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Ellery Kane,英文名含义是什么。本名:周鸣凯,不知道这样好不好

Minkey Chou 显然应该名在前,姓在后,如周杰伦Jay Chou ,前面我推荐的英文完全可以/"minkei/,如果加g就不像英文了


have a proven record of excellence有卓越的记录proven英 [u02c8pru:vn] 美 [u02c8pru:vn]adj.经过验证或证实的v.证明( prove的过去分词 ); 检验,试验网 络探明;已证明的;经标定的;事实证明excellence英 [u02c8eksu0259lu0259ns] 美 [u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259ns]n.优秀,卓越; 优点; 美德网 络卓越;杰出;美德;追求卓越复数: excellences

Jerry Riopelle的《Kill Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Kill Me歌手:Jerry Riopelle专辑:Tongue N Grooveby:cyworld/sunnyrose1986you are my bad girl, you are my bad girl,you are my bad, you are my bad


1.She lost a treasured jewel at the party last night. 2.All of her jewellery was put in a safe.


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析jewel和jewellery的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "jewel"指的是珠宝或宝石,通常用来描述天然的或人工制造的宝石。- "jewellery"指的是珠宝,包括各种首饰,例如项链、手链、戒指等。例句:- She was wearing a beautiful jewel around her neck. (她戴着一颗漂亮的宝石在脖子上。)- The store sells a wide range of jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. (这家商店销售各种各样的珠宝首饰,包括项链、手链和耳环。)2. 用法区别:- "jewel"通常用作名词,表示单个宝石或珠宝。- "jewellery"通常用作名词,表示整套的珠宝首饰,包括多个宝石或珠宝。例句:- The queen wore a crown adorned with precious jewels. (女王戴着镶有珍贵宝石的皇冠。)- She owns a collection of exquisite jewellery. (她拥有一套精美的珠宝首饰。)3. 使用环境区别:- "jewel"可以用于描述单独的宝石或珠宝,可以出现在日常生活、艺术作品或描述珍贵物品的语境中。- "jewellery"则更常用于描述多个宝石或珠宝组成的首饰,通常在购物、时尚、珠宝行业或文化活动等领域中使用。例句:- The exhibit showcased rare jewels from around the world. (展览展示了来自世界各地的稀有宝石。)- The actress was adorned in stunning jewellery at the red carpet event. (女演员在红地毯活动上身着华丽的珠宝首饰。)4. 形象区别:- "jewel"的形象更偏向于一颗单独的宝石或珠宝,强调其美丽、珍贵或独特。- "jewellery"的形象更偏向于整套的珠宝首饰,强调其时尚、华丽或装饰性。例句:- The ring sparkled in the sunlight, showcasing the brilliance of the jewel. (光芒四射的戒指在阳光下闪耀,展现宝石的辉煌。)- The fashion show featured models wearing glamorous jewellery pieces. (时装秀上的模特穿着华丽的珠宝首饰。)5. 影响范围区别:- "jewel"的影响范围相对较窄,限定于描述宝石或珠宝本身的特征或属性。- "jewellery"的影响范围更广泛,涵盖了多样的珠宝首饰、时尚设计和文化意义。例句:- The museum has a collection of ancient jewels from different civilizations. (博物馆收藏了来自不同文明的古代宝石。)- Traditional Indian jewellery is renowned for its intricate designs and vibrant colors. (传统的印度珠宝以其精细的设计和鲜艳的颜色而闻名。)


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析jewel和jewellery的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "jewel"指的是珠宝或宝石,通常用来描述天然的或人工制造的宝石。- "jewellery"指的是珠宝,包括各种首饰,例如项链、手链、戒指等。例句:- She was wearing a beautiful jewel around her neck. (她戴着一颗漂亮的宝石在脖子上。)- The store sells a wide range of jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. (这家商店销售各种各样的珠宝首饰,包括项链、手链和耳环。)2. 用法区别:- "jewel"通常用作名词,表示单个宝石或珠宝。- "jewellery"通常用作名词,表示整套的珠宝首饰,包括多个宝石或珠宝。例句:- The queen wore a crown adorned with precious jewels. (女王戴着镶有珍贵宝石的皇冠。)- She owns a collection of exquisite jewellery. (她拥有一套精美的珠宝首饰。)3. 使用环境区别:- "jewel"可以用于描述单独的宝石或珠宝,可以出现在日常生活、艺术作品或描述珍贵物品的语境中。- "jewellery"则更常用于描述多个宝石或珠宝组成的首饰,通常在购物、时尚、珠宝行业或文化活动等领域中使用。例句:- The exhibit showcased rare jewels from around the world. (展览展示了来自世界各地的稀有宝石。)- The actress was adorned in stunning jewellery at the red carpet event. (女演员在红地毯活动上身着华丽的珠宝首饰。)4. 形象区别:- "jewel"的形象更偏向于一颗单独的宝石或珠宝,强调其美丽、珍贵或独特。- "jewellery"的形象更偏向于整套的珠宝首饰,强调其时尚、华丽或装饰性。例句:- The ring sparkled in the sunlight, showcasing the brilliance of the jewel. (光芒四射的戒指在阳光下闪耀,展现宝石的辉煌。)- The fashion show featured models wearing glamorous jewellery pieces. (时装秀上的模特穿着华丽的珠宝首饰。)5. 影响范围区别:- "jewel"的影响范围相对较窄,限定于描述宝石或珠宝本身的特征或属性。- "jewellery"的影响范围更广泛,涵盖了多样的珠宝首饰、时尚设计和文化意义。例句:- The museum has a collection of ancient jewels from different civilizations. (博物馆收藏了来自不同文明的古代宝石。)- Traditional Indian jewellery is renowned for its intricate designs and vibrant colors. (传统的印度珠宝以其精细的设计和鲜艳的颜色而闻名。)


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析jewel和jewellery的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "jewel"指的是珠宝或宝石,通常用来描述天然的或人工制造的宝石。- "jewellery"指的是珠宝,包括各种首饰,例如项链、手链、戒指等。例句:- She was wearing a beautiful jewel around her neck. (她戴着一颗漂亮的宝石在脖子上。)- The store sells a wide range of jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. (这家商店销售各种各样的珠宝首饰,包括项链、手链和耳环。)2. 用法区别:- "jewel"通常用作名词,表示单个宝石或珠宝。- "jewellery"通常用作名词,表示整套的珠宝首饰,包括多个宝石或珠宝。例句:- The queen wore a crown adorned with precious jewels. (女王戴着镶有珍贵宝石的皇冠。)- She owns a collection of exquisite jewellery. (她拥有一套精美的珠宝首饰。)3. 使用环境区别:- "jewel"可以用于描述单独的宝石或珠宝,可以出现在日常生活、艺术作品或描述珍贵物品的语境中。- "jewellery"则更常用于描述多个宝石或珠宝组成的首饰,通常在购物、时尚、珠宝行业或文化活动等领域中使用。例句:- The exhibit showcased rare jewels from around the world. (展览展示了来自世界各地的稀有宝石。)- The actress was adorned in stunning jewellery at the red carpet event. (女演员在红地毯活动上身着华丽的珠宝首饰。)4. 形象区别:- "jewel"的形象更偏向于一颗单独的宝石或珠宝,强调其美丽、珍贵或独特。- "jewellery"的形象更偏向于整套的珠宝首饰,强调其时尚、华丽或装饰性。例句:- The ring sparkled in the sunlight, showcasing the brilliance of the jewel. (光芒四射的戒指在阳光下闪耀,展现宝石的辉煌。)- The fashion show featured models wearing glamorous jewellery pieces. (时装秀上的模特穿着华丽的珠宝首饰。)5. 影响范围区别:- "jewel"的影响范围相对较窄,限定于描述宝石或珠宝本身的特征或属性。- "jewellery"的影响范围更广泛,涵盖了多样的珠宝首饰、时尚设计和文化意义。例句:- The museum has a collection of ancient jewels from different civilizations. (博物馆收藏了来自不同文明的古代宝石。)- Traditional Indian jewellery is renowned for its intricate designs and vibrant colors. (传统的印度珠宝以其精细的设计和鲜艳的颜色而闻名。)


"Jewel"和"Jewellery"是两个与珠宝相关的词汇,它们在含义和用法上有所不同。1. Jewel(宝石):"Jewel"指的是宝石,包括钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石等珍贵的、在天然状况下可以用于装饰的矿物。它们经常被会镶嵌在珠宝首饰中,并以其珍贵程度和美丽而受到人们的追捧。"Jewel"也可以用来描述其他非宝石的珍贵或受人喜爱的物品,例如被认为是最好或最重要的东西。2. Jewellery(珠宝首饰):"Jewellery"是指由宝石、贵金属和其他材料制成的装饰品。它包括各种类型的首饰,如项链、手链、戒指、耳环、胸针等。珠宝首饰往往用于装饰身体,展示个人风格和品味,并具有社交、文化和仪式上的意义。珠宝首饰可以由精细的工艺师制作,使用珍贵的宝石和贵金属,也可以由一般的材料制作,适合日常佩戴。总结:"Jewel"指的是宝石,是一种天然矿物,而"Jewellery"指的是由宝石、贵金属和其他材料制成的珠宝首饰。"Jewellery"包含了各种类型的装饰品,用于佩戴和展示个人风格,而"Jewel"则是特指宝石本身。

求法语歌Melissa 的《Elle 》的 中文歌词



Che Nelle的《My Pledge》 歌词

歌曲名:My Pledge歌手:Che Nelle专辑:Things Happen For A ReasonMy Pledge-Che"Nelle-by Vera ChuangI ain"t gon judge ya by your familyI ain"t gon judge ya by the people you meetI ain"t gon judge ya if you ain"t an academicIf you ain"t nothin herioc,I don"t careI ain"t gon turn my back on youEven if you hurt my feelings boy I supply youCuz I know deep downBaby you don"t mean itAnd by the time I worry you"re sayin baby I"m sorry(so fine and) ain"t nothin "bout ya that I disagreeYou may not determineWhat your future holdsAs long as we"re togetherThat"s all I wanna knowI want you to be my (everything) everything(would you be mine)I don"t want no secrets between us only LiesHappiness foreverThat"s all I want in lifeBaby, this is my pledge to youI ain"t complainin "bout the way you liveI ain"t complainin "bout the love you giveI ain"t complainin "bout all your past storiesI ain"t in that categorySo I don"t careI appreciate you for who you areTrying to understand me, baby that"s enoughTo satisfy my every needI can"t say no more except my love is for real(so fine that) oh, ain"t nothin better than what"s happening, babyYou may not determineWhat your future holdsAs long as we"re togetherThat"s all I wanna know(I want you to be my everything) be my everything(would you be mine)I don"t want no secrets between us only LiesHappiness foreverThat"s all I want in life, ohListen, this is my pledge to youOh, thinkin, thinkinOh, where will we beOh, five years down the lineWill we still be here, togetherOh, only wanna think about theOh, positive things babyOh, maybe marrige, maybe kidsOhYou may not determineWhat your future holdsAs long as we"re togetherThat"s all I wanna know(I want you to be my everything) be my everything(would you be mine)I don"t want no secrets between us only LiesHappiness foreverThat"s all I want (in life) in lifeThis is my pledge to you, ohYou may not determineWhat the future holdsAs long as we"re togetherThat"s all I wanna know(I want you to be my everything) be my everything(would you be mine)I don"t want no secrets between us only LiesHappiness foreverThat"s all I want in life(this is my pledge to you) this is my pledge to you, baby(would you be my) be my everythingThere"s nobody else that I rather be with, ohThis is my pledge to...(would you be my) everything everything...Oh...(would you be mine)-END-http://music.baidu.com/song/3487170



reseller, seller, retailer 和 distributor之间的区别

1、reseller:n.代理商;经销商;分销商;中间商;转售者;2、seller:n. 卖者;销售者;卖方;(畅销、滞销等的)商品;3、retailer:n. 零售商;零售店;4、distributor:n. 经销商;分销商;(发动机的)配电器,配电盘。温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考,不作任何建议。应答时间:2021-05-18,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html

求Gabrielle Aplin的keep pushing me的歌词

Every time I see your faceI"m lost for words I don"t know what to sayYou"re smiling at me like a wolfI close my eyes as my skin crawls awayYou go keep on making listsI"ll be happy making my mistakes You"ll be ticking off your boxesI will be busy planning my escape I won"t stay but I can"t leave Some twisted sense of loyaltyAnd you make me love the things I hate Keep pushing me, pushing me, keep pushing me awayPlease keep pushing me, pushing me, keep pushing me awayPulling wings off butterflies just to hide the pain you feel insideSo keep telling yourself you"re in charge, telling yourself it will be alright When you stay happy in the dark, I"ll be out drifting out towards lightWhen you start to speakyour mind, I will just turn around and roll



Thieves_______jewellery worth over $ 10000 last night. A.steal B.stole C.stolen 选哪个?为什么?

选Blast night是昨天的意思,应该用一般过去式



酱爆弟弟是Soutija Boy Tellem还是Soutija Boy? Tellem什么意思啊??

Soulja BoyTell"em 就是 tell them(缩写啊) “告诉他们”

Shontelle的《T-Shirt》 歌词

歌曲名:T-Shirt歌手:Shontelle专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 72Shontelle - T-ShirtTrying to decide, trying to decide if I,really wanna go out tonight.I never use to go out without you,I"m not sure I remember how to.I"m gonna be late gonna be late but,all my girls gonna have to wait cause,I don"t know if I like my outfit.I tried everything in my closet.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something Hanes.In that I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Oh, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but I"m,really hurting now that you"re gone.I thought maybe I"d do some shopping,but I didn"t get past the door and,now I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laywith nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.Coz I miss you, coz I miss youwith nothing but your t-shirt on.Said I miss you, babynow I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Hey hey, nothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laynothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I lay(I would be in bed)with nothing but your T-shirt on.said I got nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(cause I want to be close to you),with nothing but your T-shirt on.I remember when, you would like to see me,with nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)with nothing but your T-shirt on.http://music.baidu.com/song/59912836

Chevelle的《Revenge》 歌词

歌曲名:Revenge歌手:Chevelle专辑:Hats Off To The BullChimaira - Revenge (Bonus Track)I"ll bring the terrorLeave you tremblingYou might as well give upLike the chosen oneAll my propheciesWill come trueI am the face of fearYou can"t stop this rampageRevengeSo sweetSatisfaction watching the defeatedSomethingTells meYou"re never going to live through thisSo I"llKeep haunting you until IGet myGet my revengeYou used to be brilliantNow you"re the victimYou"re just a broken soulYouAre jaded and condescendingDon"t look at meYou"re wretchedAnd diseasedAnd I saw it from the startRevengeSo sweetSatisfaction watching the defeatedSomethingTells meYou"re never going to live through thisSo I"llKeep haunting you until IGet myI"ll get myGet my revengeSlowlyI"m waitingAttackingAnd erasingYou from meCan"t pull me underI"ll do what it takes to ensure thisYou"re ignorant and overconfidentIf you think I"ll come back to youRevengeSo sweetSatisfaction watching the defeatedSomethingTells meYou"re never going to live through thisSo I"llKeep haunting you until IGet myI"ll get myGet my revengeI"ll get my fucking revengehttp://music.baidu.com/song/12647244


jewelry和jewellery的区别词性不同、意思不同、侧重点的不同。jewel为个体名词,指一件件的珠宝首饰,有单复数。jewelry为集体名词,是珠宝首饰的总称,为概念名词,只用单数。例句:1、Walk down Castle Street and admireour little jewel of a cathedral.沿城堡街走下去,欣赏一下我们美妙绝伦的大教堂。2、His achievement is a stonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.他的成就令人震惊,而这部书则是他的杰作。jewel有两个意思是,一是表示“宝石”,为可数名词,用作主语时,其后谓语动词的数由jewel的数决定(即jewel为单数,谓语动词用单数;jewel为复数,谓语动词用复数);二是表示“(镶有宝石的)首饰”,此时通常用复数形式,此时若用作主语,谓语动词通常用复数。如:A jewel has fell off her ring.他的戒指掉了一颗宝石。The jewels were her personal property.这些首饰是她的私人财产。


Jewelry名词 n.1.(总称)珠宝;首饰[U]junk jewellery廉价首饰是抽象的形容或统称珠宝.所以不可数。有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下:可数名词复数的规则变化:一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books room → rooms pear→pearshouse → houses day → days song→songs以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses box → boxeswatch → watches dish → dishes


jewellery 首饰,珠宝读 /u02c8du0292uu0259lri/ 谐音:joo-ul-reelery 只读 ry ,即 le 不发音



法语中il elle on lui elle se soi...(所有第三人称单数)什么关系?怎么用?还有那些?请详细解答

il 他; elle她; on 人们,大家(泛指人称代词); lui 是il的重读人称代词和间接宾语人称代词; elle 也是elle(她)的重读人称代词" se是自反代词,与动词一起叫做代词式动词 ; soi是第三人称单数的重读人称代词,与泛指人称代词对应使用。


英文名字Estelle的中文音译可以是:埃斯特尔 (普遍的翻译)。艾丝黛儿或者爱斯特尔 (也可以翻译成这个)。意义:星星,Stelk的异体,星星的意思,闪光,可爱的名字 星星,Stelk的异体 从一个源自拉丁stella的古法语名字,意思是“明星”。这在中世纪的英语世界是罕见的,但它在19世纪复活,可能是由于字符埃斯特拉Havisham在查尔斯·狄更斯的小说“伟大的期望”。其他好听的英文名:1、Nicole 希腊语中“胜利的人们”。人们把Nicole比作中国娃娃,意谓娇小、美丽的年轻女孩,甜美浪漫,但容易破碎;但在那美丽、纤细的外表之内,却带着一股刚毅、独立的气质。2、Jessica 希伯来语中的“财富”。大部分人认为Jessica是个甜美、受欢迎的女孩;也有人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩;还有人认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人。3、Megan 古英文中“伟大的”意思。Megan给人的印象是个像小精灵般的女孩,她可爱、充满朝气、轻快灵活、爱嬉笑。4、Sarah 希伯来语中的“公主”。她给人的感觉是保守、甜美、身材不高、待人随和,但没有什么大志。

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there

ruelle - monsters歌词

I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来 And chase them all away 把它们全部赶走 A cup of coffee still steaming 一杯咖啡还热着 Staring back at me, it"s blacker than the night 回头看着我 夜晚越发黑暗 I"m awake but still sleeping 我时醒时睡 I keep telling myself I"ll be alright (I won"t) 我告诉我自己没事的 And I know it can"t get worse than today 我知道今天已经足够糟糕 Sitting here and she"s trying to rehearse what to say 她坐在这里哭泣 我要排练下该说什么 See, she"s in the bathroom hoping I"m not in earshot 她在浴室祈祷 我听不到 While she"s getting used to the sound of a teardrop (Splash) 当习惯了听到泪水的声音 It hits the tile 强而有力 And I know it"s been a while since you seen me 我知道你见到我有一阵了 Smile and laugh like I used to 像我过去一样笑着 I"ve been in denial since it happened 自从这发生了我就一直在否认 Just take me to the past 把我带回过去 ‘Cuz I just can"t imagine losing you (too) 因为我无法想象会失去你 I can"t explain this so I"ll keep it all inside 我无法理解 只有放在心里 Wear my pain, but it"s masked by my pride带着我的痛苦 用面具隐藏骄傲 She came to hold me and she cried 她一边哭着一边过来找我 Told me this as she stared into my eyes, said 她看着我的眼睛告诉我 说 I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽 I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦 I"ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走 I"ll be your lighthouse 我会是你的灯塔 I"ll make it okay 我会保护你 When I see your monsters 当我看到你内心的野兽 I"ll stand there


你是不是打错了?应该是yell吧!yell:vt.& vi.叫喊,大声叫;叫喊着说n.叫喊,大声叫;(拉拉队鼓动运动员的)呼喊声复数: yells过去式: yelled过去分词: yelled现在分词: yelling第三人称单数: yells易混淆的单词:Yell 1.VERB 动词(常指因激动、生气或痛苦)叫喊,大喊,吼叫 If you yell, you shout loudly, usually because you are excited, angry, or in pain. 【语法信息】:V with quote【语法信息】:V at n【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V P"Eva!" he yelled... “伊娃!”他大喊道。I"m sorry I yelled at you last night... 很抱歉昨天晚上我冲着你大吼大叫的。Christian pushed him away, yelling abuse... 克里斯蒂安一边把他推开,一边高声谩骂着。He was out there shouting and yelling. 他在外面,又嚷又叫的。Yell out means the same as yell .yell out同yell"Are you coming or not?" they yelled out after him. “你来不来?”他们在他后面大声喊道。2.N-COUNT 可数名词叫喊;大喊;吼叫 A yell is a loud shout given by someone who is afraid or in pain. Something brushed past Bob"s face and he let out a yell. 有什么东西从鲍勃的脸上扫过,他大叫了一声。



ELLEGARDEN的《Lately》 歌词

Lately歌曲:Lately歌手:ELLEGARDENLatelyI think I"m doing fineDon"t know what"s going onBut I"m out of itMaybeDesperate long enoughTo get bored of being madBut still it"s out thereYeah still it"s out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inClearlyI"m doing something wrongShe smiles in my photographsI"m out of itMaybeIt means a lot to meIt tells me how to smileAnd it"s always out thereYeah it"s always out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18284342




VERA PELLE是意大利语,是一个皮质品协会。

impeller trimming是什么意思?关于离心泵叶轮的。究竟该翻译成叶轮切割还是叶轮修剪?



时尚先生,OK! 精彩,GQ智族,WSJ.出色,芭莎男士,在此之前,大家利用自己出色的演技和俊朗的外形登上了这些刊面,并且销售量一直都是遥遥领先的。

swelled up意思

真能啰嗦swell up 的过去时态,。意思有俩个1. 肿起: 例句: The flesh around the ankle had swollen up.脚踝四周的皮肉肿起来了。2. 洋洋得意: 例句: She swelled up her head when she learned that she had won the prize.当她获悉自己获奖时,得意洋洋地昂起了头。




都可以,过去式过去分词有两种形式swelled 核心词汇 英 [swel]     美 [swel]    v.(使)膨胀;(使)鼓起;(使)增长n.增大;膨胀;肿胀;汹涌adj.<口>很棒的;时髦的;一流的


已经吞下去的 。

propeller island city lodge什么意思

propeller island city lodge螺旋桨岛城市小屋





未来日记中Blood teller的中文歌词,只要中文。

〖心死难免〗〖自身的踌躇已经成了导火线〗〖向你「呼救」〗〖你的一声「相信我」令人颤抖〗〖要祈盼奇迹吗〗〖然而悲剧却仿佛永不休止的心跳〗〖在黑暗深处来回盘旋〗〖呐喊 痛楚 怒火 恶意〗〖被选中的Blood teller〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? 该如何是好?〗〖万语穿刺〗〖多余的怜悯只会错过时机〗〖向我「寻问」〗〖我连说一声「带走」的觉悟都不足够〗〖用理性束缚吗〗〖但在恐惧面前你却逃之远去〗〖相互宽恕 相拥相抱〗〖悲叹 悔恨 焦躁 杀意〗〖重叠一起便是Blood teller〗〖不想触碰 寒冷刺骨但不愿相见〗〖同求颤抖的存在〗〖来见我 渴望触碰不断追问〗〖不让任何人妨碍〗〖祈求的未来? 未实现的梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖甚至考验愿望的门扉〗〖要破坏? 但打开的话? Lost heaven…〗〖被选中的Blood foreigner〗〖消失吧 背叛的预兆〗〖重叠一起便是Blood alien〗〖长眠此地不可归〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? Blood teller…〗

求《未来日记》ED-《Blood teller》 的歌词,日文+罗马音

Blood tellerここが死ぬよ 自分のためらいが 引き金になるよkokoga shi nu yo jibun no ta me ra iga hiki gane ni na ru yo「助けて」君へと"tasukete " kimi eto「信じて」君から漏れた 声に揺れる"shin ji te " kimi kara mo re ta ko e ni yu re ru奇迹を 祈ろうかkisekio ino ro u kaだけど 悲剧は终わらないdakedo hi ge ki wa owa ra nai闇の奥で 缲り返すyami no okude kuri ka esu叫び、痛み、怒り、悪意。sakebi itami ikari akui选ばれしBlood tellerera ba re shi Blood teller泣きたくない これ以上会いたくないnaki ta ku nai kore ijou ai ta ku nai燃える 爱しさが 交差したmoeru ito shi sa ga kou sa shi ta会いにきて 泣きたくて追いかけてaini ki te naki ta ku te oi ka ke te谁にもとめられないdareni mo to me ra re naiこれは 未来?それとも梦?答えはどこだろうkorewa mirai ? sore to mo yume? ko ta ewa do ko da rouこれが 今を试す扉 壊すの?开けるの?どうしよう?korega imao tamesu tobira kowa suno ? a ke ru no? do u shi you?言叶に刺され 余计なあわれみで 手遅れになるさko to ba ni sa sa re yo ke ina awa re mi de te oku re ni na ru sa「教えて」仆へと"oshiete" boku eto「连れ去って」仆には 覚悟さえ足りない"tsure satte" bo ku ni wa ka ku go sae ta ri nai理性で 缚ろうかri se ide shi ba rou kaなのに 恐怖に 君が逃げたよnanoni kyou fu ni ki mi ga ni ge ta yo许しながら抱きしめるyu ru shi na ga ra da ki shi me ru叹き、恨み、焦り、杀意。na ge ki urami aseri sa tsui重ねればBlood tellerka sa ne re ba Blood teller触れたくない 寒いけど会いたくないfu re ta ku nai sa mui ke do ai ta ku nai震え 求め 合う 存在はfurue mo to me au son za iwa会いにきて 触れたくて问いかけてai ni ki te fu re ta ku te to ika ke te谁にも 邪魔させないda re ni mo ja ma sa se nai愿う未来?叶わぬ梦?答えはどこだろうne ga u mi rai? kana wa nu yu me? ko ta ewa do ko da rou愿いさえも 试す扉 壊して?开けたら?Lost heaven…ne gai sa e mo ta me su to bi ra ko wa shi te ? ake ta ra? Lost heaven…I wanna stay选ばれしBlood foreignerI wanna stay e ra ba re shi Blood foreigner消えろ 裏切りの兆しよkiero uragiri no ki za shi yoBut I wanna live 重ねればBlood alienBut I wanna live ka sa ne re ba Blood alien戻れぬままに 眠れmo do re nu ma ma ni ne mu re泣きたくない これ以上会いたくないna ki ta ku nai ko re ijou ai ta ku nai燃える 爱しさが 交差したmoeru ito shi sa ga ko u sa shi ta会いにきて 泣きたくて追いかけてai ni ki te na ki ta ku te oi ka ke te谁にもとめられないdareni mo to me ra re naiこれは 未来?それとも梦? 答えはどこだろうko re wa mirai? so re to mo yume? ko ta ewa doko da rouこれが 今を试す扉 壊すの?开けるの? Blood teller…ko re ga imao ta me su to bi ra ko wa su no ? ake ru no? Blood teller…


Fun;JanelleMonáe-WeAreYoungmp3链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1U3yCLazJ3wTgnhK_tkqMnA 提取码:acgr


n. 贾内尔人名




姓名:Sadie Alexandru性别: 女星座: 射手座出生日期: 1977-12-02出生地: 美国,纽约



Janelle是什么意思? 怎么读,帮我用中文标一下

“娟了” 你用普通话就是这样读了 这个是个名字来 女孩名字Jenell j(e)-ne-ll是名字 Janelle,英国起源名字Jeanelle,拉丁起源名字Virginia的变体,意思是“纯洁”.重音在第一个音节.

World Traveller Plus是什么意思

World Traveller Plusn.“超级环球旅行”舱,“英国航空”航空公司推出的其设施、服务及票价介于经济舱和商务舱之间的一种舱位。;

圣斗士星矢dream traveller ,这首歌谁有有歌词的,谢谢了~~


heavy traveller 啥意思

heavy viny浓密的像葡萄树的。。。。。viny[英]["vau026anu026a][美]["vau026ani:]adj.葡萄树的,像葡萄树的; heavy[英][u02c8hevi][美][u02c8hu025bvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; n.重物; 庄重的角色; adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地; 复数:heavies最高级:heaviest比较级:heavier易混淆单词:Heavy例句:1.European union countries also face heavy debt loads and social unrest. 欧盟国家也面临着沉重的债务负担和社会动荡。2.Past promises remain a heavy burden. 过去的退休金承诺仍是一个重大负担。

curse of the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:curse of the traveller歌手:Chris Rea专辑:dancing with strangersOn the restless road to nowhereThere"s no certain peace it seemsDesire to keep on movingTill the river of dreamsIs it just because someone told youIs it just because you foundOld freedom feels uneasy when duty is aroundWhen allegiance asks the questionsChris ReaOld freedom twists and turnsAnd chokes on codes of honourOn the sword of no returnAnd it"s the curse of the travellerThe curse of the travellerGot a hold of meAnd it won"t let you beAnd in sleepless nightsYou"ll call her nameAnd feel loneliness cold to the boneAnd when the daylight breaksTo be such a long way, such a long way from homeAnd you long for the harbourlightsBut you"ll never be freeOf the craving for refugeAnd the call of the seaAlways wanting to sell upBut always needing to buySo till the road leads to somewhereAnd that river runs dryIt"s the curse of the travellerAin"t gonna let you beThe curse of the travellerAnd it sure got a hold of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14093806


Are you all want to be traveler?

i want to be a traveller改同义句

I would like to be a traveller.或I intend to be a traveller.

Lonesome Traveller 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Traveller歌手:Lonnie Donegan专辑:Rock Island Line - The Singles AnthologyAnita Lipnicka & John Porter - Lonesome Traveller【波兰】安妮塔·里普尼卡, 约翰·波特 — 孤独的过客Where is that lonesome traveller / 那孤独的过客,身在何方Who bids farewell and walks away / 挥罢衣袖,未曾回首Who takes away my dreams / 捎走我所有的梦想To protect them from the day / 不再受岁月的灼伤And where have all the bridges gone / 那昔日的桥梁,而今安在And young lovers burning bright / 还有那干柴烈火般,曾经的情侣You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will catch the Wonder / 谁会遇到那行奇迹的天神As it rains down from the sky / 飘飘然如雨般下凡到人间Bring back all our laughter / 带回来曾失去的所有欢乐Put the sun back up high / 重又将太阳高高挂回天上And where did all the seasons go / 所有的季节都去了哪里An explosion of shadow and light / 光与影碰撞出绚丽的火焰You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will lay me down / 谁会把我安葬In the coolness of the shade / 在那清凉的冢荫下Stroke my brow, caress my hand / 谁将抚摸我的额头,摩挲我的手On that eternal day / 在那永恒的日子里And where will all my memories gone / 我所有的回忆,都将栖身何处Where will they go / 栖身何处Will they all fade out of sight / 是否会了无痕迹You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road / 行走在这尘土飞扬的路上I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上http://music.baidu.com/song/7652155


travelerKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 旅行者,旅客;游客She is my fellow traveler.她是我的旅伴。2. 【主英】旅行推销员[(+in)]3. 活环touristKK: []DJ: []n.1. 旅游者,观光者[C]San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer.夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。2. (飞机、轮船等的)旅游舱,经济舱[U]a.1. 旅游的,观光的the tourist industry旅游业2. 旅游舱的,经济舱的,二等舱的ad.1. 在经济舱;乘经济舱

Passing traveller是什么意思 是过客吗?


passing traveller是什么意思

passing traveller过客; 例句:1.In your world, I amonly a passing traveller. 在你的世界里,我只是一个过客。2.Maybe we meet by chance, or passing traveller of human society. 也许萍水相逢,或许红尘过客。



A traveller came out of the airport.

1、Because he wanted to find Susannah"s brother.2、he didn"t want to spend his own money on the coming visit3、less than $1004、most important5、不会

the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:the traveller歌手:A Flock Of Seagulls专辑:listenI am a travellerAnd i"m arrivingIn a new placeWith a new face.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.A Flock Of SeagullsI am a travellerAcross the oceanI wanna get there.I wanna swim in your emotion.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.I am the travellerAcross a million miles of open.I wanna swim in your emotion.I won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Won"t look behind you.They won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,Until they find you.I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,Traveller,Traveller.Typed by john manfredahttp://music.baidu.com/song/14169605


都可以 我查字典了






没区别 来源不同





服装中 flat felled seam 是什么意思?







and this is shelley这是雪莱

percy bysshe shelley 哪个是姓

Percy Bysshe Shelley(珀西·比希·雪莱)代表作品:《解放了的普罗米修斯》《西风颂》《致云雀》《云》。珀西·比希·雪莱(1792年8月4日~1822年7月8日),简称雪莱,英国著名浪漫主义诗人,被认为是历史上最出色的英语诗人之一。英国浪漫主义民主诗人、第一位社会主义诗人、小说家、哲学家、散文随笔和政论作家、改革家、柏拉图主义者和理想主义者,受空想社会主义思想影响颇深。雪莱生于英格兰萨塞克斯郡霍舍姆附近的沃恩汉,12岁进入伊顿公学,1810年进入牛津大学,1811年3月25日由于散发《无神论的必然》,入学不足一年就被牛津大学开除。1813年11月完成叙事长诗《麦布女王》,1818年至1819年完成了两部重要的长诗《解放了的普罗米修斯》和《倩契》,以及其不朽的名作《西风颂》。1822年7月8日逝世。恩格斯称他是“天才预言家”。

Lisa& Amy & Shelley的《Magie》 歌词

歌曲名:Magie歌手:Lisa& Amy & Shelley专辑:Magie未来は あなたの心を映す镜知らず知らず“予言”になってるそうと决めた日から动きだしてるはずうかつな言叶に気をつけて私を変えていくいいえ 爱のMystery运命は もう决まっているのかしらでも どこへだって行ける気がする见えない力は确かにあるはずここぞって瞬间に感じるでしょうじゃない 爱のMystery谁も知らない爱が私を変えていくいいえ 爱のMystery心をも変えていくじゃない 爱のMysteryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2565266




编曲:万轩严作词:小j作曲:小j后期:炎小天唱:shelley苏&炎小天夜 加速甜融化集解听着 你爱音乐圈 圈住你我的瞬间是否 再见不见有吵有闹 不纠结生活会高质一些咖啡沉淀难受的感觉说爱说你 挂嘴边你眼神告诉一切温暖的感觉 爱不抛物线你会是我这一生的陪伴教堂宣誓幸福远花瓣雨点缀记忆的夏天我会是你这一生的陪伴海水都会感觉甜想象中的画面 被现实遇见 珍惜会永远




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