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electric electrical和electronic的区别?

electric electrical和electronic的区别 x0dx0ax0dx0a1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电,通常用于形容带电的能量。 如: 发电的:an electric generator 发电机 由电产生的:electric current电流electric power-电源 用于导电的:an electric socket, plug, flex 电源插头、插座、皮线 Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。 使用电力的:electric appliance电器electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell, an electric cooker, iron, light 电炉、电熨斗、电灯 x0dx0aWith this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. x0dx0a有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。 the electric chair (美国)电椅(以电刑来处死罪犯的椅子) electric eye (infml 口)=photoelectric cell 光电管;电眼=photocell=electric eye electric field 电场 electric razor= (electronic) shaver 电动剃刀 x0dx0ax0dx0a2.electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。跟electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。如: electrical appliances- 家用电器 electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering电机工程 又如:All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 The machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。 x0dx0ax0dx0a3. electronic是电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;和电子有关的,用于形容通过电的electronic equipment- 电子设备 an electronic calculator 电子计算器 x0dx0aThis dictionary is available in electronic edition. x0dx0a这部词典有电子版本。 electronic music 电子音乐 electronic engineer 电子工程师 electronic mailbox(email,e-mail) 电子邮递(用计算机网络发送电文、图像等) electronic mailbox 接受、储存电子邮递的装置 这个区别有的字典说得不是很清楚。 另外,金山词霸采用的字典的解释有时是不准确的。 比如combustible是可燃,inflammable是易燃,两个不同的概念,但词霸把它们意思对调了。


electric [e·lec·tric || u026a"lektru026ak]adj. 导电的, 电动的, 电的electrical [e"lec·tri·cal || -kl]adj. 与电有关的, 电气科学的; 用电的; 电的electronic [e·lec·tron·ic || u201au026alek"tru0252nu026ak]adj. 电子的




动词 【electrify 使充电;使触电;使激动】名词【electricity 电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪】






electronic名词是electricity。名词的英文是Noun,是词类的一种,属于实词。它表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念的统一名称。它分为专有名词和普通名词。 扩展资料 在英语中,名词的"格有3种:主格、宾格、所有格。其中个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体,如girl(女孩)等;集体名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如audience(观众,听众)等;物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,如water水等;抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如work(工作),happiness幸福等。对于普通名词来说,可分为可数名词和不可数名词。


"Electronic" 和 "electric" 都可以用来描述电子学或电气工程中的事物,但它们有着不同的含义。"Electronic" 通常指电子学或电气工程中的电子器件、电路、系统和设备,例如晶体管、集成电路、电容器、电阻器等等。这些电子器件是通过电子元器件来产生、传输和处理信息的,被广泛应用于计算机、通信、控制、仪器和设备中。"Electric" 通常指 electric power 或电力,指的是通过电势差或电流流动来产生动力或能源的物理过程。在电学中,电力是一种通过电荷的转移或电场的作用来产生动力的能源,可以用于驱动机械设备、照明、加热、通信等等。在电力系统中,电力通常指 electric power,而 electric power 也可以分为多种类型,包括 power、照明 power、加热 power、通信 power 等等。因此,"Electronic" 和 "electric" 之间的区别主要在于它们所描述的电子学或电气工程领域不同,"Electronic" 更侧重于电子器件和系统,"electric" 则更侧重于电力和电力领域。


electronic的读音是:英[??lek"tr?n?k]。electronic的读音是:英[??lek"tr?n?k]。electronic的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)电子的电子操纵的电子器件的电子设备的用电子设备生产的用电子设备完成的电子学的。electronic【近义词】electric电的。一、详尽释义点此查看electronic的详细内容adj.(形容词)电子的电子操纵的电子器件的电子设备的用电子设备生产的用电子设备完成的电子学的n.(名词)电子电路或设备二、双解释义adj.(形容词)[A]电子的; 电子器件的 things like computers, calculators and radios are electronic三、网络解释1. electronic的近义词1. 电子乐:张亚东的MIDI制作,使倾向于电子舞曲般的节奏鼓声贯穿整张专辑的有声部分,而电子乐器的声音袅绕其间,吉它却极少或根本不用,用到的也只是散乱的构筑出几分迂迥曲折而已,但整张专辑涉及到了许多的音乐领域,如摇滚(ROCK),民乐(FOLK),电子乐(ELECTRONIC),新浪潮(NEW WAVE),2. 电子化:面对经济不景气,台湾必须更加创新才能成长,因此政府积极发展创新的资通讯工具与基础环境,持续推动了电子化(Electronic)、行动化(Mobile)甚至於优质 化(Ubiquitous)与智慧台湾等计画,希望藉资通讯科技(以下简称ICT)促进台湾产业成长与升级,四、例句This dictionary is available in electronic version.这部词典有电子版。I like to read books on electronic music.我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。Helen became an electronic engineer.海伦成了一名电子工程师。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.This factory makes electronic components.这家工厂生产电子元件。The first electronic computer was called ENICA.第一台电子计算机叫做ENICA。Father needs a new electronic shaver.爸爸需要一个新的电子剃须刀。六、经典引文The electronic structure of the specific atoms.出自:C. P. SnowElectronic transitions, when electrons are shifted from one region of an atom or molecule to another.出自:P. W. Atkinselectronic的相关临近词electronics、electron、electronica、electronical、electronician、electronicize、electronic tag、electronic eye、electronic fax、electronically、electronic pay、electronic log点此查看更多关于electronic的详细信息


词根:electronadv.electronically 电子地n.electronics 电子学;电子工业electron 电子求采纳。


electronic 英[ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk] 美[ɪˌlekˈtrɑ:nɪk] adj. 电子的; 电子操纵的; 用电子设备生产的; 用电子设备完成的; [例句]It was a seamless procession of wonderful electronic music.这是一曲优美流畅的电子乐曲。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。


"Electronic"在英语中的发音为 /u026alu025bku02c8tru0252nu026ak/,其中重音在第二个音节上。这个单词的意思是“电子的”,通常用于描述与电子技术、电子设备或电子通信相关的事物。拓展:除了作为形容词使用外,"electronic"还可以作为名词使用,表示电子设备或电子产品。例如,我们可以说“这家公司生产的电子产品质量很好”。此外,"electronic"还可以用于构成一些复合词,如"electronic music"(电子音乐)、"electronic commerce"(电子商务)和"electronic signature"(电子签名)等。这些词汇都与电子技术或电子设备相关。"Electronic"还可以用于表示某些行为或过程是通过电子方式进行的。例如,我们可以说“我通过电子邮件向他发送了一封信”,或者“我使用电子支付方式购买了这件商品”。总的来说,"electronic"是一个非常常用的词汇,它与电子技术、电子设备和电子通信等领域密切相关。在现代社会中,电子技术已经成为了人们生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分,因此,"electronic"这个词汇也变得越来越重要。


electronic音标为[u026aleku02c8tru0252nu026ak],根据发音可以谐音记忆为“一来克戳尼克”。也可以用词根记忆方法:electronic分为词根electr,后缀on、ic。词根electr是电的意思,后缀on和ic是“…的”的意思,词根词缀组合起来就是“电子的”。所以他的中文意思就是电子的、电子学的。词语辨析:electrical,electric,electronic这三词都与电有关,区别是:electrical多指本身不产生电,但是与电有关的。如:electrical engineering(电机工程)。electric着重于发电的,电动的或导电的。如:electric generator(发电机);electric light(电灯)。electronic电子的,电子操作的。如:electronic engineering(电子工程学)。



electronic怎么读 electronic的意思

1、electronic单词发音:英[u026au02ccleku02c8tru0252nu026ak]美[u026au02cclu025bku02c8trɑnu026ak]。 2、electronic,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电子的”,作名词时意为“电子电路;电子器件”。

electronic什么意思 electronic翻译

1、electronic,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电子的”,作名词时意为“电子电路;电子器件”。 2、Electronic Engineering [电子] 电子工程 ; [电子] 电子工程学 ; 电子工程专业 ; 电气工程; 3、Electronic Commerce 电子商务 ; 电子商业上的事务 ; 电子交易 ; 源于英文; 4、electronic circuit [电子] 电子电路 ; 电子线路 ; 电路设计 ; 电子电路; 5、electronic paper 电子纸 ; 电子纸张 ; 电子报纸 ; 电纸书; 6、Electronic Business 电子商业 ; 电子商务 ; 电子业务 ; 电子导报; 7、electronic dictionary [图情] 电子词典 ; 快译通 ; 电子字典 ; 电子辞典; 8、Electronic waste 电子垃圾 ; 电子废物 ; 电子废弃物; 9、electronic publishing [印刷] 电子出版 ; 电子出版技术 ; 电子出版业 ; 电子媒体; 10、electronic money 电子货币 ; 电子化的付款制 ; 电子钱币 ; 电子钱。



SQL语句必须要加 use 数据库名字 select * from addressbook 不然就找不到表addressbook 抛异常,帮忙啊!

1 F I g

求歌曲《I Promise You》的中文歌词,歌手是Selena Gomez & the Scene

I know that my love for you is real 我知道我是真的爱你It"s something true that we do这是我们真实的行为Just something natural that I feel 是一种我自然的感受When you walk in the room 当你走进我所在的房间When you"re near 当你在我附近I feel my heart skip a beat我感到心跳都漏了一拍The whole world disappears 整个世界都不再存在And there"s just you and me 除了你和我Falling head over feet 我深深为你倾倒着Let"s take a chance together就让我们试着在一起吧I know, I know, I know, I know 我知道,我知道,我知道We"re gonna make it 我们可以在一起"Cause no one else can make me feel 因为其它任何人都不能让我The way that you do 有对你的那种感受(I promise you)我保证I know, I know, I know, I know We"re gonna get there我知道,我知道,我知道,我们能拥有美好的未来Today, tomorrow, and forever 今天,明天甚至永远 We will stay true 我们都会脚踏实地i promise you 我保证They say that we"re just too young to know 别人都说我们还太年轻,无法判断谁是对的人But I"m sure, heart and soul 但我的心和灵魂都认定那个人就是你That I am never lettin" you go 我永远也不可能放手任你离开When it"s right, it"s right 当事情是正确的,那就是对的And this is it像现在一样Cause I"m marking the air因为我在空气中做下Every single time that we kiss 我们每一次亲吻的记号You make the angels sing 你使天使歌唱 You give the summer wings 给了夏天翅膀 You make everything better 你让一切变得更加美好I"ll never let you down 我永远不会让你失望 I"ll always hear you out 我总是会听你解释和诉说There is nothing you can"t confide你可以完全相信我You listen when I speak你会听我讲话You make my knees go weak 让我想要晕倒And I just want you by my side 我只想要你一人在身边I know, I know, I know, I know 我知道,我知道,我知道We"re gonna make it 我们可以在一起"Cause no one else can make me feel 因为其它任何人都不能让我The way that you do 有对你的那种感受(I promise you)我保证I know, I know, I know, I know We"re gonna get there我知道,我知道,我知道,我们能拥有美好的未来Today, tomorrow, and forever 今天,明天甚至永远 We will stay true 我们都会脚踏实地i promise you 我保证

别人送了2支红酒·chatelet lafite collection 求价钱。 条码3760131253818


谁有吉他曲mary had a little lamb,electric gypsy 和SRV的原版谱,要原版的,格式不限


CPU PLL Select 选项是CPU电压吗


allele frequency是什么意思

allele frequency[英][u0259u02c8li:l u02c8fri:kwu0259nsi][美][u0259u02c8lil u02c8frikwu0259nsi]等位基因频率; 双语例句1χ 2 test was used to analyze interclass of Chinese medicine syndrome, genotypic frequency and allele frequency distribution.组间中医证型、基因型频率和等位基因频率分布使用χ2检验;



英语 cell phone 是否属于 telephone?

说详细的话。。一个指手机。。一个指家用电话。。实际生活中。。你可以直接问别人。。can i use your phone?。。真要说手机算不算电话。。那总归行咯

Careless, careless.Shoot anonymous,anonymous.Heartless,mindless.No one.Who care about me! 什么意思啊



呵呵,有意思,也许你自己才知道答案吧。。。或者,我可以把它看做 forever love。。。等等。。。可以联想到很多。。。




throughout the novel可以先不看 那么reflect on就连在一起了 表示“思考……”所以这句话翻译为:Ishiguro的主角Stevens the butler思考了自己对Lord Dartington的多年侍奉,并不承认他的前任雇主对在二战中处领导地位的纳粹德国怜悯的态度。


⑵请判断点B(1,6)是否在这个反比例函数的图象上,并说明理由。15.(12分) 反比例函数和一次函数y=mx+n的图象的一个交点A(-3,4),且一次函数的图像与x轴的交点到原点的距离为5.(1)分别确定反比例函数与一次函数的解析式;(2)设一次函数与反比例函数图像的另一个交点为B ,试判断∠AOB(点O为平面直角坐标系原点)是锐角、直角还是钝角?并简单说明理由.16.某厂从2002年起开始投入技术改进资金,经技术改进后,某产品的生产成本不断降低,具体数据如下表:年度2002200320042005投入技改资金x(万元)2.5344.5产品成本y(万元/件)7.264.54(1)请你认真分析表中数据,从你所学习过的一次函数、二次函数和反比例函数中确定哪种函数能表示其变化规律,说明确定是这种函数而不是其他函数的理由,并求出它的解析式;(2)按照这种变化规律,若2006年已投入技改资金5万元.①预计生产成本每件比2005年降低多少万元?②如果打算在2006年把每件产品成本降低到3.2万元,则还需投入技改资金多少万元?(结果精确到0.01万元)



create directory 后,如何删除是DELETE directory吗

  一个根文件夹,底下包含多级目录,每一级又存在多个个子文件夹,每个文件夹里面又存在多个文件。   如果要删除所有子文件又保存最顶级的目录文件夹,那采用什么办法处理好呢?   处理方法   1、 直接删除根文件夹,然后再创建根文件夹。   void deleteAllFile(string path)   {   Directory.Delete(path,true);   Directory.CreateDirectory(path);   }   2、遍历所有子目录文件夹的文件,逐个删除。   ///   /// 遍历文件夹及子文件夹所有文件   ///   /// string dir=ListFiles(new DirectoryInfo(dir));   /// 文件夹目录路径   /// 返回ArrayList对象   public static System.Collections.ArrayList ListFiles(string fileDirectory)   {   ArrayList arylist = null;   if (Directory.Exists(fileDirectory))   {   DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(fileDirectory);   if (dinfo != null)   {   FileSystemInfo[] files = dinfo.GetFileSystemInfos();   for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)   {   FileInfo file = files[i] as FileInfo;   if (file != null)   {   if (arylist == null)   arylist = new ArrayList();   arylist.Add(file);   }   else   {   ListFiles(files[i].FullName); //对于子目录,进行递归调用   }   }   }   }   return arylist;   }   用第一个方法最直接,不用递归,不用遍历,但调用系统的方法,不知道内部原理怎么运行的。   总体来说应该是第一种方法比第二种方法的性能要好!待进一步求证。   删除一个文件夹下所有文件可以用如下文件方法。   void deleteAllFile(string path)   {   foreach (string dirStr in Directory.GetDirectories(path))   {   DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(dirStr);   }   ArrayList folders=new ArrayList();   FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();   for (int i = 0; i < folders.Count; i++)   {   FileInfo f = folders[i] as FileInfo;   if (f == null)   {   DirectoryInfo d = folders[i] as DirectoryInfo;   d.Delete();   }   }   }

Calculate the wavelength (in nm) of a photon emitted during a transition corresponding

意思是:在一个氢放射光谱的巴耳末系的第四行相应的转换中,计算一个光子的波长(以纳米为单位)spectrum 光谱采纳哦

electrical engineering 和 electronic engineering 有什么区别呀?

electrical engineering 电器工程 ( 偏向强电)electronic engineering 电子工程 (偏向弱点)

akinyele的《the bomb》 歌词

歌曲名:the bomb歌手:akinyele专辑:vagina dinerIt"s the bomb, babyThe bomb, babyWith no ifs, no ands, no buts, and no maybesI walk through the projects with stress in my handsA bad young man from the lefrack landsThey say i got an attitude, that"s rudeBecause i walked over elvis" grave in some blue suede shoesPunk, i got some some stuff that"ll bust through your pest lumpClearing cells chump, you know the ak shit bumpBut every now and then they say (he"s wack)But deep down in your hear you and them dudes from ridley"s don"tBelieve thatEveryone"s down with the ak brotherEvery place i go people be like udda udda, uddaTrying to get the slang down pat, using verbs and syllables, shitBut i"ll flip the style like half a brickSo give me space like nasa, one deep like a bachelorI turn shit over like a spatulaYou know how it goes by now, word to godLyrics are so hard they"ll be kevin costner"s bodyguardMove over whitney houston, i"m not losingBy the way woman, yo, my name"s not susanIt"s the akenyel, i rock well and with more clientelThen a guy with long caps of crack to sellI take poetry and start illin" with itHomicide police be looking for me from the way i be killing and shitYou niggas can"t push along, with the ak songBecause thise shit here"s the bomb!AkinyeleChorusI catch wreck like an automatic tecRipping rhymes as if it was written with gilletesRapping over slamming tracksMy hand"s compared to a drug called crackBecause it don"t take much to get your ass smackedSo you can save bullshitWord is bond get your shoehornBecause i got a style that fitSee akenyele be cold cuttin" brothers up like a deliKeeping my cool like arthur fonzarelliI kick more black ass than jim kellyDown with easy shit, this nigga tell meThey give me mines from state to stateAnd gettin" so much props, my career should be real estateSo now it"s time to face upBut if you play your jaw like a sneaker yo it"s bound to get laced upFor the mc"s that lost itI"ll treat your rock rhymes like a frisbee, watch the ak toss itSelling out it what ya caused itCharlie angel rapper make like farahAnd get rinsed down the faucetBecasue i"m coming at "emSo save your devilish tricks for eve if you don"t know me from adamMy lyrics are hotter than summer schoolMy image, far from an air conditioner beacause i never blow my coolNo thumbs up, nor a collarI won"t scream or hollerI make mc"s sit their five dollar ass downBecause all they do is scream and speak in toungesRah rah rah, but i bust your motherfuckin" lungsBurning up charts with the rhymes i sparkBrain is on steroids, keeping the lyrics strongHuh, this shit here is called the bomb!ChorusI keep the mic like glass, because i slashThirsty rappers" ass on a friday night without no hockey maskI make jason meet his doomI hit him with the bass from the room that goesBa-do-doom-do-do-doomYou can"t fuck with it beacaue i"m a little to exquisiteFor y"all snake-ass lizardsCheck my style right before you freestyleMy style"s hostile, teddy ted heard it he said "oooh child"I"m quick to damage you amatures some of you prosKnow on the downlow that i"ll assassinate your characterTo think that they can get with thisWith all those dreams you fuck around and put freddy out of businessBecasue i"m a rapper"s worst nightmareBringing tears for fears, i"m more bad news than the bearsSay a lot for success, i won"t dareI"m not shadow stephen so i cease to be just another hollywoodSquareI rope "em like a lasso, you"d better dash yoDon"t stand around and be another dennis leary assholeYou"ll get chopped like vegetablesI leave plenty many hanging like testicles, huhDoing what i half toTo get room to breathe even if it means knocking out your asthmaThis ak flow ain"t no fadI be smoking niggas like cigarettes because they style is just a fuckingDragI done blew up the world trade and vietnamHuh, beacuse this shit here is the bomb!Chorushttp://music.baidu.com/song/14221185

Electrafixion的《Timebomb》 歌词

歌曲名:Timebomb歌手:Electrafixion专辑:Burned [2Cd Extended Version]All Time Low - Time-BombFrom the get-go, I knew this was hard to holdLike a crash, the whole thing spun out of controlOh, on a wire, we were dancingTwo kids, no consequencesPull the trigger without thinkingThere"s only one way down this roadIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayWell, there"s no way out of this, so let"s stay inHave a storm that comes that"ll soak us to an endOh, resistance is uselessJust two kids, stupid and fearlessLike a bullet shooting a lessonThere"s only one way down this roadIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayGot my heart in your handsLike a time bomb tickingIt goes off, we start againIf it breaks, we fix itGot your heart in my handsLike a time bomb tickingWe should know better we won"t let goIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you let me goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8218365



英语读音:the 2011-12 television season 中的2011-12该怎么读


Television Public与Radio Public怎么读?。

Television英 /u02c8telu026avu026au0292n/美 /u02c8telu026avu026au0292n/n. 电视,电视机;电视业复数 televisionsPublic/u02c8pu028cblu026ak/n. (美、巴、印、俄)帕布利克(人名)adj. (public) 公众的;政府的;公用的;公立的Radio英 /u02c8reu026adiu0259u028a/美 /u02c8reu026adiou028a/n. 收音机;无线电广播设备vi. 用无线电进行通信vt. 用无线电发送n. (Radio)人名;(西)拉迪奥复数 radios过去式 radioed过去分词 radioed现在分词 radioing第三人称单数 radios

这个词的音标到底怎么读? television

television [英] [ˈteliˌviʒən] [美] [ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 当遇到自己不能肯定的发音时,我都是用“爱词霸在线词典”或“有道词典”,这两个都有音标和发音!你也可以试试,真的不错的!


television 英[u02c8telu026avu026au0292n],美[u02c8telu026avu026au0292n]n. 电视机; 电视节目; 电视; 电视系统; 电视学; 电视广播业;[例句]Digital television has been around for some time now。数字电视已经面市一段时间了。[其他] 复数:televisions扩展资料television用法介绍television的基本意思是指通过无线电波传送影像的技术或装置,即“电视”或“电视机”。television作“电视”解时,用作不可数名词; 作“电视机”解时,常与set连用,用作可数名词; 也可表示“电视播放的节目”,用作不可数名词; 还可表示“电视台,电视行业”,用作不可数名词。television例句如下:1、He turned up the volume on the television。他把电视机的音量调大了。2、His first film was shown on television this weekend。他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放。


英 ['telu026avu026au0292n]释义:n 电视,电视机;电视业[ 复数 televisions ]短语:digital television 数字电视 ; 数位电视 ; 数码电视机 ; 数码电视扩展资料:重点词汇用法:televisionn (名词)television的基本意思是指通过无线电波传送影像的技术或装置,即“电视”或“电视机”。作“电视”解时,用作不可数名词; 作“电视机”解时,常与set连用,用作可数名词; 也可表示“电视播放的节目”,用作不可数名词; 还可表示“电视台,电视行业”,用作不可数名词。常见错误:n (名词)现在,在这个村庄里,越来越多的家庭拥有彩色电视机。错误:Now more and more families in this village have colour televisions正确:Now more and more families in this village have colour television sets分析:television 虽也可作“电视机”讲,但通常用television set来表示具体的一台电视机。


television 英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] n. 电视节目; 电视,电视机; 电视业; [网络] 电视网; 电视,电视机; 电视剧; [例句]Most people think being a television presenter is exciting.很多人认为当电视节目主持人是一件刺激的事情。[其他] 复数:televisions 形近词: division introvision supervision


television的读音:英 [u02c8telu026avu026au0292n];美 [u02c8tu025blu0259u02ccvu026au0292u0259n]释义:n.电视,电视机;电视节目;电视业(复数:televisions)短语:network television网络电视;cable television电缆电视,有线电视television station电视台;digital television数字电视;watch television看电视television program电视节目;television set电视机;电视接收机television network电视网;satellite television卫星电视;television advertising电视广告television show电视节目例句:1.He turned up the volume on the television.他把电视机的音量调大了。2.His first film was shown on television this weekend.他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放。3.The television audience aggregated 30 millions.电视观众合计达3000万人。

television 的 s 是怎么读的?

有点像诊所的 诊 的 音调。你自己琢磨一下吧,不行的话就在百度上打这个单词然后你可以听下他的发音


closedcircuittelevision的读音是:。closedcircuittelevision的读音是:。closedcircuittelevision的例句是用作名词(n.)Thereisaclosedcircuittelevisionandhi-fisystemintheroom.房内有闭路电视和高保真音响。closedcircuittelevision的意思是n.闭路电视。一、网络释义点此查看closedcircuittelevision的详细内容[电视] 闭路电视...有一种监控系统称为CCTV,注意,这处的CCTV可不是我们清楚知道的中国中央媒体的减写,而是ClosedCircuitTelevision(闭路电视)的略称,该系统经过遥感摄像机及其匡助设施,直接仔细查看被检查查看场所的事情状况,同时可以把被检查查看场所的事情状况施行同... 闭路电视监控系统它也是闭路电视监控系统(ClosedCircuitTelevision)的缩写。就是在这时,宋见波接到老总的内线电话要他过去。 闭路电视系统我估计你连CCTV是什么的简称都不知道,告诉你,在国际上,CCTV就是闭路电视系统(ClosedCircuitTelevision)的简称,不是某个电视台的简称。 检测管道内窥检测(ClosedCircuitTelevision)是目前国际上用于管道状况检测最为先进和有效的手段。二、例句Thereisaclosedcircuittelevisionandhi-fisystemintheroom.房内有闭路电视和高保真音响。Ineducation,closed-circuittelevisionmakesiteasyforawholeclasstoseeeverythingateacherdemonstrates.在教育方面,闭路电视能使全班同学易于看清教师所演示的一切。closedcircuittelevision的相关临近词closed、closedabout点此查看更多关于closedcircuittelevision的详细信息





这个词的音标到底怎么读? television



television的意思是电视。television读音:英 [u02c8telu026avu026au0292n],美 [u02c8telu026avu026au0292n]。释义:n.电视机,电视节目,电视,电视系统,电视学,电视广播业。复数: televisions。短语:digital television 数字电视cable television 电缆电视television program 电视节目satellite television 卫星电视television的例句1、she appears nightly on the television news.她每晚都在电视新闻中出现。2、I want to turn on the television.我想打开电视机。3、Mark snoozed in front of the television.马克在电视机前打起盹儿来。4、I spend too much time watching television.我看电视花的时间太多。5、British television is the envy of the world.英国电视节目令世人羡慕。



Electric Eye 歌词

歌曲名:Electric Eye歌手:犹大圣徒专辑:Live In London CD2HeyCome a little closer to me nowThere"s something that I need to knowDon"tWalk away, no you gotta hear me outCause this is what I"m feelin"That you should be with meUntil we kiss the sun goodbyeOh yeah, ohIt isn"t make believeGirl, my heart beat never liesSo listenSay that you want meLike you do with your electric eyesDon"t you realizeYou know you want meSay you will with your electric eyesLet"s make it all electricYouAre killin" me and I can"t breathe nowYou"re hotter than a summer sunOhIf you could only do what I needSeal it with a kiss andTell me what you needTake it easy, take your timeOh yeah, ohCause anytime you dreamWhen you wake up you"ll be mineSo listenSay that you want meLike you do with your electric eyesDon"t you realizeYou know you want meSay you will with your electric eyesLet"s make it all electricLips so cherry redHips that move my headForm side to side, yeahSkin like paradiseThere"s no compromiseJust say you"ll be mineSay that you want meLike you do with your electric eyesDon"t you realizeYou know you want meSay you will with your electric eyesLet"s make it all electricLike you do with your electric eyesDon"t you realizeYou know you want meSay you will with your electric eyesLet"s make it all electrichttp://music.baidu.com/song/15144001

英语在线翻译Greek Omelet啥意思


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grant all 与grant select 有什么区别

GRANT:在安全系统中创建项目,使当前数据库中的用户得以处理当前数据库中的数据或执行特定的 Transact-SQL 语句。1 例子:授予语句权限下面的示例给用户 Mary 和 John 授予多个语句权限。GRANT CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE TO Mary, John授予全部语句权限给用户RoseGRANT ALL to Rose2 例子:授予对象权限GRANT SELECT ON authors TO publicGRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON authors TO Mary, John, TomDENY:在安全系统中创建一项,以拒绝给当前数据库内的安全帐户授予权限并防止安全帐户通过其组或角色成员资格继承权限。1 例子:拒绝语句权限下例对多个用户拒绝多个语句权限。用户不能使用 CREATE DATABASE 和 CREATE TABLE 语句DENY CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE TO Mary, John对用户Rose拒绝全部语句权限DENY ALL to Rose2 例子:拒绝对象权限DENY INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON authors TO Mary, John, TomREVOKE:删除以前在当前数据库内的用户上授予或拒绝的权限。1 废除类似于拒绝,但是,废除权限是删除已授予的权限,并不妨碍用户、组或角色从更高级别继承已授予的权限。因此,如果废除用户查看表的权限,不一定能防止用户查看该表,因为已将查看该表的权限授予了用户所属的角色。2 角色是权限的一个集合,可以指派给用户或其它角色。这样只对角色进行权限设置便可以实现对多个用户权限的设置3 举例:DENY与REVOKE区别例如,从 HumanResources 角色中删除 Employees 表上的 SELECT 访问权限将废除该权限,从而使 HumanResources 不能再使用该表。如果 HumanResources 是 Administration 角色的成员。如果以后将 Employees 上的 SELECT 权限授予了 Administration,则 HumanResources 的成员可以通过 Administration 中的成员资格看到该表。但是,如果对 HumanResources 拒绝SELECT权限,则即使以后向 Administration 授予权限,HumanResources 也不会继承该权限4 例子: 废除授予用户帐户的语句权限下例废除已授予用户 Joe 的 CREATE TABLE 权限。它删除了允许 Joe 创建表的权限。不过,如果已将 CREATE TABLE 权限授予给了包含 Joe 的任何角色,那么 Joe 仍可创建表。REVOKE CREATE TABLE FROM Joe5 例子: 废除授予多个用户帐户的多个权限下例废除授予多个用户的多个语句权限。REVOKE CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX FROM Mary, John6 例子: 废除拒绝的权限用户 Mary 是 Budget 角色的成员,已给该角色授予了对 Budget_Data 表的 SELECT 权限。已对 Mary 使用 DENY 语句以防止 Mary 通过授予 Budget 角色的权限访问 Budget_Data 表下例删除对 Mary 拒绝的权限,并通过适用于 Budget 角色的 SELECT 权限,允许 Mary 对该表使用 SELECT 语句。REVOKE SELECT ON Budget_Data TO Mary

grant all 与grant select 有什么区别

grant all 与grant select 的区别GRANT:在安全系统中创建项目,使当前数据库中的用户得以处理当前数据库中的数据或执行特定的 Transact-SQL 语句。1 例子:授予语句权限下面的示例给用户 Mary 和 John 授予多个语句权限。GRANT CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE TO Mary, John授予全部语句权限给用户RoseGRANT ALL to Rose2 例子:授予对象权限GRANT SELECT ON authors TO publicGRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON authors TO Mary, John, TomDENY:在安全系统中创建一项,以拒绝给当前数据库内的安全帐户授予权限并防止安全帐户通过其组或角色成员资格继承权限。1 例子:拒绝语句权限下例对多个用户拒绝多个语句权限。用户不能使用 CREATE DATABASE 和 CREATE TABLE 语句DENY CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE TO Mary, John对用户Rose拒绝全部语句权限DENY ALL to Rose2 例子:拒绝对象权限DENY INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON authors TO Mary, John, TomREVOKE:删除以前在当前数据库内的用户上授予或拒绝的权限。1 废除类似于拒绝,但是,废除权限是删除已授予的权限,并不妨碍用户、组或角色从更高级别继承已授予的权限。因此,如果废除用户查看表的权限,不一定能防止用户查看该表,因为已将查看该表的权限授予了用户所属的角色。2 角色是权限的一个集合,可以指派给用户或其它角色。这样只对角色进行权限设置便可以实现对多个用户权限的设置3 举例:DENY与REVOKE区别例如,从 HumanResources 角色中删除 Employees 表上的 SELECT 访问权限将废除该权限,从而使 HumanResources 不能再使用该表。如果 HumanResources 是 Administration 角色的成员。如果以后将 Employees 上的 SELECT 权限授予了 Administration,则 HumanResources 的成员可以通过 Administration 中的成员资格看到该表。但是,如果对 HumanResources 拒绝SELECT权限,则即使以后向 Administration 授予权限,HumanResources 也不会继承该权限4 例子: 废除授予用户帐户的语句权限下例废除已授予用户 Joe 的 CREATE TABLE 权限。它删除了允许 Joe 创建表的权限。不过,如果已将 CREATE TABLE 权限授予给了包含 Joe 的任何角色,那么 Joe 仍可创建表。REVOKE CREATE TABLE FROM Joe5 例子: 废除授予多个用户帐户的多个权限下例废除授予多个用户的多个语句权限。REVOKE CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX FROM Mary, John6 例子: 废除拒绝的权限用户 Mary 是 Budget 角色的成员,已给该角色授予了对 Budget_Data 表的 SELECT 权限。已对 Mary 使用 DENY 语句以防止 Mary 通过授予 Budget 角色的权限访问 Budget_Data 表下例删除对 Mary 拒绝的权限,并通过适用于 Budget 角色的 SELECT 权限,允许 Mary 对该表使用 SELECT 语句。REVOKE SELECT ON Budget_Data TO Mary

selective institution是什么意思

selective institution选择性的制度selective[英][su026au02c8lektu026av][美][su026au02c8lu025bktu026av]adj.精心选择的; 选择的,不普遍的; 淘汰的; institution[英][u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tju:u0283n][美][u02ccu026anstu026au02c8tu:u0283n]n.(大学、银行等规模大的)机构; 惯例,制度,规定,建立; 社会事业机构; <口>名人,名物; 复数:institutions例句:1.Students from one institution may take courses at the others. 来自其中一个机构的学生可以参加另外两个机构的课程。

celebrat e your birthday with your friends

Would you like to celebrate your birthday with your good friends? Mr White lives on the twelfth floor in this building.

variation 和selective retention什么意思?心理学

http://bbs.sciopsy.com/redirect.php?fid=184&tid=19717&goto=nextoldset词性及解释 n.变更, 变化, 变种, 变奏【医】变异, 变易; 变度【经】差异一般是指生物学上的变异,由于心理学和生理学有关联,所以在心理学中可能就是变异变化的意思,具体意思要在具体的文章句子中才能得知。比如:变异系数coefficient of variationUnderstanding Variation心理学有的科目直接把这个词作为心理学的代表词,可能是译为“心理变化学”。选择性记忆(Selective Memory) 选择性记忆是指受众对信息的记忆也是有所选择的,这是受众心理过程的最末环节。事实上,留在人们记忆中的信息量一般会少于它们所接收和理解的信息量,他们有时甚至还竭力使自己去忘记某些信息。

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vue常用组件库无非这些,一直在思索一个问题,组件能否条件编译,类似于客户端或者服务器的,在编译期去除,打包就会被忽略 因此尝试在一个自定义的脚手架内,引入了3套组件库,实现了在 .env 声明组件库可动态编译的效果 若是配置成功,无需单独引入样式 若是配置成功,重置配置变量会被覆盖 首页和官网一致,vue cli3 环境

but now sky lanterns 什么celebrating the festivals

No, the westen festivals can never take the place of traditional chinese festivals, because our Chinese festivals has long traditions and our Chinese people are used to them. They will never be replaced but will be filled with more content.

急!英语辩论题目:We should celebrate foreign festivals. 求大量论点!!!

Should we celebrate foreign festival? Nowadays,Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentine"s Day are gaining increasing popularity in China, especially among college students. But whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion. Some believe celebrating Western festivals is a sign of globalization. They argue that China needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the modern world. And celebrating Western festivals is a good opportunity for the Chinese to know more about other cultures. However, others believe that the Western festivals threaten a kind of cultural aggression. Therefore, we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture. In my opinion, as college students, we should preserve the traditional Chinese culture as well as stay open to Western ones. Therefore, while laying emphasis on Chinese festivals, we could also absorb foreign elements.

求英语辩论文“we should not celebrate western festivals"

All Saints DayAmericans call that "Halloween". It is the most exciting holiday for kids, because they can dress up in any costume they like and carry their little pumpkin basekets for trick-or-treating, that is, asking neighbors for FREE candies. I think the meaning of Halloween is to pay tribute to the dead in a festive style, very different from Chinese "清明节”, which is much more formal.About the subject "we should not celebrate western festival", I think the issue here is how to make chinese traditional holiday celebrations more appealing to young people, so they will appreciate and carry on the tradition. To young Chinese, tradition means obselete stuff to be put away in the closet, like an old cell phone that they cannot wait to get rid of whenever new models become available. Western holiday celebrationslike valentine"s day and halloween are much more livelier and expressive.One thing we can learn from western holidaycelebrations is that they are linked withpop culture. For example, every year aroundChristmas, almost all the pop artists would release Christmas albums, which are their special renditions of Christmas carols. I can see that some Chinese pop singers have started doingthe same, releasing Chinese New Year albums. But I"d prefer more upbeat holiday songs than cliche melodies.In conclusion, to keep Chinese holiday traditions alive, we should think of moreinnovative ways to draw more young people to participate in the celebrations.

初中英语作文 :should chinese celebrate weatern festival


What festivals should Chinese celebrate?以这个为题写篇作文

Recently our class had a heated discussion on what festivals should be celebrated in China.As we know, there are so many festivals in the entire world, including Chinese traditional festivals and Western festivals. I strongly disagree to celebrate western holidays in China in that there are three reasons to support my view. To begin with, there are so many meaningful traditional festivals in China, from which people could have a rest and get relax. As far as Chinese people are concerned, the Spring Festival is their favorite festival, which is celebrated by Chinese people or people with Chinese consanguinity no matter where are they. In the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends. Though the temperature is very could in that time, the atmosphere among people is very warm and happy. Besides, there are other meaningful and instructive festivals in China, such as Autumn Day, National Day, Pure Bright Festival, etc. Furthermore, western festivals have the cultural and historical origins in the western countries, which are not known and comprehended by Chinese people. There are so many western festivals, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Saint Valentine"s Day and so on, which are originated from or related with Christian or Catholicism which are not believed in by the majority of Chinese people. We could not gain the happy feeling since we could not understand these holidays" meanings. Finally, there are negative aspects on unhealthy people in the western festivals which should not be celebrated by us. All Saints Day is a very thrilling festival, in which people put the horrible or sinister mask upon their faces. Though these kinds of actions help people to boost their courage, it is dangerous to the unhealthy people or ill people with heart diseases or cerebrovascular diseases. If they encounter the people with a vivid skeleton mask on face suddenly without any caution, it is very likely that they would be threatened and fainting on the floor. To sum up, there are different kinds of meaningful and adequate festivals in China. Obviously, western festivals, with negative effects on the unhealthy and cultural background being unknown to Chinese people, should not be celebrated by us. In my opinion ,I think we can celebrate both Chinese traditional festivals as well as foreign ones.

If we should celebrate the wastern festivals ?

Firstly,as far as I am concerned,celebrating the 【western】 festivals is a natural result of the international communication.We receive as many things from the outside as we can, of we should try accepting their festivals.Secondly,many western festivals really have their strong influence throughout the world for their advantages. Take "Mothers Day" for instance, It shows the deep feeling of all the world to "Mothers" Thirdly, a number of western festivals reflect in some degree the tendency of the development of the world both in material and in spirit.All in all, numbers of western festivals have their special fascination and effects on the whole world.

SQL中 select查询的问题

1.select name from tmp1,tmp2 where tmp1.name=tmp2.name2.select name from (select name,count(name) a from tmp1 group by name) b where b.a>=23.select name from tmp1 where name not in (select name from tmp1 where name in (select name from tmp2))4.select name from tmp2 where name not in (select name from tmp2 where name in (select name from tmp1))

He cannot get a telephone for his garage.________he has just bought twelve pigeons.


rolling in the deep-Adele 歌词意思


adele rolling in the deep 的中文翻译


《rolling in the deep》是Adele演唱的歌曲。

Rolling In the Deep -- AdeleThere"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkFinally, I can see you crystal clear.Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay yourship bare.See how I leave, with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I willdo.There"s a fire starting in my heart,Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringingme out the darkThe scars of your love, remind me of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)...Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Baby I have no story to be told,But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonnamake your head burn.Think of me in the depths of your despair.Making a home down there, as mine surewon"t be shared.The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almosthad it allThe scars of your love, they leave mebreathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonnawish you never had met me)... Rolling inthe Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wishyou)... inside of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonnafall)... To.....the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door(Whoa)Count your blessings to find what look for(Whoa-uh)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold(Whoa)And pay me back in kind- You reap justwhat you sow.(You"re gonna wish you... Never had metme)We could have had it all (Tears are gonnafall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"regonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonnawish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fallrolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonnawish you)... of your hand (Never had metme)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)...to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish younever had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall,rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wishyou)... Inside of your hand (Never had metme)But you played itYou played it.You played it.You played it to the beat.翻译的有点生硬有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗最后,我能看见你清晰。来吧,我推销出去,我就躺在你的船裸露。看我怎么走,你的每一块别小看的事情,我会做。有火在我心中开始,达到了狂热的程度和它带给我出黑暗你爱的伤疤,提醒我们我。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会想你,从来没有见过我)...在深滚(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)宝贝,我也没有故事被告知,但我听说你们中的一个,我一定让你的头部烧伤。我想想在你绝望的深渊。那里制作家,像我肯定不会被共享。你爱的伤疤,提醒我们。他们让我认为我们几乎拥有了一切你的爱的伤痕,他们让我无法呼吸我不禁感觉...我们可以拥有了一切... (你会希望你从来没有见过我)... 深滚滚(泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)可以拥有的一切轧制深。你已经在你的手我的心,但你玩它的跳动通过不断抛出开放(哇)你自己想想你的幸福找到什么寻找(哇,嗯)我将珍惜转向黄金(停)的悲哀并支付实物我背你,你播种什么就收获。(你会希望你...从来没有见过我)我们可以拥有一切(眼泪快要沉沦...在深滚)我们可以拥有一切啊(你会想你...从来没有见过我)这一切。 (泪,因为我的秋天)这一切这一切都(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你会想你,我从来没有见过)轧制深(哭,因为我倒在深滚)你有我的心里面... (你会想你)... 你的手(从来没有见过我)而你玩过... (泪,因为我的秋天)... 的节拍(在深滚)我们可以拥有一切(你希望你从来没有见过我)滚动轴承在深(眼泪,因为我的秋天,在深滚动)你有我的心... (你会想你)... 在你的手(从来没有见过我)但是你玩过你玩过。你玩过。你发挥它的节拍。

Roling in the deep -Adele 歌词及翻译

楼主,你把Rolling in the Deep复制 粘贴到“百度百科”,再点“进入词条”,往下拉20厘米就是标准的中英对照歌词,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 一定要复制我写的歌名,因为你写的Rolling少了一个L,百度百科搜不出来,,,,,

请高手翻译adele - rolling in the deep的英文歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart,我的心中生起一团火Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark达到白热化带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear.我终于看透你了Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.继续将我出卖,我就会揭穿你See how I leave, with every piece of you看我如何抛弃关于你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不要低估我将要做的事The scars of your love, remind me of us.你爱的伤疤,让我想起我们的事They keep me thinking that we almost had it all提醒我,我们差一点就拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你爱的伤疤,让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我忍不住想We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)...我们本可以拥有一切 你希望自己从没见过我Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)在深处翻滚 眼泪滑落,在深处翻滚Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)你得到我的心 你希望从没见过我 And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)你玩弄感情 眼泪滑落 随心所欲地 在深处翻滚Baby I have no story to be told,宝贝我没有故事可讲But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.但我听说了你的,我要以牙还牙Think of me in the depths of your despair.在你的极度绝望的时候想起我Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.一切到此为止,我的故事不会和你分享Could have had it all原本可以拥有一切Rolling in the deep.在深处翻滚You had my heart inside of your hand,你俘获我的心But you played it with your beating却随心所欲的玩弄Throw yourself through ever open door (Whoa)穿过每扇打开的门Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)祝你找到想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)化我的悲伤为财富And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow.以牙还牙——种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)你希望从没见过我We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)我本原本可以拥有一切 眼泪滑落 在深处翻滚We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)我本原本可以拥有一切 你希望自己从没见过我It all. (Tears are gonna fall)一切 眼泪滑落It all一切It all (Rolling in the deep)一切 在深处翻滚But you played it但你玩弄感情You played it.玩弄感情You played it.玩弄感情You played it to the beat.随意的玩弄感情

帮忙写一篇What do you think of celebrity endorsements 的英语对话作文,150词左右

Everybody has their own reverence of celebrity.These celebrities,may be great men,experts,scholars.Of course,I was no exception.My heart reverence of celebrity,he is a Beethoven.Beethoven is the year since the eighteenth century,the world"s most famous German musician.Beethoven is the human art one of the creators of the greatest.He has a remarkable music on the talent,the hot rebellious temperament and gigantic strong character; On the other hand he the indomitable will and a sense of social responsibility and produce the high ideology,forming his as the special quality of the musicians.

??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.

In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.在赋值语句 A(I) = B 中,B中的元素数目必须与I相等。应该是关于编程的吧。

电脑操作的快捷键都哪些?另外 insert 和Delete是干什么用的?

玩转电脑技巧全书(超详细)给大家看看,分享好的东西。如果觉得自己本身是菜鸟,可是还是经常被更菜的菜菜拉去修电脑,郁闷死。所以从各方面整理了这个贴给菜菜们看看,面肯定有你需要的,希望支持!高手免了,呵呵 ~ 1、最全的windows操作系统快捷键   一、常见用法: F1           显示当前程序或者windows的帮助内容。 F2           当你选中一个文件的话,这意味着“重命名” F3           当你在桌面上的时候是打开“查找:所有文件” 对话框 F10或ALT        激活当前程序的菜单栏 windows键或CTRL+ESC   打开开始菜单 CTRL+ALT+DELETE     在win9x中打开关闭程序对话框 DELETE         删除被选择的选择项目,如果是文件,将被放入回收站 SHIFT+DELETE      删除被选择的选择项目,如果是文件,将被直接删除而不是放入回收站CTRL+A 全选CTRL+N         新建一个新的文件 CTRL+O         打开“打开文件”对话框 CTRL+P         打开“打印”对话框 CTRL+S         保存当前操作的文件 CTRL+X         剪切被选择的项目到剪贴板 CTRL+INSERT 或 CTRL+C  复制被选择的项目到剪贴板 SHIFT+INSERT 或 CTRL+V 粘贴剪贴板中选择的项目ALT+BACKSPACE 或 CTRL+Z 撤销上一步的操作 ALT+SHIFT+BACKSPACE   重做上一步被撤销的操作alt + tab : 在一个窗口中显示当前打开的所有窗口的名称和图标alt+tab+shift: 反向显示当前打开的窗口。   Ctrl+Home: 将游标移至文字编辑区的开始始(Home单用:移至列首)Ctrl+End: 将光标移至文字编辑区的终点(End单用:移至列尾)Alt+F4: 关闭当前视窗(若是点一下桌面再按则为关机)快速重新启动:按确定前先按shift(不适用于2k、xp).shift+del 彻底删除: win+pause 系统属性 windows+u 辅助工具(放大镜)winkey+d : 最小化所有被打开的窗口,再按一次回到最大化Windows键+M       最小化所有被打开的窗口,再按一次不能回到最大化. Windows键+CTRL+M    重新将恢复上一项操作前窗口的大小和位置 Windows键+E       打开资源管理器 Windows键+F       打开“查找:所有文件”对话框 Windows键+R       打开“运行”对话框 Windows键+BREAK     打开“系统属性”对话框 Windows键+CTRL+F    打开“查找:计算机”对话框 SHIFT+F10或鼠标右击   打开当前活动项目的快捷菜单 SHIFT          在放入CD的时候按下不放,可以跳过自动播放CD。在打开word的时候按下不 放,可以跳过自启动的宏   ALT+F4         关闭当前应用程序 ALT+SPACEBAR      打开程序最左上角的菜单 ALT+TAB         切换当前程序 ALT+ESC         切换当前程序 ALT+ENTER        将windows下运行的MSDOS窗口在窗口和全屏幕状态间切换 PRINT SCREEN      将当前屏幕以图象方式拷贝到剪贴板 ALT+PRINT SCREEN    将当前活动程序窗口以图象方式拷贝到剪贴板 CTRL+F4         关闭当前应用程序中的当前文本(如word中) CTRL+F6         切换到当前应用程序中的下一个文本(加shift 可以跳到前一个窗口) 在IE中: ALT+RIGHT ARROW     显示前一页(前进键) ALT+LEFT ARROW     显示后一页(后退键) CTRL+TAB        在页面上的各框架中切换(加shift反向) F5           刷新 CTRL+F5         强行刷新  



falling down) selena中文歌词

You walk and talk like you"re some new sensationYou move in circlesYou don"t need an invitationYou spend your moneyYou can"t get no satisfactionYou play it right so you can get the right reactionIt won"t be long" my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now" baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downWhat"s out of place when you look into the mirror?The truth is blurryBut the lies are getting clearerYour eyes are fixedYour smile is so elasticYou gave me rosesBut they"re all just made of plasticIt won"t be long" my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now" baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash youSmile for the camera" camera" cameraSmile for the cameraWho"s gonna catch ya?You" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash you 你走路和说话像你一些新的感觉你循环往复您不需要邀请函你花你的钱可以得不到满足你打它,这样你就可以得到正确的反应它不会很长,“我亲爱的拿起电话没有人是你的朋友现在宝宝在哪里?难道他们不应该在那里的你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下什么地方,当你照镜子?事实是模糊但是,谎言越来越清晰你的眼睛固定你的笑容是那么的弹性你给我的玫瑰但他们都只是塑料制成的它不会很长,“我亲爱的拿起电话没有人是你的朋友现在宝宝在哪里?难道他们不应该在那里的你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下镜头微笑每个人都在看着你镜头微笑因为他们都是垃圾你微笑相机“相机”相机镜头微笑谁是要逮住?你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下镜头微笑每个人都在看着你镜头微笑因为他们都是垃圾你撤消修改Alpha此翻译比原来的更好?是,提交翻译感谢您提交的内容。Nǐ zǒulù hé shuōhuà xiàng nǐ yīxiē xīn de gǎnjué Nǐ xúnhuán wǎngfù Nín bù xūyào yāoqǐng hán Nǐ huā nǐ de qián Kěyǐ dé bù dào mǎnzú Nǐ dǎ tā, zhèyàng nǐ jiù kěyǐ dédào zhèngquè de fǎnyìng Tā bù huì hěn zhǎng, “wǒ qīn"ài de Ná qǐ diànhuà Méiyǒu rén Shì nǐ de péngyǒu xiànzài bǎobǎo zài nǎlǐ?Nándào tāmen bù yìng gāi zài nàlǐ de Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Shénme dìfāng, dāng nǐ zhào jìngzi? Shìshí shì móhú Dànshì, huǎngyán yuè lái yuè qīngxīNǐ de yǎnjīng gùdìng Nǐ de xiàoróng shì nàme de tánxìng Nǐ gěi wǒ de méiguīDàn tāmen dōu zhǐshì sùliào zhì chéng de Tā bù huì hěn zhǎng, “wǒ qīn"ài de Ná qǐ diànhuà Méiyǒu rén Shì nǐ de péngyǒu xiànzài bǎobǎo zài nǎlǐ?Nándào tāmen bù yìng gāi zài nàlǐ de Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Jìngtóu wéixiào Měi gèrén dōu zài kànzhe nǐJìngtóu wéixiào Yīnwèi tāmen dōu shì lèsè nǐWéixiào xiàngjī “xiàngjī” xiàngjīJìngtóu wéixiào Shuí shì yào dǎi zhù? Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Jìngtóu wéixiào Měi gèrén dōu zài kànzhe nǐJìngtóu wéixiào Yīnwèi tāmen dōu shì lèsè nǐ“”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译字典Would you mind answering some questions to help improve translation quality?Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。关闭即时翻译

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