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always@(posedege clk)begin ql

@(posedge iclk) 当iclk上升沿到来时只执行一次,always则每次都执行

请问verilog中:always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)和always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n)有何区别


rtwsyuegotrial 是什么字体


在用verilog编写三段式状态机的时候,我看网上很多地方都是提到格式如下:always @ (posedge clk or negedg


verilog中assign a=data; always @(posedge clk) begin b=data; end 为什么a的值比b的要早一个时钟周期

@(posedge clk)这表示等待一个事件(clk上升沿)的发生因此当data在clk上升沿发生变化(即data的变化是发生在clk上升沿这一事件之后)assign语句使a立即取得data的值而always执行到@(posedge clk)则会挂起 直到事件(下一个clk上升沿)发生 才继续执行后面的语句 因此b的赋值(不管阻塞还是非阻塞赋值都是)比a晚了一个时钟


语句always@(posedgeCLKornegedgeRST)表示含义为 A.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作B.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作C.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的上升沿执行操作D.在CLK的下降沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作E.在CLK的下降沿或者RST的上升沿执行操作F.在CLK的上升沿、RST的下降沿同时发生时执行操作G.在CLK的下降沿、RST的上升沿同时发生时执行操作H、在CLK的高电平或者RST的低电平执行操作正确答案:在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作;在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作

quartus ii 中问题,always @(posedge CLK) begin : CNT11B_LOAD// 11位可预置计数器 怎么解释啊。


Verilog negedge与posedge的区别

一个下降沿 一个表示上升沿



verilog hdl中有了posedge和negedge为什么还要用脉冲边沿检测?。


可综合verilog posedge和negedge可以出现在一个always中吗



在国际标准中经纬度中度是Degree 分用minute,在国际上经纬度都是用单数表示的。117度21分=ONE ONE SEVEN DEGREES TWO ONE MINUTES有的时候还要用到秒,用SECOND



华硕笔记本08年10月份买的,一直没有坏过,昨天晚上开机时先出现 American Megatrends


英语,point to his iegs怎么读

point [pu0252u026ant] 泼瘾to [tuu02d0] 吐his [hu026az] 亿子legs [leɡz] 累哥斯指向他的腿若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}

forevery mamba forevery legend科比衣服啥意思?


yoni eggs是什么东西

yoni eggs是鹅卵石,在外国卖的挺火的,鹅卵石是因为状似鹅卵而得名。鹅卵石作为一种纯天然的石材,取自经历过千万年前的地壳运动后由古老河床隆起产生的砂石山中,经历着山洪冲击、流水搬运过程中不断的挤压、摩擦。种类:鹅卵石产品有:天然颜色的机制鹅卵石、河卵石、雨花石、干粘石、喷刷石、造景石、木化石、文化石、天然色理石米等建筑装饰材料及室内装饰用的高级染色沙,无毒、无味、不脱色。品质坚硬,色泽鲜明古朴,具有抗压、耐磨耐腐蚀的天然石特性,是一种理想的绿色建筑材料。

WireGuard Tunnel 是无线网卡吗?


open、put on、begin、turn on的意思是什么?他们有什么区别?

open 打开=close put on 穿上(衣服) begin开始 着手 turn on 打开 open和turn on的区别是open多指打开窗户或门,而turn on多指打开电器的开关 至于剩下的几乎是没有联系的,所以谈不上什么区别 答案补充 open=shut


World E-sports世界电子竞技大师赛今年杭州举行pplive有直播 WEG,全称World E-sports Games,是继WCG之后又一项由韩国电竞界重金打造的国际顶级电竞赛事。其主办方是韩国最专业的游戏电视媒体Ongamenet。比赛全程由Ongamenet独家转播,在05年将WEG一跃打造成为全球最正规的职业化电子竞技赛事之一。在国际上被誉为继WCG、ESWC、CPL之后的第四大电子竞技赛事


英文原文:shake your legs英式音标:[u0283eu026ak] [ju0254u02d0; ju028au0259] [leɡz] 美式音标:[u0283ek] [ju028aru02cc ju0254ru02cc joru02ccju0259] [lu025bg]





“shake your legs”用中文怎么读?


英文信件最后的Warm regards什么意思?急,谢了

用于信结尾表示祝愿,意思是“致以深切的问候”,就像中文信件里的"此致,敬礼"一样的作用。类似的还有 Best Regards; Regards 等等

illegal address是什么意思

illegal address[英][iu02c8li:ɡu0259l u0259u02c8dres][美][u026au02c8liɡu0259l u0259u02c8dru025bs]非法[无效]地址; 例句:1.The attorney replied that because they had associated an illegal download with her ip address, she had to pay. 但是律师的回复是,因为检测到影片是在她的ip地址上下载的,她必须要做出相应赔偿。2.Lawmakers have urged the government to address the trend of holding dual nationality, which is illegal in china. 人大代表呼吁政府着手解决持双重国籍的态势问题,原因在于双重国籍在中国还不合法。3.He said the plan failed to address real issues, including illegal detentions and curbs on freedom of religion and speech. 他说,行动计划没能解决实际问题,包括非法拘禁和对言论和宗教信仰自由的限制。4.The first editorial, like comments by chinese officials last week, stresses that cyber attacks are illegal in china, but doesn"t address the implicit allusion in google"s statement that the chinese government may have been behind the cyber attacks-thus skirting the real controversies. 第一篇社论就像中国官员上周的评论一样强调了网络攻击在中国是违法行为,但对谷歌有关中国政府在幕后主使攻击的说法未予解释,因此可谓避重就轻。5.Last week, china announced a five-year plan to address "illegal activities behind the production and sale of fake and shoddy foods and pharmaceuticals." 上周,中国出台一份五年计划旨在打击“生产销售伪劣食物药品的非法活动”。提交回答



There was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.高手点解为什么填that


It was 1920 ______ regular radio broadcasts bega

B 考查定语从句。when 指先行词1920 。

Was it not until 1920_regular radio broadcasts began?

强调句。it was ……that



Jeg elsker deg是什么意思?是哪个国家的语言?谢谢大家啦!

楼主,这个Jeg elsker deg实在是太强大了,说给你听的人一定很内向,说“我 爱 你”需要用挪威语吗?My God~你猜对了,“Jeg elsker deg”就是挪威语中“我 爱 你”的意思~

挪威语liker du meg ikke是什么意思?

意思是:你喜欢我吗? 呵呵,你是女孩子吧?你可以回答:nei jeg liker deg ikke 不,我不喜欢你 或者:Ja,Jeg liker deg 是的,我喜欢你





some vegetables请问英语怎么读

some 英[səm] 美[sʌm] adj. 一些; 某个; 大约; 相当多的; pron. 一些; 若干; 其中的一部分; (数量不确切时用) 有些人; adv. 非常; 相当; <美>稍微; [例句]Robin opened some champagne罗宾开了一些香槟。vegetables 英["vedʒɪtəblz] 美["vedʒɪtəblz] n. 蔬菜( vegetable的名词复数 ); 生活单调的人,植物人; 菜蔬; [例句]Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素。[其他] 原型:vegetable

开始-运行regsvr32 d3dx9_42.dll 之后出现对话框: 模块“d3dx9_42.dll”已加载,但找不到入口点


just for those have elegant taste怎么读

just for those who have elegant taste: 家私特 佛 肉日 胡 嗨舞 唉里根特 忒斯特


norwegian怎么读:美[nu0254ru02c8widu0292u0259n]英[nu0254u02d0(r)u02c8wiu02d0du0292(u0259)n]。意思是:n.挪威人;挪威语;adj.挪威人的;挪威的,挪威语的变形:复数Norwegians英英释义Norwegian[ nu0254:"wi:du0292u0259n ] ativeorin habitant of Norway.同义词:NorsemanNorsea.Scandinavian language that is spoken in Norway.adj.of or relating to Norway or its people or cultureor language.同义词:Norse词组短语norwegian sea 挪威海双语例句——用作名词(n.)1.The Norwegian lives in the first house.挪威人住在第一栋房子内。2.She wasn"t Norwegia neither, but French,and amid wife to boot.她也不是挪威人,是法国人,而且还是一个助产士。——用作形容词(adj.)1.Britishand Norwegian rescuet eams rushed to the scene butit wast oo late.虽然英国和挪威的救难队赶至现场,却为时已晚。2.The Norwegian Nobel Committeesaid Mr. Ahtisaari"s efforts over more than 30year shave contributed to amore peaceful world.挪威的诺贝尔奖委员会表示,阿赫蒂萨里以他过去三十多年的努力,为世界和平做出贡献。3.The Norwegian lives in the first house.挪威人住在第一栋房子内。


德国英文名是Germany 澳大利亚是Australia阿根廷是Argentina这个就是音译 不是直接翻译过去的~希望可以帮到你~

求如龙4主题曲Machinegun kiss的歌词

Butterfly City Feat. RYO the SKYWALKER, Mummy-D & DOUBLE - ZEEBRA作词:Zeebra99R.Yamaguchi99Mummy-D99DOUBLE & DJ Hasebe 作曲:Zeebra99R.Yamaguchi99Mummy-D99DOUBLE & DJ Hasebe※(Hook)Butterfly City Super Fly City逃げ込もうぜ 阳がまだ高いうちにButterfly City Super Fly City逃げ出そうぜ 空がまだ暗いうちに※(Zeebra)Hey abc lady 君のせいで 野郎どもはGo KRAZY 寝れやしねえぜMe so horny Cuz, u so nasty If u smile for me あげるぜこのClassic宙を舞うButterfly 気になってならない捕まりそうで そう简単には捕まらない谁もがChase her Love, Fun or Paper?Butterfly, Butterfly お好みはどのFlava?(RYO the SKYWALKER)ギラギラ ギラつく街の喧噪 めくるめく夜にひときわ舞う蝶欲に群がるアウトロー たちをとりこにさすそのNice Formキラキラ きらびやかな幻想 またも惹かれてイカレちまいそうネオンの街でFly out 他のヤツには内绪 (How It Go)爱とLieが涡巻く大都会 照らす体を见下ろす最上阶爱想ない ようでもシャイじゃない 惑わすMs.Dynamite(Hmm,)君のためならNine to Five超えFight to Fight でもそんなに甘くないここは危険なParadise 男たちを狂わせるButterf-Lie(※くり返し)(Mummy-D)キミは夜中のバタフライ 羽ばたく繁华街リビドー掻き立てるその伫まいまさに尻軽 Silly Girl 気取りのWicked Girlならず者どもいざなうミュージカル踊らされてることくらい百も承知でも彷徨いたいんだ暗い袋小路バタフライ、そのドレスがもうこれ以上汚れないように救うから Fly 4 meここはCRAZY WORLD(DOUBLE)ここはCrazy World明日すらわからない感じたまま You gotta live your lifeSo u can dance if u want toDance if u want to Dance if u want toDance if u want to Dance if u want to私の手の上で We fly high。


NEG AX ;取ax反 低字反码MOV BX,0 ;清0SBB BX,DX ;带借位bx -(cf)-dxMOV DX,BX ;求dx 反码SBB 是带借位减法 有个CF标志值要减!

everything has begining everything comes to an end是哪首歌的开头?开始的前奏有点点长的。

歌手:Charlotte Perrelli歌名:HeroEverything has a beginningEverything comes to an endTake it or leave itYou‘d better believe itBe my lover, be my friendTry to deny what you‘re feelingAnd you know that you‘re heart will say noLove will last longerGrowing stronger and strongerIf you stay and don‘t let goOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a hero,Staying aliveThis is a storyOf love and compassionOnly heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveHeaven and earth keep collidingBut we love on a world of its ownOh, there you can‘t fake itJust make it or break itOnly you can find the oneOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a heroStaying aliveThis is a storyOf love and compassionOnly heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, surviveHeroes can live on their ownBut heroes never die aloneOut of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will surviveOh, taking the fightIs the life of a heroStaying alive(This is a story)(Of love and compassion)Heroes can tellOh, out of the lightLike a star, like a heroLove will survive一切有开始一切即将结束要么接受,要么放弃你最好相信它是我的情人,是我的朋友试图否认您觉得你知道你的心会说不爱将持续更长的一段时间不断壮大, 如果你留下,不要去噢,没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存噢,为之奋斗是英雄的生命,存活下去这是一个爱和同情心的故事只有英雄可以告诉噢,没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存天地保持相撞但是,我们爱在自己的世界哦,你不能冒充它成全它或打破它只有你可以找到一个噢,没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存噢,为之奋斗是企业的生命,是英雄在为生存这是一个爱和同情心的故事只有英雄可以告诉噢,没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存噢,存活英雄可以生活在他们自己的但是,英雄永远不独自死亡没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存噢,为之奋斗是企业的生命,是英雄存活(这是一个故事) (爱与同情) 英雄可以告诉噢,没有光明像明星一样的英雄爱将生存



my college sweetheart英语作文

Hello,my name is li ming.My parents and I have a wonderful journey to beijing on my summer holidays. I will share what I have experienced with you.The first day when we got there ,we went to the Great Wall. we were very excited when we got to the top of it .The next day, we went to the Imperial Palace. There are so many palaces and they are very beautiful. We also visited the Summer Palace、Temple of Heaven and the North Sea on the rest of days.I have a wonderful time on my journey to beijing .

流体力学~~~关于真空度(vacuum degree)-3, 表压压力表,是一个什么东东?


high degree by research students和 coursework students详细区别是什么

high degree by research students: 专做研究不上课,一般是指研究生说的。coursework students是上课的学生,就是一般正常的学生。





求英语翻译大神,请详细解析。Nor,if regularity and conformity to

也不是对于科学家来说如果遵循规范和标准样式,正如他写作的论文所反映的内容那样称心如意,而为了支持正统的在团队中表现良好的思想家,因歧视研究人员中的那些“另类”,对管理体制提出批评意见。if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,状语从句,nor is management to be blamed for discriminating against the "odd balls" among reseachers in favor of more conventional thinkers who "work well with the team".是主句。

求大神 热盼!!!!!! if regularity and conformity 就是何凯文66句最后一句!!!!!! AS的用法






DOTA里面的蓝猫的名字(Raijin Thunderkeg) “raijin”怎么读?是英文吗?求解怎么读


电影产业中的vertical integration为何是违法的?

一战前,法国的电影产业占据垄断地位,由于一战,欧洲国家电影产量急剧下降,美国开始成为电影市场的垄断者(一战结束时美国电影产量占据世界电影产量的85%)。美国利用巨大的国内市场和国际市场上的垄断地位,开始对电影产业进行纵向整合(vertical integration)将制作、发行和放映集中于一家公司。它有如下一些影响:a、纵向整合需要大量的资金,它使电影深受金融市场波动的影响,并最终被金融市场操纵。b、纵向整合巩固和发展了制片厂制度(studio system),使其牢牢控制电影的生产和营销,也导致体系之外的电影产业工人发展机会稀少。c、美国的纵向整合驱使其它国家也采取制片、发行和放映整合的策略。同时它驱使类似华纳这种规模较小被排除在制片厂制度之外的竞争者做出了制作有声电影的决策。30年代的大萧条使电影市场陷入困境,很多美国电影公司被银行和大公司接管。欧洲电影产业出现复苏,但是因为二战而中断了。二战后电影产业出现了大震荡,垂直整合被美国最高法院判定为违法。发行、放映和制片被迫分开的模式,成为其它国家效仿的模板。但是很多公司认识到发行的重要,在剥离放映的同时也保留了对发行的控制。

英语作文going to college

Going to college is utterly worthless. Through the vicissitudes of history, men have not learnt that education of the soul cannot be attained solely through mundane textbooks offered in equally mundane colleges. Supposedly a place of “higher learning,” college is merely a place of blatant capitalistic exploitation. The courses offered are all vocationally attuned, aligned with conformity. There is no room for the growth of the students" soul and mind. No sooner after the students proudly receive their piece of paper certifying they"ve been psychologically and physically tortured for four years in the college, they are faced with backbreaking debt that locks them into a few more decades of “proud contribution” to society through a dead-end job. 这是我个人理解,得啦帮你写一篇较为正常水准的作文I think college is very important for students. Students have to learn new things every day, and by understanding the sciences and maths, students can excel in their studies and get into a good college. By going to a good college, students can learn more things about life, and then they can use these things to benefit society and the world. Going to college allows students to get a good paying job, and this will make them happier. Higher education also gives moral and cultural fulfilment; everyone will become more reasonable and understanding of one another. 纯原创,望采纳。

如何利用BrainNet Viewer工具包实现EEG功能连接的可视化?

《本文同步发布于“脑之说”微信公众号,欢迎搜索关注~~》 做过MRI研究的朋友可能对BrainNet Viewer工具包比较熟悉,它是北京师范大学贺永教授团队研发的用于皮层脑区功能连接可视化的开源工具包(如图1所示),目前已经发表的很多国际期刊都在使用BrainNet Viewer进行绘图。 在使用BrainNet Viewer工具包绘制不同皮层脑区之间的功能连接时,需要首先知道不同皮层脑区的在MNI或Talar系统中的3维坐标,而常用皮层脑区(如AAL 116)的3维坐标一般都会默认包含在工具包中,使用时直接调用即可。那么,如果使用BrainNet Viewer工具包对EEG功能连接进行可视化的话,不同EEG电极投射在皮层上的3维坐标如何确定呢?幸运的是,已经有研究者对此进行了研究,建立了不同EEG电极投射在皮层上的3维坐标。 Okamoto等研究者[1] 所建立的10-20导联系统19个电极在皮层上的3维坐标如下表1所示: 而Koessler等研究者[2]建立了10-10导联系统65个电极在皮层上的3维坐标,具体参见参考文献[2]。 这里,笔者以Okamoto等研究者[1] 所建立的10-20导联系统19个电极在皮层上的3维坐标为例,说明如何利用BrainNet Viewer工具包实现EEG功能连接的可视化。 1)首先,建立19个电极的节点文件,即在txt文档中按照如下格式输入19个电极的3维度坐标,前3列数表示x、y、z 3维坐标(这里是Talar坐标),第四列数表示节点的颜色,第五列数字表示节点的大小,最后一列表示节点名字,这里是各个电极的名字;输入19个电极的这些信息后,把txt文档的后缀改成.node,命名为1020EEGelectrode19channel.node; 2)这里,为了便于说明,笔者随机生成一个19 19的矩阵,表示19个电极之间的功能连接;这个19 19的矩阵,同样保存成txt文档,并把后缀修改成.edge,命名为19channeledges.edge,如图3所示: 3)在Matlab命令窗口中输入BrainNet命令打开BrainNet Viewer工具包,工具包界面如图1所示。点击File>Load file,在Surface file、Data file(node)、Data file(edge)中依次选入BrainMesh_ICBM152.nv、1020EEGelectrode19channel.node、19channeledges.edge。 点击OK,并设置相关显示参数,即可实现EEG功能连接的可视化,如图5所示(这里只显示了强度前20%的功能连接): 此外,关于BrainNet Viewer工具包的具体使用方法和参数设置,请参考文献[3]。 参考文献: [1]OkamotoM , Dan H , Sakamoto K , et al. Three-dimensional probabilistic anatomical cranio-cerebral correlation via the international 10–20 system oriented fortranscranial functional brain mapping[J]. NeuroImage, 2004, 21(1):99-111. [2]KoesslerL , Maillard L , Benhadid A , et al. Automated cortical projection of EEG sensors: Anatomical correlation via the international 10–10 system[J].Neuroimage, 2009, 46(1):64-72. [3]MingruiX , Jinhui W , Yong H , et al. BrainNet Viewer: A Network Visualization Tool for Human Brain Connectomics[J]. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(7):e68910-.

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  很多学生会选择去英国留学,那么英国里留学diploma和degree有区别呢?和一起来看看吧!下面是我整理的英国留学diploma和degree有什么区别的相关资讯,欢迎阅读。   英国留学diploma和degree有什么区别   在英国大学毕业所获得的DIPLOMA和DEGREE是两个概念:DIPLOMA是结业证,而DEGREE才是学位证。   有的英国大学只能发diploma和certificate,这些是不被国内教育部留学生服务中心认证的;同理,各大企业以及事业单位也是不认可的,请同学们在申请英国学校和专业时候看清楚最后发的是degree还是diploma。   在英国攻读硕士学位课程但最终没能拿到硕士学位的情况有两种:一是学分没修够,最终取得certificate;二是论文没通过,最终取得diploma;certificate和diploma都不是硕士学位,两种都只是高等教育文凭,和国内的毕业证也是两种不同的概念,不能把其混淆。   首先要注意,在英国Master毕业的Diploma不是Degree,DIPLOMA是结业证而DEGREE才是学位证,有的大学只能发 diploma和certificate,这些是不被国内机构和公司认证的,请大家在申请英国Master学校和专业时候看清楚最后发的是degree还是diploma。   Diploma:是不满足学位证要求,但到达Diploma要求发的一个证书,Diploma只是代表你完成了英国硕士的学习课程,但是并没有通过考试,Diploma在国内得不到认证。Degree:英国正式学位证;指学术上通过了英国硕士的考试以及认证。正常大学Master毕业最后授予degree,除非你分数不够。   而事实上在英国,研究生的Distinction一般没有本科三年的Distinction含金量高,如果把这两个Distinction放到一起的话,英国用人单位一定会去选择本科的那一个。

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renegade dances

《renegade dances》。这个曲子应该叫作《另类舞曲》吧,网上的在线翻译是《叛逆舞》(?),但看来我一向对舞曲没有太大感觉,以至于这首叛逆另类的舞曲对处于叛逆期的我没有产生任何共鸣……然而在紧张之中,会突然觉得,貌似《另类》其实也是个很好听的曲子,十分有气势,毕竟是首叛逆的曲子,而我正处于叛逆期。 大哥你好有才啊

Wu-Renegades 歌词

歌曲名:Wu-Renegades歌手:Killarmy专辑:Silent Weapons For Quiet WarsIntro/Chorus:Yo, Killarmy, we the last armaggedeonPrepare yourself now for the six man wettinIn the streets, or in the sand war is onNow aside nigga here comes the prideVerse One:You can"t persuade this brigade Killarmy renegadeon this crusade lyrical murder is sure to be my tradeDrill more heat than Black Suede, I"m the sunbeamin on your dome when the shade is nowhere to be foundAll you hear is the unreknowned soundthat makes your eardrum pound, you can"t avoid itIt been exploited in your districtThe ballistics are statistics fuck the criticsThey criticize while I revise my enterpriseDo the knowledge and you"ll be surprised?Generalize and currency alive?while strong soldiers build with bouldersForts and barriers, my brain pattern hold weight like a freightSharp like ice skates, blows this track like a cellmateThen motivate, now I"m out of state, usin my Papermateto penetrate, through open minds that take the time to listen toThe Crimson Tide that I provide, I dedicatemy life to my poetry, if it"s meant to be then let it beKillarmyIt"s only right I"m out for the night, my life"s a legacyVerse Two:Yo, it"s like I remember slapboxin now we clap shots to catch propsFrom knockin rocks on the block ?to chop the fat priced and jock?I see the Jakes and motivate cause half my team be holdin weightWe march across the Golden Gate BridgeMy mind is in the solider stateForever real, troops"ll never squeal, so my Beretta"s peelleisurely, and penetrate your mental shield, easilyI"m pleased to be, the man hundred grand, the tan LandsNow my Clan"s doin tours in Japan and San Fran-ciscoliver than disco packin nickel plated pistolsand keep my block hot like burnin CriscoWu-Renegades, deadly switchbladesChorus 2XVerse Three:Check it out, yo, yoRenegades are slayed in steel cage, that wave war bladesat United Snakes parade, the unforgiven law no mercyBuild controversy, then perform surgeryKillarmy, we meet at a ninety degree angleUniversal star angels, we form the tip of a trianglelike Egyptians did, I perform inside pyramidsWu-Tang, a scientist, label me the last lyricistfor today"s Genesis, surrenderSupreme marine I move in submarinesAnti-murderer, stage burgalerRugged rhyme ?asserter-er, with the righteous crutches?Lyrical ruckus, build to destruction, DestructiconsBest to kill or camouflage, Desert StormOn the battle before I lost a armHeld on to my sword took both hands like VoltronLike the master who"s imperial, king of the scenarioTo all my universal soldiers, salute the generalVerse Four:I come armed with explosive chemicals just dream me in physicalKillarmy individuals the concept of principles that are highlyindispensibleMy name is Born God Allah, King of North AmericaOn a ship I was stripped of my knowledge and witsDeath to all enemies, by your own fuckin penaltiesOff with your dome I roam through your war zone with a platoonfull of soldiers with dust bonesAin"t nuttin but the army shit, one minute til we all hitTie you up with your barracksWith heat-seeking lyrics and my ?royal friends from the tribe ofIndians?I break down your physical change it to a chemicalyou cats are made of wickedness, the black man be originalChorus 2XLet it vibe, homicide, suicide

Renegade Five的《Memories》 歌词

歌曲名:Memories歌手:Renegade Five专辑:Underground UniverseRenegade Five - MemoriesWhat could I do to change your mindI know it"s through my way of lifeI feel the rage when I sleepWhy does it have to be a mysteryI live my life as I drink the wineMuch to fast it can never lastTo stand alone that"s still my curseHow can I erase your memoriesI can hear myself screamingin total frustrationHow can I erase your memoriesI don"t like what I found hereAnd it"s only beginningHow can I erase your memoriesYou were nice you tried so hardI was tough acting for my selfI had to learn I had to faceThat time was running out for meNo candlelights can save me nowThey"re all burned down and so am IThousand miles away from you...How can I erase your memoriesI can hear myself screamingin total frustrationHow can I erase your memoriesI don"t like what I found hereAnd it"s only beginningHow can I erase your memoriesIt"s in the game and I"m to blameI feel it"s tearing me apartIt"s never fare it"s just my shareWhen your rip my soul apartConstantly it"s hard to beStanding up in this lullaby....What could I do to change your mindI know it"s through my way of lifeI feel the rage when I sleepWhy does it have to be a mysteryI live my life as I drink the wineMuch to fast it can never lastTo stand alone that"s still my curseHow can I erase your memoriesI can hear myself screamingin total frustrationHow can I erase your memoriesI don"t like what I found hereAnd it"s only beginningHow can I erase your memories

Warren Zevon的《Renegade》 歌词

歌曲名:Renegade歌手:Warren Zevon专辑:Mr. Bad ExampleWrite This Down - RenegadeWe are renegades, we shoot to kill,We shoot to kill, we shoot...There"s no stopping us, no holding us back.This is the trick of our trade,this is exactly what we do best.It"s just a matter of time, it"s just a matter of time,What goes around, comes around.It"s just a matter of time, it"s just a matter of time,What goes around, comes around.We are renegades, we shoot to kill,We shoot to kill, we shoot...There"s no stopping us, no holding us back.This is the trick of our trade,this is exactly what we do best.We are renegades, we shoot to kill,We shoot to kill, we shoot...There"s no stopping us, no holding us back.This is the trick of our trade,this is exactly what we do best.Move as fast as you can, move as fast as you can,Outrun, outrun what you"ve become.Move as fast as you can, move as fast as you can,Outrun, outrun what you"ve become.Forgiveness, sweet forgiveness,you know I won"t forget this one.Wait patiently til morning comes.My God, my God, what have I done?Forgiveness, sweet forgiveness,you know I won"t forget this one.Wait patiently til morning comes.My God, my God, what have I done?We drew these lines to cross them.We knew exactly what to do.We broke our own defenses.Hold fast, hold fast.We are renegades, we shoot to kill,We shoot to kill, we shoot...There"s no stopping us, no holding us back.This is the trick of our trade,this is exactly what we do best.We are renegades, we shoot to kill,We shoot to kill, we shoot...There"s no stopping us, no holding us back.This is the trick of our trade,this is exactly what we do best.

Thin Lizzy的《Renegade》 歌词

歌曲名:Renegade歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:Life卐 Daughtry - Renegade 卐Don"t you want to feel like a rebelA Renegade on the runA Real live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunNot talking "bout a deal with the devilI said nothing about sellin" your soulBut call it what you willIf you start to feel out of controlHERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Don"t you want to feel like a rebelRenegade on the runReal live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunOne-hundred miles an hour with the top rolled downRacin" the wind breakin" out this townTryin" to get lost but don"t want to be found, yeahHERE WE GO!HERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Gonna ride tonight,Ride tonight yeah...Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight),Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight).Gonna ride tonight,HEY! Gonna ride tonightCan you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!Don"t want to go downSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!

Renegade Five Seven Days歌词

自己帮你听的,98%是对的,打问号的部分没全听对,对照一下I hope you"ll find A little busy in your heartCause you will need it since we went apartsI can sleep but hardCan"t find an endingAs long as you a better than my broken heart (I"ll be survied baby)Cause no one has ever touched me the way that you didI"m deep in my frustrationSeven days and seven nightsThe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constanly away of you for seven daysSeven nightsI have hoping my heart at some kind of days (Forgot to ? back)I ask the days go by I"m losing my faith (I"m going down now)The eye is beacuse the thing I said that make you leave (Do you made the ?)The wasted of life is what I have foundI"m deep in my frustrationSeven days and seven nightsthe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constantly away of you for seven daysSeven nightsKeep on waiting for the answerSven if I know the truthes deep inside my heartSeven days and seven nightsThe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constantly away of you for seven daysseven nights

renegade project支持手机型号

受支持的设备受支持的SoCY 已经支持并且可用N 现阶段不支持P 部分支持,可能存在问题W 有希望支持,正在测试或适配中U 状态未知来源:网页链接


我不是很喜欢这个歌 不是我喜欢的类型 毕竟我是弹钢琴的 所以对节奏很明感 但是这首歌的节奏不是那么好理解。。。不好听诶。。。我不喜欢




小米6/8/9/mix 2/2s/3/4/小米平板5、魅族16/16 plus、中兴天机9 pro、一加5/5t/6/6t/7/7 pro等等。手机,全称为移动电话或无线电话,通常称为手机,原本只是一种通讯工具,早期又有“大哥大”的俗称,是可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端,由美国贝尔实验室在1940年制造的战地移动电话机发展而来。1958年,苏联工程师列昂尼德.库普里扬诺维奇发明了ЛК-1型移动电话,1973年,美国摩托罗拉工程师马丁·库帕发明了世界上第一部商业化手机。历经2G时代、3G时代,迄今为止已发展至4G时代了,而5G时代也紧随其后,国内已经出现5G的商用。



renegade 黑街歌词,要分开的罗马音或音译_(:зゝ∠)_

要采纳哈~~GANGSTA黑街 OP (Renegade)——STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION假名罗马音歌词:蔑(さげす)まされた劣性隠(れっせいかく)すsa ge su ma sa re ta re ssei ka ku su故(ゆえ)ここに立(た)つ意味(いみ)を持(も)つyu e ko ko ni ta tsu i mi wo mo tsu决(けっ)した所以逃(ゆえんに)げず今探(いまさが)す理由(りゆう)ke sshi ta yu en ni ge zu i ma sa ga su ri yuu変(か)わらず细胞覚(さいぼうさ)ます光(ひかり)よka wa ra zu sai bou sa ma su hi ka ri yoI wanna renegade down酩酊(めいてい)しそうな程(ほど)のmei tei shi sou na ho do no耳鸣(みみな)りがしたmi mi na ri ga shi taゆっくりと目(め)を开(あ)けなければyu kku ri to me wo a ke na ke re ba丧(うしな)うもの选(えら)べない程(ほど)u shi na u mo no e ra be nai ho do何(なに)かに缒(すが)る意志达(いしたち)よna ni ka ni su ga ru i shi ta chi yo荒(すさ)んだ结晶持(けっしょうも)ってsu san da ke sshou mo tteどこに行(い)こうって言(い)うんだよdo ko ni i kou tte i un da yo生(せい)に拘(こだわ)ってない訳(わけ)でもない揺(ゆ)れる未来(みらい)sei ni ko da wa tte nai wa ke de mo nai yu re ru mi ra i焦点距离(しょうてんきょり)が歪(ゆが)んでしまっただけでshou ten kyo ri ga yu gan de shi ma tta da ke de霞(かす)む感情繋(かんじょうつな)ぎ止(と)める手段(しゅだん)なんてka su mu kan jou tsu na gi to me ru shu dan nan te过去(かこ)に置(お)いて来(き)たka ko ni o i te ki taそれでいいんだso re de i in daTake away and do for me答(こた)えのない世界(せかい)でもko ta e no nai se kai de moCarry on and burn it downGet away every bugTake away and do for me渗(にじ)んだこの声(こえ)をni jin da ko no ko e woCarry on and burn it downYou"ve got to be the one you wantそうやって自分(じぶん)を骗(だま)す事(こと)すらsou ya tte ji bun wo da ma su ko to su ra裏切(うらぎ)りに変(か)えてしまっていたからu ra gi ri ni ka e te shi ma tte i ta ka ra憎(にく)しみとか哀(あわ)れみさえni ku shi mi to ka a wa re mi sa e自己犠牲(じこぎせい)で片付(かたづ)けたんだji ko gi sei de ka ta zu ke tan daTake away and do for me答(こた)えのない世界(せかい)でもko ta e no nai se kai de moCarry on and burn it downGet away every bug蔑(さげす)まされた劣性隠(れっせいかく)すsa ge su ma sa re ta re ssei ka ku su故(ゆえ)ここに立(た)つ意味(いみ)を持(も)つyu e ko ko ni ta tsu i mi wo mo tsu决(けっ)した所以逃(ゆえんに)げず今探(いまさが)す理由(りゆう)ke sshi ta yu en ni ge zu i ma sa ga su ri yuu変(か)わらず细胞覚(さいぼうさ)ます光(ひかり)よka wa ra zu sai bou sa ma su hi ka ri yoI wanna renegade downTake away and do for me答(こた)えのない世界(せかい)でもko ta e no nai se kai de moCarry on and burn it downGet away every bugTake away and do for me渗(にじ)んだこの声(こえ)をni jin da ko no ko e woCarry on and burn it downYou"ve got to be the one you wantBreath in breath out fill out your voiceCalling find out your nameThis is your lifeYou never lose yourselfWhy don"t you comeThese are pieces of youWhy don"t you comePeace out

renegade styx中文歌词

oh mama, i"m in fear for my life from the long arm of the law哦 妈妈 我担心法网恢恢疏而不漏law man has put an end to my running and i"m so far from my home警察企图阻止我前进 而我又离家越来越远the jig is up, the news is out追捕开始行动 新闻也开始通缉they finally found me他们最终会找到我the renegade who had it made这个越狱的人retrieved for a bounty为了那些赏金never more to go astray我也不想再走错路this"ll be the end today of the wanted man可对被通缉的人来说 日子已经结束了oh mama, i"ve been years on the lam and had a high price on my head哦 妈妈 我已经背负着高昂的赏金逃亡了许多年lawman said "get him dead or alive" and it"s for sure he"ll see me dead警察说无论死活都要抓住他 但可以肯定被他们抓到我便必死无疑dear mama i can hear you cryin", you"re so scared and all alone亲爱的妈妈 我甚至可以听到你哭泣 你成天为我担心 并且孤独寂寞hangman is comin" down from the gallows and i don"t have very long侩子手离我越来越近 我已经没有时间了the jig is up, the news is out追捕开始了 公告通缉了they finally found me他们最终会找到我the renegade who had it made这个越狱的人retrieved for a bounty为了那些赏金never more to go astray我也不想再走错路the judge"ll have revenge today on the wanted man但对于被通缉的人来说 法官的判决也许就在今天oh mama, i"m in fear for my life from the long arm of the law哦 妈妈 我害怕法网恢恢疏而不漏law man has put an end to my running and i"m so far from my home警察已经开始追捕我 而我又离家越来越远the jig is up, the news is out追捕开始了 公告通缉了they finally found me他们最终会找到我the renegade who had it made这个越狱的人retrieved for a bounty为了那些赏金never more to go astray我也不想再走错路this"ll be the end today of the wanted man可对于被通缉的人来说 日子已经结束了复制的

RENEGADE 26 避震前叉规格

RENEGADE26避震前叉规格一般是28或32的,更粗的都是高级别越野甚至速降用的,重量太大就不适合城市休闲比赛旅行了。26 避震前叉的介绍26指的是轮子直径,是26英寸,以前年纪大一些的人都说什么26的,28的自行车,28的就是加重的带大杠的,一般后面的车架都能带三四百斤货,26的就是人们口中俗称的小轻便,一般适合女士骑x行。如果前叉的上管尺寸,与26寸车架的头管尺寸是通用的就可以装。但是不推荐,因为24寸前叉是配24寸轮组的,一般不能装26寸轮组(轮子大了可能蹭前叉顶部),即便能装,整个车的几何尺寸就变了,骑着感觉不对。24寸,26寸,27.5寸等规格的车架,都是针对配套的24寸,26寸,27.5寸等轮组设计的

jeep renegade是什么车

该款车由jeep制造,被行业内人士称为小型SUV界的全能选手。从外观设计来看,尽管这是一台小型SUV,但Jeep仍然赋予了它较为硬派的形象,看起来很别致、个性。方形的车身、方形轮拱、直线条的侧窗以及方形尾灯都很好的展现出了Jeep品牌的特征,这跟Jeep其他车型在风格上非常一致。内饰来看,Jeep Renegade同样显得非常特别,中控台几乎是采用了垂直的布局,而且非常有层次,各个功能单元分别被布置在不同的平面上。最上方的两个中央出风口设计是一大看点,它们非常有立体感,而且样式也很动感。在内饰的配色上,中控台两侧的空调出风口、排挡杆底座以及音响单元都用与内饰不同的颜色进行点缀,为内饰带来很好的活力元素。配置方面,从内饰图可以看到,新车装备了一个7英寸的中央显示屏、多功能方向盘,仪表盘中央则还拥有一个彩色显示屏,方便驾驶员对车辆信息的查看。此外,电子手刹拉手也出现在排挡杆后方。当然,全景双天窗也是竞争力十足。动力方面,Renegade搭载小排量涡轮增压发动机,主推118kW的1.4T汽油发动机,针对欧洲市场的是一款1.3T柴油发动机,输出功率77kW。针对美国市场主推2.4L自然吸气发动机,最大功率130kW。与之匹配的是ZF 9AT变速箱。






renegade是什么意思:变节者;叛徒;背叛者;叛教者;叛逆者1、They disrupted the transfer of arms to the biggest renegade, George athor. 他们阻断了向最大的变节者乔治阿瑟(george athor)的武装提供武器的通道。2、Three men were shot dead by a renegade policeman. 3名男子被一个变节警察开枪打死。3、When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him. 他做地下工作时,曾因叛徒告密而被捕。4、Because of a renegade"s betrayal, she fell among enemies. 由于叛徒的出卖,她落到了敌人的手中。5、If the renegade clique of that country were in power, it would have meant serious disaster for the people. 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势,人民就要遭殃。6、Renegade: And you still need people, I assume? Renegade:那么我认为您仍然需要人7、Renegade: I like the idea of an application server API. Renegade:我喜欢应用服务器API的想法。8、Renegade: What kind of skills would somebody need to be useful on this project?Renegade:人们需要什么技能才会对项目有用?
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