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damn it什么意思







dammit是该死的意思,damnit是网络用语该死的意思,后者比较流行。网络语言(internet slang)是指从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。20世纪90年代诞生初,网民们为了提高网上聊天的效率或诙谐、逗乐等特定需要而采取的方式,久而久之就形成特定语言了。进入21世纪的十多年来,随着互联网技术的革新,这种语言形式在互联网媒介的传播中有了极快的发展。网络语言越来越成为人们网络生活中必不可少的一部分。但是要注意的是,部分网络语言并不符合我们现代汉语的语法规定,因此并不具备教学意义,不能引进教学领域。口语型网络网络语言聊天虽然主要是字面交流,但其实质还是类口语化,故日常生活中的语气助词在网络中应用也非常普遍, 加上网络缺少面对面交流所具备的其他肢体和表情语言, 语气词便能充分烘托和调动网络交流时的气氛。如:“哇噻,你总算露面啦!”“哦,是酱紫啊!”等,在这两个例句中,“哇噻、哦”在生活中也经常用到,此类词不管其原来属性如何,在网上均作为语气助词使用。

“damn it”是该死的意思吗?

有个一模一样的问题...什么情况,我给你复制过来了damn it 是脏话 有侮辱性的意思darn it 没有明显侮辱性意思 只是单纯表示“倒霉”“见鬼”之类的现在电视和电影翻译的尺度都比较大 外国也一样 所以damn it或者mother fucker什么的比较常见one piece那个的确是damn it

damn it什么意思?


damn it什么意思




Carmin Turco的《God Damn》 歌词

歌曲名:God Damn歌手:Carmin Turco专辑:AngelGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15064220

hellyeah的《Goddamn》 歌词

歌曲名:Goddamn歌手:hellyeah专辑:HellyeahGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9108975


Walden roared: "you damned villain! " 沃尔登咆哮道:“你这个恶棍!” This damned glass will have to be replaced . 这块混账玻璃一定得换掉。 Why doesn"t he show his hand, damn his soul ? 妈的,他干吗不露一手呢? He seemed to query every damn ma . 他简直对每一个逗点都不轻易放过。 Maybe they think we"re damned fools . 可能他们以为我们是些该死的傻瓜。 She said some pretty damning things about him . 她说了他一些坏话。 Who cares if he is a damn bankrupt ? 谁在乎他是个倒霉的破产者啊? He gives the impression of not caring a damn . 他给人的印象是满不在乎。 I can"t leave them for a damned baby . 我不能为他妈的一个孩子丢开他们。 Damn it, gros *** art, stop whining . 见鬼,格罗斯巴特,别再唠叨了。 We got out of there pretty damn fast . 我们很快就离开了那个地方。 Well i will be damned : she won after all ! 好家伙,她居然胜了! I made the damn doctors tell me。 我让那些讨厌的医生告诉了我。 Damn it, bobby, b your hair . 真该死,博比,把头发拢一拢。 "kill that damn thing!" my father exploded . “把那玩意宰了!”爸爸发火了。 Oh, damn the dirty swine to hell . 让那卑鄙的畜生见鬼去吧。 After all, it is a damn sticky proceeding . 归根结蒂,这样做法也真他妈的够呛。 The damned bridge was struck again . 那该死的桥又阻塞了。 Otherwise he should simply have damned himself . 否则他只有使自己蒙受不白之冤。 They damned one condition after another . 他们得寸进尺。 I am damned if i am going to let her get away with that ! 我决不能就这样放过她。 I"m going to bust in on that damned harbor master . 我要去找那该死的港务长算账。 The play was bad and the newspapers all damned it . 戏演得不好,报纸都加以指责。 "it all looks damned fishy to me," he said . “在我看来,这件事非常可疑,”他说。 He"d be damned if he"d stand around arguing with such a man . 傻瓜才跟这种人闲磨牙。 The woman was damned attractive . 这个女人太诱人啦。 I "ll be damned if it is so . 我决不会有这样的事。 I"ll retype the damned thing and mail it . 等我用打字机把那个鬼东西清楚地打出来再寄走。 He could not give a damn whether he passes the exam or not . 他对考试及格与否满不在乎。 Week in and week out, we had to write that damn paper . 几个星期我们都要写那该死的文章。 I earned damn all last week . 我上星期分文没挣。 "i pke him," i said. "i am damned fond of him. " “我喜欢他,”我说,“我特别喜欢他。” I "ll be damned if it is so . 我决不做这种事。 But he has to buck that damned foreign office . 但是他也非得撞顶撞顶那个该死的外交部不可。 I know that damn woman . 我知道那个 *** 女人。 I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up . 我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。 I"m spending an hour a day on these damned books . 在这些该死的帐本上,我一天要花一个钟头。 It makes me damned angry . 这搞得我一腔恼火。 I ran the damn show . 我指挥这种玩命的事儿。 As long as you do that, i don"t give a damn how . 只要你一直能这样,我才不理会你怎样去做呢。 I am damned if i do . 我决不会有这样的事。 About davey birdsong, though, yvette didn"t give a damn . 至于戴维伯德桑,伊维特才不在乎呢。 I do n"t care a damn . 我一点儿也不在乎。 You have got to hand it to her -- she has damned clever . 你不能不佩服她她简直聪明到了极点。 There"s not a damn thing special about any of us . 我们谁也没有一丁点儿人品出众、才能超群的地方。 I hate that damned rubber. i loathe the filthy natives . 我恨这晦气的橡胶。我厌恶这些肮脏的土人。 I am damned if i do . 我决不做这种事。 A bar mitzvah"s always followed by a damn good party . 成人礼庆祝仪式之后,总要举行个热热闹闹的聚会。 This damned epidemic ! 该死的瘟疫! Damned if i know ! 我根本就不知道。

表达心中很不满很气愤的骂人的英语形容词有哪些?除了fucking,damn, shit, bitc


You are a mother fucker. Damn you to raid my city.求教什么意思?


bloody hell damn是什么意思?

三个词是单独使用的,都是在口语中用来加强语气的。属于粗话。eg. 1。 He"s a bloody coward.他是个该死的胆小鬼。bloody属于英式英语,现代也不常用了。eg. 2. What the hell are you doing? 你到底在干什么?eg 3. He"s a damn liar. 他是个该死的骗子。

Valley Of The Damned 歌词

歌曲名:Valley Of The Damned歌手:Dragonforce专辑:Twilight DementiaValley of the Damned (DEMO)dragon forceby zouleiOn a cold dark winter nighthidden by the stormy lightA battle rages for the rightfor what will becomeIn the valley of the damneda warrior with sword in handTravels fast across the landfor freedom he ridesAnd the sign from the master on highHe screams aloud and across hear the cryFor the kingdom of fire and iceAnd the power to be aliveBe strong ride on, carry on through the warCome along carry on, living for ever moreOn the wings of death, by the hands of doomBy the darkest light, from the darkest moonCrossing silent seas, over mountains highFor we stand as one tonightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightIn the valley of the damnedDays breaks with golden strandOver pastures green it glowsTo where night returnsIn the shadows faces appearWarriors wearing full metal gearJoin together one and all before the glorious lightRise up, gather round, come and hear what is saidUse your senses open your mind don"t you ever forgetOn the wings of life, by the hands of hopeBy the brightest light from the brightest sunCrossing silent seas over mountains highTo the valley of the damned!On the black wind forever we ride on together...Destroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lightOn the black wind forever we ride on togetherDestroying your evil with freedom our guideWhen the master will call usHe"ll stand high before usOur hearts filled with splendourOur swords will shine over the lighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/10320964

Bout damn time 是什么意思

早该这样了!这句的书面文应该是:about damn time美式英语口语中会出现省略元音的情况~具体情况具体分析

i am damned fine 翻译这句。。谢谢

Good Feeling

衣服上的英文什么意思 damn that shit was dop


求曼森arma goddamn mother歌词翻译!

《ARMA-GODDAMN-MOTHERfvckIN-GEDDON/该死的操蛋末日战场》 Armageddon的中文翻译: 名词 n. 1.(《圣经》中所说的)世界末日善恶决战的战场 2.(国际间的)大决战 Death to the ladies first, then the gentlemen 女士先死,绅士殿后 All sorts of tax-free-face-lifts-abortions-nervous-breakdance 所有的免税-整容-流产-神经质的霹雳舞 Satanic girls gone wild 恶魔的女孩儿无比疯狂 Truly fvcking suicidal 真正该死的自我毁灭 First, you try to fvck it 首先,你尝试干掉它 Then, you try to eat it 然后,你尝试吃掉它 If it hasn"t learned your name 如果它没能记住你的名字 You better kill it before they see it 你最好在他们看到它前杀掉它 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Now do it again! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.现在再做一次! It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Et cetera! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.还有更多! First, you try to fvck it 首先,你尝试干掉它 Then, you try to eat it 然后,你尝试吃掉它 If it hasn"t learned your name 如果它没能记住你的名字 You better kill it before they see it 你最好在他们看到它前杀掉它 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 I"ve got a blackened soul, morals in a hole, I wish I was still dead 我的灵魂已经黑暗,道德坠入深渊,我期望我仍然死亡 Now the TV set"s a sharp and cold depression 此刻电视带来尖锐而冰冷的失落 Pointless intervention, legal separation, call my dealer 无意义的干预,法定的隔离,召唤着我的头儿 I want my lawyer, we"ve got a situation! 我需要我的律师,我们陷入相同境地! First, you try to fvck it 首先,你尝试干掉它 Then, you try to eat it 然后,你尝试吃掉它 If it hasn"t learned your name 如果它没能记住你的名字 You better kill it before they see it 你最好在他们看到它前杀掉它 (x2) It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Now do it again! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.现在再做一次! It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Et cetera! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.还有更多! On the news or is it the news? 在新闻里(但那真的是新闻吗) They say results may vary, 他们说结果会改变 Side effects all vary 副作用全都改变 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 该死的操蛋末日战场 Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 该死的操蛋末日战场 Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 该死的操蛋末日战场 Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 该死的操蛋末日战场 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Now do it again! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.现在再做一次! It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 fvck. Eat. Kill. Et cetera! 干掉,吃掉,杀掉.还有更多! fvck the goddamn TV and the radio 干掉该死的无线传媒 And fvck making hits 干掉人为的热门单曲! I"m taking credit for the death toll 我为死去的人们还债 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场 It"s Arma-goddamn-motherfvckin-geddon 真是个该死的操蛋末日战场

Damn couples!


Terri Clark的《Damn Right》 歌词

歌曲名:Damn Right歌手:Terri Clark专辑:Life Goes OnEditor:MelodySeekerI"m not gonna lie or act like I"m that toughThere might be a tear in my eye when I watch that airplane liftin" upI never was much for tellin" you how much you meantBut I need you to know you were heaven sentWe went together like highways and T-birdsSaturday sinners and Sunday church andLookin" back and cryin and laughin bout the life between us tooWe went together like memories and long gonesCowboys and sad old songsAfter all the holdin" on tight that we went throughYou"re damn right I"m going to miss youI guess there are times when all of us re-learnAnd life is a book, and the pages, you know they"re about to turnAnd I don"t know where the story endsWhere it"s gonna go nowJust as long as this chapter tell the whole world howWe went together like highways and T-birdsSaturday sinners and Sunday church andLookin" back and cryin" and laughin bout the life between us tooWe went together like memories and long gonesCowboys and sad old songsAfter all the holdin" on tight that we went throughYou"re damn right I"m going to miss youWe went together like highways and T-birdsSaturday sinners and Sunday church andLookin" back and cryin" and laughin" bout the life between us tooWe went together like memories and long gonesCowboys and sad old songsAfter all the holdin" on tight that we went throughYeah after all of the fairytales that didn"t quite come trueAfter all the nights and the fights that we went throughYou"re damn right, ya, I"m gonna miss youI"m gonna miss youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8025803

damn it,crap和fuck对应的中文语境应该是怎样的

Damn: 本义为“诅咒”,“(God) damn it”单独成句时一般译为“见鬼”或其他类似衍生词;Crap:本义为垃圾、粪便,日常用语中作为“shit”一词的洁版;Fuck: 做动词时译为“操”或其他类似语义,做形容词/副词时常译为“他妈的”,被动语态可以理解为东北人口中的“完犊子”或者网上常说的“被操哭”。再从程度上说:一般来说 crap和damn两个词的语义都很轻,但是damn因为语义中有“诅咒”义而稍微涉及宗教,因此尽量避免在对信仰较虔诚的人面前用,同理的还有hell。为了表示与其而使用时,应该寻找通用的替代词进行替代,后面会说。另外,还有些极(sha)端(bi)虔(he)诚(he)的基督徒对于别人在聊天时用"Jesus"/"Jesus Christ"或"Dear Lord"/"Dear God"等词语表惊叹也会觉得被冒犯,在这种情况下,应该立刻道歉:I(Go) am(fuck) sorry(yourself).作者

Al.B.Damned的SO FAR SO BAD的歌词

"So Far So Bad" You tell me I"m bad, you say that I"m no good,I never wanna do the things that I know I should,You say I should never see the light of day,But I got a confession,I"d like it that way.They say I"m so evil that it"s hard to believe,What can I say? I wear my black heart on my sleeve,Well I"m a sinner and proud and I"ll shout it out loud,You take offense? And I will take you out.You say I need professional help,I say I can get through by myself,Don"t need you telling me what to do,Got one thing to say,Fuck you!This is the only life I"ll lead,Your point of view is something I don"t need,This is the only life I have,And it"s been so far so bad.Well I"m hated by all and I hate you too,You always complain about the bad things I do,But I don"t give a fuck about your rules, I don"t discriminate,I just hate you all.You think that I"m evil and I know you"re right,But knowing you"re scared of me helps me sleep at night,You can shoot me down or run me down in your car,I don"t enjoy the pain but chicks dig the scars.You say I need professional help,I say I can get through by myself,Don"t need you telling me what to do,Got one thing to say,Fuck you!This is the only life I"ll lead,Your point of view is something I don"t need,This is the only life I have,And it"s been so far so bad.You try to preach to me,But I just don"t believe,I"m not religious you see,And god means nothing to me,You think you"re oh so fine,And your God is so divine,Whilst I live my life, You pray to a lie.But when the world is on fire,Who"s gonna be your saviour?When it"s all crashing down,And God"s nowhere to be found,Who"s gonna save ya now?Who"s gonna save ya now?

英语godamn和damn it区别?

damn it相当于中文的我靠goddamn相当于你他 妈的吧

英语fuck ,shit ,son of bitch,damn 这几个单词都是什么意思?都怎么读?会英语的来!


有谁知道这句Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta的中文意思是什么吗?

Damn it意思是:俚)该死!咒骂! Gangsta流氓 混混 蛊惑仔 成为一个流氓感觉很好

ew u damn chink 什么意思

骂中国人的,外国人这麼说你你可以送他一拳EW U DAMN CHINK呃,你这个混账中国佬(CHINK)讽刺中国人是面板平平,没下巴的种族
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