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关于桌游monopoly deal(大富翁)收租金的问题


桌游《monopoly deal》的玩法是什么?

Shuffle the cards and assign five cards to each player. Put the remaining cards in the middle collar and wait for collection. Start the game. Players take turns to play cards. A collection of three complete sets of different color series of property licences will win.Licensing steps1. Draw 2 cards. If you don"t have any cards in your hand, you can get 5 cards in the next round when it"s your turn to draw cards.2. Play 1-3 cardsA. You can deposit money or action cards in your bank. Action cards can be used as currency. When an action card is put into a bank, it can only be used as currency in the game. Even if it is transferred to other players, it can no longer be used as an action card.Payment method: bank cash payment or property payment. The cards in hand cannot be used for payment. No renewal is allowed at the time of payment.B. Collect your property cards and put them in front of you to build your property. Each card shows the number of property cards needed to assemble the color series.C. When using the action card, place it in the center and act according to the instructions on the action card.3. Ensure that there are no more than 7 cards on hand after playing, otherwise, the cards will be discarded selectively until the remaining 7 cards are in hand.

monopoly deal大富翁的桌游的规则是什么?

既然“我已经忘了要问什么问题了”,那么现在“我已经忘了要问什么问题了”这句话就可以算作是你要问的问题喽。 如果事情比较忙,或者比较健忘,建议你把所想到的问题随时打到手机上(举手之劳的事,费不了多少时间),让它帮你记录下来,这样,你就不会忘记该问的问题了哦。 如果我的意见对你有帮助,望请采纳我的意见哦。

monopoly deal玩法!!

游戏开始前,先将游戏卡牌覆转洗混,再分发各玩家5张卡牌作手牌之用。馀下卡牌即作牌叠。由最年青的玩家开始,玩家依顺时针方向轮流进行自己的游戏回合。 玩家在其游戏回合中,依次执行以下步骤。 1. 抽牌 玩家从牌叠顶抽取2张卡牌加入其手牌中。 若玩家已无手牌,则从牌叠顶抽取5张卡牌作其手牌。 2. 打牌 玩家可从其手牌中,以任何次序最多打出3张卡牌。 玩家可打出货币牌或行动牌,叠放到自己面前桌面的右方作为银行户口。在银行户口中的行动牌即作金钱论,其价值即其角落数字。玩家若需支付金钱,即从其银行户口支付。若其银行户口金钱总额不足,即要交付其面前桌面的物业牌。 货币只可单纯放到玩家的银行户口中。玩家支付金钱时是没有找赎的。 玩家可打出物业牌放到自己面前桌面。这些即玩家拥有的物业。物业牌需依颜色分组放置。不同颜色的物业牌有不同数目,贵价地皮各有2张、一般地皮有3张、车站则有4张。玩家若需支付金钱而其银行户口金钱总额不足,即要交付其面前桌面的物业牌,物业牌价值即其角落数字。 玩家可打出行动牌,依行动牌上说明抽取卡牌、收取租金、抢夺物业、物业增值等。 3. 弃牌 玩家手牌只可保有最多7张卡牌。玩家手牌若多於7张,则必须丢弃多馀的卡牌。 轮至左方玩家进行其回合。 游戏持续至一人凑齐3组全套的物业牌,该人即胜出游戏。 游戏卡牌: 盗取 玩家可强夺他人面前的1张物业牌,但对已凑齐一套的物业牌无效。 物业接管 玩家可强夺他人面前一整套的物业牌。 收取债务 向任何一位玩家索取5M金钱。 租金 依卡牌指定颜色,玩家必须拥有该色的物业,并依该色的物业牌数目向所有玩家收取金钱。 双倍租金 与租金牌合用,所有玩家需支付两倍租金。 房子或酒店 放到一整套的物业牌上,以增加该色物业的租金。一整套的物业牌上必须先有房子牌,然後才可有酒店牌。公共机构上不可放房子或酒店牌。 强制交易 玩家可强制用自己面前的1张物业牌,指定交换他人面前的1张物业牌。 作出反对 只有此牌可在他人的游戏回合中使用。当他人行使行动牌侵害玩家时,玩家可打出此牌以取消打出卡牌的效果。但对方亦可以另一「作出反对」来让此牌无效。 我的生日 玩家向所有玩家收取2M。 彩色租金 玩家可向任何一位玩家,收取其拥有某一颜色物业的租金。 通行证 玩家多抽2张卡牌。 多功能物业牌 可作指定的2种、或所有颜色中的一种物业牌论。玩家可在每回合自由决定其颜色种类。 物业牌 物业牌分有不同颜色,并印明凑齐一组需有多少张同色的物业牌。同色的物业牌数目越多,其租金亦越高。

monopoly deal大富翁的桌游的规则

游戏开始前,先将游戏卡牌覆转洗混,再分发各玩家5张卡牌作手牌之用。馀下卡牌即作牌叠。由最年青的玩家开始,玩家依顺时针方向轮流进行自己的游戏回合。 玩家在其游戏回合中,依次执行以下步骤。 1. 抽牌 玩家从牌叠顶抽取2张卡牌加入其手牌中。 若玩家已无手牌,则从牌叠顶抽取5张卡牌作其手牌。 2. 打牌 玩家可从其手牌中,以任何次序最多打出3张卡牌。 玩家可打出货币牌或行动牌,叠放到自己面前桌面的右方作为银行户口。在银行户口中的行动牌即作金钱论,其价值即其角落数字。玩家若需支付金钱,即从其银行户口支付。若其银行户口金钱总额不足,即要交付其面前桌面的物业牌。 货币只可单纯放到玩家的银行户口中。玩家支付金钱时是没有找赎的。 玩家可打出物业牌放到自己面前桌面。这些即玩家拥有的物业。物业牌需依颜色分组放置。不同颜色的物业牌有不同数目,贵价地皮各有2张、一般地皮有3张、车站则有4张。玩家若需支付金钱而其银行户口金钱总额不足,即要交付其面前桌面的物业牌,物业牌价值即其角落数字。 玩家可打出行动牌,依行动牌上说明抽取卡牌、收取租金、抢夺物业、物业增值等。 3. 弃牌 玩家手牌只可保有最多7张卡牌。玩家手牌若多於7张,则必须丢弃多馀的卡牌。 轮至左方玩家进行其回合。 游戏持续至一人凑齐3组全套的物业牌,该人即胜出游戏。 游戏卡牌: 盗取 玩家可强夺他人面前的1张物业牌,但对已凑齐一套的物业牌无效。 物业接管 玩家可强夺他人面前一整套的物业牌。 收取债务 向任何一位玩家索取5M金钱。 租金 依卡牌指定颜色,玩家必须拥有该色的物业,并依该色的物业牌数目向所有玩家收取金钱。 双倍租金 与租金牌合用,所有玩家需支付两倍租金。 房子或酒店 放到一整套的物业牌上,以增加该色物业的租金。一整套的物业牌上必须先有房子牌,然後才可有酒店牌。公共机构上不可放房子或酒店牌。 强制交易 玩家可强制用自己面前的1张物业牌,指定交换他人面前的1张物业牌。 作出反对 只有此牌可在他人的游戏回合中使用。当他人行使行动牌侵害玩家时,玩家可打出此牌以取消打出卡牌的效果。但对方亦可以另一「作出反对」来让此牌无效。 我的生日 玩家向所有玩家收取2M。 彩色租金 玩家可向任何一位玩家,收取其拥有某一颜色物业的租金。 通行证 玩家多抽2张卡牌。 多功能物业牌 可作指定的2种、或所有颜色中的一种物业牌论。玩家可在每回合自由决定其颜色种类。 物业牌 物业牌分有不同颜色,并印明凑齐一组需有多少张同色的物业牌。同色的物业牌数目越多,其租金亦越高。大富翁纸牌 Monopoly Deal 简单介绍﹕1. 游戏目标是集齐三套物业,最先集齐为之胜出。2. 游戏开始时每人有五张牌,每回合轮到自己可以再抽两张。每回合最多出三张牌。(如果手上没有牌,就可以抽五张。如果回合完结时你手上还有多於七张牌,就要把多馀的放回领牌处的底部。)3. 牌分三种﹕—物业牌,可以收集、亦可以当货币牌使用,有些物业牌是「二选一」甚至「百搭」。—行动牌,包括建房子酒店、收钱、多抽两张牌、抢走别人一张甚至整套物业牌、迫人交换物业牌、或反对别人的行动牌,亦可以当货币牌使用(但当货币用就不能还原为行动)—货币牌,用来支付租金或其他费用4. 每次出牌,收集的物业牌和货币牌(或当成货币用的行动牌)放在自己的前面,行动牌(采取行动)就放到中央。5. 「用了的钱才是你的」理论,出了的物业牌才算是收集了、出了的货币牌才可以用来支付给别人。如果人家向你收钱,你却没有放置足够的货币牌,你就可能要把物业牌也交给别人作抵偿——虽然你手上可能还有货币牌,也不算数。(可是,如果你面前甚麼牌也没有,那麼你就不需要支付。这游戏没有「破产」这回事。)6. 如果单靠收集物业牌并没有甚麼特别,行动牌的使用才是精要所在。(因为随时把人家的牌抢过来,自己就刚好赢了)记著行动牌有多少张了﹕「物业按管」2张、「强制交易」3张、「盗取」3张、「作出反对」3张、「收取债务」3张、「我的生日」3张、「双倍租金」2张、「房子」3张、「酒店」2张、「通行证」10张 (可能多抽两张牌)行动牌共34张。另租金牌共13张﹕「浅蓝/啡」2张、「粉红/橙」2张、「红/黄」2张、「深蓝/绿」2张、「铁路/公用事业」2张、「任何租金」3张。(「任何租金」只限向其中一人收取你某一组的租金,其馀色组租金卡则容许你向所有玩家收取其中一组的租金。)大富翁纸牌 Monopoly Deal 官方规则1Q: 我在哪里可以买到正版Monopoly Deal游戏?A: 玩具反反城,吉g岛,霜雾 --- 标准价钱 $59.92Q: 我可以放多小张卡在我前面?A: 没有限制 (包括你的银行及物业)3Q: 若所有在领牌处的牌耗尽(全被抽取)?A: 洗匀放到放牌处的所有卡,再放到领牌处。 --- 若领牌处又耗尽则再重覆。4Q: 我可以把放置出来的卡牌收回手中吗?A: 不可! 当你一放下卡牌在 "Playing Area" 包括银行,物业及已放到放牌处的行动卡 (放牌处只有行动卡)。5Q: 我可以把物业卡放到银行吗?A: 不可。全部物业卡包括单色,两色及彩色。6Q: 在场中可以有多於一个玩家放置一张/一整套相同颜色的的物业卡吗? A: 可以7Q: 房子及酒店要如何起?A: 一整套物业可起一间房子;有一间房子就可起一间酒店。8Q: 对拥有房子或酒店的物业使用物业接管,会如何?A: 连房子或房子及酒店也接过来。9Q: 我可移动我的多功能物业卡到其它的物业吗?A: 可以,但只可在你turn。 另外,整理你的多功能物业卡并不计算在(每回合最多出三张牌)内!10Q: 我可以重新整理我的物业卡吗?A: 可以,但只可在你turn。 另外,整理你的物业卡/多功能物业卡并不计算在(每回合最多出三张牌)内!11Q: 彩色多功能物业牌可以当货币(钱)付给其它玩家吗?A: 不可以,彩色多功能物业牌没有货币价值。但你可用物业牌或两色的多功能物业牌。12Q: 我可以单独出两色物业牌吗? A: 可以。而且可以随时转换颜色。13Q: 我可以单独出彩色物业牌吗? A: 可以。但你不可以自行决定颜色(租金),直至你加到其它物业卡 (单色或两色物业卡)14Q: 我可以只用两色及彩色物业卡完成组合吗? A: 不可以。你至少要有一张标准的单色物业卡。另外,不可用只彩色物业卡完成一组物业,至少要有一张单色或两色物业。15Q: 对手给我的付款,我可放到手牌里吗? A: 不可。任何时候,只要牌一放出来就不可回到手牌里。16Q: 若对手利用在银行里的行动卡给我付款,我可使用那行动卡吗?A: 不可。那牌只可当作货币。17Q: 我可把手牌用作付款吗?A: 不可。18Q: 若我的银行里没有钱,怎样付款?A: 用你的物业牌。若你也没有物业牌,则不用付。19Q: 我可向"作出反对"卡使用"作出反对"卡吗?A: 可以。*值得一提,作出反对卡并不计算到(每回合最多出三张牌),因此若你和对手有很多出反对卡,可来开个战,看谁才是 King of the NO!20Q: 当我使用双倍租金时,会计算到(每回合最多出三张牌)吗?A: 计算。21Q: 我收集得两组相同颜色(如: 两组同样红色) 及一组颜色物业,我胜出了!A: 不,此游戏是要成为首位集齐完整三套不同颜色的物业牌。22Q: 我可以使用租金卡向所有玩家收取租金吗?A: 这取决於你的租金卡是什麼类型。* 两色租金卡可向全部玩家收取租金。* 彩色租金卡只可向其中一位玩家收取租金。23Q: 为何我要把行动卡存入银行?A: 有时行动卡在银行更有价值。例如:*两色租金卡,您不能使用,因为你没有所属的颜色显示在卡*酒店卡,你不一定拥有房屋。*如果你真的需要银行资金,银行里又没有资金,你就会用你的物业作支付。24Q: 怎麼牌可用作付款?A: 你可用* 银行(金钱或行动卡,您已经兑现货币)* 单色或两色物业* 以上两者。25Q: 通行证(抽两张卡)可在同一回合里使用多於一次吗?A: 可以,这卡计算到(每回合最多出三张牌)。26Q: 我可向对手出的物业卡用作出反对"Say No"吗?A: 不可以。作出反对卡是用来抵消其他玩家对你的攻击(行动牌)。27Q: 当我向对手收取其中一个/组物业的租金时,我可使用两张的"双倍租金"吗?A: 可以,这便可收取对手四倍的租金。另外,此卡是计算到(每回合最多出三张牌)。28Q: 我可以收集多於一张/一整套相同颜色的的物业卡吗?A: 可以。但是游戏目标是成为首位集齐完整三套不同颜色的物业卡。29Q: 若我收集了两组/两整套相同颜色的物业卡,当我使用租金卡时,可以收取两份租金吗?A: 不可以,你只可以收取其中一组的租金。要记得,游戏目标是成为首位集齐完整三套不同颜色的物业卡。30Q: 若对手向我收取租金,而我只有完整物业卡再加上房子及酒店(银行内无货币),该如何?A: 先给予酒店当租金,再来房子。(要注意:此时的酒店及房子将转为货币放进对方的银行内) 若金额仍不足够,则再把物业卡当为租金。 31Q: 游戏有三名玩家,我是A玩家。若B对C使出行动卡如物业接管,我可使出作出反对卡吗?A: 不能,因为作出反对卡是用来抵消其它玩家利用行动牌对你的攻击。32Q: 若我的两色及彩色物业卡上有房子or酒店,但我想把该卡转到其它组合,房子怎样处理?A: 你必须把一张同色的物业卡,放进该组合内,两色及彩色物业卡才能转到其它组合。33Q: 如A玩家向全场收取租金,我用"作出反对"(SAY NO),其它玩家还要交租吗?A: 其它玩家还要交租,而自己则不用。34Q: 我可以向别人的彩色及双色多功能物业牌 使用"盗取" 及 "强制交易" 吗?A: 可以。

The science of medicine, _ we owe a great deal,is perhaps the most important of all the science

Bwe owe a great deal to the science of medicine

lana dealessi是谁

拉娜·德雷(英语:Lana Del Rey,出生于1986年6月21日),美国纽约州出生。为美国独立音乐歌手、唱作人、歌曲创作人,全英音乐奖最佳女歌手。

not a big deal是什么意思


It’s no big deal 和 It’s not a big deal 有什么区别吗


tackle & deal with

作应付、处理、解决(难题或局面)讲时,两者后面均可直接加名词作宾语 ;两者后面加人作宾语时 ,意为:与某人打交道,和某人交涉;而 deal with +sb./sth 还有另一意思,为:与……做生意;deal with 还有涉及,论及,关于的意思,eg:Her poems often deal with the subject of death.她的诗通常是关于死亡这一主题的。另外,tackle在足球、曲棍球等中还有 抢球 抢断 抢截 铲断的意思;在橄榄球或美式足球中还可作擒抱摔倒 阻截讲;tackle 还有一 抓获 擒获 给以颜色的意思 有点乱 希望能帮上楼主一些·~~~

treat和deal,she --(对待) everyone with kindness.为什么是treats不是deals

deal 表对待的意思时,是不及物动词,多用于对待/处理事情,事物 而不是人。

slickdeals front 和 pop的区别

区别是:slick deals front 指的是圆滑处理前。pop指的是出现;突然出现。详细解释:slick 英[slu026ak] 美[slu026ak] adj. 光滑的; 华而不实的; 熟练的,灵巧的; 机灵的,聪明的; n. 光滑之处; [机] 平滑器; [机] 修光工具; 一层浮油; vt. 使光滑,使光亮; 使美观; 使齐整; 占…的便宜; [例句]There"s a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.业余人士拍摄的视频片段和制作精良的好莱坞影片之间存在着巨大的差距。deals n. (一笔) 交易( deal的名词复数 ); 许多; 待遇; 发牌; v. 经营; [牌戏]分( deal的第三人称单数 ); 分配; 施予; [例句]Ask about special promotions and weekend deals too.也问一问特别促销和周末特价的情况。pop 英[pu0252p] 美[pɑ:p] vi. (意外地、突然地) 出现; 突然出现; 发出爆裂声; (突然地) 行动; vt. (突然地) 伸出; (突然地) 提出问题; (把准备好的东西) 突然拿出来; 敲击; n. 流行音乐; 汽水; (尤用作称呼) 爸; (迅速打上的) 记号; [例句]Which great British pop band had a hit with "In the Army Now"?英国哪一支伟大的流行乐队以一曲《正在服役》风靡一时?

英文翻译(你可以放心地跟他们打交道,他们都非常正直 deal with)

You can rest assured to deal with them, and they are very honest

Once a satellite _______ into orbit round Pluto, scientists will be able to find a great deal. uff1f

once引导的时间状语从句 时态遵从主将从现的原则 主句用一般将来时 从句用一般现在时

我有两条内存,一个是1rank,另一个是2ranks,都是2g的,其他的参数都一样,我用ideal pad y460。

1Rank=64位宽;2rank=128位宽,两个应该不能一起使用。只能分别单独使用。从理论上说当然2rank=128位宽好,数据传输速率比1rank大一倍。但是还需要看你的电脑是否支持2Rank内存条。 查一下主板手册。

work out有解决问题的意deal with也有这个意使用时怎样区分


求一篇长一点的my ideal town英语作文谢谢



您好:Rich or poor,young or old,we all have problems. And unless we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? 1.By learning to forget Most of ushave probably been angry with our friends,parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you don`t like,or you feel they were unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angre years about a small problems. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. When we are angre, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have see young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreeenments and decide not to talk to each other. However this usually dose not last for long. This is an important lesson for us:we can solve a problem by learning to forget 2.By regading problems as challenges Many students ofen complan about school. They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes,or think the rules are too strict. We must learn how to change these" problems" into "challenges". Education is an impoetant part of our development . As young adults, it is our suty to try our best to deal with each challenges in oue education with the helpod oue teachers, 3.By thinking of something worse By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking , for example, a very clever scientist, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant. He can`t wak or even speak, but he was became very famous and successful. We are probably quite healthy and smart. Let`s not worry about our problems. Let`s face the challenges instead.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~

英语作文:what can offect out moods?How to deal with it?


什么是non-deal roadshow


my ideal weekend的300字英文作文

1.谢懿明 Everyone loves weekends because we can relax ourselves at weekends.But what"s more?In my opinion we should keep energy in order to be more active.I usually get up late at weekends,because I think sleeping is the best way for us to relax.Secondly I review some articles which I have to no time to read at weekdays.In addition ,I want to do some sports such as basketball,volleyball and football.I think finest way to keep us active. During the weekends ,we showed not only rest ,but also get ready for the weekdays.Then we can do the work better.(16) 2.钱俊杰 I usually read books and do homework at weekends.Actually,I want to play basketball with my friends at weekends.I think my weekend is boring.In addition,I have not any freedom at weekends.But my parents think I should study.Because study is important to me.Although study is important,my freedom is also very important .I want a happy weekend. 3.沈峰 I usually do my homework and read some newspaper at weekends.But I want to play basketball and watch cartoons at weekends.But now I am a Grade nine student,I have to work hard.And I can not play games and can not watch cartoons ,I think it is a short time.If I pass the final examination .I will have more time to play at weekends. 4.曹瑾怡 Weekend is important for me to relax.I usually do my homework at weekends.I think it is very dull to do so.I want to go to the park at weekends instead.In the park,I will have a picnic with my parents.Then I will ride my bicycle around the park.Finally,I will fly a kike in the afternoon.This is my ideal weekend.How wonderful it is to have such an ideal weekend! 5.施旻珏 I usually do my homework and attend extra lessons at weekends.Sometimes l go shopping with my mother.l want to play basketball with my friends and visit museums with my parents at weekends.Of course,doing my homework is also necessary.l think about this plan because the things which l usually do at weekends are so boring.In a word,weekend




function hd=ideal_bp1(Wcl,Wch,N) %compute the ideal bandpass fiter unit pulse respondence hd(n) %wcl: low cutoff frequency %wch: high cutoff frequency %N: window length %hd: unit pulse respondence alpha= (N-1)/2; n=0:1:N-1; m=n-alpha+eps; hd=[sin(Wch*m)-sin(Wcl*m)]./(pi*m);

deal with造句

deal with造句如下:1、I have to deal with this problem every day。2、She dealt with the challenges of her job very well。3、He doesn"t know how to deal with his emotions。4、They dealt with the aftermath of the storm overnight。5、I deal with stress by exercising and relaxing。6、The boss deals with a range of challenging situations every day。7、They had to deal with the fallout from the scandal。8、The government has to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake。9、She deals with difficult people at work all the time。10、He deals with the press every day as part of his job。11、I deal with situations calmly and objectively。12、They dealt with the financial issues quickly and efficiently。13、She deals with setbacks professionally and positively。14、He deals with stress by exercising and meditating。15、They dealt with the cleanup after the party overnight。

成交 英文是done还是deal

用“成交”二字来作为交易谈判的结束,那么只要说一个done就可以了. impossible to conclude a deal 无法成交 Willing to conclude a deal 希望成交 call it a deal.

How to deal with the customer complaints effectively? 写一段对话,大学3级口语考试用的2分钟中等语速

The communication is the marketing personnel and the reality and thelatent customer maintenance relation, promptly enterprise"s productintroduced gives the customer, simultaneously pays attentionunderstands their demand, the exchange production and marketinginformation. The communication is the marketing personnel"s foundationwork, is secret and guarantee which the modern enterprise and themarketing personnel succeeds. The marketing study from develops themarket the angle, introduced 4Ps and the 4Cs marketing combination,dissemination (Communication) is the communication, how namely doesthe enterprise link up with the customer or the customer. Tobaccoenterprise similar need and customer communication. How then carrieson the communication? Based on the network work requirement and theexperience, the author thought should pay attention to followingseveral aspects: First, communication principle In the marketing work is for carries out the exchange well withthe customer communication, then promotion sale. Therefore mustpersist five principles with the customer communication. Namely: Theequality, the reciprocal benefit, the credit, are accommodating, thedevelopment. Only has the equality to establish the good interpersonalrelationship, follows the reciprocal benefit mutual benefit thebusiness ethics principle, is realistic, is fastidious the credit,putting oneself in another"s place considers for the customer,understood the customer, the containing customer, do not have to limitthe judgement to each transaction, on each customer body, follows thedevelopment principle, can coordinate and the customer relations, setsup the enterprise image. Second, communication preparation First must draft the communication plan. To where, with thesecustomers exchange, how exchanges, exchange what? Exchanges anydegree; Its secondary preparation some material, topic. In order tocommunication time quotes, presents evidence. For example: Some brandcigarette sale, current condition, next trend, situation forecast andcorrelation data proof. Finally must memorize the customer the basiccondition. If to the customer present situation, management knowsnothing about, the customer can feel unfamiliar, the communicationwith difficulty develops. Therefore, must seek the common language,attention customer information collection and use. Third, communication main point The communication main point is must stand in the customerstandpoint, thought the customer thought, economizes for the customer,makes money. With least Qian Zuozui the big business, while whicheconomizes, the pursue benefit maximization. The anxious customer isanxious, regards as the customer matter own matter, helps to solveeach kind of difficulty and the question. The communication main point first makes the friend, latter doesbusiness. The business relation has exposed is the interpersonalrelationship, therefore, how is the friend with the customer to bevery important. We advocated the familiar customer, the researchcustomer, carry on the communication in the research customerfoundation, lets the customer feel you are the expert, understood verymuch to the market and the product, has the help to the management,thus is glad to make the friend, and listens to advice. Fourth, communication method First must establish the customer file. This is carries on theeffective communication the foundation. The customer file must havethe operating condition, but also must have person"s interest, thehobby, the important commemoration day and so on, favor with thecustomer exchange. Next, must strengthen the sentimental exchange.Chats the day with the customer, helps to straighten up the goods,both the kind nature, shortens the distance, the enhancementsentiment, and can discover expends exceptionally and the changetendency, introduces the new product, the guidance expends, when goodgives advice. Finally, must strengthen the individuality service.Provides the corresponding service according to the customer demand,provides the standardized service to the general customer, theimportant customer provides the individuality service, the specialcustomer provides the special service. The communication is the skill, the communication is an art. Thecommunication pays great attention to honest and the letter, only hashonest and the letter, can move the customer, can obtain the customerthe trust and the support. Hoped when marketing personnel and customercommunication is fastidious the good faith and obtains the success.

请问sweetheart deal是什么意思?


If the whole program _____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

1. D. had not been planned2. B. begin3. C. would have died 4. B. did"nt do5. A. and6. A. inform7. C. be sent8. C. he were9. C. weren"t so rude 10.A. would have gone 全都属于虚拟语气的范畴

if the whole program__beforehand, a great deal f time and money would have been lost

C虚拟语气的一种形式,主语中用would (not) have done,从句中用had (not) done表示对过去的事的虚拟。来自【学习宝典】团队 如果认可我的回答请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮谢谢~

急求英语短语造句!用 for a test with 3.take notes 4.make

1.I have studied for a test for 2 month.2.I"ve dealt with that pany for ten years.3.I have taken notes on my notebook for last lesson.4.I have made up a detailed practice schedules 1I forgot to study the vocabulary list today.2.I want to have a conversation with others and form friends with them.3.When he looked up,he saw the boss.4.Many students often plain about school.5.Let"s face the challenges instead.6.She told us to make sentences with these phrases.7.Dad will be angry with me.8.I study by working with a group.9.With the help of the teacher.i understood the text.

a great deal of和a great numberof的区别

a great deal of大量不可数和a great numberof大量可数

solve等于work out还是deal with

等于: work out,deal with 因为它们都含有解决的意思。 work out: 解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼 The three parties will meet next month to work outremaining differences. 这3个党派将在下月会晤来解决剩下的分歧。 deal with: 处理;涉及;做生意 I prefer to deal with him direct. 我更愿意直接跟他打交道。

解决问题说work out 还是deal with


l have a great deal of stamps的错误在哪

deal--numbera (good)number of 和a great deal of 在意思上相同,但用法不一样。a number of 后面只能跟可数名词的复数形式,而a great deal of 后面只能跟不可数名词。例如:A number of accidents always occur on rainy days.雨天常常有许多事故发生。A number of books are missing from the library.图书馆的一些书不见了。I spent a great deal of my time on this work.我在这项工作上花了不少时间。另外,a great deal of 也可说成a good deal of。 例如:She spends a good deal of money on clothes every year. 她每年在衣服上花了不少钱。除了 a number of 之外,也可以用a large/good number of 或(large) numbers of 来表示数量众多,意思为“大量的,众多的”例如:Numbers of people came from all parts of the country to see the exhibition.许多人从国内来参观这个展览。


dealt的发音,英音读[delt],美音读[delt]。一、dealt的中文释义如下:1、【v.】发牌;非法买卖毒品;贩毒。2、【其他】原型:deal。二、短语搭配如下:1、Dealt Currency:交易货币。2、Dealt Rate:成交价。3、Dmg dealt:造成伤害。4、Dealt Amount:交易货币金额。5、Damage Dealt:如果造成的伤害;伤害输出总额。6、dealt:deal的过去式。7、information dealt:信息加工。8、Dealt Informatio:处理情况。9、I Dealt:我处理。三、双语造句如下:1、He shuffled the cards and dealt them.他洗好牌,然后发牌。2、Any illegally dealt board is a fouled board, and for any other irregularity see the relevant Law.任何违例所发牌副都是犯规的,其它违规参考相关条款。3、We must take positive steps to deal with the problem.我们必须采取积极步骤处理这个问题。4、He devoted a good deal of attention to the problem.他在这个问题上花了相当多的精力。5、Her poetry has a good deal of political content.她的诗歌含有大量的政治内容。

handel 与deal的区别?

两个词有能力上的区别 handle with:能处理并掌控,解决问题 deal with:仅仅是处理,能否解决问题是未知数 选c 因为“我去年夏天参加了一个关于有毒气体的课程” how to handle with 是 “怎样去解决”的意思。 既然参加了课程,就是学到东西了,应该就知道怎样去处理并掌控处理的方法,解决问题,这里是掌握了处理有毒气体的方法,从而解决有毒气体的问题。所以选c。 希望您满意我的解答,,!




deal 是不及物动词,后面要加价词它不是do的变化




deal〓口语用词,指买卖双方经过交涉达成协议成交 n trade〓普通用词,含义广.既可指某种具体的商业又可指广泛的贸易. FOR I will deal you problems later Trade with others countries is important

deal当交易的意思时 它是可数的还是不可数的

deal 意思为交易时 它是可数名词复数: deals

成交 英文是done还是deal



deal的过去式和过去分词都是dealt。deal可作名词和动词两种词性,基本含义有“处理”、“发牌”、“非法买卖毒品”、“贩毒”、“协议”、“大量”、“待遇”、“交易”。过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。定义:⒈过去发生的而已经结束的动作需要用一般过去式来表示。⒉表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。【过去时态】表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。【过去时态结构】是指过去时态下的动词形式的语法构成。动词变化规则:一般动词直接加-ed,例如:look-looked;以哑e结尾的动词直接加-d,例如:dance-danced;辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加ed,例如:study-studied;以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母加-ed,例如:skip-skipped;以c结尾的动词,要变c为ck,再加-ed;以l结尾的动词,若以非重读音节结尾,则末尾的字母双写与不双写均可。其中不双写的是美式拼写。例如:travel-travelled/traveled(美);部分以-p结尾的动词同样遵循第6条,这类词多由"前缀+名词"构成。例如:worship-worshipped/worshiped(美)、handicap-handicapped/handicaped(美)。注:英语26个字母中,除了a,e,i,o,u 这几个元音字母外,其他都是辅音字母。






deal不可以单独用,一般都要加主语。deal作为动词的意思是发牌。作为名词的意思是大量,很多。deal的例句:I am in a position to save you a good deal of time(我能够为你节省许多时间)。 扩展资料 deal的例句:The croupier dealt each player a card, face down(赌台管理员给每位玩家正面朝下发了一张牌);A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation(已经做了很多内部工作对这种情形进行补救)。


deal有名词和动词两种词性。great deal of...许多大量。deal with...处理,解决 做成现在进行时就是用动词:He is dealing with the matter.他正在处理那件事。满意请采纳

成交 英文是done还是deal



deal做动词的时候有如下意思: vt.[牌戏]分; 分配; 经营; 施予; vi.论述; (有效地或成功地)处理; 惩处; 交易; deal没有对待的意思,但treat 有,如下: treat vt.处理; 探讨; 对待; 请(客); vt.& vi.请客,款待; vi.论述; 探讨(与of连用); 交涉; 商议; 这句话的意思就是她对每个人都很好.


deal 解作[买卖]时,是可数[名词]Ihadtwosuccessfuldealslastweek. 上星期我成功地完成两宗交易.


deal 成交,好的你可以回答:约定一个时间见面,或者感谢别人let"s make it 时间。thanks望采纳


解决,deal with



Deal! 一言为定 (怎么这么解释呢?)

Deal!It"s a deal


造句就明白:We have made a deal. 就是deal 完成式


分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 问题描述: Deal的过去是````` 解析: pt. dealt pp. dealt Why didn"t you look it up in a dictionary?


deal用在口语里,往往指“好,就这样了”。另外,deal在口语里,还有“明白”的意思。deal作名词,意为“交易;政策;待遇;份量”;作动词,意为“处理;讨论;对待;做生意;分配”。1.It is a deal. 在口语中,它的意思是“就这么办;一言为定”。 例句:Let"s meet at the school gate at 8:30 am on Sunday morning. 让我们在星期天早上八点半在校门口见面吧! -It is a deal. 就这么定了。 2.big deal 在口语中,它的意思是“重要的事情”,它可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句中。 (1)常用于肯定句过疑问句中,意为“……挺重要的或者了不起的”。 例句:Mom,I think it"s a big deal for me. 妈妈,我认为这件事对我来说挺重要的。 (2)用于否定句中,意为“说话人并不认为某事有什么了不起”。 例句:If you want it you can get from the room, it is no big deal for me. 如果你想要它的话可以从房间拿走,对我来说,它没有什么了不起。 3.oh/yes, deal. 在口语中,它的意思是“哦/是,明白了”。 例句:You should finish your homework on time, ok?你们应该按时完成作业,明白了吗? -Yes, deal. 是的,明白了。


deal的ing形式:dealing,美 /u02c8diu02d0lu026au014b英 /u02c8diu02d0lu026au014b/,(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品(deal 的现在分词)。生意往来;(与某人的)关系;交易;待人之道。双语例句:His dealings with people make me feel comfortable.他和人打交道的方式让我感到自在。He was involved in the drug dealing.他与这桩贩毒案有牵连。There was a secret property dealing between them.他们之间有秘密的生意往来。




动词deal的固定搭配:deal in的意思是“经营”, deal with的意思是“处理”“应付”或“论述”“涉及”。 名词deal是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。a great〔good〕 deal (of)意思是“大量(的); 许多(的)”,句中可用作定语或状语。 扩展资料   deal的例句分享   Whose turn is it to deal? (用作动词)   这次轮到谁发牌?   We made a loss on the deal. (用作名词)   我们做那笔交易亏了。   They spent a great deal of money. (用作名词)   他们花了大量的钱。


deal在口语中的意思是:“好”、“就这样了”、“明白”。deal作名词,意为“交易;政策;待遇;份量”;作动词,意为“处理;讨论;对待;做生意;分配”。应对;(以某种方式)对付;打交道;论及;给予……打击”。口语是一个汉语词汇,拼音是kǒu yǔ,指口头言语;泛指言论或议论。DEAL是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“约定;一揽子交易;待遇;发牌;(某人的)发牌轮次;牌戏的一局;一手牌;松木;松木板”,作动词时意思是“发(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品。短语搭配:deal with处理;涉及;做生意;great deal大量;a great deal of大量;deal inv.经营;good deal划算,好交易;better deal更好的交易;big deal大宗交易;close a deal达成协议;seal a deal签订协议;strike a deal敲定协议。deal的双语例句:1、I only deal with schools.我们只和学校做买卖。2、How do you deal with it and what should I do with it?你是怎样处理这件事的?我又该怎么处理?3、What should we do to deal with this situation?我们应该做什么来应付这种情况呢?


口语deal是成交的意思。deal一词本身就是“交易,成交”的意思。表示“成交”的时候常说That"s a deal.更简略的说法就直接是deal了。How about exchanging your pen with my notebook?用我的笔记本换你的笔怎么样?deal的用法:1、deall的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”,或以适当的份数分给应给之人,有时只表示“给予”或“交给”。2、deall还可表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威性的处置,要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。3、deall用作不及物动词时,可表示“发牌”。4、在文学语言或古旧用法里,deall也可作“打击”解,常接双宾语。5、deall in的意思是“经营”,deall with的意思是“处理”“应付”或“论述”“涉及”。6、deall用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。7、deall也可表示“数量”,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a连用。a great deall意思是“大量(的);许多(的)”,在句中可用作定语或状语。


deal用作动词的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”;用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。 扩展资料   deal用作动词:   1.deal的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”,或以适当的份数分给应给之人,有时只表示“给予”或“交给”。   2.deal还可表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威性的处置,也可指与人或团体在大致平等的"基础上打交道。   3.deal主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。deal用作不及物动词时,可表示“发牌”。   Who dealt the cards? 是谁发的牌?   It"s your turn to deal the cards. 轮到你发牌了。   4.用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.   The mother dealt the children the food. 母亲把食物分给孩子们。   The teacher deals the students several papers. 老师发给学生几张纸。   deal用作名词:   1.deal用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。   2.deal也可表示“数量,程度”,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。a great〔good〕 deal (of)意思是“大量(的); 许多(的)”,在句中可用作定语或状语。   3.deal也可作“待遇”解,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。


deal的意思如下: 动词:发纸牌;买卖,交易;处理;给予打击。 名词:约定,协议,交易;发牌。 例句: 1、he shuffled and dealt。他洗牌并发牌。 2、the funds raised were dealt out to the needy。筹集到的资金发给了穷人。




deal用作动词的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”;用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。 一.deal用作动词 1.deal的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”,或以适当的份数分给应给之人,有时只表示“给予”或“交给”。 2.deal还可表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威性的处置,也可指与人或团体在大致平等的基础上打交道。 3.deal主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。deal用作不及物动词时,可表示“发牌”。 Who dealt the cards? 是谁发的牌? It"s your turn to deal the cards. 轮到你发牌了。 4.用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron. The mother dealt the children the food. 母亲把食物分给孩子们。 The teacher deals the students several papers. 老师发给学生几张纸。 二.deal用作名词 1.deal用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。 2.deal也可表示“数量,程度”,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。a great〔good〕 deal (of)意思是“大量(的); 许多(的)”,在句中可用作定语或状语。 3.deal也可作“待遇”解,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。


DEAL意思是“约定;一揽子交易;待遇;发牌;(某人的)发牌轮次;牌戏的一局;一手牌;松木;松木板”。作动词时意思是“发(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品;应对;(以某种方式)对付;打交道; 情景对话Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.我的一个学生告诉我她今天心情很坏。B:Why?怎么了?A:Her father is dying.她的爸爸快死了。deal的解释B:Oh, that"s very sad.哦,真令人难过。deal在线翻译A:Yeah, she"s broken up about it, poor kid.是呀,她无法承受这件事,真可怜。B:What did you do?你怎么做的?A:I talked to her for a while, but she"s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。B:That"s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He"s better trained to handle these sorts of things.这个办法不错。顾问是心理学家。对于处理这些事情他受过良好的培训。A:Yeah, that"s what I told her. I"m glad she"s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.是,我也是这样和她说的。我很高兴她可以求援而不是自己一个人承担了。B:Yeah, me too.是的,我也有同感。




单独说deal是成交的意思吗介绍如下:deal一词本身就是“交易”的意思。老外表示“成交”的时候常说That"s a deal, 更简略的说法就直接是deal了。deal的用法1.deall的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”,或以适当的份数分给应给之人,有时只表示“给予”或“交给”。2.deall还可表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威性的处置,要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。3.deall用作不及物动词时,可表示“发牌”。4.在文学语言或古旧用法里,deall也可作“打击”解,常接双宾语。5.deall in的意思是“经营”,deall with的意思是“处理”“应付”或“论述”“涉及”。6.deall用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。7.deall也可表示“数量,程度”,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。a great〔good〕deall(of)意思是“大量(的);许多(的)”,在句中可用作定语或状语。8.deall也可作“待遇”解,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。9.deall还可指纸牌游戏中的“发牌或坐庄”,是可数名词。10.a deall在含义上与a great〔good〕 deall相同,但前者仅限于口语中且不常用。例如:This is a deall better.这个好多了。We were a deall happier than them.我们比他们幸福多了。


deal是一个英语单词,作名词时意为大量;很多;协议;(尤指)交易;待遇;作动词时意为发牌;非法买卖毒品;贩毒。 积累单词是学好英语的第一步,毕竟“巧妇难为无米之炊”,单词就是基础。那么下面我就来和大家说说deal是什么意思。 详细内容 01 deal 英 [diu02d0l] 美 [diu02d0l] v.发牌;非法买卖毒品;贩毒 n.大量;很多;协议;(尤指)交易;待遇 第三人称单数: deals 复数: deals 现在分词: dealing 过去式: dealt 过去分词: dealt 02 词语搭配 better deal 更好的交易 big deal 大宗交易 close a deal 达成协议 seal a deal 签订协议 strike a deal 敲定协议 business deal 商务交易 peace deal 和平协议 deal drugs 贩毒 03 双语例句 I am in a position to save you a good deal of time. 我能够为你节省许多时间。 He had a deal of work to do. 他有许多工作要做。 Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports. 日本将不得不与美国就大米的进口达成一笔交易。 They deal in antiques 他们做古董买卖。 I certainly don"t deal drugs. 我当然不贩毒。 The people of Liverpool have had a bad deal for many, many years. 利物浦人多年来一直没有得到公正的待遇。 The croupier dealt each player a card, face down. 赌台管理员给每位玩家正面朝下发了一张牌。


deal 英[di:l] 美[dil] vt. [牌戏] 分; 分配; 经营; 施予; n. (一笔) 交易; 许多; 待遇; 发牌; vi. 交易; 论述; (有效地或成功地) 处理; 惩处; [例句]I am in a position to save you a good deal of time.我能够为你节省许多时间。[其他] 第三人称单数:deals 复数:deals 现在分词:dealing 过去式:dealt过去分词:dealt





deal 是什么意思

常用短语deal with sth. ,用……办法处理


deal [di:l] vt. 发牌;处理;给予;分配vi. 处理;做生意;对待;讨论n. 交易;份量;待遇;(美)政策make a deal with与…达成协议原句中的deal就是达成协议的意思 也就是“就这么说定了”的意思


"deal"是一个常见的英语单词,表示"处理"、"交易"、"分配"等含义。它的过去式为"dealt",过去分词形式也为"dealt"。下面将详细介绍"dealt"的发音、词性和用法。发音"dealt"的读音为/du025blt/(delt),其中:"d"发/d/音,与汉语中的"d"音相同;"e"发/u025b/音,与汉语中的"e"音相近;"al"发/lt/音,读音比较特殊,不同于汉语中的任何音。词性和用法"dealt"是"deal"的过去式和过去分词形式,在英语中常用于表示已经处理、分配或者交易过的事情。例如:"I have dealt with this problem before."(我之前已经处理过这个问题了。)"The cards were dealt to the players."(牌已经发给了玩家。)"He has dealt with many difficult situations in his career."(他在职业生涯中处理过很多困难情况。)此外,"deal"还有其他的词性和用法,如名词"deal"表示交易、协议等;动词"deal with"表示处理、应对等;动词短语"deal in"表示经营、从事等。例如:"The two companies made a good deal."(这两家公司达成了一笔好交易。)"She is good at dealing with difficult customers."(她擅长处理难缠的顾客。)"He deals in antique furniture."(他经营古董家具。)




  deal是可数名词。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。   众数,或称复数,在语言学中是词素的其中一种,常和单数相对,在没有双数概念的语言中用于标示多于一个的物件,在有双数概念的语言中则表示多于两个的名词数量。在另外某些语言当中,用于标示非一个物件,包括多于一个物件和没有。在许多的语言里,多数的名词都有众数,而另一部份的语言则缺乏,或通常不使用众数,如汉语、日语、越南语等。


led led leading dealt dealt dealing committed committed committing satisfied satisfied satisfying copied copied copying saled saled saling


deal过去式和过去分词都是dealt。DEAL是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“约定;一揽子交易;待遇;发牌;(某人的)发牌轮次;牌戏的一局;一手牌;松木;松木板”,作动词时意思是“发(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品;应对;(以某种方式)对付;打交道;论及;给予……打击”。双语例句:1、I only deal with schools.我们只和学校做买卖。2、How do you deal with it and what should I do with it?你是怎样处理这件事的?我又该怎么处理?3、What should we do to deal with this situation?我们应该做什么来应付这种情况呢?。
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