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dedicated 用法与devoted有什么不同 后可加动名词吗


Committed to和Devoted to的区别 如题

Be committed to.献身于,致力于(后接名词或动名词,to是介词) Be devoted to+ sth./sb.专心致力于(工作); 献身于 ;深爱(人) She is devoted to her studies.

Mrs.Li devoted the last years of her life premarily___writing her autobiography(自传)

A:to devote ... to ... 把...投入(专门使用于)....把自己过去几年的时间都用于写自传


be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法dedicated和devoted 的区别 我们先看看以下这个例句,了解一下be dedicated to的用法。He was dedicated to social and political change. 他致力于社会变革和政治变革。注意:(1) 词组“be dedicated to”中的to,与“be devoted to”中的to一样,是介词。(2) “dedicative”与“dedicatory”相同,都是“(作为)奉献的、题献的”的意思。解释:“dedicated”的意思是“有献身精神的”、“一心一意的”或“热情的”,相当于“devoted wholly”。例如:a dedicated surgeon(富有献身精神的外科医生),a devoted supporter(热诚的支持者)。又如: They are both dedicated vegetarians. 他们俩都是虔诚的素食者。 “dedicated”相应的名词形式是“dedication”,如“a sense of dedication to the educational cause”,意思是“献身于教育事业的观念” 。be absorbed in v.全神贯注于;专注于常见用法:1、be absorbed in doing sth. 全神贯注做某事e.g.Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.当你专心读一本好书时,时间就过得飞快。2、be absorbed in sth. 专注于某物.It"s easy to be absorbed in this book.看这个书容易入迷。

devoted A to B是什么意思?



be devoted to 是致力于的意思 固定搭配这里省了he is

dedicated 用法与devoted有什么不同 后可加动名词吗

dedicated 努力工作的, 专注的, 投入的 = working hard at sth because it is important to you, 是committed 的同义词; 从英语释义看指的是人的工作态度 They are dedicated to their work.从英语释义看指的是人的devoted 挚爱的, 忠诚的 = having great love for sb/sth and being loyal to them 从英语释义看指的是人的内在品质 They are devoted to their children/ dedicated to / devoted to doing sth 都正确, 只不过意思有区别。

dedicated 用法与devoted有什么不同 后可加动名词吗?

dedicated 努力工作的, 专注的, 投入的 = working hard at sth because it is important to you, 是committed 的同义词; 从英语释义看指的是人的工作态度 They are dedicated to their work.从英语释义看指的是人的devoted 挚爱的, 忠诚的 = having great love for sb/sth and being loyal to them 从英语释义看指的是人的内在品质 They are devoted to their children/ dedicated to / devoted to doing sth 都正确, 只不过意思有区别。

be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法

be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法 dedicated和devoted 的区别 我们先看看以下这个例句,了解一下be dedicated to的用法。 He was dedicated to social and political change. 他致力于社会变革和政治变革。 注意:(1) 词组“be dedicated to”中的to,与“be devoted to”中的to一样,是介词。(2) “dedicative”与“dedicatory”相同,都是“(作为)奉献的、题献的”的意思。 解释:“dedicated”的意思是“有献身精神的”、“一心一意的”或“热情的”,相当于“devoted wholly”。例如:a dedicated surgeon(富有献身精神的外科医生),a devoted supporter(热诚的支持者)。又如: They are both dedicated vegetarians. 他们俩都是虔诚的素食者。 “dedicated”相应的名词形式是“dedication”,如“a sense of dedication to the educational cause”,意思是“献身于教育事业的观念” 。

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别?

这。。没有be devoted to ,只有be devoted to doing


1. 将...奉献(给)[(+to)] He devoted himself to writing. 他专心写作. He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍专心致力于化学研究. He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业. 2.把...专用(于)[(+to)]


1. 将...奉献(给)[(+to)] He devoted himself to writing. 他专心写作. He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍专心致力于化学研究. He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业. 2.把...专用(于)[(+to)]

Devoted love 能翻译成“最深的爱”吗?




be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别



devoted的用法与搭配如下:adj. 献身的;忠诚的、挚爱的、热衷于…的、专用于…的。v. 献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)。Devoted 常用短语:devote 指 “决心将全部身心、活动、精力等献出”, 如:devote one"s life to a cause 把生命献给事业。If you can"t convince one other person that this is something to devote your life to, then it"s not worth it.如果你不能让他人确信这是你值得用生命去换取的,那么它就不值得你去做。Devoted 习惯用语。1、devote sth to (doing) sth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给某事物。如:They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station.他们花了一大笔钱来改善火车站的条件。2、devote oneself to sb (doing sth)。献身于或致力于(做)某事。如:After he graduated he continued to devote himself to research.毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。3、专用于。如:The newspaper devotes two pages to comics.这份报纸用两页版面刊登连环漫画。4、喜欢,热爱。如:She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.她在少女时代热衷于网球。5、 be devoted to sb (doing sth)。致力于,献身于。如:The students are devoted to their studies.学生们专心于学习。Devoted 的同义词如下:Dedicate:vt. 致力;献身;题献。1、奉献:为祭神或宗教目的而奉献;供奉。This was the dedication of the altar after that it was anointed.这就是用膏抹坛之后,为行奉献坛之礼所献的。2、为某一特殊用途而奉献:They dedicated their money to scientific research.他们把钱用于科学研究。3、致力:承诺一特定的想法或承诺采用一特定的行动。We dedicated ourselves to starting our own business.我们开始经营自己的买卖。4、首次向公众展示:In June 1995, I went back to Little Rock to dedicate the Mahlon Martin Apartments for low-income working people.1995年6月,我回到小石城,为面向低收入、有工作的阶层的“马伦.马丁公寓”举行落成仪式。5、题献:在(例如,一部文学作品)上题献词表示尊敬或爱戴。It is a dedication to my wife.这是给我妻子的献辞。


devoted意思是:忠诚。devoted美[du026au02c8vou028atu0259d]英[du026au02c8vu0259u028atu026ad],adj.挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的,v.“devote”的过去式和过去分词。作动词时译为“献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)”。devoted造句1、The final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。2、First,full global manufacturing capacity is devoted to this production.第一,要有适于这生产的充足的全球制造能力。3、devoted to or appreciative of music.献身于音乐或对音乐有欣赏力的。4、He is devoted to his studies.他献身于他的研究。5、The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。6、Instead,he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral philosophy.而是将毕生精力献给了法学和道德哲学。7、He devoted a full column to chewing out government for illegal wiretapping.他用整栏的篇幅严厉谴责政府的非法窃听措施。8、The second part is devoted to flood hazard and inundation analysis.第二部分致力于洪水危害和淹没分析。

be devoted to和devote to的问题


关于devote的一个问题 devote to doing和be devoted to doing有什么区别?

1.没有devote to doing sth的短语,只有devote sb/sth to doing sth的短语. 2.该短语如果变成被动,即:sb/sth be devoted to doing sth. 3.如:He devoted himself to teaching English. = He was devoted to teaching English. 再如:He devoted all his life to teaching English. = All his life was devoted to teachinig English.

be devoted to和devote to的区别

sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事 devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事.. devote是及物动词 第一种形式主语是I的话 要是用第二种形式表达 就是 devote myslef to do 只是这个时间长了 就 不这么用了 可以把devoted 看成一个形容词

be devoted to和devote to的区别是什么?

区别是:be devoted to sth 指的是献身于/专注于某事。devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事。例句辨析:be devoted to:1、The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues. 会议将专门讨论健康和安全问题。2、All the efforts are to be devoted to combating underworld gangs during the Spring Festival holidays. 春节期间,要全力抓好打黑工作。3、My soul and my life will be devoted to the lord of justice. 我将奉献我的灵魂和我的生命在公平之神的脚下。4、The rest of the article will be devoted to planning for and recovering from this lastform of failure. 本文的其余部分将致力于最后一种形式的失败的计划和恢复。devote to:1、This is worth all the time and money I devote to learning and practice. 从这点看,我花在学习和联系上的时间和金钱还是值得的。2、I devote to you. 我是你的专有。3、How much time can you afford to devote to learning English. 多少时间,你能负担得起投入到学习英语。4、We work for live, while enjoy our life could promote us devote to the work as well.都说工作是为了享受生活,享受生活同时也能促进我们更投入自己的工作。


dearest 是 dear 的最高级,一般用于信件开头对收信人的称呼或对自己最亲爱的人的称呼。beloved 只能用来修饰名词,意思是“深爱着的(某个人)”。devoted 意思是“全心全意的/挚爱的”,与前两个词在意思上没有瓜葛。

be devoted to和devote to的区别

be devoted to和devote to的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 devoted to意思:献身于2.devote to意思:把?专用于,完全用于(某事或做某事);致力于?二、用法不同 devoted to用法:devote的基本意思是因特殊用处或目的而心甘情愿地献出某物,即“把?奉献,把?专用于”,常表示由于如同起誓般紧迫的动机而放弃和献出。devote是及物动词,常接时间、精力、生命等抽象名词作宾语,而“专用”和“奉献”的对象则由介词to引出。2.devote to用法:表示“忠于”“致力于”“献身于”时可用devote oneself to结构,也可用be devoted to结构。devote的过去分词devoted可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语。三、侧重点不同 devoted to侧重点:侧重于献身于这一状态或事实。2.devote to侧重点:侧重于使人奉献这一动作过程。

be devoted to和devote to的区别 devote 为及物动词,必须有宾语如果 devote 的宾语为 oneself ,改为被动就是:sb. is devoted to sth. 如:He devoted himself to learning English. → He was devoted to learning English。sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事 devote sb to (doing)sth 使某人注意某事..

be devoted to和devote to的问题


devoted可用作形容词作定语或状语,如:Devoted to her children,the mother has little time for

devote的用法是devote oneself to doing sth,也就是sb 或oneself is or was devoted to doing sth or sthdevoted to her children 的逻辑主语是the mother如要用devoting,可说devoting herself to her children

Madam Curie,devoting to science,为什么改成devoted?

因为devote ... to... (把⋯贡献给⋯)是一个及物动词,devote后面必须有宾语,如果用devoting,后面就没有宾语,所以错了。而改成devoted (过去分词)表示被动,它的宾语Madam Curie 就变成主语。即:Madam Curie, who was devoted to science, ...。再进一步改为Madam Curie, who devoted herself to science, ...从上述分析可知此句改错有两种方法:一是把devoting 改为 devoted; 另一种是在 devoting 后面加上herself。

devoted 前可加one吗


be devoted to 与devote to 的区别 ?/

devote to这个说法是错的,devote后面一定要接名词.如:She devoted herself to her career.=She was devoted to her career.I could only devote two hours to the devoted to (全心全意的,忠诚的,挚爱的)...

be devoted to和devote to的区别

devote to这个说法是错的,devote后面一定要接名词.如:She devoted herself to her career.=She was devoted to her career.I could only devote two hours to the devoted to (全心全意的,忠诚的,挚爱的)可以看作是devote oneself to 的被动语态形式望采纳

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别是什么?

bedevotedtodo是不正确表达。bedevotedtodoing是正确表达,意思是献身于/专注于某事。devote音标:英 [dɪ"vəʊt]     美 [dɪ"voʊt]    vt. 致力于;奉献给;把...专用于【devotesthtosb/sth/v-ing例句】1、Hedevoteshistimetothegarden.他把时间都用在花园里了。2、Shedevotedherlifetothecauseofpeace.她把一生献给了和平事业。3、Thenewspaperdevotestwopagestocomics.报纸用两页版面来刊登漫画。4、Shedevotedherlifetohelpinghomelesschildren.她的一生都在帮助无家可归的孩子们。5、HedevotedeverySaturdayafternoontofishing.他把每个星期六下午的时间都花在钓鱼上。6、Nowshedevotedmostofthetimetothiswork.现在她把大部分时间都用在这项工作上了。7、Theyagreedtodevotepartoftheparktotheplayground.他们曾同意将公园的一部分辟为运动场。8、Thenewspaperdevotedaspecialcolumntoadiscussionoftheproblemoftheworld"spopulation.这家报纸开辟专栏来讨论世界人口问题。9、Theyareallterriblybusymenandcannotbeexpectedtodevotetheirtimetothis investigation.他们都是非常忙的人,不能指望他们用全部时间去进行这一调查。10、Eachnursealsodevotestwoeveningsaweektostudyingmedicalliteratureinher field.每个护士每周还用两个晚上来学习与她工作有关的医学文献。

devotional 和devoted的区别

devotional 和devoted的区别devotional 是形容词adj.虔诚的;信仰的;献身的;专心的devoted 是形容词和动词adj.忠诚的;献身的;挚爱的;专心的v.献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)

be devoted to和devote to的区别 devote 为及物动词,必须有宾语如果 devote 的宾语为 oneself ,改为被动就是:sb. is devoted to sth. 如:He devoted himself to learning English. → He was devoted to learning English。sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事 devote sb to (doing)sth 使某人注意某事..


devoted 英[dɪˈvəʊtɪd] 美[dɪˈvoʊtɪd] adj. 忠诚的; 献身的; 挚爱的; 专心的; v. 献身于…; 致力于…(devote的过去分词); [例句]I have personally been devoted to this cause for many years多年来我个人一直一心扑在这项事业上。[其他] 原型: devote




devote to do sth致力于devote sth to sth 把...奉献给... He is determined to devote his life to sicence. devote oneself to 献身于;致力于devote to奉献,致力devote to doing sth献身做

be devoted to和devote to的区别

devote to是加不定式"而devote to ding后面加名词。

devoted to 和devoting to做伴随状语的区别

devoted to和devoting to的区别为:意思不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、devoted to意思:献身于。2、devoting to意思:把……专用于,完全用于(某事或做某事);致力于。二、侧重点不同1、devoted to侧重点:侧重于献身于这一状态或事实。2、devoting to侧重点:侧重于使人奉献这一动作过程。例句1、Devoting to the society by love and continuing life with humanity.爱心奉献社会,仁术延续生命。2、They had the same experience of devoting to literature popularization.他们有一段迹近相似的献身文学大众化的经历。3、Italy-China Foundation is an organization devoting to enhancing the exchanges between the two countries and the people.意中基金会一直致力于推进两国间的自由交流,通过各种活动,增进了两国间人员和文化的交流。

★be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法

sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事..devote是及物动词 第一种形式主语是I的话 要是用第二种形式表达 就是 devote myslef to do 只是这个时间长了 就 不这么用了 可以把devoted 看成一个形容词dedicated 努力工作的,专注的,投入的 = working hard at sth because it is important to you,是committed 的同义词; 从英语释义看指的是人的工作态度 They are dedicated to their work.从英语释义看指的是人的devoted 挚爱的,忠诚的 = having great love for sb/sth and being loyal to them 从英语释义看指的是人的内在品质 They are devoted to their children/ dedicated to / devoted to doing sth 都正确,只不过意思有区别。

… need for institution devoted …请问devoted 是动词吗?

1,devoted 是从句的动词部分,原句子是这样的the need for institution (which was) devoted to its encouragement. 定语从句省略了括号里的3,its 指得是之前the idea of the value of art2,几位艺术收藏家(此处省略几位艺术家名字)将欧洲艺术传统介绍给那些被特许参观他们画廊的殖民者,尤其是有抱负的艺术家们,并在他们各自的社区建立了艺术具有价值的观念和致力于鼓励其发展的机构的需要。

Devoted to doing、Devoting oneshelf to doing

be devoted to是个短语,第二个devoting与he是主动关系,用ing

be devoted加to do还是to doing?

to doing

be devoted to和devote to的区别

sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事..devote是及物动词 第一种形式主语是I的话 要是用第二种形式表达 就是 devote myslef to do 只是这个时间长了 就 不这么用了 可以把devoted 看成一个形容词

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别是什么?

be devoted to do是不正确表达。be devoted to doing是正确表达,意思是献身于/专注于某事。devote音标:英 [dɪ"vəʊt]     美 [dɪ"voʊt]    vt. 致力于;奉献给;把...专用于【devote sth to sb/sth/v-ing 例句】1、He devotes his time to the garden.他把时间都用在花园里了。2、She devoted her life to the cause of peace.她把一生献给了和平事业。3、The newspaper devotes two pages to comics.报纸用两页版面来刊登漫画。4、She devoted her life to helping homeless children.她的一生都在帮助无家可归的孩子们。5、He devoted every Saturday afternoon to fishing.他把每个星期六下午的时间都花在钓鱼上。6、Now she devoted most of the time to this work.现在她把大部分时间都用在这项工作上了。7、They agreed to devote part of the park to the playground.他们曾同意将公园的一部分辟为运动场。8、The newspaper devoted a special column to a discussion of the problem of theworld"s population.这家报纸开辟专栏来讨论世界人口问题。9、They are all terribly busy men and cannot be expected to devote their time to this investigation.他们都是非常忙的人,不能指望他们用全部时间去进行这一调查。10、Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to studying medical literature in her field.每个护士每周还用两个晚上来学习与她工作有关的医学文献。




因为devote的用法是:devote oneself to 致力于,献身于; 专心于例句:He devotes his life to literature.  他一生专心致志于文学.所以啊,题目中的  devoted to his research work 为什么用devoted可以从下面的过程推出:本来的句式是:He devotes himself to his research work然后呢,把这个himself 提前, 就是himself is devoted to his research work再然后呢,把himself is省略掉,就是题目中的devoted to his research work总的来讲,为什么用devoted是因为devote这个单词和整个句子的主语he 是被动关系。任何题目都可用以上思路来分析,过去分词就是被动关系,现在分词就是主动关系。有帮助请采纳~不懂欢迎追问~



英语 devoted什么意思

devoted [dɪ"votɪd] adj. 献身的;忠诚的v. 献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)




adj. 献身的;忠诚的v. 献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)


devoted意思是:忠诚。devoted美[dɪˈvoʊtəd]英[dɪˈvəʊtɪd],adj.挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的,v.“devote”的过去式和过去分词。作动词时译为“献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)”。devoted造句1、The final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。2、First,full global manufacturing capacity is devoted to this production.第一,要有适于这生产的充足的全球制造能力。3、devoted to or appreciative of music.献身于音乐或对音乐有欣赏力的。4、He is devoted to his studies.他献身于他的研究。5、The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。6、Instead,he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral philosophy.而是将毕生精力献给了法学和道德哲学。7、He devoted a full column to chewing out government for illegal wiretapping.他用整栏的篇幅严厉谴责政府的非法窃听措施。8、The second part is devoted to flood hazard and inundation analysis.第二部分致力于洪水危害和淹没分析。