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Eclipse for Android Developers为什么从官网下线了,从哪里可以下载?

现在直接用 Eclipse Installer,选择安装它,自动配置。

Symbolic development

symbolism的发展不是symbolic development而是the development of symbolism,懂吗?symbolic development作为名词是一个学术用词,首先已经给你翻译过了

Bloodshed Dev-C++ 与VC++有什么区别?




谁能告诉我在哪可以下载“Rigol USB Test and Measurement Device”,谢谢,急需!


Latest Developments

As well as the basic design and manufacture of HDD systems,machine manufacturers have also been developing bore assist systems and newapplications for the technology.One of the most useful as a planning tool for engineers using or considering using HDD for an installation is the Bore Planner software that has been developed. This software enables engineers to put into a computer the parameters of a bore and the Bore Planner program will produce a “best fit”route and depth,which can be used as the blue print for the bore in the ground.Data acquisition software has also been developed which enables steering data to be utilized to complete an “as-built”drawing for the contractor and / or the client based on the actual pilot bore run. This information provides not just the plan position of the newinstallation but also the depth information that is becoming increasingly important in high-density buried service areas.From a safety point of viewseveral OEMs nowalso provide with their machines,either optionally or as standard,Safety Cut out or Lock out systems which protect operators when working on the machine. As well as the general use of “Faraday”cages to,protect operators in the event of a cable strike,safety systems nowexist that provide for power shut down should the operator not remain seated at the controls. Other systems have been developed which allowthe machine to be locked out to ensure that when work is being carried out on the pipe side of a bore ( a position often out of line of site of the drilling rig ) ,the rig cannot be started or operated without the correct clearance signal being given.Newapplications for HDD technology include pipe reaming,a class of pipe replacement technology which utilizes the drill string and pulling power of an HDD rig to drawa reaming head through an established pipe line to,in effect,burst the old out and replace it with a newone.To assist the installation of a pipe that has become stuck in a bore during pullback,a system has been developed which utilizes an impact hammer on the pipe-side end of the pipe. The reciprocating action of the hammer blows add impetus to the pipe string in the ground which,when added to the pullback force of the drill rig,overcomes the obstruction or restraint which prevents the pullback being completed.The range of pipe available to operators for installation using HDD has also been expanded. The most significant development has been that of the sacrificial skin pipe,which, although developed largely for pipe burst installations,has also found a market in the HDD sector,particularly in hard,ground conditions where cobbles and rock could damage the newpipe during installation.


SideBar用一个itemContainer集合来维护其下的panel非空的panel会在你从UI添加控件的时候创建一个controlContainerItem来维护其中的控件。你可以使用如下代码做一个测试就知道该如何遍历SideBar的子控件了foreach (BaseItem bi in sideBar1.ItemsContainer.SubItems) { MessageBox.Show("Panel:" + bi.Name); foreach (BaseItem subBi in ((SideBarPanelItem)bi).SubItems) MessageBox.Show("SubItem:" + subBi.Name); }如果你在添加buttonItem等子控件时指定了其Name属性,也可以直接使用SideBar的GetItem和GetItems方法,如下:sideBar1.GetItem("btn")即可返回Name属性为btn的控件,类型为baseItem,需要自行转换后使用。此方法是针对SideBar下所有子控件,包括深层的,所以它可以用来获取包括panel、buttonItem等等在各个层面的容器下的控件。顺便一提,DotNetBar的很多复杂容器控件都有类似的方法方便用户使用,平时应该多多注意控件的Name属性。例如使用DotNetBarManager时便可方便的根据制定的Name获取其管理的任意一个Bar,或者是Bar上停靠的Tab等等。如有疑问请留言或QQ176229432

求devotion的my prayer的带独白部分的纯钢琴伴奏

Dear god:敬爱的神:I know that she"s out there...the one I"m suppose to share my whole life with.她,那个我想要与她共度一生的人,虽然不在这里……And in"ll show her to me.但是我相信,某个时候,你将会让我见到她。Will you take care of her, 能不能好好照顾她,comfort her,让她过得舒适,and protect her...还要佑护她……until that day we Meet.直到我们见面的那一天And let her know...还有,让她知道……my beating with hers我的心……为她而存

一首男声的英文歌曲开头有一小段独白,不是devotion - my prayer 那类抒情的歌 有点像SADNEES的男声版


求devotion的my prayer前面那段独白的中文意思,很急!很急!!在线等答案!谢过各位了!

望采纳dear god 敬爱的上帝啊i know that she"s out there...我知道她在那里the one i"m suppose to share my whole life with 那个我将与之共度一生的人and in time...在某个时刻you"ll show her to me 您会让我见到她will you take care of her 请您好好照顾她comfort her 让她过得舒适and protect her...还要佑护她...until that day we meet 直到我们见面的那一天and let her know...还有让她知道 heart...我的心 beating with hers 只为她而跳动

my prayer devotion 歌名的中文含义

是小说 十年一品温如言里出现的歌, 作者书海苍生言希(楠竹)唱的给阿衡(女主)的!

my prayer-devotion 歌曲链接 万分感谢

谁devotion-my prayer 前面独白的翻译

(spoken) Dear god, I know that she"s out there...the one I"m supposed to share my whole life with. And in"ll show her to me. Will you take care of her, comfort her, and protect her...until that day we Meet. And let her beating with hers. In a dream I hold you close Embracing you with my hands You gazed at me with eyes full of love And made me understand That I was meant to share it with you My heart my mind my soul Then I open my eyes And all I see reality shows I"m alone But I know someday that you"ll be by my side Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm When the day"s cold will you keep her warm When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way God will you let her know that I love her so When theres no one there that she"s not alone Just close her eyes and let her know My heart is beating with hers So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day) When our hearts will beat as one (when our hearts hearts will beat as one) I will wait so patiently (patiently) For that day to come (for that day to come) I know someday that you"ll be by my side Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm When the day"s cold will you keep her warm When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way (shine he the way) God will you let her know that I love her so When theres no one there that she"s" not alone Just close her eyes and let her know My heart is beating with hers Is beating with hers (ooo) My heart is beating with hers (oooo) It"s beating with hers God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm When the day"s cold will you keep her warm When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way God will you let her know that I love her so When theres no one there that she"s not alone Just close her eyes and let her know My heart is beating with hers Oh~~~ it"s beating with hers (it"s beating with yours) 我的祈祷 亲爱的上帝, 我知道 她不在这里 那个我决定要和她一同分享我整个生命的人儿 我还知道 您将在对的时间 让她出现在我的眼前 您将照顾她 保护她 守护她 一直到我和她相遇的那天 您将让她知晓 我的心跟随着她的一同跳动 在梦里我紧紧的抱着你 用我的双臂轻轻拥着你 你凝视我的眼睛 溢满爱意 和你相遇是为了和你一同分享 我的心 我的思想 我的灵魂 然后睁开眼睛 我所看到的现实再一次告诉我 我是孤独者 但是我知道总有一天你将来到我的身边 因为我知道上帝只是在等待一个对的时机 上帝 请在雷雨中保护她 在严寒中温暖她 请在黑暗降临时指引她归去的路途 上帝请你让她知道我是这么的爱她 当这里什么也没有时她就不再孤单 只是让她闭上眼睛让她知道 所以在那天到来前我会一直祈祷 直到我们的心合而为一 我将耐心的等待 等待那一天的来临 我最近很喜欢这歌呢


CodeView 是独立 调试器 创造由大卫Norris在 微软 1985年作为它的发展toolset一部分。 它最初运送了与微软C 4.0和以后。 它也运送了与 Visual Basic 为 MS-DOS微软基本的PDS和一定数量的其他微软语言产品。 它是其中一台第一台调试器在是整个银幕安置的MS-DOS平台,而不是线安置了(象它的前辈 DEBUG.COM 并且symdeb)。当跑时, CodeView将提出用户与数 窗口 那能铺磁砖,被移动和否则被操作。 某些窗口是:代码窗口-代码窗口在它显示了当前被调试的代码 原始代码 上下文。 数据窗口-一个用户指定的存储器的十六进制转储。 命令窗口-用户命令(使用或相似的句法和一样DEBUG.COM和symdeb)可能这里被输入。 在微软发行 Visual C++ 1.0, CodeView的功能是联合入一个唯一程序环境,以著名 集成开发环境 (IDE) (虽然CodeView是可利用的在Visual C++的16位版本)。 QuickC 并且一定数量的其他开发工具在‘快的"系列也做了此。 因为编码和调试可以做,不用开关节目或上下文,这综合化由许多开发商看作为开发软件一个更加自然的方式。这综合化是很普遍的多数开发工具和平台提供相似的产品或特点。 今天,调试器被认为一个联合和主要部分的 微软视觉演播室 产品家庭。

EXT JS 为什么提示这个错误,检查感觉没有错啊。。。 this.addEvents is not a function


谁知道 devils never cry (staff roll)歌词

DEVILS NEVER CRY You Can Steel A Soul For A Second Chance But You Are Never Become A Man My Chosen Torture Has Me Stronger In Life That Craves The Hunger A Freedom And A Quest For Life Until The End The Judgment Night Bless ME With Your Gift Of Light Righteous Cause On Judgment Night Feel The Sorrow The Light Has Swallowed Feel The Freedom Like No Tomorrow Stepping Forth A Cure For Soul"s Demise Reap The Tears Of The Victims Cry Yearning More To Hear The Suffer Of A Demon As I Put It Under Killed Before, Time To Kill Them All Passed Down A Righteous Law Serve A Justice That Dwells In Me Lifeless Corpse As Far As The Eye Can See [MELODY] Bless Me With The Leaf Off Of The Tree On It I"ll See The Freedom Rain We Are Falling The Light Is Calling Tears In-Side Me Calm Me Down Midnight Calling Mist Of Resolving Crown Me, With The Pure Green Leaf Praise To My Father Bless By The Water Black Night, Dark Sky The Devils Cry Bless Me With The Leaf Off Of The Tree On It I"ll See The Freedom Rain We Are Falling The Light Is Calling Tears In-Side Me Calm Me Down Midnight Calling Mist Of Resolving Crown Me, With The Pure Green Leaf Bless Me With The Leaf Off Of The Tree On It I"ll See The Freedom Rain Praise To My Father Bless By The Water Black Night, Dark Sky The Devils Cry [OUTRO VERSE] Life Of Vengeance A Oassive Test Until The Grave I Shall Rest Engage The Pressure Till It Crumbles The Existence Of The Lifeless Black Souls Onward To The Sacred Battlefield Where Justification And Limits Are Revealed Tools Of Steel In Rage They Conquer Weed Out The Killing Of Victims Stalker The Power"s Proven To End The Madness Upon I Take It To End The Savage The Rays Of Light A Truth To Meaning To My Father My Blood Is Pleading A Justice Rage For All To Feel With Innocent Cries And Hatred Squeals The Gore Of Evil Seems To Satisfy When Slayed, Maimed And Pacified My Chosen Torture Has Me Stronger In Life That Crave The Hunger A Freedom And A Quest For Life Until The End The Judgment Night Watch The Footsteps But Never Follow If You Want To Live Tommorrow You Can Steel A Soul For A Second Chance But You Are Never Become A Man

鬼泣3主题曲Devil never cry开头歌词?

wes me with your caft of rightwhat just cause and judge midnightfeel the sorrow the night has swarrowedfeel the freedom like no tomorrowSteping forth, the cure for a soul"s demiseReap the tears of the victim"s criesYou"d do more to keep the sufferer from of a demon thats a put it underKill before the time to kill them allBackstab the righteous lawServing justice that dwells in me.Nothing comes as far as the eye can see.The eye can see.The eye can see.The eye can see.The eye can see.The eye can see.The eye can see.Bless me, with the leaf of a poetryOn it, I see the freedom reign.We are falling, the night is calling,tears inside me coming down.Midnight calling,Misery sobbingcrown me a cure relief.Raised through my father, blessed by the water,Black night, dark sky, the devil"s cry.Bless me, with the leaf of a poetryOn it, I see the freedom reign.We are falling, the night is calling,tears inside me coming down.Midnight calling,Misery sobbingcrown me a cure relief.Bless me, with the leaf of a poetryOn it, I see the freedom reign.Raised through my father, blessed by the water,Black night, dark sky, the devil"s cry.不知道这个是不是你要的

Dance Flow 8位成员的详细介绍。 要详细哦。 还有,少女时代的《RUN DEVIL RUN》歌名译成中文是什么?

dance flow是由台湾艾回唱片全力打造集合4男4女于歌舞演艺为一身的新组合。 dance flow出道记者会于2010年4月15日正式在中国台湾出道。   由平均年龄23岁的8个专业级舞蹈老师组成,分别为:绿色Takeshi、蓝色Sam、靛色Air、紫色Dennis;粉红Iris、红色Lin、橙色DinDin、黄色WaWa。   在电视节目『舞林大道』比赛一舞爆红,创下未出道即在YouTube影片点阅超过50万次的纪录;网路超热的询问度,网友期待度最高的一组团体。   混种合体潮流新品种,4男4女歌舞演艺、跨界混搭,2010宣告进入潮世代 。dance flow= df = 青春、个性、创意、流行   dance flow的精神:身体是流动的空气;在音乐中大.口.呼.吸!   df1 的音乐风格= 网路语言、多变曲风、创意舞步all in one,就好像身体是流动的空气,在音乐、舞蹈、想像、语言的世界任意呼吸一样,自由自在。整张专辑以电子、节奏、复古、swing融合嘻哈等各式曲风的舞曲来表现df 多样舞风;以节奏蓝调、中板抒情歌来表达df 年轻的爱情观;欢乐POP曲风则展现出df最校园青春的活力。df 的歌词里传达潮世代的网路语言,年轻、爱情,在潮世代里,没有不可能,无界的虚拟概念,创意无限,想像延伸。成员简介Air   出身地:台湾 Air 生日:1987/2/10   身高:183CM   体重:65KG   星座血型:水瓶座B型   擅长:LA Style、日系Jazz   喜欢的音乐类型:R&B、抒情曲 Dennis   出身地:台湾 Dennis 生日:1986/7/26   身高:181CM   体重:69KG   星座血型:狮子座O型   擅长舞风:Hip-Hop、雷鬼   喜欢的音乐类型:R&B DinDin   出身地:台湾 DinDin 生日:1985/11/25   身高:160CM   体重:47KG   星座血型:射手座A型   擅长舞风:Free Style、Girls Hip-Hop   喜欢的音乐类型:Hip-Hop、House Iris   出身地:台湾(泰雅族) Iris 生日:1986/3/13   身高:158CM   体重:45KG   星座血型:双鱼座 O型   擅长舞风:Free Style、New Jazz   喜欢的音乐类型:R&B、Hip-Hop、雷鬼 Lin   出身地:台湾(1/4白人混血) Lin 生日:1986/3/16   身高:158CM   体重:45KG   星座血型:双鱼座B型   擅长舞风:Free Style、日系Jazz   喜欢的音乐类型:Hip-Hop、R&B、Rock Sam   出身地:台湾(泰雅族) Sam 生日:1987/11/29   身高:165CM   体重:55KG   星座血型:射手座O型   擅长舞风:Hip- Hop、LA Style   喜欢的音乐类型:R&B、Hip-Hop Takeshi   出身地:日本(冲绳) Takeshi 生日:1985/3/11   身高:166CM   体重:58KG   星座血型:双鱼座O型   擅长舞风:Popping、Locking   喜欢的音乐类型:Hip-Hop、R&B、RAP WaWa   出身地:台湾 WaWa 生日:1985/9/3   身高:158CM   体重:50KG   星座血型:处女座O型   擅长舞风:Hip-Hop、雷鬼、Krump   喜欢的音乐类型:Hip-Hop、R&B 少女时代 RDR 快跑 恶魔来了 快跑意思就是这个人很邪恶 最好远离他 这是意译出来的



MaSon的you and me and the devil makes 3的歌词 急求

抱歉,只找到英文的.You and me and the devil makes 3I "m just like rolling a stone up A hill in Hades If you want to lie with me You "re going to be a liar Hell-flavored, I "ve got mood poisoning You must be something that I hate I "m just a prison of property Buckets full of better misery There "s not a word for what I want to do to you There "s not a word for what I want to do to you You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me Murdercute happyrape Murdercute happy, happy, happyrape Killer Murdercute happyrape Murdercute happy, happy, happyrape Killer Watch out your face My sperm "s cold as ice Bouquet of knives, Killer Watch out your face My sperm "s cold as ice Bouquet of knives, Killer You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me 1-2-3 1-2-3 If you get in bed someone will fall in love You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me and the devil makes 3 You and me and the devil makes 3 There" s not a word for what I want to do to you There" s not a word for what I want to do to you There "s not a word for what I want to do to you There "s not a word for what I want to do to you If you get in bed someone will fall in love You and me and the devil makes 3说实话真不好翻译,挺那个的.

英语the development machine怎么翻译?


HOUR OF DEVASTATION注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

HOUR OF DEVASTATION商标总申请量3件其中已成功注册0件,有3件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,HOUR OF DEVASTATION还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)


释义:n. 毁坏,破坏;荒废网络 破坏战士;破坏;毁坏例句:The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.周二下午,内政部长克里斯托弗·卡斯塔纳参观了大教堂,以了解受灾程度。The bomb caused widespread devastation.炸弹造成大面积破坏。The war brought massive devastation and loss of life to the region.战争给该地区造成巨大的破坏以及生命的丧失。The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.总统亲临该地区视察受损情况。The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.周二下午,内政部长克里斯托弗·卡斯塔纳参观了大教堂,以了解受灾程度。"It will be complete devastation," said Professor Laskar.“那将是彻底的毁灭。”拉斯卡尔教授说。Who is driving this ecological devastation and the pollution?那么谁推动了环境破坏和污染呢?See "Haiti Earthquake Pictures: Devastation on the Day After."海地地震图景:地震当天过后的破坏。

跪求devil in my hand (part 2)歌词


increse develop 区别

increase 是增长,就是数量上的变多。e.g.The population of China is increasing rapidly.(number,population等可以用increase) develop 是发展,比如科技发展,国家综合国力发展。e.g.We should develop the technology to make our country stronger. develop还有加强,养成的意思,比如develop the habit,develop ourskills 等拓展:1.improve也容易和上面两个搞混,improve是提高,比如improve ourselves[develop 是外在能力发展,improve是内在气质的提高]

电脑开不了机,显示no bootable device press any key to rese

买张光盘直接重装系统 方便快捷

int (*probe)(struct platform_device *); 想问一下,上面的这个函数为什么*probe要加括号?


C语言中int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);这个定义怎么理解,感谢了

这里 probe 是个函数指针,(struct platform_device *) 说明这个函数指针指向的函数的参数是一个结构体 struct platform_device 的指针变量, 可以令probe = func,对func()调用可以用probe()代替。

Linux驱动 device 的probe函数是怎么被调用的

在驱动程序注册的时候,会有一个match的过程,将驱动和设备两个匹配。在匹配的过程中会调用probe函数。 在bus.c中会出现static int bus_match(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv),这个函数就会调用 if (drv->probe) { if ((error = drv->probe(dev))) { dev->driver = NULL; return error; },这个时候就是调用Probe的时候了。


英文缩写 英文 中文 DEV development 开发 SIT System Integrate Test 系统整合测试(内测) UAT User Acceptance Test 用户验收测试 PET Performance Evaluation Test 性能评估测试(压测) SIM simulation 仿真 PRD/PROD production 产品/正式/生产 环境介绍: pro环境:生产环境,面向外部用户的环境,连接上互联网即可访问的正式环境。 pre环境:灰度环境,外部用户可以访问,但是服务器配置相对低,其它和生产一样。 test环境:测试环境,外部用户无法访问,专门给测试人员使用的,版本相对稳定。 dev环境:开发环境,外部用户无法访问,开发人员使用,版本变动很大。


这里我新建三个环境(UAT,DEV,SIT),debug和release都对应一个。 这里需要新建另外三个 每个scheme名字对应一个Configuration,把run,test,profile,analyze,archive都设置都按如下设置。 选择一个scheme,其实是选择了一个环境,这个环境会对应一个debug和一个release的。所以什么时候用debug和release自己就知道了吧。


英文缩写 英文 中文 DEV development 开发 SIT System Integrate Test 系统整合测试(内测) UAT User Acceptance Test 用户验收测试 PET Performance Evaluation Test 性能评估测试(压测) SIM simulation 仿真 PRD/PROD production 产品/正式/生产 环境介绍: pro环境:生产环境,面向外部用户的环境,连接上互联网即可访问的正式环境。 pre环境:灰度环境,外部用户可以访问,但是服务器配置相对低,其它和生产一样。 test环境:测试环境,外部用户无法访问,专门给测试人员使用的,版本相对稳定。 dev环境:开发环境,外部用户无法访问,开发人员使用,版本变动很大。




destroy 被破坏的程度不如 devastate的严重 The city center was devastated by the bomb. The school was completely destroyed by fire.

devastate me什么意思


A) devastate B) devastating C) devastated D) devastation



The insect,主语(插入语also known as the tomato leaf miner), devastates 谓语crops 宾语 by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks.devastates v. 摧毁; 毁灭; 彻底破坏( devastate的第三人称单数 ); 两个逗号之间的是 插入语。逗号后面的devastates 是第三人称单数。 你没有理解这个句子结构的划分,所以后面问的问题根本就跟该题无关。by。。。 是方式状语






devastate [ˈdɛvəsteɪt] verb [with obj.]destroy or ruin (something) 摧毁,破坏;毁灭 DEVA STATE这样背,后面的STATE比较容易记






毁灭 毁坏

Me And The Devil-——Gil Scott-Heron 求歌词

Early this morningwhen you knockedupon my door (2x)An I sayHello SatanI believe its time to goMe and the DevilWalking side by side (2x)And I"m gonna see my woman"til I get satisfiedSee SeeYou don"t see whyLike you"a dog me "round*Now babe you know I ain"t do it like thatSay IDon"t see whypeople dawging me aroundIt must be that old old evil spiritthat spirit drop me down in your groundyou maybury my bodydown by the highway side*I don"t really care where you bury me when I"m goneI"m goneyou may bury my bodydown by the highway sideSo my old evil spiritcan greyhoundbus that ride--Bonus partStandingin the ruins of another black mans lifeOr flying through the valleyseparating day and nightI am am Death,Cried the Vulture,for the people of the lightCaron brought his raftfrom the sea that sails on soulsand I saw the scavenger departingtaking warm hearts to the coldhe knew the ghetto was a havenfor the meanest creature ever knownin a wilderness of heart breakin a desert of despairEvil"s clarion of justiceshrieks a cry of naked terrortaking babies from their mamasleaving grief beyond compareso if you see the vulture comingflying circles in your mindremember their is no escapingfor he will follow close behindonly promise me a battlea battlefor your soul and mindand mineand mine希望能对你有所帮助,另外请尊重认真回答问题的答题者..觉得有用请采纳~谢谢


教育体制 educational system system 体系,系统;制度;身体;方法mechanism机制,机能,[乐]机理;(机械)结构看意思就知道区别了

论文中的Hypotheses development怎么翻译????






chaudhary devi lal university 是什么大学

Chaudhary Devi Lal Universitynamed after Chaudhary Devi Lal, the former Deputy Prime Minister of India was established by the Government of Haryana on April 5, 2003. The University, located at Sirsa 256 km from Delhi and 285 km from Chandigarh, has a sprawling campus of 6 acres (0.0 km2) on the Barnala Road. The University has 16 academic departments, which offer 21 career oriented and specialized courses to the students. It also offers job-oriented courses through distance education.

All her time ________ experiments, she has no time for films. A.devoted to do B.devoted to .

B 本题前面是独立主格作原因状语,应为devote all her time to doing。【标签】独立主格

All her time _experiments. she has no time for films. A is devoted to doing B devoted to doing

All her time _experiments.,she has no time for films。【答案】B【解析】这道题考非谓语动词。如果逗号后面有连接词and,就选A。 现在没有and,就看前半句time与devote之间的关系。显然是被动关系,即时间被奉献于... 所以devote改为过去分词devoted表被动。而且前面不能加is,否则前半句就变成一个完整的句子了,后半句也是完整的句子,两句无连词and连接,不符语法。【翻译】她把所有时间都奉献于实验,没时间看电影。

All her time __________ experiments, so she has no time for films. A.devoted to do B.devote.

D 试题分析:下文中又有连接词“so”,所以本题题干是一个并列句,故排除AB选项。结合“be devoted to doing”锁定答案D。句意:她的所有时间都花在实验上了,所以她没有时间去看电影。

this application is not authorized for use on your android device 什么意思


the device is not authorized

你好!the device is not authorized设备未经授权

the device is not authorized 机顶盒出现这个怎么办

死机了 ,意思是说这个设备无法启动,建议拔掉电源等一会儿再装上试试看

英文写作中的段落展开有几种method of development,具体方法是什么,能否用汉语、英文回答下,谢谢

Choosing a Method of Development Using Facts 用事实说话Facts may be included in any paragraph, but a paragraph developed mainly by facts answers the questions who? what? when? where? and how?把事实放进段落里,主要用事实来展开的段落可以回答关于人物,事件,事件,地点和方式的问题。 Consider, for example, the following sentence about George Washington: George Washington (who?) was named head of the Continental Army (what?) in 1775 (when?) in Philadelphia (where?) by an act of the Second Continental Congress (how?). Using Examples 举例子When you generalize about a group or an idea, develop your paragraph with examples. 当你概括一个群体或者一种想法时,应该用例子来发展段落。Paragraphs developed mainly with examples answer who specifically? what specifically? where specifically? when specifically? or how specifically? A topic sentence about fathers (generalization) could be illustrated with sentenced about Jane"s father (specific), Arnold"s father (specific), and Tim"s father (specific). If you were writing about equality (generalization), you might give examples of political equality (more specific) or social equality (more specific). Using Reasons 用理由来论证Paragraphs developed with reasons answer the question why?用理由来展开的段落能回答关于“为什么”的问题 Suppose your topic sentence was Teenagers too young drive automobiles should have a moped. Why? Mopeds are economical, give teenagers practice in observing laws, and relieve parents the need to drive their teenagers to so many places. The sentence of illustration gives reasons for the assertion made in the top sentence. Using Incidents 描述相关事件When you want to tell what happened, relate an incident.当你要告诉人们发生过的事情时,可以用相关的事件来展开段落 Suppose your history teacher asks on a test, what happened at Gettysburg in 1863? Your paragraph might begin: In Gettysburg Pennsylvania, on July 1 to 3, 1863, one of the most decisive battles of the War Between the States was fought. Then you could illustrate your paragraph with sentences that tell in chronological order what happened each day of the battle 我翻译了每一段的主题句,后面的举例我就没有翻了。I suppose if you are learning method of development already, you should be able to understand the rest of the paragraph如果不明白就直接问我把。


欧米茄手表型号表示的是生产标号的意思。类似于A B C D. E F .G H:第一位数字A表示产品线: 1=Constellation星座系列;2=Seamaster海马系列;3=Speedmaster超霸系列;4=DeVille (DeVille Prestige and Symbol)蝶飞典雅系列;5=Louis Brandt(DeVille tourbillon)碟飞陀飞轮系列;7=DeVille (Vasarelli) 碟飞系列。

请问谁知道Devics的 city lights 的歌词 中英文都要啊~

The more you see the less you knowThe less you find out as you growI knew much more then than I do nowNeon heart, day-glow eyesThe city lit by firefliesThey"re advertising in the skiesAnd people like usAnd I miss you when you"re not aroundI"m getting ready to leave the groundOoh ooh oohOh you look so beautiful tonight...In the city of blinding lightsDon"t think before you laughLook ugly in a photographFlash bulbs, purple irises the camera can"t seeI"ve seen you walk unafraidI"ve seen you in the clothes you"ve madeCan you see the beauty inside of me?What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?Time, time, time...Won"t leave me as I amBut time won"t take the boy out of this manOh you look so beautiful tonightThe more you know the less you feelSome pray for others stealBlessings are not just for the ones who kneel… luckily

leadership development是什么意思


如何删除USB mass storage device - 驱动器(G:)


插入U盘提示usb mass storage device 该设备无法启动(代码 10)

重装U盘的驱动,或者。。。换个U口试试 也许有用

插入读卡器读不出G盘,我的电脑里面也没显示有G盘,只显示usb mass storage device.


[G:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB MEMORY BAR USB Device)

SM32X的量产工具 去数码之家里面找就可 以了。当然去淘宝上找买主控板的人去 要一份也行。 我这里网太慢了。公司不让上网。要不传给你都行。

做电脑系统的时候怎么把USB Mass Storage Device Configuration,改为ZIP或FDD(软盘)。 需要改吗?

BIOS有两种,先说AMI的。 开机按Del进入BIOS,选择Advanced回车,再进入USB Mass Storage Device Configuration,将其改为ZIP或FDD(软盘)。 按Esc直到BIOS SETUP UTILITY,选择Boot回车,再进入Boot Device Priority(启动设备顺序),将1st Boot Device改为你的u盘,按F10保存退出。 Phonix-Award BIOS的。 开机按Del进入BIOS,选择Advanced BIOS Features(高级BIOS设置)回车,将First Boot Device改为USB-ZIP或USB-FDD,按F10保存退出。

U盘检测如下: 设备描述: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)  设备类型: 大容量存储设备

产品制造商: Generic说明你买的是扩容盘, Generic不是制造商的名字,它的中文意思是"非商标的;没有商标名的". 当插入U盘是系统检测"Generic Flash Disk" 设备,表示你的U盘是杂牌的,山寨版的. 如果U盘外面写是XX知名品牌,那也是假的.你可以再换几个chipgenius的版本,看能不能把产品制造商找出来,否则你没办法量产

电脑开机提示00 USB mass storage devices found and configured,进不了系统




电脑不显示移动硬盘盘符,仅提示为“USB Mass Storage Device”,移动硬盘亮蓝灯,是怎么回事?


我的U盘型号是:设备描述: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DT 101 G2)  设备类型: 大容量存储设备

还给你发过去 求人办事还这么牛逼 垃圾

USB Mass Storage Device无法识别怎么办?跪求


开机出现00 USB mass storage devices found and configured


硬件里的USB Mass Storage Device左边出现了一个黄色的感叹号。


插上移动硬盘后显示usb mass storage device但是在电脑上找不到


移动硬盘插入提示,控制器没有足够的带宽为 usb mass storage device利用。


通用串行总线中的usb mass storage device不见了怎么办?

按“Ctrl+alt+del”,点“启动任务管理”,点“服务”,在”已停止“的项目中找到”usb mass storage device“,设置启动即可。

我的电脑里怎么会有这些USB mass storage device??


设备管理器提示”usb mass storage device“被禁用


usb mass storage device一直跳出来怎么回事


设备描述: USB 大容量存储设备(Mass Storage Device)


弹出USB Mass Storage Device时出问题

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