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英语make a difference to和make a difference有什么区别??

to。1、应该是make a difference,不是make a different。make a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”。2、make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法。make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”。make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”。英语学习方法1、英语基础要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference用法及例句

make a difference是make的复合宾语。英语中make一词用法甚多,是使用频率最高的动词之一,而make作使役动词的用法也很常见。 make a difference用法 英 [meik u0259 u02c8difu0259ru0259ns] 美 [mek e u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns] 含义: 改变;起(重要)作用;有...不同 用法: make a difference意思是对某事产生巨大的影响或者作用,尤其是好的方面. 1、可以用这个短语:make a big/ a great deal of / a lot of difference 例句: The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference. 现在我能自己安排时间了,这对我有很大的作用。 2、当你要想改变一件事情的时候,你可以这么写: We hope that we can make a difference! 也可以在 difference 后面 加上 in, 改什么。 比如: We hope that we can make a difference in the school! difference的用法 词语用法: 1、difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。 2、difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。 3、difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。 词义辨析: difference,distinction,discrepancy这些名词都有“差别,区别”之意。 1、difference普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,也可指事物在某一方面的差别,还可指人们之间的不同意见。 2、distinction较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在某一方面或某一细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。 3、discrepancy多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调。

make a difference的固定搭配

◆固定搭配make a difference表示“有影响;起作用”。如:The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference. 现在我能自己安排时间了,这对我有很大的影响。The teacher"s words have made a difference. 老师的话已经起了作用了。◆make a difference to sb / sth意为“对某人/某事有影响;对某人/某事起作用”。如:We"ll do something to make a difference to environment. 我们将要做一些对环境有影响的事情。Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 换学校对我的人生产生了很大的影响。

make a difference to和make a difference in的区别

-----make a difference to sb (do sth )意为对某人(做某物)有影响-----make a difference in sth(doing sth )意为对某物(做某事)有影响如:----1,It makes a great differences to me.它对我有很大的影响。 ---- 2, It makes a difference to keep fit.它对保持健康有影响。 ---- 3,It makes a difference in my health.它对我的健康有影响。 ----- 4,It makes a great differentces in singing.它对唱歌有很大的影响。

make a difference 的含义,用法


make a difference的用法是什么?

词组释义为起作用,有影响例句1.:I will make a difference in the feild.我一定会在这个领域有作为.例句2:It is boud to make a difference in the election if I get your support.如果我得到你的支持,我将在选举中有所作为。

make a difference什么意思?

make a difference 是动词短语,后面可接介词短语,意思是“(对...)有影响/起作用”。

make a difference to和make a difference是一个意思吗?

to。1、应该是make a difference,不是make a different。make a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”。2、make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法。make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”。make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”。英语学习方法1、英语基础要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference 的用法。


make a difference和make the difference的区别


make a difference的用法是什么?

-----make a difference to sb (do sth )意为对某人(做某物)有影响-----make a difference in sth(doing sth )意为对某物(做某事)有影响如:----1,It makes a great differences to me.它对我有很大的影响。 ---- 2, It makes a difference to keep fit.它对保持健康有影响。 ---- 3,It makes a difference in my health.它对我的健康有影响。 ----- 4,It makes a great differentces in singing.它对唱歌有很大的影响。

make a difference 与play a role的区别

make a difference有影响; 起(重要)作用;play a role in在…起作用;

make a difference什么意思?

to。1、应该是make a difference,不是make a different。make a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”。2、make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法。make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”。make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”。英语学习方法1、英语基础要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference 是什么意思?


make a difference后面的介词是什么?

tomake a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法:make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”

make a difference是什么意思


make a difference例句

make a difference 英[meu026ak u0259 u02c8du026afru0259ns] 美[meu026ak u0259 u02c8du026afru0259ns] [词典] 有影响; [例句]We should make a difference between new word and coinages.对新词和生造词要区别对待。

make a difference 什么意思

1、“make a difference”直译是:让事情改变;短语意思是:发生重大的影响。例句:The great people are the ones who make a difference to the world.2、也可以解释成为“与众不同”。例句 :The easiest way to make a difference is not to drop litter.1、固定短语:make a difference between A and B, 辨别A与B的不同之处。2、用法:“ Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. ”区别的构成或制造差异;显著。3、词汇搭配:make a difference between 区别对待。

make a difference是什么意思?


make a difference怎么读

make a difference读法:英【meu026ak u0259 u02c8du026afru0259ns】;美【meu026ak u0259 u02c8du026afru0259ns】。make a difference的意思:1、“make a difference”直译是:让事情改变;短语意思是:发生重大的影响。例句:The great people are the ones who make a difference to the world.2、也可以解释成为“与众不同”。例句 :The easiest way to make a difference is not to drop litter.英语学习方法:1、英语基础。要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手。当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference后面接什么?

to。1、应该是make a difference,不是make a different。make a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”。2、make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法。make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”。make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”。英语学习方法1、英语基础要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference 的含义,用法


make a difference 的含义,用法


英语小问题 make a difference

一般都是说 make a differencemuch只是修饰作用。你也可以说make no difference,make any difference

make a different是什么意思


make a difference和make the difference的区别

两者的意思不一样。makeadifference有影响,有关系makethedifference产生差别;有影响,很重要例句:Theseaairhasmadeadifferenceto(ieimproved)herhealth.海上的空气改善了她的健康状况.Constitutingormakingadifference;distinctive.区别的构成或制造差异;显著 。

make a difference和make the difference的区别


make a difference和make the difference的区别

常用make a difference (to)(对......)产生影响,起作用。

difference 什么时候可数

difference 表示"差异,差别",可数:There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.生活在城市和生活在乡村有许多不同之处.difference 表示"差额,差数",不可数:The difference between 5 and 11 is 6.十一和五的差是六.Flowers make no/a lot of difference to a room. 一个房间里有没有鲜花没有/有很大差别.It doesn"t make much/any/the least difference to me what you do .你干什么对我都没有多大/任何/丝毫关系.When you"re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.初学驾驶如有好的老师指导,差别很大.difference 表示"不和,分歧",可数:They"ve settled their differences and are friends again.他们已消除芥蒂,重归于好.

make a difference的同义句

有所作为双语对照例句:1.But I do know what factors will make a difference. 但是我知道什么因素可以改变未来的走向。2.Does gender make a difference? 性别对善举有影响吗?3.Politicians who try to make a difference pay dearly. 那些想做出改变的政客付出了惨重的代价。

“make a difference”是什么意思

make a difference有影响,有关系Whatever you can do can make a difference. 无论你能做什么,都会带来不同。

make a difference等于什么


make a difference to是什么意思


make a difference是什么意思

make a difference1.区别对待2.有(重要)作用;有影响;有关系同/近义词有影响,有关系be influential in / militate例句:1.Whatever you can do can make a difference. 无论你能做什么,都会带来不同。2.I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but make a difference in it. 我做志愿者是因为我不仅想看看这个世界,我还想让它变得不同。3."You can"t plan innovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it, and when yousee it you can jump on it and you can make a difference," he said. 他说,“你虽无法为创新或获得灵感做出规划,但是你可以为它们做准备,你发现有做出创新或获得灵感的可能时,你可以积极争取,然后一切就会不同。”

用make a different to造句

make a difference 的相关例句 1.The land must make a difference too,in the shape of the clouds. 陆地上一定也看得见异常的现象,那就是云的式样不同. 来自英汉文学 - 老人与海 2.What you have told me may make a difference to my own position. 你告诉我的一切,可能影响我自己的看法. 来自辞典例句 3.Dose his absence make a difference to your work? 假如没有他,对你的工作会有影响 吗 来自互联网 4.The easiest way to make a difference is not to drop litter. 做到与众不同最简单的方式就是不要扔垃圾. 来自互联网 5.We make a difference between new word and coinages. 对新词和生造词要区别对待. 来自互联网 6.Today,many will take the action necessary to make a difference. 今天,许多人将采取必要的行动以实现改变. 来自互联网 7.The new digital era could make a difference to the bottom line. 数码时代的到来将发生翻天覆地的变化. 来自互联网 8.Also,eating a balanced diet can really make a difference. 还有,饮食均衡也会有很大的影响. 来自互联网 9.A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of death. 生死之际,一点小知识可以创造奇迹.当你面临地震,你知道要做的是什么吗? 来自互联网 10.This would make a difference to the chemistry of the atmosphere. 这将改变大气的化学成分. 来自互联网

make a difference等于什么


make a difference是什么意思

make a difference[英][meik u0259 u02c8difu0259ru0259ns][美][mek e u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns]有影响; 起(重要)作用; 例句:1.Does gender make a difference? 性别对善举有影响吗?2.Can america make a difference? 美国能让事情改观吗?

英语小问题 make a difference


make a _____(different)填什么


make a difference是什么意思

make a difference 英[meik u0259 u02c8difu0259ru0259ns] 美[mek e u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns] [词典] 有影响; 起(重要)作用; [例句]We should make a difference between new word and coinages.对新词和生造词要区别对待。

make a/the difference什么意思及同义词

make a/the difference制造/区别拼音双语对照双语例句1That, in turn, can make a difference in the scramble for talent.反过来,这在争夺人才时也至关重要。2With the continued work of others, it will bridge the gap further and some day make it impossible for a user to tell the difference between Java applications and native applications.随着其他方面的不断努力,差距会进一步缩小,总有一天,用户会无法区分Java应用程序和本机应用程序。

make a difference to与make a different to有什么区别


make a difference to是什么意思


make a difference是什么意思

make a difference释义有影响,有关系

make a difference for 和make a difference to 的区别?

我感觉国内的绝大多数英语老师也分不清for 和 to 的区别,因为他们没有生活在国外,所以不知道怎么用。前者,没这么用的,就算有,也只能说,make a difference for someone, 为某人做出改变(自身的改变) 等这样的情景;make a difference to something/someone ,让某事某人做出改变,to后面的就是被改变的对象。改变的对象或者主体,就是本质的区别。

“make a difference”是什么意思


make a difference什么意思?

-----make a difference to sb (do sth )意为对某人(做某物)有影响-----make a difference in sth(doing sth )意为对某物(做某事)有影响如:----1,It makes a great differences to me.它对我有很大的影响。 ---- 2, It makes a difference to keep fit.它对保持健康有影响。 ---- 3,It makes a difference in my health.它对我的健康有影响。 ----- 4,It makes a great differentces in singing.它对唱歌有很大的影响。

make a difference的所有形式及例句

make a difference是动词短语, 其形式也就是动词make的形式。动词的形式有:原形(make)、三人称单数形式(makes)、过去式(made)、过去分词(made)、动词不定式(to make)、动词-ing(making)。Support makes a difference. 支持带来改变。Working hard made a difference. 努力起了作用。Phones have made a difference.电话已经产生了影响。They wanted to make a difference by reading. 他们想通过读书进行改变。Those ways were making a difference. 那些方法在起作用。

make a difference和make the difference的区别

Li Zhengmao, general manager of China Telecom Group, talks about his company"s push for a 5G network and what difference the new technology will make to our daily life in the future.

make a difference是什么意思


make a difference后面的介词是什么?

to。1、应该是make a difference,不是make a different。make a difference是一个固定短语,意思是“有差别/有影响/起作用”。2、make a difference后面一般有两种介词加法。make a difference between...(and...),意思是“区别对待...(和...)”。make a difference to...,意思是“对...来说有影响/有作用/很重要”。英语学习方法1、英语基础要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象中的那么难,不管是单词还是句型、语法。在高三复习的第一轮复习中,关于复习系会和语言点,一定要注意听,哪怕是一节课掌握几个短语也行,至于课后就自己拿起高中英语书,从单词背起,考英语一定要有词汇基础,否则什么都是白搭。2、词典不离手当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。

make a difference是什么意思


“make a difference”是什么意思

make a difference(起重要作用,有影响)

make a difference是什么意思

make a difference[英][meik u0259 u02c8difu0259ru0259ns][美][mek e u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns]有影响; 起(重要)作用; 网络影响; 有影响,有作用; 很重要; 双语例句1Eg. thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference.谢谢你让我觉得自己很重要,让我知道我可以改变自己。2Just as important, notes career coach Nan S. Russell, “ it feels great to make a difference.职业导师南·S·拉塞尔表示,参与志愿者活动还有一点同样重要,“做一件有意义的事,感觉很棒。

make a difference是什么意思


make a difference是什么意思?

1、“make a difference”直译是:让事情改变;短语意思是:发生重大的影响。例句:The great people are the ones who make a difference to the world.2、也可以解释成为“与众不同”。例句 :The easiest way to mak...

make a difference是什么意思


make a difference 的含义,用法

make a difference 的含义:有影响;起(重要)作用用法:1.It means to make an important effect on something, especially a good effect. 意思是对某事产生巨大的影响或者作用,尤其是好的方面. 可以用这个短语:make a big/ a great deal of / a lot of difference 例句: The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference. 现在我能自己安排时间了,这对我有很大的作用.2.当你要想 改变一件事情的时候,你可以这么写:We hope that we can make a difference! 也可以在 difference 后面 加上 in, 改什么。比如: We hope that we can make a difference in the school!3.也可以说,我们要改变一个东西。We want to make a difference to the world.

求全文翻译Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently原文如下。谢啦!

为什么女孩和男孩学习不同的吗?你认为只有男孩在科学?那似乎是您觉得女孩比男孩好词汇吗?如果您的答案是“是的”,也许你是对的,根据一篇当今的科学。当它是重要的阅读的东西以开放的心态,这里的一些文章发现。平均来说,男性得分较高在测试数学推理、机械能力和解决问题的能力。女性,另一方面,做更好的在测试词汇量、拼写和记忆。  3情况下,女婴也比男婴开始说话时间早。科学家们认为有一个物理原因。他们相信的左侧的神经大脑发展更快女孩比男孩。这是脑的左侧,强有力地影响着一个人的能力,用词、? 4根据这篇文章,他们开始上学的时候,小女孩有一个男孩所不具备的优势:女孩身体更愿意记事、拼写、拼写和阅读。当然,技能,是非常重要的,因为孩子第一次开始上学。  5那么,什么是发生在几年前与男孩子开始上学吗?有些人说,他们是社会是教学比女孩更有力。一个有力的人被说成是无所畏惧的审讯他人,并成为一个indep如果在小男孩制造了这样的力量吗?长期以来,人们认定这是由于化学在男性的身体。然而,今天的科学家们相信,还有其他因素,外,也具有一定的参考价值。他们说这些力量学到的父母。  7一组研究人员发现,有较强的男孩和女孩之间的差异是如何提高:当女儿在他们的研究中通常都接近他们的父母,儿子,encour-aged自己移动和发展独立自主的精神。

Different Kind Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Different Kind Of Love歌手:Brendan James专辑:Brendan James (Bonus Track Version)-DeccaBrendan James - Different Kind Of LoveDriving in a trance through your lost and lonely townSomething in the air that could blow your whole house downSomething like a tragedySomething that you think you needTurning on a dime you pull into your local storeAisles going by and you forget what you"re looking forMaybe it"s a pot of goldMaybe you"re too lost to knowMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveOne that you could only dreamMaybe it will take all the sorrow awayAnd let you feel freeNothing like a storm in your heart to wake you upSomeone by your side and you know their not enoughMaybe you should try and stayMaybe you should walk awayMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveOne that you could only dreamMaybe it will take all the sorrow awayAnd let you feel freeMaybe you wake up to a brighter sunVoices in your head screaming now the change has comeWith a different kind of loveMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveOne that you have never seenMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a different kind of loveMaybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journeyMaybe what you need is a better kind of loveMaybe it will take all the sorrow away and let you feel freeWooooohttp://music.baidu.com/song/905334


这个里面,on是与levels搭配的,many different是修饰level是的

manny. difficult是什么




wonder girls 2Different tears英文歌词 英文版哦!

LZ,是这个么 Gave me 2 different tears, After all these years Tears of joy tears of pain like sunshine and rain So I hate you, so I love you So I hate you, so I love you I"m trying to figure out how to move on with my life Without you by my side Waking up with teary eyes I can"t do this no more Gotta erase you now So I think of all the pain you"ve given me Try to look at all the damage you brought to me No matter how hard I try I just can"t figure out why I keep thinking about how sweet you used to be Gave me 2 different tears, After all these years Tears of joy tears of pain like sunshine and rain So I hate you(But the love you gave me was so so good) so I love you (But the pain you gave me was so so bad) I"m crying over you still what does this mean do I Still want you back in my life After all these painful things you"ve done to me Why is it so hard to realize So I think of all the pain you"ve given me Try to look at all the damage you brought to me But the harder that I fight You come closer in my sight And I"m thinking about how sweet it could"ve been Why do I still feel this way when I know there"s nothing Left to say I should"ve never loved you in the first place Wanna erase you without a trace Try to tell myself that I need to hate you For the pain that you put me through But I for some reason why Still miss you no matter how hard I try

home to different kinds of living thing 在句中做什么成分

home to different kinds of living things是名词world的同位语。[译文]雨林的每一层都形成了自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家园。

求一篇题目是 how to deal with cultural differences的英语作文

How to Deal with Cultural DifferencesCultural differences are inevitable in our globalized world. People from different countries, regions, religions, ethnicities and backgrounds may have different values, beliefs, customs, habits and languages. These differences can sometimes cause misunderstandings, conflicts or even discrimination among people. However, cultural differences can also be a source of richness, diversity and learning. Therefore, it is important to learn how to deal with cultural differences in a respectful and constructive way.Here are some tips on how to deal with cultural differences:- Be open-minded and curious. Instead of judging or rejecting people who are different from you, try to understand their perspectives and experiences. Ask questions, listen actively and show interest in their culture. You may find that you have more in common than you think.- Be respectful and tolerant. Respect the dignity and rights of every person, regardless of their cultural background. Avoid stereotypes, prejudices and assumptions that may offend or hurt others. Recognize that there is no superior or inferior culture, only different ones.- Be adaptable and flexible. Be willing to adjust your behavior and expectations according to the situation and the context. Learn the basic norms and etiquette of the culture you are interacting with, and follow them as much as possible. Be ready to compromise and accommodate when necessary.- Be communicative and cooperative. Communicate clearly and effectively with people from different cultures. Use simple and polite language, avoid slang, jargon and idioms that may cause confusion. Clarify any doubts or misunderstandings as soon as possible. Seek feedback and confirmation to ensure mutual understanding. Work together to solve problems and achieve common goals.By following these tips, you can deal with cultural differences in a positive and productive way. You can also enrich your own knowledge, skills and personality by learning from other cultures. Cultural differences are not a barrier, but an opportunity for growth and harmony.

making a difference的课文原文

It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference , but there are things we can learn from the best minds in this world . Great scientists like Stephen Hawking always want to know more .They are never satisfied with a simple answer and are always looking for new questions . The ltalian astronomer Galileo Galilei was so curious that he used a microscope and a telescope in order to be able to take a closer look at things both great and small . By asking why , how and what if , curious minds find new ideas and solutions . If knowledge is power , as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1597,then perhaps creativity can be discribed as the ability to use that power .Scientists must be creative and use their imagination all the time .When Zhang Heng ,the Chinese astronomer and geographer ,wanted to draw a map of the heavens ,he was not satisfied with a simple paper map .Instead, he built a model that could move in order to show how the position of the stars changed from season to season . We must believe in what we do ,even when others do not .Both Galileo and Zhang Heng found it difficult to make people believe that their theories were correct .People laughed at Zhang Heng when he first introduced his seismograph,and it was only later that the world recognized his greatness.Galileo"s observations show that Copernicus,another great astronomer,was right and that the earth moves around the sun ,not the other way around .At that time ,the church said that the earth was the centre of the universe and Galileo was not allowed to publish or discuss his observations.Today both Zhang Heng and Galileo are known as scientific pioneers who helped us better understand the world . Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at .Knowing who we are means knowing how we think and what we like to do. Eeveryone has his or her special skills and interests ,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.

be different from 句型 不懂啊


differ from与different from 有什么不同



英音["d_f_(r)]美音[_d_f_]。AandB~(fromeachother)|A~sfromB相异;有区别;不同于。tobedifferentfromsb/sth。Theyholddifferingviews.他们持有不同的观点。differ做动词v.表示(与某人、某事物)不同,不一样,有区别,不像,相异,例句如Our tastes differ from each other. 中文翻译为我们的嗜好不同。differ还有不同意,持异议的意思,表示意见相左,例句如The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions. 中文翻译为两位领导人在制裁问题上存在意见分歧。differ的发音为英 [u02c8du026afu0259(r)],美 [u02c8du026afu025a] ,组成的常见短语有:1,differ from表示和……不同,例句如Their books differ from ours because they have no Chinese original text. 翻译为他们的书和我们的不同,因为他们的书没有中文原文。2,differ in表示在某方面不同,例句如The two boxes differ in size but not in color. 翻译为这两个盒子的大小不一样,颜色却相同。3,differ with sb about /on /over sth 表示与……持不同看法,例句如I differed with you in that matter. 翻译为对于那件事我与你有分歧。扩展资料differ的同义词词义辨析:disagree,differ,object 这些动词均含有“不同意,反对”之意, disagree指彼此间意见或看法不同,任何言行上的不合。 differ可替换disagree,但语气较温和,是disagree的委婉说法。object语气强烈,侧重对某一具体计划、行为或作法等表示反对,常跟前置词to连用。例句We differ from them on the issue. 翻译为我们在这个问题上与他们意见不一。I disagree with you about this. 翻译为对于这件事,我跟你意见不一样。I don"t object to what she says, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.翻译为我不反对她说的话,但她说这话的方式我很反感。





The weather in Beijing is different from ___.选择题(代词的用法)

横线处完整的表达应该是the weather in Shanghai , 为了简便用that代替the weather

The weather in Beijing is different from _______in Shanghai?

that英语中不能重复,故用某些单词代替,3,B,1,that,0,The weather in Beijing is different from _______in Shanghai Ait Bthat CthemDthose 单项选择

The weather in Beijing is different from ___.选择题(代词的用法)


These flowers are of different colors和These flowers are different colors有什么区别呢?

These flowers are different colors 这句话好象是错的~应该是These flowers are IN different colors你说的2组句子意思上剧本一致其实英语不一定对语法讲求这么严格~中国人说话难道都是那么按照语法的吗?

填空:there is __than just one kind of Chinese food,diffrtent ares in China have special __......

more ways say balance diet those

翻译 One more hour of sieep may mean the difference beteen doing well and falling asieep in class.





关于是否用作可数名词和是否用复数形式:(1) 表示抽象意义的“困难”,是不可数名词。如:Bad planning will lead to difficulty later. 计划不周会给以后带来困难。(2) 表示具体意义的“困难”(如难事、难点、难题等),是可数名词。如:He paused as if he found a difficulty. 他停下来,好像遇到了一个难点。He met with many difficulties when travelling. 他在旅行进遇到过不少伤脑筋的事。(3) 在某些词组中是不可数名词(只用单数)。如:with difficulty 困难地without difficulty 容易地而在某些词组中又是可数名词(且通常要用复数形式)。如:make difficulties 刁难under difficulties 在困难条件下(4) 在某些词组中可用作可数名词或不可数名词,有时意义相同:make no difficulty=make no difficulties 无异议,不反对有时意义不同:be in difficulty 有困难be in difficulties 手头拮据2. 关于句式have difficulty in doing sth:(1) difficulty 通常是不可数名词;(2) difficulty 前可用some, any, no, great, much, little等修饰; (3) 动词have 可用find, there be 等换之;(4) in doing sth 中的in 可以省略,但不能改为to do sth。There was no [little] difficulty in persuading her. 没费什么劲就说服她。I had [found] great difficulty (in) doing the work. 做这工作我觉得很吃力。若其后接名词或代词,也可用介词with。Do you have any difficulty with [in] English? 你对(学习)英语有困难吗?
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