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ipadair2不属于过时产品。iPad Air 2采用铝金属Unibody一体成型机身,有银色、金色、深空灰色等三种颜色。 [1] [9] iPad Air 2屏幕是9.7英寸,厚度为6.1毫米,比iPad Air薄18%。iPad Air 2是美国苹果公司(Apple)于2014年10月17日在美国库比蒂诺总部发布的一款平板电脑。


ipadair2产2017年上半年停产的。美国苹果公司于北京时间2013年10月23日举行发布会,正式公布了全新的iPad Air。2:iPad Air最大的变化是其整体设计,更偏向于iPad mini,使得iPad Air拥有令人难以置信的纤薄轻巧。得益于铝金属Unibody一体成型设计,机身仅有7.5毫米之薄。相关信息介绍:体积比上一代iPad减少近四分之一,重量不足500克,坚固程度也同样令人难以置信。还配备了绚丽夺目的Retina显示屏,凭借2048 x 1536像素分辨率和超过310万的像素数量,照片和视频可精细到纤毫毕现,文字也显得清晰。还搭载了Apple最新的A7的处理器+M7运动协处理器,意味着能以快达2倍的处理器速度和图形处理速度来处理一切。GPU方面A7集成四核心PowerVR G6430,A7也是首款集成此核心的CPU,支持OPENGL 3.0。


ipadair2卡槽在右侧边上。iPad Air 2是美国苹果公司(Apple)于2014年10月17日在美国库比蒂诺总部发布的一款平板电脑。iPad Air 2采用铝金属Unibody一体成型机身,有银色、金色、深空灰色等三种颜色。iPad Air 2屏幕是9.7英寸,厚度为6.1毫米,比iPad Air薄18%。屏幕iPad Air 2使用全贴合屏幕,采用了全层压显示屏技术,将表层玻璃、触摸传感器和lcd显示屏三个屏幕,合成一层,消除了层与层之间的空隙和内部产生反射的可能性。iPad Air 2拥有超高透光率,比iPad Air薄18%。iPad Air 2的屏幕显示色彩更丰富,对比度更出色,图像也更鲜艳清晰。具备专门设计的抗反射涂层,炫光减少达56%。

ipadair2支持apple pencil吗?

可以用触屏笔,但是ipad air2不能使用苹果原装的Apple pencil,只能使用第三方电容笔。使用第三方电容笔的使用体验和精准度不如apple pencil,但仍然能实现手写功能。在使用体验和精度上与Apple Pencil在iPad Pro上面的使用还是有不少差距的;目前只有苹果的iPad Pro系列的三代产品以及最新推出的2019款iPad mini和iPad Air这些iPad型号支持Apple Pencil,由于Apple Pencil必须要ipad屏幕也带有感应层才能正常使用,所以ipad air的屏幕和pro的不一样,所以把笔在air上无法感应。ipadair2介绍iPad Air 2是美国苹果公司(Apple)于2014年10月17日在美国库比蒂诺总部发布的一款平板电脑。iPad Air 2采用铝金属Unibody一体成型机身,有银色、金色、深空灰色等三种颜色。iPad Air 2屏幕是9.7英寸,厚度为6.1毫米,比iPad Air薄18%。iPad Air 2有16GB、32GB、64GB和128GB四种版本,搭载了A8X处理器,配合M8协作处理器。具有Touch ID指纹识别功能,采用新的Wi-Fi技术,连接速度提升了2.8倍,最高支持150兆比特每秒网络速度。


ipadair2耳机孔是3.5mm的。iPad Air 2是美国苹果公司(Apple)于2014年10月17日在美国库比蒂诺总部发布的一款平板电脑。iPad Air 2采用铝金属Unibody一体成型机身,有银色、金色、深空灰色等三种颜色。iPad Air 2屏幕是9.7英寸,厚度为6.1毫米,比iPad Air薄18%。iPad Air 2有16GB、32GB、64GB和128GB四种版本,搭载了A8X处理器,配合M8协作处理器。具有Touch ID指纹识别功能,采用新的Wi-Fi技术,连接速度提升了2.8倍,最高支持150Mbps网络速度。屏幕特点iPad Air 2使用全贴合屏幕,采用了全层压显示屏技术,将表层玻璃、触摸传感器和lcd显示屏三个屏幕,合成一层,消除了层与层之间的空隙和内部产生反射的可能性。iPad Air 2拥有超高透光率,比iPad Air薄18%。iPad Air 2的屏幕显示色彩更丰富,对比度更出色,图像也更鲜艳清晰。具备专门设计的抗反射涂层,炫光减少达56%。

HYUNDAI现代武士8G u盘需要量产一下


求翻译Study:10-minute daily chat improves memory

研究:每天10分钟的聊天了memorya队美国心理学家发现,跟另一个人一天10分钟能够提高记忆力。研究人员发现,"社交,只是效果较传统的思维训练方式对于提高记忆力和智力的表现,"主要作者奥斯卡巴拉,在密歇根大学社会研究所的一位心理学家,在一份声明中说。在一项调查中,他们分析了3610人的数据,年龄24至96。他们发现,高水平的社会互动,提高他们的认知功能。社会互动包括一起在电话里聊天的亲属,朋友和邻居。在另一个实验中,研究者进行了实验室测试76名大学生,年龄从18到21,评估社会交往与智力训练影响记忆力和智力测试的结果。学生们被分为三组:社会互动组在测试前10分钟有一个社会问题的讨论;智力活动组”完成了三个任务(其中包括一个阅读理解练习和一个字谜)测试前;而对照组则观看了一个10分钟的科技节目的剪辑。"我们发现,持续的短期社会交往只有10分钟了#参与者和039;智力表现为从事所谓的# 039之多;知识与# 039;活动的时间相同,"巴拉说。该研究结果将发表在二月2008期杂志的人真理和社会心理学公报。

daisy destruction什么意思

daisy destruction黛西的破坏词典结果:destruction[英][du026au02c8stru028cku0283n][美][du026au02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n.破坏,毁灭,消灭,灭亡,扑灭,驱除; 摧毁; 毁灭的原因,破坏手段; 杀害; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Although our biggest companies may appear monolithic, they"re subject to the logic of creative destruction. 尽管我们的大公司看起来可能庞大而无特色,它们也遵从创造性破坏的逻辑。

articles for daily use是什么意思

articles for daily use日常用品articles for daily use生活用品;什物

jenny feat daichi diez & shaira robert de boron歌词谁有

I heard the beat and thought of something beautiful/forced to be a robot but seeking for the spiritual/ living this life and end up at the funeral but meanwhile "be something" but nothing seems suitableLife is hard but you know what to look for/ love or the friendship n maybe that"s to die for/ only one path and ain"t no really side door/ writing for the light and this is really my warSo listen when the birds are singing birth that"s given, seasons that changes because earth is livingWe take granted of this simplest beauty for the new seeds I rap this intellect music.Another dawn after suns downwaking with a fun sound no ones having fun now kids crying "mom!" loud.Brightest stars in a darkest nightWhen I"m losing it I target the micgreen trees, white waves bright yellow sunlightClear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fightsBlue tears gray clouds just another black nightTell my people stay gold with this silver hand micits like the smell of the rain that keeps me sanelike bob marley and miss. Hill that ease my paini picture the things that don"t need to change most beautiful things in this world is simple and plainlike water to quench thirst like the nature that made music firstits like me taking a pen and writing a verse if the mind don"t give up and nothing is a curse beautiful things with beautiful names key to this life is to view the small things and find something you can love for you to maintain remember needs and the wants are two different thingsimagine if we never cried imagine people never lied imagine every single person in the world have a mind imagine this, imagine all the people in the world reaching for the skygreen trees, white waves bright yellow sunlightClear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fightsBlue tears gray clouds just another black nightTell my people stay gold with this silver hand micas i inhale the smoke of the soul flower nothing to trip and no beef and no drama it seems stupid cuz life is your movement so take lil break puff maybe you feel new maneverybody got its own ways of peace family or friends maybe rapping to the beat maybe reading your book or journey to the seathis verse is to thanks things what you really needi like to dedicate this song for the people deejays and emcees and writers and n b-boy and not jut them I"m saying good and the evils all different paths with the visions of their heroesand don"t be scared with the choices you make might regret but if you true at least you weren"t fake as i pray with the pencil paper i saythis life with mic is my beautiful ways, bring it backgreen trees, white waves bright yellow sunlightClear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fightsBlue tears gray clouds just another black nightTell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic

求这个日语歌的名字,开头是这样唱的,ki mi nuo dai yi si ki na kuo nuo melody,最后还会说句wa ta xi wa

美しきもの(美丽之物)是名叫Laurant的弟弟和姐姐Monica的roman(故事),主题是生的意义。短暂的生命中却一直饱受病痛折磨的弟弟,望着姐姐描绘的风景画赞叹着“啊……真是漂亮呢”然后微笑着病逝。春之风花、夏之流云、秋之夜月、冬之初雪……姐姐用口琴吹着弟弟生前最爱的旋律,在四季的更迭中怀念他的面容 “诞生降世的意义,就是为了采集这个世界中美丽的事物啊~” “我看见了——这世上最美丽的光,我会把那花朵抱在胸前,带着Laurant的份继续歌唱。” 这个曲子属于那种比较柔和的,柔和的乐曲,柔和的人声,给人一种平淡安静却温暖的感觉。告诉我们逝者已经逝去,活着的更要好好地活下去,珍惜生命。



1tablespoon daily什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:tablespoon大汤匙,大调羹; 一大汤匙的量dailyadj.每日的,日常的; 一日的; 每日一次的; 每个工作日的n.日报; (不寄宿的)仆人,白天做家务的女佣adv.每日; 逐日; 每周日; 日复一日地祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~



请问什么是Daily rate?什么是Rack rate?两者的区别在哪儿啊?

挂牌价:Rack rate,酒店公布的门市价格,任何人均可以此房价向酒店直接取房入住。每日房价:Daily rate,不是固定价格,可根据行情等因素变换,价格低于挂牌价。

My name is Daisy.(完形填空)

a programme

daily和every day和regular和regularly有什么区别

daily是形容词,日常的,每天的。every day是副词,每天。regular是形容词,有规律的,经常的regulaly是副词。

请牛人帮忙区分一下regular, usual, daily的区别

regular["reɡjulu0259]adj.规则的, 有规律的; 固定的有条理的; 匀称的, 端正的定期的, 定时的经常的, 习惯性的, 惯例的; [美]普通的合格的; 正式的; 公认的; 合乎礼仪的usual["ju:u04e1uu0259l]adj.通常的; 常 见的; 常有的平常的, 普通的平时的, 平日的惯例的daily["deili]adj.每日的, 日常的每天发生的, 每日进行的每天或每周日(除星期日)发行的每天提供的按日计算的包括一天时间的因该清楚了吧!



英语每日演讲 daily talk 主题随意 单词越简单约好 越70-100词 谢谢!

and so on.


英语学习机构的简称吧。我以前在ELI学习 全称是Efficient Lighting Initiative.还有啥ELS.我网上调查的资料和本文的意思看来是英语学习机构的简称




联想A1 07死机卡机 按开机键直接重启 你不知道吗 并且这款平板电脑升级4.0就不会死机了


其实有这个担心的小伙伴真不少,因为一句数码设备买新不买旧所影响,但是简评菌认为,不管买什么数码设备,真的不是一句买新不买旧就能说清的,还要看自己的实际需求情况下手才是最正确的,下面,我给大家梳理下目前在售的ipad系列,大家看完就跟随自己的实际情况,选择适合的ipad吧。首先要说明,不管什么型号的ipad,都有wifi版和4g(或以后的5G)版两个版本,唯一区别就是,wifi版只能在有wifi的地方上网,比如家里、商场提供的wifi覆盖,还有手机移动网络提供的热点wifi,而4G版就是去三大运营商购买一张流量卡插到ipad里,只要有运营商网络覆盖的地方就能自主上网,而ipad的其他方面就完全一样了;但是呢,同样储存大小的ipad,4G版的售价至少都比wifi版贵800—1000左右,不同版本价格还有所浮动,这就要看你的使用情况了,简评菌的建议,如果你ipad的运行环境大都是室内能提供wifi的地方,或者流量需求小,用手机热点完全能满足,那没必要上4G版的,如果是长期在外使用,那肯定是4G版要更方便一些。WIFI版:适合城区工作、有wifi覆盖面多的人群;优势:价格便宜4G版:适合经常在无wifi环境工作学习的人群;优势:联网方便说完ipad基础的两个分类,接下来就分析下现在适合购买的ipad系列分别适合什么样的人群Apple iPad 2019款 10.2英寸2019款的ipad应该是目前想购买的人群最多的一款,没有其他原因,就一个理由:便宜;32GB版2500元左右就能拿下、128GB版3300左右,价格的确是最低的,A10的处理器性能足够应付日常使用,10.2寸的屏幕,比原来9.7寸的ipad屏幕大了一点;这就是主打便宜的ipad,它拥有ipad最基础的配置,你也不要指望它的摄像头、屏幕显示、厚度这些会给你什么亮点,统统没有,亮点就一个价格,甚至简评菌我看了半天它的各项参数,自己在手上把玩了半天我也真的没法在找到哪里可以夸奖的了;硬要说的话,我觉得它就是最普通的ipad一员,甚至有的时候你都怀疑这个型号是不是苹果设计的,褪去了苹果产品上应有的惊艳,它的本质就是做好一台朴实无华的ipad,满足你日常电影、偶尔办下公、打个游戏什么的;Apple iPad 2019款 10.2英寸:适合学习、看剧、打游戏、看文章;不适合需要顶级生产力、潮流感、喜欢设计感、使用Apple Pencil 的人群。推荐:128GB版本,32GB有点点捉襟见肘;Apple iPad Air 2019款 10.5 英寸Air系列本是ipad的经典系列,那么,它和上面提到的ipad 2019版有什么区别呢?首先就是储存配置,它刚好和ipad2019分开,ipad 2019有32GB和128GB版本,而ipad Air只有64GB和256GB版本(怎么样,苹果这储存分配的刀法,是不是看的人咬牙切齿却又不得不服),同时、起价也就有所提高,64GB版本3850元左右,比ipad 2019的128GB版还高;那么,这几百块的差价,除了缩小一半的储存以外,还有什么差别呢;1、外在长宽两台设备一样,最直观的就是厚度的区别,ipad Air仅有6.1mm,而ipad2019是7.5mm,别看只有1mm多的差距,抬在手上天差地别,ipad Air在加一个保护套,手感都很舒适,而ipad2019加保护套以后就变的“很厚实”了;另外是重量,ipad Air约456g、ipad2019约483g,差距不大;屏幕尺寸,ipad Air是10.5寸,ipad2019是10.2寸,又大一点点,主要体现在侧边框要更窄一些。2、内在ipad Air使用A12处理器,比A10肯定是要好很多了,能体现在对未来更大更新软件的流畅支持度上,其次,ipad Air使用全贴合屏幕,使用Apple Pencil的手感,还有日常观感上提升了一个档次(不对比还好,放在一起对比真的差别很大),屏幕分辨率也从ipad 2019的2160*1620提升到2224*1668,另外,前置摄像头从ipad 2019的120万像素提升到700万像素,有前置摄像头需求的小伙伴可要注意了哦。可以看出来,ipad Air就是ipad2019的中端升级版,提升了观感手写舒适度,一定的性能和一些细节,价格按照苹果的调调自然也就提升了,至于值不值这个差价,就看你个人需求了;ipad Air 2019款 10.5寸:iPad 2019能做的它肯定都能做,增加适合对Apple Pencil有基础需求的人群,但它依然不是苹果的顶级体验设备,当然,如果你能承受多出几百买ipad Air,减掉一半储存对你影响也不大,那我肯定支持你这么做,相比ipad2019,ipad Air提升还是值得的,哪怕你不需求Apple Pencil。推荐:64GB版:日常当做便携设备使用的人群,256GB版:有大量工作需求,文件储存甚至ipad就是主力办公设备的人群。Apple iPad mini 2019款 7.9 英寸ipad mini从推出的时候就一直处于叫好不叫座的境地,主力购买人群是看重便携的人群和女生群体,这不,ipad mini4停更几年之后,苹果还是又把它恢复生产;这次的ipad mini 2019, 主要升级就在于和ipad Air一样的全贴合屏幕,A12芯片,同样64GB起步,支持Apple Pencil,怎么说呢,就是一台小号ipad Air,尺寸更小(203.2mm*134.8mm)、重量更轻(约300.5g)、芯片不变,性能发挥相对来说更强劲一些。Apple iPad mini 2019款 7.9 英寸:适合喜欢轻量便携的人群、掌上办公、掌上电影游戏、谁用谁知道。推荐:和ipad Air一样。Apple iPad pro系列ipad pro系列虽然是2018年的产品,但从外观设计到性能,至今也是平板界无可挑剔的扛把子,共有11寸和12.9寸两个版本,共有64GB、256GB、512GB、1TB四个储存版本;外观来说,四边框等宽的设计,屏幕视觉感非常好,整机边框设计更加锐利,相比其他型号ipad看上去更加科技感一些,屏幕使用全贴合lcd视网膜屏,分辨率2388*1668(11寸),而除了体积加大以外,反而更加轻薄,厚度只有5.9mm;使用当年地表最强A12X处理器,相比A12从6核升级到8核,性能更加强劲,哪怕到2020年,也是你能买到的最强平板性能了(win系不算)前置700万,后置1200万像素摄像头,虽然ipad的摄像头使用率其实都不高,但还是比其他ipad系列进行了升级,而且还配置了闪光灯,提升了夜间拍照的能力;对了,ipad pro的后置摄像头是突出的哦,不过我知道,你们都要戴套使用的(我没开车)苹果也知道,所以刚好保护套可以底平突出。支持Apple Pencil第二代,配置四扬声器(其余型号为双),支持GPS功能,数据接口换成了type-c,不是苹果自家的Lightning喽。就是这台地表最强ipad,反而简评菌现在建议你可能需要考虑下;原因很简单,新的发布会要来了,而且,基本就是瞄准发布新一代ipad pro的;其他型号的ipad可以说都不太受这次发布会影响,唯独2018的ipad pro,你可以看到,现在的ipad pro要么缺货买不到,能买到价格其实也不算太优惠,如果你真的需要的是一台极致的生产力,值得等等2020 ipad pro,不管从面子、形象还是从性能、价格来说,这一个月不到的等待都是值得的,当然,要做好抢货准备,不过平板的缺货从来没有手机那么猛,所以你也等不了多久。Apple iPad pro 2018系列:适合一天都不能等急要而且非要这么强劲性能或者极致大储存的人群,不然只推荐等待2020款ipad pro登场购买。总结,4个ipad系列,简评菌帮助你梳理了一遍,相信你心里清楚适合自己的那台ipad了,我的原则一贯是只买适合自己的,不要跟风,谁都知道ipad pro性能最好设计最棒,可同样谁的钱包都是好不容易鼓起来的,富裕的性能是好事,可付出代价购买后你又用不上的话那还不如拿这些钱去买点好吃的养养胃(笑),当然,土豪请无视。



龙族2漫画为什么用《daily growing》来作为楚子航和他父亲的诀别曲?

daily growingThe trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green,树在长高,叶在变绿Many is the time my true love I"ve seen,许多次,我看到他的可爱Many an hour I have watched him all alone,几多时,我独自对他长久凝视,He"s young but he"s daily growing.他还小,但他正在长大Father, dear father, you"ve done me great wrong,爸爸, 亲爱的爸爸, 你对你的女儿犯下一个巨大的错误You have married me to a boy who is too young,你把我嫁给了一个没有成年的男孩I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen,我二十四,他十四He"s young but he"s daily growing.他还小,但他在长大Daughter, dear daughter, I"ve done you no wrong,女儿, 亲爱的女儿,我给你的安排并没有错I have married you to a great lord"s son,我把你嫁给豪门的儿子He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone,一旦我老去,他将是你依靠的男人He"s young but he"s daily growing他还小, 但他在长大Father, dear father, if you see fit,爸爸, 亲爱的爸爸, 如果你认为合适We"ll send him to college for another year yet,来年过后, 送他读大学吧I"ll tie a blue ribbon all around his head,我要用蓝绸带缠上他的头To let the maidens know that he is married.告诉年轻的女孩, 他已经结婚One day I was looking over my father"s castle wall,曾经有一天, 我越过爸爸的院墙I spied all the boys playing with a ball,我看到一群男孩在玩球And my own true love was the flower of them all,我的爱追逐其中He"s young but he"s daily growing.他还小, 但他在长大And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day,那是曙光微现的清晨They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play,他们冲入草场锻炼游戏And what they did there she never would declare,他们的幼稚,她羞于告人But she never more complained of his growing.但她无从抱怨,因为他在成长At the age of fourteen he was a married man,十四岁,他成为已婚男人At the age of fifteen the father of my son,十五岁,他已经是一个孩子的父亲At the age of sixteen his grave it was green,十六岁,他的墓地绿草如茵And death had put an end to his growing.死亡终止他的成长I"ll buy my love some flannel, I"ll make my love a shroud,我买来法兰绒,为我的可爱做着寿衣With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down,一针下去,泪如雨With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow,一针上来,雨是泪Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.残酷的命运终结他的成长

daily growing的中文歌词和它背后的故事是什么?

The trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green, 碧树高高,纤叶青青。 Many is the time my true love I"ve seen, 常观我爱,日久天长。 Many an hour I have watched him all alone, 我所深爱,目不能释。 He"s young but he"s daily growing. 年似幼兮,日复渐长。 Father, dear father, you"ve done me great wrong, 阿父阿父,大错已铸。 You have married me to a boy who is too young, 许吾与子,子年尚幼。 I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen, 吾已廿四,彼方总角。 He"s young but he"s daily growing. 年似幼兮,日复渐长。 Daughter, dear daughter, I"ve done you no wrong, 阿女阿女,父岂有错? I have married you to a great lord"s son, 此亦美事,豪门若梦。 He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone, 吾若西去,子为汝依。 He"s young but he"s daily growing, 年似幼兮,日复渐长。 Father, dear father, if you see fit, 父亲啊亲爱的父亲,假如您果真以为合适, We"ll send him to college for another year yet, 何不让我的心上人再求学一年? I"ll tie a blue ribbon all around his head, 我将要把那美丽的蓝绸带系在他的发梢, To let the maidens know that he is married. 让其他女孩子知道他已经是我的所爱。 One day I was looking over my father"s castle wall, 曾有一日我远远眺望,视线越过古老城堡的高墙, I spied all the boys playing with a ball, 我看到一群少年在尽兴玩乐。 And my own true love was the flower of them all, 我的心上人仿佛花儿一般,在人群中若烂漫光芒 , He"s young but he"s daily growing. 他是那样年少,但是他日复一日地成长。 And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day, 那天清晨,曙光微微现出东方, They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play, 我的女儿和她的心上人啊一起去干草堆那边游赏, And what they did there she never would declare, 他们的爱情呀,是那样的神秘,她可不开口讲,But she never more complained of his growing. 可是真奇怪哟,自那以后,她不再抱怨他的青涩飞扬。 At the age of fourteen he was a married man, 子方总角,拜为夫婿。 At the age of fifteen the father of my son, 子方束发,即为人父。 At the age of sixteen his grave it was green, 不及弱冠,子已长逝。 And death had put an end to his growing. 子长逝兮,不复渐长。I"ll buy my love some flannel, I"ll make my love a shroud, 我要为我的爱人买几尺法兰绒,我要为他做一身漂亮的尸衣, With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down, 针来线往,泪花儿若伞下雨珠。 With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow, 针来线往,泪花儿若蝴蝶泉涌。 Cruel fate has put an end to his growing. 那命运的残酷呀,断送了我心上人的成长。 相信你读完歌词就能感受到它背后的故事。 满意望采纳麻烦采纳,谢谢!

Driving Miss Daisy 的英语影评

  Driving Miss Daisy 为戴茜小姐开车 英语影评  Adapting plays to the movies is always an iffy prospect. If the story is "opened up" too much, with extra characters and locations, it can lose its intimacy. If the story remains too close to its stagebound roots it can become cinematically dull.  But every now and then a stage adaptation comes along that manages to be faithful to the play"s best interests and yet open it up just enough to make for a cinematic treat, and such is "Driving Miss Daisy."  Led by riveting performances from Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy, this Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy-drama is utterly enthralling, though also quite spare and intimate.  Director Bruce Beresford, an Australian who seemed right at home in America"s South with "Tender Mercies" and "Crimes of the Heart," has returned triumphantly to that area in creating this wonderfully delicate masterpiece, largely through the fine performances of his stars.  Tandy is the title character, a wealthy 72-year-old Southern matron, a Jewish woman in the Christian Bible Belt of 1948 as the film begins. After an accident with her car, she is nagged into allowing a driver to be hired by her protective son Boolie (Dan Aykroyd, who is also convincing and never resorts to any of the shtick you might expect).  Boolie hires Hoke (Freeman), a black 60-ish widower and chauffeur whose patience seemingly knows no limits. At first Miss Daisy wants nothing to do with Hoke. She is a stern, stiffnecked woman with pride as big as all outdoors, and she"s humiliated by her inability to drive herself. Not one to give up easily, however, Hoke, after sitting around the house with nothing to do for his first week of employment, follows her in the car as she walks to the store one day. Embarrassed, she reluctantly climbs into the back seat.  Thus begins a tenuous relationship that will span the next 25 years in the changing South. And they will change with it.  But this isn"t a movie about people who make some remarkable lifestyle switch in the last five minutes. Rather, Alfred Uhry"s touching and very funny screenplay, based on his own play, shows the gradual change that creeps inside these characters.  Miss Daisy, though she considers herself a liberal Southerner, exclaiming repeatedly, "I am not prejudiced," hangs on to longtime traditions. When she thinks Hoke has taken something from her she says, "These people are always stealing things." And when she has an extra ticket to a dinner honoring Martin Luther King, she doesn"t even consider that Hoke might like to attend. During the latter scene she comments that she"s glad to see things change. But Hoke mutters, "Things haven"t changed all that much."  Needless to say, Morgan Freeman, who continues to grow as one of the American movies" finest actors, and Jessica Tandy, who is certainly one of our national treasures, will be remembered come Oscar nomination time. And Aykroyd will surprise you as a character who ages 25 years in a very natural and realistic manner.  "Driving Miss Daisy," which is rated PG for a single profanity uttered by Aykroyd, is an extremely moving film with some hilarious moments. And though the screenplay obviously offers the humor, it is the actors" inflections and twists on words that give the comedy its real impact.  Beresford has also managed an incredibly authentic look to his period piece. It"s fascinating, for example, to notice in the background during a scene on an old country road that old-style cars are driving by while Hoke and Miss Daisy exchange casual dialogue in the foreground. It would have been much easier to keep all traffic out of the shot, but Beresford goes the extra mile here, as he does throughout the film.  It"s easy to see why "Driving Miss Daisy" is on so many national critics" top 10 lists, those who saw the film before 1989 came to a close. This is indeed among the year"s very best pictures.
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