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eg是例如的意思,常用来表示例子(缩写. 例如(exempli gratia)etc读作[u026at"setu0259ru0259, et-],意思是“等等”eg:是要举例子,“例如”I like drinks,eg milk ect.:“等等”,They buy a lof of fruit, like apples, oranges, lemons, etc.

friendly的名词 many 的比较级 read的过去式twelve序数词 heavier的原级begin现在分词


日语初学者 英文怎么说 a Japaness Beginner

A japaness freshman更地道

请教一下,greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么?


98仙剑为什么我下好了每个都提示erroe accessing the system registry后面就是Unexpected error;quitting

1楼的 影澈风§ 说的有理! 你的电脑系统太先进了,你如果更换成WINDOWS 98或着ME的系统,或者WINDOWS 2000以前的,一般来讲都可以吧```


你的SAT看成绩那块,在成绩旁边(左上的位置),应该会有一个蓝色的【view sent score】之类的icon~不是很显眼,应该是在你最近一次考试的成绩旁边。然后你点进去,他就会有每个学校什么时候寄的(在学校名字旁边有灰色的小字)

The College Board says its Advanced Placement翻译这篇


怎么填写college board css/financial aid profile


upgrading from junior college到底是什么意思呀!

Upgrading from junior college to undergraduate重点词汇:college英['ku0252lu026adu0292]释义:n.大学;学院;学会[复数:colleges]短语:College Board大学理事会;美国大学理事会;美国大学委员会;大学委员会扩展资料:词语辨析:from,since这两个词在表示时间时含意不同。1、since是指延续到说话时刻的动作或情况开始于何时,是站在动作中止的时间点往过去追溯计算;而from只表示某事的起点,要表示起止需用from…to〔until〕…结构。2、有from表示时间起点的句子,现在、过去、将来的时态都可使用;而since表示时间起点的句子不用将来时态。

college board最近怎么ap登不上去了






college board的username忘了! 急!!



很抱歉现在才看到你的问题~我是这么做的:你试试先按照正常程序完成第一页,这时它是不会提醒你这个“Please fix these errors Terms and Conditions - Please click the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions” “的吧?然后再填第二页的时候不打最后那个勾,按确定后,它很自然就会提醒你没有打最后的勾。这时你再补上最后的勾,再按确定,就可以了。我猜是程序出现了某种错乱导致的,只要用别的错误跳过它就行了。

高分~! 急~! collegeboard 帐户密码忘了,比较麻烦~!点击上面的,一步一步找回密码


首先你得登录到collegeboard网站里的SAT界面,输入用户名和密码进行sign in。点击右上方的register now,这时需要再输一遍密码。输完密码后点击register another SAT,之后就需要填一系列的信息,如果你之前填过了就可以跳过(但是一般把必填的填好就行了)最后你就到了一个可以选择国家的界面,你就选择你想要去考试的国家,然后点击搜索,你就能看到考场和这个考试是否有考位。SAT报名流程第一步:然后登陆www.collegeboard.com网站。在网站首页,点击FOR Students模块,进入注册页面。第二步:进入注册页面后 在my organizer模块,点击sign up,开始网上注册,填写基本的个人信息,包括姓名,性别,生日,高中毕业时间,邮箱地址,获得你的用户名和密码,完成注册。第三步:返回注册界面,在my organizer模块登陆,进入到My Organizer页面,在此页面的左下脚,点击SAT Registration & Scores, 进入SAT考试报名页面,要求再次输入用户名密码,确认姓名、出生日期等。



SAT报名网站College Board中改不了密码

您好!很高兴为您解答:这种情况是因为您输入的原来的密码不正确(可能因为大小写错误),您可以点击登录界面上的Forget Password,然后您输入的邮箱会收到密码信息,确定了正确密码以后在更改密码欢迎追问!望采纳!






不奇怪啊,我们春节期间美国遇到有史以来第三低的寒冷天气,有的美国大学和教育机构停课、停业两三天,有可能到 collegeboard 网站服务器存放地点的 Internet 连接线路被寒冷天气冻坏、或是 collegeboard 网站服务器这几天出了一点问题,由于因天气寒冷停工,没有人维护。不知你要报名哪一期的 SAT 考试,即使是报名最近的 5 月份考试,报名截止日期是 4 月 8 日。



给collegeboard打电话 这个号码怎么拨打 对手机号有什么要求吗!?怎么打都打不通 查询说

001 (212) 632 -1780

college board报名SAT注册时遇到的问题(很急急急)

是的,开头字母大写就可以了。given name就写名就可以,不用写姓

college board上的score range含义!!!






sat报名!该死的 COLLEGE BOARD!! 怎么填怎么告诉我不对!请教高人!

在美国考一般不会没有考位,因为考场很多至于你的地址填的不对,因为人家已经告诉你了A valid address must contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, or "/".也就是说只认 - 和 /这两个标点符号,你去掉逗号就可以了如果还有问题可以找我。



collegeboard sat报名完怎么没有显示(报名成功) !!


【急!SAT】有关college board 帐号的问题



一天中太平凡换密码,被永久封号了,1丛设账号,2或者联系Collegeboard custumer services



高分~! 急~! collegeboard 帐户密码忘了,比较麻烦~!点击上面的,一步一步找回密码





college board的CLEP考试是干什么的?有什么用么?

曼哈顿国际英语-CLEP考试是类似于AP的抵免学分的考试。CLEP是由美国大学委员会(The College Board)主办、ETS承办,在全美影响范围最大的一项以考试获得学分的国家考试项目。CLEP的考试科目包括5门公共课和29门专业基础课。那些在普通高校之外学习大学课程的人通过参加CLEP,都能够有机会获得大学承认的相同课程的学分。目前,全美每年约有1300个考点来实施这项考试。CLEP的考生群体主要由三部分组成:(1)传统意义上的l8到22岁的大学生;(2)已经参加工作的成人(公司职员);(3)业余学习的学生。CLEP就是通过考试给予这些考生一个有效而可靠的途径来获得学分。与AP(主要是考查高中在校学生学习大学课程的情况)相比,CLEP的考生群体更广泛。(二)CLEP的功能1.通过考试证明所学的知识并为取得学位积累学分,从而节省珍贵的时间和金钱,使自己的学习站在较高的起点上;2.通过考试展示在某一课程领域的知识水平而获得一些基础课程的免修资格,从而直接迈进更高级和更新的课程学习领域;3.特别是通过一些外语课程的考试,可以确定考生的能力水平,从而决定学习的级别。(三)CLEP的考试科目与要求CLEP的考试科目由公共课和专业基础课两部分组成。一般地,在一个专业领域方向上,设置一门公共课和若干专业基础课。1.公共课:每门公共课覆盖了与普通大学相同或相似的专业在前两学年里对大多数学生要求掌握的课程内容,通常在校学习时要求含有3至6个学分(1或2个学期的学时)。公共课考试的5个领域分别是:英语写作、人文科学、大学代数、自然科学和社会科学与历史。3.专业基础课:每门课程涵盖了与大多数大学有相同或相似名称的课程内容。通过CLEP考试的考生一般能够与在校内修完该课程的学生取得相同的学分。通常,专业基础课程的考试内容覆盖了普通高校里需要在一个学期学习完成的课程内容。29门专业基础课程包含在分别与公共课程相对应的5个专业领域里,它们是(括号内为所含考试课程门数):(1)写作与文学(4):美国文学,文学评析,大学新生作文,英国文学;(2)外语(3):大学法语(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级),大学德语(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级),大学西班牙语(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级);(3)历史与社会科学(11):美国政府,美国历史Ⅰ(殖民地时期至l877年),美国历史Ⅱ(1865年至今),人类进化发展史,教育心理学导论,微观经济学原理,宏观经济学原理,心理学基础,社会学基础,西方文明史I(古代近东至1648年),西方文明史Ⅱ(1684年至今);(4)科学和数学(6):微积分与初等函数,大学代数,大学代数和三角学,普通化学,普通生物学,三角学;(5)商务管理(5):计算机应用与信息系统,管理原理,会计原理,商法基础知识,市场学原理。除了语言类的公共课《英语写作与文学》和4门专业基础课(《美国文学》、《文学评析》、《英国文学》、《大学法语写作》)有选做的论文题部分外,其他课程的考试题型全部是选择题。所有课程的考试时间都是90分钟,要求分别在两个单独的部分(各45分钟)完成。为了使考生有充分的时间进行学习,避免一味地为了获取合格成绩而连续应试,CLEP要求每位考生不能在6个月之内参加同一门课程的两次考试。



ETS 和 COLLEGE BOARD有啥区别?我没注册ets啊 用college board 也可以送分吧?

这是2家考试中心——ets用来考托福(TOEFL)和GRE, college board 是考SAT和AP 课程的,两者功能不同,不可以代送分





college board的考试有哪些

1、AP考试AP是 advanced placement 的缩写,中文可以翻译为"(大学)先修课程"。它和SAT一样,都是由美国大学理事会(College Board)运营的一个项目。设立AP的目的是给高中学生提供一个在高中阶段体验大学初级课程的机会。2、SAT考试SAT考试全称为学术能力评估考试,是由美国大学委员会主办的一场考试,其成绩是各国高中生申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,和ACT都被称为美国高考,2016年改革后新SAT总分1600分,分阅读、文法和数学三部分。3、PSAT/NMSQT考试PSAT考试由美国大学理事会College Board主办的高中标准化考试,同时也是美国国家奖学金申请资格测试,美国高中生一般在10年级的下半学期,或者11年级的上半学期参加PSAT。根据PSAT的成绩高低,学生会知道对于美国大学入学标准考试SAT的准备会需要哪方面的加强。CollegeBoard,美国大学理事会,是一个非盈利的、具有使命感的组织,由5900多所学校、大专院校和其他教育机构组成,它的使命是为学生创造在高校就读的成功机会,致力于促进卓越和教育公平。该协会不仅把美国的大学联系在一起,而且把世界各地求学的高中学生和美国大学联结起来,为美国大学提供吸引优质学生的服务。

College Board什么意思?

college board基本翻译大学委员会;大学理事会网络释义College Board:大学理事会 | 大学委员会 | 美国大学委员会



Warren G的《Regulate》 歌词

歌曲名:Regulate歌手:Warren G专辑:R&B ClubRegulatorsRegulate any stealing of his propertyWe"re damn good tooBut you can"t be any geek of the streetGotta" be handy with the steel if you know what I meanAren"t you, Keith?REGULATORS!Mound up.It was a clear black night, a clear white moonWarren G. is on the streets, trying to consumesome skirts for the eve, so i can get some funkjust rollin" in my ride, chillin" all aloneJust hit the eatside of the L.B.C.on a mission trying to find Mr. Warren G.Seen a car full of girls ain"t no need to tweakall you skirts know what"s up with 213So I hooks a left on the 21 to Lewissome brothas shootin dice so i said "let"s do this"I jumped out the ride, and said "what"s up?"some brothas pulled some gats so i said "i"m stuck"Since these girls peepin me i"ma glide and swervethese hookers lookin so hard they straight hit the curbgonna think of better things than some horny tricksi see my homey and some suckers all in his mixI"m gettin jacked, I"m breakin" myselfI can"t believe they"re taking Warren"s wealththey took my rings, they took my rolexI looked at the brothas and said "damn, what"s next?"They got my homey hemmed up and they all aroundain"t none of them seeing if they going straight pound for poundI gotta come up real quick before they start to clowni best pull out my strap and lay them busters downThey got guns to my headI think I"m going downI can"t believe this happened in my home townIf I had wings I could flylet me contemplateI glanced in the cut and I see my homey NateSixteen in the clip and one in the holeNate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn coldnow they droppin" and yellin"it"s a tad bit lateNate Dogg and Warren G. had to regulateI laid all them busters downI let my gat explodenow I"m switching my mind back into freak modeif you want skirts step back and observeI just left a gang of those over there on the curbnow Nate got the freaksand that"s a known factbefore i got jacked I was on the same trackback up back up cuz it"s onN-A-T-E and methe Warren to the GJust like I thoughtthey were in the same spotin need of some desperate helpthe Nate Dogg and the G-childwere in need of something elseone of them dames was sexy as hellI said "ooh i like your style"she said "my car"s broke down and you seem real nice,""would you let me ride?"I got a car full of girls and it"s going real swellthe next stop is the east side motelI"m tweakingonto a whole new levelG-Funkstpe to thisI dare yafunkon a whole new levelthe rythmn is the bass and the bass is the treblechordsstringswe bringsmelodyG-Funkwhere rythmn is lifeand life is rythmnIf you know like I knowyou don"t wanna step to thisit"s the G-Funk erafunked out with a gangster twistif you smoke like I smokethen you high like everydayand if your ass is a buster213 will regulate

Sondre Lerche&Regina Spektor的《Hell No》 歌词

歌曲名:Hell No歌手:Sondre Lerche&Regina Spektor专辑:Dan In Real Life (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)HQY制作献给可爱的哲Put your ear up to the speakerLet your jaw dropWitness this power of suggestionBlow the roof offGods of war march into battleMake the ground shakeCrowd appears, countdown has begunDrop the bomb,4,3,2,1Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundFourth and long,Casualties aboundIn the hot sunFinal play, pile up in the endzoneDeed is done, 4 3 2 1Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundMan, you will never let anybody disrespect youHell no!You will keep your head held highWhether you win or you loseBecause no one will come into our houseAnd tell us what to do!Hell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!Hell No! Y"all, Gonna put you suckers in the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna sit downHell No!Hell No! Y"all ,Gonna shake this mother to the groundHell No!Hell No! Y"all, We ain"t gonna back downHell No!We ain"t gonna back down.Hell No!


paregmenon [pə"reɡmənɔn] n. [语]同源词并列paregmenon:1.同源修辞法;并列;同源并列同源修辞法It"s Radio!一文的修辞手段 ...间接肯定法(litotes)省略法(ellipsis)同源修辞法(paregmenon) ...2.并列classify和classic是一对同源词,他们来源于class,这种修辞叫同源并列(Paregmenon),就是将词源相同的词语并列使用。但是汉英属于非亲属语,翻译只能在语义层面转换。3.同源并列莎士比亚的修辞手段 ...Parallelism平行Paregmenon同源并列Parody仿拟 ...


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proportional-integral-derivative control是什么意思

proportional-integral-derivative control比例-积分-微分控制例句:1. Installed with proportional deviation display thermostat, to control temperature accurately. 采用比例式偏指示温控器, 可精确控制温度.


proportional-integral-derivative比例—积分—微分控制PID控制器是比例—积分—微分控制(Proportional-Integral-Derivative)的简称例句筛选1.Genetic algorithm optimization based proportional-integral-derivativecontroller for unified chaotic system基于遗传算法的统一混沌系统比例-积分-微分控制2.Proportional-integral-derivative chaotic system control algorithm based onparticle swarm optimization基于粒子群优化的混沌系统比例-积分-微分控制3.A novel fuzzy fractional order proportional integral derivative( FFPID)controller based on fractional calculus is presented.在分析分数阶微积分的基础上,提出了一种新型模糊分数阶比例积分微分控制器。


凯格尔(Kegal )运动: 这种骨盆腔运动适合所有应力性尿失禁的男性和女性来练习如何控制尿失禁。 (1) 练习时如同憋尿或忍住屁股不放般,闭紧您的骨盆底肌肉,同时放松腹肌。(2) 每次十回,每一回5至10秒再放松10秒。(3) 早晚各做20次以上能帮助您控制尿失禁。经由收缩会阴的肌肉,可增强尿道、阴道、直肠上的肌肉,产后骨盆的支撑力也会明显增强。 行为治疗: (1) 规律的排尿:指按一定的间隔去解尿(如在白天每两个小时上一次厕所)。这将能避免漏尿以及改善对膀胱的控制,尤其是急迫性尿失禁的患者。(2) 水份的摄取:您必须记录下您的水份的摄取。正常一天需喝4至8杯的水。喝的太多会造成频尿;喝的不够会产生尿急的情形。睡前的饮水将会影响您的睡眠。(3) 饮食习惯:酸性果汁、咖啡因、酒精、辣味食物都会刺激泌尿系统。减少以上食物的摄取将有助於改善尿失禁的情形。

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求一篇 英语阅读理解 开头是When I was 13 years old, l became a vegetarian

When I was nine years old living in a *** all town in North Carolina,I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children"s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I asked my mother to let me send for the cards. Two weeks later when the cards arrived, I opened the parcel, caught the cards and rushed from the house. Three hourslater, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money. A sales-person was born.    When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler.I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler"s talk, which made everyone excited. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, "Dad, I want to make people feel like that." My lather asked me what I meant. "I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Zigler," I answered. A dream was born.    Recently, I began following my dream of motivating others. After a four-year job in a big pany beginning as a sales trainer and ending as a sales manager, I left the pany in the end. Many people were surprised that I would leave after getting a great ine. And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.    I made my decision to start my own pany after attending a sales meeting. The chairman of our pany delivered a talk that changed my life. He asked us, "If a genie would give you three wishes, what would they be?" After we wrote down the three wishes, he asked, "Why do you need a genie?" i knew I was ready and did not need a genie"s help to bee a motivational speaker. I wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if only..." later on. A motivational speaker was born. 提示:think to oneself 盘算;自思自忖   motivational adj.鼓动性的    risk v.冒险    genie n.精灵 Read the passage and choose the best answer. 阅读短文后,选择最佳答案. 1. What is the passage mainly about?  ( )   A. Something the writer did when he was a child.   B. How the writer became a salesperson.   C. Somebody who helped the writer start his own pany.   D. When the writer began to have the strange dream. 2. The sentence "A salesperson was born" means “__________” ( )   A. the writer began to be a salesperson then   B. a child born at that time became a salesperson later   C. the writer knew he could be a salesperson   D. it was how the first salesperson was born 3. Why did the writer want to leave the pany? ( )   A. The chairman told him to do so.   B. He couldn"t motivate others in his work.   C. The meeting made him very unhappy.   D. He wanted to find a better way to make his dream e true. 4. What might happen next, according to the writer" s idea?    ( )   A. The writer would start his own pany and bee a great motivational speaker.   B. The writer" s dream could not e true because genies didn"t help him.   C. The pany would e to an end when the writer left.   D. The writer would motivate everyone to join his pany. 应该是

帮我写一篇作文吧,英文的‘Do you want to be a vegetarian?’Why or why not?

I don"t want to be a vegetarian. The main reason is because I like meat more than I like vegetable. There are some other reasons such as, I don"t think vegetarian is health. It is hard to stay health as a vegetarian. You have to constantly reminding yourself to take the nutrition that is lacking from the vegetables. Another reason would be because I think it is not easy to be a vegetarian. Not every restaurants provide vegetarian meals. A lot of times, vegetarian end up stay home for most of their meals. Especially when you are traveling or out of the town, you don"t always know where do they provide vegetarian meals.


vegan,英[u02c8vi:gu0259n] 美[u02c8viɡu0259n, u02c8vu025bdu0292u0259n]。vegan是名词,意思是严格的素食主义者(不吃肉、奶、蛋等,有的不用任何动物产品如丝绸、皮革等)。它还可以作为形容词表示纯素的(指食物)或是名词,纯素食。与vegan意思相近的一个词是vegetarian,这个词指的是那些不吃肉的素食主义者,但不如vegan那么严格。这类素食主义者一般情况下还是会吃鸡蛋、蜂蜜、牛奶等由动物衍生出来的产品。

vegeterian meal什么意思

vegetarian meal 英[u02ccvedu0292u026au02c8teu0259ri:u0259n mi:l] 美[u02ccvu025bdu0292u026au02c8tu025briu0259n mil] [词典] [医] 素餐; [例句]I requested a vegetarian meal.我事先点了素食餐。

肉食主义者英语怎么说 素食主义者是vegetarian...肉食主义者呢?

Meat activists carnivore我觉得更好.

vegen 和 vegetairan 的区别

vegan是严格素食主义者;vegetairan是相对较轻的素食主义者。共同点是都不吃肉。区别:前者凡是跟活动物相关的都不吃,奶制品、蛋类、鱼、肉。。。后者不吃肉,但可能吃奶制品啊蛋类之类的。前者更严格、更狂热的一种信念,认为所有动物应该跟人一样收到尊重。后者更倾向于出于健康或宗教信仰或习俗不吃肉类。以下是我从google搜到的内容,大致就是上面的意思:Neither vegans nor vegetarians eat meat. However, while vegetarians tend to consume dairy products and eggs, a vegan avoids all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and often inedible animal-based products, such as leather, wool, and silk. Vegetarianism is usually a diet, while veganism is a lifestyle. Vegetarians often choose their diet based on its reported health benefits or for religious or political reasons. In general, vegans have much stronger political beliefs regarding their diet, with some believing animals should be protected under many of the same laws that humans are.

vegan and vegetarian是什么意思




why am i not a vegetarian 与 why i am not a vegetarian 有什么区别?能相互代替吗?



Vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet that excludes meat (including game and slaughter by-products; fish, shellfish and other sea animals; and poultry). There are several variants of the diet, some of which also exclude eggs and/or some products produced from animal labour such as dairy products and honey.The vegan diet is a form of vegetarianism which excludes all animal products from the diet, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, and honey. Those who practice veganism for ethical reasons often exclude animal products from their diet as part of a larger practice of abstaining from the use of animals for any purpose (e.g. leather, fur, etc.), often out of support for animal rights. Most vegetarians consume dairy products, and many eat eggs. Lacto-vegetarianism includes dairy products but excludes eggs, ovo-vegetarianism includes eggs but not dairy, and lacto-ovo vegetarianism includes both eggs and dairy products.Semi-vegetarianism consists of a diet largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish and sometimes poultry, as well as dairy products and eggs. The association of semi-vegetarianism with vegetarianism in popular vernacular, particularly pescetarianism (also called pesco-vegetarianism and described as a "vegetarian" diet that includes fish, has led to what vegetarian groups cite as improper categorisation of these diets as vegetarian. The Vegetarian Society, which initiated popular usage of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, condemns the association of semi-vegetarian diets as valid vegetarianism; the organisation points out that the consumption of fish is not vegetarian.The reasons for choosing vegetarianism may be related to one or more of the following: morality, religion, culture, ethics, aesthetics, environment, society, economy, politics, taste, or health. A generic term for both vegetarianism and veganism, as well as for similar diets, is "plant-based diets".

vegetarian food是什么意思

vegetarian food[英][u02ccvedu0292u026au02c8teu0259ri:u0259n fu:d][美][u02ccvu025bdu0292u026au02c8tu025briu0259n fud]斋饭;

vegan 与vegetarian的区别是什么?


vegan 与vegetarian的区别是什么?



vegetarian意思是素食主义者。 vegetarian: n.素食主义者;素食者;吃素的人。 adj.素食者的;素菜的。 扩展资料   I didn"t think you, of all people, would become a vegetarian.   我真没有想到,在所有的"人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。   There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day.   每天的菜单上另有素食餐点。   He"s always spouting off about being a vegetarian.   他老把自己吃素挂在嘴边。   Is she a vegetarian?   她是素食者吗?   Are you vegetarian?   你只吃素食吗?


vegetarian,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“素食主义者;食草动物”,作形容词时译为“素菜的;素食者的”。短语搭配:Vegetarian gelatin 爱玉;糖葫芦;甜点爱玉;恨玉Vegetarian Times 素食时报;素食时代;素食新闻Vegetarian Pizza 什莱奶酪比萨饼;素比萨;田园蔬菜匹萨双语例句:1、How do you think of vegetarian?你认为素食主义者如何?2、It"s a vegetarian.它是食草动物。3、If you wish to open a vegetarian restaurant,don"t forget to set up an ordering food service for the customers.如果你想创立一家素菜的饭馆,你不要忘记给顾客建立点菜的服务。4、The vegetarian lifestyle gives me new understanding toward life.素食主义的生活方式给予我对生活新的理解。

vegetarian是什么意思 what cannot eat

vegetarian素食主义者双语对照词典结果:vegetarian[英][u02ccvedu0292u0259u02c8teu0259riu0259n][美][u02ccvedu0292u0259u02c8teriu0259n]n.素食者; 食草动物; adj.素食者的; 素菜的; 复数:vegetarians以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I am not a vegan nor am I a vegetarian. 我不是纯素者,也不是素食者。


  vegetarian  /u02ccvedu0292u0259u02c8teu0259riu0259n/  n. 素食者  vegan  /u02c8vi:gu0259n/  n. 严格的素食者

Regards, Sincerely, Faithfully 的用法

结束语(Complimentary Close): 在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同。 (1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等; (2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等; (3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等。 注意: (1)结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点。 (2)若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend;如果是儿女写给父母,就用Your loving son(daughter);对长辈则写Respectfully yours,至于生意上的往来就用Faithfully yours。 5、在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号。

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求西式早餐中scrambled eggs(炒蛋)的详细做法?


qt 读取segy文件

悬赏分:20|离问题结束还有 14 天 6 小时|提问者:想写一个小程序,用qt,读入一个segy文件,然后弹出文本框,显示出其前3200字节,分40行,每行80字节,这3200字节是用的ebcdic编码的。谢谢大家了。您不登录也可以回答问题用户名:密码码:记住我的登录状态登 录使用可以第一时间收到“提问有新回答”“回答被采纳”“网友求助”的通知。您想在自己的网站上展示百度“知道”上的问答吗?来吧! 如要投诉或提出意见建议,请到反馈。

单词翻译 关于眼镜的(Designer Eyeglasses等等...)

Designer Eyeglasses设计者眼镜 Designer Frames设计者框架 Designer Sunglasses设计者太阳镜


regulator 英音:["regjuleitu0259] 美音:["ru025bgju0259,letu025a] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.调整者;管理者2.调节器;调节阀3.标准时钟4.【英】(借调整税率以调节经济的)课税调节法以下结果来自互联网网络释义regulator1.调节器(装置)英语托福雅思小语种PETS - 行业英语(...regulator 调节器(装置)2.监控者IELTS写作的常用表达 -雅思英语作文-...regulator 监控者3.第器核能专业英语词汇(R) | 英语迷regulator 第器

wire 型变量与reg型变量有什么本质区别?它们可用于什么类型的语句中?


be recognized as 与be regarded as的区别

be recognized as 被认为是,被公认为(客观事实)He is recognized as leader of the team.他作为领袖被XXX认知。be regarded as被认为是,被看作是,被当做是(较为主观)。被别人评价。Even as a yong boy , he was regarded as very promising.即使当他还是个小男孩的时候,他就被认为很有前途了。

If you eat fruit and vegetable,you will be healthier.什么意思?



晕死,这两个跟本用法不一样的嘛,前面的只是单纯的祝语,就是客套话,后者YOURS FAITHFULLY后面直接是你的名字啦~~~你可以这样用,最近比较流行的:Thanks & Best Regardssincerely Panda Qi
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