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描述形容某人某事..英文怎么说? 秒懂describe as 中文意思跟用法!

描述形容某人某事…英文 怎么说?当你想要描述某人是什么样的人,或是某件事情大概是怎样的一件事情,你就可以使用describe as这个英文片语。describe本身是「描述」的意思,而describe as就是描述某人某事是….怎样的意思。 下面整理了「describe as」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.describe as 描述、形容某人某事… describe as的意思是指「to say that something is a certain kind of thing or that someone is a certain type of person」,也就是指出某人或某事是怎样的人或事。 下面列出describe as 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Would you describe your music as rock or classic? 您会把你的音乐描述为摇滚还是古典? 例: I"d describe Jenny as a fairly typical middle-aged woman. 我将詹妮描述为一位相当典型的中年女性。 例: I would describe her as handsome rather than beautiful. 我会形容她是英俊而不是美丽。 describe, describe as, describe as 中文, describe as 意思, describe 中文, describe 意思, 形容 英文, 形容某事 英文, 形容某人 英文, 描述 英文, 描述某事 英文, 描述某人 英文

用英文描述一个笔记本 describe textbook

Notebook computers, also known as hand-held computer or laptop is a small, portable personal computer, usually 1-3 kg of weight. The current trend is that size is getting smaller and smaller, more and more light weight, and is all the more powerful features. In order to reduce the size of the notebook computers generally have a liquid crystal display (LCD also known as LCD). In addition to the keyboard, with some touchpad (touchpad) or touch points (pointing stick) as a positioning device (Pointing device). Now on the point of view, from a notebook computer use in general can be divided into 4 categories: business-type fashion, and multimedia applications, special purpose. Business-notebook computer features can be summed up as the general movement is strong, (battery) life for a long time;-look-specific fashion are also suitable for business use of the laptop-style; multimedia applications based notebook computer is a powerful combination of graphics and multimedia processing power And both a certain degree of mobility of the complex, multi-media market common notebook computer has a separate more advanced graphics, larger screen, and other characteristics; special purpose notebook computer professionals in the service, you can heat Cold, depression, war, and other adverse circumstances the use of models, more than heavy.

sociology is the term used to describe是什么从句?


France might be described as an "all-round" count

totally machine translation.Full of mistakes.

describe;description;stormy 这几个英语怎么读?

英 [du026au02c8skrau026ab]v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;画出…图形;形成…形状英 [du026au02c8skru026apu0283n]n.描写(文字);形容;说明;类型英 [u02c8stu0254u02d0mi]adj.有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的;群情激愤的;激烈争吵的


"Describe" 这个单词读作 /du026au02c8skrau026ab/,其中 "di-" 的发音与 "dee" 相似,"scribe" 的发音与 "skrau026ab" 相似。"Describe" 是一个动词,表示通过言辞或文字来描绘、叙述或解释某事物的特征、外观、性质或状态。首先,"describe" 可以用于描述物体的特征、外貌或形状。例如,我们可以用 "The flower has bright red petals."(这朵花有鲜艳的红色花瓣)来描述一朵花的外貌特征。我们也可以用 "The table is round and made of wood."(这张桌子是圆形的,由木头制成)来描述一张桌子的形状和材料。其次,"describe" 还可以用于描述事件、情况或经历。例如,我们可以用 "She described her trip to Paris as unforgettable."(她形容她去巴黎的旅行是难以忘怀的)来描述一个人的旅行经历。我们也可以用 "The witness described the accident in detail."(目击者详细地描述了事故的情况)来描述一个事故的发生过程。


"describe" 是一个动词,表示通过言语或文字描述某事物的外貌、特征、性质、状态等。它可以用于描绘人、物、地点、事件或概念等。以下是 "describe" 的具体含义:1.描述外貌或特征:She described her new car as sleek and luxurious.(她形容她的新车时说它时尚而豪华。)The witness described the suspect"s appearance to the police.(目击者向警方描述了嫌疑人的外貌。)2.描绘性质或特性:The book describes the cultural traditions of the indigenous tribe.(这本书描述了土著部落的文化传统。)The report describes the economic impact of the pandemic.(报告描述了疫情对经济的影响。)3.叙述或讲述事件:She described her travel adventures in vivid detail.(她详细地叙述了她的旅行冒险经历。)He described the accident to the insurance company.(他向保险公司叙述了事故经过。)通过 "describe" 这个动词,我们可以使用详细的语言来传达事物的特征、性质和经历,让听众或读者能够形象地了解被描述的对象。

How did the article in The New York Times Magazine describe Chinese language and culture?

How did the article in The New York Times Magazine describe Chinese language and culture? A.DirectB.IndirectC.PoliteD.Impolite正确答案:Indirect;Polite



求:剑七 Test3 雅思口语Part2 a competition 解析 题目: Describe a competition (e.g. TV, colle

1.题型分类:事件题2.参考内容Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part inType of competition: talent/skill/strengthBefore the competition: preparationDuring the competition: feelings/performanceAfter the competition: award/prize3.可用句型:Municipal/provincial/national/internationalOnline/Bulletin board/advertisement/handoutContestant/candidate/judge/hostThe rule of the competition is simple…All contestants are asked to…I received more than just an award.I learnt a lot through the game.

题目《describe a chinese festival》的作文

Describe a festival from your country  I have been asked to talk about a popular festival, so I"d like to tell you all about Spring Festival. The festival is basically a celebration of the new year and a farewell to the old year. According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year should start sometime in early February or late January. It is celebrated just to usher in a new year and to get rid of the demons from the older generation. I don"t know the history of the New Year Festival that well. I only know that it is a festival that has basically been celebrated in a very similar way for hundreds of years, and that it mixes a bit of religion, superstition and festivity of the new season. I do know that it used to be celebrated a lot in the streets with a big parade and two dragons chasing a ball. We still do that now, but not as much; mostly you will find that at the Miao Hui carnivals.  People celebrate it by decorating their house with various emblems and also by getting together, having a big dinner, and giving hongbao, which actually means "red packets" . You see, in our Spring Festival we don"t give presents. Instead, a married couple will give a single relative or friend a red packet with money in it. As for the dinner, it can vary-there"s no dinner that we have to eat. In the west, I know you usually eat turkey. But in Beijing most people eat dumplings, and part of the fun is just sitting around and making them. Together with all our family members, we often sit around and gamble by playing cards or Mahjong, which is a very famous type of game with chips, played a bit like Bridge, but of course much different. On the second day, we often go around and visit friends. Another way people celebrate Spring Festival is by dressing up in new clothes, and we often go out and attend what we call Miao Hui, which are simply outdoor carnivals, which basically sell a lot of things, and they hold a few events like Chinese opera.  I think that the reason Spring Festival is so popular is because a lot of our economy is planned around it. I mean even though we do think of January as the beginning of the year officially, many think of Spring Festival as the real beginning of the financial year. Also, because the holiday stretches for 15 days, it gives many people a chance to reunite with their family for the longest period of the year. In that sense you could say that it is like Christmas in the west



Describe your dream house. 请用英语描述你梦想中的房子 .

My Dream HouseI"m now living in a small house with my parents.Life for us is hard but happy.I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day.I call it a dream house.It has three floors wi...

can you describe the nest_ me. to 还是for

回答和翻译如下:Can you describe the next to me?你能够描述我旁边的这个人吗?


it is just like what you described. 就跟你描述的一样. like在这是介词,后边跟名词.同时what就是描述的内容.

be described with后接什么


…who has what he described…中what的语法作用

what 做describe这个动词的宾语。句子的类型包括:主+谓;主+谓+宾等等及物动词后面一定要接宾语,记住,从句也是句子,成分也必须完整,这里相当于who has 后面加了一个宾语从句,从句的主语是he, 谓语是described, 又因为describe是及物动词,后面要加sth做宾语,没有sth,所以用what代替,这里what相当于连接词,故放到主语he前面。举个同类型的句子:I couldn"t understand what you said just now.希望能帮到你~ 望采纳哟! 精~~~~~~锐

describe sb. doing这样用可不可以


well described是什么意思


翻译这个句子,请问describe……as……不应该是两者都是名词吗?为什么as后面接的是driven by 这个动词

这里的 as driven是作宾补的,as 后面可以是过去分词。本句意思:修昔底德将国际政治描述为一场根植于人类本性的被无休止的权力斗争所推动。

describe in 与 describe as的区别 急啊

describe in 用什么来描述 比如:Describe the accident in English. 用英语描述一下事故.describe as 被描述成. The man was described as smart and deligent. 这个男子被描述...

A) described B) describing C) showed D) showing




i described something I love 什么句型?

您好,这句话是含有定语从句的复合句。其中I love是定语从句修饰先行词something。


It"s hard to describe how beautiful the scnery and it"s also hard to put how that story happened into words.为了避免重复,后面的句子,换成了put ...into words.Describe what difficult situation they faced and how they solved the problem.


在英语中,动词"describe"是一个及物动词,需要接受一个宾语来完整表达其意思。通常情况下,我们可以直接将宾语放在动词后面,例如:"He describes the painting."然而,在某些情况下,我们会使用介词"to"来引导一个不定式短语作为宾语补语,来进一步说明或描述被动作为宾语的人或事物。这种结构常用于描述人的特征、性格、职业等。例如:- He described her to be a talented musician.(他形容她是一个有才华的音乐家。)- They described the city to be vibrant and lively.(他们形容这个城市充满活力和热闹。)在这些句子中,使用不定式短语作为宾语补语,进一步描述了被描述的人或事物的特点。需要注意的是,并非所有的动词都需要借助"to"来引导不定式短语,只有在特定的语境和需要进一步描述的情况下,才会使用这种结构。




escribe 英[dɪˈskraɪb] 美[dɪˈskraɪb] vt. 叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等) 周转; [例句]We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么。[其他] 第三人称单数:describes 现在分词:describing 过去式:described过去分词:described



分析一下句子结构,describe by怎么翻译比较合适?

first described by后面的都在修饰tourist-phobia,翻译的话可以理解为tourist-phobia在十年前由MD这个人最先定义为对旅客的拒绝,不信任与蔑视

be described as是什么意思


described as做状语

主句的主语为it,所以在看伴随状语的时候要注意主语和状语中动词的主被动关系. 这里it被describe,所以用过去分词表被动

Describe your personality

I think I am helpful because I always help others such as picking up litter on the floor helping teachers to carry heavy books e Sometimes I don"t even know who he/she is. I think I quite polite too as I always greet people when I see them and I would not speak foul language even when I was really cross at that moment. In conclusion I think I have got a great personality. helllo my name is Annie. i can make many new friends since(because) i am talkative.i always talk with my friends.i like doing sport too.i play basketball with my father on every sunday. i also like running. it is good for my helth. (sorry i can"t use 70 words to describe my personality i only use 40 words) i am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!! 参考: myself

describe the basis on which a hypothesis was advanced 这句话应该怎么翻译?


Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process.

【答案】:The decision-making process consists of eight steps: (1) identify problem; (2) identify decision criteria; (3) weight the crater; (4) develop attributive; (5) analyze affirmatives; (6) select alternative; (7) implement alternative; and (8) evaluate decision effectiveness.

Describe what leadership means to you. What qualities do you have that make you a leader?

Leadership needs the ability of doing job by himself!

If you asked me to describe the rising philosophy

你肯定听说过“形式主语”,对吧?那你听说过“形式宾语”吗?它与与前者相同,只不过代替的是宾语而非主语。此句中carry with it的it即为形式宾语,而certain……measured是真正宾语。懂了?

求大神帮忙好人一生平安Describe a major challenge you have faced in your life and how you overcame

For two years, I had been a student at Campbell High School. I was one of the illustrious IB breed. We were a strange bunch, making jokes about parabolas and speaking foreign languages to each other in the hallways. I had fallen in love with the program–the passionate teachers, the supportive network of students–but during my sophomore year, I realized the toll the program was taking on my parents. The school was forty-five minutes away, making extracurriculars difficult to impossible. The students were so spread out that getting together for a project was as hard as the project itself. The greatest problem though, was that I needed to help my parents pay for my college education. I transferred to my home school, Sprayberry, and found a job at a daycare.A few weeks before school started, I went in for a meeting with my new counselor. As I walked through the door she said, “Congratulations, you"re a senior!” Perplexed, I managed to utter a confused “What?” I was going into my junior year. Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. That was the order, right? The counselor began to speak and I listened intently. She told me she had looked at my transcript and that I needed only four more credits to graduate. At first, my thoughts were those of celebration but soon I became apprehensive. Was I ready for this? After weighing the pros and cons I eventually decided to follow through. I would graduate in the spring of 2013. The decision led me to take a load of challenging AP courses and study intensely for the SAT. I had taken AP classes before but they seemed all-new at Sprayberry. My US History class in particular gave me trouble. After each quiz, the teacher would post a list announcing who had earned the top three grades. When I checked it after the first quiz and didn"t see my name, I was crushed. Anxious to claim my spot at the top, I started creating outlines and defining important terms for each chapter. I put in my best work and it showed on the next quiz; I made it to second place. I"d met my original goal but now I had caught a fever. I made flashcards to study on my phone and in any spare moment I could find–on the bus, in the car–I would pull them up and go over them. We took the next quiz and a few days later the list was posted–first place. Since then, I"ve come in first every time.With college deadlines bumped up a full year, I hurried to study for the SAT. I spent at least an hour a day on practice tests and as the test date got nearer and nearer, I began to dedicate three, even four or five hours a day to studying. I kept myself motivated by organizing study groups with friends. We took practice tests together, compared our scores, and rewarded ourselves with frozen yogurt for especially good results. The support, competition, and set scheduling of our weekly study sessions helped me tremendously. When I got my test scores back, they had risen 300 points from my first diagnostic test.A new school presented a new set of difficulties. My sudden transition from junior to senior status came with serious challenges, demanding coursework and a looming standardized test, but I refused to accept anything less than first place. After an initial struggle, I pushed myself to overcome the obstacles I faced, putting my best foot forward and facing my problems head on.根据自身水平和即使情况修改内容,希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】

求 托福红Delta Test1口语部分Question 4思路解析 Question: Describe Pavlov’s experiments with

1、题目关键词:describe, explain 2、答题要领: (1)describe the experiment. (2)explain how the experiments contributed to the psychology of behaviorism. 3、阅读材料要点: (1)Human traits of personality and character are the result of behavior patterns developed through environmental conditioning rather than determination inside a person. (2)It is possible to determine the laws of behavior and to exercise control over behavior. 4、听力材料要点: (1)When the bell is rang each time a dog is fed, the dog starts to associate the sound of the bell with food. As a result, whenever the bell rings, the dog expects food. (2)The dog"s response to the bell is a conditioned reflex. The dog"s bodily response is a behavior caused by environmental stimuli. 5、模板: (1)In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture on this topic. (2)The reading material mainly introduces ... (3)In the listening material, the professor gives the example of ...

帮忙写篇英语短文,内容是:Describe one of kind animal

给你2篇吧,都是写猫咪的,中英对照 :)My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.我的猫 我有一只猫,名叫咪咪。它的毛像雪一样白,我经常和它一起玩。它使我很开心,我也把它当小朋友一样对待。每天早上,我去上学之前都会跟它说再见,它也人向我晃晃前爪。它给我带来了很多快乐。但是,养猫是要花费时间和金钱的。我父母和我花费很多时间照看它,喂它饭,给它洗澡。我们得经常打扫房间,否则,猫就会把屋子弄得又脏又难闻。第2篇I have a very beautiful cat.Its colour is white or yellow .its name isHaahua .Ithink it is my favourite cat .she likes sleep playing with the bell .she love ratting meat ,Though it is a kind of animals ,I treat it as my friend .sometime I give her some fish or pork to eat .When she sees the fool she begin to cry miao miao .As if she is very hungry and thirsty .Wherever I amwalk she follws me. How happy I am !How nice my friend is !I love her more and more

Help, which adjective can describe a music is very "强劲的" or "劲爆的" ?


Hardy describes Tess as "A pure woman " is she? Give reasons for your answer.


he always describes himself as very poor.他总是把自己说的很穷。其中as是什么词性?又作什么成分?



delineate:vt.勾画,描述。第三人称单数:delineates过去分词:delineated现在进行时:delineating过去式:delineated.describe:vt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转。第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described.

describe a visit to a restaurant,中文什么意思



describe 是个动词,意思是描写、描述。 后跟 名词、代词或者疑问连词how/ what/ when....


describe的过去式 described和过去分词-describeddescribe[英][du026au02c8skrau026ab][美][du026au02c8skrau026ab]vt.描写,形容; 叙述; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转;第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described例句:I like the way you describe your ordeal.我喜欢你描述自身遭遇的方式。

describe是什么意思 解析describe的含义和用法?

describe是一个动词,意思是“描述、描写、叙述”。常见用法有:描述:用文字或言语详细叙述某人或某物的外貌、特征、性质等。例如:Can you describe what the suspect looked like?(你能描述一下嫌疑人的长相吗?)She described the scenery as breathtakingly beautiful.(她把风景形容为惊人的美丽。)描写:用语言或文字详细地刻画或表现出某人或某物的形态、情感、场景等。例如:The author describes the main character as brave and determined.(作者把主人公描写成勇敢而坚定。)The painting describes a peaceful countryside with rolling hills.(这幅画描绘了一个连绵起伏的宁静乡村。)叙述:用语言或文字详细地陈述某个事件或情况的经过、内容等。例如:He described how he had spent his childhood in the countryside.(他叙述了他是如何在乡村度过童年的。)The witness described the accident to the police.(目击者向警方描述了事故经过。)

Which word best describes Nigel Dykes? describe为什么加s?



你好,很高兴为你解答。 Describe sth as sth 不是什么句型 而是指describe的用法是搭配as,sth表示要添加什么词。就相当于 (这跟中文的:XXXXX年的XXXXX市的车展将在XXXXX中心举行。一个意思) 也可以理解成 describe A as B 把A描述成B。例句:He describes himself as an artist.他自称是艺术家。(句中A是他自己,B是艺术家,他把他自己描述成艺术家)希望能对你有所帮助。




describe 英[du026a"skrau026ab] 美[du026au02c8skrau026ab] vt. 描写,形容;叙述;描绘,作图;(行星等)周转 第三人称单数:describes;过去分词:described;现在分词:describing;... [例句]A few contestants describe their , or their bosses " , management techniques:有一些参赛者描述的则是他们自己或他们老板的管理技巧:


describes是一个动词,形容、描述、描写,describes可以分为两个音节【des】和【cribes】,第一个音节读为【dis】,第二个音节为【krau026abz】,所以连起来这个单词的发音是【du026au02c8skrau026abz】,describes是describe的第三人称形式,它源于词根scrib,scrib是写下、记下的意思,de加强的意思,e动词结尾,写下一件事情,就是描述、描写;所以describes表示形容、描述、描写的意思,Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene,语言难以描述那景色之美丽,但我们都知道描写、写作这个东西,其实它是很主观的,所以describes还可以表示声称的意思,He describes himself as a doctor,他声称自己是医生,describes你学会了吗?

求雅思part2 一篇口语稿 describe an exciting sport. 最好介绍蹦

Describe an exciting sport you know.You should say:What the sport ishow you know about itis it difficultand explain why you think it is exciting.About a sports match, Iu2019d like to tell you about one of the most exciting games Iu2019ve watched, NBA finals in 2012.Frankly, Iu2019m not the type of an athletic guy, but I do have great passion for it. You know, Iu2019ve spent much time watching those sports matches despite my hard schedule. Among them, what really impressed me is the NBA finals in 2012.Miami Heats, one of the expected champions in NBA league had a fierce war against Thunders, a team with three highly talented players, Hades, Westbrook and Durant. In any respect, Thunders was more believed to beat Heats. But NBA is a place where amazing happens.Miami Heats led by James and Wade had beaten Thunders though they did not outweigh them in comprehensive strength. Good defence is one of the basic reasons of success, but I guess that the spirit of never giving up contributed mostly to it. James, camped in the fourth game, still finished the game with a three-point shot a triple at the crucial time. It was really exciting and engaging to see these super stars pushing themselves to the limit to win the game, and the audience gave thunderous applause every time when the players took a shot.

generous,including,describe,advertisement,all right,that is right各是什么意


求 英语口语作文 describe one of your goals !跪求高手赐教!!!

I started working online in November 2008. It was a win win solution for me, since I am a homeschool mom with health problems and had no way to work outside of the home. We did not really need an other entire paycheck because my husband does make enough to support a family, but we needed some extra income for those "extras" like paying down medical bills, money for homeschool curriculum, money for when we come up short, or just those fun things we occasional want to do. My income has completely paid for our Christmas the last 2 years in a row. One of our long term goals is to build a new house and my extra income will be a big part of making that happen. I have another page that spells out my Work from Home goals for 2011. You can see that page here: My Work at Home Goals for 2011. Some basics that I would like to accomplish this year are:

describe frogs button中文意思?

describe frogs button描述青蛙按钮


describe的现在分词是describing第三人称单数:describes;现在分词:describing;过去式:described;过去分词:described.描写字帖常见短语:describe as 描述为;把…称为。describe近义词:represent;trace;figure;depict.说明书词根是describe,同词根的词有:descriptive 形容词表示描写的,叙述的。described 作为形容词表示描述的;作为动词表示描写(describe的过去式)。describable 形容词表示可记述的。descriptively 副词表示叙述地。description 名词表示描写;类型;说明书。


严格意义上说dao,describe重在用语言来形du容,陈述一些zhi事,物;depict用写作和图片来形dao容,陈述一些事,物.如:I described what he looked like to her.The dissertation depicts the influence upon environment by the project.你可以买版本英英字典权,就可以知道单词间意义上的区别了.


portray “描绘”、“描述”,指抓住事物的最显著的特点或人物的肖像、性格、品德、情感,用图画或文字方式细腻地描绘.1) Many teachers will not want to use books in which gender roles are portrayed in atraditional male-centered way.(老师大都不想使用以传统男子为中心的方式描绘性别作用的书本.)2) Although Mathilde is portrayed as a rather sad and lonely figure,it is still she whocontrols most of what happens in the story.(虽然玛蒂尔德被描绘成一个相当悲伤和孤独的人,但是她仍然占据了是故事中的大部分情节.)depict “描绘”、“描述”,与portray一样,也指用图画或文字描绘事物或人物.1) The novelist is noted especially for his skill in depicting character.(这位小说家在描绘人物性格技巧方面特别有名.)2) The oil painting vividly depicts an old farmer who has gone through various trails oflife.(油画生动地描绘了一位老农夫所经历的各种生活痕迹.)describe “描述”、“描绘”、“形容”,指通过描写、描述人或事的外表、性质,使人得到一个清晰地印象.1) He describes his own method of photographing motor races,and gives hints on the choiceof subjects and viewpoints.(他描述了在摩托车比赛摄影的方法,并提及主题的选择和看法.)2) Obviously it is very difficult to describe such a complex system in simple,predictiveterms.(显然,是很难用简单预测性的语言来形容这种复杂系统.)

python pandas的describe的25%是什么意思

25%, 50%和75%是对应的四分位数。四分位数(Quartile)是指在统计学中把所有数值由小到大排列并分成四等份,处于三个分割点位置的数值。第一四分位数 (Q1),又称“较小四分位数”,等于该样本中所有数值由小到大排列后第25%的数字。第二四分位数 (Q2),又称“中位数”,等于该样本中所有数值由小到大排列后第50%的数字。第三四分位数 (Q3),又称“较大四分位数”,等于该样本中所有数值由小到大排列后第75%的数字。第三四分位数与第一四分位数的差距又称四分位距(InterQuartile Range,IQR)。


describe 英 [dskrab] 美 [dskrab] v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;画出…图形;形成…形状 第三人称单数: describes现在分词: describing过去式: described过去分词: described 扩展资料   表示“描述”,通常只用作及物动词,用法注意:    1. 除接名词作宾语外,还通常接 wh-从句。如:   Words can"t describe her beauty. 言语无法形容她的美丽。   It"s difficult to describe how I feel. 很难描述我的感受。   Please describe what you have seen. 请描述一下你看到的情况。    2. 其后不能接双宾语,若语义需要,要用介词to或for来引出间接宾语。如:   Can you describe it to [for] me? 你能把它描述给我听吗?   Can you describe your son to me? 你能向我描述一下你儿子吗?    3. describe…as…的意思是“把……描述是……”“把……说成是……”,其中的as习惯上不宜换成to be。如:   She described him as shy. 她说他很害羞。   He describes himself as an artist. 他自称是艺术家。   He was described as (being) very clever. 据说他很聪明。    4. 在现代英语中,其后可接动名词。如:   These verbs describe holding things tightly. 这些动词描述紧握某物。   He described finding his mother lying on the floor. 他描述说发现他母亲躺在地板上。


【described】英语读音【du026ask"rau026abd】美语读音【du026ask"rau026abd】1. VERB 描述;描写;形容;叙述 If you describe a person, object, event, or situation, you say what they are like or what happened. We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time... 我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么。She broke down describing how she was arrested for refusing a breath test... 她在叙述自己如何因为拒绝接受呼吸测试而被捕时再也控制不住情绪。She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together... 她读了一首卡弗描写他们共同生活的诗。2. VERB 把…说成;把…称为;认为 If a person describes someone or something as a particular thing, he or she believes that they are that thing and says so. He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale... 他说那是一个非常曲折复杂的故事。Eriksson described him as "the best player on the pitch"... 埃里克森称他是“场上最好的球员”。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman... 安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。3. VERB 描画,画出(图形);形成…的形状 If something describes a particular shape, it forms that shape or makes a movement that follows the line of that shape. His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky. 他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。


portray 指抓住事物的最显著的特点或人物的肖像、性格、品德、情感,用图画或文字方式细腻地描绘. depict 与portray一样,也指用图画或文字描绘事物或人物. describe “描述”、“形容”,指通过描写、描述人或事的外表、性质,使人得到一个清晰地印象.


describe是及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词或疑问词从句作宾语。describe不用于describe sb sth 结构,如表示“向…描述”,须借助于介词to。describe用作动词的用法例句The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.警察让我描述一下这事是怎样发生的。Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。He describes himself as a doctor.他自称是医生。



有谁知道为什么describe 这个单词读音为什么不浊化?最好能够详细一点?

首先这个单词有三个音节(des是一个音节,cri是一个音节,be是一个音节),因为c前是s所以c不浊化(因为s是轻辅音),然后b前是i,它的发音同样是轻辅音,所以也不浊化。再比如说dogs最后的s要浊花,因为g是浊辅音…所以那个s要读/z/ 而决不能读成/s/.有不明白的还可以继续问。




describe中文翻译:描述。Describe是描述的意思,它是一种表达方式,可以用来描述事物、地点、人物等。比如,我们可以用它来描述一个美丽的景色,比如一片蓝色的天空,白色的云朵漂浮在上面,阳光洒满大地,绿色的树木把整个景色点缀得更加美丽。我们也可以用它来描述一个人,比如他是一个高大的男子,他的头发是棕色的,眼睛是深蓝色的,他的脸上带着一丝微笑,他的肩废宽阔,他的身体结实直力。Describe也可以用来描述一个地方,比如一个小村压,这里有一条清澈的小河,河水清澈可爱,河边有一棵参天大树,树上挂满了鸟儿的窝,村庄里有一些小房子,房子外面种满了鲜花,村民们都很友善,给人一种温馨的感觉。Describe可以用来描述任何事物,它可以帮助我们更好地理解和描述事物,让我们的文字更加生动有趣。例句1、Can you describe him to me?你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?2、The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.据描述这男人高个子,深色皮肤,年龄在20岁左右。3、Jim was described by his colleagues as ‘unusual".吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。4、Describe how you did it.谈谈你是怎样做这事的。5、Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky.好几个人都说看到天上出现了奇异光芒。

describe是什么意思 解析describe的含义和用法?

4. describe the process:描述过程总之,describe是一个非常常用的英文词汇,它可以让我们更加准确地表达自己的意思,同时也可以让我们更好地理解他人的描述。2. describe as:把…描述为3. describe the scene:描述现场总之,describe是一个非常常用的英文词汇,它可以让我们更加准确地表达自己的意思,同时也可以让我们更好地理解他人的描述。3. describe the scene:描述现场


【described】英语读音【du026ask"rau026abd】美语读音【du026ask"rau026abd】1. VERB 描述;描写;形容;叙述 If you describe a person, object, event, or situation, you say what they are like or what happened. We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time... 我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么。She broke down describing how she was arrested for refusing a breath test... 她在叙述自己如何因为拒绝接受呼吸测试而被捕时再也控制不住情绪。She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together... 她读了一首卡弗描写他们共同生活的诗。2. VERB 把…说成;把…称为;认为 If a person describes someone or something as a particular thing, he or she believes that they are that thing and says so. He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale... 他说那是一个非常曲折复杂的故事。Eriksson described him as "the best player on the pitch"... 埃里克森称他是“场上最好的球员”。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman... 安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。3. VERB 描画,画出(图形);形成…的形状 If something describes a particular shape, it forms that shape or makes a movement that follows the line of that shape. His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky. 他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。

describe comb climb doubt哪个音标不一样


DS160表上Briefly describe your duties怎么填


briefly describe your duties怎么填


英语作文:please briefly describe the trends and pros

Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling2.creation of a world of imagination3.return to nature for material4.sympathy with the humble and glorification of commonplace5.expression of individual genius6.interest in Milton and Elizabethan Age for literature model7.interest in old stories and medieval romances8.rebellius spirit9.expression of melancholy and gloomy mood

怎么翻译Briefly describe the three types of locations for retail selection这句话

Briefly describe the three types of locations for retail selection翻译成中文意思是:简要介绍了三种类型的零售选择的地点

DS160表上Briefly describe your duties怎么填?

【华人出国事务】美签专家为你解答:这一项意为:简述你的职责这里是作为你的职位的补充,简单写一下即可,比如:GENERAL MANAGEMENT(综合管理)、STUDY(学习)、MARKETING(营销)等等,不用太长。希望对你有所帮助!

briefly describe your question 是什么意思

Briefly describe your question.简述你的问题。Explain more detail about your question.较详细地解释一下你的问题的细节。

DS160表上Briefly describe your duties怎么填

【华人出国事务】美签专家为你解答: 这一项意为:简述你的职责 这里是作为你的职位的补充,简单写一下即可,比如:GENERAL MANAGEMENT(综合管理)、STUDY(学习)、MARKETING(营销)等等,不用太长。 希望对你有所帮助!

DS160表上Briefly describe your duties怎么填

很高兴为你解答: DS160表上Briefly describe your duties怎么填Briefly describe your duties简要描述你的职责(职务)good luck!
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