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at a fast speed


问题一:坡度较大 英语怎么说 a somewhat steep gradient 问题二:arcgis坡度值用英语怎么说 坡度值 value of slope 坡度值 value of slope 问题三:最大爬坡度英文怎么写 最大爬坡度 [词典] maximum gradability; [例句]动力性各项评价指标的计算,包括最高车速、最大爬坡度、加速性能、动力因素; The tractive performance calculation mainly includes the maximum speed, the maximum climbing degree, acceleration capability and dynamic index. 问题四:倾斜计的翻译,怎么用英语翻译坡度测定仪,倾斜计 你好! 倾斜仪 Tiltmeter, 坡度测定仪, Slope tester 问题五:英文书写怎么控制斜度啊 首先要使本子下沿和课桌边缘保持20-30度的斜角,其次书写时要注意单词保持右倾。 问题六:这坡很陡峭 /平坦 英语怎么说? the slope is steep/flat 您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我共同携手传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳I(^ω^)J 问题七:"拨模角度" 的英文翻译? pattern draft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [解释]:拔模斜度; 起模[拔模]斜度 [参考词典]:英汉综合大词典 简明英汉词典








吨/月 吨/季度英语怎么表示

吨/月 就是ton per month顿/季 就是ton per quarter




1 关键性的剩余工程2 剩余工程


一、严厉的制度翻译成英文:Severe system二、拓展:严厉的单词:stringent; severe; strict; acrimonious; ironhanded; stern; stiff制度的单词:regulation; rule; system; institution三、相关短语:严厉报复take a terrible revenge措辞严厉be couched in harsh terms严厉惩罚punish sb with severity财务制度regulation for financial work核查制度system of verification辩护制度system of advocacy


答案:To what extent 解析: to…extent“到……程度”。


总长 16.800米船体长 15.240米水线长13.237米船体宽4.66米水线宽4.485米设计图0.8米排水量(设计图)21.92吨纵向浮心5.384米漂心纵向位置5.505米垂向浮心0.528米水平点3.217米潮湿表面区域56.549平方米长度预测规划表面13.89米预计规划区域51.318平方米人员登陆艇5.97米方形系数0.45




In the past century, human beings have damaged the forests to an astonishing extent. There used to be 7.6 billion hectares of forests on the earth while there were merely 5.5 billion hectares in the 19th century. There were only 3.95 billion hectares left in 2005. During the decade between 1990 and 2000, about 10 million hectares disappeared every year. According to the sixth survey of the forest resources in our country, the total area of forest in the country is 147900000 hectares and the coverage rate is 18.21%, only 60 percent of the average coverage rate of the world. The forest area per capita is 0.1 hectare only, only one sixth of that of the world.


问题一:凌渡的英文名为什么是Lamando啊? “Lamando“源于西班牙语中的“Mandar”,象征“引领与启示”。在拼写上吸收了西班牙短语“LAMUNDO”,诠释了对世界的热爱,在呼唤每一颗年轻、开放的心。 问题二:2017款款大众凌度英文标志叫什么 歌曲是专门为这支广告原创的,目前只创作了广告中的45秒长的音乐片段。 歌手:Melodia。目前还没有完整歌曲。 只在歌手豆瓣小站有45秒的试听片段。 中文歌词: 跟我来吧 快跟上我的节奏 这就是我想要的 问题三:大众凌度后 *** 上啥英文字 负责任的告诉你:LAMY 求求你采纳吧! 问题四:大众郎逸,郎行,郎动,凌度英文字母分别是什么 你好,1、朗逸:Lavida,朗行:Gran Lavida。 3、朗行的英文名Gran源自拉丁文,英文译为Grand, 上海大众旗下的最新车型--NMC--正式命名为凌渡Lamando【汽车有问题,问汽车大师。4S店专业技师,10分钟解决。】 问题五:大众凌度车主怎么说 凌度 选车是件大事儿,PK外形、PK口碑、PK价格、PK性能u30fbu30fbu30fbu30fbu30fbu30fb 1.外形:凌度超宽,线条感强,灯光夺目、内饰超前,比较硬朗,漂亮! 2.价格:相近的配置,虽然价格优势不大,但在接受范围内,大众本来就不以廉价作为竞争优势。竞争的是科技、是灯光、是宽度、是内饰。要记住自己的身份! 3.性能:涡轮增压发动机的动力,比清一色的自然吸气更带劲,给你提供源源不断的动力,轻踩油门,车就窜出去,别被它轿车的外表迷惑,这是部跑车。 4、口碑:大众口碑不解释,大陆市场30年的沉积,服务网络遍布全国。 问题六:求大众凌渡的广告背景音乐,是一首女声英文歌曲! Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain We jumped, never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell A love no one could deny Don"t you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I can"t live a lie, running for my life I will always want you I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you wreck me I put you high up in the sky And now, you"re not ing down It slowly turned, you let me burn And now, we"re ashes on the ground Don"t you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I can"t live a lie, running for my life I will always want you I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me I came in like a wrecking ball Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung Left me crouching in a blaze and fall All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you wreck me I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in And instead of using force I guess I should"ve let you in I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in I guess I should"ve let you in Don"t you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me I came in like a wrecking ball Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung Left me crouching in a blaze and fal......>> 问题七:上海大众凌度广告里那首女生唱的英文歌叫什么名字? 凌渡的最新广告歌曲名字就是Lamando,是网络歌手Melodia演唱。 整首歌与广告长度相当,属于即兴创作演唱。 这边给你原版MP3歌曲,希望喜欢。 手机版可能看不到,是百度云盘资源。 请用电脑查看,下载即可看到凌渡最新广告背景音乐了。 满意请记得采纳,你的采纳是我继续助人的动力~(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ 问题八:重庆台放的上海大众凌度的一首英文广告曲是什么歌 Rather Be - Clean Bandit、Jess Glynne We"re a thousand miles From fort We have traveled land and sea But as long as you are with me There"s no place I"d rather be I would wait forever Exulted in the scene As long as I am with you My heart continues to beat With every step we take Kyoto to The Bay Strolling so casually We"re different and the same Gave you another name Switch up the batteries If you gave me a chance I would take it It"s a shot in the dark But I"ll make it Know with all of your heart You can"t shake me When I am with you There"s no place I rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be We staked out on a mission To find our inner peace Make it everlasting So nothing"s inplete It"s easy being with you Sacred simplicity As long as we"re together There"s no place I"d rather be With every step we take Kyoto to The Bay Strolling so casually We"re different and the same Gave you another name Switch up the batteries If you gave me a chance I would take it It"s a shot in the dark But I"ll make it Know with all of your heart You can"t shake me When I am with you There"s no place I"d rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be No, no, no, no place I"d rather be When I am with you There"s no place I"d rather be If you gave me a chanc......>> 问题九:上海大众凌渡汽车广告歌曲快跟上我的节奏的英文的歌曲 找到喽u30fbu30fbu30fbsite.douban/melodia/ 就是那首叫lamando的,楼主采纳吧赶快 问题十:2017大众凌渡广告歌曲女的唱的英文歌 就叫lamando 是网络歌手Melodia演唱的 mp3已上传到百度云盘 如需要 请用非手机方式登录百度知道网页后下载(因网盘容量有限 上传内容最多只能保存30天) 我发链接百度判我违规 请用非手机方式登录百度知道网页 因百度云盘不稳定可能造成死链接 也可以留邮 箱 提问者免费


有绅士风度Gentry gentry 英[u02c8du0292entri] 美[u02c8du0292u025bntri] n. 绅士们; 贵族们; [例句]Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century.乡间的大部分房子都是那些有土地的乡绅在19世纪后期修建的。[其他] 复数:gentries



求晨风频度英语高效六级词汇映象速记,单词MP3版 下载地址



书上有没有出版社网站地址? 进哪里下载。。。

晨风频度英语-高效高中词汇 书中有多少单词?

高中词汇大概有4千左右,这本书是精选词汇 有3000左右吧 这本书我没用过,但我用过晨风频度英语系列的词汇书它的编排是从易到难 。从the 开始,一开始你背的非常快,因为前面的你基本上都认识。它是根据出现的频率排序的,个人认为很好。值得买,网上还可以下载听力mp3不错希望楼主满意我的答复

频度英语(高效进阶2500-5000-8000) 音频为什么下不到?

给你推荐个 大耳朵英语 网站里面的听力还可以 看看








英文:20 degrees centigrade or twenty degrees centigrade degree 一般用复数:degrees。除非是 0 degree (zero degree ) 、1 degree、-1 degree、0.x degree、-0.x degree、1.x degree、-1.x degree .要 用单数。


The temperature is twenty-two degrees


minus 20 centigrade 或者minus 20 degree Celsius




问题一:请问 *** 时候 想表示 *** 力度重点 和 *** 力度轻点 英语怎么说? 想表示 *** 力度重点 就说harder 想表示 *** 力度轻点 就说softer 这么说就可以了 对方会理解的 如果满意,请采纳~ 谢谢! 问题二:加大产品开发力度英语怎么说 10分 加大产品开发力Explore the products extensively 问题三:促销力度 英文怎么说 Marketing efforts 问题四:加大控制力度的英语怎么说 increased spending on efforts to control increases its strength on control 问题五:力量用英语怎么说 1.force n. 1. 力; 力量; 力气2. 武力; 暴力3. 影响力; 效力4. 一群人; 部队; 兵力5. [英国方言]瀑布6. 气力,毅力,魄力7. (社会)势力,威力,实力,权力;有影响的人(或事物)8. (字、句、段落等的)确切意义;(精神)实质;要点,基本点9. 【法律】(法律、条约、规章等的)效力,约束力 2.potence n. 1. 力量,权力,能力 3.power n. 1. 权力, 势力; 影响力2. 政权3. 职权4. 能力, 天赋; 体力, 力量5. 功力, 动力, 功率6. 强国, 有权势的人[团体等]7. 幂, 乘方8. 放大倍数;放大率 9. 正锭(或邪恶)力量 10. 控制力;操纵力11. 能力;机会12. (身体、心智的)某种能力13. (全部)体力,智力14. 某方面的力量(或影响);实力15. (某事物或社会集团的)影响力,势力 16. 电力供应 4.strength n. 1. 力, 力量; 体力, 力气2. 强度; 浓度3. 优点, 长处4. 人力[数]; 兵力5. 影响力;资力;权力6. 精神力量7. 道德力量8. 说服力,感染力9. 给人以力量的人(或事物),力量的源泉10. 牢度,强度11. (光、声、色等的)力度12. 长处,优点,优势13. 价格坚挺(或上升)的趋势 5.vigour n. 1. 智力, 精力, 元气2. (动,植物的)强健,茁壮3. (语言等的)气势;力度;魄力4. (法律上的)效力,有效 问题六:力量的英语怎么说 力量 (1) [physical strength]∶力气 当这一打击临到他身上时,已经没有什么力量了 (2) [capacity]∶能力 国防力量 (3) [force;power;strength]∶强大的性质或程度;产生某一效果的能力;势力或影响的来源 政治(经济,文化,法律,革命)力量 团结就是力量 知识就是力量 例句如下: 1.政治影响力和军事力量方面的变化将滞后于这些经济变革。 Shifts in political influence and military force will lag behind these economic changes. 2.最有趣的一章或许是对太平洋军事力量平衡所做的分析。 Perhaps the most interesting chapter is on the balance of military forces in the pacific. 3.把力量训练和心肺功能训练相结合。 Do a mix of 福trength training and cardiovascular conditioning. 4.术前术后的物理治疗和力量训练也很关键。 Physical therapy and strength training before and after the surgery can be crucial. 5.身体力量的迅速爆发曾帮助我们的祖先甩掉食肉动物。 Those short bursts of power helped our ancestors outrun predators. 问题七:加大力度用英文怎么说 put more effort on 问题八:加强管理力度 英语怎么说 strengthen the management


pesssimistic attitude