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prescription 处方,药方;处方上开的药medicine药pill药片

pill与medicine 的区别 麻烦各举例一下,最好注明用法!

pill是详细的药丸跟药片的意思 medicine泛指药和内服药的意思,也有医药学的意思


medicine1. 药,内服药Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine?那个病人为什么不肯服药?2. 医学;医术;内科学Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine.麻醉是医学上重大的创新。pill药丸,药片She had to take sleeping pills every night.她每天夜里都得服安眠药。区别在于medicine是广义上的医药、医学,药的总称,为不可数pill是指特定的药丸,药片,是包含在medicine概念中的,作可数另外,pill在美国口语中指(女用)口服避孕药


可数。 pill:n.药丸;药片;口服避孕药;讨厌的人;讨厌鬼; v.起球;结绒; 第三人称单数: pills复数: pills现在分词: pilling过去式: pilled过去分词: pilled medicine:n.医学;药;(尤指)药水; 复数: medicines 扩展资料   I took a pill to help settle my nerves.   我吃了一片药,好放松一下神经。   Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.   孩子们会把药片错当成糖果吃的。   Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.   大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。   Did you take your medicine?   你吃过药了吗?

medicine 药;医学 通常不可数,而pill 药片 可数 那为什么还有take the me



pilluff1b medicine; drug; remedyuff1bpoisonuff1banaesthetic


medicine是药,不可数名词,一般用take the medicine,而pill是药丸,可数名词


区别:1、medicine是广义上的医药、医学,药的总称,为不可数名词。pill是指特定的药丸,药片,是包含在medicine概念中的,作可数名词。2、pill在美国口语中指(女用)口服避孕药。3、pill主要指药片,而medicine则更多来指药水这一类型单词:medicine音标:英 [u02c8medsn] 美 [u02c8mu025bdu026asu026an]形近词: indicine单词:pill音标:英[pu026al] 美[pu026al]短语:abitterpill 不得不承受的苦事。sugar thepill 使苦事变得容易接受

一个国外教授说他是Roche的Translational Medicine Leader ,这是什么职位?


英语谚语:Patience is the best remedy (or medicine) 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Patience is the best remedy (or medicine) 中文意思: 忍耐是最好的药物。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It"s a poor mouse that has only on hole 鼠只有一洞,必先把命送。 It"s earier to run down the hill than go up 下山容易上山难。 It"s easy to fall into a trap but hard to get out again 堕入陷阱易,脱离陷阱难。 It"s hard sailing when there is no wind 没有风难航行。 It"s no sin to sell dear but a sin to give ill measure 高价卖不为过,短斤少两才有罪。 It"s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman 君子重德不重衣。 It"s no use pumping a dry well 徒劳无益。 It takes all sorts to make a world 万千事物,形成世界。 It takes two to make a quarrel 要有两个人才吵得起来。 I was born anAmerican; I live an American; I shall die an American 我生下来是美国人,活著是美国人,死时也是美国人。 英语谚语: Patience is the best remedy (or medicine) 中文意思: 忍耐是最好的药物。

medicine 和 remedy 的区别

药 medicine ; drug ; remedy ; pill medicine 药物;药剂 drug 药,药物,药剂 remedy 药物 pill 药丸, 口服避孕药

有没有专门刊登职业病文章的SCI杂志? 描述:Occupational and Environmental Medicine这个期刊怎么样?

Occupational and Environmental Medicine就是职业病方面和环境污染引起疾病的专业期刊,包括化学、物理、人体工程学、生物和社会心理等方面的工作场所危害和环境污染物对健康的影响,影响因子3分多。

耶鲁大学医学院(Yale school of medicine)如何?

耶鲁 那当然不错耶鲁是个人才辈出的地方你好样的

nature medicine什么水平

Nature Medicine是目前对四大传统临床医学杂志最大的威胁的学术期刊,是世界顶级医学期刊。相对四大刊物来说,Nature Medicine更偏重基础研究,每年发表文章约200篇,基本都被国外大牛占据。非常强调创新性,然而又对研究的完整性有着极高的要求,数据量要求极大,直接导致一些小实验室的科研成果很难在该刊发表。Nature Medicine应该是在Nature系列子刊中有限的几个可以与Nature正刊相匹敌的学术刊物。本人认为其刊发的基础医学研究文章水准已经达到NEJM、JAMA,以及Lancet水准,但涉及到临床方面,还是略有欠缺。当然这也有可能与办刊理念有关,或许Nature Medicine并不刻意追求更偏向临床研究也说不定。

lotion 和 liquid medicine 同样是药水的意思,它们有什么分别?

不同很大阿,lotion是擦在身体上的润肤霜,沐浴露等,而lquid medicine是生病时喝的液体药水

The Sundays的《Medicine》 歌词

歌曲名:Medicine歌手:The Sundays专辑:BlindPlies Ft Keri Hilson - Medicine (Prod. by Polow Da Don)Baby if you don"t feel good right nowAnd yo body hurting You right nowYou just need a shot of meI"m just like medicineShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineOne teaspoon of me is somethin like a pack of blowToo much of me too fast and you"ll overdoseTreat you like a new born baby i"ll feed ya slowI"m ya lil? Double stack pop me you"ll really rollNighttime daytime i can give it to ya bothAnytime you want it, i can give it to ya that"s fa shoKeep ya up all night i can be you nodozNeed ya prescription filled holla at me let me knowCall me or text me baby when you need some moI give you becky baby when ya body soreThis is exclusive you cant buy this in the storeShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineI can shoot you anywhere aint gotta put it in ya veinsWithin the first two seconds you will feel the changeOnly discomfort that you might feel is good painOne side affect of this medicine is butt gainA half a dose of me and i promise you wont be the sameAddiction to this medicine is common don t be ashamedAnd if you feel a lil woozy after this just hold my handAnd i can numb yo whole body just like novocainI can make you come back you can call me cocaineAnd if you take this first dose good imma up ya rangeOn yo prescription it will read plies nameThe rest of yo life you will not accept no lamesShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineCall me when you feel bad call me on ya sick dayAnd i"ll swing through and make sure ya fever go awayI can make you sweat it out, sweat on me its okDont worry bout ya hair getting messed up its okI"ll get it redone for you baby i"ll payAnd if its top notch and it feel good i"ll stayI drink straight "nac me no rosayYou want it say i need my medicine that"s all you gotta sayShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicine

the bottle of medicine 到底翻译成“药瓶”还是“瓶装药”?





"Medicine"可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,具体取决于上下文和用法。可数名词:当"medicine"指代具体的药物或药品时,可以作为可数名词。例如:I need to take two medicines for my cold.(我需要服用两种感冒药。)The doctor prescribed different medicines for each symptom.(医生针对每个症状开了不同的药物。)不可数名词:当"medicine"泛指医学、医疗保健或整体的治疗方法时,通常作为不可数名词。例如:She studied medicine at university.(她在大学学习医学。)Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history.(中医有着悠久的历史。)需要根据具体语境来确定是否使用可数或不可数形式的"medicine"。如果指代特定药物时,它可以是可数名词;如果泛指整个医学领域或治疗方法时,则通常作为不可数名词。除了作为名词,"medicine"还可以有其他扩展的意义和相关词组:医学(Medicine):表示医学领域,涵盖医疗保健、疾病治疗和预防等方面的知识和实践。药物(medication):指用于治疗、缓解或预防疾病的药品。药房(pharmacy):指出售处方药和非处方药的店铺或部门。医生(doctor):指经过专业培训并具备执业资格的医学专业人员。医院(hospital):指提供诊断、治疗和护理服务的医疗机构。看诊(consultation):指就医过程中与医生进行会诊,咨询或接受医学建议。处方(prescription):指由医生开具的药物使用说明,包括药品名称、剂量和用法等信息。药剂师(pharmacist):指在药房工作并负责配药和提供药物咨询等专业服务的人员。中医(traditional Chinese medicine):表示中国传统医学体系,包括中草药、针灸和其他传统治疗方法。救护车(ambulance):指专门用于紧急医疗救援和运送病人的车辆。这些是与"medicine"相关的一些常见词组和扩展意义。"medicine"作为一个广泛的领域,涵盖了医学、药物和医疗保健等方面的知识和实践。

以are medicines necessary for our health为题写一篇不少于120

Are medicines necessary for our health? Yes, I think so.When we are sick, if we are afraid of injections, can often through medication to defeat the disease, but it is just to make the drug is absorbed quickly. Many diseases can now be solved by drugs, including long-term medication and short-term medication. Tonic has great tonic on the body, such as ginseng can make blood sufficient. Medicines are really necessary for our health.


Medicine和Medication的区别:1.使用范围不同。medicine使用的范围比较广泛,包括各种药物,良方;medication仅限于医生开出的处方用药。2.词性不同。medication是可数名词;medicine 表示具体的某种药品(尤其是内服药),是可数名词,表示笼统的“药”时,是不可数名词。3.部分词义不同。medicine 还可以表示作为一门学问的医学,或是行医事业;medication则指药物。扩展资料:medication常用搭配:medication pneumonia药物性肺炎combine antituberculotic medication联合抗结核药物治疗conservative medication补养药疗法 sublingual medication舌下投药法hypodermic medication皮下给药法 ionic medication[医] 离子透药疗法preanesthetic medication麻醉前给药,麻醉前用 route of medication给药途径feed medication混饲给药 oral medication口服法sustained release medication口服缓溶(长效)药 rectal medication直肠投药法


Medicine和Medication的区别:1.使用范围不同。medicine使用的范围比较广泛,包括各种药物,良方;medication仅限于医生开出的处方用药。2.词性不同。medication是可数名词;medicine 表示具体的某种药品(尤其是内服药),是可数名词,表示笼统的“药”时,是不可数名词。3.部分词义不同。medicine 还可以表示作为一门学问的医学,或是行医事业;medication则指药物。扩展资料:medication常用搭配:medication pneumonia药物性肺炎combine antituberculotic medication联合抗结核药物治疗conservative medication补养药疗法 sublingual medication舌下投药法hypodermic medication皮下给药法 ionic medication[医] 离子透药疗法preanesthetic medication麻醉前给药,麻醉前用 route of medication给药途径feed medication混饲给药 oral medication口服法sustained release medication口服缓溶(长效)药 rectal medication直肠投药法


Medicine和Medication的区别:1.使用范围不同。medicine使用的范围比较广泛,包括各种药物,良方;medication仅限于医生开出的处方用药。2.词性不同。medication是可数名词;medicine 表示具体的某种药品(尤其是内服药),是可数名词,表示笼统的“药”时,是不可数名词。3.部分词义不同。medicine 还可以表示作为一门学问的医学,或是行医事业;medication则指药物。扩展资料:medication常用搭配:medication pneumonia药物性肺炎combine antituberculotic medication联合抗结核药物治疗conservative medication补养药疗法 sublingual medication舌下投药法hypodermic medication皮下给药法 ionic medication[医] 离子透药疗法preanesthetic medication麻醉前给药,麻醉前用 route of medication给药途径feed medication混饲给药 oral medication口服法sustained release medication口服缓溶(长效)药 rectal medication直肠投药法

have medicine可以表示用药吗


drug medicine medication有什么区别



In fact, we use "medicine" more frequently. For example, we always say "Have you take medicine?", not "have you take medication?". That is a simple instance. And if you want doctor to give you some pills, we also use "medicine" instead of "medication"Another aspect, in my opinion, "medication" is just a derivative word that we don`t use in life. When you find something professional, you can have a try.I hope it is helpful to you

medicine和 medication有什么区别呀

medicine n. 药, 医学, 内科学, 内服药 vt. 给...用药 medication n. 药物治疗, 药物处理, 药物

medications 和medicine的区别


Medicine和Medication的区别:1.使用范围不同。medicine使用的范围比较广泛,包括各种药物,良方;medication仅限于医生开出的处方用药。2.词性不同。medication是可数名词;medicine 表示具体的某种药品(尤其是内服药),是可数名词,表示笼统的“药”时,是不可数名词。3.部分词义不同。medicine 还可以表示作为一门学问的医学,或是行医事业;medication则指药物。扩展资料:medication常用搭配:medication pneumonia药物性肺炎combine antituberculotic medication联合抗结核药物治疗conservative medication补养药疗法 sublingual medication舌下投药法hypodermic medication皮下给药法 ionic medication[医] 离子透药疗法preanesthetic medication麻醉前给药,麻醉前用 route of medication给药途径feed medication混饲给药 oral medication口服法sustained release medication口服缓溶(长效)药 rectal medication直肠投药法

Master of Medicine是什么意思

Master of Medicine[医]医学硕士; 例句:1.Master of medicine ( diagnostic radiology), national university of singapore. 新加坡国立大学诊断放射学医学硕士。望采纳,谢谢



澳洲本科,读medicine 和 meidical science 什么区别啊





problem ["pru0252blu0259m]medicine ["meds(u0259)n;problem的e和medicine的发音不同

Ravenous Medicine 歌词

歌曲名:Ravenous Medicine歌手:Voivod专辑:Killing TechnologyAnother emergency truck keeps rolling fastTwo lane highway and they run on the wrong trackYou still don"t know that you"re never going backYou"re going to the science hospitalYou guess that your body is still aliveThey estimate you"re in pretty good healthVoivodGood shape for some of our sadistic testsDoctor said you must stay in bedSurgical scourge on youSurgical scourge on youElectric shock through youElectric shock through youFeel the scalpel they cut you withGoing into the experimental roomHow much radiation can your body stand?You did very well, you"ll feel better soonWake up in another departmentYou see the nurse with blood on her clothesThey got another experience for todayMaybe the worst of themDiagnosing the pain, the ravenous medicineDiscovering the cure, the ravenous medicineDied through illness, the ravenous medicineDon"t care how many organs you gaveInjecting the drugs"Till you become the slaveTurn off the machine that keeps your heart beatingThey"re gonna do it to you !!

The medicine has side effect。这句话对不对,为什么?谢谢!


If _____ without following the doctor’s instructions, the medicine may have serious side effect..

A 试题分析:考查状语从句的省略:句意:如果没有按照医生的说明吃药,它可能会有严重的副作用。这句话的原句是if the medicine is taken without following the doctor"s instructions,…..,如果主从句的主语一致,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词,选A。

____according to the instructions,the medicine has no side effects




the great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that...

putupwith 这是个词组,有“忍受容忍”的意思这句话暂时简化为“thegreatadvantageiswhat”,oftakingmedicine在这相当于是修饰advantage的;what=thatitmakesnodemandsonthetaker再看看别人怎么说的。

Jay-Jay Johanson的《Medicine》 歌词

歌曲名:Medicine歌手:Jay-Jay Johanson专辑:Self-Portrait「Medicine」作词∶leonn作曲∶Tomomi Narimoto歌∶V6どうして仆达は 出逢えたのかな言叶に出来ずに その手を握ったねえ どんな时もこの温もり感じていたい ずっともう离しはしないよほら You"re medicine 笑颜だけですべてが そう辉くmy life君が隣にいるだけで平凡な未来さえ爱おしいYou"re my holy loveどうしてこんなにも 顽张れるのかなちょっと前の仆じゃ 考えられないねえ あの顷よりほんの少し强くなったよ きっともう一人じゃないからほら You"re medicine 触れるだけで高鸣る胸 无邪気なsweet heart君が隣にいるだけで何だって出来る気がしているよYou"re my holy loveねえ 偶然とか运命とか形のないモノでも今は信じられるよほら You"re medicine 笑颜だけですべてが そう辉くmy life君が隣にいるだけで平凡な未来さえ爱おしいYou"re my holy…You"re medicine 触れるだけで高鸣る胸 无邪気なsweet heart君が隣にいるだけで何だって出来る気がしているよYou"re my holy love【 おわり 】




Medicine 和 drug都是药,不过drug也可以是毒品或滥用的药。用medicine就好了。


Medication = Medicine,用法一样. Medication = 需要医生授权开的(prescription),不可自行购买. Medicine = 可以自己购买. Pill =一般来说小感冒,小病情可以说 "I"ll just take(have) some pills" Drug = 一般用于药品的总称,比如ABC药,this type of drug(指ABC的药).详情可参考FDA. Tablet = 一般形容药物的(数量),比如 2 tablets of XXX,5 tablets of YYY








Medication = Medicine,用法一样. Medication = 需要医生授权开的(prescription),不可自行购买. Medicine = 可以自己购买. Pill =一般来说小感冒,小病情可以说 "I"ll just take(have) some pills" Drug = 一般用于药品的总称,比如ABC药,this type of drug(指ABC的药).详情可参考FDA. Tablet = 一般形容药物的(数量),比如 2 tablets of XXX,5 tablets of YYY



The study and practiae of medicine can only benefit from the insightis into human behavior provided

你好。翻译如下:医学的研究和实践只能从对已知的人类行为进行研究方面获得收益。语法讲解:provided==given/ known解释为----所提供的,已知道的。human behaviour provided:已经知道的人类的行为举动。insights into:对 - - -- 研究、理解。

申请美国的phd专业问题:Biological Sciences 和 biomedicine 和 medical science 有什么区别



medicine [英] [ˈmɛds(ə)n][美] [ˈmɛdəsən]n.医学; 内科学; 药; 药物; 咒语; 魔法; 神物; 药品[例句]Is research into breast cancer to remain the Cinderella of medicine?对乳腺癌的研究仍然会是医学的疏漏吗?[变形]复数:medicines

the medicine is efficient还是effective

1.the medicine is efficaciousefficacious强调效验,意为“灵验的”,不用于人,多表示药物和治疗的效果例如The medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough. Then we can devise an efficacious prescription and submit it to the discretion of His Lordship."再将这些日子的病势讲一讲,大家斟酌一个方儿,可用不可用,那时大爷再定夺."2.effective强调效用,意为“有效的”,可用于人或事物。efficient强调功效,意为“有成效的,效率高的”,可用于人或事,指人表示“能干的”,指方法、机器表示“收效大的”。effective意思是有效的,强调一个事情的结果,表示结果很好;efficient意思是有效率的,强调一个事情的过程,表示过程很快。 祝你取得好成绩!

stryker sports medicine5900optical court,san jose,ca 95138 是什么意思

stryker sports medicine5900optical court,san jose,ca 95138 Stryker体育medicine5900optical法院,San若泽,CA 95138重点词汇释义stryker斯特赖克sports有关运动的; 运动( sport的名词复数 ); 运动会; 突变; 娱乐court宫廷; 法院,法庭; 院子,天井; 网球场; 招致; 设法获得; 向…献殷勤; 追求; 求爱,求婚; 寻求san jose圣何塞

Experimental & Molecular Medicine decision made要多久


intensive care medicine experimental何时有影响因子


Medicine 这个杂志影响因子多少

Rank Title Impact Factor 1 NEW ENGL J MED 54.42 2 LANCET 39.207 3 JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 30.387 4 BMJ-BRIT MED J 16.378 5 ANN INTERN MED 16.104 6 PLOS MED 14 7 ARCH INTERN MED 13.246 8 J CACHEXIA SARCOPENI 7.413 9 BMC MED 7.276 10 COCHRANE DB SYST REV 5.939 11 MAYO CLIN PROC 5.812 12 CAN MED ASSOC J 5.808 13 J INTERN MED 5.785 14 AM J MED 5.302 15 MEDICINE 4.867 16 ANN MED 4.733 17 ANN FAM MED 4.57 18 AM J PREV MED 4.281 19 TRANSL RES 4.044 20 BRIT MED BULL 3.953 21 MED J AUSTRALIA 3.789 22 DTSCH ARZTEBL INT 3.608 23 J GEN INTERN MED 3.423 24 CLEV CLIN J MED 3.37 25 PREV MED 2.932 26 PALLIATIVE MED 2.845 27 EUR J CLIN INVEST 2.834 28 MED CLIN N AM 2.804 29 J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG 2.737 30 AM J CHINESE MED 2.625 31 INT J CLIN PRACT 2.538 32 AMYLOID 2.51 33 QJM-INT J MED 2.461 34 INTERN EMERG MED 2.41 35 CURR MED RES OPIN 2.372 36 BRIT J GEN PRACT 2.356 37 EUR J INTERN MED 2.3 38 PANMINERVA MED 2.276 39 PAIN MED 2.243 40 NETH J MED 2.211 41 AM J MANAG CARE 2.166 42 J HOSP MED 2.081 43 BMJ OPEN 2.063 44 POL ARCH MED WEWN 2.052 45 J ROY SOC MED 2.019 46 J URBAN HEALTH 1.943 47 J WOMENS HEALTH 1.896 48 ARCH MED SCI 1.89 49 SWISS MED WKLY 1.877 50 J AM BOARD FAM MED 1.848 51 FAM PRACT 1.842 52 AM FAM PHYSICIAN 1.818 53 BMC FAM PRACT 1.735 54 SAMJ S AFR MED J 1.712 55 UPSALA J MED SCI 1.708 56 INTERN MED J 1.699 57 J FORMOS MED ASSOC 1.695 58 CLIN MED 1.685 59 INDIAN J MED RES 1.661 60 SCAND J PRIM HEALTH 1.61 61 CHRONIC DIS CAN 1.6 62 J EVAL CLIN PRACT 1.58 63 MT SINAI J MED 1.563 64 GENDER MED 1.554 65 INT J MED SCI 1.552 66 POSTGRAD MED J 1.549 67 POSTGRAD MED 1.537 68 J TRAVEL MED 1.525 69 AM J MED SCI 1.515 70 J INVEST MED 1.503 71 PATIENT PREFER ADHER 1.491 72 CLINICS 1.422 73 CAN FAM PHYSICIAN 1.403 74 CROAT MED J 1.373 75 LIBYAN J MED 1.333 76 REV MED INTERNE 1.323 77 REV CLIN ESP 1.314 78 TOHOKU J EXP MED 1.283 79 YONSEI MED J 1.263 80 J KOREAN MED SCI 1.253 81 MED CLIN-BARCELONA 1.252 82 ANN ACAD MED SINGAP 1.221 83 MINERVA MED 1.202 84 PRESSE MED 1.173 85 SOUTH MED J 1.116 86 MED PRIN PRACT 1.113 87 ARCH IRAN MED 1.108 88 CHINESE MED J-PEKING 1.016 89 DAN MED BULL 1.009 90 J POSTGRAD MED 0.972 91 INTERNAL MED 0.967 92 REV ASSOC MED BRAS 0.915 93 ISR MED ASSOC J 0.903 94 ATEN PRIM 0.894 95 MED PROBL PERFORM AR 0.893 96 J CHIN MED ASSOC 0.889 97 FAM MED 0.851 98 TURK J MED SCI 0.841 99 PRIMARY CARE 0.833 100 J ROY ARMY MED CORPS 0.811 101 EUR J GEN PRACT 0.81 102 WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 0.791 103 AVIAT SPACE ENVIR MD 0.782 104 J FAM PRACTICE 0.735 105 INT J OSTEOPATH MED 0.727 106 ANN SAUDI MED 0.705 107 SAO PAULO MED J 0.703 108 AUST FAM PHYSICIAN 0.668 109 AFR HEALTH SCI 0.662 110 SINGAP MED J 0.634 111 DAN MED J 0.612 112 J RES MED SCI 0.608 113 J NIPPON MED SCH 0.588 114 IRISH J MED SCI 0.573 115 SAUDI MED J 0.554 116 DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR 0.55 117 SCOT MED J 0.543 118 DM-DIS MON 0.535 119 MED LITH 0.508 120 IRAN RED CRESCENT ME 0.504 121 BRATISL MED J 0.446 122 ACTA CLIN CROAT 0.421 123 MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRE 0.421 124 MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED 0.418 125 NIGER J CLIN PRACT 0.414 126 J PAK MED ASSOC 0.403 127 AUST PRESCR 0.381 128 REV MED CHILE 0.373 129 BRIT J HOSP MED 0.366 130 HIPPOKRATIA 0.355 131 JCPSP-J COLL PHYSICI 0.318 132 ACTA MEDICA PORT 0.281 133 W INDIAN MED J 0.28 134 INTERNIST 0.271 135 MED KLIN 0.269 136 VOJNOSANIT PREGL 0.269 137 B ACAD NAT MED PARIS 0.216 138 CENT EUR J MED 0.209 139 LAEKNABLADID 0.207 140 GAC MED MEX 0.191 141 TERAPEVT ARKH 0.188 142 J NEPAL MED ASSOC 0.174 143 BALK MED J 0.169 144 SRP ARK CELOK LEK 0.169 145 MED SPORT 0.125 146 KUWAIT MED J 0.098 147 PAK J MED SCI 0.098 148 NOBEL MED 0.091 149 COLOMB MEDICA 0.077 150 JAMA INTERN MED 0再补充一个 Medicine影响因子 IF:4.867

Chinese herbal medicine是什么意思


take some medicine的中文


1, You can try some Chinese medicine if you _____

have a cold 患感冒asked to take two days 请两天假

journal of traditional chinese medicine是国内期刊吗

现用刊名:Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine(SCI,CSCD,1分左右,墨迹的很)曾用刊名:中医杂志(英文版)主办单位:中华医学会;中国中医科学院语言种类:中文国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-6272国内统一刊号:CN 11-2167/R创刊时间:1981地址:北京市东直门内南小街16号邮政编码:100700


药的英语medicine介绍:medicine,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“药;医学;内科;巫术”,作动词时意为“用药物治疗;给…用药”。短语搭配:preventive medicine [医] 预防医学 ; 保健科 ; 预防医学期刊。Chinese medicine 中医学 ; 中医 ; 中药 ; 中医药。Molecular Medicine 分子药学 ; 内科学 ; 分子生物科技。regenerative medicine 再生医学 ; 再生医疗 ; 再生医药。Tropical medicine [医] 热带医学 ; 热带病学 ; 热带医学专业。herbal medicine 草药 ; 中药 ; 草药医学。Precision Medicine 精准医疗 ; 精准医学 ; 精密医疗 ; 精确医学。Occupational Medicine 职业病科 ; 职业医学 ; 职业医学杂志。PloS Medicine 公共科学图书馆·医学 ; PLoS医学 ; 公共科学藏书楼·医学 ; 公共迷信图书馆·医学。双语例句:1.Customer:Do you have this medicine?顾客:你们药店有这种药吗?2.Not only in medicine.不仅在医疗业。

Today people make much Chinese medicine_______those plants. C.from D.on


traditional chinese medicine翻译


traditional chinese medicine什么意思

traditional chinese medicine【中药】traditional 常用词汇 英 [tru0259"du026au0283u0259nl]     美 [tru0259"du026au0283u0259nl]    adj. 传统的


Chinese Medicine期刊ISSN 1749-8546 2013-2014最新影响因子 2.343 期刊官方网站 是sci的。

chinese medicine 中的chinese 是否需要大写

求此文的英文翻译 中医(Chinese medicine)是世界医学的遗产。中医有

Chinese medicine is a legacy of world medicine. Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine treatment method. Because of the effect of Chinese medicine and treatment, Chinese medicine is more and more popular now in the world. Chinese medicine originated in ancient and developed for a long time, it has collected various ways to treat different diseases. Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance of the body system. it reads, once the body system balance, the disease will disappear. The damage of the body system is the source of the disease.

Chinese medicine 用中文怎么说


Chinese medicine是什么意思

Chinese medicine中医药中国医药中药词典结果:Chinese medicine[英][tu0283au026au02c8ni:z u02c8medisin][美][tu0283au026au02c8niz u02c8mu025bdu026asu026an]汉医;中医;中药;中国医药

traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别

区别是traditional medicine指的是中医,传统医学。conventional medicine指的是常规医学。例句辨析:traditional medicine1、Chinese traditional medicine fumigation; 系统性;中药熏蒸;2、I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicine. 我建议你服用中药。3、Ate Chinese traditional medicine what to inedible there is? 吃了中药有什么不能吃的?4、Chinese traditional medicine is the quintessence of China, gaining a great influence and popularity around the world. 中医是我国国粹,在国际上有着重大影响,深受中国人民和世界人民的热爱和欢迎。conventional medicine1、Silver has several uses in conventional medicine. 在常规医学中银有多种用途。2、There is no denying that the human body needs outside help by conventionalmedicine to help it heal at times. 不可否认,人类的身体有时需要外界的帮助,需要借助常规的药物来帮助康复。3、Combined treatment of RA with Chinese moxibustion and conventional medicine,have distinct immune regulating functions to CRP and IgG3. 艾灸加药物治疗类风湿性关节炎,对免疫球蛋白IgG和C-反应蛋白具有良好的调整作用。4、Methods 13 severe hepatitis patients with hepatorenal syndrome were treated withplasma exchange and hemofiltration compared to 13 with conventional medicinetherapy. 方法应用血浆置换加持续血液滤过治疗13例重型肝炎合并肝肾综合征患者并与单纯药物治疗进行比较。



traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别啊?

这个要看你的理解了,中医叫traditional Chinese medicine,而“传统医学”(traditional medicine)在许多发达国家却表示常规医学(conventional medicine)或对抗医学(allopathic medicine),即中国所谓之西医学.



medical center还是medicine Centre?

medical center医疗中心There is a medical center in our city.

医学院 应翻译为Medical Institute还是medicine Institute?

Medical Institute should be the best!answer man: medicine120complease accept it com!




你好,尊的知友: 首先,medicine是药,medical是医。列如:医疗中心就是a medical center,给她一些药就是give her some medicine希望我的回答能帮助你


medicinen. 医学; 药物; 有功效的东西,良药medicaladj. 医学的; 医药的; 医疗的; 内科的n. 体格检查

medicine可数吗 medicine可不可数

1、medicine是不可数的,但是medicine作“各种各样的药”解时可用作可数名词,可以有复数形式。 2、preventive medicine 预防医学;veterinary medicine 兽医;nuclear medicine 核医学;sports medicine 运动医学;take the medicine 吃药。
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