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如何高效学习英语?how to learn english effectively

学习任何语言,都要从实战和心理两个方面做好准备。学英语的实战方法,具体到各个环节有很多,需要你结合实际的努力自己来发现、总结和运用。现在我想说说最重要的学习方法,就是读。读,从两个角度来读。1、读没有翻译的原文。读,懂不懂无所谓,就是读,这是培养语感。当你读了很多原文后,你都不用想就会脱口而出正确的词句来。2、读有翻译的文章。这时候你要多花时间对译来读。一般我先看汉语,自己翻译一下,然后看英语,再回头对比自己哪里翻译的不对。这样做的时候会明显感觉到对自己的中国式英语思维,和词汇的贫乏。对比后立刻记住了,效果很好,比你单独背语法背词汇收获大多了。这样练习久了,水平提高很快的。学英语不用一开始就一定要精准,一定背记下来,一定要弄明白,这样学起来很累,效果不见得多好。就是大量的阅读,类似囫囵吞枣,大量看对译,(对译的时候别忘了经过自己头脑的转换和对比),只要阅读量够,你的语言水平会让你大吃一惊的。学英语的心理战术1、让自己爱上英语。可以从假爱到真爱。就是面对着复杂的英语你也要对自己说:“我真喜欢英语啊”,“英语真好学啊” ,“英语真好听啊”,心理暗示久了,就真爱上了。2、让自己进入英语文化背景中。我在自学韩语,我教的韩国学生团结、守纪律、有礼貌,坚毅;我看的韩剧唯美、含蓄、幽默,我想知道这些品质是怎么来的,或者说我也想变成这样的人,那么就从语言入手,说这种话的人就会被熏染这种语言文化。所以我开始学习,经历了艰难的开头,焦虑畏难之后,慢慢自己能读完整了,再去听听他们怎么说,突然有一天,早上起来就想张口说韩语,不说出来不舒服。以此类推,你去看看英语的电影电视剧,听听英语歌曲。3、学英语不要怕。学英语不要怕。入门时,如果方便可以找个入门班,然后可以自学。先找到简单的英语文章,和简单的英汉对译文章,让自己很快获得心理满足和成功的感觉,再逐步增加难度。学英语不要怕,还是老话,天下无难事,只怕有心人。当你听、看、说英语到一定程度,你就会习惯这种语言,你就会被这种语言浸染,不冲口说说,就心里憋闷,口中无味了。好,就聊到这儿,祝你成功!相信你会成功!

怎么合理利用时间 How to Use Time Effectively

Today our topic is how to take full use of your spare time. In our life, some of students go to Internet bar and gradually get addicted to computer games. others may spend much of spare time in watching TV, which is a waste of youth. I think we should make the best of our spare time and try the best to beautify our life. Therefore, I think in the spare time, we can read books to enrich our knowledge. What"s more, doing some sports is a good choice. After all, a good body is the base of everything else. In addition, we can also take part in some classes for interests, like piano class or painting class. All in all, it is highly important that we make the most of our spare time.

The union representative put across her argument very effectivelyuff0e

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

The union representative put across her argument very effectively.

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

How to learn English Vocabulary effectively?


急求一篇100字左右的英语短文,题目是‘How do you work most effectively?’

In order to work most effectively,it is very important to be well-organized.A well-organized person considers and plans his work in advance.He knows how to allocate time for doing different tasks.He puts his working tasks in order and always starts with the most important or urgent ones.He notes down his work in details and clearly knows the progress of each working task. If people learn to be well-organized,he will surely be successful in doing work effectively.



make sth后面是只能加形容词吗?比如make my work more effectively 这是错的吗

make my work more effectively 这是错的! 可以改成:make me work more effectively (在这里effectively修饰动词work)或者make my work more effective(在这里effective补充说明名词work)

How to communicate with others effectively

How to Communicate Effectively There are seven essential elements to an effective communication:1. Structure;2. Clarity;3. Medium.StructureHow you structure your communication is fundamental to how easily it is absorbed and understood by your audience.Every good communication should have these three structural elements:an openinga bodya closeClarityBe clear about the messaqe you want to deliver, as giving a confused message to your audience only ends up with them being confused and your message being ignored.MeduimThere are a plenty ways for you to deliver your message—the trick is to use the right one.

effectively 和 efficiently用法有什么区别

effectively: 有效的,能产生预期效果的,例子:Services need to be more effectively organized than they are at present. 服务的管理应该比现在更加有效。efficiently: 效率高的,效能高的,例子:I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。这两个的区别很明显,前者就是有效的,产生效果,后者则是效率高,不光有效率,而且效率高。前者强调某物或者某事达到预期的期望,后者强调完成一件事情省时省力,效率很高。这些就是它们用法上的区别。

this seems mostly effectively


"to make the operation more effective" or " more effectively"?

To make the operation more effective.

请用effective effectively efficient efficiently effcacy efficiency 各造一个句子,谢谢


effect effective effectively什么区别?


Government cannot operate effectively______it is free from such interference

C吧 除非



effectively and efficiently是什么意思

快速有效地effectively:adv.有效地; 实际上,事实上efficiently:adv.效率高地; 有效地

efficiently effectively 的区别

effectively: 有效的,能产生预期效果的,例子:Services need to be more effectively organized than they are at present. 服务的管理应该比现在更加有效。efficiently: 效率高的,效能高的,例子:I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。这两个的区别很明显,前者就是有效的,产生效果,后者则是效率高,不光有效率,而且效率高。前者强调某物或者某事达到预期的期望,后者强调完成一件事情省时省力,效率很高。这些就是它们用法上的区别。

efficiently and effectively是什么意思

efficiently and effectively有效地和高效地例句This involves the cooperation of testers and developers working together to efficiently and effectively analyze and solve these problems, and to improve performance.这涉及到测试人员和开发人员的合作,以便有效地和高效地分析和解决这些问题,并提高性能。

effect effectively efficiently efficiency的区别



effectively:有效的,能产生预期效果的, 例子:Services need to be more effectively organized than they are at present.服务的管理应该比现在更加有效. efficiently:效率高的,效能高的, 例子:I work very efficiently and am decisive,and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确. 这两个的区别很明显,前者就是有效的,产生效果,后者则是效率高,不光有效率,而且效率高. 前者强调某物或者某事达到预期的期望,后者强调完成一件事情省时省力,效率很高. 这些就是它们用法上的区别.

efficiently and effectively的区别。

二者测重点不同。efficiently 高效率的(侧重效率),effectively有效的(侧重效果)。团队就是许多个人组合起来完成组内任何个人都无法高效或有效地完成的工作。


两个词都有有效的意思,但是efficiently强调的有效指效率高,以最小的投入产生最大的收益;而effectively的有效指的是有效果,能够产生影响,并且也有法律文书等“生效”的意思. 用哪个应该能看出来了吧.


efficiently意思是高效的effectively意思是有效果的 强调结果


effectively生词本去背诵英 [ɪˈfektɪvli] 美 [ɪˈfɛktɪvli]adv.有效地; 实际上,事实上网 络有效地;有力地;能有效地;实际上双语例句同反义词1. This effectively means that the government does not agree with the proposals. 这实际上就意味着政府不赞同这些提议。




effectively[英][ɪˈfektɪvli][美][ɪˈfɛktɪvli]adv.有效地; 实际上,事实上;


effectively:英【ɪˈfektɪvlɪ】。短语搭配:effectively grounded直接接地;有效被接地;有枣企跨效接地;有效接地的。use effectively有效利用漏祝欢;有效巴民舟享地使用组纸埋。deal effectively有效地处理。perform effectively有效地执行。brush effectively有效地画。encourage effectively有效地鼓励。resist effectivel有效地抵抗。effectively regulate有效规范。protect effectively有效地束糊保护;有效保护。双语例句:1. Plastic bags don"t recycle cost-effectively.塑料袋回收成本太高,不划算。2. From this moment Bulgaria was effectively independent.从此刻起,保加利亚实际上已经独立。3. The region was effectively independent.实际上,该地区已经独立。4. McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set.在第二局中,麦克尼尔对球的截击更加有效了。5. The writer could have conveyed ideas more effectively by punctuating sentences with full stops.要是用句号断句的话,作者就能更好地表达思想了。