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求jesse jane的电影nurse的演员名

女艺人(具体出道时间及经历,相关作品在此不做介绍,请谅解,以下标注“*”说明可以在百度百科查到相关部分信息):Jesse Jane(*)Katsuni(*)Stoya(*)Sasha Grey(*)Riley Steele(*)Jenna Haze(*)Shay JordanGabriella Foxshawna leneeshyla stylez男艺人(同样如此,不做介绍,请谅解,注有“*”为了比较知名的):Tommy Gunn(*)Evan Stone(*)James Deen(*)Scott Nails(*)Mr.PeteTony.TManuel Ferraraerik everhardy以上皆为nurse的演员名,如果不满意,请见谅。

nervous,tense,stressed out的区别?

nervous于生理上的,跟神经有联系,同时施加紧张的东西多为非褒非贬,比如突然而来的状况,站在台上不知所措,一时间想不起来等等。而stress本意直指压力。因此be stressed out(好像少了一个be动词)的紧张是更多来源于受到了压力,而且施加影响的东西更加具体。比如毕业压力,就业压力,跟小孩相处的压力,限期内完成某一工作的压力等。stress 应力,一般指相互作用力

Be obsessed with

对,其实她说如果能恢复正常,怎么样都可以,肯定会好好珍惜生活,狠命地做数学,连每一分每秒都会如饥似渴地祈福地过。 多年以后,她回忆起那个时候,不能想象那是个什么样的状态。 寻找着各种各样的鸡汤和动力来转移自己内心的慌乱。 一天最好的时光是在早晨5:40刚起床的时候,最清醒,最舒适,这时候,大脑什么都没有。她厌恶住宿,每晚睡前都恐惧做噩梦,但幸好,一次也没有做过噩梦,每次都是幻想的美梦。 我们看一个人,当与他共同相处时,其实是有点细思极恐的,因为,表面上,你们在交谈,实际上他心里在想些什么,你心里在想些什么,根本又是另一个世界。你永远不知道他真实的世界。 她想自己也是这样,而且大脑里的杂乱的思想更异于常人,没有一节课是认真听的,全都在疯狂的害怕,害怕别人的感受。 当她很敬重也很喜欢的一位语文老师跟她说: “顾安啊,我没觉得你有什么问题,状态很好啊。” 她心里一惊,怎么会。突然仔细回想自己的一天,和同学们说说笑笑,做任何事都很积极认真,尤其是眼神,一如既往的专注,但所有人都不知道,这都是假的,你永远不知道一个人表面上是这样,心里是什么样子的。心里是一片杂草丛生的荒原,乱极了,似千百种思绪一针一线纠葛着她的每一根神经。 她害怕自己那次实在忍不住偷看化学考试的事被那个女生发现,害怕自己暗恋的同班同学沈湛会知道自己作弊的事情,因为那个女生恰巧是沈湛的初中同学。她知道这件事绝对是她自己不对,化学一窍不通,可是又一题不会,实在忍不住诱惑,伸长脖子瞧了前面同学试卷一眼,而恰巧那个女生一脸鄙夷地瞪了回来。她想她的一世英名就要毁于一旦了,特别是在她喜欢的男生面前。每当看见那个女生和沈湛在开水房或楼梯上偶遇聊天,她都不住地瑟瑟发抖,心里砰砰跳,一下子坠入深渊。 在这所重点学校,作弊是要开除的,但幸好那是一场难度很大的普通月考,监考老师似看见又像没看见,但之后她心虚与监考老师对视了一秒,心里兵荒马乱,她又害怕那位监考老师会告诉她的班主任,那位班主任本身就是属于新概念的班主任,平日里应该最讨厌她这种比较保守,一天到晚拼命学习,成绩也没见的多好的学生。 她同时也害怕自己极度讨厌的男生于瑞会报复自己,因为在一次早自习后她狠狠地骂了他一顿,可能仅仅是觉得他看起来很粗俗,班上都在不约而同地排挤他,不,怎么会仅仅是因为这个原因呢,明明是他在教室前播放那个其他学校的丑闻视频,分明是不尊重女性而且还打扰到了还没去食堂吃早饭的、留在教室里同学的学习。但幸好那个男生并没有反驳她,只是默默地离开了讲台,她想肯定是知道自己错了,但越想又越害怕,又安慰自己,他不过是长的凶狠了一点,是个有礼貌的人,你骂他,他也没回你啊。 不对不对,啊…受不了了,能不能别想这么多了! 她疯狂地查找心理知识,对啊,这不是心理问题是什么。 这是什么情况呢,一般来说,人的内心,此刻是什么东西都没有的,就这样该吃吃该喝喝,但她却是由无数的杂乱的思绪充斥在每一分每一秒,就要爆炸了。 害怕别人的否定,害怕别人的看法,自己无时无刻不在幻想别人如何看待自己的。 “如果我考上了年级第一,或是说成绩很好,那肯定没问题了,一定是我成绩平平,才有那么多自卑。” 她安慰自己道。 每一天的伪装自己,每一天的立下毒誓,再瞎想就怎么怎么的,可是没有一种方法是可行的。那种恐怖感是可以在做着做着数学试卷,内心极度慌乱,双手紧紧发冷,怎么也赶不走那些害怕的思绪,怎么也不能集中在印刷的数字上。 父母也很着急,说,只要我们安快乐就好,啥也没关系。 可关键是,她根本没有快乐的感觉,根本没有对生活的动力,她唯一清楚也绝望的就是这一点,她对生活没有兴趣了,两眼深处是麻木的,在与自己的思绪斗争着一天又一天,她很累,却又被迫地继续望着白天里的黑夜。 喜欢、讨厌、学业、否定、自卑,无数的思绪如胶水般把她黏在一个世界里的黑暗的小角落,怎么挣扎也逃不了。好比她小时候好奇苍蝇被黏在粘纸上的样子,她现在不也是那只无力的苍蝇吗,虽然也和那只平凡的苍蝇一样,无论怎样也要挣脱,不停地扭动着劳累的身躯。 “致未来的安:如果你以后恢复正常了,一定要拼命学数学,拼命学习,因为我现在想学习都不能学,瞎想总是阻碍我,很累。” 她写着那几个字,眼前的一切完全是未知的。 会有那一天吗?我还会什么都不想地过着这一刻吗?实在是太难受了。 她又迷茫地想着这些。 “Be obsessed with是痴迷的意思,同学们注意好,现在我们看这个单词……” 痴迷?痴迷。痴迷。 他肯定会讨厌我吧… 他会报复我吧… 我那么普通,他又是那么优秀… 走神完全是情理之中,她此刻已经魂不知神不知地沉溺在可怕的思绪中。 会好吗? 多年以后,她又听到“Be obsessed with ”,是大学老师说,这个词多是贬义的,被某种想法困扰,不理智地痴迷一样东西。 痴迷?贬义? 中学老师好像没说过,她脑袋随性地一歪,思考着。 等等,有点不对劲,她有点意识到了一段早已尘封的记忆。 因为过于痛苦,所以大脑选择遗忘,但还有很深的无法抹去的印记。 痴迷那不就是,那时候的我吗。她一愣,已走神了几秒。 好像是白天基本坐在那看似最认真的学习,其实根本不在听课,虽然很想听课,但一个字都听不进去。 好像是很喜欢一个人,又很讨厌一个人,喜欢和讨厌到了极端又很麻烦。 好像,后来看了很多书,佛书,甚至什么什么讲金刚经,关键是看的如饥似渴,贪嗔痴慢疑,想要的东西太多了,太贪了,甚至白天上课只要一慌乱,就祈福。 那也是因为一节苦涩的数学课上,突然想到了“阿弥陀佛”四个字,于是才动的念头。 但肯定的是最重要的是那本书,一本心理书。 不过,可能比书更重要的是时间吧。 时间能治愈一切。 很可怕不是吗,她暗想,那时候的自己花了整整一年才慢慢开窍。 如今的顾安已经快忘记了喜欢的沈湛和讨厌的于瑞,还有那件悔恨的事,甚至她无奈地自嘲那时候,还特地找了那个女生,说,同学,对不起,我化学考试偷看了你,真的对不起,她哭丧着脸,实在忍不住内心对自己鞭打无数次的自责,结果那个女生说,你认错了吧。 原来全是一个人的自导自演的世界。 “安,其实当你意识到即使是自己喜欢的沈湛也不完美的时候,就不必太追求完美,你本来就是那样虚伪胆小懦弱有各种各样的缺点,对,我就是那样,怎么了,我就是那样不完美。管他呢!” 她写着这样的话,希望那时候的她能继续坚持下去,渡过时间,来到现在。

be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated bythemselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。 2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve thebusiness goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。

求玛利亚的Obsessed和阿姆的The Warning中文歌词。

Obsessed- Mariah Carey玛利亚.凯莉So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来,MC- You need an MC, place to be --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, MC the MC --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 When I don"t even know who you are 可我那时都不知道你是谁 Say we up in your house 你说我经常去你家,Sayin" I"m up in your car 上你车 But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 and no on here even mentions your name 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 It must be the weed, it must be the E 一个名字以E开头的孬种 cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard 你有你的工作,你也努力过 Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve 养不活你?会饿死你? Graspin" for air I"m ? 干嘛非要扯出我? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 Tellin" the world how much you miss me 你说你曾经吻遍我 But we never were so why you trippin" 但我们都知道你再说谎 You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 I"m the press conference, you a conversation 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

mariah carey【 obsessed】 译音歌词

中文你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 你有你的工作,你也努力过 养不活你?会饿死你? 干嘛非要扯出我? 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 你说你曾经吻遍我 但我们都知道你再说谎 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 就是对我意乱情迷

有be obsessed about吗

be obsessed by 稍带一点贬义 obsessed with:沉迷于,着迷于,沉溺。 Be what makes men such be obsessed with a world cup? 是什么让男人们如此痴迷世界杯? 2. be obsessed by 使烦扰;指(恐惧等)缠住 Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude. 要沉浸在过去的快乐中,并满怀感激之情。 be obsessed with 例句: 1.痴迷于 The entire family were obsessed with reading. 这个家庭里所有人都痴迷于读书。 Where Chinese may be obsessed with pale skin, Americans are obsessed with tanned skin. 当中国女性一心想变白时,美国女性想变黑。 obsessed by Don"t be obsessed by such small things. 别为这种小事犯愁。 So Paul tells Timothy and the church to have nothing to do with such topics. Don"t be obsessedby them. 因此保罗告诉提摩太和以弗所教会要 弃绝世俗以及老妇的无稽之谈 , 要避开这种事情不要沈迷在其中。

be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated by themselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve the business goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。




I know a girl who"s obsessed with a guy 我认识一个女孩 她迷上了一个男人 She talks for hours and still tomorrow 她无时无刻都再谈论 甚至直到明天 She"ll call again and when he thinks that this could be the end, 她会再次打电话过来 但他觉得这已经够了 She calls again 她总是再次打来电话 At six in the morning she waits to the door 每天早上六点钟 她就等在门口 He tells her to leave but still tomorrow she"ll be there again 他让女孩离开 但第二天她又在那里 She won"t let go 她不愿意离开 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 She doesn"t care if he tries to ignore 她并不在乎,即使他努力忽略她 He runs away but still she follows 他跑开但她还是跟着 she"ll tries again 她还在尝试 She likes to think she"ll get him in the end 她喜欢猜想她最终会得到他 Yeah 是的 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 I"m not in love with you! 我不爱你


歌词:I was like, “Why are you so obsessed with me ?”我在想,你干嘛对我这麼著迷?So oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohWill the real MC please step to the mic流行天后,请你到麦克风前面来MC- You need an MC, place to be玛丽亚凯莉,给你舞台,给你麦克风MC the MC美丽花蝴蝶,引领风潮!So oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohAll up in the blogs你在部落格上说Say we met at the bar我们在酒吧邂逅When I don"t even know who you are问题是,我当时根本不认识你Sayin" we up in your house说什麼我常常到你家Sayin" I"m up in your car说什麼我常常上你车But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s但你那时在洛杉矶,而我那时和JD在一起I"m up in the A-, you"re so so lame我是乐坛天后,你只是街头痞子and no on here even mentions your name根本没有人想提到你的名字It must be the weed, it must be the E那可能是饶舌毒虫E还是谁Cause you be poppin" hood, you get it poppin" oh你继续耍嘴皮子,我等著看你好戏Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!You"re delusional, you"re delusional你少妄想,卖肖想Boy you"re losing your mind这位先生,你头壳坏去了吧?It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know做白日梦,你在痴人说梦,Why you wasting your time你干嘛浪费你自己的时间Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex因为自卑情节搞的自己很不爽Seeing right through you like you"re bathin" in windex你是用清洁剂洗澡洗傻了吧Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me喔 喔 喔 不知道你干嘛对我那麼著迷And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing所有女孩一起唱 所有的美眉一起唱Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed喔~ 如此的著迷於我You on your job, you hating hard你在你的歌里愤世嫉俗,攻击别人Ain"t gon feed you, I"m gonna let you starve但你还是不满足,那我就来给你点好看Grasping for air I"m ventilation你说谎喘不过气,我在一旁轻松凉快You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin你上气不接下气,希望别等到断气Tellin" the world how much you miss me你告诉全世界你有多想我But we never were, so why you trippin"但我们根本不是那回事,你最爱空穴来风You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation你混在那种无名小公司,我身处国际连锁大企业I"m the press conference, you a conversation我说话就开记者会,你却只能在部落格上鬼扯Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!You"re delusional, you"re delusional你少妄想,卖肖想Boy you"re losing your mind这位先生,你头壳坏去了吧?It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know做白日梦,你在痴人说梦,Why you wasting your time你干嘛浪费你自己的时间Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex因为自卑情节搞的自己很不爽Seeing right through you like you"re bathin" in windex你是用清洁剂洗澡洗傻了吧Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me喔 喔 喔 你干嘛对我如此的著迷And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing所有女孩一起唱 所有的美眉一起唱Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed喔~ 如此的著迷於我Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!

Obsessed(Mariah Carey)中文歌词

All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar When I don"t even know who you are Say we up in your house Sayin" I"m up in your car But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame and no on here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve Graspin" for air I"m ? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin Tellin" the world how much you miss me


(Gucci Mane)I guess shorty mad cos he ain"t got you no more,So just like Pinocchio, his nose gon grow,Gucci Mane, Mariah Carey bling blaww wow,I wish i had a LIE DE-TET-DER TESH (lie detector test) right nowHe hit my girl word, old is what ya heard,He know he a bird, i know he a nerd,Catch me in the A with a bad yellow bong,9, 10, 11, 12 diamond chains on.(Mariah Carey)All up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameAnd no one here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the ECoz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to knowLyin" that you"re sexin meWhen everybody knowsIt"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin ya, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed(Gucci Mane)If you sexy and you fine baby put your hands up,And tell your ex boyfriend to get his bads upStop lying know your stick, home boy man up,All my real get money ballers stand upYou see her with the kid, you know what it is,Gucci, get the girl flawless, you what we didShorty stay fresh, kinda of obsessed,Simply cos she blessed, you know she the best, yes(Mariah Carey)You on your job, you hattin" hardAin"t gon feed you, Imma let you starveYou graspin" for air, I"m ventilationYou out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to knowLyin" that you"re sexin meWhen everybody knowsIt"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhh So Oohh Obsessed

Obsessed歌词 中文翻译

Song titile: obsessedSong by:Mariah Care(玛丽亚凯莉)So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic MC- You need an MC, place to be MC the MC --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来, --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar When I don"t even know who you are Say we up in your house Sayin" I"m up in your car But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame and no on here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve Graspin" for air I"m ? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin Tellin" the world how much you miss me But we never were so why you trippin" You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation I"m the press conference, you a conversation 你有你的工作,你也努力过 养不活你?会饿死你? 干嘛非要扯出我? 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 你说你曾经吻遍我 但我们都知道你再说谎 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me? Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

Elena Mitrano唱的Obsessed这首歌的歌词

Miley Cyrus-ObsessedWhy do I just lie awake and think of you/我为什麼醒著 满脑子都是你I need some sleep/我需要睡个觉Tomorrow I have things to do/明天我有事情要完成Everytime I close my eyes I see your face/每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸So I try to read/所以我试著去解读But all I do is lose my place/但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你I just had to call you up and say hello/我必须要打电话 跟你说哈罗I know its 3 AM/我知道现在是凌晨三点钟And I saw you you a while ago/而我不久前 才见过你But I still have this aching need to hear your voice/但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音To know your here/我想知道你在那里I don"t seem to have any choice/我真的别无选择Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahIm so sorry I just had to wake you up/我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你I feel so loney by myself/我觉得好孤单Is this the way you feel when your in love?/这是陷入情网的感觉吗Or is this something else?/还是有别的原因吗YeahAm i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahBut I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I want you all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你Am I obsessed? /我为你With you.. /著了迷吗?

Miley Cyrus-Obsessed的中文歌词

我为什么醒著 满脑子都是你我需要睡个觉明天我有事情要完成每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸所以我试著去解读但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你我必须要打电话 跟你说你好我知道现在是凌晨三点钟而我不久前 才见过你但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音我想知道你在那里我真的别无选择我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你我觉得好孤单这是陷入情网的感觉吗还是有别的原因吗我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我为你著了迷吗?

obsessed的中文歌词拜托了各位 谢谢

Obsessed Why do I just lie awake and think of you/我为什麼醒著 满脑子都是你 I need some sleep/我需要睡个觉 Tomorrow I have things to do/明天我有事情要完成 Everytime I close my eyes I see your face/每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸 So I try to read/所以我试著去解读 But all I do is lose my place/但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置 Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 I just had to call you up and say hello/我必须要打电话 跟你说哈罗 I know its 3 AM/我知道现在是凌晨三点钟 And I saw you you a while ago/而我不久前 才见过你 But I still have this aching need to hear your voice/但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音 To know your here/我想知道你在那里 I don"t seem to have any choice/我真的别无选择 Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 Oh yeah Im so sorry I just had to wake you up/我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你 I feel so lonely by myself/我觉得好孤单 Is this the way you feel when your in love?/这是陷入情网的感觉吗 Or is this something else?/还是有别的原因吗 Yeah Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 Oh yeah But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I want you all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 Am I obsessed? /我为你 With you.. /著了迷吗?

Mariah Carey的《Obsessed》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Memoirs Of An Imperfect AngelMariah Carey - ObsessedSo Oh Oh So OhhhWill the real MC please step to the mic?MC- You need an MC, place to beMC the MCAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameand no on here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job, you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you, gon" let you starveGraspin for air I"m reservationYou out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsesshttp://music.b***.com/song/454716

be obsessed 后面能跟over吗

be obsessed over= be obsessed with= be obsessed in So please don"t be too obsessed over your weight.

英语翻译be obsessed in

be obsessed with

obsessed with you啥意思

obsessed with you迷恋你例句:1.Because I"m obsessed with you. 因为你让我这么着迷。2.First of all, I am obsessed with you. 首先,我很迷恋你。

求玛利亚的Obsessed和阿姆的The Warning中文歌词。

Obsessed- Mariah Carey玛利亚.凯莉So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来,MC- You need an MC, place to be --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, MC the MC --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 When I don"t even know who you are 可我那时都不知道你是谁 Say we up in your house 你说我经常去你家,Sayin" I"m up in your car 上你车 But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 and no on here even mentions your name 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 It must be the weed, it must be the E 一个名字以E开头的孬种 cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard 你有你的工作,你也努力过 Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve 养不活你?会饿死你? Graspin" for air I"m ? 干嘛非要扯出我? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 Tellin" the world how much you miss me 你说你曾经吻遍我 But we never were so why you trippin" 但我们都知道你再说谎 You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 I"m the press conference, you a conversation 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

face obsessed怎么翻译

MC的新歌Obsessed中这句歌词why you so obsessed with me从语法角度看对吗?不用加be动词吗?


be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated bythemselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve thebusiness goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。

mariah carey obessed 歌词


Mariah Carey 《Obsessed 》歌词

  So Oh Oh So Ohhh  will the real MC please step to the mic?  MC-You need an MC,place to be  MC the MC  All up in the blogs  Saying we met at the bar  When I dont even know who you are  Saying we up in your house  Saying Im up in your car  But you in LA and Im out at Jermaines.  Im up in the A  You so so lame  and no one here even mentions your name  It must be the weed. It must be the E  Cause you be popping hood  You get it popping, Oh  Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)  Lying that youre sexing me (when everybody knows)  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in Windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?  You on your job  You hating hard  Aint gon feed you  Im gonna let you starve  Gasping for air  Im ventilation  You out of breath  Hope you aint waiting  Telling the world how much you miss me  But we never were  So why you trippin  You a mom and pop  Im a corporation  Im the press conference  and you a conversation  Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)  Lying that youre sexing me (when everybody knows)  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in Windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?  Why you so obsessed with me  Lying that youre sexing me  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with y our napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?


歌坛R&B天后Mariah Carey(玛利亚凯莉)的歌曲“Obsessed”在芝加哥的B26电台播出,不论歌曲是否像她曾说的“最喜欢的个人作品之一”,歌词内容更令人感兴趣,她在里面回击了阿姆,而阿姆的回归专辑“Relapse   ”中“Bagpipes From Baghdad”讽Nick Cannon。于是这首歌还为开始,Mariah就率先保持了姿态,“为什么你总是纠缠这我!”   在歌曲“Bagpipes From Baghdad”中,阿姆说道,“Mariah,我们之间发生了什么?为什么我们会分开...Nick Cannon那个瘪三请他滚,我认真的,我要她回来,你个白痴。”Mariah着在这边回应“你别妄想了,男孩,你在失去理智。”这首歌延续了她在《E=MC2》中开场曲Migrate中她的海豚音与电子合成器的配合。“你为何依旧纠缠我?是像骗我上床那样的说谎吗?”Mariah加上了这些刻薄的话。   “Obsessed”是Mariah Carey与老搭档The-Dream和Tricky Stewart,而专辑《Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel》也将提前在8月25日发行,“Obsessed”的态度与歌曲的编曲已经被滚石编辑盛赞“超过了她爱的相对论的所有单曲”,可能是编辑们看热闹的不怕事情闹大,也可能是他们在揶揄Mariah,一首反击歌曲竟成超越之作,那么以往的歌曲完全是无病呻吟?网友留言阿姆向来嘴贱,讽刺各种明星是他销售唱片的一个手段,而Mariah除了敢讽刺一下他的前夫就没有其他敢做的,这样唱,未免心胸太小,不过是否是Mariah准备让自己的专辑更具话题性不得而知,因为她与阿姆两人的影响力都不及以往了。

Mariah Carey的《Obsessed》 歌词

歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:I Am RunningObsessedmariah careyAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A you"re so so lameand no on here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin hood you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you gon" let you starveGraspin for air I"m reservationYou out of breath hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singboy why you so obsessed with me

Miley Cyrus的《Obsessed》 歌词

歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:The Time Of Our LivesMiley Cyrus - ObsessedWhy do I just lie awake and think of you?I need some sleep.Tomorrow I have things to do.Everytime I close my eyes I see your face,So I try to read, but all I do is lose my place.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I do all the time.I just had to call you up and say hello.I know it"s 3 AM.And I saw you awhile ago.But I still had this aching pain to hear your voiceTo know you"re thereI don"t seem to have any choice.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I do all the time.Oh yeah.I"m so sorry I just had to wake you up.I feel so lonely by myself.Is this the way it feels when you"re in love?Or is this something else?Yeah.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I want you all the time.Oooh yeahBut I do all the time,I want you all the time.Am I obsessed with you?


boA-Obsessed It"s a crime, it"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime I"m climbing the wall, losing my mind, it"s all your fault I"m breaking the rule, don"t really care if I get caught Can"t you tell that I"m in love love love Can"t get enough of you, need you night and day When you"re not around I"m tested I could get arrested carrying on this way I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sending out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime I"m obsessed, I"m obsessed I"m obsessed, I"m obsessed No telling what I might do tonight waiting for you I"m right on the edge of crossing the line, coming unglued Can"t you tell that I"m in love love love Can"t get enough of you, need you night and day When you"re not around I"m tested I could get arrested carrying on this way I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sendin" out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime Got me going crazy, the way I want you baby Can"t even try to hide it, don"t even want to fight it I"m obsessed with you tonight I"m obsessed with you tonight~ I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sending out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime —— End ——boA-Obsessed  它是一种犯罪,它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  我爬墙,失去了我的心,这都是你的错  我打破规则,不太在意我被逮住了  你能不能告诉我爱爱爱  你不能得到足够的日日夜夜,需要你  当你不在我的测试  我能在这方面进行逮捕  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  我发出信号的痛苦  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  我着迷,我着迷  我着迷,我着迷  不知道我将会做些什么今晚等你  我是正确的边缘上,来冲过了终点线空  你能不能告诉我爱爱爱  你不能得到足够的日日夜夜,需要你  当你不在我的测试  我能在这方面进行逮捕  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  “Sendin急难的一个信号  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  让我发疯的样子,我想要你的婴儿  甚至不能试图隐藏它,甚至不愿意为它奋斗  我迷恋你  我迷恋你今晚~  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  我发出信号的痛苦  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪 

obsessed的中文歌词拜托了各位 谢谢


obsessed obsessive有什么区别

obsessed 是过去式,用在句中用被动,是指被什么什么吸引着,对什么着迷。 obsessive是形容词,用于指物体本身令人着迷。


着迷 英文 怎么说呢?「着迷」的相关英文说法叫做obsessed,obsessed是形容词的意思,中文意思是指着迷的、入迷的意思,而且通常跟with一起搭配出现。 下面整理了「着迷」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. obsessed 着迷的 「着迷」最常见的英文说法是obsessed,obsessed的中文意思就是指「着迷」。 例: Why are people so obsessed with money? 人们为甚么对金钱如此着迷? 例: He was obsessed with American gangster movies. 他沉迷于美国黑帮电影。 例: Jenny was obsessed with science fiction. 珍妮着迷于科幻小说。 obsessed, obsessed 中文, obsessed 意思, 英文 着迷, 着迷 英文, 着迷 英文怎么说, 着迷的 英文

jesse mccartney的电影《Keith》(凯斯)什么意思啊


It is essential that our pilots ( )best poss


noble princesses什么意思音标


豪斯医生中的主演Jennifer Morrison和Jesse Spencer真的分手了吗?

wo bu zd

carresses and kisses 什么意思

carcasses and kisses尸体和吻carcasses[英]["kɑ:ku0259su026az][美]["kɑ:ku0259su026az]n.(动物的)尸体( carcass的名词复数 ); 烹调过的禽鸟骨骼; 双语例句1Microwave/ vaccum drying treatment of radioactively contaminated animal carcasses微波真空干燥处理放射性污染的实验动物尸体

菜鸟 求助 动词essere和stare的区别

stare 当“在”讲的时候强调的是一种状态,是延续性的动作essere 强调的是动作,他当“是”讲的话可以直接加形容词,而stare不能,有时与ci 搭配,当‘存在"讲例如 Stare per terra 在地上 stare all"aria aperta 在户外 stare con la finestra aperta 开着窗户呆着而essere例如 E" alto 是高的 Da qui a casa ci sono due kilometri.从这到家有两公里远 Sono al mare da due settimana. 我在海边有一个星期了 Sono stato dal medico 我去过大夫那里 这两个词也有通用的地方,如果不特别强调,他们是可以互换的例如stare a lavoro / essere a lavoro 在工作 就没什么区别这个还要看具体的语境来把握 查看原帖>>

ladies dresses 什么意思

ladies dress 女式裙装网络释义 女士服装短语ladies evening dresses 女士晚礼服Ladies Wear Dresses 女士穿长裙buy Ladies Dresses 阿拉伯联合酋长国买家双语例句 权威例句1.Should the ladies wear dresses? 女性必须穿礼服吗?2.Should the ladies wear dresses? 女性穿礼服吗?。Would the ladies wear formal dresses?

The empty vessels make the greatest sound .什么意思?


the reactor vessels have held.这里的held的翻译成什么啊?还有这句话About 2,000 bodies were found was


empty vessels make the most noise 中文解释是什麼?我不要直译!我要的是它背後的意思!!!


Ivoryline的《Vessels》 歌词

歌曲名:Vessels歌手:Ivoryline专辑:Vessels (Deluxe Edition)Ivoryline - VesselsMaybe this time, no next time,We"ll get our laughs right, we"ll get it right.Will we just do what feels good,And then we know it could cause our souls to drown.In all the distractions of our lives.What does it mean to be,From the light in a world that"s speechless,From the light in a world of darkness.Insecurities are breeding inside me,And they won"t let you go to song,But they won"t last against the sword"s edge,The blade, the blade cuts right through wrong.All the distractions of our lives.I wanna know,I need to know,I want to know.(What does it really mean to be?)

foreign vessels什么意思

  foreign vessels  外国船只  vessels 英["vesu0259lz] 美["vesu0259lz]  n. 容器; 船; 血管( vessel的名词复数 ); (具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的) 人;  [例句]He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless steel and silver.  他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿。  [其他] 原型: vessel


distressed adj.痛苦的;忧虑的;贫困的;受损的 painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的 distressed主要是用在生活上及身体外表上的,painful 主要指的是在心里的精神上的

Bugge Wesseltoft的《Lone》 歌词

歌曲名:Lone歌手:Bugge Wesseltoft专辑:New Conception Off Jazz LiveLonelyNaNaI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day oneKids in the garden" playin" games heaven" funExcitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mineFeel my heartbeat and for real friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supplyChillin" is cool from january to juneAnd we still stiked together like the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and i and believe it was clearIf i ever should fall i could count on you with no fearRunnin" out of time i see who"s fakeAlone without protection from all them snakesAll for one one for all i was toldBlack white yellow no matter if your young or oldNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i fell and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceTaht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyTaht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyCheppin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fightTears in my eyes i"m a man lookin" for the lightDark is the path i know he will rescue meThe lord is my shepard i"m cool despite emergencyWhom shall i fear exept the godThank you for the blessin" and the skils on the micFive years we know there"s no diggityFree at last see the light in meWhat goes up must come downI"ll be around while you heading towards deathtownAllways look forward hardly never look backSo many tears and the snakes on my jockNow i"m riding in my big fat rideYour ass is late so look for the lineNana in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i feel so leave me aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" forA dream or reality enemies at my doorEyes i realize it"s fantasize i must be highSo let me live before i dieOnce again grab the bottle twist the cap to surviveYour life is yours my life is mineNo emotions in this world full of liesStep by step and be versatileLove peace and cash that"s what is"s all aboutAlone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt aboutI"m always into something making moves to improveWhat would you do if you were in my shoesBoom a letter oops another suicideMeet me for a ride at the boulevardNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i feel and damn i"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Taht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonely lonely in my life

Niente Promesse 歌词

歌曲名:Niente Promesse歌手:Giusy Ferreri专辑:Il Mio UniversoGiusy Ferreri - "Niente Promesse".Come già si sa per l""eternità tutto non dureràE io non mi illuderòMa ora tu saziami di pane, di corpo e di carne saziamiEd ubriacami di vino e con il sangue della veritàEd anche se non ho bisogno di te....Oooh only for you...Ma che importanza ha se tu non sarai più tu?Ed anche se sarai tu,No non saranno promesse a farlo durare per sempreCom""è difficile amare e abbandonarsi davveroMa amami, voglio un amoreMa niente promesse.E dammelo... finchè tu vuoiChe come si sa per l""eternità niente non dureràE io non mi spaventeròE tu accetterai come la fiamma per le tue peneAnche le lacrime per spegnerci il fuocoTi ho già inebriato di graditi sospiriFino ad asfissiarti col mio respiroNoi due in balia di un amore che senza preteseL""oro che serve a nutrire di questo mio senoSi è tramutato in veleno.Oooh only for you...Ma che importanza ha se tu non sarai più tu?Ed anche se sarai tuNo non saranno promesse a farlo durare per sempreCom""è difficile amare abbandonarsi davveroMa amami, voglio un amoreMa niente promesse.Perchè promessa nutre rancore!Così non mi chiamerai più "incanto" o "mon amour"Ma "farfalla smarrita"E non più ape regina servita e punitaPer aver leccato il miele più buono che c""èAhaaa mi chiamerai vedova neraChe sto già tessendo la prossima telaPer te ho imbandito la tavola a cenaServiti dal cielo che tu mi hai rubatoCon tutti i miei spiriti i santi e gli deiSfamandoti bene dei sogni e dei miei guaiVendicherò promesse mancateE il non ritorno della mia più bella etàOooh only for you.....Ma che importanza ha?Ma che importanza ha?Allora amami e non promettere maiAmami e non pretendere maiAmami, amami...Stai zitto ed amami!

essentlal toner什么意思




jayjun vita snow essence翻译

jayjun vita snow essence翻译成中文意思是:雪地维塔雪精

vita snow essence什么意思


messenger 歌词

NRG - 使者(Messenger)专辑:*Rap) niaph-eseoiss neunmeok koo reum-i eon je jjeum-i nakeo cheo jir reon jikeu keon eo man-iarsooiss kess ji i reonpang sik-euiNRG keu reonhoong kodda wi neunphir-yo eops ji neoseu seu rohae cheo a ka ya ji neo neunji keumhon ja kaa ni janh-a i yeoph-eseoiss neunkeonNRG* neo euii sangddosang sangmo doo phyeo chyeopwaheo wang doenheo sang deur-eurmo doopeo ri ko aesarm-e seoka jang joong yo hankeos kwahim-idoe eo joo neunsa ram imo deunkeos deur-eur eo eui ae myeonsok-eu ro eo eui an-eu rokkeur kowakeu ri koda ka ka neuj ki jeon-e ae ke seomeor-eo ji kijeon-e heui mang eurkaj ko ka yahaeaph man-eurpo koka ya hae jeor daedwi neundor-a po jima joh jianh-eunkwa keo euisaeng kak-eunhae po ji do ma eops-eo jyeopeo ri kekeu nyangkeu reoh ke ark-aka ke i keimo deun keorm-eun ji a ni myeonkeu reun jikwa yeoneo ddeon ji reur ko min harphir-yo neuneops-eo nesarm-eunwan jeon ha dasaeng kak-hae neja sin-eunorm da ko mansaeng kak-hae keu nyangkeu reoh kesi kan-eun heur reo ka kima ryeon-i ra kosaeng kak-hae #mo dookkae eoiss ji manji keum oon-eurkam ji an kath-ihwip sseur ryeoka neun ae kasirh-eo seo eo doomsok-eseoiss neunkeueo doom-e jam ki neun naemo seup-eurhim kkeoskkeur-eo dang ki koiss-eo kwis ka eka kkap ke eu kkyeo ji neun soo manh-eunsa ram deur-euiham seong eun i ke kkeos a reurpoo reu neunkeon ka keu deur-eur a neundda raka neun ka *Rap) RepeatRap)ne kapa ra neumsaeng kak-ha neun mo deunkkoom deur-eunmo dooi rweo jir sooeops-eo keu man kheumsir haeng har soo doiss-eo ae sseopo neun keo yasir phae domas po neun keo ya pi ro seokeuhyeon sir-eur eon eu kki neunkeo ya Ah! si ryeona pheum-iji na ka kochaj-a o koo ko ka ko ka ko o kokeu man kheum eo eui o ryeok man kheum ni kahan ma kheum e kakheo jyeo ka neun kwa jeongsok-e seodeojoh-eunkyeor kwa wa kwa jeong eureod-eur soo doiss neun keo ya neorpang haehar keos-euneops-eo eo eui mi rae ka e kedeoso joong haeka neun de noo ka eorpang hae harsooiss kess ni eo reurchim hae harsooiss neunkeos deur-eurmo doophi hae jomdeoswip ke ewi chi reurpa ro jap ke man deur-eokamo deunkeon eson-ejwi eo ka # Repeat《使者》(Messenger) 你心中的乌云何时才能消散 只有你才会知道 这种方式的NRG 不需要这种忠告 只有自己才能克服 你现在不是自己 站在你身边的是NRG 你的理想 还有想象 请全部展开 忘掉所有的虚想 你的一生最重要的和给你力量的人们 把所有的这些全都带进你的内心 再去靠近 趁离我遥远之前 满怀希望注视前方 不要回头 不要回忆过去的不好 就让它慢慢退色 不用再去考虑那是对还是错 就当你的人生很完美 就当你是正确的 就当时光只能这么流逝 所有的都很清醒 我闭上了眼睛 因为不愿被这些埋没 黑暗中这些还不断诱惑着我耳边越来越靠近的人们的喊声 一直是在呼唤我吗 我一直是在追随他们吗 你要的梦想 不一定全能实现 也会有些失落 尝到了失败才能明白这是现实 你付出的最终会得到更好的结果 等你醒悟最重要的是你的未来时 不会再有什么去阻碍你 全部躲开 找好你的位置 你的一切请全部掌握在你的手中

search vessel中文翻译

A search vessel and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by rubber tyres ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 各参与单位将于明早派出搜索飞机及搜救船找寻及搜索目标(由汽车轮胎组成) 。 A pla search vessel and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by rubber tyres ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 参与单位将于明早派出飞机往南中国海搜索由汽车轮胎组成的目标,而驻香港部队会派出一艘舰艇参与搜救。 A pla search vessel , a uscg cutter and several search aircraft will be dispatched to the area tomorrow morning to search and locate the targets ( represented by basketballs tied together ) in the south china sea , " the spoke *** an added 参与单位将于明早派出飞机往南中国海搜索由一组篮球组成的目标,而驻香港部队及美国海岸巡逻会各派出一艘舰艇参与搜救。

ex-vessel value是什么意思?


ocean vessel是什么意思

远洋船舶(ocean vessel)






xvessel中国官网购买需要在海外转运的,还有就是大家可以去xVESSEL官网了解一下,前段时间是加官网的客服。给他订单号,然后他家就会从深圳仓库发货,不用从台湾邮寄,这样的话就避免被税的风险了。吴建豪的潮牌xVESSEL一直以来都是很火爆的状态,只要官网一补货都是疯抢的节奏,可能是因为鞋款太火爆了,限制了购买。吴建豪2018年春天刚刚成立了自己的品牌xVessel,“VESSEL是船的的意思,但我觉得船和人都是vessel,都是一个媒介”吴建豪介绍自己的品牌,希望品牌有爱有个性。限购就是限制购买,规定购买的数量,是指商家为了使自己的产品得到很好的销售业绩而采取的一系列促销手段,往往是一些特价和降价的产品。为了防止其他商业伙伴以及同行业恶意抢购所采取的一种商业手段。基本限购令符合绝大多数家庭的居住。投资需求,与一些城市的购房入户政策也不冲突,且不会阻碍住房租赁、度假物业市场发展。 其他手段可重归市场化。

提单上的"container vessel"是什么意思?是集装箱还是船?


货代术语中CELLULAR VESSEL是什么类型的船?

CELLULAR VESSEL=container vessel=集装箱船

vessel network change 是什么意思

vessel network change血管网络的变化vessel[英][u02c8vesl][美][u02c8vu025bsu0259l]n.容器; 船,飞船; 血管,管束; …的化身; 复数:vessels例句:1.On thursday, the philippines said china had dispatched a third vessel to the area. 菲律宾方面周四说,中国已经向该水域派出了第三艘船只。2.Two crew remembers were reported missing off the coast of north carolina after the vessel sank in high seas. 据报道,该船在北卡罗莱纳州海岸附近的公海沉没,两名船员失踪。

单证员考试的by sea或者by vessel 效果是一样的么?我就关心扣不扣分

by sea 是乘船 by vessel 过路船 这样你自己应该知道一不一样了吧


是吴建豪xVESSEL品牌的鞋。xexe是一个奢尚男性鞋包集合品牌,主张原创、趣味、活力,提倡用各种充满趣味和想象力的设计,追求时尚活力的生活方式,让男性在工作之余能发现另一个欢乐的自己。主要是线下门店的销售模式,店内的装潢很现代化,鞋子占比70%左右,适合20多岁的时尚女性。产品的性价比很高,用亲民的价格赢得很多男性的喜爱。得物发售xVESSEL品牌得物发售过多款吴建豪主理品牌鞋履,如xVESSEL腰果花系列、山本耀司联名系列等,备受年轻潮流爱好者的赞誉。最近还发布了吴建豪主理品牌xVESSEL和niko and的联名新款,基于xVESSEL的品牌魅力以及这款跨界联名鞋款独特的设计引发了得物年轻潮流爱好者的关注,此前xVESSEL腰果花系列、山本耀司联名系列等多款鞋履在得物上架后1秒售罄,备受年轻用户喜爱。这次在得物App首发的新款很有特点,受到了很多人的追捧和购买。得物发售的全新联名鞋款以G.OP LOWS为载体,以为佩斯利腰果花为设计灵感,将暗紫色花纹着墨于黑色鞋面之上,尽显神秘低调的气质,把经典花纹演绎得独具风味。此次联名,将niko and…趣味潮流的生活方式和xVESSEL Peace By Piece的品牌宣言,以emotion为切合点,有机融合到当代时装的语境之中,启动摩登服饰风格模式。作为xVESSEL的主打色,独特的紫色基调,为整个系列注入特有DNA。

请问 fob vessel 与fob 有什么区别,请 法学 或 经济学(国贸方面)的高手 解释一下,感激不已~

FOB 很笼统,应该用 FOB 装运港 更多一些吧...个人观点: FOB VESSEL 和 FOB 装运港 在书面上看上去还是有些区别.深究的话,个人觉得FOB VESSEL更准确些,毕竟这个条款是"装运港船上交货".但是现在的贸易条款大多选择用 FOB 装运港 作为合同中的买卖条款.所以,细讲起来可能会有一些微小的责任划分问题存在.

vessel schedule是什么意思

vessel schedule船期表双语对照例句:1.This inefficient process results in long planning times, inconsistencies, human error, inability to adapt quickly tovessel schedule and berthing changes, re-handles, delays and lower productivity. 这个效率低下的过程会导致规划时间较长、计划不一致、人为错误、计划无法很快适应船舶作业安排和泊位变更、重新装卸、延迟和效率低下。

提单上pre-carriage by和vessel voy 是什么意思

pre-carrriage by 是前段运输,不一定是船,一般此处很少填写;VESSEL /VOY/FLAG 分别是船名/航次/船旗

提单上pre-carriage by和vessel voy (flag)是什么意思


一程船和二程船用英文怎么说 MOTHER VESSEL不知道指的是什么?

First Vessel Second Vessel 我们船公司一般简称1st VVD,2nd VVD LS说的Carrier是船运人 Mother Vessel 是母船,也就是一程船

FOB汉堡与FOB Vessel汉堡的区别

FOB (Free On Board)是装货港交货价,卖方货物越过船舷。在实际操作中,一般货物批量小,通过国际班轮运输,班轮公司的运费中含货物从岸边至甲板的吊装费。但在程租轮和期租轮的买卖中,FOB是统称,概念太含糊,港口的什么地点交货?岸边?仓...


xVESSEL是吴建豪的个人品牌,品牌英文名的意思是“船”,也可以代表血管(Red Vessel),在读的时候把首字母和后面的分开来看的,据悉这个品牌是想传达出平安、喜乐、荣耀等包罗万象的意蕴。而且该品牌的第一双鞋款号称“世界上第一双软木硫化鞋”,也吸引了很多人的目光。xVESSEL在LA成立,走得就是美潮风格,该品牌从成立之初就受到明星吴建豪的青睐,并成为该品牌投资人之一。带着xVESSEL潮牌参加了陈冠希的潮流展INNERSEC将这双鞋款带到了中国,各路明星纷纷上脚,最火的就是经典的黑白色了,好搭配,搭配牛仔裤、运动裤、短裤短裙都很好看。扩展资料近年来越来越多的明星涉足于潮牌事业,这其中能唱能演的港星吴建豪所推出的个人品牌 xVESSEL,算得上是新锐明星品牌中的佼佼者。吴建豪带着xVESSEL于2018年年底在陈冠希主导的中国最大潮流盛会之一INNERSECT上正式亮相,号称“世界上第一双软木硫化鞋”。VESSEL筹备了两三年的时间,看得出其花了很多时间和精力,“一步步在往对的方向磨炼学习”。



xvessel是什么牌子 吴建豪主理潮牌

xVESSEL是吴建豪进来推出的一个个人潮牌,xVESSEL推出的解构帆布鞋最近被很多明星上脚,在粉丝圈刮起了一股不小的风潮,我们一起来了解下这个品牌吧。 xvessel是什么牌子 近年来越来越多的明星涉足于潮牌事业,这其中能唱能演的港星吴建豪所推出的个人品牌 xVESSEL,算得上是新锐明星品牌中的佼佼者。吴建豪带着xVESSEL于2018年年底在陈冠希主导的中国最大潮流盛会之一INNERSECT上正式亮相,号称“世界上第一双软木硫化鞋”。VESSEL筹备了两三年的时间,看得出他花了很多时间和精力,“一步步在往对的方向磨炼学习”。VESSEL听起来就是一条船,但vessel英文意思里面除了船,它也一个血管(的意思), red vessel对不对。xvessel品牌特色 吴建豪2018年春天刚刚成立了自己的品牌xVessel,“VESSEL是船的的意思,但我觉得船和人都是vessel,都是一个媒介”吴建豪介绍自己的品牌,希望品牌有爱有个性。xvessel帆布鞋介绍 吴建豪Vanness所穿的为前阵子才在INNERSECT 潮流展和大家亮相的个人主理时尚品牌xVESSEL 所出品的首双鞋款Peace by Piece 低筒,可以看到整双鞋以帆布鞋为基底,设计手法为将好几双帆布鞋「解构再重组」,呈现鞋面错位及多层的中大底,以及表面帆布的抽须及破坏,加上鞋头的手绘字体,非常能够反映出吴建豪本人的艺术特质及对潮流的见解。明星潮牌推荐 1周泊豪——XPX 说起周泊豪可能大家对他不怎么熟悉,但他老婆你们一定熟悉,她就是《追光者》的演唱者岑宁儿。凭借对时尚的超强敏感度和个人灵感,周泊豪创立的潮牌XPX很受年轻人的喜爱,其产品包括T恤、卫衣、衬衫、帽子等。 2余文乐——MADNESS 余文乐的潮牌也广受爱时尚的年轻人追捧,牛仔裤和帆布鞋是他的主要产品,风格比较偏街头、懒散。官网上说MADNESS是一个让余文乐分享个人时尚与生活爱好的平台。由于他的好人缘,很多明星都为他的品牌打广告,有了很好的口碑。 3陈冠希——CLOT 说起陈冠希,他可算是明星做潮牌的祖师了。在出现惊天绯闻被封杀的情况下,他的潮牌依然能很好的经营下去,也证明了他在潮牌方面的实力。CLOT以提供创新意念、树立个人风格的立意,在全球潮流品牌中也占有一席之地。同时也与著名品牌李维斯、耐克等有着良好的合作关系。


vessel和utensil区别:vessel:血管(包括动脉、静脉、毛细血管等)。一般用blood vessel来指血管;vein:静脉。utensil效果,器具的意思。




vessel是容器的意思。作为名词是 船,舰、[组织] 脉管,血管、容器,器皿的意思。Vessel作为人名表示(荷)费塞尔、(俄、意、捷)韦塞尔。相关例句:This ocean-going vessel knocked into an iceberg and sank into the sea这艘远洋船撞上了冰山,沉入海中。




VESSEL VOY NO: = Vessel Voyage Number船名航次编号1.航次是船舶运输生产活动的基本单元,是考核船舶生产效率和经济效益的基础。2.航次是船舶从事客货运输的一个完整过程,是一种生产过程,包括装载、航行、卸载等各环节,也称为船舶运输的生产周期。3.对于客船、货船、驳船、航次起止时间的规定是:自上一航次终点港卸空货物(或者下完旅客)时起,至本航次终点港卸空所载货物(或者下完客)时为止,即为本航次的时间。4.船舶一旦投入营运,所完成的航次在时间上是连续的,即上一个航次的结束,意味着下一个航次的开始,除非船舶进船坞维修。5.在运输生产中还有往返航次的名称,即船舶从出发港出发,到终点港(或中途港后又重返原来的始发港),没有装载货物又返回出发港为一个航次;到终点港后装载货物返回出发港的就是完成了两个运输生产周期,就是两个航次。海运货物:“船舶英文名称或编号”+“/”+“航次号” 例如提单中显示“vessel:abcd”或“s/s abcd”,“abcd”即为船名;“voyage no.:123”或“voy 123”,则123为航次号,所以该栏目应填报为abcd/ 123。不同船公司提单的相关栏目设置可能有少许。 空运货物:填报航班号。如:kz0225 此处前两位为航空公司代号 无实际进出境货物报关单,本栏目免予填报


tank n.1.(盛液体或气体的)大容器;箱,槽,罐,柜2.【铁路】(火车头的)水柜【船舶学】液体舱;油舱3.贮水池,蓄水池;游泳池
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