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1、端午节的英语:The Dragon Boat Festival,英 [?? ?dr?ɡ?n b??t ?fest?vl] 美 [?? ?dr?ɡ?n bo?t ?fest?vl]。2、中国媒体报道说,中国的电影监管部门让美国梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks Animation)的高票房影片《疯狂原始人》(The Croods)在中国为期三天的端午节假期开始前一周停映,比原有安排提前了两周。Local media reports say Chinas film regulator pulled DreamWorks Animations high-grossing The Croods from theaters one week before the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday two weeks early than scheduled.3、脸萌于本月早些时候的端午节前后窜红。据QQ的一份报告称,几天之内,脸萌的下载量就已经超百万。The app got hot earlier this month around Chinas Dragon Boat Festival, when over a couple days it was downloaded more than a million times, according to a QQ report.
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