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在wake me up when september ends这首歌MV里有一段对白,了解的人帮忙翻译一下


谁听过绿日的wake me up when september end?能告诉我这首歌是什么意思么?

这首歌的意思就是---上天派我来找你啦.. 嘻嘻. This innocent is so brilliant. you . never . be . second . ...ever

Wake Me Up When September Ends 中的对白?

自己翻译了一下,不知道是否准确~Boy:You know they say life is short.They say you wake up one day and,on that day,all your dreams and,everyting you wish for anyone other,gone,just like that...you know...people,people get old and,you know things are changing and situations are changing, all I want is that I just...I want this moment right now this day,my feelings for you,the way you look right now when I look at you,I just want this last forever,you know...(你知道他们说生命太短暂了.他们说或许某天当你醒来的时候,你所有的梦想,你为别人所期待的那些东西都不见了...你知道...人们在变老,事情在变化着,情况也在变化着,我想要的只是...我想要此时此刻,我对你的感觉,当我看着你时你的样子,我只是想要这些永远持续下去...)Girl:Well,it will.We"ve already know we really had each other,and nothing can change that.But I just want you know no matter what,you"ll always have somebody here for you,always.I"m never gonna leave you,I"m never gonna leave you...I love you...(它会的.我们知道我们已经完全拥有了彼此,任何事都不会改变它.但我还是想要你知道无论怎样,总有一个人会为你一直守候着,一直守候着.我永远不会离开你,我永远不会离开你...我爱你...)Boy:I know,I know.(我知道,我知道)Girl:Don"t ever leave me.(不要离开我)Boy:I won"t.(我不会的)Girl:Don"t ever leave me...(不要离开我...)Boy:I won"t.I won"t...(我不会的.我不会的...)【音乐...】Girl:You didn"t,tell me you didn"t...(你没有,告诉我你没有...)Boy:Do what?(什么?)Girl:Tell me you didn"t do it...(告诉我你没有那样做...)Boy:Do what?(做什么?)【耳光...】Girl:Tell me you didn"t do it please.Please tell me you didn"t do it...Oh my God,oh my God,oh my God,oh my God...Please you didn"t do it.How can you do this to me?(请你告诉我你没那样做,求求你说你没做...上帝啊,上帝啊,上帝啊,上帝啊,求求你说你没那样做.你怎么能这样对我?)Boy:Don"t please,don"t please.Don"t worry,I just wanna tell you...(别这样,别这样.别心,我是要告诉你的...)Girl:I love you so much...(我那么爱你...)Boy:I love you too...Stop,stop,stop,just listen...(我也爱你...停下,停下,停下,听我说...)Girl:How can you do this to me?Oh my God,oh my God...(你怎么能这样对我?上帝啊,上帝啊...)Boy:I thought out of all those people you would understand,why don"t you understand? I did it for us,I did it for us,this is suppose to make it easier.I thought you"ll be proud of me,I thought at least out of all people, you"ll understand why I did this!! (我以为你和别人不一样,你会理解我,你为什么不能理解呢?我这么做是为了我们,是为了我们,这是让我们好过一点的最简单的办法.我以为你会为我骄傲,我以为最至少,你和别人不一样,你会理解我为什么要这么做!!)Girl:Oh my God,oh my God...(上帝啊,上帝啊...)【音乐...】Girl:Just want you know,no matter what,you"ll always have somebody here for you.I"m never gonna leave you...(只是想让你知道,无论怎样,总有一个人会为你一直守候着.我永远不会离开你...)

GREEN DAY Wake_Me_Up_When_September_Ends 中文歌词

不是知道里有的嘛~你打“Greenday - Wake Me Up When September Ends的中文歌词”就有类~

wake me up when september ends主题含义是什么?

网上找到的一段资料: 源于一个发生在美国的真实故事。 故事的主人公Evan和Jamie是一对情侣,和所有的情侣一样,他们相爱着,幸福的生活着,有自己将来的梦想。但是有一天战争打响了,Evan被美国征兵去伊拉克。Evan是那种有着自己理想的男生,他的理想却在残酷的战争面前显得是那样的苍白无力。弥漫的硝烟,无情的战火,战场上只有人与人的屠杀。不幸的事终于发生了,在一次街道的战斗中,美军遭到顽强的抵抗,Evan中弹身亡。在伊拉克的土地上他不仅仅放弃的自己的未来,而且留下了自己的生命。没过多久,远在美国的Jamie听到了噩耗,失声痛哭,她在墓地看望他的时嘴里还喃喃的说:"I love you so much … How can you do this? I"m never gonna leave you." MV请到了 Jamie Bell 和 Evan Rachel Wood 出演。整个MV好似一部浓缩在7分钟内的电影,Green Day唱歌的画面不时的穿插故事的对白。大意应该是一对幸福的情侣的生活和梦想因男的去打伊战而被破坏得粉碎。男的是那种有着自己理想的男生,他的理想却在残酷的战争面前显得是那样的苍白无力。 前半段两人真的好甜蜜,加之质朴而温暖的画面,甜蜜的让人有点羡慕的喘不过气来 随着那段两人的对吼(这段其实挺让人难过的) 进入了让人感觉blue的后半段 看完,该满眼都是泪了吧 wake me up when September ends这一曲最有意思.大家对她的讨论已经脱离了专辑所要表现的故事内容. 没错,这是billie借机表现对父亲的怀念的,他的父亲死于1982年9月,而当时billie只有十岁. 其中的一句歌词7 years has gone so fast用的别有深意.1982年billie的父亲死去,7年后也就是1989年,正是他已green day身份组队出头的一年. 而这一曲wake me up写于2002年,于1982正好相差了20年... 这也就印证了那句 20 years has gone so fast的歌词. 当然老美的看法也很有意思,他们认为这首歌是写给billie的儿子约瑟夫的,因为billie自己当上了爸爸所以就想起了他爸爸......(晕死...) 其实这首歌真正要表现的主题,我认为还是反战.那就是纪念在9.11事件中死去的人们.希望这样悲惨的事件赶快过去,希望悲剧不要重演.

wake me up when september ends什么意思?

Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 The innocent can never last 这份纯真不会持续永久 Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 在九月结束的时候 Like my father"s come to pass 就象父亲来到这个世上并离开 Seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快 Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来 Here comes the rain again 这里又下起了雨 Falling from the stars 从星空缓缓落下 Drenched in my pain again 使我再次沉浸于痛苦的记忆 Becoming who we are 成为我和你 As my memory rests 如同我记忆的残余 But never forgets what I lost 但永远不会忘记我失去的 Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束时唤我醒来 Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 The innocent can never last 这份纯真不会持续永久 Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 九月结束的时候 Ring out the bells again 再次响起钟声 Like we did when spring began 就像我们在春天开始时所做的那样 Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 九月结束的时候 Here comes the rain again 这里又下起了雨 Falling from the stars 从星空缓缓落下 Drenched in my pain again 使我再次沉浸于痛苦的记忆 Becoming who we are 成为我和你 As my memory rests 如同停止记忆的残余 But never forgets what I lost 但永远不会忘记我失去 Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来 Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走 The innocent can never last 这份纯真不会持续永久 Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 在九月结束的时候 Like my father"s come to pass 就象父亲来到这个世上并离开 Seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快 Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来 Wake me up when September ends唤醒我 在九月结束的时候 Wake me up when September ends唤醒我 在九月结束的时候

《wake me up when september ends》中文歌词

Summer has come and passedThe innocent can never lastwake me up when september endslike my father"s come to passseven years has gone so fastwake me up when September endshere comes the rain againfalling from the starsdrenched in my pain againbecoming who we areGREEN DAY LYRICSas my memory rests"Wake Me Up When September Ends"but never forgets what I lostwake me up when september endssummer has come and passedthe innocent can never lastwake me up when september endsring out the bells againlike we did when spring beganwake me up when september endshere comes the rain againfalling from the starsdrenched in my pain againbecoming who we areas my memory restsbut never forgets what I lostwake me up when september endsSummer has come and passedThe innocent can never lastwake me up when september endslike my father"s come to passtwenty years has gone so fastwake me up when september endswake me up when september endswake me up when september ends

Try To Remember 歌词

歌曲名:Try To Remember歌手:G - Strings专辑:Made On Stringstry to remember the kind of septemberwhen life was slow and oh so mellowtry to remember the kind of septemberwhen grass was green and grain was yellowtry to remember the kind of septemberwhen you were a tender and a callow fellowtry to remember and if you rememberthen follow -follow,oh-ohtry to remember when life was so tendthat no one wept except the willowtry to remember the kind of septemberwhen love was an ember about to billowtry to remember and if you remember,then follow-follow,oh-ohdeep in december it`s nice to rememberalthough you know the snow will followdeep in december it`s nice to rememberthe fire of september that made us mellowdeep in december our hearts should rememberand follow-follow,oh-ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2948581

迈克尔杰克逊《Remember the time》的中文歌词?

Remember The Time 铭记那时刻 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 When We Fell In Love 当年我们坠入爱河 We Were Young And Innocent Then 我们都还年少而天真无过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How It All Began 这一切是怎样开始的 It Just Seemed Like Heaven 感觉美妙如同天国 So Why Did It End? 可它却已终结,这是为何? Do You Remember 你可曾记得 (I bet You Remember) 我赌你一定记得) Back In The Fall 回想起秋天的时刻 We"d Be Together All Day Long 整日里我们只愿耳鬓厮磨 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Us Holding Hands 我们把手紧握 In Each Other"s Eyes 在彼此的眼窝 We"d Stare 我们秋波脉脉 (Tell Me) (告诉我) Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How We Used To Talk 我们如何把衷肠诉说 (Ya Know) (你晓得) We"d Stay On The Phone 一夜夜的电话情多 At Night Till Dawn 直到阳光把黑暗吞没 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 All The Things We Said Like 我们互诉的情话如火 I Love You So 比如:我爱你正如你爱我 I"ll Never Let You Go 我永远不会把你错过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Back In The Spring 回忆起春天的时刻 Every Morning Birds Would Sing 每个早晨鸟儿都在欢歌 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Those Special Times 那些特别的时刻 They"ll Just Go On And On 它们将永远生动鲜活 In The Back Of My Mind 在我脑海中历历如昨 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met Girl 女孩当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Those Sweet Memories 那些甜蜜的回忆蔓延着 Will Always Be Dear To Me 它们对我来说将永远是最珍贵的 And Girl No Matter What Was Said 我都不会把你我曾有过的幸福忘了 Now Baby 宝贝,那么…… Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Ooh 喔 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You Remember Girl 女孩你可曾记得 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 On The Phone ,You And Me 电话里,你和我 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Till Dawn, Two Or Three 直到日出前,两、三点已过 What About Us Girl 女孩,我们到底如何? Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You. Do You, Do You, 你可、你可、你可 Do You, Do You 你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 In The Park, On The Beach 公园或者海滨上把时光消磨 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 You And Me In Spain 你我在西班牙的生活 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 What About, What About... 那些都算什么……算什么…… Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Ooh... In The Park 喔……公园里把时光消磨 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 After Dark... 当太阳隐没…… Do You, Do You, Do You 你可、你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You, Do You, Do You, Do You 你可、你可、你可、你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Yeah Yeah Yeah Remember The Times 记得那一刻



x-ray tube assembly中文翻译

General specifications of medical diagnostic x - ray tube assembpes 射线管组件通用技术条件 Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assembpes X射线管组件固有滤过的测定 Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assembpes X射线管装置的永久滤波的测定 Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assembpes X射线管组件永久过滤作用的测定 X - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis - characteristics of focal spots 医用诊断x射线管组件.焦点特性 X - ray tube assembpes for medical use 医用x射线管配件 X - ray tubes assembpes for medical diagnosis ; characteristics of focal spots 医用诊断装置x射线管组件的焦点特性 Medical electrical equipment - x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis - characteristics of focal spots 医用电气设备.医疗诊断用x射线管组件.焦点特性 Medical electrical equipment - x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis - characteristics of focal spots 医用电气设备.医疗诊断用x -射线管组件.焦点特性 X - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis - characteristics of focal spots iec 60336 : 1993 ; german version en 60336 : 1995 医疗诊断用x射线管组件.焦点特性 Method of specifying and verifying the characteristics of rotating anode x - ray tubes and x - ray tube assembpes used in medical diagnosis 医疗诊断用旋转阳极x射线管和x射线管组件的规定和检验方法 Electromedical equipment . radiology equipment . x radiation equipment . radiodiagnostic x - ray tube assembpes . construction and tests . requirements 医用电气设备. x射线仪. x辐射仪.放射诊断x射线管组件.结构和试验.要求 Medical electrical equipment . part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of x - ray source assembpes and x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis 医用电气设备第二部分:医用诊断x射线源组件和x射线管组件安全专用要求 Medical electrical equipment . part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of x - ray source assembpes and x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis 医疗用电气设备.第2部分:医疗诊断设备用x射线源组件和x射线管组件安全的特殊要求 Medical electrical equipment ; part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of x - ray source assembpes and x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis 医疗电气设备.第2部分第28节:医疗诊断设备用x射线源组件和x射线管组件的特殊安全要求 Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - specification for x - ray source assembpes and x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis 医用电气设备.第2部分:专门安全性要求.第28节:诊断用x射线源组件和x射线管组件规范 Medical electrical equipment - part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of x - ray source assembpes and x - ray tube assembpes for medical diagnosis iec 60601 - 2 - 28 : 1993 ; german version en 60601 - 2 - 28 : 1993 医疗电气设备.第2部分:医疗诊断设备用x射线源组件和x

all members of the family是什么意思

all members of the family一家老小; 例句:1.The researchers took blood samples from all members of the family and analysed their dna for any signsthat could explain this unusual behaviour. 研究人员对这个家庭的所有成员抽了血样来分析他们的dna以寻出任何可能解释这个不寻常之举的体征。2.Nor were any members of his family. 而且其家族任何成员都不涉嫌此案。3.Many inmates are held as family members of so-called criminals 许多人是由于所谓的“家庭成员犯罪”而被牵连的。4.Members of his family didn"t return calls. 斯皮特勒的家人没有回复记者的电话。www.cuyoo.com5.Talk ( and listen) to members of your family. 和你的家人说说话(并听听他们说什么)。

有一句“mama do you remember”的是什么歌?

好象是日本电影<人证>主题曲草帽歌的一句.以下是另一位网友发的歌词,你可以看看.Is this the real life - Is this just fantasy - Caught in a landslide - No escape from reality - Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see - I"m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy - Because I"m easy come, easy go, A little high, little low, Anyway the wind blows, doesn"t really matter to me, - to me -, Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he"s dead, Mama, life had just begun, But now I"ve gone and thrown it all away - Mama, ooo, Didn"t mean to make you cry - If I"m not back again this time tomorrow - Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters - Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine, Body"s aching all the time, Goodbye everybody - I"ve got to go - Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth - Mama, ooo - I don"t want to die, I sometimes wish I"d never been born at all - I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango - Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me - Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Galileo figaro - Magnifico - But I"m just a poor boy and nobody loves me - He"s just a poor boy from a poor family - Spare him his life from this monstrosity - Easy come easy go -, will you let me go - Bismillah! No -, we will not let you go - let him go - Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go Will not let you go - let me go Will not let you go - let me go No, no, no, no, no, no, no - Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me - for me - So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye - So you think you can love me and leave me to die - Oh Baby - Can"t do this to me baby - Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here - Nothing really matters, Anyone can see, Nothing really matters -, nothing really matters to me Any way the wind blows...

tremble \ tumble \ stumble这三英语怎么读?


tumble stumble tremble 这三个英语单词读音怎么读,有啥区别= =

摊伯 斯摊伯 川伯

tumble、和 tremble 这英语怎么念?

tumble英 [u02c8tu028cmbl] 美 [u02c8tu028cmbl] v.(使)跌倒,摔倒,滚落,翻滚下来;倒塌;坍塌;(价格或数量)暴跌,骤降n.跌倒;滚落;暴跌;混乱的一堆;杂乱不堪的一团tremble英 [u02c8trembl] 美 [u02c8trembl] v.(因紧张、激动、惊慌等)颤抖,哆嗦,抖动,战栗;颤动;轻轻摇晃;极担心;焦虑;恐惧n.颤抖;战栗;哆嗦

为什么会出现frag reassembly time exceeded

你好!frag reassembly time exceeded碎片弹重组的时间超过了

IP reassembly 和 IP defrag 的区别

  区别:   ip route-static 是华为、H3C设备配置静态路由的命令。   ip route是cisco的。   两者用法一样。   ip route-static 前缀掩码下一跳

快玩 reassembly 重组 存档放在哪

3dmgame;ProgramData;221040:;221040;storage;savedata:C:C;save;Steam!;RLD;Documents and Settings;221040;savedata;storage;2210403DMGAME::;storage:C:RELOADED破解;savedata;savedata;Steam;Steam;Application.bin联机破解;All Users;Application Data;Data:XP存档位置:游戏目录.binWindows 7存档位置.bin3DMGAME破解;RLD.bin3DMGAME破解;ProgramData;All Users;Steam;Documents and 搜索Settings!:RELOADED破解;storage:C


你好, 很高兴为你解答。reassembly能联机的,下载个模拟器。希望能帮到你,求采纳。



ip virtual-reassembly 什么意思

IP虚拟分片重组为了避免每个业务模块(如:IPSec、NAT和防火墙)单独处理后片先到(报文分片后)这种情况而导致复杂度过高,设备需要收到IP报文后就对分片报文 进行虚拟分片重组。IP虚拟分片重组功能可以对分片报文进行检验、排序和缓存,保证后续业务模块处理的都是顺序正确的分片报文。同时,IP虚拟分片重组功能还可以对下面几种分片攻击进行检测。如果检测到分片攻击,则设备会丢弃收到的分片报文,从而提高了设备的安全性。


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一开始用初始船赚点R和C,出harvest模块和resources模块(各1个或各2个),然后找绿色植物很多的地方呆着,一会儿就会收到很多的R把R拿去换C,重复这样直到出工厂,并且加一些P上限,自身存一些(200+)R,就可以把自身转换为空间站了..hull的三个等级可以用alt+鼠标滚轮来调节..越大hull生命越高mass也越大..,同理还有储藏组件,等级越高越大容量也越大导弹确实没用,前期打打没什么结构的小船用用,中后期出现有护盾的敌人就更没用了,鱼雷是拿来打静止不动的敌人的,比如地方的大型船只、黄色的敌对植物(因为鱼雷射程极远,可以在敌对的视野范围外射击,增加命中率)激光目前来看就没有炮台好用,而最贵的那个炮射程虽然远,但是子弹的飞行速度太慢,而且需求的P太高了(460+),不实用还是railgun好用,配上三个railgun一起齐射能打掉一块小行星,威力很不错呢至于点防御武器的话,flak cannon(应该是这个玩意儿吧,因为点防御就两种),之前试过装备着16个flak cannon,其他武器都没用,全身装满了推进器,各种秒杀敌对

reassembly 怎么解锁其他种族





看这过了有20天了吧……也不知道你弃坑没……模组的位置有两种,一是本地模组,二是Steam创意工坊订阅模组正版直接去steam创意工坊点订阅,或者把下载到的模组放本地模组文件夹下;非正版的只能把模组放本地模组文件夹下,没有就自己建一个。本地模组位置如下:Windows 10 默认:C:Users<UserName>SavedGamesReassemblymodsuesrname是你的用户名,savedgames中文是保存的游戏Linux 默认:/home/<UserName>/.local/share/Reassembly/mods/Steam创意工坊模组在steam游戏库文件内的位置如下:.workshopcontent329130818042635




膜双语对照词典结果:membrane[英]["membreu026an][美][u02c8mu025bmu02ccbren]n.(动物或植物体内的)薄膜; 隔膜; (可起防水、防风等作用的)膜状物; 复数:membranes膜双语对照词典结果:membrane[英]["membreu026an][美][u02c8mu025bmu02ccbren]n.(动物或植物体内的)薄膜; 隔膜; (可起防水、防风等作用的)膜状物; 复数:membranes

a night to remember的歌词

Guess now its officialCan"t back out can"t back out (no)Getting ready for the night of nightsThe night of nights alrightDon"t Panic (Panic!)Now do we have to dress up for the promDude I don"t think we have the choiceYeah its the night of all nightsGotta look just rightDressing to impress the boysDo I want classic or vintage or plaidWheres the mirrorI think this tux is too baggyToo tight it makes me look weirdShould I go movie star glamorous sassy or sweetDon"t know but no one better wear the same dress as meIts the night of our nightmaresIts the night of our dreamsIts too late to back out of itHey makeovers massagesDon"t know what a corsage isBeen waiting all our lives for thisIt"s gonna be a night (can"t wait)To remember (aw man)Come on now big fun (alright)Its gonna be the night (I guess)To last forever (lucky us)Well never ever ever forgetGettin Ready Get Gettin ReadyGettin Ready Get Gettin Ready(Hey you been in there an hour man)So what should I do with my hairWheres my shaveroh I love itI look like a waiterShould I fluff itIts get later already should be thereHer mother opens the door I"m shakin insideHe"s here its time the hours arrivedDon"t know why her fathers staring me downWhere"s my purse Lip gloss Now I"m really freaking outThen something changes my worldThe most beautiful girl right in front of my eyesIt"s gonna be a night (Oh Yeah!)To remember (Thats for sure)Come on now big fun (Alright!)It"s gonna be the night (Yeah tonight)To last forever (forever more)Well never ever ever forgetWho"s that girl (She"s so fine)Who"s that girl (She looks so good yeah)Who"s that guy (I don"t recognize)You"ll never really notice but you probably shouldBig fun on the night of nights (alright)The night of nights tonightLets danceOn the night of nightsYou know were gonna do it rightIt"s gonna be a night to rememberIt"s gonna be the night to last foreverIt"s gonna be a night to rememberIt"s gonna be the night to last forever(Last Forever)It"s gonna be our night (you know it)To remember (all time)Come on now big fun (big fun)It"s gonna be our night (you know it)To last forever (the rest of our lives)Well never ever ever forgetIt"s gonna be our night (oh yeah)All together (say it loud)Come on now everyone (thats right)It"s gonna be a night (yeah tonight)To remember (hear the crowd)And never ever ever never ever ever never ever never ever ever forget!

T.I. ft Mary J Blige - Remember Me的歌词


很老的一首英文歌,里面有句词是remember me to want ..这首歌的歌名是什么?


the nember of和a nember of的区别

首选说没有nember这个单词,所以更正问题:应该是:the member of 和a member of 的区别 或者是:the number of 和 a mumber of 的区别如果是第一种情况则:前者是那个...组织的成员,后者是一个...组织的成员如果是第二种情况则:前者是.的数字,后者是许多的,相当a lot of或lots of或many

join/join in/attend/be a member of的区别

join是"加入"的意思,后常接“某组织、团体、俱乐部等”例如:入党(join the Party) 参军(join the army)而"join in"是"参加"的意思,常用于:join sb in +活动名称如:join us in the games还有"take part in"也是"参加"的意思例如:参加歌咏小组(take part in the singing group)还有"enter for"是"报名参加"的意思例如:报名参加数学竞赛(enter for the maths contest)当join和join in当“参加”讲时,join表示参加某一团体、组织、机构,并作为其中一员(如:入党、入团、入会、参军等)e.g.He joined the Labour Party/this company in 1999.他1999年加入了工党/这家公司。join in: to take part in an activity 参加(活动)e.g.We all joined in the singing.我们大家一起唱歌。另外:join也有to take part in an activity的意思但join后接的名词似乎更加抽象e.g.Come on in and join the fun!快进来一起玩吧attend 是出席的意思,表示在某种比较正式的场合出现。例如,上课,会议等。 attend a meeting/ party/wedding attend school/university至于join 与be a member of的区别如下;join是短暂性动词,不能与“for + 一段时间”搭配,而“be a member of”是延续性动词,能和“for + 一段时间”搭配。比较常见于现在完成时的句型转换中。如:He joined the army in 2002. He has been a member of the army for five years.

dec代表10 为什么december是12月?

dec确实是词根,而且确实是代表十. 在罗马历中december就是10月. 之所以现在是12月了, 是因为罗马历中的7月september改作了july以纪念优利乌斯凯撒(Julius Caesar) 而8月的october改作了august以纪念奥古斯都大帝(就是屋大维) 所以后面的月份都后移了两位,december也就变成了12月了.

december 是几月


November Spawned A Monster 歌词

歌曲名:November Spawned A Monster歌手:Morrissey专辑:This Is... 1990Sleep on and dream of loveBecause it"s the closest you willGet to lovePoor twisted childSo ugly, so uglyPoor twisted childOh hug me, oh hug meOne novemberSpawned a monsterIn the shape of this childWho later cried :"but jesus made me, soJesus save me fromPity, sympathyAnd people discussing me"A frame of useless limbsWhat can make goodAll the bad that"s been done ?And if the lights were outCould you even bearTo kiss her full on the mouth(or anywhere?)Oh, poor twisted childSo ugly, so uglyPoor twisted childOh hug me, oh hug meOne novemberSpawned a monsterIn the shape of this childWho must remainA hostage to kindnessAnd the wheels underneath herA hostage to kindnessAnd the wheels underneath herA symbol of where mad, mad loversMust pause and draw the line.So sleep and dream of loveBecause it"s the closestYou will get to loveThat novemberIs a timeWhich i mustPut out of my mindOh, one fine dayLet it be soonShe won"t be rich or beautifulBut she"ll be walking your streetsIn the clothes that she went outAnd chose for herself.http://music.baidu.com/song/2782952

December比谁都爱你 中文歌词

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得,Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容And realized I loved you in the fall秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中That September night; 那个九月的夜晚The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你I"d go back in timeand change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身And change my own mind 改变自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月All the time 一直都是

Taylor Swift - Back to Decembe 的歌词中英翻译




but you until renember me什么歌?

fall out boy century

majiko 娘september歌词

歌曲:September歌手:まじ娘 / みきとP所属专辑:最新热歌慢摇104作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you remember你还记得The 21st night of September9月21日的晚上吗?Love was changing the minds爱在那晚揭下我们伪装的面纱Pretenders while chasing the clouds away拨云驱雾Our hearts were ringing心在欢呼In the key that our souls were singing那正是灵魂歌唱的声音As we danced in the night黑夜中的我们尽情欢舞Remember how the stars stole the night away还记得星光如何照亮黑夜吗?Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里My thoughts are with you我的思念追随着你Holding hands with your heart to see you手牵手心连心,凝视你Only blue talk and love只有说不完的话和爱Remember how we knew love was here to say还记得我们怎么感受到爱情来临的吗?Now December12月的今天Found the love that we shared in September想起我们9月里共谱的爱曲Only blue talk and love只有说不完的话和爱Remember the true love was share today铭记今天我们之间的真爱Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya-金色的梦境里阳光灿烂Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day Ba de ya-不曾阴霾的日子里Ba de ya-say do you remember Ba de ya-这一切你还记得吗Ba de ya-dancing in September Ba de ya-9月的欢舞Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya-金色的梦境里阳光灿烂golden dreams were shiny days金色的梦境里阳光灿烂golden dreams were shiny days金色的梦境里阳光灿烂

Septemberise 歌词

歌曲名:Septemberise歌手:李闰珉专辑:H.I.S. MonologueSeptember - PomplamooseBy @Stacey想休假Do you rememberThe 21st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,RememberHow the stars stole the night awayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-du-daMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,RememberHow we knew love was here to stayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-dudu-ba-duduBa-dudu-ba-dudu ba-du-daAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayAaahh never was a cloudy dayOh no, never was a cloudy dayOh, never was a cloud-Never was a cloud-Never was a cloudy day heyAaahh no noBy Stacey想休假http://music.baidu.com/song/2268455

2. September 歌词

歌曲名:2. September歌手:Kiri Te Kanawa&Wiener Philharmoniker&Sir Georg Solti专辑:50 Greatest Summer ClassicsDo you remember the 21st night of September?Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,Remember how the stars stole the night awayAaahh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,Remember how we knew love was here to stayNow December found the love that we shared in September.Only blue talk and love,Remember the true love we share todayyy yeahAaahhh Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysThe bells were ringingoh our souls were singingDo you remember, never a cloudy day? yowThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayThere wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in SeptemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny daysBa de ya...........http://music.baidu.com/song/18568433

Cranes的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Cranes专辑:The Eps Collection, Volumes 1&2Sowelu - SEPTEMBER作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you rememberThe 21st night of SeptemberLove was changing the mindsPretenders while chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singingAs we danced in the nightRemember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and loveRemember how we knew love was here to sayNow DecemberFound the love that we shared in SeptemberOnly blue talk and loveRemember the true love was share todayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny daysThe bell was ringingOur souls were singingDo you remember, never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny dayshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8223007

Earth. Wind & Fire的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire专辑:The EssentialSowelu - SEPTEMBER作词:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta Willis作曲:Maurice White/Al McKay/Alta WillisDo you rememberThe 21st night of SeptemberLove was changing the mindsPretenders while chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singingAs we danced in the nightRemember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and loveRemember how we knew love was here to sayNow DecemberFound the love that we shared in SeptemberOnly blue talk and loveRemember the true love was share todayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny daysThe bell was ringingOur souls were singingDo you remember, never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-never was a cloudy dayBa de ya-say do you rememberBa de ya-dancing in SeptemberBa de ya-golden dreams were shiny dayshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8322050

一首女生唱的英文歌,第一句应该是 can you remember。。。求歌

dying in the sun

tremble quiver shiver 区别


英语单词的区别 shake,tremble,shiver与quiver有什么区别?

shake,tremble,shiver,quiver,vibrate,shudder 这些动词均含“震动,颤抖”之意. shake〓最普通用词,含义广.指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律. tremble〓指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗. shiver〓指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖. quiver〓多用于指事物.指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动. vibrate〓指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动. shudder〓着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗.

shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别


I Want You To Remember Me "A" 歌词

歌曲名:I Want You To Remember Me "A"歌手:Yoko Ono专辑:Blueprint For A SunriseYoko Ono - I Want You To Remember MeI had to do itI had to do itThere was no choiceI mustered my voiceHoney I"m sorryDon"t be angry, Okay?I...What?!...What?!I want outYou want outOut? Out?You ungrateful bitchI"m gonna throw you in a ditchHe grabbed me, He stabbed me, he jabbed meOh, she"s trying to crawl, she"s trying to callWho do you think you"re calling, princess?Anybody, somebody?Nobody, got it?There"s nobodyGot it? Got it? Got it?Gotta kill, gotta kill, gotta killAnybody, somebodyAnybody, somebody, nobody, anybodyMy napeWas a gapeMy one eyeSearch for the skyMy pillowHung over the windowMonths passed byYears passed byNo shadow was left of meNo shadow was left of meI want you to remember meI want you to remember mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2596364

英语单词的区别 shake,tremble,shiver与quiver有什么区别?

shake,tremble,shiver,quiver,vibrate,shudder 这些动词均含“震动,颤抖”之意. shake〓最普通用词,含义广.指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律. tremble〓指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗. shiver〓指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖. quiver〓多用于指事物.指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动. vibrate〓指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动. shudder〓着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗.

shiver, tremble 意思的区别

一般 "trembling in fear" (害怕), and "shivering in the cold"(冷)




Tremble implies quick, rather slight movement, as from excitement, weakness, or anger: Tremble 意指迅速、相当轻微的运动,由于激动、虚弱或生气引起: I could feel the youngster"s hand tremble in mine. 我能感到那个年轻人的手在我的手中颤抖。 The apple blossoms trembled in the wind. 苹果花在风中摇曳。 Shiver involves rapid, rather slight trembling, as of a person experiencing chill: Shiver 意指受寒后快速、相当轻微的颤抖: “as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow” (Robert Southwell). “我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖” (罗伯特·索恩韦尔)。

shiver 和tremble的区别?

选A昨天就看到了,还以为会有很多人抢答呢首先,百度这2个词,辨析很多,所以不复制了,区别也不说了其次,两词的区别,其实两词在原则上是相同的,原理shiver v. 打颤,发抖shiver == tremble整体的颤抖用shiver, 部分的用tremble Eg: His hands are trembling. He is shivering with cold.Eg: His trembling voice betrayed his secret. 他颤抖的声音泄漏了他的秘密。所以the naughty boy ___ in his shoes when he saw the cane in his father"s hand. 表示这个调皮的男孩看见他父亲拿着藤条(要揍这个男孩呀),所以表示浑身发抖,所以属于【整体的颤抖用shiver】所以选A



什么是 embedded multiple-case study ?




C++中定义的类里要怎么对const数据成员初始化?大概代码: class Cfoo { const int m_nMember; public: Cfo

//通过初始化列表class cfoo{public:cfoo():m_nMember(10) {}private:const int m_nMember;}

Vaghissima Sembianza 歌词

歌曲名:Vaghissima Sembianza歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:SentimentoVaghissima sembianzaD抋ntica donna amata,Chi, dunque, v抙a ritrattaCon tanta simiglianzaCh抜o guardo, e parlo,e credo d抋verviA me davanti come ai bei damore?La cara rimembranzaChe in cor mi s掕destata sardenteV抙a gifatta rinascer la speranza,Che un bacio, un voto, un grido d抋morePinon chiedo che a leiche muta ognor.Non chiedo, non chiedo che a leiche muta ognor.http://music.baidu.com/song/14163640

求意大利古典曲目Vaghissima Sembianza歌词及翻译.最好能有正谱.

歌词楼下已经回答了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~翻译: 与你美丽的模样一同逝去的我往日的爱,是谁留下这幅画,与生前如此相同,当我见到你藏在我心底的爱就会再一次涌出来! 清晰的爱情回忆,像流水回荡在心底,它使我的希望,美好的希望重新燃起,幻想亲吻和海誓山盟,我不能再这样凝视你,爱已去,催我哭泣。我不会我不会再凝视你,催我哭泣。

谁知道英国的remembrance day都唱什么歌?

In Flanders Fields In Flanders FieldsIn Flanders fields the poppies blowBetween the crosses, row on row,That mark our place; and in the skyThe larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below.We are the dead. Short days agoWe lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,Loved, and were loved, and now we lieIn Flanders fields.Take up our quarrel with the foe:To you from failing hands we throwThe torch; be yours to hold it high.If ye break faith with us who dieWe shall not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields. ——John McCrae 《在弗兰德斯原野》弗兰德斯原野上,罂粟花摇曳在十字架之间,一排又一排标志着我们长眠的地方而翱翔在天空中的云雀仍然勇敢地歌唱那歌声湮没了战场密集的枪响我们是战死者可仅仅几天前我们还活着感受黎明,看落日的霞光还像你们一样爱与被爱如今却静静地躺在了弗兰德斯原野上继续我们与敌人的战斗吧,火炬从我们再也握不紧的手上抛给你让它成为你的并高高举起若你们背弃对死者的诺言我们将不能阖眼,尽管罂粟花盛开在弗兰德斯原野上 ——约翰·麦克瑞

Remembrance Day 歌词

歌曲名:Remembrance Day歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:Into The FireMatt Maher - RemembranceOh, how could it beThat my God would welcome meInto this mysterySay take this bread, take this wineNow the simple made divineFor any to receiveBy Your mercy, we come to Your tableBy Your grace, You are making us faithfulLord, we remember YouAnd remembrance leads us to worshipAnd as we worship YouOur worship leads to communionWe respond to Your invitationWe remember YouSee His body, His bloodKnow that He has overcomeEvery trial we will faceNone too lost to be savedNone too broken or ashamedAll are welcome in this placeDying you destroyed our death,rising you restored our lifeLord Jesus, come in glory.http://music.baidu.com/song/8536874

rembrance day的中文意思

Remembrance Day英 [ru026au02c8membru0259ns] 美 [ru026au02c8mu025bmbru0259ns] n. 停战纪念日;荣军纪念日 (= Remembrance Sunday)

求一篇one of my family members的作文

Mother is the greatest person in the world. Mother, I"m sorry, I shouldn"t be born your gas.This one evening, I had ahigh fever at dare not tell the mother, because my mother and I quarreled.Dinner, my mother told me, I didn"t respond, but quietly lying in bed drowsy, after a while I saw mother hasn"t come then thought mother still mad at me, I was thinking of the mother would carry food to my room. Mother saw I lay in bed flushed and turn to turn away, and then bending habitually use hand touch my forehead, said: "ah, son you have a fever, and ill!" Mother looked at me in surprise: "how don"t you tell me?" "I...... I......" Faltered, "I am afraid you half say me!" I whispered. "Silly child, hurriedly pair of meal toeat, finish eat rice have strength!"

swollen members的《heat》 歌词

歌曲名:heat歌手:swollen members专辑:heavyWho else you think this is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?(Let it go) Back up in it, you cats are timidMad got the axe and the track is spinnin"Cadillac, black and tinted, freak occurrenceLittle rim caps swim laps in the rap occurrent(This is it) I flow with heroic poetsmy influence will ruin what you"re doin"I"m flowin"The tyrant"s back, I"m quiet as a riot is -my mind"s a violent environmentBangin" anger bang us, it"s awfully graphiccatastrophic topics for target practiceReestablish the elaborate labyrinth of havoc that"s unmatchedthe dukes of hazardFifty grand on each hand, manGot people movin" like American BandstandBang! Bang! My whole crowd"s rowdyNine hundred thousand pals styles arousin"Who else you think it is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?Who else you think this is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?I"m back with the title, it"s mega hitsCuz I got my shit together like Lego bricksI"m never half-assin", I"m grabbin" the cashMy rap"s happen, it"s natural I"m laughin" to rapCannon ball through the back of your shackSanta Monica to Panama, I"m smashin" the gasIn the fast car, NASCAR, hats to the backI ain"t tryin" to take (?), what else do that?I"m not concerned with what you dofuck all that regular shit, I"m too cuckooAnything I want it, I snatch it and jetas the type for destruction we smashin" that shitI got license, who"s the nicest?Know the men from the mices (?)Give me 10 fuck what the price isStretch that Benz, we set them trendswith my partners, so Ma you better get them friendsWho else you think it is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?Who else you think this is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?Swollen make her shake what she got. Ain"t know thembetter to make the heat hotCome and get some of this heat that we gotGotta get off the wall and make the beat dropSwollen make her shake what she got. Ain"t know thembetter to make the heat hotCome and get some of the heat that we gotGotta get off the wall and make the beat dropDeep waters and torrential rainthe essential potentials of a hurricaneNatural disasters, smash and bangI"ve got an overhauled engine and a faster frameI don"t lose races, so wave the checkeredfinal lap, Battle Axe, play the recordI"m kickin" it to chicks, you"re kickin" rockersHungry pack of wolves lickin" their chopsWe"re the same in this game, except that we won"t stopwhich is insane when you think about how much we wantMy train of thought is runaway with no conductor;my verse is a box-cutter, stuck in your gut sucker"All Killer No Filler" like Sum 41where I"m from, where I"m at, livin" life in the sunWe make no apologies, take no prisonerslyrics of fury, rippin" for the listenerWho else you think it is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?Who else you think this is? It"s just usI don"t wanna tell you again so just trustWho make the moves, makin the bucks and bring the heatso bake that it"s shakin your truck?Shake what she got, make the heat hot, shake what wegot, make the beat dropSwollen make her shake what she got, ain"t know "embetter to make the heat hotCome and get some of this heat that we gotGot get off the wall and we make the beat drophttp://music.baidu.com/song/14118835

真的超喜欢Sky Ferreira的everything is embarrassing,求中文歌词


找一首英文歌,女生唱,有句i remember when i was a child

Love Is Color Blind - sarah connorLove Is Color BlindIt don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindI remember whenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you"ll maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meYou gotta live your livewe"re all the same, no one"s to blamethey gotta live their livesjust play the game and let love reignIt don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow, if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color-blindI remeber as a young boyI watched my neighbourhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thang thru tears of painand a situation"s rackin" my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some lvoe y"allwe need some real deal help from above y"allI mean the kids watchin"and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood, man!You gotta live your lifebetter than our fathers didlet"s make some love, baby, have some kidsthey gotta live their livesand I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we areit"s all love, baby!It don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow, if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color-blindYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my father?you could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friend?would be so nice to meet yaYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my father?you could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friend?would be so nice to meet yatake it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind, don"t need a stick to thistry to make this eartha better place without a racial curseYeah, it"s time for some changesIt don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow, if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color-blindlove is color-blind http://mp3.sogou.com/music.so?query=love+is+colorblind&as=false&st=&ac=1&pf=&class=1&w=02009900&dr=1&_asf=mp3.sogou.com&_ast=1242381981

有一首歌叫best friend 的 他的第一句歌词是 do you rember when i..是哪个歌手唱得呢?

vitamin c的 graduation(friends forever)

new member recruitment是什么意思

new member recruitment新会员招募-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

为什么Member of Parliament国会议员,MP前用an


member of parliament是什么意思


翻译。。本人不知道be positioned in members、、、怎么翻。。请各位大侠提点。。谢过


If one day i died,who will remember me?这句话对吗


If one day i am died,who can remember me?这句话对吗


Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s ______

C. out of sb"s reach 在某人够不着的范围

Remember The Time 中英对照的歌词

《Remember the Time》(记住那一刻)歌手:Michael Jackson所属专辑:《Dangerous》发行时间:1992年2月歌词:Do you remember 你可曾记得 When we fell in love 当年我们坠入爱河 We were so young and innocent then 我们都还年少而天真无过 Do you remember 你可曾记得 How it all began 这一切是怎样开始的 It just seemed like heaven so why did it end? 感觉美妙如同天国 Do you remember 你可曾记得 Back in the fall 回想起秋天的时刻 We'd be together all day long 整日里我们只愿耳鬓厮磨 Do you remember 你可曾记得 Us holding hands 我们把手紧握 In each other's eyes we'd stare 在彼此的眼窝 (Tell me) 告诉我 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we first met 当你第一次遇见我 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do you remember 你可曾记得 How we used to talk 我们如何把衷肠诉说 (Ya know) 你晓得 We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn 一夜夜的电话情多,直到阳光把黑暗吞没 Do you remember 你可曾记得 All the things we said like 我们互诉的情话如火 I love you so I'll never let you go 比如:我爱你正如你爱我,我永远不会把你错过 Do you remember 你可曾记得 Back in the Spring 回忆起春天的时刻 Every morning birds would sing 每个早晨鸟儿都在欢歌 Do you remember 你可曾记得 Those special times 那些特别的时刻 They'll just go on and on 它们将永远生动鲜活 In the back of my mind 在我脑海中历历如昨 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we first met girl 女孩当你第一次遇见我 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 Those sweet memories 那些甜蜜的回忆蔓延着 Will always be dear to me 它们对我来说将永远是最珍贵的 And girl no matter what was said 我都不会把你我 I will never forget what we had 曾有过的幸福忘了 Now baby! 宝贝,那么 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we first met 当你第一次遇见我 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we first met 当你第一次遇见我 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 When we fell in love 当我们坠入爱河 Do you remember the time 你可曾记得那一刻 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Ooh 哦 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Do you remember girl 女孩你可曾记得 Remember the times 记得那一刻 On the phone you and me 电话里,你和我 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Till dawn, two or three 直到日出前,两、三点已过 What about us girl 女孩,我们到底如何? Remember the times 记得那一刻 Do you, do you, do you, do you, do you 你可,你可,你可记得 Remember the times 记得那一刻 In the park, on the beach 公园或者海滨上 Remember the times 记得那一刻 You and me in Spain What about, what about... 把时光消磨 那些都算什么,算什么 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Ooh...in the park 喔,园里把时光消磨 Remember the times 记得那一刻 After dark...Do you, do you, do you 当太阳隐没,你可曾记得那一刻 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Do you, do you, do you, do you 你可,你可,你可记得 Remember the times 记得那一刻 Yeah yeah 耶 耶 Remember the times 记得那一刻

java 工厂assembly.load怎么用

当一个Assembly被加载到AppDomain之后,静态数据被加载,在其中创建的对象GC会负责回收 但是除非这个AppDomain被卸载,否则这个Assembly不会被单独卸载 如果你需要动态运行环境,你可以创建一个AppDomain,然后在其中加载Assembly并运行,用完之

质粒系列之再谈无缝连接--Gibson assembly

每次都想要一篇文章的篇幅讲完,但知识总是越学越知道自己的无知,于是每次就像打补丁一样这里打一下那里打一下,导致文章都不成系列,十分松散。关于Gibson assembly其实我之前也讲过,只是都不记得放在哪一篇里了。这是最近学习的笔记。 限制性克隆所谓成也限制性,败也限制性,限制性克隆的最大的限制来源于其“限制性。Gibson assembly不依赖限制性内切酶,可一步完成多个DNA序列的组装,大大提升DNA组装速率,同时还可降低载体自连的概率,是多片段DNA序列连接的首选方式。下表简单比较两种方法的特点。 这查资料的时候发现特别有趣,原来无论是限制性克隆还是Gibson assembly,都是出自同一个实验室/机构。 左边这位 Hamilton Smith 教授是II类限制性内切酶的发现者之一,并因这一发现与Daniel Nathans和Werner Arber共同获得了1978年的诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。而右边的 Daniel Gibson 于2004年到 J. Craig Venter Institute (克雷格·文特尔研究所 )的 Hamilton Smith组做博后,负责细菌基因组合成的相关课题。而 J. Craig Venter 则因其牵头人类基因组计划而闻名,创立了 J. Craig Venter Institute 及 Synthetic Genomics Inc. ( SGI ) 公司 从2004年Gibson入职到2008年,不到4年时间,Gibson和Smith在 Science 上共同发表了酵母细胞完成支原体基因组组装的文章,而这篇文章用到的DNA片段组装方法则在2009年发表于 Nature Methods 从上图Nature Methods文章的摘要可看到,Gibson使用 5‘核酸外切酶,DNA聚合酶和DNA连接酶 完成了多DNA片段的一步连接,而这就是我们现在常用的 Gibson assembly 。 一般实验室都直接购买配好的Gibson assembly mixture,但也可自行购买T5 核酸外切酶、DNA聚合酶以及DNA连接酶配置。Gibson操作简单,具体过程和步骤都写在下图中: 需要注意的事项有: (1) 一般说明书推荐所有片段都用PCR手段获得,但长片段会有因PCR而引入突变,因此,骨架大片段可采用限制性内切酶处理后获取。 (2) 如果两端序列中有多个同源序列,则会有错误同源重组的可能,例如Loxp序列等等。 对比限制性克隆和Gibson assembly,最大的区别是无需特定的酶切位点,然而实际上还是需要overlap的悬端,只是这个悬端可以由PCR带来,同时核酸外切酶的末端修整,使得overlap序列暴露,从而完成同源重组。那么核酸内切酶和核酸外切酶的差别和分类我们可以简单来学习一下: 从名字来看,内切酶切的是序列内部,外切酶切的则为外部(5"或3‘末端),具体的比较可如下表: 两种方法自是各有优缺,虽目前多用Gibson assembly,但限制性克隆仍然常用。限制性内切酶种类繁多,其中Type IIS克隆更是被称为 Golden Gate cloning 。从操作时间来看,Golden Gate是最简单的方法之一,单管内酶切和连接可在30分钟内完成。由于Type IIS酶切不保留酶的识别位点,因此连接产物的形成是不可逆的,连接效率几近100%。且Golden Gate 克隆限制性克隆需分步完成的缺点,在同一管内可完成多达10个片段的连接,果子老师称之为-- 质粒改造的王者 。下周,我们将会聊聊这 Golden Gate cloning ,敬请期待。
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