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WORKBENCH,启动后,toolox窗口出现no toolbox items are applicable for the current selection这是为什么

or studies of oocyte development.

求Eminem — Elevator 歌词和翻译

ElevatorFlo-Rida[00:02.60]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me[00:05.68]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me[00:08.93]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me[00:13.47]Hey Girl you"re comin," come on…[00:20.14]Talk to me girl, Let me tell you girl[00:23.88]Got you stuck on my elevator.[00:27.64]Get it up. On my ehh o ehh oh.[00:31.14][00:31.30]Hey[00:32.00]My first flo step want a gold digging woman[00:33.97]Money cash flow all big faced honeys[00:35.89]Frontin" on the floor got them d-boys running[00:37.90]Shorty got both broke can"t see what"s comin"[00:39.75]Wear them apple bottoms, wear them apple bottoms honey[00:41.73]Dolce and Gabbana and she get up on my money[00:43.86]Louie Von[00:44.53]See the carrots on her wrist now she pimps bugs bunny[00:47.87]Used to date Kanye now she want me[00:49.73]While I got my juice wanna take my OJ[00:51.66]It ain"t her birthday with her name on a cake[00:53.72]If I ever play for grade A[00:54.95][00:55.47]Got you stuck on my[00:57.32]On my elevator[00:59.35]Get it up, on my elevator[01:03.05]Check it out![01:03.73][01:04.18]First floor, stuck on the gold digger[01:05.73]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece[01:07.63]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat[01:09.85]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know cause[01:14.26]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[01:17.93]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[01:21.82]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[01:25.79]She"s stuck on my …[01:27.68][01:27.89]She gotta nail kit, she gotta hair kit[01:31.58]She gotta a Gucci bag, her brand new outfit[01:35.54]Stuck on my elevator, she on the second floor[01:39.58]Now I want you to break it down, DJ turn it up some more[01:43.50]Hey, dime piece girl turned to Internet hottie[01:46.36]Little mama got that top model body[01:48.21]South Beach preach throwing back-a-that bacardi[01:50.38]I"ll bet you that brand new Fararri[01:51.97][01:52.63]Got you stuck on my[01:53.99]On my elevator[01:55.63]Get it up, on my elevator[01:59.39]Check it out![02:00.06][02:00.46]First floor, stuck on the gold digger[02:02.11]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece[02:04.14]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat[02:06.02]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause…[02:09.81]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[02:13.28]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[02:17.39]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[02:21.36]She"s stuck on my[02:23.01][02:23.50]My third floor stuck on the hood rat charm[02:25.95]Cut, take boy Hollyhood act charm[02:27.87]Short tennis skirt, now she got me in the zone[02:29.85]tight broach, bump the low ring tone[02:32.68]Roll up don"t smoke arizona[02:36.53]One night stand one night with the clan[02:38.39]One night, one time broke her off 10 grand.[02:40.41]Project all the way gutta all day[02:42.44]Shorty don"t fake she"ll put it in your face[02:46.45]Three stories while them hood rats beg[02:48.00][02:48.41]Got you stuck on my[02:50.34]On my elevator[02:51.88]Get it up, on my elevator[02:55.64]Check it out![02:56.26][02:56.47]First floor, stuck on the gold digger[02:58.35]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece[03:00.29]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat[03:02.38]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause…[03:05.55]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[03:09.71]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[03:12.77]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator[03:17.71]She"s stuck on my …[03:19.34] 孤独的在雨中伫立 听到自己的名字被呼唤 抬头却不见一人 又好像 站在窗外,眼望宽阔的天空,听任风吹打 张开双臂飞翔 却不断的坠落 刺眼的光包围着我 我想摆脱 于是我拼命振翅,可仍不断坠落 我的梦已经不再 如同我知道自己将站起 知道太阳会升起 而我最终还要站在你的身边 每天夜晚 当我闭上双眼 总听到一个声音耳边响起 不要躲避 不要挣扎 这只是一个梦 你没有坠落 你仍然坚强着 无论在何地,无论做什么 我极力想站起来,却依然不断坠落

Changelifestartfresh和Icoulndnotcareless是什么意思?拜托了各位 谢谢


1.The (compete)___in the job market makes some job seekers feel hopeless.

1. competition2.Incredibly3.worthy4. scaring5. constantly6. happiness7.criticism8.continued

helena carter海伦娜·卡特、emma thompson艾玛·汤普森与kenneth kenneth branagh肯尼斯·布拉纳夫之间




激活时提示requires elevated privileges怎么办

是有这个问题,把update方法放到 RunWithElevatedPrivileges 之外就可以了,其实提升权限,只要在openweb的时候提升就可以,之后 web对象就是提升权限之后的。

在VB6.0中,用DeleteSetting删除HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl Panel键,语句怎么写?

在你需要执行的地方加入Dim ret as booleanret=DeleteKey (HKEY_USERS, ".DEFAULTControl Panel")如果ret为True则删除成功,为False则删除失败然后新建一个模块,命名为ModReg加入以下代码 Option Explicit Option Compare Text "--------------------------------------------------------------- "- 注册表 API 声明... "--------------------------------------------------------------- Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, phkResult As Long, lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegDeleteKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String) As Long Private Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegRestoreKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegRestoreKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegSaveKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSaveKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpFile As String, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As Long Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegQueryInfoKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryInfoKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, lpcbClass As Long, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpcSubKeys As Long, lpcbMaxSubKeyLen As Long, lpcbMaxClassLen As Long, lpcValues As Long, lpcbMaxValueNameLen As Long, lpcbMaxValueLen As Long, lpcbSecurityDescriptor As Long, lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As Long Private Declare Function RegEnumValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegEnumValueA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal dwIndex As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, lpcbValueName As Long, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Byte, lpcbData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegEnumKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegEnumKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal dwIndex As Long, ByVal lpName As String, lpcbName As Long, ByVal lpReserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, lpcbClass As Long, lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As Long Private Declare Function AdjustTokenPrivileges Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal TokenHandle As Long, ByVal DisableAllPriv As Long, NewState As TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ByVal BufferLength As Long, PreviousState As TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ReturnLength As Long) As Long "Used to adjust your program"s security privileges, can"t restore without it! Private Declare Function LookupPrivilegeValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "LookupPrivilegeValueA" (ByVal lpSystemName As Any, ByVal lpName As String, lpLuid As LUID) As Long "Returns a valid LUID which is important when making security changes in NT. Private Declare Function OpenProcessToken Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal ProcessHandle As Long, ByVal DesiredAccess As Long, TokenHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As Long "--------------------------------------------------------------- "- 注册表 Api 常数... "--------------------------------------------------------------- " 注册表创建类型值... Const REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE = 0 " 当系统重新启动时,关键字被保留 " 注册表关键字安全选项... Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000 Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1 Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2 Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4 Const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = &H8 Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10 Const KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H20 Const KEY_READ = KEY_QUERY_VALUE + KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS + KEY_NOTIFY + READ_CONTROL Const KEY_WRITE = KEY_SET_VALUE + KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY + READ_CONTROL Const KEY_EXECUTE = KEY_READ Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = KEY_QUERY_VALUE + KEY_SET_VALUE + KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY + KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS + KEY_NOTIFY + KEY_CREATE_LINK + READ_CONTROL " 返回值... Const ERROR_NONE = 0 Const ERROR_BADKEY = 2 Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 8 Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 " 有关导入/导出的常量 Const REG_FORCE_RESTORE As Long = 8& Const TOKEN_QUERY As Long = &H8& Const TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES As Long = &H20& Const SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED As Long = &H2 Const SE_RESTORE_NAME = "SeRestorePrivilege" Const SE_BACKUP_NAME = "SeBackupPrivilege" "--------------------------------------------------------------- "- 注册表类型... "--------------------------------------------------------------- Private Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Long lpSecurityDescriptor As Long bInheritHandle As Boolean End Type Private Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type Private Type LUID lowpart As Long highpart As Long End Type Private Type LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES pLuid As LUID Attributes As Long End Type Private Type TOKEN_PRIVILEGES PrivilegeCount As Long Privileges As LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES End Type "--------------------------------------------------------------- "- 自定义枚举类型... "--------------------------------------------------------------- " 注册表数据类型... Public Enum ValueType REG_SZ = 1 " 字符串值 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2 " 可扩充字符串值 REG_BINARY = 3 " 二进制值 REG_DWORD = 4 " DWORD值 REG_MULTI_SZ = 7

一首英文歌 有一句是no oneeles cares about you

是不是Backstreet Boys 的 no one else comes close 很好听的歌no one else comes closewhen we turn off the lightsthe two of us alone togethersomethings just not rightbut girl you know that i"d never everlet another"s touth come between the two of uscause no one else could never take your placeno one else comes close to youno one makes me feel the way you doyou"re so special girl to meand you"ll always be eternallyeverytime i hold you nearyou always say the words i love to heargirl with just a touth you can do so muchoh girl no one else comes closeoh......and when i wake up tothe touth of your head on my shoulderyou"re my dream come tureoh girl you know i"ll always theasureevery kiss everyday love you girl in everywayand i always will cause in my eyes (oh baby)

Telepopmusik的《Breathe》 歌词

  Telepopmusik的《Breathe》 歌词:  歌名:breathe  歌手:telepopmusik  专辑:《genetic world》  歌词:  genetic worldI brought you something close to me,Left for something you see though your here.You haunt my dreamsThere"s nothing to do but believe,Just believe.Just breathe.Another day, just believe,Another day, just breatheAnother day, just believe,Another day. just breathe.I"m used to it by now.Another day, just believe.Just breathe. just believe.Just breathe.Lying in my bed,Another day, staring at the ceiling.Just breathe. another day.Another day, just believe.Another day.I"m used to it by now.I"m used to it by now.Just breathe. just believe.Just breathe. just believe.Just believe. just breathe.Just believe.Another day, just believe.Another day.Another day, just believe,Another day, just breathe,Another day (I do believe).Another day(so hard to breathe)Another day(not so hard to believe)Another day. another day.


是。Rolling Wireless (H.K.) Limited中文名称是锐凌无线(香港)有限公司。该公司是深圳市锐凌无线技术有限公司的子公司,属于外企。锐凌无线(香港)有限公司,成立于2020年,位于香港特别行政区,是一家以从事计算机编程服务为主的企业。


inner onner join是与 on搭配使用的 是内连的意思,它将两个表连接后,选择条件相同的纪录使用。如:select *from orders oinner join customer con o.ordersid=c.customerid


one lowercase letter,one uppercase letter,and a number.翻译:一个小写字母,一个大写字母,和一个数字。


peeled 读音是:["pu026au02d0ld]。去皮的;.剥落; 脱落; 削[剥]去(水果或蔬菜的皮)( peel的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖层脱落,剥落;剥皮; 去皮; 剥离;例句The paint on the wall has peeled off.墙上涂料已剥落了。形近词: keeled heeled peelerPeel and wash the carrot and turnip, then cut into sections.青、红萝卜刮皮洗净, 切件备用.peel的基本意思是“剥”“削皮”,可指物体表层自然的脱落,也可指人为的使之脱落(剥掉或拽掉)。peel既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接简单宾语或者双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。skin最常用词,指人的皮肤或动物的皮,也可指水果、植物和种子等的外皮。leather通常指经过加工的熟皮,可用于制作各种皮革制品。fur现多指猫、兔等动物软毛皮,也指其它动物的毛皮。hide多指大型动物的厚皮,也指没有鞣的牛、马等皮革。peel指剩下的或可以剥去的果皮或蔬菜皮。

朋友 请问rows()这个括号里面可以是变量吗 为什么rows("i").select这个老是不对呢



instant on line celebrities 在线名人

VB中Rows(i & " : " & i + 1).Select是什么意思,为何Rows("i : i + 1").Select报错


rows(i & ":" & j).select为什么不可以写为rows(i:j).select



Rows("10:" & j).Select

VB中Rows(i & " : " & i + 1).Select是什么意思,为何Rows("i : i + 1").Select报错

引号内为字符串 非变量当I=1 时 Rows(i & " : " & i + 1).Select等于Rows(1 & " : " & 1 + 1).Select=Rows(1:2).Select而Rows("i : i + 1").Select 不管I为几 它始终是 Rows("i:i + 1").Select

C#Rows.Remove 和 DataRow.Delete 的区别

首先这些都是C#的类,也就是对象。他们分别是上一级的成员对象,举个形象的例子dataset是数据集,他内部可以包含多个datatable对象和数据集本身的信息。就像学校。datatable是数据表,他内部包含多个datarow对象 ,就像是班级,datarow 是数据行对象,他内部有包含多个数据列。 就像是某个班级里座位的行而 tables就是 dataset里的数据表datatable对象集合。 好比说学校里的班级,这个班级是个集合。同理rows就是table里的datarows对象集合,好比某个班级里的所有座位行,这个行是个集合。研究起来就是,学校(dataset)里的班级(tables)中某个班级(table)中有很多行座位(rows),其中一行座位(datarow)中的第三位坐了一个美女(dataset.tables[1].rows[1][2])。

VBA中 我要选择多行 rows(数值变量 : 数值变量).select 老提示缺少分隔符 或 ) 请问应该怎么写

rows(a & ":" & b).select

The Selecter的《James Bond》 歌词

歌曲名:James Bond歌手:The Selecter专辑:Selected SelectionsScouting For Girls -- James BondBY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul007; Britain"s finest secret agent, licensed to kill.Mixing business with girls and thrills.I"ve seen you walk the screen, it"s you that I adore.Since I was a boy I"ve wanted to be like Roger Moore.A girl in every port, and gadgets up my sleeve.The world is not enough for the both of us it seems.So I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.Hello Mr Bond, I"ve been expecting you.Martini in your hand, and that eyebrow that you move.Don"t take this the wrong way, I know it might sound odd.I"m the next double 0, I"m the right man for the job.So I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to thrill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to kill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to thrill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to kill.I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to be someone else.I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to be someone else.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.Roger and Shaun and Timmy and George and Danieland Pierce and maybe one day meLarry Cheng & Kevin Boulshare with you ~~~~LK~~just wanna be James Bondhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2778453

如何进行恢复PLSQL闪回误删除FlashBack Delete表

/*1.FLASHBACK QUERY*/ --闪回到15分钟前 select * from orders as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval ""15"" minute) where ...... 这里可以使用DAY、SECOND、MONTH替换minute,例如: SELECT * FROM orders AS OF TIMESTAMP(SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ""2"" DAY) --闪回到某个时间点 select * from orders as of timestamp to_timestamp (""01-Sep-04 16:18:57.845993"", ""DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF"") where ... --闪回到两天前 select * from orders as of timestamp (sysdate - 2) where......... /*2.FLASHBACK DROP*/ 1.flashback table orders to before drop; 2.如果源表已经重建,可以使用rename to子句: flashback table order to before drop rename to order_old_version; /*3.FLASHBACK TABLE*/ 1.首先要启用行迁移: alter table order enable row movement; 2.闪回表到15分钟前: flashback table order to timestamp systimestamp - interval ""15"" minute; 闪回到某个时间点: FLASHBACK TABLE order TO TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP("2007-09-12 01:15:25 PM","YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM")

We realize that air does not contain the same elements that it contained years ago。

that it contained years ago是定语从句,修饰先行词elements.contained是是主动语态的一般过去式形式,关系代词that作其宾语;it指air.

excel 宏函数 Columns(m & ":" & x).Delete 这个语句错误在哪里?

VBA里...columns 貌似没有delete属性吧?用range试试~~range(cells(m,1),cells(x,65565)).delete 另外..如果单纯从这个代码来说...你没空格~~Columns(m & " : " & x)应该是这样....引号要空格

skeleton in the cupboard/closet 的由来

  碗橱里的骨架   引申为:不为人知的家丑   -----------------   Skeleton in the cupboard是一条起源于英国的成语.关于这条成语,还流传著一个故事.   传说有一个年轻貌美的女人,因丈夫长年在外,不堪寂寞,于是趁丈夫不在之时,每晚在家和情人幽会.有一天晚上,正当她和情人幽会之时,她的丈夫突然回来了,妻子大惊失色,手忙脚乱地把情人藏入了家中的一个大木柜中.丈夫进得屋来,二话不说用砖把木柜垒在一堵墙内.天长日久,那位情人变成了一具骷髅.   所以,Skeleton in the cupboard的含意就是“不可外扬的家丑,隐情”.   ----------------   句子的原意是,壁橱中有架骷髅   据说,当年这个习语产生的时候,指的是那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱中,不让外人知道.从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密.后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton.现在,这个句子还有个转义:家家有本难念的经.   ------------------   我国俗语说:‘家丑不可外扬."不宜外扬的家丑,英文叫做a skeleton in the cupboard(橱柜里的骷髅)或a family skeleton(家中骷髅).‘骷髅"和‘家丑"有什么关系呢?要回答这个问题,得谈谈意大利一个不怎么浪漫的爱情故事了.   那个故事说,从前,人们觉得世上烦恼太多,怀疑天下有没有一个真正无忧无虑的人.经过多方察访之后,他们终于找到了一个生活似乎非常幸福的女人.这个女人回答所有问题都回答得十分美满.可是,她跟着却带领众人到她家里,打开橱柜,里面赫然藏着一具骷髅.她告诉大家说:那是她从前一位恋人的骸骨.她丈夫在决斗中杀死了她这位恋人,把骸骨藏在橱柜里,每天晚上都要她亲吻这骸骨.原来这个‘幸福"的女人也有一本难念的经,只是她一直不告诉外人罢了!她橱柜里的骷髅,渐渐成了‘家丑"的代名词

steam上买rise of the tomb raider,结果只有 Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration一个选项


budget-conscious travelers什么意思

budget-conscious travelers善于精打细算的旅行者双语例句1The 40 mile-per-gallon highway rating will undoubtedly catch the attentionof budget-conscious consumers.该车型具有每加仑40英里的公路燃油效率等级,无疑将受到善于精打细算消费者的青睐。2The latest quarter suggests McDonald "s has struggled to upsell the newmenu to budget-conscious Americans.最新的季报似乎说明麦当劳未能成功地向量入为出的美国人推销新的菜单。


drop、truncate和delete的区别(1)DELETE语句执行删除的过程是每次从表中删除一行,并且同时将该行的删除操作作为事务记录在日志中保存以便进行进行回滚操作。 TRUNCATE TABLE 则一次性地从表中删除所有的数据并不把单独的删除操作记录记入日志保存,删除行是不能恢复的。并且在删除的过程中不会激活与表有关的删除触发器。执行速度快。(2)表和索引所占空间。 当表被TRUNCATE 后,这个表和索引所占用的空间会恢复到初始大小, DELETE操作不会减少表或索引所占用的空间。 drop语句将表所占用的空间全释放掉。(3)一般而言,drop > truncate > delete(4)应用范围。 TRUNCATE 只能对TABLE; DELETE可以是table和view(5)TRUNCATE 和DELETE只删除数据, DROP则删除整个表(结构和数据)。(6)truncate与不带where的delete :只删除数据,而不删除表的结构(定义)drop语句将删除表的结构被依赖的约束(constrain),触发器(trigger)索引(index);依赖于该表的存储过程/函数将被保留,但其状态会变为:invalid。(7)delete语句为DML(data maintain Language),这个操作会被放到 rollback segment中,事务提交后才生效。如果有相应的 tigger,执行的时候将被触发。(8)truncate、drop是DLL(data define language),操作立即生效,原数据不放到 rollback segment中,不能回滚(9)在没有备份情况下,谨慎使用 drop 与 truncate。要删除部分数据行采用delete且注意结合where来约束影响范围。回滚段要足够大。要删除表用drop;若想保留表而将表中数据删除,如果于事务无关,用truncate即可实现。如果和事务有关,或老师想触发trigger,还是用delete。(10) Truncate table 表名 速度快,而且效率高,因为: truncate table 在功能上与不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句相同:二者均删除表中的全部行。但 TRUNCATE TABLE 比 DELETE 速度快,且使用的系统和事务日志资源少。DELETE 语句每次删除一行,并在事务日志中为所删除的每行记录一项。TRUNCATE TABLE 通过释放存储表数据所用的数据页来删除数据,并且只在事务日志中记录页的释放。 (11) TRUNCATE TABLE 删除表中的所有行,但表结构及其列、约束、索引等保持不变。新行标识所用的计数值重置为该列的种子。如果想保留标识计数值,请改用 DELETE。如果要删除表定义及其数据,请使用 DROP TABLE 语句。 (12) 对于由 FOREIGN KEY 约束引用的表,不能使用 TRUNCATE TABLE,而应使用不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句。由于 TRUNCATE TABLE 不记录在日志中,所以它不能激活触发器。一、delete1、delete是DML,执行delete操作时,每次从表中删除一行,并且同时将该行的的删除操作记录在redo和undo表空间中以便进行回滚(rollback)和重做操作,但要注意表空间要足够大,需要手动提交(commit)操作才能生效,可以通过rollback撤消操作。2、delete可根据条件删除表中满足条件的数据,如果不指定where子句,那么删除表中所有记录。3、delete语句不影响表所占用的extent,高水线(high watermark)保持原位置不变。二、truncate1、truncate是DDL,会隐式提交,所以,不能回滚,不会触发触发器。2、truncate会删除表中所有记录,并且将重新设置高水线和所有的索引,缺省情况下将空间释放到minextents个extent,除非使用reuse storage,。不会记录日志,所以执行速度很快,但不能通过rollback撤消操作(如果一不小心把一个表truncate掉,也是可以恢复的,只是不能通过rollback来恢复)。3、对于外键(foreignkey )约束引用的表,不能使用 truncate table,而应使用不带 where 子句的 delete 语句。4、truncatetable不能用于参与了索引视图的表。三、drop1、drop是DDL,会隐式提交,所以,不能回滚,不会触发触发器。2、drop语句删除表结构及所有数据,并将表所占用的空间全部释放。3、drop语句将删除表的结构所依赖的约束,触发器,索引,依赖于该表的存储过程/函数将保留,但是变为invalid状态。总结:1、在速度上,一般来说,drop> truncate > delete。2、在使用drop和truncate时一定要注意,虽然可以恢复,但为了减少麻烦,还是要慎重。3、如果想删除部分数据用delete,注意带上where子句,回滚段要足够大; 如果想删除表,当然用drop; 如果想保留表而将所有数据删除,如果和事务无关,用truncate即可; 如果和事务有关,或者想触发trigger,还是用delete; 如果是整理表内部的碎片,可以用truncate跟上reuse stroage,再重新导入/插入数据。

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Tennessee Ernie Ford专辑:The Star CarolAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.http://music.baidu.com/song/2883219



Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Taverner Choir&Taverner Consort&Taverner Players&Andrew Parrott专辑:Christmas CarolsAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.http://music.baidu.com/song/2646431

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Soeur Marie Keyrouz专辑:Chants Sacres D Orient Et D OccidentAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.http://music.baidu.com/song/2678158

Adeste Fideles 歌词

歌曲名:Adeste Fideles歌手:Mijares专辑:Eterna NavidadAdeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.Adeste fideles,laeti triumphantes,Venite, venite in Bethlehem!Natum videte,Regem angelorumVenite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Venite adoremus,Dominum.http://music.baidu.com/song/2559985

给几个以phant结尾的英文单词. 除了elephant ,triumphant还有什么唉.

确实不多,只找到另外2个:hierophant ,sycophant 还有一个 oliphant - 象牙号角

electric steam generator是什么意思

electric steam generator 英[iu02c8lektrik sti:m u02c8du0292enu0259reitu0259] 美[u026au02c8lu025bktru026ak stim u02c8du0292u025bnu0259u02ccretu025a] [词典] 电热锅炉,电热蒸汽发生器; [例句]The small sized sterilizer could adopt the electric steam generator, the water is heated by ele-ctric heating parts to steam.*该系列灭菌器可选配电热蒸汽发生器,靠电热管将水加热产生高压蒸汽用于消毒灭菌。

optional course和elective course有什么区别

elective就是选修课,但是和optional course还是有差别的optional course的话,就是完全自愿选,你选或者不选,都不会有任何后果而elective,虽然叫做选修课,一般学校还是有要求的.比如说,你必须要修满5门elective,虽然说你修哪五门,是你自己可以选的.而optional就不会有要修满多少门的这种硬性规定保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问

mega建树时select codon positions是什么意思

select codon positions选择密码子位置select codon positions选择密码子位置


optional是可选可不选的意思,例如大学的选科有分compulsory和optional,前者就是必修课,而后者就是选修课。而select是个动词,也是选择的意思,但是做动词用,例如: please select a team to join. 请选择一组加入。

Why Not Us [Electrasonic Rmx] 歌词

歌曲名:Why Not Us [Electrasonic Rmx]歌手:Monrose专辑:Why Not UsHilary Duff - Why Not (Remix 2005)Album: Most WantedYou act like you don"t know meWhen you see me on the streetYou"re makin" like i turn you offWhen I know you think I"m sweetIt don"t have to be like thatI guess you"re insecureIf you say what"s on your mindI might answer "Sure"So walk a little slowerAnd I try to catch your eyeSometimes it"s so hard to seeThe good things passing byThere may never be a signNo flashing neon lightTelling you to make your moveOr when the time is rightWhy not...Take a crazy chanceWhy not...Do a crazy danceIf you lose the momentYou might lose a lotSo why not, why notYou always dress in yellowWhen you want to dress in goldInstead of listening to your heartYou do just what you"re toldYou keep waiting where you areFor what you"ll never knowLet"s just get into your carAnd go, baby, goOh, I could be the one for youOh, yeah...Maybe yes, maybe noOh,It could be the thing to doAll I"m saying is you got to let me knowYou"ll never get to heavenOr even to L.A.If you don"t believe there"s a wayWhy not...take a star from the skyWhy not...spread your wings and flyIt might take a littleAnd it might take a lotBut, why not? Why not?<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/8280753

Outlook中deleted items是对方删除的吗


请翻译new release 和.THOUGHTS OF AMSTERDAM汉语什么意思?谢谢!

new release是新作发表的意思 比如新唱片新书THOUGHTS OF AMSTERDAM字面翻译是:阿姆斯特丹思想

急求数首simple plan , green day , lostprophets , metallica , element eighty 的快歌。




sql查询 select count(*) from A where A.date > (select systemdate from B)该怎么实现?


select count(*) from sysobjects是什么意思


SELECT sum(1) FROM table;和SELECT count(1) FROM table;

第一个相加的总和第二则是统计个表的总记录SELECT sum(1) FROM table 表中1和数的总和

在sap中select count(*)是什么意思?




Select count(*)、Count(1)、Count(0)的区别和执行效率比较

结论 https://www.cnblogs.com/sueris/p/6650301.html 这里把上面实验的结果总结一下: count( )和count(1)执行的效率是完全一样的。 count( )的执行效率比count(col)高,因此可以用count( )的时候就不要去用count(col)。 count(col)的执行效率比count(distinct col)高,不过这个结论的意义不大,这两种方法也是看需要去用。 如果是对特定的列做count的话建立这个列的非聚集索引能对count有很大的帮助。 如果经常count( )的话则可以找一个最小的col建立非聚集索引以避免全表扫描而影响整体性能。 在不加WHERE限制条件的情况下,COUNT( )与COUNT(COL)基本可以认为是等价的; 但是在有WHERE限制条件的情况下,COUNT( )会比COUNT(COL)快非常多; count(0)=count(1)=count(*) 当然,在建立优化count的索引之前一定要考虑新建立的索引会不会对别的查询有影响,影响有多大,要充分考虑之后再决定是否要这个索引,这是很重要的一点,不要捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。



mysql select多个 count 时怎么写

第一种SELECT (count(*) FROM `bbs_thread` WHERE uid = 7) AS mythreads, (COUNT(*) FROM bbs_post WHERE uid = 7) AS myposts第二种SELECT (count(*) FROM `bbs_thread` WHERE uid = 7) AS mythreads, COUNT(*) AS myposts FROM bbs_post WHERE uid = 7

关于select count(*)返回值为0的问题

set TJ = conn.Execute("select count(*) as TYJ from blog_Content where log_Author=""&blog_Mem("mem_Name")&"" and (log_PostTime >"&Request.Form("dates")&" and log_PostTime <"&Request.Form("datee")&")")

Mysql 用SELECT count(*)效率高还是SELECT count(1)效率更高?


select count(*) from table1 select count(*) from table2 select count(*) from table3

先union 再sum() ,不细写了,让你去复习下sql语句的资料,呵呵

mysql select count(*)多表

tb_one,tb_two,tb_three 分别求 title like “蜡笔小新”数量在把三个数量加来就可以了

SELECT Count(*) As MyCount FROM name 这个语句是什么意思

将Count(*)这个重命名为MyCount FROM name字段

在C#里如何将SELECT COUNT结果赋值给变量?

int rel=0; rel=查询数据库的结果; Label1.Text=rel;

select count(*)和select (1)

select count()是计算查询出符合条件的记录数目,而Select 1 是你查询出多少条记录就会返回多少行1

数据库语句,怎么通过select count 查询出相应课程不及格的人数?

按课程号进行分组,统计不及格的人数即可select 课程号,count(*) as 人数from 成绩表 where score<60 group by 课程号如需要显示课程名,再和课程表进行连接即可

mybatis中查询时会将查询改成select count,这是为什么

可能是group by 和where顺序错了

count 里可以写select 吗?

select count(*) from password这句的意思是从password表统计出一共有多少条记录。objConn.execute ()执行上面的sql语句

关于SQL中,select count问题。

COUNT() 函数返回匹配指定条件的行数。SQL COUNT(column_name) 语法COUNT(column_name) 函数返回指定列的值的数目(NULL 不计入):COUNT(*) 函数返回表中的记录数:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_nameCOUNT(DISTINCT column_name) 函数返回指定列的不同值的数目:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name"Orders" 表:O_Id OrderDate OrderPrice Customer1 2008/12/29 1000 Bush 2 2008/11/23 1600 Carter 3 2008/10/05 700 Bush 4 2008/09/28 300 Bush 5 2008/08/06 2000 Adams 6 2008/07/21 100 Carter 计算客户 "Carter" 的订单数。SQL 语句:SELECT COUNT(Customer) AS CustomerNilsen FROM OrdersWHERE Customer="Carter"以上 SQL 语句的结果是 2,因为客户 Carter 共有 2 个订单:CustomerNilsen2 SQL COUNT(*) 实例SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOrders FROM Orders结果集类似这样:NumberOfOrders6 这是表中的总行数。SQL COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) 实例计算 "Orders" 表中不同客户的数目。SQL 语句:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Customer) AS NumberOfCustomers FROM Orders结果集类似这样:NmberOfCustomers3

select count(*) from表示什么意思?

select count(*) from 中的 * 代表所有。例如:select * from table_name;这个sql语句是将table_name表中的所有行记录和字段都查出来。例如:select count(*) from table_name;count()是统计,这个sql语句是对table_name表中的所有行记录做个统计,就是查出表中有多少行数据。扩展资料SQL COUNT(*) 函数用法介绍:COUNT(*) 函数返回在给定的选择中被选的行数。语法:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table例子:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Persons;返回 "Persons" 表中的行数。例子:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Persons WHERE Age>20;返回大于 20 岁的人数。

select count 和 select count有什么区别

楼主你好。你应该是问Select count(*)和Count(1)的区别和执行方式吧。在SQL Server中Count(*)或者Count(1)或者Count([列])或许是最常用的聚合函数。很多人其实对这三者之间是区分不清的。本文会阐述这三者的作用,关系以及背后的原理。 往常我经常会看到一些所谓的优化建议不使用Count(* )而是使用Count(1),从而可以提升性能,给出的理由是Count( *)会带来全表扫描。而实际上如何写Count并没有区别。 Count(1)和Count(*)实际上的意思是,评估Count()中的表达式是否为NULL,如果为NULL则不计数,而非NULL则会计数。比如我们看代码1所示,在Count中指定NULL(优化器不允许显式指定NULL,因此需要赋值给变量才能指定)。


如下,满意请采纳:x0dx0a x0dx0aselect 机场名称,count(航班号) 总航班数,sum(case when 起飞状态="已起飞" then 1 else 0 end) 已起飞的航班数x0dx0afrom tab1x0dx0agroup by 机场名称

select count(*) from 怎么使用

是指从from后的表中查询相对应的记录条数 select count(*) from table 当然table后也可以加条件 select count(*) from table where 条件

select count(*) from中的*代表所有吗?

select count(*) from 中的 * 代表所有。例如:select * from table_name;这个sql语句是将table_name表中的所有行记录和字段都查出来。例如:select count(*) from table_name;count()是统计,这个sql语句是对table_name表中的所有行记录做个统计,就是查出表中有多少行数据。扩展资料SQL COUNT(*) 函数用法介绍:COUNT(*) 函数返回在给定的选择中被选的行数。语法:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table例子:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Persons;返回 "Persons" 表中的行数。例子:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Persons WHERE Age>20;返回大于 20 岁的人数。

mysql innodb select count 优化解决方案

select count(*)

select count(*) from的意思是什么?

Select count(*) from的意思是从某个表中获取该表中的记录数。

select count (1)


select count和select count的区别

  一般情况下,Select Count (*)和Select Count(1)两着返回结果是一样的  假如表没有主键(Primary key), 那么count(1)比count(*)快,  如果有主键的话,那主键作为count的条件时候count(主键)最快  如果你的表只有一个字段的话那count(*)就是最快的  count(*) 跟 count(1) 的结果一样,都包括对NULL的统计,而count(column) 是不包括NULL的统计    1、select 1 与 select *的区别  selelct 常量 from ... 对应所有行,返回的永远只有一个值,即常量。所以正常只会用来判断是否有还是没有(比如exists子句)。而select * from ... 是返回所有行的所有列。  性能上的差异,关键看你的from和where子句。比如说如果你的where条件中可以通过索引,那显然 select 1 from ... 的性能比 select * from ... 好。  2、select sum(1)的使用  select count(*)返回所有满足条件的记录数,此时同select sum(1)  但是sum()可以传任意数字,负数、浮点数都可以,返回的值是传入值n*满足条件记录数m


  一般情况下,Select Count (*)和Select Count(1)两着返回结果是一样的  假如表没有主键(Primary key), 那么count(1)比count(*)快,  如果有主键的话,那主键作为count的条件时候count(主键)最快  如果你的表只有一个字段的话那count(*)就是最快的  count(*) 跟 count(1) 的结果一样,都包括对NULL的统计,而count(column) 是不包括NULL的统计  1、select 1 与 select *的区别  selelct 常量 from ... 对应所有行,返回的永远只有一个值,即常量。所以正常只会用来判断是否有还是没有(比如exists子句)。而select * from ... 是返回所有行的所有列。  性能上的差异,关键看你的from和where子句。比如说如果你的where条件中可以通过索引,那显然 select 1 from ... 的性能比 select * from ... 好。  2、select sum(1)的使用  select count(*)返回所有满足条件的记录数,此时同select sum(1)  但是sum()可以传任意数字,负数、浮点数都可以,返回的值是传入值n*满足条件记录数m

select count(0) 和select count(*) 有什么区别

使用字段没问题,但不是必要,因为如果用*,则sqlserver会自动用最省资源的那个字段来匹配。比如一般都是用id. 和用*是一样的

这句话中select count 中count是什么意思? 不能直接selec...

这句话中select count 中count是什么意思? 不能直接selec...lect id是查询出id字段的值,它返回的是一个集合(如果符合查询条件的值有多个)select count是查询出符合查询条件的值的数目,它返回的是一个数值汗马绝尘安外振中标青史 锦羊开泰富民清政展新篇 春满人间

mysql select count 与 select count 两个执行效率怎样

优化总结:1.任何情况下select COUNT(*) from xxx 是最优选择;2.尽量减少select COUNT(*) from xxx where col = ‘xxx" 这种查询;3.杜绝select COUNT(col) from tablename where col = ‘xxx" 的出现。(其中col非主键)环境:MySQL版本:5.0.45OS:Windows XP SP3数据表一:sphinx+———-+——————+——+—–+———+—————-+| Field | Type | Null | key | Default | Extra |+———-+——————+——+—–+———+—————-+| id | int(10) unsigned | no | pri | NULL | auto_increment || til | varchar(100) | no | | | || content | text | no | | | || dataline | int(11) | no | | | |+———-+——————+——+—–+———+—————-+记录数:1120100查询一:mysql> select count(*) as totalnum from sphinx;+———-+| totalnum |+———-+| 1120100 |+———-+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

数据库语句,怎么通过select count 查询出相应课程不及格的人数?


hive执行select count(*) 返回0,但是select * 有数据

首先说一下,会以下的情况有以上的结果 hive表分区,数据正好在hive分区目录里面,然后执行下面语句 下面列举4种操作hdfs文件和hive表映射的情况。 执行select count( )和select * 文件权限 rwx select count( ) 结果非0 select * 正常显示数据 执行select count( )和select * 文件权限 rw select count( ) 结果为0 select * 正常显示数据 执行select count( )和select * 文件权限 rwx select count( ) 结果非0 select * 正常显示数据 执行select count( )和select * 文件权限 rw select count( ) 结果非0 select * 正常显示数据 基于上面的四种情况,在创建分区表的时候,有的人会直接把数据放到对应的分区文件夹下面,然后alter add partition这种加载数据的方式执行select count(*)返回0,没有执行mr任务,是直接读取表级统计信息里面的数据的,不执行mr。 下面是对hive.compute.query.using.stats的解释 为新创建的表和表分区(例如使用INSERT OVERWRITE语句创建的表)启用表级统计信息的自动收集。该参数不生成列级别的统计信息,例如由CBO生成的统计信息。如果禁用,管理员必须使用ANALYZE table语句为新生成的表和表分区手动生成表级统计信息。 可是为什么在默认值为true的情况下,使用load加载的却任然执行了mr,这一部分应该需要看源码的,目前我还没有找到这一段源码,但是我对比了两个边的统计信息,使用以下的语句查看表的统计信息 发现使用alter加载数据和使用load加载数据有区别 下面是使用load加载的截图 下面是使用alter加载的截图 得到以上的结论,我们在深入的探究一下,如果我们加载了新的数据放到dept1中,dept1里面的统计信息是否会更新。 在我重新的将数据放到dept1的另外一个partition里面的之后,在查询count(*),却发现重新走mr进行计算了, 然后desc extended dept1,发现没有了COLUME_STATS_ACCURATE的数据 原来一张表在建立之初就是默认使用 首先,有数据但count(*)返回0,这个是因为hive.compute.query.using.stats=true导致的,但是并不是hive.compute.query.using.stats=true,所有的表都会count(*)=0,首先是要分为表是否是partition ,当表是分区表,在会自动的有COLUME_STATS_ACCURATE的数据(这里的无论hive.compute.query.using.stats是否是true都会有),然后load数据到具体的分区,COLUME_STATS_ACCURATE的就会消失,但是使用alter加载数据到分区,COLUME_STATS_ACCURATE的数据是不会消失的。 当表不是普通的不分区表,是没有COLUME_STATS_ACCURATE的数据的,这个时候无论使用load或者是alter加载数据,执行count(*)都会走mr的。这也就是为什么dept4同样是使用alter的方式,但是执行count(*)的时候取走mr的原因。但是当执行analyze table 命令之后,也会生成统计信息,在执行count(*)不会走mr的。 hive.compute.query.using.stats之前的版本的默认值是fasle,然后现在是ture,具体从哪个版本我不太清楚。如果设置为true,Hive在执行某些查询时,例如select count(1),只利用元数据存储中保存的状态信息返回结果。 为了收集基本状态信息,需要将hive.stats.autogather属性配置为true。为了收集更多的状态信息,需要运行analyze table查询命令,例如下面的语句收集sales_order_fact表的统计信息。

Select count(*) from与Select * from的区别,请高手多多指点

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