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Tommy Emmanuel弹的是什么风格?

Tommy Emmanuel的职业生涯已经超过四十五年了,而且不断与世界各地的顶尖乐手有所交流.在澳大利亚他是一个国宝级的人物,Tommy在五大洲已经拥有超过几万个忠实的乐迷.Tommy独到的演奏风格–他个人只简单称为”手指技法(finger style)”–相当于是钢琴家在弹钢琴时来弹吉他.吉他传奇人物Chet Aktins是第一个鼓舞他学习这个乐器的人.几十年过去了,Atkins本人也变成了Emmanuel最重量级的乐迷.Chet和Tommy在1996年共同完成了录音”The Day the Finger Pickers Took Over the World”,本专辑荣获葛莱美奖提名.不幸的是这成为Chet在2001年去世前的最后录音.1999年,Chet以极为难得的头衔”被认证的吉他手”(Certified Guitar Player)来称誉Tommy Emmanuel,为表彰他终生对figerstyle吉他的贡献,这样的荣誉在世界上只被另外两个人共享(Jerry Reed和 John Knowles)在Emmanuel的传奇生涯里,他已经创造了一个尚未被人打破的销售纪录,曾与数以百计的传奇乐人合作,包括像Chet Aktins , Eric Clapton , Sir George Martin ,Hank Marvin , Joe Walsh , Stevie Wonder ,Nokie Edwards ,Les Paul , Keith Urban ,Lexington交响乐团,Dortmund交响乐团,与西澳大利亚管弦乐团.Tommy Emmanuel不只是一个非常成熟的吉他手,同时能打鼓(能在鼓与吉他上打击)及歌唱.这位厉害的音乐人曾被澳洲滚石杂志连两年被推举为”最受欢迎的吉他手”,创下过四张白金与金唱片.在澳洲,Emmanuel的音乐与生活是一种传奇.他在四岁的时候就开始弹吉他,靠着耳朵学着怎么弹,而没有接受任何正规训练.Emmanuel与他的哥哥Phil都是神童,在1960年便开始他们的职业生涯.大约在六岁时,Tommy已经是一个职业乐手了.在1966年他父亲死后不久,Emmanuel一家便跟着澳洲乡村音乐明星Buddy Williams旅行,直到他们被澳洲儿童福利部门阻挡下来.Emmanuel一家的小孩随即被送往正规学校.在这些年里,Tommy在周末与他们兄弟姐妹:打鼓的Chris和弹滑音吉他的Virginia组成Traiblazers.他也开始一个礼拜两个晚上教吉他,同时在电视上各种不同的竞赛露面.当他们组成的Traiblazers在电视才艺竞赛中拿下两次冠军并发行一张EP后,Emmanuel家便开始走红了.Emmanuel十几岁时怀揣着成为一个专业吉他手的梦想搬到悉尼.他在城市各俱乐部里表演,Emmanuel的吉他技巧开始在公众场合显露,不久后便受到唱片公司的注意.他马上为自己立下对现今大多著名吉他手都显得严格苛刻的舞台表演高标准.从70年代中晚期一直到80年代早期,他加入了这十年间举足轻重的团体Dragon,也为Air Supply和其他许多著名艺人伴奏.1987年,Dragon随着Tina Turner进行”Break Every Rule”之旅.在他以往的十五张专辑中,Emmanuel无穷的天赋与从不服输的技巧一再的加深了乐评与乐迷们的喜爱.2005年,Tommy第一次在韩国,波兰与克罗地亚演出.此外,他还将在2006年第一次在斯洛维尼与比利时演出,随后到美国,欧洲与亚洲等地.他那令人眼花了乱的表演,毫无瑕疵的吉他技巧与长篇的曲目一定会引起他所到之处观众的惊叹.

英文名...Alva Emma Vanessa Vita那个好...



paradox:1矛盾的人(或事物、情况)e.g. He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers. 2悖论. e.g. The Russell"s paradoxdilemma:进退两难的困境、窘境。


nelly《dilemma》dilemma的本意是“进退两难”。这里面是这首歌曲的英文歌词:http://www.23lrc.net/36/22b801cbf60fac9c.htm其中文大意的歌词可以看看:)~~女; 我爱你 我需要你 尼力 我爱你 我真的好需要你 可是 不管在做什么,脑袋里想的全是你 即使和我的爱人在一起,我只为你神魂颠倒 不管我做什么 脑袋里的全是你 即使和我的爱人在一起 我只为你疯狂 男 听着听着听着 哦 我遇见一位刚搬到我们家对面的美女 看了就让人神魂颠倒 这一带最正的辣妹 可是唉`真带衰 她已经有了男人 天啊!还有个儿子 喔不 没关系 我可以耐心等待上场的时机 暗中观察 各就各位 当个游击手 每个安打都封杀 这样一来马上(马上)我 我要这个靓妹变我马子 这是一定要的了 不过我从来没有当过第三者 拆散别人的家庭 可是宝贝 你独特的魅力令我无法抗拒 妈呀,你告诉我该怎么做才好?她说 (你不了你对我有多重要) 副歌 男 听着,听着,听着 哦 我看多了,你看看我 我从来没半句抱怨 正牌黑人煞到靓妹就魂飞魄散 尼力又不是神 哪能抗拒得了这诱惑 你也知道我本性难移 说真的 我喜欢你的小动作 你的风格 你整个人 你靠过来 和我在他的敞篷车上 太棒太棒 我要特别谢谢你 想不想和我再爱一次 不过啊 我知道 硬叫你甩掉他跟着我也不容易 但是呢 你下半辈子就得忍气吞声 我全了 就在我转身离开的那一刻 她说 副歌 为我唱吧 女 我爱你 我需要你 尼力我爱你 我真的(加把劲宝贝) 受到一种 绝对没办法想象的程度 不过 这是一定要的了 你可以相信我的爱 比永远还要多一点 男 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 (你不了你对我有多重要) 副歌 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 (你不了你对我有多重要) 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 (你不了你对我有多重要) 副歌 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 (你不了你对我有多重要) 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 (你不了你对我有多重要)

Nelly的《Dilemma》 歌词

歌曲名:Dilemma歌手:Nelly专辑:NellyvilleDilemmaKelly RowlandI.. love you, and I.. need youNelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you No matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youCheck it, check it, check it, uhhI met this chick and she just moved right up the block from meAnd uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seenBut oh no, oh no, she gotta a manand a son, doh"ohhh, but that"s okayCause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my positionLike a shortstop, pick up e"rything mami hittinAnd in no time.. (no time) I..I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that"s for sureCause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy homeBut uh, there"s somethin bout baby girl I just can"t leave aloneSo tell me ma what"s it gonna be? She said(You don"t know what you mean to me)No matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youCheck it, check it, check it, uhhI see a lot and you look and I never say a wordI know how niggaz start actin trippin out here about they girlsAnd there"s no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon" fight overno day-hey-ame.. as you can seeBut I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanorThe way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seaterNow that"s gangstah-ah-ahhh..And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don"t you forget itBut uh, it ain"t that easy for you to pack and leave himBut uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasonsI respect that and right before I turn to leave, she saidNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youSing it for me KI.. love you, and I.. need youNelly I.. love you, I do.. (c"mon girl)And it"s more than you"ll.. ever knowBut.. it"s fo"shoYou can always count on my loveForeveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh..East coast, I know you shakin rightDown South, I know you bouncin rightWest coast, I know you walkom right, causeMidwest, I see you swingin rightNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youEast coast, I know you shakin rightDown South, I know you bouncin rightWest coast, I know you walkin right, causeMidwest, I see you swing it rightEast coast, you still shakin rightDown South, I see you bouncin rightWest coast, I know you walkin right, causeMidwest, I see you swingin rightNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youEast coast, I know you shakin rightDown South, I know you bouncin rightWest coast, I know you walkin rightMidwest, I see you swing it right(You don"t know what you mean to me)East coast, you still shakin rightDown South, I see you bouncin rightWest coast, I know you walkin right, cause(You don"t know what you mean to me)http://music.baidu.com/song/7573720




.. love you, and I.. need you Nelly 女; 我爱你 我需要你 尼力 我爱你 我真的好需要你 I.. love you, I do.. need you -but 我爱你 我真的好需要你可是 No matter what I do, all I think about is you 不管在做什么,脑袋里想的全是你 Even when I"m with my boo, 即使和我的爱人在一起, Know you know I"m crazy over you 我只为你神魂颠倒 No matter what I do, all I think about is you 不管我做什么 脑袋里的全是你 Even when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over you 即使和我的爱人在一起 我只为你疯狂 I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me 男 听着听着听着 哦 我遇见一位刚搬到我们家对面的美女 看了就让人神甑 And uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seen 看了就让人神甑 这一带最正的辣妹 But oh no, oh no, she gotta a man 可是唉`真带衰 她已经有了男人 And a son, doh"ohhh, but that"s okay 天啊!还有个儿子 喔不 没关系 Cause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my position 我可以耐心等待上场的时机 暗中观察 Like a shortstop, pick up e"rything mami hittin 各就各位 当个游击手 And in no time.. (no time) I.. 这样一来马上(马上)我 I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that"s for sure 我要这个靓妹变我马子 这是一定要的了 Cause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy home 不过我从来没有当过第三者 拆散别人的家庭 But uh, there"s something bout baby girl I just can"t leave alone 可是宝贝 你独特的魅力令我无法抗拒 So tell me ma what"s it gonna be? She said 妈呀,你告诉我该怎么做才好?她说 You don"t know what you mean to me (你不了你对我有多重要) I see a lot and you look and I never say a word 副歌 男 听着,听着,听着 哦 我看多了,你看看我 我从来没半句抱怨 I know how niggaz start acting tripping out here about they girls 正牌黑人煞到靓妹就魂飞魄散 And there"s no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon" fight over 尼力又不是神 哪能抗拒得了这诱惑 No day-hey-ame.. as you can see 你也知道我本性难移 说真的 But I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanor 我喜欢你的小动作 你的风格 你整个人 The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seater 你靠过来 和我在他的敞篷车上 Now that"s gangstah-ah-ahhh.. 太棒太棒 我要特别谢谢你 想不想和我再爱一次 And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don"t you forget it 我要特别谢谢你 想不想和我再爱一次 But uh, it ain"t that easy for you to pack and leave him 不过啊 我知道 硬叫你甩掉他跟着我也不容易 But uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasons 但是呢 你下半辈子就得忍气吞声 我全了 I respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said 就在我转身离开的那一刻 她说 Sing it for me K 副歌 为我唱吧 Nelly I.. love you, I do.. (c"mon girl) 我爱你 我需要你 尼力我爱你 我真的(加把劲宝贝) And it"s more than you"ll.. ever know 受到一种 绝对没办法想象的程度 But.. it"s fo"sho 不过 这是一定要的了 You can always count on my love 你可以相信我的爱 Foreveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh.. 比永远还要多一点 East coast, I know you shaking right 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 Down South, I know you bouncing right 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 West coast, I know you walking right, cause 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 Midwest, I see you swinging right 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 No matter what I do, all I think about is you (你不了你对我有多重要) East coast, you still shaking right 东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲 West coast, I know you walking right 南部的台客 看你跳的正爽 Midwest, I see you swing it right 西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型 East coast, you still shaking right 三不管地带 看你忙着升旗 Down South, I see you bouncing right (你不了你对我有多重要)


性感甜美的女歌手Nelly Furtado又有新单曲发行了,时间就在下个月。 这位加拿大裔葡萄牙歌手,预定将在3月15日发行新单曲Try,事实上这支歌曲是她自第二张专辑《Folklore》中所发行的第二支单曲,对于这支单曲。 Nelly Furtado表示:“这是一首关于真实爱情故事的歌曲,以往我总是精力充沛,但是现在我却让自己更贴近现实,因为我发现了爱,这个想法是来自于有时候生活确是令人沮丧,但是生命是一条漫漫长路,而拥有某些人的陪伴能让你想要成为一个更好的人!” 虽然艺人都很讨厌狗仔队拿着摄影机一天到晚跟拍,让他们毫无隐私可言,但这几年有许多歌手像是Ozzy Osbourne、Britney Spears夫妇、Jessica Simpson等等,都自愿让摄影机进入他们的日常生活,让他们成为实境节目的主角,现在又有一位知名歌手Nelly要在实境节目中以舞台下的真面目现身,让歌迷目睹他平常的一举一动。免费收看最新MV收听最新单曲 Nelly表示他希望让歌迷们透过纪录他日常生活的这部实境节目,能够对他有更进一步的了解。此外,Nelly也希望透过这个节目,让大家能够注意并参与帮助他所创建的几个公益组织,像是为天生具有生长障碍或被父母影响染上毒瘾的孩子所成立的4Sho4Kids基金会,以及为呼吁大家捐赠骨髓所成立的Jes Us 4 Jackie基金会等等。Nelly的实境节目预计将于明年年初在美国地区播出。



O Come, O Come Emmanuel 歌词

歌曲名:O Come, O Come Emmanuel歌手:Travis Cottrell专辑:Ring The BellsO come, O come, EmmanuelAnd ransom captive IsraelThat mourns in lonely exile hereUntil the Son of God appearsRejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O IsraelO come, O come, great Lord of mightWho to thy tribes on Sinai"s heightIn ancient times once gave the lawIn cloud and majesty and aweRejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O IsraelO come, thou Day-spring, come and cheerOur spirits by Thine advent hereDisperse the gloomy clouds of nightAnd death"s dark shadows put to flightRejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O IsraelO come, thou Key of David, comeAnd open wide our heavenly homeMake safe the way that leads on highAnd close the path to miseryRejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O IsraelO come, EmmanuelAnd ransom captive IsraelThat mourns in lonely exile hereUntil the Son of God appearsRejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/6339176

O Come, O Come Emmanuel TVB版中文

以马内利来临1) 以马内利恳求降临,救赎解放以色列民;沦落异邦寂寞伤心,引颈渴望神子降临。欢欣!欢欣!以色列民,以马内利定要降临。2)耶西之条恳求降临,撒但手中释放子民;地狱深处拯救子民,使众得胜死亡之坟。欢欣!欢欣!以色列民,以马内利定要降临。3)清晨日光恳求降临,藉主降临欢慰众心;冲开长夜 幽暗愁云,驱散死亡 深沉黑影。欢欣!欢欣!以色列民,以马内利定要降临。4)大卫之钥恳求降临,大开我众天上家庭,安排我众登天路程,断绝人间多愁苦径。欢欣!欢欣!以色列民,以马内利定要降临。

求恩雅的O Come O Come Emmanuel 的歌词!

:o come, o come, emmanuel歌手:barlowgirl 专辑:home for christmas u2022 搜索"o come, o come, emmanuel"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"o come, o come, emmanuel"mp3 [ti:o come, o come, emmanuel][al:home for christmas][by:活在当下]barlowgirl - o come, o come, emmanuelo come, o come, emmanueland ransom captive israelthat mourns in lonely exile hereuntil the son of god appearrejoice! rejoice! rejoice! rejoice!shall come to thee, o israel.rejoice, rejoice emmanuelshall come to thee, o israelrejoice, rejoice, emmanuelshall come to thee, o israelrejoice, rejoice emmanuelshall come to thee, o israelrejoice, rejoice, emmanuelshall come to thee, o israel

Enya 既O Come Emmanuel中文歌词

O Come O Come Emmanuel噢,来吧!噢,来吧!以马内利 And rom captive Israel也赎回被俘虏的以色列 That mourns in lonely exile here它在那里孤单的放逐中哀痛 Until the Son of God appear直至神的儿子出现 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel欢乐!欢乐!以马内利 Shall e to thee O Israel.会临到你,噢,以色列! O e Thou Rod of Jesse 噢,来吧!耶西的杖, Free Thine own from Satan"s tyranny由撒但的专横,释放你自己 From depths of Hell Thy people save从地狱深处,拯救您的人民 And give them victory over the grave而且,赐给他们超越死亡的胜利 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel欢乐!欢乐!以马内利 Shall e to thee O Israel.会临到你,噢,以色列! O e Thou Day-Spring e and cheer噢,来吧!你是春日,来! Our spirits by Thine advent here您降临这里,使我们的灵魂喜乐 Disperse the gloomy clouds of night驱散夜间幽暗的云 And death"s dark shadows put to flight.死亡的黑影也给去掉 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel欢乐!欢乐!以马内利 Shall e to thee O Israel.会临到你,噢,以色列! O e Thou Key of David e 噢,来吧!你是大卫的钥匙,来! And open wide our heavenly home;也开放我们天上的家 Make safe the way that leads on high 安隐通向至高神的道路 And close the path to misery.和封闭通向失丧的路径 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel欢乐!欢乐!以马内利 Shall e to thee O Israel.会临到你,噢,以色列! O e O e Thou Lord of might 噢,来吧!噢,来吧!全能的主宰 Who to Thy tribes on Sinai"s height 古时候,在西乃的高山上, In ancient times did....st give the Law 你颁律法给您的民族 In cloud and majesty and awe.在云里、有尊荣和敬畏, Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel欢乐!欢乐!以马内利 Shall e to thee O Israel.会临到你,噢,以色列! 这是一首歌颂主耶稣降世行救赎的诗歌,以下的词语解释是根据圣经内的意思作解: 以马内利----『神与人同在』的意思,主耶稣的称号 耶西的杖、大卫的钥匙是用来描写主耶稣,因他是耶西和大卫王的后裔。 段落中提及以色列民族被神选召,由摩西照神的指引,从埃及作奴隶的地土处领出来,经过西乃山,去神赐的福地。这过程就如主耶稣将人由撒但的专横之下,为人死,施行救赎,使人得永生,死后得进天家一样。

Gemma Hayes的《My God》 歌词

歌曲名:My God歌手:Gemma Hayes专辑:Night On My SideMy GodGemma HayesMy GodHope you"re on callCause I maybe in dangerof crashingbefore I get to fallLet"s cry boyWhile neighbourshave their backs turnedI"m having troublebelieving anything you sayKeep the car running outsideYou go and make up your mindYou"re staying her running wild with me You know I could stilllove you, yeahMy GodLooks like I"m going it aloneCan"t wipe the tears awayfast enoughNow I can"t see the roadGot a boot full of dreamsAnd a pocket fullof reasons not to stayGot a cross of Jesusaround my neckHoping he"ll help me find my waySo afraid of losingNow I"m scared of what I"ve wonSo afraid of leavingNow I don"t thinkI can return, yeahAnd all along there was a needfor changeAnd so I thought I better leavethis placeWhen all I had to do was changemy mindAll I had to do was changemy mindMy GodIs it alright if I turn rightback aroundCause I reckon I fly highestWhen my feet are plantedOn the groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2636709

Emma分享-《活法》第二章 依原理原则思考

20200426-Emma分享-《活法》第二章 依原理原则思考 简单是做人和做事的最佳原则: 用简单的方式去应对复杂的事情是非常重要的思维方式,不仅适用于企业经营,也适用于人生。 Emma:这个类似于第一性原理的方法,马斯克就是类似的思维,他几乎每一个项目都是用第一性原理的思考方法去重新降低成本或者重新创造一个新的产品。 处世哲学拨开人生迷雾: 这里的哲学就是价值观(出事理念),迷失时候的处世原则,通过讲述作者自己的三家公司合并的决策过程(由业绩最好、经营基础扎实的一个公司来主导),说明:事业的原理是给消费者提供优异的产品是企业经营的原则,将他人的利益作为第一要义,是成功的前提。 Emma:我现在格局还比较低,我想到的是,在销售和谈判中也包括平时的人际交往中,如果在共赢中能够更多考虑他放利益,尤其是消费者利益和社会责任,长远来说依然是自己受益的。 面对诱惑,不为所动,坚持自己的哲学: 目光长远,不为短期利益所动,不做投机的事情,用自己的劳动去获取最有价值的长远利益是优选,投机(也包括左手倒右手)只能一时得到利益,这种原则在面对泡沫时就不会背负不良资产,按照正确的经济学原则行事,在何种情况下都可以做出正确的选择。京瓷公司手里有大量现金,所以经常面对关于投资房地产赚钱的诱惑,我拒绝了这样轻而易举赚钱的诱惑,同时告诫自己不可贪得无厌。明知道吃亏,也要坚持这个原则,这是能否渡过人生分水岭的一个界限。 Emma:商业不投机在很多人眼中就是傻,投机的钱很多人会去赚,反而长期积累是很多人都不愿意做的。我觉得这个原则大事小事其实都是可以应用的,长线思维是必须具备的,自己的大部分时间如果花费在长线上,那么人生的长远必然是低风险的。 贯彻落实才有意义: 人性本身是很难抵抗欲望和诱惑的。正反两个例子,反例:公司董事因为中层员工实用了自己的配车发脾气被作者教育,正例:作者的妻子拒绝了搭乘公司的公车。作者认为,正因为容易被诱惑,才要经常反省自己。 Emma:反思是时时处处要做的事情,正因为是小事,才体现出内心深处的想法。我现在能做到的是每天的反省,时时刻刻还有不经常能坚持,很多想法和反思是没有记录,快节奏的工作和各种条件限制也是一部分吧。 思维决定人生的发展方向: 简单的人生公式具有普适性,人生和工作的结果=思维方式X热情X能力,正向的思维方式,饱满的热情,杰出的能力,这三者最重要的是思维方式,作者用福泽渝吉的话来印证自己的话“思想如哲学家般很远,心术如元禄武士般高尚正直,加之以小吏的才干,再加之以百姓的身体,如此则必成实业社会之俊杰。 如何导演好人生这台戏: 认真过好每一天,包括每个瞬间, 心中时刻有燃烧的激情和愿望,随时随地极认真地面对生活中每一件事情。面对困难不逃避,直面应对。把自己逼到极致,有这种意志就可以变不可能为可能。 身体力行是最好的学习方法: 知识加上经验才有成功的可能,从书上看到的烧制陶瓷的方法在实际试验和生产中未必和书本上一致,知晓和办得到之间存在着巨大的鸿沟,需要用现场的经验来弥补。成就一番伟业的智慧只有从现场经验中获得,亲力亲为的体验是最宝贵的财富。 Emma:我突然想到我爸爸也是如此,在实践和书本的平衡中刻意练习飞速进步。反观我自己,这几年其实时间少,理论多,不实践的话,理论也忘得差不多了。 努力过好每一天: 从不制定长期的战略,伟大是在每一天成就的,充实过好每一天,五年十年就会结出果实,世界上不存在无用之物,每个人的人生都应该是有价值的,即使我们如此渺小也有存在的意义。自然界中的生物都是通过努力过好现在而把生命传递到明天或者下一代,人生也是如此。 Emma:人太容易看中短期,对于当下又容易不那么珍惜,长期是大多数所看不到的,思维的角度是非常重要的,看完这一篇,必然是要珍惜每一个当下的,肩负起自己的各种责任。 热爱是点燃激情的火把: 多数人都是没有发挥能力,生命就结束了。成功的组织内大多数人都是自燃性或者容易被他人影响被点燃的,缺乏激情的组织成员过多,组织很难成功。成事的人都是自我燃烧,还能影响别人的人。做好一个事情的最大动机就是热爱,热爱就会自然而然产生动机,不需要坚持,别人觉得苦,你也会觉得是乐趣,热爱会让自己不感觉到疲劳。热爱本职工作是让人生变得丰富多彩的唯一途径。 Emma:这句话“热爱本职工作是让人生变得丰富多彩的唯一途径。”,需要一个前提就是这个人他是希望通过工作来达成一生的修行,世界上有很多种人,有些人是通过其他途径修行,或者有些人就是热爱家庭生活,我自己认为这些没有高下之分,是人生天命不同而已,人不应该通过是否事业的成功来区分高下,一定程度上自己活在自己认为好的状态中是最重要的,通过工作修行并不适合所有人。这些是我对命理的感受,不知道是不是和稻盛和夫的观点相通,估计后面就可以看到了,他对工作和人生的理解都是通过自己和他的事业偶像来解读的,不代表适合所有人。 超越自我改变人生: 全神贯注投入工作,可以创造佳绩,会产生更大的兴趣和乐趣。认真拼命努力工作隐藏着人生真谛。 Emma:达到这种状态每个人都可以,只要你希望并且坚持,如果觉得自己难以坚持,欢迎加入我们晨间学习会。 将复杂问题简单化 做出准确干净的判断,用干净的眼睛看问题是最重要的,站在局外角度去理性冷静地看待。越是复杂问题越要回到简单的远点去判断。高远的视野会使问题的求解简单化,比如说用立交桥代替红绿灯。 Emma:李欣频的课程中和佛学的一些思想中都有这个影子,作者是用自己的理解和经验来解读,并且在实践中做到了。 国际问题,国家间摩擦单纯化 Emma:这部分讲的,从现在来看不太适应了已经,我个人也不太赞同作者观点,不引用了,也是因为涉及政治方面的一些议题。


EXPMA指标简称EMA中文名字:指数平均数指标或指数平滑移动平均线,一种趋向类指标,从统计学的观点来看,只有把移动平均线(MA)绘制在价格时间跨度的中点,才能够正确地反映价格的运动趋势,但这会使信号在时间上之后,而EXPMA指标是对移动平均线的弥补,EXPMA指标由于其计算公式中着重考虑了价格当天(当期)行情的权重,因此在使用中可克服MACD其他指标信号对于价格走势的滞后性。同时也在一定程度中消除了DMA指标在某些时候对于价格走势所产生的信号提前性,是一个非常有效的分析指标。变异平均线(VMA)与移动平均线的计算方法是一样的,区别在于移动平均线是以每日收盘价计算的,而变异平均线则是用每日的开盘价、收盘价、最高价和最低价相加后除以4得出的数据计算平均线。   1.股价高于平均线,视为强势;股价低于平均线,视为弱势;   2.平均线向上涨升,具有助涨力道;平均线向下跌降,具有助跌力道;   3.二条以上平均线向上交叉时,买进;   4.二条以上平均线向下交叉时,卖出;   5.VMA 比一般平均线的敏感度更高,消除了部份平均线落后的缺陷。

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson的资料


如何评价艾玛沃森(Emma Watson)?


emma watson是谁?

Emma Watson,中文名艾玛·沃特森,是英国女演员。人物介绍:艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson),1990年4月15日出生于法国巴黎,英国女演员。2000年8月,艾玛·沃特森被电影《哈利·波特》选中饰演赫敏·格兰杰。接下来的10年间,艾玛陆续拍摄了8部哈利波特系列影片。2007年,艾玛宣布出演电影《浪漫鼠德佩罗》和电视电影《芭蕾舞鞋》。2011年,艾玛·沃特森获得第13届青少年选择奖最佳科幻电影女演员和最佳夏日电影女星。2012年,她出演了电影《壁花少年》,还在《诺亚》中扮演伊拉一角。2014年3月,艾玛作为颁奖嘉宾出席第86届美国奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼。2014百大最美面孔女星榜单第九名,2015年进军中国。

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson的资料

全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 昵称: Em 生日: 1990/4/15 身高:161.5cm 学校:8年级 星座:白羊 头发颜色: Blonde 眼睛颜色: Brown 家乡:英格兰/牛津 校园剧: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay], The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow], The Happy Prince [unknown lead role], and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook] Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997], winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000], a Young Artists Award [2002] 偶像: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese 家庭 父母: Jacqueline and Chris [离异] 弟弟: Younger brother [3岁], Alex 奶奶: Freda Watson 宠物: Bubbles and Domino (猫) 在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》中: 最喜欢的情景: Troll Scene (stunts galore!) 最喜欢的魔咒: "Petrificus Totalus!" 在电影《哈利波特与密室》中 On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson! 最喜欢的场景: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes 最不喜欢的场景:在最后拥抱哈利[Daniel] "开始我很害怕,但后来就好了." 所获得的奖项 Best Youth Performance Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards Best Acting Ensemble Best Performance By a Youth - Female Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards Favourites [General HP] 最喜欢的HP的书:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 最喜欢的HP角色: Hagrid ("because he is funny!" 最喜欢的[Misc] 衣服牌子: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols 音乐: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio." Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon 动物: Cats 运动: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [有点像棒球] 电影: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc) Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle 学校科目: 艺术 食物:意大利食物 (意大利面,比萨, 等等) 和巧克力! 不喜欢的[关于 HP] 她的电影名字: " [My friends] do not go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me." When People Pronounce Hermione wrong. 不喜欢 [Misc] 音乐类型:古典或歌剧 学校科目: 地理, 数学和拉丁文 食物: 蔬菜 其他的 Quidditch Postion She Want to Play: Chaser Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan." Set Piece She would Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast) 迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得 第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter 喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach) 她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!) 仍然喜欢圣诞老人 希望在圣诞节得到更多衣服 地址 Emma Watson c/o HP Production Leavesden Studios P.O.Box 3000 Leavesden, Herfordshire WD2 7LT United Kingdom Emma的详细资料—— 姓名:Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 生日:1990年4月15日星座:白羊座头发:淡黄色(在电影里是棕色的)眼睛:棕色故乡:英国的牛津郡母:杰克林·沃特森(43岁 律师) 父:克里斯·沃特森(44, 律师) (父母离异)弟弟:Alex(8岁) 宠物:两只猫(泡泡 和 多米诺 )最喜欢的:宠物:猫电影:朱利亚·罗博茨的电影 衣服:DKNY, Gap, Harvey Nichols 关于哈利·波特最喜欢的:人物:海格("我觉得他很有趣而且酷,但令人惊讶的是那么大的一个巨人居然也很情绪化。")书:《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》电影中的一幕:巨怪在洗手间里的那一场魔法把戏:把斯内普的长袍点燃 。EMMA最喜欢的台词,是他们在与路威第一次碰面赫敏所说的“现在如果你们不介意的话,我要去睡了,以免你们俩又想出什么好主意让我们死掉。或者更糟……被开除!” Emma的详细资料—— 姓名:Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 生日:1990年4月15日 星座:白羊座 头发:淡黄色(在电影里是棕色的) 眼睛:棕色 故乡:英国的牛津郡 母:杰克林·沃特森(43岁 律师) 父:克里斯·沃特森(44, 律师) (父母离异) 弟弟:Alex(8岁) 宠物:两只猫(泡泡 和 多米诺 ) 最喜欢的:宠物:猫 电影:朱利亚·罗博茨的电影 衣服:DKNY, Gap, Harvey Nichols 关于哈利·波特最喜欢的:人物:海格("我觉得他很有趣而且酷,但令人惊讶的是那么大的一个巨人居然也很情绪化。") 书:《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》电影中的一幕:巨怪在洗手间里的那一场魔法把戏:把斯内普的长袍点燃 。 EMMA最喜欢的台词,是他们在与路威第一次碰面赫敏所说的“现在如果你们不介意的话,我要去睡了,以免你们俩又想出什么好主意让我们死掉。或者更糟……被开除!” Mommy Name: Jacquelin Watson: Age: 45 +/- (born in "59) Her mom is french, which is why Emma lived in France for the first 5 years of her life Daddy Name: Chris Watson Age: 45 +/- (born in "59) Brother Name: Alex Watson Age: 10 +/- (born in "94) 魔法小公主艾玛沃特森》 想成为哈利·波特骨灰级粉丝吗?想知道银幕下的小女巫赫敏是什么样的吗?请立即翻看《哈利·波特魔法小公主》,全面了解一个真实的小女巫赫敏——艾玛·沃森!它会在中国小巫师范聚会上,让你狠露一把脸,说点别的哈迷们都不知道的幕后新闻! 本书首次翔实生动地讲述了《哈利·波特》系列电影女主角赫敏的扮演者艾玛·沃森的日常生活,以及参加电影拍摄的幕后故事。 它用幽默风趣的语言,向哈利·波特迷们介绍了银幕下的小女巫赫敏,亦即可爱少女艾玛·沃森的麻瓜生活:她的家庭和朋友,她的演艺生活,她的绯闻男友,她的爱好与烦恼,她的欢乐与眼泪,她的梦想与未来! 同进本书还涉及了丹尼尔、鲁伯特、加里·奥得曼、阿方索·卡隆、罗琳等一批著名演员、导演及作家台前幕后的故事,披露了哈利·波特系列电影片场拍摄的许多独家新闻,以及影片背后最感动我们的故事。本书绝对会让众多狂爱哈利·波特图书和电影的哈迷们,毅然决然地摆掉冲关的阻碍,立即晋级为骨灰级的哈利·波特粉丝! 目录: 第一章 小女巫的麻瓜生活 天降小女巫 巴黎宝贝 三个愿望 艾玛的第一份工作 小姐姐艾玛 第二章 小女巫的校园生活 校园小明星 爸爸妈妈分开了 万圣节的魔法 小女巫选拔赛 我是赫敏! 第三章 接过魔杖 看我七十二变 拍电影原来是这样! 艾玛施魔法 想家了 首映式 第四章 魔法少女初长成 我还是艾玛 小巫师大罢工 和赫敏一起成长 密室里的巫师们 离别的庆功会 第五章 明星零距离 天堂里的魔法师 新导演 身边的大明星 两个艾玛 我们的魔法世界 第六章 锵锵三人行 帅哥集中营 我们的野蛮女友 三人组 巫师摇滚乐团 未来大预言 第七章 爱情大魔咒 走近布莱德·皮特 谁让我心动 我的绯闻男友 青春恋人事件 我的王子会出现 第八章 少女艾玛之烦恼 嫉妒的火焰杯 艾玛的巫婆汤 青春圆舞曲 谣言四起 战痘!战痘!!战痘!!! 第九章 小女巫的星光大道 艾玛的美丽魔法 点燃希望 我的未来 第一章 小女物的麻瓜生活 天降小女巫 麻瓜公历1990年4月15日,法国巴黎,风和日丽。 没有被施了魔法的汽车从天上飞过,也没有谁家养的龙在喷火。但某医院的产房外,律师沃森先生有点火冒三丈了。 等在产房外面的几位老兄有些怜悯的看着近乎歇斯底里的沃森先生。 “是第一个孩子吧。”一位四十多岁的先生友好的挪了挪身子,给沃森先生腾了个座。 “是啊,杰奎琳进去很久了,为什么还没有消息,哦……天啊,会出什么事……”沃森先生压根么看到座位,继续在原地打转。 “沃森先生,”关了很久的门砰的打开,一位胖胖的护士笑眯眯地走出来,“恭喜你,你的夫人生了个可爱的天使。是女孩,太可爱了,母女平安。” 沃森太太的这个小宝贝就是爱玛沃森,即使十一年后风靡世界的小女巫《哈利波特》电影里女一号赫敏的扮演者。当然,这个时候的沃森先生和沃森太太可不知道。 “噢,哦,哦,哦。”沃森先生激动得浑身发抖,“感谢上帝,感谢医院,感谢杰奎琳!”他语无伦次地向在场所有医生护士以及准爸爸们表示他的谢意。大家颇有礼貌的接受这位初为人父的先生的精彩致谢。 等沃森先生终于平静下来,他见到了可爱的小女儿。护士说得没错,杰奎琳生了一个天使,襁褓里的小天使睁开美丽的大眼睛看着这个世界,她的眼睛是棕色的,闪烁着琥珀般的光芒。皮肤如蔷薇花瓣一样的娇嫩鲜艳,一头金色的胎发柔软细密。 “克里斯,我们的孩子可爱吗?”躺在床上的新妈妈虚弱的问丈夫。 “她是世界上最可爱的孩子,最美丽的宝贝,她长得真像我的祖母,那是我见过得最美丽的女士。”沃森先生凝视着女儿甜甜的笑脸声音有些发颤。 “噢,太好了。给我们的宝宝起个名字把。”妈妈幸福的微闭双眼。 “艾玛-夏洛特-杜尔勒-沃森,”克里斯对妻子微微一笑,“我记得你很喜欢艾玛这个名字,夏洛特-杜尔勒是我祖母的名字,希望我的老祖母在天堂保佑他的曾孙女健康,快乐。” “艾玛,我亲爱的小艾玛……”妈妈轻轻念着这个名字,襁褓里的小艾玛好奇的看着爸爸,看着妈妈,看着这个世界。 沃森先生和沃森太太是英国人,他们暂时在法国工作。在异乡生下女儿有诸多不便,沃森太太看着粉嫩的宝贝,有点想家了。 在沃森太太怀念美丽家园的同时,一位年轻的姑娘坐上了从英国曼彻斯特出发开往伦敦国王车站的火车。她容貌清秀,举止优雅,火车的误点也没让她发火。这位金发姑娘着迷的看着窗外,透过车窗,她好像看到了一个黑发瘦弱,带着眼镜的小男孩其在扫帚上对她微笑。 “你是小巫师吗?”她对小男孩友善的说。 小男孩冲她眨眨眼睛,噗的一声,好像气泡一样消失了。 “这可是个有趣的故事。”姑娘兴致勃勃的双手托腮,开始天马行空的想象。这位胡思乱想的姑娘叫乔安妮-凯瑟琳-罗琳,简称J-K-罗琳,25岁。就是后来《哈利波特》的作者。 如果世上所有的人每天都有记日记的习惯,那么我们会惊喜地发现,这个世界上每个人的联系是多么奇妙,就好像一个神奇的魔法师施了魔法。 这个神奇的魔法师默默地看着我们出生,成长,悄悄的安排者冥冥中的定数,也许,霍格沃茨教授占卜课的特里劳妮教授都无法预测和解释。 对于如何看待命运的奇妙安排,我们就像邓不利多校长那样微笑吧!相信那位神奇的魔法师也在微笑,微笑的看着那个从天而降的小女巫挨骂,看着她一天天健康快乐的长大。 巴黎宝贝 巴黎是一个风格独特,迷人浪漫的城市。既古老又现代,庄重中带着妩媚。塞纳河,埃菲尔铁塔,卢浮宫,巴黎圣母院,还有她的美食,美酒,服装,香水……吸引着全世界人涌来。 我们的小艾玛在这样的城市里自在的成长。艾玛的生长速度和正常的孩子一样,妈妈不担心她长的慢,她总是说:“噢,我的小宝贝,你刚生下来才那么点大,现在已经是个小淑女了。” 爸爸在小淑女艾玛身上看到了未来体育明星的希望,她发现艾玛的四肢比其他孩子要灵活的多,这很像他!爸爸在少年时代梦想成为冰上曲棍球选手,当然梦想没有实现,但是他在叼着奶嘴的女儿身上看到了希望。未来的体育明星被兴致勃勃地父亲抱着,在电视机前看了一场又一场比赛。虽然在激烈的比赛过程中,艾玛小宝贝习惯流着口水呼呼睡去,但是沃森先生还是坚定地对妻子强调:“艾玛就是这块料!” 沃森太太无奈的从丈夫手中接过张着小嘴打呼噜的艾玛,放进兔子床上。她才不信他的小艾玛将来会成为什么体育明星,这么激烈的运动可不适合女孩子。她的宝贝应该是个美丽的淑女,上名牌大学,有一份得体的工作,舒服地生活,浪漫而优雅。 沃森先生和沃森太太都是律师,做事理性公正。但是面对他们可爱的小女儿,两个人不约而同显示出了狂想症患者的一些症状,据说这些症状经常出现在刚做父母的人群身上。艾玛在沃森先生的梦境中刚蝉联了奥运会的冠军,又要赶着去沃森太太的梦境中过罗马假日。 我们的小艾玛在爸爸妈妈殷切的期盼中自由的成长。 才满一岁,艾玛开始蹒跚走路。当她拿着曲棍球棍当拐杖摇摇晃晃走到父亲面前时,沃森先生从嗓子眼里发出了一声呜咽,他的女儿在还没握好叉子之前就握住了球棍,这样的幸福他有些承受不起。 当小艾玛用胖乎乎的小手拉着衣角给母亲行了个屈膝礼的时候,虽然艾玛几乎跌坐在地上,但是沃森太太仍被这一幕激动得热泪盈眶。在她心中,小宝贝已经可以去参加舞会了,她要给艾玛订做礼服! 艾玛很快学会了走路,跑也不成问题。一岁半的时候,她已经在家里四处溜达了,两岁的时候,艾玛开始跟着爸爸妈妈在外面溜达。 巴黎塞纳河左岸拉丁区的居民和游客们,在天气晴好的日子里,常常能看见一个漂亮的小宝贝和爸爸妈妈一起在塞纳河畔散步。 艾玛像个洋娃娃,粉嫩的小脸蛋,明亮的大眼睛,卷曲的进发。她可不像别的孩子那样牵着爸爸妈妈的衣角,小艾玛神气活现地走在前面,忽闪着眼睛四处张望。 “噢,我的曲棍球明星!” “哦,我的舞会女王!” 爸爸妈妈望着活泼的女儿,心里发出不同的感慨。 “兔子,爱丽丝,美人鱼!”艾玛好像发现了目标的小猎犬,加快脚步,兴高采烈的冲进了一家店里。 “哦,是亲爱的艾玛,”老板布朗低下头,慈爱的摸摸小艾玛的满头卷发。“你来看望美人鱼吗?” 这家店主要经营和童话有关的产品。店里摆满了童话里的主人公,有梦游仙境的爱丽丝和兔子,有化成泡沫的美人鱼,还有长鼻子的匹诺曹…… 小艾玛每天晚上都是在妈妈的童话故事中入睡的,她对故事中的主人公有着深厚的感情,自从知道了这家店后就常来拜访。布朗对这个漂亮宝贝已经很熟悉了。小艾玛的习惯是和每个童话娃娃都聊上一句。 “美人鱼,你的脚还疼吗?” “你好,穿靴子的猫咪,妈妈也给我买了双靴子,好看吧。” 艾玛从自己的口袋里拿出个小苹果,坚持要老板送给白雪公主,“这样她就不会吃坏皇后的毒苹果了。” 布朗推辞不了只好欣然接受,并且保证一定送到白雪公主手中。艾玛满意的点点头,和布朗告别。 我们的艾玛昂着她漂亮的小脑袋,继续散步。夕阳照在塞纳河上,波光闪闪,来往的行人对这位小淑女微微含笑。 三个愿望 尽管沃森先生和沃森太太关于小艾玛的未来发展有无尽的想象,小艾玛还是像一个普通的麻瓜女孩一样成长着。 不过让爸爸欣慰的事,小艾玛对冰上曲棍球很感兴趣,已经陪父亲去看了几场比赛,现在几乎可以分辨出哪些队员属于自己支持的球队哪些队员属于别的球队了。 当然,妈妈看到小艾玛大段大段的时间都在听广播里的音乐,并且随着音乐自编自导的翩翩起舞时,她的自豪感就油然而生了。 “哦,瞧我们的艾玛多了不起!” 爸爸妈妈看着可爱的女儿,愉悦的感慨…… 奶奶弗莱达-沃森太太从英国大老远跑来看孙女,奶奶对于可爱的小孙女可是有着不同的期待。 “克里斯,杰奎琳,我们的小艾玛也许不会按照你们设想的那样成长,她是个特别的孩子,她会有不同于常人的未来。”奶奶若有所思的看着在院子里玩耍的小艾玛。 “当然了妈妈,我们的小艾玛是独一无二的。“沃森先生得意地说。 “哦,克里斯,你应该明白我的意思,”奶奶轻轻摇摇头,“艾玛和别的孩子不一样,她对事情有种特殊的……激情。也许这个词用在一个三岁的孩子身上不太合适,可是艾玛是这样的,她对一切都那么好奇,那么热情……” 奶奶一边说着,一边拿着相机给艾玛拍照,她没有打扰正在照顾玩具熊谁叫得挨骂,只在旁边抓拍艾玛快乐的面孔,认真的表情。 “宝贝,它睡着了吗?”奶奶轻声问小心翼翼把小熊抱到床上的艾玛。 艾玛点点头,拉着奶奶蹑手蹑脚走出房间。 “那么,我的小宝贝,坐在这里,奶奶给你拍张正面的照片。”奶奶让艾玛坐在客厅的椅子上,“看着镜头,它可以把你漂亮的样子照下来。宝贝,对着相机来许愿吧!告诉奶奶,你想成为什么样的人?”奶奶从镜头里看着坐的端端正正的艾玛。 “是冰上曲棍球选手吗?”爸爸激动地说。 “还是和爸爸妈妈一样的律师?还是舞蹈演员?”妈妈也迫不及待地问。 “我想成为……一位公主,一个仙女,一名演员!”艾玛快乐的大声宣布。 “咔嚓”,照片拍下了艾玛甜甜的笑脸。 “你每天晚上都给她讲故事,也许是讲得太多了。”沃森先生无奈的看着妻子。 “亲爱的,我可没有跟她讲演员的故事,演员这个词她是从哪学来的?”沃森夫人不解的看着小艾玛。 “当然是和你一遍遍看《罗马假日》学来的。”沃森先生的语气略有些不满。 “啊哈,那也没有和你一起看曲棍球的次数多。”沃森太太也毫不示弱。 “宝贝,你知道什么是演员吗?”奶奶问艾玛。 小艾玛跳下椅子,跑向电视,指着电视机上的人,大声说:“这就是演员。” 电视上正在播出的是第65届奥斯卡的颁奖典礼,演员艾玛-汤普森获得了最佳女主角。 “我聪明得挨骂,你太让我惊奇了,”奶奶喃喃地说道,目光从艾玛身上落到电视上,“艾玛-汤普森拿到了小金人,她也叫艾玛,也是英国人。哦,这太神奇了,简直像是……施了魔法!” 奶奶抱着艾玛看完了奥斯卡的颁奖,她无法确定怀里的小孙女对于今天许下的愿望是否了解,也许只是小女孩的信口开河。可是,直觉告诉奶奶,艾玛今天许下的愿望一定会对她的未来有影响。 “生活是如此美丽与神奇,宝贝,你明白吗?”奶奶亲了亲艾玛的小脸蛋,艾玛似懂非懂的点点头,挣开奶奶的怀抱,去照顾他的熊宝宝了。 几天后,奶奶要回国了,艾玛和爸爸妈妈把奶奶一直送到机场。 “克里斯,杰奎琳,记住艾玛的许愿吧!也许……她的愿望都会实现。”奶奶使劲亲了一下艾玛的小脸蛋,艾玛“咯咯”的笑着,好奇的打量着机场来来往往的人群。 “这可是小艾玛第一次许愿呢,她一下子就许了三个愿望,而且,很完美不是吗?”沃森太太笑着说。 沃森先生抱起小艾玛,“宝贝,如果实现了这三个愿望,那你可就了不起了!我想,只有小女巫才能把这先愿望都实现吧!” “女巫?”艾玛重复着爸爸的话,欢快的笑着。 我们不得不说,当时间带走人们的青春和美丽时,也会留下相应的礼物——智慧。当爸爸妈妈还在为小艾玛究竟向什么方向发展争论时,奶奶在飞机上已经开始幻想在若干年后,另一个英国的艾玛——艾玛-沃森也拿到了小金人。 命运的魔法师进行了怎样精心的安排啊!爸爸妈妈一定无法想象,八年后,小艾玛得到《哈利-波特》中赫敏的角色,成为了魔法世界最出色的小女巫,功力和小仙女相当了,她也是无数影迷心目中美丽的小公主,当然,她还是个演员,优秀的小演员。 小艾玛在三岁时许下的愿望几乎都实现了,后来奶奶回忆这些事情时,脸上总带着狡黠的微笑,“亲爱的,这是魔法的力量啊,难道不是吗?我的小艾玛从小就会魔法,她是上天送给我们的礼物,是给我们带来快乐的小女巫!” All Stars》杂志列出了Emma的十件事 1,她说她经常进行自我批评,在看到电影中自己的形象时尤甚。 2,她喜欢做平平常常的事,去平平常常的地方玩。她在家里不喜欢被人看作一个明星。她只有在每次的首映式上才感到自己是个公众人物,其余时间她只想让大家把她当个普通人看待。 3,她很爱运动,特别喜欢滑雪和曲棍球。但她不喜欢备考赶工。 4,她讨厌那些说她爱上Daniel的人,也讨厌传她和Rupert或Tom绯闻的人。 5,她写东西的时候总习惯咬自己的舌尖。 6,她觉得赫敏是个喋喋不休的人,而她要演绎这点很难。可能对Emma来说,学小把戏这类的活儿只是开头难,学会就好了;而要演赫敏必须得每时每刻很快地说话,这是件苦差事。 7,她觉得花束是最好的礼物。小伙子们为了获得她的注意,最好送花给她。 8,Emma惯用右手,不过她还是把手表戴在右手上。 9,任何有朱莉亚·罗伯茨的电影她都百看不厌。 10,Emma不知道什么能真正打动她的心。

Emma Watson译成中文是艾玛沃特森还是艾玛沃森


各位亲,谁能帮我写一封英文信,写给哈利波特里扮演赫敏的Emma Watson


谁能帮我写一封英文信,写给哈利波特里扮演赫敏的Emma Watson

Dear Emma Watson, Hi!Nice to meet you,Miss Watson! I"m one of your big fans in China.It"s been almost ten years since the debut of "The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone" to the lastest "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".I am so attracted to your excellent performance. Here I would like to thank you sincerely for your acting which brings me great pleasure for so many years. Also,if possible,I would like to ask whether you can send me a picture with your signature when you acted as Hermione Granger?I do appreciate you if I can get this as a wonderful gift. Thanks again and bring my best wishes to you and your family. Waiting for your kindly reply. Best regards XXXX 供参考

艾玛u2022沃森(Emma Watson)演技如何?

走精英路线比不过经验丰富的波特曼,野路子拼不过灵动俏皮的新科影后石头姐还有之前被诟病的暮光女,同辈的罗南妹子选片眼光不要太好,两度奥斯卡提名被冠以“文艺片精灵”,同为90年出生的还有玛格特·罗比,今年也有主演《我,塔尼娅》这样的文艺片,奥斯卡提名指日可待,艾丽·范宁也凭借《牡丹花下》《如何在派对上搭讪女孩》两部电影亮相戛纳,屈臣氏小姐仿佛陷入了黑洞 但屈臣氏小姐的演技不能全盘否定《美女与野兽》里贝儿看到野兽把图书馆送给她的时候,她用了浮夸的尖叫来表现激动,但是,屈臣氏小姐在《壁花少年》中扮演了理性和善良的Sam,温柔关怀着男主角和同父异母的哥哥,很难忘。

从《哈利波特》雀斑女孩到自信女神,回顾Emma Watson美丽进化史

Emma Watson永远可以避开一些令她不美的风险,由童星到如今充满自信心的女神,她的美丽进化史是怎样的?在妆容上,她经常用大胆而充满活力的色调,勇于尝试不同的眼妆和唇妆,塑造了很多令人难忘的红毯造型。 从《哈利波特》的雀斑女孩赫敏,到在《小妇人》电影中饰演Meg March,回顾Emma Watson多年来的外表及造型进化史。 2004 以紫色裙装出席《哈利波特:阿兹卡班的囚徒》首映,裙上的花卉衬托出Emma Watson柔和的眼妆。 Emma Watson以新面孔出席首映,当时她的金色造型备受瞩目。 2007 拥有小麦 健康 肤色的Emma Watson出席《哈利波特与凤凰社》欧洲首映。 2009 同样是《哈利波特与混血王子》首映,Emma Watson似乎欠缺一支唇膏。 Emma Watson戴上发箍出席《哈利波特与混血王子》首映。 2010 Emma Watson剪去经典长发,代表她饰演赫敏的日子告一段落。 2011 Emma Watson化身妖精出席2011年的英国电影学院奖。 同样是《哈利波特:死神的圣物2》,但在纽约首映礼上,Emma Watson以湿发和黑金眼妆为造型,相当抢眼。 在伦敦《哈利波特:死神的圣物2》首映上,Emma Watson以烟熏眼出席。 2013 出席电影《世界末日》的首映会,Emma Watson以深色唇膏和短发示人。 2014 出席英国电影学院奖,性感一字肩上衣搭配帅气裤装,桃红色口红凸显少女感。 以简约大气的红唇妆容出席2014年奥斯卡。 2015 在马德里的记者会上,以橙唇和淡妆现身。 2016 2016 在Met Gala上,复古的卷发造型加上裸色唇,为红地毯带来仙气。 2017 在《MTV电影大奖》上,不掩饰雀班以真面目示人,加上猫眼线,简约的妆容更显气质。 2017 在电影《圆圈》的首映上,以夕阳般的橙调胭脂和粉色珊瑚唇示人。 2018 Emma Watson以裸色唇妆、烟熏眼加上凌乱的发型参加《Vanity Fair》奥斯卡派对。

请辨认这几张Emma Watson(艾玛·沃特森)的电影截图出自哪部电影






moral dilemma 英文解释


moral dilemma啥意思

moral dilemma道德上的左右为难;道德两难处境;伦理两难 moral dilemma 道德两难,道德难题,道德两难处境moral-dilemma 道德两难情境ethical-moral dilemma 伦理—道德悖论,伦理道德悖论,伦理-道德悖论



“波霸乔丹”算什么!英超宝贝约迪·马什(Jodie Marsh)&肥皂剧性感女郎杰玛·莫纳(Gemma Merna)正当红!

英超宝贝约迪·马什 (Jodie Marsh) 肥皂剧《Hollyoaks》性感女郎杰玛·莫纳(Gemma Merna),一天换两套性感泳衣“波霸乔丹”的新对手:英超宝贝约迪·马什(Jodie Marsh)&肥皂剧《Hollyoaks》性感女郎杰玛·莫纳(Gemma Merna)英国青春肥皂剧《Hollyoaks》中女演员杰玛·莫纳 (Gemma Merna) 以性感双峰闻名,最近杰玛·莫纳 (Gemma Merna) 泳装Look亮相海滩,一天换了两套性感泳衣。而英国最有名的英超宝贝之一约迪·马什 (Jodie Marsh) 近日又以性感装扮公开亮相某夜店。约迪·马什 (Jodie Marsh) 以32D的巨乳闻名,她与波霸乔丹的“波霸”女皇之争曾闹得沸沸扬扬。约迪·马什 (Jodie Marsh) 自夸胸部货真价实,讽刺乔丹靠不断手术才堆积起的32F巨胸。


[Kelly and Nelly]《Delemma Ft Kelly Rowland》歌词:I.. love you, and I.. need you Nelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you - but [Chorus: Kelly Rowland] No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I"m with my boo, know you know I"m crazy over you No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over you [Nelly] Check it, check it, check it, uhh I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me And uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seen But oh no, oh no, she gotta a man and a son, doh"ohhh, but that"s okay Cause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my position Like a shortstop, pick up e"rything mami hittin And in no time.. (no time) I.. I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that"s for sure Cause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy home But uh, there"s somethin bout baby girl I just can"t leave alone So tell me ma what"s it gonna be? She said (You don"t know what you mean to me) [Chorus] [Nelly] Check it, check it, check it, uhh I see a lot and you look and I never say a word I know how niggaz start actin trippin out here about they girls And there"s no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon" fight over no day-hey-ame.. as you can see But I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanor The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seater Now that"s gangstah-ah-ahhh.. And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don"t you repeat it But uh, it ain"t that easy for you to pack and leave him But uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasons I respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said [Chorus] [Nelly] Sing it for me K [Kelly Rowland] I.. love you, and I.. need you Nelly I.. love you, I do.. (c"mon girl) And it"s more than you"ll.. ever know But.. it"s fo"sho You can always count on my love Foreveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh.. [Nelly] East coast, I know you shakin right Down South, I know you bouncin right West coast, I know you walkom right, cause Midwest, I see you swollen right (You don"t know what you mean to me) [Chorus] [Nelly] East coast, I know you shakin right Down South, I know you bouncin right West coast, I know you walkin right, cause Midwest, I see you swollen right (You don"t know what you mean to me) East coast, you still shakin right Down South, I see you bouncin right West coast, I know you walkin right, cause Midwest, I see you swollen right (You don"t know what you mean to me) [Chorus] [Nelly] East coast, I know you shakin right Down South, I know you bouncin right West coast, I know you walkin right Midwest, I see you swollen right (You don"t know what you mean to me) East coast, you still shakin right Down South, I see you bouncin right West coast, I know you walkin right, cause Midwest, I see you swollen right (You don"t know what you mean to me)

道德困境(ethical dilemma)


what is an ethical dilemma?用英语怎么说

what is an ethical dilemma?这句话的意思是:什么是道德困境?在政治术语上,“ethical dilemma”通常被认为是“道德两难”。其中,ethical的发音是[u02c8eθu026akl] ,而dilemma则是[du026a"lemu0259]。希望能够帮到您真正理解这句话。

在中国哪里可以买Emma Bridgewater的陶瓷?

Emma Bridgewater于2019年8月进驻中国市场,除天猫国际旗舰店外,北京SPK商城也有销售的,你看看怎么方便就怎么买吧。


New Souljewel_standstan不管像不像 感觉挺好听的 试试O(∩_∩)O~

Wen2017 FASTmrEMMA

混合线性模型已被广泛用于全基因组关联研究(GWAS),但其 在多基因座GWAS分析中 的应用尚未被探索和评估。在这里,我们为GWAS实现了快速多基因座随机SNP效应EMMA(FASTmrEMMA)模型。该模型建立在随机单核苷酸多态性(SNP)效应和新算法的基础上。该算法对多基因矩阵K的协方差矩阵和环境噪声进行白化,并将非零特征值的数量指定为1。该模型首先选择具有0.005个P值的所有推定的数量性状核苷酸(QTN),然后将它们包括在用于真实QTN检测的多基因座模型中。由于具有多位点特征,Bonferroni校正被较不严格的选择标准所取代。模拟和实际数据分析的结果表明,FASTmrEMMA在QTN检测和模型拟合方面更强大,在QTN效应估计中具有较少的偏差,并且比现有的单基因和多基因座方法(例如经验贝叶斯)需要更少的运行时间, 在渐进排他性关系(SUPER),高效混合模型关联(EMMA),压缩MLM(CMLM)和丰富CMLM(ECMLM)下的混合线性模型的解决 。 FASTmrEMMA为多基因座GWAS提供了替代方案。 关键词:全基因组关联研究;混合线性模型;多位点模型;随机效应 全基因组关联研究(GWAS)已被广泛用于人类,动物和植物遗传学中数量性状的遗传解剖,特别是与基因组测序技术的输出相结合。 最常用的GWAS方法是混合线性模型(MLM)方法 [1,2],因为它证明了从许多小遗传效应(多基因背景)纠正inflation和控制种群分层偏差的有效性[3-7]。自Yu等[2]的MLM发表以来,已经提出了许多基于MLM的方法。然而,它们中的大多数通过一次测试一个标记包括一维基因组扫描,其涉及对显着性测试的阈值的多次测试校正。广泛使用的 Bonferroni校正通常过于保守,无法检测数量性状的许多重要位点。 大多数数量性状由一些具有大效应的基因和许多具有轻微影响的多基因控制。然而,GWAS的当前一维基因组扫描方法与这些性状的真实遗传模型不匹配。为了克服这个问题,已经开发了 多位点方法 ;例如,贝叶斯最小绝对收缩和选择算子(LASSO)[8],自适应混合LASSO [9],惩罚Logistic回归[10?1],Elastic-Net [12],经验贝叶斯(E-BAYES)[13]和EBAYES LASSO [14]。 如果标记的数量是样本大小的几倍,则所有标记效果可以包括在单个模型中并以无偏的方式估计。 但是, 如果标记的数量比样本大小大许多倍,则这些收缩方法将失败。 在这种情况下,我们应该考虑如何 减少多基因座遗传模型中标记效应的数量 。例如,Zhou等[15]开发了贝叶斯稀疏线性混合模型,Moser等[16]提出了贝叶斯混合模型。在这些模型中,考虑了混合物分布中的两到四个共同组分,并且仅估计了几个方差分量。虽然在几轮吉布斯采样后最终考虑了遗传模型中约500种效应,但 计算时间 成为这些贝叶斯方法的主要关注点。最近,Segura等[17]和Wang等[7]提出了多基因座MLM方法。然而,需要进一步改进快速算法。 Zhang等人的[1] MLM方法将数量性状核苷酸(QTN)效应视为随机的,其中需要估计由于QTN,多基因和残留误差引起的三个组分方差。如果效果的数量很大,则此计算需要很长时间。 为了减少计算时间并增加QTN检测的功效 ,已经提出了具有先前确定的 群体参数(P3D)算法 [18]和 丰富的CMLM(ECMLM) [19]的 压缩MLM(CMLM) 。另一方面,Kang等[3]提出了一种有效的混合模型关联(EMMA),其他作者提出了替代方案,如EMMA eXpedited(EMMAX)[20],FaST-LMM [21],FaST-LMM-Select [22],全基因组EMMA [4]和全基因组快速关联使用混合模型和回归-Gamma(GRAMMAR-Gamma)[23]。最近,基于FaST-LMM开发了渐进排他性关系(SUPER)[24]下的混合线性模型的解决方案。在上述快速方法中,SNP效应被视为固定的。 Goddard等[25]指出,与固定模型相比, 随机标记模型具有几个优点 [7,26,27]。例如,随机模型方法将估计的SNP效应收缩至零。然而,Goddard等[25]没有提供有效的计算算法来估计标记效应。 在本文中,我们描述了一种新方法,通过为三个组分方差构建快速和新的矩阵变换,可以快速扫描整个基因组中的每个随机效应标记。然后,将具有0.005个P值的所有推定的QTN置于一个多基因座遗传模型中,并且通过EM经验贝叶斯(EMEB)[28]估计这些QTN效应用于真正的QTN鉴定。这种新方法称为快速多位点随机SNP效应EMMA(FASTmrEMMA),通过分析拟南芥的实际数据[29]和一系列模拟研究进行验证,并与其他方法比较,如E-BAYES (多基因座模型)[30],SUPER,EMMA,ECMLM和CMLM(单基因座模型)。

emma watson 联合国演讲稿

演讲全文:Today we are launching a campaign HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We must try to mobilize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. We don"t just want to talk about it. We want to try and make sure it"s tangible. I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women 6 months ago.The more I spoke about feminism, the more I realized that fighting for women"s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes.When I was 8, I was called bossy because I wanted to direct a play we would put on for our parents. When at 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media. At 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of sports teams because they didn"t want to appear masculine. At 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings.I decided that I was a feminist. This seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Women are choosing not to identify as feminists. Apparently, [women"s expression is] seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, and anti-men, unattractive even.Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one? I think it is right I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men.But sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to see these rights. No country in the world can yet say that they achieved gender equality. These rights are considered to be human rights but I am one of the lucky ones.My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn"t love me less because I was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn*t assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day. These influences are the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today. They may not know it but they are the inadvertent feminists needed in the world today. We need more of those.If you still hate the word, it is not the word that is important. It is the idea and the ambition behind it because not all women have received the same rights I have. In fact, statistically, very few have.In 1997, Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women"s rights. Sadly, many of the things that she wanted to change are still true today. What struck me the most was that less than 30% of the audience were male. How can we effect change in the world when only half of it is invited or being welcomed to participate in the conversation?Men, I would like to give this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. Because to date, I"ve seen my father"s role as a parent being valued less by society. I"ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it would make them less of a man. In fact, in the UK, suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 to 49, eclipsing road accidents, cancer and heart disease. I"ve seen men fragile and insecure by what constitutes male success. Men don"t have the benefits of equality, either.We don"t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that they are. When they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence. If men don"t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won"t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don"t have to control, women won"t have to be controlled.Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are. We can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It"s about freedom. I want men to take up this mantle so that their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too, reclaim parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so, be a more true and complete version of themselves.You might think: who is this Harry Potter girl? What is she doing at the UN? I"ve been asking myself the same thing. All I know is that I care about this problem and I want to make it better. And having seen what I"ve seen and given the chance, I feel it is my responsibility to say something. Statesman Edmund Burke said all that is need for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.In my nervousness for this speech and in my moments of doubt, I told myself firmly: if not me, who? If not now, when? If you cast doubts when opportunity is presented to you, I hope those words will be helpful. Because the reality is if we do nothing, it will take 75 years or maybe 100 before women can expect to be paid the same as men for the same work. 15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children. And at current rates, it won*t be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have a secondary education.If you believe in equality, you might be one of the inadvertent feminists I spoke of earlier and for this I appraud you. We must strive for a united world but the good news is we have a platform. It is called HeForShe. I invite you to step forward, to be seen and I ask yourself: if not me, who? If not now, when? Thank you.


演讲全文:Today we are launching a campaign HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We must try to mobilize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. We don"t just want to talk about it. We want to try and make sure it"s tangible. I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women 6 months ago.The more I spoke about feminism, the more I realized that fighting for women"s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes.When I was 8, I was called bossy because I wanted to direct a play we would put on for our parents. When at 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media. At 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of sports teams because they didn"t want to appear masculine. At 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings.I decided that I was a feminist. This seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Women are choosing not to identify as feminists. Apparently, [women"s expression is] seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, and anti-men, unattractive even.Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one? I think it is right I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men.But sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to see these rights. No country in the world can yet say that they achieved gender equality. These rights are considered to be human rights but I am one of the lucky ones.My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn"t love me less because I was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn*t assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day. These influences are the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today. They may not know it but they are the inadvertent feminists needed in the world today. We need more of those.If you still hate the word, it is not the word that is important. It is the idea and the ambition behind it because not all women have received the same rights I have. In fact, statistically, very few have.In 1997, Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women"s rights. Sadly, many of the things that she wanted to change are still true today. What struck me the most was that less than 30% of the audience were male. How can we effect change in the world when only half of it is invited or being welcomed to participate in the conversation?Men, I would like to give this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. Because to date, I"ve seen my father"s role as a parent being valued less by society. I"ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it would make them less of a man. In fact, in the UK, suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 to 49, eclipsing road accidents, cancer and heart disease. I"ve seen men fragile and insecure by what constitutes male success. Men don"t have the benefits of equality, either.We don"t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that they are. When they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence. If men don"t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won"t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don"t have to control, women won"t have to be controlled.Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are. We can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It"s about freedom. I want men to take up this mantle so that their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too, reclaim parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so, be a more true and complete version of themselves.You might think: who is this Harry Potter girl? What is she doing at the UN? I"ve been asking myself the same thing. All I know is that I care about this problem and I want to make it better. And having seen what I"ve seen and given the chance, I feel it is my responsibility to say something. Statesman Edmund Burke said all that is need for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.In my nervousness for this speech and in my moments of doubt, I told myself firmly: if not me, who? If not now, when? If you cast doubts when opportunity is presented to you, I hope those words will be helpful. Because the reality is if we do nothing, it will take 75 years or maybe 100 before women can expect to be paid the same as men for the same work. 15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children. And at current rates, it won*t be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have a secondary education.If you believe in equality, you might be one of the inadvertent feminists I spoke of earlier and for this I appraud you. We must strive for a united world but the good news is we have a platform. It is called HeForShe. I invite you to step forward, to be seen and I ask yourself: if not me, who? If not now, when? Thank you.

on the horns of a dilemma 为什么用horn

这是一个固定的句式,on the horns of a dilemma,表示:拿不定注意,左右为难,进退维谷。例句:To get off the horns of this dilemma will not be easy.摆脱这种进退两难的处境是困难的。I was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job.人家又给了我一个工作,我不由得进退两难。


卢昕妤(Aries) ; 江雨恩(Emma)

emma watson到底多高?

赫敏·格兰杰 格兰芬多学院的学生赫敏回到霍格沃茨上二年级,她又在夏天研读了所有有关魔法的资料。对于朋友罗恩和哈利来说,她对咒语和魔力的广博知识仍将是无价之宝,因为新的危险降临到了霍格沃茨... 12岁的埃玛·沃森 (Emma Watson) 在《哈利·波特与魔法石》中首次闪亮登场,进入职业演艺界。但她的天份早已显山露水,她曾多次在学校的演出中大受好评。 埃玛 5 岁时从法国移居英国。7 岁时在学校的诗歌朗诵比赛中获一等奖。她在学校排演的《亚瑟:青年时代》(Arthur:The Young Years) 中扮演了 Morgan La Fay,接着又主演了《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)。 埃玛喜欢打曲棍球,最近刚入选校队。她还喜欢跑柱式棒球和无挡板篮球,积极参加学校的各项活动,包括田径和划艇。 赫敏个人档案:全名Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 1990年4月15日出生于英国牛津郡.在学校时,她就曾主演过好几部戏,她还参加了其他学校的舞台剧的拍摄.哈利波特与魔法石是她的首部电影,也是她第一次向世界观众展示自己(我成了她的忠实影迷),在和众多女孩的较量后,Emma最终赢得了Hermione这个角色.在戏外,Emma喜欢打曲棍球.虽然在剧中她的头发是棕色的,可事实上她是个不折不扣的金发.在一次万圣节当中她打扮成一位巫婆,当时她没有想到,不久后的她将在哈利波特中出演一个真正的女巫.Emma的父母都是律师,不幸的是他们离婚了,Emma目前和弟弟Alex跟母亲住. 生活中的Emma:有个比她小三岁的弟弟 Emma希望出演其他角色机会:"我扮演了一个娇弱的,蛮横和漂亮的Hermione,现在我更想演一个完全不同的角色,比如美国某高校里的一个普通女孩.我想演任何类型的角色,可现在看上去我还是不得不在哈利波特剧组里呆上一阵子." 养了两只猫Bubbles跟Domino 喜欢曲棍球和网球 最喜欢的哈利波特系列小说是第三部哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 作为评委参加了2004年在伦敦莱斯特广场举办的专门为青少年设立的First Light Film颁奖典礼,她身边的还有著名影星皮尔斯 布鲁斯南等. 在她刚刚过完13岁生日后两个月,便挤进了最受欢迎女童星前十名. 在拍第二部的时候扭伤了手腕. 同哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒中Trelawney教授的扮演者同一天生日 而且两人都叫Emma. 最难拍的一个场景是当纳威(Neville)带着他的蟾蜍Trevor对Emma说:"你想和它道晚安么."每次拍到这的时候,Emma总忍不住大笑起来."我知道我应该摆出一副我恨透你的表情,可是我就是控制不了自己,这一幕大概拍了8次才算完."Emma说. 我的朋友们的确很在乎我的名声,不过他们只是很好奇,经常跟我问这问那. 对于她扮演的赫敏,她评价道:"她是个疯狂的女孩 而且脾气不太好但是很坚强. "那是件好事,他们总是问你相同的问题,而我只要站在那里回答相同的答案就行了,根本用不着思考,就像一张坏了的唱片只发出同一个声音那样."对于媒体总是问相同的问题,Emma如是说. -- EMMA(赫敏)的个人资料 ! EMMA的个人资料 EMMA资料~~收录 基本资料 全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 昵称: Em 生日: 1990/4/15 身高:161.5cm 学校:8年级 星座:白羊 头发颜色: Blonde 眼睛颜色: Brown 家乡:英格兰/牛津 校园剧: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay], The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow], The Happy Prince [unknown lead role], and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook] Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997], winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000], a Young Artists Award [2002] 偶像: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese 家庭 父母: Jacqueline and Chris [离异] 弟弟: Younger brother [3岁], Alex 奶奶: Freda Watson 宠物: Bubbles and Domino (猫) 在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》中: 最喜欢的情景: Troll Scene (stunts galore!) 最喜欢的魔咒: "Petrificus Totalus!" 在电影《哈利波特与密室》中 On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson! 最喜欢的场景: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes 最不喜欢的场景:在最后拥抱哈利[Daniel] "开始我很害怕,但后来就好了." 所获得的奖项 Best Youth Performance Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards Best Acting Ensemble Best Performance By a Youth - Female Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards Favourites [General HP] 最喜欢的HP的书:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 最喜欢的HP角色: Hagrid ("because he is funny!" 最喜欢的[Misc] 衣服牌子: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols 音乐: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio." Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon 动物: Cats 运动: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [有点像棒球] 电影: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc) Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle 学校科目: 艺术 食物:意大利食物 (意大利面,比萨, 等等) 和巧克力! 不喜欢的[关于 HP] 她的电影名字: " [My friends] do not go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me." When People Pronounce Hermione wrong. 不喜欢 [Misc] 音乐类型:古典或歌剧 学校科目: 地理, 数学和拉丁文 食物: 蔬菜 其他的 Quidditch Postion She Want to Play: Chaser Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan." Set Piece She would Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast) 迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得 第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter 喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach) 她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!) 仍然喜欢圣诞老人 希望在圣诞节得到更多衣服 地址 Emma Watson c/o HP Production Leavesden Studios P.O.Box 3000 Leavesden, Herfordshire WD2 7LT United Kingdom

可唔可以话比我知((pride and prejudice)) 同埋((emma)) ge 内容&角色 ar??

Pride and Prejudice The story addresses courtship and marriage among the landed gentry in the early 19th century. The main character is Elizabeth Ben a beautiful 20-year-old woman possessed of a quick mind and a quicker tongue. Elizabeth"s beloved eldest sister Jane is gentler and more attractive. Mr. Ben is an eccentric who spends much of his time hiding in his study a refuge from his bothersome wife and the rest of his time making humorously disparaging remarks about his family. Another sister Mary is a dowdy moraliser in love with books while the others Kitty and Lydia are reckless teenage flirts attracted to any attentive man especially if in uniform. Meanwhile the querulous gauche Mrs. Ben is desperately determined to secure good matches for her five daughters while trying to keep control of her "nerves". The Ben family"s modest estate in Hertfordshire is entailed in default of heirs male—which me a cousin Mr. Collins will inherit the estate on Mr. Ben"s death leaving Mrs. Ben and any unmarried daughters homeless and left to live on a very *** all and insufficient ine. Main Characters: 1) Elizabeth Ben --The 20-year-old second sister and the protagonist of the story. She is her father"s favorite and inherits his intelligence and wit. She is generally regarded as one of the most endearing and popular female protagonists in English literature. 2) Fitzwilliam Darcy --Mr. Bingley"s close friend an intelligent wealthy and reserved man who often appears haughty or proud to strangers. He is wary of his friend Bingley"s romantic entanglements with unsuitable women. 3) Gee Wickham -- A dashing handsome young soldier who attracts the attention of Elizabeth Ben. His father was the manager of the Darcy estate so he grew up with Mr. Darcy and his sister. Though a favourite of Darcy"s now-deceased father there is bitter enmity beeen him and Darcy due to his attempt to elope with Geiana Darcy for her substantial inheritance. Emma 因为字数有限的关系 请你自己去个网页到睇啦. 有详细的故事内容同人物简介的. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Pride_and_Prejudice + en. *** /wiki/Emma Emma: Emma Woodhouse is a young woman in Regency England. Emma"s best friend is Mr. Gee Knightley her brother-in-law. Against Knightley"s advice she next tries to match her new friend Harriet Smith to the local vicar Mr. Elton first persuading her to refuse an advantageous marriage proposal from a respectable young farmer Mr. Martin. Her matchmaking scheme goes awry when it turns out that Mr. Elton a social climber wants to marry Emma herself— not as she had hoped the poor and socially inferior Harriet. An interesting development for Emma is the arrival in the neighbourhood of Frank Churchill Mrs. Weston"s stepson whom she has never met but in whom she has a long-standing interest. Mr. Elton returns with another newer--a vulgar wife who bees part of Emma"s social circle even though the o women loathe each other. A third new character is Jane Fairfax the reserved but beautiful niece of Emma"s impoverished neighbour the loquacious Miss Bates. Jane who is very acplished musically is Miss Bates"s pride and joy; Emma however envies her talent and somewhat dislikes her. Jane had lived with Miss Bates until she was nine but Colonel Campbell a friend indebted to her father for seeing him through a life-threatening illness then weled her into his own home where she became fast friends with his daughter and received a first-rate education. On the marriage of Miss Campbell Jane returned to her relations to prepare to earn her living as a erness. In her eagerness to find some sort of fault with Jane — and also to find something to amuse her in her pleasant but dull village — Emma concocts a fantasy that Jane fancied Miss Campbell"s hu *** and Mr. Dixon and that it is for this reason she has returned home rather than going to Ireland to visit them. This suspicion is further fuelled by the arrival of a piano for Jane from a mysterious anonymous benefactor. Emma confides her suspicions to Frank who for reasons of his own encourages them. The plot bees quite plex as Emma tries to make herself fall in love with Frank simply because everyone says they make a handsome couple. Emma ultimately decides however that he would suit Harriet better after an episode where Frank saves her protegée from a band of gypsies. During this time Mrs. Weston wonders if Emma"s old friend Mr. Knightley might have taken a fancy to Jane. Emma promptly decides that she does not want him to marry anyone but rather than further exploring these feelings she claims that she wants her nephew Henry to inherit the family property. When Mr. Knightley scolds Emma for a thoughtless insult to Miss Bates she finally recognises her own shortings and tries to atone. Around this time Emma is further disfited when she learns that Jane and Frank have been secretly engaged for almost a year. When Harriet confides that she thinks Mr. Knightley is in love with her jealousy forces Emma to realize that she loves him herself. Shortly thereafter Mr. Knightley proposes to Emma Harriet reconciles with her young farmer and everyone lives happily ever after. Characters: 1) Emma Woodhouse is a pretty high-spirited intellectual and slightly spoiled woman of 21. Though vowing she will never marry she delights in making matches for others. It is only at the end of the novel that Emma realizes that she is in love with her longtime friend and connection Gee Knightley. 2) Mr. Gee Knightley a neighbor aged about 37 is one of the only people to find any fault with Emma. Knightley is highly respected and considered very much a gentleman and there is a no-nonsense air about him. He is the standard against which all the men in Emma"s life are measured. He is constantly disputing with Mrs. Weston about Emma"s spoiled upbringing because of his long and deep-seated affection for her. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Emma

小题1:Who is this postcard sent to? A.Peter. B.Gemma. C.Kim. D.Tom. 小题2:Which count

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:A小题4:B小题5:B 试题分析:本文是书信类阅读,讲述写给Kim一个明信片,讲述旅行过程中的趣事。小题1:C 细节理解题。根据文中可知这是个明信片,右边是他的地址,是收信人的地址,故可知是Kim Allen,故选C项。小题2:D 细节理解题。这篇文是明信片,从邮票可知,来自AUSTRALIA,澳大利亚,故选D项。小题3:A 细节理解题。根据第二提到the flight was so boring,航班十分无聊,可知是做飞机去了,故选A项。小题4:B 细节理解题。根据第四段提到I am excited because we are going to visit the crocodile farm tomorrow,Peter is scared and says he wants to go to the aquarium instead.我想去鳄鱼园,彼得很害怕,故选B项。小题5:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到 we are leaving for Rest Harbour on Friday.可知是去Rest Harbour,故选B项。

helena carter海伦娜·卡特、emma thompson艾玛·汤普森与kenneth kenneth branagh肯尼斯·布拉纳夫之间





如何使用emma统计代码执行覆盖率使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib) 1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录, 将emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入 2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer.sh 到 runServer_emma.sh 修改启动语句。   使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib)   1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录, 将emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入   2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer.sh 到 runServer_emma.sh   修改启动语句   nohup java -Xmx1800M -Xms800m -Xbootclasspath/p:/home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar -Djava.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider=sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorProvider -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParallelGC -server -classpath "$jarFile" com.qunar.common.mobileArc.MobileServer conf/TaLog.property conf/TripServer.property >> $LOG_HOME/error.log 2>&1 &   复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/stopServer.sh 到 stopServer_emma.sh   添加覆盖率导出命令   插入 emma 统计代码   使用root账号   1. 备份mobileserver.jar   cp /server/TripAssistant/mobile-server.jar $MOB_JAR_BAK/mobile-server.jar.{$timestamp}   2. 执行插入命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma instr -m overwrite -cp mobile-server.jar -out coverage.em   输出如下:   EMMA: processing instrumentation path ...   EMMA: instrumentation path processed in 3117 ms   EMMA: [1000 class(es) instrumented, 126 resource(s) copied]   EMMA: metadata merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.em]   3. 运行mobileserver runServer_emma.sh   sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/stopServer.sh && sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer_emma.sh   在 /server/mobileserverlog/error.log中可见:   EMMA: collecting runtime coverage data ...   EMMA: runtime controller started on port [47653]   emma control 进程已启动   [root@l-wap4.beta.cn1.qunar.com /server/mobileserverlog]# netstat -na | grep 47653   tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20926/java   4. 执行 覆盖率文件导出命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma ctl -connect localhost:47653 -command coverage.get,coverage.ec   可见输出:   EMMA: processing control command sequence ...   EMMA: executing [coverage.get (coverage.ec,true,true)] ...   EMMA: coverage.get: local copy of coverage data merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.ec]   EMMA: coverage.get: command completed in 79 ms   EMMA: control command sequence complete   并且当前目录生成文件 coverage.ec   5. 生成报告   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in coverage.em,coverage.ec   指定源代码生产覆盖率报告(需先上传源码)   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in /server/TripAssistant/coverage.em,/server/TripAssistant/coverage.ec -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoverage/coverage.html -sp /home/liang.zhou/mob_code_dir/mobs_trunk/src/main/java   emma 方式启动 mobserver   ==================================   1. 判断mobserver.jar size, 大于5M 为已插入过, 小于5M为未插入(需要执行插入)   2. 执行插入   3. 启动   4. 检查启动状态   47653 端口打开   mobileserver 进程打开   emma 方式停止 mobserver


使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib) 1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录, 将emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入 2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer.sh 到 runServer_emma.sh 修改启动语句。   使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib)   1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录, 将emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入   2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer.sh 到 runServer_emma.sh   修改启动语句   nohup java -Xmx1800M -Xms800m -Xbootclasspath/p:/home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar -Djava.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider=sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorProvider -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParallelGC -server -classpath "$jarFile" com.qunar.common.mobileArc.MobileServer conf/TaLog.property conf/TripServer.property >> $LOG_HOME/error.log 2>&1 &   复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/stopServer.sh 到 stopServer_emma.sh   添加覆盖率导出命令   插入 emma 统计代码   使用root账号   1. 备份mobileserver.jar   cp /server/TripAssistant/mobile-server.jar $MOB_JAR_BAK/mobile-server.jar.{$timestamp}   2. 执行插入命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma instr -m overwrite -cp mobile-server.jar -out coverage.em   输出如下:   EMMA: processing instrumentation path ...   EMMA: instrumentation path processed in 3117 ms   EMMA: [1000 class(es) instrumented, 126 resource(s) copied]   EMMA: metadata merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.em]   3. 运行mobileserver runServer_emma.sh   sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/stopServer.sh && sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/runServer_emma.sh   在 /server/mobileserverlog/error.log中可见:   EMMA: collecting runtime coverage data ...   EMMA: runtime controller started on port [47653]   emma control 进程已启动   [root@l-wap4.beta.cn1.qunar.com /server/mobileserverlog]# netstat -na | grep 47653   tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20926/java   4. 执行 覆盖率文件导出命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma ctl -connect localhost:47653 -command coverage.get,coverage.ec   可见输出:   EMMA: processing control command sequence ...   EMMA: executing [coverage.get (coverage.ec,true,true)] ...   EMMA: coverage.get: local copy of coverage data merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.ec]   EMMA: coverage.get: command completed in 79 ms   EMMA: control command sequence complete   并且当前目录生成文件 coverage.ec   5. 生成报告   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in coverage.em,coverage.ec   指定源代码生产覆盖率报告(需先上传源码)   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in /server/TripAssistant/coverage.em,/server/TripAssistant/coverage.ec -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoverage/coverage.html -sp /home/liang.zhou/mob_code_dir/mobs_trunk/src/main/java   emma 方式启动 mobserver   ==================================   1. 判断mobserver.jar size, 大于5M 为已插入过, 小于5M为未插入(需要执行插入)   2. 执行插入   3. 启动   4. 检查启动状态   47653 端口打开   mobileserver 进程打开   emma 方式停止 mobserver   ==================================   1. 检查47653端口打开状态, 检查coverage.em是否存在   2. 导出覆盖率文件 coverage.ec, 备份coverage.em (加上时间戳)   3. 导出覆盖率HTML report (加上对应时间戳)   4. kill mobserver 进程   ls -lt mobile-server.jar   判断 $? == 0   判断mobile-server.jar size是否大于 5M   #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   pid=`ps aux | grep MobileServer | grep -v grep | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $2}   "`   ` kill -9 $   Unknown macro: {pid}   `   sleep 1   echo "Stop mobileserver success."   }   #判断 emma ctl 是否启动   port_check_result=`netstat -na | grep 47653 | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $1}   "`   if [ -z $   Unknown macro: {port_check_result}   ]; then   echo "Emma ctl port 47653 is not LISTEN. Coverage.ec export operation aborted."   else   #emma ctl 为启动状态,导出 coverage.ec, 并备份至 /home/q/mobsrv_cov   if []   fi转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者。祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

有emma roberts 出演的wild child下载地址吗??

目前WILD CHILD(野孩子)还没有上映片名:Wild Child 译名:野孩子 导演:尼克·摩尔 Nick Moore 主演:艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 尼克·弗洛斯特 Nick Frost 雪莉·亨德森 Shirley Henderson 艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 类型:喜剧 发行公司:环球 上映日期:2008年8月15日 可以去看看预告片:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=350900919

emma roberts演的野孩子中的男主角是谁??

超级喜欢他的!! 当时我初中无意间在电影院看了一部电影叫做《风暴突击者》然后就喜欢里面那个男猪脚了,他叫Alex Pettyfer。也就是《野孩子》里面的男猪脚。建议MM一定要去看这部戏,少年007,整部戏几乎都是他,打斗场面是中国的甄子丹指导的,还不错!! 下面是他的资料,至于照片你自己可以去搜,不过不多。 Alex Pettyfer,全名Alex Richard Pettyfer,1990年4月10日生于英格兰Hertford郡的Stevenage。现在和母亲,继父,弟弟一起生活在温莎。目前身高178厘米,天生的棕色头发,所以金发是染的.褐色眼珠。母亲Lee Ireland是出生在美国的英国人,电视节目主持人兼模特,生父Richard Pettyfer英国电视兼舞台剧演员,会说意大利语(注意是小弟弟的父亲)有一半澳洲血统,同母异父的弟弟James Ireland是英国未来的网球新星!目前在Shiplake学院读书。可怜的孩子,自小就有肾病,哮喘病,轻微的难语症 看他若不经风的样子,然貌似有点体弱多病的感觉,但Alex弟弟还是很热爱运动的,比如曲棍球,滑雪,橄榄球,网球,游泳,板球等,还参加过赛车比赛。他在学校还是板球和划艇队的成员。艺术,体育和戏剧课程都是A~~而数学和历史学得很烂 他喜欢看恐怖电影,有女友,橙色,想和乔治卢卡斯,斯皮尔伯格或神经汤一起工作,偶像是Al Pacino和Paris Hilton 他7岁就为一些童装品牌当模特,拍过很多广告。为了当演员,曾在美国戏剧艺术学院(Academy for Dramatic Arts)学习了6个星期,后来在05年主演了电视剧《Tom Brown"s School Days》有了名气后,Alex Pettyfer在今年主演他的第一部大银幕作品《Stormbreaker》真是来势汹汹啊!如果他这部电影票房上发了,他估计就可以步Daniel Radcliffe的后尘鸟,成为英国顶尖的青少年偶像~~

Emma Roberts 主演的《wild child》电影插曲


如何用法语发音“Emmanuel Macron”



埃曼纽尔,马克朗Emmanuel Macron (born 21 December 1977 in Amiens) is a French senior official, politician and former investment banker.[1] On 26 August 2014 he was appointed as the Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs in theSecond Valls Government.(Amiens生于1977年12月21)是法国高级官员,政治家,前投资银行家。在2014年26月,他被任命为经济,工业和数字事务在第二瓦尔斯政府部长。

Sierra的《Emmanuel》 歌词

歌曲名:Emmanuel歌手:Sierra专辑:Celebrate The GiftEmmanuel主唱:叶富生 金培达 郭多如 郭静作曲:叶富生 填词:郭多如、叶富生编曲:叶富生 专辑:美丽传奇Emmanuel 神与你同在Emmanuel 常与你同在在每一刻,上帝以千般恩惠宽恕赐下怜悯抛开怨恨,为救万人 EmmanuelEmmanuel 神与我同在Emmanuel 常与我同在在每一天,为我去担起失意冲破障碍迷惘天天仰望,未怕独航 EmmanuelEmmanuel 神与你同在Emmanuel 常与你同在在每一刻,上帝以千般恩惠宽恕赐下怜悯抛开怨恨,为救万人 EmmanuelEmmanuel 神与我同在Emmanuel 常与我同在在每一天,为我去担起失意冲破障碍迷惘天天仰望,未怕独航 Emmanuel天天仰望,未怕独航 Emmanuel天天仰望,未怕独航 Emmanuelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2617501




"无论过去,不问将来"主角小时能够进入照片世界,主角陆光能透过照片看到拍摄者的最近时间线,并与小时记忆相连,给小时带路。 小时通过Emma朋友圈发的照片魂穿到过去的Emma身上。Emma是位助理,加班到两点到家三点,早晨九点便得到公司准备好会议,明明是上司性骚扰,却被上司妻子辱骂欺负而不能还手。白领的心酸。父母收到小光发送的想念,便为Emma准备了最喜欢的春卷,偷偷送来。Emma回家发现了这些便向父母所在的火车站赶去。 在奔赴向父母的途中,因为急切Emma错信他人,遭受意外抛尸河中,而这就是Emma的结局。 治愈到致郁真的只需要几秒钟。明明是奔赴美好,可为何总是不幸。不论过去,不问将来,改变了过去的结果,这就是代价吗?只是一句回复而已,只是一句我想你们了而已! 这是动漫《时光代理人》的第一集。自己不懂表达,言语浅薄。




我去查了查,发现EMMA三个时期分别有几个小女孩扮演出生那一集(第八季最后两集)婴儿没出现在演员表,没办法>.<第九季(1、2、3、5、7、11集)双胞胎 Elizabeth Davidson和 Genevieve Davidson扮演,她们拍完老友记以后就没再拍电视剧或电影了 第九季最后一集至第十季 双胞胎 Cali Sheldon 和 Noelle Sheldon 她们拍挺多电视剧的,有以下# "Life" .... Darcy Gibney (1 episode, 2007)# Novel Romance (2006) .... One-Year-Old Emma# "Friends" .... Emma Geller-Green / ... (11 episodes, 2003-2004)# "The Bold and the Beautiful" .... Hope Logan (4 episodes, 2003)以下是她们其中一个(搞不清楚那个- -!)在电视剧《Life》里的剧照http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v418/ajal28/PDVD_001copy.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v418/ajal28/PDVD_002copy.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v418/ajal28/PDVD_003copy.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v418/ajal28/PDVD_004copy.jpg




EMAA与EMMA之间的区别是:EMAA是乙烯甲基丙烯酸; 乙烯-甲基丙烯酸共聚物; 乙烯甲基丙烯酸共聚物; 共聚物; 甲基丙烯酸。EMMA是工程聚合物的相融剂或改性剂。


  [编辑本段]艾玛·罗伯茨 简介  艾玛·罗伯茨  个人资料  全名:Emma Rose Roberts  昵称:Em, Emzie, Emmer  年龄:17  生日;1991/02/10  老家:加里弗尼亚州的洛杉矶市  父母:Eric Roberts (亲生父亲), Kelly Cunningham (亲生母亲), Eliza Roberts (后妈), Kelly Nickels (后爸)  解释一下,Emma出生时,她的亲生父母还是男女朋友关系,后分手,各自另寻新欢,所以后面两个自然是她名义上的后妈后爸了.  兄弟姐妹: Grace Nickels (与Emma同父异母) Keaton Simons (后弟,无血缘关系) Morgan Simons (后姐,无血缘关系)  身高:1.65米  发色:棕色  眼睛:绿色  星座:水瓶座  Julia Roberts是她的姑姑.  [编辑本段]艾玛·罗伯茨的家庭  她有个后妈叫Eliza  她很爱Mary-Kate与Ashley(就是Olsen Twins,姐妹花)  她最喜欢的电影是"贱女孩"(LL主演)与"律政悄佳人"(Reese Witherspoon主演)  她喜欢奥兰多布鲁姆(精灵王子果然魅力无穷)  她从9岁起就开始演戏  如果表演事业未成功,她想做时尚设计师或学习法律,另外一个选择是当模特.  她的父亲是一名演员,Eric Roberts.  她在电影Blow中出演是因为她能连续说F*CK(应该能猜得出来是什么词吧~)四遍.  [编辑本段]艾玛·罗伯茨最爱  最喜欢的万圣节装扮是女巫.  最喜欢的万圣节糖果是nerds(一种品牌)  在她的Trick or Treat(讨糖果的传统游戏)袋子里发现的最差劲的东西是一粒花生.  她有一把紫色的牙刷.  最喜欢的食物是匹萨(芝士味的)  最喜欢的科目是英语  最喜欢的车是Pink Hummer  最喜欢的兴趣爱好是画画  最喜欢的运动是排球与网球  最喜欢的宠物是狗  最喜欢的音乐是Hip Hop  最喜欢的书有pictures of hollis woods, The Gossip Girl Series, Staying Fat for Sarah Burns  最喜欢的尼克儿童频道节目:Drake & Josh(很搞笑的~)  最喜欢的地方是马里布  最喜欢的榜样是母亲与Reese Witherspoon(2006年奥斯卡最佳女主角)  最喜欢的服饰是粉色的UGG(一个靴子鞋类品牌)  最喜欢的活动类型:夏令营  最喜欢的颜色是超粉色与淡黄绿色  Emma有两只猫,Coco Chanel与Pirate  她的小脾气是当人们咬指甲的时候(不会吧~~~)  她最喜欢的美容产品是睫毛膏(迪奥的)  最喜欢的电视节目是The O.C.(橘子郡男孩)与Laguna Beach  最喜欢的<橘子郡男孩>人物是(看来Emma真的很敬佩她啊~)与Rachel McAdams(她有演<贱女孩>哦,就是Regina George)  最喜欢的购物之地:Madison and Planet Blue in Malibu  最最喜欢的明星Lifehouse, Michelle Branch, Jojo, Jesse McCartney, Hilary Duff, Usher, Ashlee Simpson, Avril Lavigne, John Mayer, Eminem, The Veronicas.  艾玛·罗伯茨成名经历  年轻的演员兼歌手艾玛·罗伯茨为人所知是从她在电视剧《一本正经(Unfabulous)》中出演歌手艾蒂开始的。这个角色烦恼无助的时候常常喜欢唱歌,歌声陪伴小姑娘艾蒂度过了青春期的尴尬岁月。艾玛有个著名的姑妈朱丽娅·罗伯茨(Juila Roberts),她八岁的时候就在姑妈的一部影片里出任临时演员,开始了星途生涯。艾玛的母亲十分支持她进入演艺圈,给她报名参加吉他课程。艾玛起初非常反对,不过那时候练就的吉他技艺为她在电视剧中的演出增色不少。2005年,艾玛发行了首张专辑《Unfabulous and More》,里面大部分是电视剧《一本正经》的插曲。2007年,她的最新影视作品《神探南茜》系列电影已经上映。  艾玛·罗伯茨的作品  电视剧《一本正经(Unfabulous)》的歌手艾蒂 (女主角)  <金刚007>(金刚归来)里聪明可爱的小科学家阿米利娅 (女主角)  <美人鱼>里天真叛逆的克莱尔 (女主角之一,与JOJO,萨拉·帕克斯顿共同出演)  <少女秒探>中古怪精灵的神探南茜 (女主角)  专辑:<Unfabulous and More>  《野孩子》2008年  [






女生给男生发Emma!没什么可能发错了Emma 是英文名恩嬷女性的名字,也可能她想开你玩笑


全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 昵称: Em 生日: 1990/4/15 身高:161.5cm 学校:8年级 星座:白羊 头发颜色: Blonde 眼睛颜色: Brown 家乡:英格兰/牛津










是不是uc74cuc545? 音乐






哪个emma阿 有那么多个 呵呵 我也叫emma~~~

英译汉 EMMA 翻译成中文怎么说啊?

emma[ 5emE ]代表字母m的通讯字码Ada[5eIdE]n.艾达n.一种计算机语言




艾玛 望采纳 谢谢

emma英文名的寓意 emma英文名的寓意是什么

1、Emma 女性名字。原意为:“普遍的”、“宇宙的”、“全世界的”。源自拉丁文。同时也寓意:文静的,正直,诚信,不善变等。 2、When my daughter Emma was born she was two and a half months premature. 我女儿埃玛出生时提前了两个半月。 3、Emma bore a son called Karl 埃玛生了个儿子叫卡尔。 4、I do not think he is considering Emmas welfare 我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。


瑛茉茉莉,出生于1995年3月16日,日本的时尚模特,女演员。本名近藤 瑛茉 ジャスミン(Kondo Emma Jasmine)。爱称是Emma。澳大利亚出生。META - LINK所属。居住在东京。父亲澳大利亚人,母亲是日本人的混血儿。有两个兄妹。兴趣是收集闪闪发光的东西。特技是骑独轮车、网球、占卜、按摩等。“瑛茉”的含义是在英国王室的装饰美丽的花。


Emma, 读音接近:艾玛,意思:祖先
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