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left join 和 left outer join 的区别

你好,关于left join 和 left outer join 的区别:left join 是left outer join的简写,left join默认是outer属性的。LEFT JOIN 或 LEFT OUTER JOIN。 left join:是SQL语言中的查询类型,即连接查询。它的全称为左外连接(left outer join),是外连接的一种。左向外联接的结果集包括 LEFT OUTER 子句中指定的左表的所有行,而不仅仅是联接列所匹配的行。如果左表的某行在右表中没有匹配行,则在相关联的结果集行中右表的所有选择列表列均为空值。标准SQL中为LEFT Outer Join,而T-SQL两者均可。希望对你有帮助

DEFTONES的《Passenger》 歌词

歌曲名:Passenger歌手:DEFTONES专辑:White Pony「Passenger」作词∶光村龙哉作曲∶光村龙哉歌∶NICO Touches the Walls小さな鞄 抱え込んで 今日も歩く後に残るのは 呜呼 梦の迹か 涙の海か君を探して 道に迷ってどこにいるのかもわからなくたって命の限り 声を枯らして孤独を歌う仆はPassengerわけもなく今は 叫んでるだけ少しでも远くへ 伝わればいいなんてね心の奥は深い森で 彷徨う魂言叶にするほど 呜呼 远く远く离れる手を取り合って 抱きしめあって确かさばかり求めるけど冷めた炎が 胸を焦がして情けないほど永远を祈ってた不安でしようがないんだかたちないもの掴んでも 掴んでも逃げていくようで明日仆が消えたとして君は泣くだろうか?仆を想うだろうか?さあ响け 声よ 高らかにこの歌声が 君に届くまでもしも愿いが叶わなくたって构わないこの旅路の终わりに君が笑っていてくれさえすれば小さな鞄 抱え込んで 今日も歩く远くに朝焼け 呜呼梦だろうが幻だろうが息を切らして 踵减らしてどこにいるのかもわからなくたって命の限りに 声を枯らして君を求めて歌うだけさ喜び 悲しみ 全て変えるよメロディに君を想った日々 刻み込むようにありがとうも ごめんねも呆れるほど歌にするよ命果てるまで 仆はPassenger【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7939031

英语完形填空 on a saturday morning,my left arm

On a Saturday morning.Detective Sara was called in for an investigation.Mr.Gooding had 41 suddenly from his home. Sara"s assistant answered the phone and got the 42 of Mr.Gooding"s house.The assistant told Sara that Mrs.Glen was expecting 43 in half an hour at 232 Parker Avenue.Mrs.Glen was the woman who helped Mr.Gooding to look after the house. Sara drove there.Right away she was 44 inside by Mrs.Glen.“Detective,I"m so 45 you come.The last place I saw Mr.Gooding was in his room 46 that would be your first question,”Mrs.Glen said a little bit nervously.She then wanted to lead Sara into the room.“Up here,”Mrs.Glen called from a stair lift.Just as Sara started 47 the stairs,the front door suddenly shut.“Oh,I left the 48 open,maybe.And then the wind 49 it,”Mrs.Glen said.Again they started up the stairs. Sara 50 a weathervane(风向标)through the window then.She 5l the wind was blowing west.But it should be blowing east 52 the door was shut by the wind.Then Sara noticed for the first 53 that there was a third set of footsteps on the stairs.She 54 knew she had walked into a trap. Do you know 55 Sara knew she had walked into a trap? 41.A.showed B.slept C.disappeared D.played 42.A.address B.size C.date D.height 43.A.him B.her C.you D.it 44.A.pulled B.forced C.1ed D.thrown 45.A.glad B.1ucky C.angry D.sad 46.A.told B.asked C.supposed D.heard 47.A.beside B.in C.down D.up 48.A.window B.door C.1ift D.stair 49.A.cheated B.opened C.closed D.broke 50.A.bought B.noticed C.put D.stole 51.A.argued B.changed, C.found D.told 52.A.although B.if C.or D.unless 53.A.time B.note C.chance D.step 54.A.1uckily B.happily C.hardly D.suddenly 55.A.what B.how C.who D.where

瓶子里还有水吗?英语翻译 Is there any water left in the bottle?为什么用left?

这里的left是“剩下的”,过去分词做后置定语,修饰water,意思上就是“还”的 意思了.,9,这是过去分词做后置定语,表示被动。 直接的理解是:“瓶子里还有被剩下的水吗?” Is there any wather (that is/was) left in the bottle?,2,left作定语后置,修饰water,表示"剩下的",1,

有一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词好像有is small left me 小小的世界



remain 比left比较正式

left. back. 是不是可以理解为落后


We all left the police station,convinced that Tom was innocent。这里的convinced是什么用法?


Work on it had begun before my sister left. 这句语法讲解下,有点迷糊。

—Hello, I"m Harry Potter.—Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ________________.call my Charlescall me at Charles call me Charlescall Charles me—Hello, May I speak to Don, please? —________________?I am Don. Who are youWho"s thereWho could I help This is Don. Who"s speaking—Hello, I"d like to talk to the headmaster now.—________________. Sorry, he is busy at the moment No, you can"t Sorry, you can"tI don"t know—Hello, my I talk to Tom?—Sorry, Tom isn"t in.—________________.—Sure.Is there any way to get in touch with him? Can I leave a message?Does he work today?Can I take a message for him?—It"s so sweet of you to help me lift the box.—________________.Don"t thank me.No, no, don"t say that It"s my pleasure.No thank.—Sorry I kept you waiting. —________________.I"m sadI don"t care That"s all right. There"s no hurryNo, not at all—I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —________________.Don"t worry about it Congratulations! That"s a difficult courseMr. Brown is very goodGood luck to you!— Alice, your hair design is really nice. —________________.No, no Yours is nice Thank you very muchMy hair design is not nice at all—We"re going on a visit to Japan next week. —________________. Have a good journeyGood bye.Wish you happy You"re right.Although John tried hard in the exam, he did _______ than his brother. much worsemuch better much badly more badlyIn the middle of the room stands a _______ table.beautiful wooden roundround wooden beautifulwooden round beautiful beautiful round woodenWe need a place _______ this one.twice as larger as twice as large asas twice largeas large as twiceIt is _______ that he has to ask for help.so a big job a so big job a such big job such a big jobI felt that I was not yet _______ to travel.so wellso good strong enoughenough wellShe only knew that she went there _______, but forgot about the exact date.Sundayon Sunday on a Sundayin a SundayHe goes to _______ church every Sunday. _______ church he usually goes to has the seating for over a thousand.a; The /; Thethe; Thea; /Tom likes to playing _______, while his sister likes to play _______. football; the pianothe football; the pianothe football; pianofootball; pianoTea and coffee are _______ popular beverages in the United States. most the mosta mostthe more_______ the computer _______ it can work.Smaller; fasterSmallest; fastest The smaller; the fasterThe smallest; The fastestWhen I came to see him last evening, he _______ football game.has watchedwas watchedwatches was watchingThe sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west.rise; set rises; setsrose; setis rising; is settingIt is likely that our team _______ the game.is about to win will winwinshas wonWhen she was in Chengdu, she often _______ to see me.comes camehas camehad cameJohn"s father _______ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.taught teaches has taughtis teachingBefore I got to the cinema, the film _______. had begun has begunis begunwas beginningBy next year, he _______ in New York for five years.has worked has been workingworks will have workedJim _______ Japan in 1980 and _______ in China ever since.left…lived left… has livedhas left… livedhas left…has livedLook _______! There"s a car coming.up outbackoverWe are interested in the weather because it _______ us so directly-what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.benefits affects guides effectsYou shouldn"t _______ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.cutdo killkickWhat is the train _______ to Birmingham?feetip farecostHe was _______ the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.engaged to engaged for engaged on engaged inI am pleased to take _______ to exchange views with you. this opportunitya chancethis timea periodIn those days, the Portuguese (葡萄牙人) were trying to reach India by sailing round Africa, but Columbus _______ prove that India could be reached by sailing west.was determined indetermined was determined todetermined inWang Li"s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.王立的父亲在北京大学时就在这所学校教书。王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以前就在这所学校教英语。 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以来就在这所学校教英语。王立的父亲还没有从北京大学毕业,就在这所学校教英语。Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比尔在围墙内敲坏了他的车。昨晚比尔将他的车弄坏了。昨晚比尔撞车了。 昨晚比尔开车时撞到了墙上。It was the car accident that deprived her of a normal life.是一次车祸影响了她的生活。 正是那场车祸剥夺了她的正常生活。她正常的生活被车祸打乱了。她中断了她的正常生活,又遇到了车祸。It never occurred to her that such a minor mistake would cause her to lose her job.如此小的一个错误会使她失去工作,这是从未发生的。她从未因犯小的错误而失去工作。她从未在工作中犯小的错误, 这使她失去了工作。 她从未想到这么小的一个错误竟会让她失去工作。Not only does John read newspapers, he also reads magazines.约翰既不读报, 也不看杂志。约翰不读报, 但看杂志。约翰报纸和杂志都看。 约翰不仅读报, 而且还看杂志。—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today"s speech contest.—________________.Yes, I beat the others.Yes, I won the first.It is a pleasure. Thank you.答案都给你推出来啦,,希望能帮到你哦

tickets left什么意思



css3之前,想要改变某个元素的位置,常用的方法是通过绝对定位改变其left或是top。而现在,由于css3新增加了transform属性,也可以通过改变translate来实现元素位置的变化。 制作改变某个元素位置的动画效果,尤其是在移动端上,如果使用left或者top,会出现明显的卡顿,在配置较低的手机上甚至会产生重影的现象。而改用translate,元素的运动效果则会变得相对流畅许多,且不会产生重影。 因为用left或top时,在每一帧内,cpu (中央处理器) 都需要计算该元素的其他样式,特别是相对需要复杂计算的盒阴影,渐变,圆角等样式,最后都需要将这些样式应用到该元素内。从这个角度看,如果对于较为老旧的移动设备进行相对复杂的动画,那么效果肯定不理想。 而通过调用translate,会启动硬件加速,即在GPU层 (图形处理器) 对该元素进行渲染。这样,CPU就会相对解放出来进行其他的计算,GPU对样式的计算相对较快,且保证较大的帧率。我们可以通过2d和3d的transform来启用GPU计算。 通过console.log可以看到,transform的值是一个矩阵: 其中第5个数字和第6个数字分别对应translateX和translateY。 获取这个值的方法有三种,例如我们要获取slider-bar这个元素的translateX值: 方法1--解析矩阵: WebKitCSSMatrix是专门用于操作矩阵的函数。而m41就是translateX值,其中4代表第4列,1代表第一行。所以如果你还想获取translateY的值,就用m42。 方法2--正则: 方法3--字符串分割: 用typeof查看矩阵的类型,结果为字符串(string),所以也可以用字符串的方法split来分割。 当元素的display为none时,是获取不到transform的,设置如下样式 得到的结果为 所以在使用一些插件时,如果插件会将元素的display设置为none,那么就只能获取其他数值来替换transform的值。

Nothing but stamps and envelopes___for sale.A)are B)is C)are left D)remain


歌:Left Left Right Right Go Turn Around Go Go Go 叫什么名字?

Rabbit Dance

有一首歌歌词是left left right rigt go然后什么gogogo..是什么歌?

不!就更应该vv个vv 被b吧kmhgcgvvvvhhhhjbhyuggbbjjkoopoojijjuhuhuhuyggbhhhhjjhhhhuuuiuuuhggghh

说明地点位置的英语单词有哪些? 像left,on the left之类的.

表示方位的英语单词 上面 on 下面 behind, 左面 left 右面 right east东 west西 south南 north北 northeast东北 northwest西北 southeast东南 southwest西南 front前面 in front在前面;当面 in front of在…前面;当…面 after在...之后, 在...后面 back后面的, 在后面 behind在...之后 left左边 right右边 above在...上方 on top of在...之上 over在...之上 below/down在...下面 about在附近 after在...之后 against与…相反 ahead在…之前 aimless无方向的 along顺着,向前



This is an illness that can result in total blindness ______ left untreated.



theft [θeft]n. 偷窃, 盗窃teal [st0109l]v. 偷, 侵占, 巧取; 偷东西, 行窃; 溜; 偷偷地行动; 盗垒一个为名词,一个为动词。

steal(偷) 和 theft(偷窃)有什么区别?

steal vt./n,theft n.---act or instance of stealing





rear left low check all tyre pressures 是什么意思


i was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere

留给我几块形状奇葩的金属,它们貌似放哪都不合适。leave with 你可以当做是短语,理解成留给某人某物。其实是be left是被留下的意思,with后面是伴随的状语。被动语态就是表示被动,不是我主动剩下的,是别人留给我的,所以是i was left with。which did not seem to fit anywhere是which引导的定语从句修饰前面的metal。seem to do 是固定搭配,意思是好像。did not seem to fit anywhere 就是看起来好像哪都安不上。

那首left left right right go turn around go go go叫什么名字啊?



leaving是leave的现在分词,用在进行时中。关于现在分词的用法如下:现在分词(Present Participle) 一.构成形式 doing (特殊的略) 现在分词表示主动的或进行的动作 二.时态与语态 一般式doing 一般被动式being done 完成式having done 完成被动式having been done 所有否定式都是在-ing前面加not 包括独立主格形式 三.可作成分 定语 状语 补语 表语 1.作定语 单个分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前 分词短语作定语时放在后 并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系 这是区分现在分词作定语和动名词作定语的判断方法之一 eg. a running boy the girl standing there 并且一般都可以转化为一个进行时的定语从句 eg. a boy who is running a girl who is standing there 注意1:分词的完成时不可作定语 注意2:在message letter sign news notice等词后要用现在分词作定语 不用过去分词 这是考试的易错点 注意3:某些现在分词作定语时 已不再表示动作 已经从分词变为了形容词词性 eg.an interesting story an exciting match 这些也可以属于现在分词作定语 但是不能转化为相应的定语从句 但是可以有三级变化(原级 比较级 最高级)和被某些副词如very修饰 2.作补语 高中阶段只研究分词作宾补的情况 不研究作主补的情况 只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补 1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe keep find listen to look at 2)使役动词:have get catch leave set 值得注意的是:要想用现在分词来作宾补 只能是用于这些词后 但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补) eg.I saw him singing now. Don"t have the students studying all day. 注意 :宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系 即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者 至于 现在分词作主语补足语的情况只须知道上述动词的被动语态形式中的现在分词作的是主补即可 无须深入 3.作表语 现在分词作表语的情况只适用于上述的现在分词做定语部分中的注意3 有三级变化 可被副词修饰 eg.The story is interesting. The match is exciting. 注意 :表动作的现在分词不能作表语 例如上面例子的变形A boy is running.这不是主系表而是主谓(其中助动词is与现在分词running和起来作谓语) 关于句子成分的语法内容 有时间再为大家补充 4.作状语 作时间 条件 原因 让步状语事要位于句首 且与后面用逗号隔开 能转换为一个相应的状语从句 作结果 方式 伴随状语时要位于句尾 且与前面用逗号隔开 有时也可以不用 注意分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致.〔这个是重点 是考试和高考的常考点 大家必须记住〕 个人经验状语从句是万能的 而分词作状语具有局限性 当分词不能表示的时候可以用从句来做 1)作时间状语 eg.Walking in the street,I saw him.当我在街上走时,我看到他了. 可以转化为一个时间状语从句 When/While I was walking in the street,I saw him. 当我要表达正在进行的动作时 我们可以在分词前面加上when/while 那么上面的例句就可以改写为When/While walking in the street,I saw him.(其实有的时候也可以理解为时间状语从句中的省略 但是不是时时成立的) 重新注意一下所给出的例子 Walking in the street,I saw him.我是翻译成”当我在街上走时,我看到他了.”而不可以翻译为”当他在街上走时,他看到我了.”(这个是因为”分词作状语时 其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”) 但是有的同学问了 那我要是想翻译成”当他在街上走时,我看到他了.”那应该怎么做那? 可以用状语从句来做啊 因为从句是万能的啊 When/While he was walking in the street,I saw him. 在这里在告诉大家另外的一个方法 He walking in the street,I saw him. 这是分词的独立主格形式 我们以下会介绍 在这里不需太理解. 2)作条件状语 eg. Working hard,you will succeed. 3)作原因状语 eg. Being ill,she stayed at home. 注意 being是常用来作原因状语的 4)作让步状语 eg. Having failed many times,he didn"t lost heart. 5)作结果状语 eg. His friend died,leaving him a lot of money, 6)作方式状语 eg. Please answer the question using another way. 7)作伴随状语 可以转化为一个并列句 eg. He is standing there,singing. 5.作独立成分 generally speaking一般来说 Judging from/by 由……判断出 〔高中阶段只需记这两个〕 6.现在分词的独立主格 这个语法点大家原来没有接触过 所以会感到生疏 那么我下面就简单的介绍一下有关于”独立主格”的内容 独立主格,又叫独立结构。它没有主语和谓语,只有逻辑上的主语,因此,它在句法上不是句子,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式。 独立主格结构可置于句首、句尾,用逗号与主句隔开。 独立主格结构可分为两部分,一部分是名词或代词(主格),起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分由形容词、副词、名词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,表示前面名词或代词的状态、状况或动作。 在句中作状语 要注意它不是句子 其实我们曾经学过的”with的复合结构”是差不多的 只不过它要比独立主格多个with. 在高中阶段 只须理解现在分词和过去分词的逻辑主格 个人理解其实分词的独立主格实质就是分词作状语 只不过它不符合我们说的那条”分词作状语时,其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”不难发现我每次在叙述这句话时都加上”一般”二字 那也就是说也有特殊的时候 就是分词的逻辑主语不和句中主语保持一致 也就是拥有了自己的独自的逻辑主语 那么也就是该用独立主格的时候了. eg. Winter coming,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了 天变的越来越冷了 注意这句话 我们不难发现it在句中指代的是”天气” 那么当我把winter去掉的时候,那在形式上就是纯粹的分词作状语 那么我们也就是默认了coming的动作是由it(天气)发出来的 但是我们不妨翻译一下”当天气来的时候 天气变的越来越冷了.”显然句意不通 那么就是说coming的逻辑主语不是it(天气),也就是coming拥有自己的逻辑主语 那么也就是winter 因为coming的动作是由winter发出的啊 注意当逻辑主语是人的身体部位时 如果后面的动词是vt 我们就用过去分词 如果是vi我们就用现在分词 其实用过去分词时是因为身体部位作了它的宾语 如果是由身体部位自己本身发出的动作时就用现在分词 实在理解不了 就请同学们强记下来 eg.The boy lay on the ground,his eyes closed and his hands trembling.这个男孩躺在地上 眼睛闭着 手在发抖

you have left a "m" out of "commom"改错


set off for ,set out for, set off to, left for区别

set out 和set off的区别set out和set off都有出发的意思,区别:set off更含开始(旅行、赛跑等)的意思,例:what time are you planning to set off tommorrow?你明天打算几点钟启程?they"ve set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界.set out意思是从某地出发上路例:she set out at dawn.她天一亮就动身了.这个我看了..可是解释的不是很清楚...那下面例子谁能解释下:Tom will set out at eight o"clock.Nick adn i set off early in the morning.

turn left是什么意思呢


to come out of left field在俗语中的含义?谢谢。


you have left a "m" out of "commom"改错

正确的说法:You hve left an "m" out of "common". 你漏掉了"common"里面的一个“m”。分析:m的音标是元音字母开头的,所以它前面的冠词用an。

out of left field是什么意思? 什么性的词组

left fieldn.[棒球] <美> 左外野left fieldleft fieldn.(名词)Abbr. LFBaseball 缩写 LF【棒球】 The third of the outfield that is to the left, looking from home plate.左外场:从本垒板处看起来左边外场的第三个The position played by the left fielder.左外野手所分管的位置Informal A position far from the center or mainstream, as of opinion or reason:【非正式用语】 一个远离中心或主流的位置,如观点或原因:opinions that are out in left field.不合理的意见left fieldleft fieldn.Abbr. LFBaseball The third of the outfield that is to the left, looking from home plate.The position played by the left fielder.Informal A position far from the center or mainstream, as of opinion or reason:opinions that are out in left field.

out of left field是什么意思

out of left field adj.突如其来地;不知从哪儿冒出来的

【英语】out of left field


were left是什么时态

were left是过去完成时。 were:是; be 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等。 left:n. 左边; 左边的第一(或第二等)条路; 左转弯。 扩展资料   The older people were left to carry on as best they could.   年纪大一点的人被留下来,奋力坚持。   I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.   我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的`人。   In the main rooms red-hot radiators were left exposed.   在主室里,炽热的散热器暴露在外。   Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.   有时安全措施过于严密,使本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。   Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left.   三分之二的继承人会把他们继承得到的房产迅速变卖。

“There are 14 of us left out of 33”是什么意思


中文翻译Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can that been left out


Left Outside Alone 歌词

歌曲名:Left Outside Alone歌手:Anastacia专辑:AnastaciaAll my life I"ve been waitingFor you to bring a fairy tale my wayBeen living in a fantasy without meaningIt"s not okay I don"t feel safeI don"t feel safe..Ohhh..Left broken empty in despairWanna breath can"t find airThought you were sent from up aboveBut you and me never had loveSo much more I have to sayHelp me find a wayAnd I wonder if you knowHow it really feelsTo be left outside aloneWhen it"s cold out hereWell maybe you should knowJust how it feelsTo be left outside aloneTo be left outside aloneI tell ya..All my life I"ve been waitingFor you to bring a fairytale my wayBeen living in a fantasy without meaningIt"s not okay I don"t feel safeI need to prayWhy do you play me like a game?Always someone else to blameCareless, helpless little manSomeday you might understandThere"s not much more to sayBut I hope you find a wayStill I wonder if you knowHow it really feelsTo be left outside aloneWhen it"s cold out hereWell maybe you should knowJust how it feelsTo be left outside aloneTo be left outside aloneI tell ya..All my life I"ve been waitingFor you to bring a fairytale my wayBeen living in a fantasy without meaningIt"s not okay I don"t feel safeI need to praySave me.. Ohhhh..WhoaooooaooooooHow it really feelsTo be left outside aloneWhen it"s cold out hereWell maybe you should knowJust how it feelsTo be left outside aloneTo be left outside aloneAll my life I"ve been waitingFor you to bring a fairytale my wayBeen living in a fantasy without meaningIt"s not okay I don"t feel safeI need to pray...http://music.baidu.com/song/1754038

left out join和right join的区别是什么?

left out join 左连接,简单来说,若果是左连接,则保留左表所有的行;即使在右表 (Orders) 中没有匹配的行。同理,如果是right join,则保留右表所有的行,即使在左表 (table_name1) 中没有匹配的行。多表外链接查询语句use+数据库select+查询列名from+表1left/right (out) join +表2on 表2的列=表1的列扩展资料:结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL(发音:/u02c8es kjuu02d0 u02c8el/ "S-Q-L"),是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统;同时也是数据库脚本文件的扩展名。结构化查询语言是高级的非过程化编程语言,允许用户在高层数据结构上工作。它不要求用户指定对数据的存放方法,也不需要用户了解具体的数据存放方式,所以具有完全不同底层结构的不同数据库系统, 可以使用相同的结构化查询语言作为数据输入与管理的接口。结构化查询语言语句可以嵌套,这使它具有极大的灵活性和强大的功能。1986年10月,美国国家标准协会对SQL进行规范后,以此作为关系式数据库管理系统的标准语言(ANSI X3. 135-1986),1987年得到国际标准组织的支持下成为国际标准。不过各种通行的数据库系统在其实践过程中都对SQL规范作了某些编改和扩充。所以,实际上不同数据库系统之间的SQL不能完全相互通用。

feel left out为什么用left

left为过去分词,这句话是被动语态,但因为be动词与feel都为系动词,一个句子中不能出现两个动词,所以只出现feel没有出现be动词。句子意为这样她就不会觉得被冷落了。 重点词汇解释: 1、feel vt.感觉;认为;触摸;试探 vi.觉得;摸索 n.感觉;触摸 2、left adj.左边的;左派的;剩下的 adv.在左面 n.左边;左派;激进分子 v.离开


貌似就这2个了LEFT 是LEAVE的过去时


唐代的诗人特别多。李白、杜甫、白居易固然是世界闻名的伟大诗人,除他们之外,还有其他无数诗人,象满天的星斗一样。这些诗人,今天知名的就还有二千三百多人。他们的作品,保存在《全唐诗》中的也还有四万八千九百多首。唐诗的题材非常广泛。有是从侧面反映当时社会的阶级状况和阶级矛盾,揭露了封建社会的黑暗;有的歌颂正义战争,抒发爱国思想;有的描绘祖国河山的秀丽多娇;此外,还有抒写个人抱负和遭遇的,有表达儿女爱慕之情的,有诉说朋友交情、人生悲欢的等等。总之从自然现象、政治动态、劳动生活、社会风习,直到个人感受,都逃不过诗人敏锐的目光,成为他们写作是题材。在创作方法上,既有现实主义的流派,也有浪漫主义的流派,而许多伟大的作品,则又是这两种创作方法相结合的典范,形成了我国古典诗歌的优秀传统。 《全唐诗》序中,谓全书共“得诗四万八千九百余首,凡二千二百余人”,后人多从其说。其实,玄烨所举数并不精确,近年日本学者平冈武夫编《唐代的诗人》、《唐代的诗篇》,将《全唐诗》所收作家、作品逐一编号作了统计,结论是:该书共收诗四万九千四百零三首,句一千五百五十五条,作者共二千八百七十三人。这个数字是相当可靠的。

There are 14 of us left out of 33,到底多少人留下了?


连续left out join 两次同一个表示是怎么回事?

因为t1表中两个字段都关联了mast表产生的效果相当于SELECT t1.a1,c.aname,t1.b1,c.bname from yewu t1 left join mast c on (t1.a1=c.a and t1.a2=c.b) where t1.a1=c.a and t1.b1=c.bunion allSELECT t1.a2,d.aname,t1.b2,d.bname from yewu t1 left join mast d on (t1.a2=d.a and t1.a2=d.b) where t1.a1=c.a and t1.b1=c.b

left join 和 left out join 有什么区别?

用 LEFT JOIN 运算 创建左边外部联接.左边外部联接将包含了从第一个(左边)开始的两个表中的全部记录,即使在第二个(右边)表中并没有相符值的记录。在Left Outer JOIN中,所有左边表中的行都出现在结果数据集中。是OUTER,不是out。SQL语句里面的,去计算机方面问最好了

She felt left out怎么分析这句的语法


Hot Potato should be left to the kids如何翻译?

a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with, because it is difficult and any decision might make people angry n.困境, 烤马铃薯孩子应该接受困境的磨练

I have left my schoolbag in the room.---Don`t worry.I will ___ it for you .A. bring B.get C.take


谁帮我用upstairs,downstairs,go straight,turn left,turn right这几个单词做绕口令?

六年级 用upstairs downstairs go straight turn left turn right造句

谁能帮我把这段文字翻成英文An old man died and left his son a lot of money?

一个老男人死了而且离开了他的儿子许多钱.但是儿子是一个愚蠢的年轻男人,而且他很快地花费了所有的钱,所以很快 hehad 无左边的.当然 ,当那发生了的时候,他所有的朋友 lefthim.当他相当贫穷和孤独的时候,他去见到 Nasreddin,是一个亲切又聪明的老男人,而且时常帮助了人当他们有了麻烦的时候. 我的钱已经完成,而且我的朋友已经离去,年轻的男人说.现在将会发生在我身上什么事? 不要烦恼 ,年轻的男人,Nasreddin 回答.每件事物将会很快再一次是没关系.等候,而且你将会很快觉得非常快乐. 年轻的男人非常高兴.我要然后再一次变得富有吗?heasked Nasreddin. 不,我没有意指,老男人说.我意谓了你会很快习惯于在贫穷的和到没有朋友,4,谁能帮我把这段文字翻成英文 An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon hehad nothing left.Of course ,when that happened, all his friends lefthim.When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. My money has finished and my friends have gone,said the young man. What will happen to me now? Don"t worry , young man,answered Nasreddin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier. The young man was very glad.Am I going to get rich again then? heasked Nasreddin. No, I didn"t mean that, said the old man.I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends 请不要用翻译机


游戏侠盗飞车打不开了显示GrandTheftAutoVCrequiresatleastDirectXversion8.1 是什么意思以上英文句子的意思是侠盗飞车5至少需要directx8.1的版本,你的电脑应该是没有directx,又或者是太旧了,更新或安装一个新版directx就行了。

我玩Grand Theft Auto IV(狭盗飞车GTA4自由城之章)倒数第二个任务选“金钱“还


grand theft auto v是什么意思


GTA3之自由之城的“汽车大盗GRAND THEFT AUTO”这个任务怎么过


一打开《侠盗猎车罪恶都市》就出现“Grand Theft Auto VC”怎么办?

这个应该是安装MOD的时候出错了.首先请检查MOD的README.txt,里面应该有数据,要准确覆盖到DATA里面的handling.cfg(这个用记事本或写字板打开)。因为GGMM的安装包应该是不会出错的。如果检查没问题,请还原后重新安装MOD:如果你备份了gta3.img(这个GGMM提供备份功能)和handling.cfg,请还原后重新安装MOD。如果没有,你应该要重新安装游戏了。《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》是一款在2002年由Rockstar开发的动作游戏,于2002年10月27日在PS2平台发行。这是GTA游戏系列的第二款3D游戏,第六款作品。游戏的背景城市是罪城(Vice City,原型为美国迈阿密),游戏改编自美国电影《疤面煞星》,讲述了游戏主角汤米·维赛迪出狱后在罪城发生的一系列故事。背景设定:汤米·维赛迪以前是一位对黑手党家族桑尼·弗雷利十分尊重的手下,在1971年,桑尼要求汤米去暗杀一个打算破坏弗雷利家族业务的、住在自由城的哈伍德区的人。但当他到达哈伍德区时,他遭遇了11个杀手的伏击。汤米不得不杀死他们,最终被捕,面临了谋杀指控。他本来被判死刑,由于弗雷利家族的介入,他只蹲了15年的监狱。1986年,汤米刑满释放。而他的老板桑尼·弗雷利害怕汤米继续存在于自由城,会加剧组织内部的紧张局势,也会因组织犯罪活动给组织带来不必要的注意。为了防止这种情况发生,桑尼表面上差遣汤米参与毒品交易,将他送到了罪城。汤米在罪城结交好友,扩大帮派,垄断帮派贸易,渐渐地掌控了罪城。随着汤米的强大,桑尼亲口承认自己为了让汤米获得15年的监禁,制造了15年前的血案。

remain和left 地用法

不及物动词 vi.[W] 1.剩下,余留 A few pears remain on the trees. 树上尚留有几颗梨子. 2.继续存在 Little of the original architecture remains. 原先的建筑物几乎没有残留. 3.(人)留下;逗留 She remained in her office all afternoon. 她整个下午没有离开办公室. 4.保持,仍是[L] This room remains cool all summer. 这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽. She remained silent all night. 她整个晚上沉默不语. 5.留待,尚待[+to-v] Several problems remain to be solved. 有好几个问题尚待解决. 6.属于,归属[(+with)] The decision remains with the general manager. 还得由总经理作决定. left1 (leave的过去式和过去分词) left2 形容词 a. 1.左方的;左侧的[Z][B] Some people write with their left hand. 有些人用左手写字. 2.(常大写)(政治上)左派的;左翼的 副词 ad. 1.在左边;向左 Walk three blocks and then turn left at the corner. 走过三个街区然后向左转. 名词 n. 1.左,左边[the S] John was seated on her left. 约翰坐在她的左边. 2.(常大写)左派;激进分子们[the S][G] The left oppose the tax increase. 左翼人士反对增税. 3.(拳击中的)左拳[C]


leftover 既可做名词也可做形容词 n.剩饭, 残留物 adj.残余的做剩菜剩饭意思的时候,一般用leftover,表示没有被吃掉的东西或保留的风俗,方式等。remians 只做名词 n. 剩余物, 遗迹, 遗体,表示被用过,被拿走,被摧毁后还保留下来的东西。

He left five minutes ago. = He has been away for five minutes.

应该是可以的吧 评:看来我的英文水平很低级

There ___ five minutes left.


Before he left the White House, the President made a( )speech.



两个代理方法 一个是点击return 缩回键盘  还有一个是对textField的输入进行监听  前提是需要对textField进行代理监听  //UITextFieldDelegate  - (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField;  {  //用户结束输入  [textField resignFirstResponder];  return YES;  }  - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange NSRange)range replacementString NSString*)string // return NO to not change text  {  //判断是否超过 ACCOUNT_MAX_CHARS 个字符,注意要判断当string.leng>0  //的情况才行,如果是删除的时候,string.length==0  int length = textField.text.length;  if (length >= ACCOUNT_MAX_CHARS && string.length >0)  {  return NO;  }  NSCharacterSet *cs;  cs = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:kAlphaNum] invertedSet];  NSString *filtered =  [[string componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:cs] componentsJoinedByString:@""];  BOOL basic = [string isEqualToString:filtered];  return basic;  }

c++中TrimLeft(),IsEmpty(),GetDlgItem(),InsertColumn 是什么意思



假设有CString a和ba.TrimLeft(b)的作用:从a的第一字符开始往后遍历,如果发现某个字符出现在b中,就从a删除,直到某个字符没有在b中出现或者遇到a的结尾。###a trimleft # =a###a## trimleft # = a##TrimRight就是从a的最后一个字符开始往前遍历,规则一样Trim就是两边遍历,也就是分别执行一次TrimLeft()和TrimRight()###a## trim # = a


针对windows平台的CString::TrimLeft(LPCTSTR lpszTargets)函数,在unix平台下自己增加该功能函数,下面是微软提供的TrimLeft函数源码:C/C++ code void CString::TrimLeft(LPCTSTR lpszTargets){ // if we"re not trimming anything, we"re not doing any work if (SafeStrlen(lpszTargets) == 0) return; CopyBeforeWrite(); LPCTSTR lpsz = m_pchData; while (*lpsz != "") { if (_tcschr(lpszTargets, *lpsz) == NULL) break; lpsz = _tcsinc(lpsz); } if (lpsz != m_pchData) { // fix up data and length int nDataLength = GetData()->nDataLength - (lpsz - m_pchData); memmove(m_pchData, lpsz, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetData()->nDataLength = nDataLength; }}


假设有CString a和ba.TrimLeft(b)的作用:从a的第一字符开始往后遍历,如果发现某个字符出现在b中,就从a删除,直到某个字符没有在b中出现或者遇到a的结尾。###a trimleft # =a###a## trimleft # = a##TrimRight就是从a的最后一个字符开始往前遍历,规则一样Trim就是两边遍历,也就是分别执行一次TrimLeft()和TrimRight()###a## trim # = a

i left the house with the door open,open能不能做定语?

open adj. 公开的;敞开的;空旷的;坦率的;营业着的vi. 开始;展现vt. 公开;打开open可以作定语,表示状态,但在此句中,open虽然置于句末,但是with后面的整个句子是独立主格结构,用来做伴随状语的,强调门是开着的状态。

He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right.


It is two years after we left school.这个句子对吗?


I feel left out because of this? 请问点解?

更新1: I have a problem. I am fifteen years old and nearly all my friends at school have pets. I feel left out because of this. I have asked my parents many times if I can have a dog or a cat but she always say no. 这是上文下理 i feel left out because of this 因为甘我比冷落 / 因为甘我觉得我唔属于依度 i feel left out because of a person or something i feel left out because of her i feel left out because i didn&#39;t get a good grade like the rest of the class left out = leave out = verb phrase = no tense left out = don&#39;t feel the belonging there to omit exclude 因为 left out 无 tense ﹐ 所以 feel 就系 个 tense。 i feel left out i felt left out in the past i will feel left out if you guys don&#39;t play with me tommy says &quot;i feel left out because of this.&quot; &quot;what is this?&quot; &quot;my test score.&quot; left out 是一个phrase,不能改变。不论前面的文型是什么,都是用left out. left out 是解作被孤立。全句的意思如下: I feel left out because of this 我觉得因为这样而被孤立。 希望帮到你! Hope that helps! to be left out 没有被选中、不能跟他人一同参与、错过 left out 是动词to leave out的形容词用法 feel 是现在型,跟left没关系,因为left是以past participle做形容词型


leave out跟left out的区别:leave out是主动的,主语是行动的实施者;left out是被动的,主语是行为的承受者。leave out[英][li:v aut][美][liv aʊt]遗漏; 省略; 未顾及; 忽略; 同义词omit例句What did you leave out? 你到底隐瞒了什么?left out[英][left aut][美][lɛft aʊt]遗漏; 忽略; 例句Do you feel left out? 你有没有被抛弃的感觉?

An old man died and left his son a lot of money相关的阅读理解带答案


you left me speechless?


为什么是“ before the Internet information protection left to odd and low- level

因为这句话是过去分词充当状语,过去分词left表被动:被留给,句子主干是left to sb. to do sth.,留给某人做某事,将until now翻译提前,information protection作主语。Until now, information protection left to odd and low-level IT staff to put right.翻译为:迄今为止(在过去),信息防护都是被留给那些临时低水平的互联网技术员们处理的。因为后面出现了now表现在,所以until now表对比,译为迄今为止更合适。information protection:信息防护,信息保护odd:奇怪的,零散的,不规律的,偶然发生的left:leave的过去分词和过去式;留下,离开put right:纠正,整理好

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT…英文解释

这里left是引导状语从句的非谓语(leave的过去式),如果补充全这个从句就是information protection is left to odd(这里为临时的意思),low-level IT staff.信息保护被留给临时的基层的信息技术人员。right 这里和put right 一起讲,information protection is left to odd,low-level IT staff to put right.留给信息技术人员承担,这里应当是不定式之后省去了被动语态,还原就是IT staff put information protection right.就是说信息技术人员承担信息保护的工作。

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich i

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right离开,到现在为止,奇数,低层次的IT人员,以纠正

i left early to (躲避)the rush hour.

I left early to avoid the rush hour .我早早动身以避开交通高峰时刻 I left early to avoid the rush hour .我早早动身以避开交通高峰时刻

英文歌 Love Left To Lose歌词大意

i can see your face everywhere i look 你的样子无处不在but everywhere is nowhere without you 没有你何处有趣what seemed to be like days was just a moment in time 虽然只是短暂的相聚but it meant the world to me 但已是我的全部cos" i knew 因为我知道what i"d been searching for all of my life 我所寻觅的i had it right here in front of my eyes 此刻就在眼前what i had wished for was 有你在身边nothing compared to what i would be 我曾希冀过的一切if you"re here with me 都与之无法相比and if you never come back 若你从此不再归来and the day was all that we had 此刻将是我们的永远and if i wouldn"t be tomorrow with you 即使我明天无法伴你左右in my eyes it won"t matter 我也了无遗憾because now i know what it"s like to be loved 因为此刻我明白了什么叫被爱you are so far away but i feel you"re so near 你是那么远,又是这么近it"s like you"d never left me, never said goodbye 如同你从未离开,从未道别i can hear your voice in the crowd 在人群中可以听到你的声音i can feel your touch me right now 在此刻可以感觉到你的抚摸i can see your smile when i close my eyes 闭上眼你的笑容就在眼前and i hold on to that every night 夜夜坚守着这份心情to help me understand when i ask myself 追问自己时我能明了why of all the people who are there 茫茫人海中为什么偏偏是你just to be with me, to share all the sorrow 只为与我厮守,只为分担所有忧伤and if you never come back 若你从此不再归来and the day was all that we had 此刻将是我们的永远and if i wouldn"t be tomorrow with you 即使我明天无法伴你左右in my eyes it won"t matter 我也了无遗憾because now i know what it"s like to be loved 因为此刻我明白了什么叫被爱what a beautiful thing, to feel your love within 沉浸在你的爱中是多么美妙like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring 就象沐浴在初春暖阳下的孩子just to know this is true 因为我知道there is someone like you 你who can make me believe 让我相信there is nothing i can"t do "没有什么是过不去的"(靓颖原话)靓颖你永远是我们的公主


theft 偷robbery 抢劫


theft&robbery盗窃和抢劫双语对照例句:1.We will pay the insured loss of money due to theft or robbery. 赔偿被保险人在旅行期间钱财遭盗窃或抢劫的损失.




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