance, She Will Dance-----na lu wi han gu chu mu 在为我跳的那支舞中ham ge mo mu don ki o so ge so成为记忆的尽头I Will Dance, I Will Dance-----gu do nun gu mu gun du就像在无止尽的梦中bi tu ko li nun se san so ge so晃动了这个世界She Will Dance, She Will Dance-----na wa ma ji ma chu mu 在与我最后的一支舞中ham ge mo mu don ki o so ge so成为我记忆的尽头I Will Dance, I Will Dance-----go jan nan si ge cyo lom 就像是故障的时钟般ka su me go in nun mu sam gi myo我吞下了心里的泪水do u nun na再次微笑


在正方形ABCD内以BC为边做等边三角形BCQ 则QB=QC=BC=AB=CD, ∠QBC=∠QCB=60,∠ABC=∠BCD=∠BAD=∠ADC=90 ∴∠ABQ=∠DCQ=30 ∴∠BAQ=∠CDQ=(180-30)=75 ∴∠QAD=∠QDA=15 ∵∠PAD=∠PDA=15 ∴点P与点Q重合 ∴三角形PBC为等边三角形

天矿石贸易中的Standard Sinter Feed (SSF)什么意思?

Standard Sinter Feed (SSF)的意思就是~矿石标准SSF烧结料。这里应该就是说:铁矿石贸易中的~铁矿石标准SSF烧结料 吧。

怎么加载seeds dataset,python

下面的是网络上找到的python的布隆过滤器的实现. #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7#coding=gbk"""Created on 2012-11-7@author: palydawn"""import cmathfrom BitVector import BitVectorclass BloomFilter(object): def

Year To Date (YTD)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  意思是本年1月1日至今天。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Year To Date (YTD)是什么意思?

 Year To Date: 本年迄今 本年1月1日至今天 .  这是一个会计术语.  year to date  [英][jə: tu: deit][美][jɪr tu det]  [财]本年度截止到现在为止;

Year To Date (YTD) 是什么意思??

Year To Date (YTD) 年初至今(YTD)望采纳 谢谢

LE Q1是什么的缩写?报表中出现LE Q1 Ytd,Ytd我知道是(year to date)

YTD(year to day) MTD(Month to day) TTL(total)

Year To Date (YTD)是什么意思?

year to date英 [jə: tu: deit] 美 [jɪr tu det][财]本年度截止到现在为止Here are investment banks historical and year - to - date revenues from global equity - capital - market. 从全球股市的投资银行的历史和年初至今的收入,资本市场.

Year To Date (YTD)代表什么?

year to date[英][jə: tu: deit][美][jɪr tu det][财]本年度截止到现在为止; 以上结果来自金山词霸And the average fund is up about 9% year to date. 今年迄今,基金平均上涨了9%左右。

when is the next leap year (366 days)? 说出意思,

下一个闰年是什么时候 答案:2008



俄罗斯乐队lube的david za吉他谱,最好是GTP格式的,请发到76185534@qq.com

扎 门诺伊

Lube-Davai Za的中文意思



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DAB 显色时间不是固定的,主要由显微镜下控制显色时间,到出现特异性染色较强而本底着色较浅时即可冲洗;DAB 显色时间很短(如几秒或几十秒)就出现很深的棕褐色,这很可能说明你的抗体浓度过高或抗体孵育时间过长,需要下调抗体浓度或缩短你的抗体孵育时间;此外,若很短时间就出现背景很深,还有可能你前面的封闭非特异性蛋白不全,需要延长封闭时间;DAB 显色时间很长(如超过十几分钟)才出现阳性染色,一方面可能说明你的抗体浓度过低或孵育时间过短(最好一抗4 度过夜);另一方面就是封闭时间过长。百替生物专业帮助您代做免疫组化方面的实验,网址http://www.100biotech.com/index.php,来看看吧!


免疫组化DAB染色,结果应该是棕黄色。 和染色时间有关系,一般应该是细胞核有棕黄色颗粒者为阳性细胞.楼主可以注意以下操作:1.标本进行PBS 清洗时,以5 分钟清洗3 次为标准。2. PBS 清洗后,为了各种反应的有效进行,请尽量除去PBS 溶液后再进行下一步反应3. 在载玻片上的样本上加上实验用反应液后,请盖上盖玻片或保鲜膜,或在湿盒中进行,这样可以使反应液均匀分布于样本整体,又可以防止反应液干燥造成实验失败。4. TdT 酶反应液即用即配,短暂于冰上保存。不宜长期保存,长期保存会导酶活性的失活。5.快速进行脱水操作!

davai za—Lube歌词中文音译

灰色的乌云笼罩整个天空 神经像吉他的弦那样紧绷 雨水打在地面发出像鼓一样的声音 伴随着日出直到日落 时间被永远的冻结 我们向所有的方向开火 坦克,步兵,信号弹,炮兵被我们击败 但是我们会再一次被调动,拥挤着向前进攻 来,为了生命,来吧兄弟,让我们好好活着 来,为了他们,那些和你一起战斗的人 来,为了生活,管它可恨的战争 记住他们,那些和你一起战斗的人 灰色的天空笼罩在我们的头上 天空铺着薄薄的雾 我们想要相信,一切都已经结束 可是身旁靠着我受伤的同志 你忍着,我亲爱的兄弟。现在你还不能死去 你将会幸福的生活下去 我们要去你的婚礼上跳舞 你会像个天真的孩子在天空中飞舞 来,为了生命,勇敢的兄弟,让我们好好活着 来,为了他们,那些在家里等待你的人 来,为了生活,管它可恨的战争 记住他们,那些在家里等待你的人 来吧,为了他们,为了我们 为了西伯利亚,为了高加索 为了远离黎明的城市 为了朋友,为了情人 来吧,为了你们,为了我们 为了前线的兄弟,为了边防的兄弟 为了国家的勋章 祖父四十五年在柏林拍的照片 在老相册里被找到 那时他是红军的指挥官 有青草的味道 在黎明的时候 被士兵的靴子践踏的手和脚 从被轰炸过的土地里发出呻吟 来吧,为了生命 来吧,为了他们 来吧,为了生命 让我们记住那些曾经和我们在一起的人 包括副歌部分的完整版 要俄文版的吱一声 LZ你太强大了 也就是要有点像“good morning-古得摸你” 这样的版本 但是俺现在有事要出去 晚上回来如果还没人弄出来的话我会试一下

lube的《Davai Za》 歌词

歌曲名:Davai Za歌手:lubeDavai Za——Lube灰色的乌云笼罩整个天空伴随着日出直到日落雨水打在地面发出像鼓一样的声音神经像吉他的弦那样紧绷时间被永远的冻结我们向所有的方向开火坦克,步兵,信号弹,炮兵被我们击败但是我们会再一次被调动,拥挤着向前进攻来,为了生命,来吧兄弟,让我们好好活着来,为了他们,那些和你一起战斗的人来,为了生活,管它可恨的战争记住他们,那些和你一起战斗的人灰色的天空笼罩在我们的头上天空铺着薄薄的雾我们想要相信,一切都已经结束可是身旁靠着我受伤的同志你忍着,我亲爱的兄弟。现在你还不能死去你将会幸福的生活下去你会像个天真的孩子在天空中飞舞来,为了生命,勇敢的兄弟,让我们好好活着来,为了他们,那些在家里等待你的人来,为了生活,管它可恨的战争记住他们,那些在家里等待你的人来吧,为了他们,为了我们为了西伯利亚,为了高加索为了远离黎明的城市我们要去你的婚礼上跳舞为了朋友,为了情人来吧,为了你们,为了我们为了前线的兄弟,为了边防的兄弟为了国家的勋章祖父四十五年在柏林拍的照片在老相册里被找到那时他是红军的指挥官有青草的味道在黎明的时候被士兵的靴子践踏的手和脚从被轰炸过的土地里发出呻吟来吧,为了生命来吧,为了他们来吧,为了生命让我们记住那些曾经和我们在一起的人http://music.baidu.com/song/20738464

游戏《kotodama diary》怎么可以提升宠物等级?

超有意思的宠物养成游戏,收集爱心来提升宠物等级。升级时会获得随机词语,选择一个给你的宠物,它可能喜欢,也可能不喜欢。选择的词语会改变它的性格和外表,可能变得可爱,也可能变得奇形怪状。宠物满级之后性格和外表就固定了,只能更换饰品。你可以赶走它或者让它留下。留下的宠物会产生金币,供你购买家具,或者出门探索带钻石回来。不管留不留下它,你都会获得一只新的宠物宝宝,从头开始养成。游戏名:kotodama diary。

寻找一首英文歌曲名,歌词有一句是One day you are here,One day you are there,you are so unfair

歌曲:Holy Grail歌手:Jay-Z ; Justin Timberlake[Verse 1: Justin Timberlake]You take the clothes off my backAnd I let youYou steal the food right out of my mouthAnd I watch you eat itI still don"t know whyWhy I love it so muchOhhhYou curse my nameIn spite to put me to shameHave my laundry in the streetsDirty or cleanGive it up for fameBut I still don"t know whyWhy our love is so muchYeah[Hook]And BabyIt"s amazing I"m in this Maze with youI just cant crack your codeOne day you screaming you love me loudThe next day you"re so coldOne day you here, one day you there, one day you careYou"re so unfairSipping from the cupsTill it runneth over, Holy Grail[Verse 2: Jay-Z]Blue told me remind you niggasFuck that shit y"all talk aboutI"m the nigga, uh caught up in all these lights and cameras, uhBut look what that shit did to Hammer, uhGod damnit it I like itThe bright lights is enticingBut look what it did to TysonAll that money in one night30 mill for one fightBut soon as all the money blows, all the pigeons take flightFuck the fame, keep cheating on meWhat I do, I took her back, fool me twiceThat"s my bad, I cant even blame her for thatEnough to make me wanna murder, Momma please just get my bailI know nobody to blameKurt Cobain, I did it to myself[Bridge: Justin Timberlake]And we all just entertainersAnd were stupid, and contagiousAnd we all just entertainers[Hook: Justin Timberlake]And BabyIts amazing Im in this maze with youI just cant crack your codeOne day you screaming you love me loudThe next day you"re so coldOne day you here, one day you there, one day you careYou"re so unfair sipping from the cupTill it runneth over, Holy Grail[Verse 3: Jay-Z]Now I got tattoos on my bodyPsycho bitches in my lobbyI got haters in the paperPhoto shoots with paparazziCan"t even take my daughter for a walkSee them by the corner storeI feel like I"m cornered offEnough is enoughI"m calling this offWho the fuck I"m kidding though?Im getting highSitting lowSliding byIn that big bodyCurtains all in my windowThis fame hurtsBut this chain worksI think backYou asked the same personIf this is all you had to deal withNigga deal withIt, this shit aint workThis light workCamera snapping, my eyes hurtNiggas dying back where I was birthedFuck your iris and IRSGet the hell up off of your high horseYou got the shit that niggas die forDry yoursWhy you madTake the good with the badDont throw that baby out with the bath waterYoure still aliveStill that niggaNiggas you survivedYou still getting bigger niggaLiving the lifeVanilla wafersIn a villaIllest nigga aliveMichael Jackson thriller[Hook: Justin Timberlake]And BabyIts amazing I"m in this maze with youI just cant crack your codeOne day you screaming you love me loudThe next day youre so coldOne day you here, one day you there, one day you careYou"re so unfair sipping from the cupsTill it runneth over, Holy Grail[Verse 4: Justin Timberlake]You get the air right out my lungsWhenever you need it,And you"d take the blade right out my heartJust so you can watch me bleedAnd I still don"t know why...(Don"t know why)Why I love it so much...Yeah...And you play this gameIn spite to drive me insaneI got it tattooed on my sleeve forever in inkWith guess who"s nameBut I still don"t know why(Don"t know why)Why our love is so muchYeah...[Hook: Justin Timberlake]And BabyIt"s amazing Im in this maze with youI just cant crack your codeOne day you screaming you love me loudThe next day youre so coldOne day you here, one day you there, one day you careYoure so unfairSipping from the cupTill it runneth over, Holy Grail





What do yuo have on Tueday是in还是on


David Gray的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:David Gray专辑:Lost Songs 95-98Twilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.you brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.http://music.baidu.com/song/7838580

can i to please yuo speak dad (连词成句,知道的帮帮忙)

Can i speak to your dad, please?电话里找人的语句




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释放QQ飞车里面的data.vfs和res.vfs文件有什么用拜托了各位 谢谢

data.vfs文件,安装qq飞车时插入,重新登录时,刷暴风雪的! 追问: 怎么刷?我有释放工具,不过据说释放之后,客户端会完全损坏,需要重新下载 回答: 先解压附件,再将里面的data文件夹移动到QQ飞车安装目录,再重新进入游戏,打开你的背包看吧!嘿 嘿出现了暴风雪,点击就可以装备了












vfs Linux是目前蛮热门的一个操作系统。很多人都知道它很是免费的,而且它也很稳定,更重要的是,它不会出现蓝色画面。可是,你知道吗? Linux所支持的档案系统高达十几个,除了为它量身打造的Ext2之外,它还支持了Minix,FAT,VFAT,NFS,NTFS…等等。 所谓VFS就是Virtual File System Switch虚拟文件系统。 这是Linux档案系统对外的接口。任何要使用档案系统的程序都必须经由这层接口来使用它。 VFS是一个异构文件系统之上的软件粘合层(注:有时也把VFS称为可堆叠的文件系统









daily races




Orlando,a city in Florida ,is well known for its main attraction,Magic kingdom.

你分析一下这个句子,肯定是is well known了,因为which is well know只是一个定语从句,是跟完整的句子一起来用的,但是这里,Orlando,a city in Florida,这并不是一个句子。如果改成下面的,那就可以用which is well known 了:Orlando is a city in Florida, which is well know for its main attraction, Magic kingdom.因为Orlando is a city,这里多加了一个"is", 这是一个完整的句子,有主谓宾。
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