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rockshox新款20mm桶轴前叉的疑问Revelation RL和Sektor RL U-Turn 价格相仿哪个更值得买 哪个更结实些

很不好意思的高速您 这两根前叉价位不一样sektor rl是recon351的替代品油璜 价位在1500到1700之间 分有100-140 110-150两个版本 差不多是revelution的yange版 属于am入门 revelation属于中高端版本最高级别为revelation worldcup这个rl是最低版本 如果预算允许买revalation rl

cat power的 revelations的歌词哇哦。。。

求sanctuary ( Jaci Velasquez )的歌词啊。麻烦大家了啊

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuaryPure and holy, tried and tureWith thanksgiving, I"ll be a livingSanctuary for YouIt is you, LordWho came to saveThe heart and soulOf every manIt is you Lordwho knows my weaknessWho gives me strength,With thine own hand.Lord prepare me to be a sanctuaryPure and Holy, tried and trueWith thanksgiving I"ll be a livingSanctuary for youLead Me on LordFrom temptationPurify meFrom withinFill my heart withYou holy spiritTake away all my sinLord prepare me to be a sanctuaryPure and holy, tried and trueWith thanksgiving, I"ll be a livingSanctuary for You

Regine Velasquez的《You and Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You and Me歌手:Regine Velasquez专辑:FantasyLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?

android的 RelativeLayout布局文件的orientation属性问题


resident evil 2revelations怎么放人工眼球

resident evil 2revelations怎么放人工眼球的方法如下: 1.首先把眼珠取出来,然后蹲下,让天花板的针把旁边的雕像扎破,取钥匙, 然后马上把眼珠放回去。 2.去楼下,用电筒照地板,取玻璃眼珠。3.回2楼,把眼珠拿下来, 把玻璃眼珠放上去·就OK了。

revelant range怎么算

你写错了吧,你说的应该是相关范围(Relevant range)吧?管理会计中把不会改变固定成本、变动成本性态的有期间和业务量的特定变动范围称为广义的相关范围,把业务量因素的特定变动范围称为狭义的相关范围。相关范围的定义假定变动成本和固定成本形态存在的情况下,作业量的变化范围。 相关范围的作用  无论是研究固定成本还是变动成本,都必须联系到相关范围。只要在相关范围内,不管时间多久,业务量增减变动幅度多大,固定成本总额的不变性和变动成本总额的正比例变动性都将存在。   如果一旦超出相关范围,这些特征就难以保留或存在。 相关范围假定   相关范围假定是假定在一定的时期和一定的业务量范围内,固定成本和变动成本保持其成本特性,前者固定不变,后者正比例变动;另外假定单价水平不因业务量的变化而改变。由于相关范围的作用,成本和收入可以分别表现为一条直线,收入模型为Y=px;成本模型为Y=a+bx。   相关范围假定又包含了“期间”假设和“业务量”假设这二层意思。成本按性态划分的基本假设也就构成了本量利分析的基本假设。 1、期间假设。它是指在一定的时间内,无论是固定成本还是变动成本,其固定性与变动性均体现在这个特定的期间内,具体内容就是前面所述固定成本的固定性和反比例性;变动成本的正比例性和不变性的特征。即随着时间的推移,固定成本的总额及其内容会发生变化,单位变动成本的数额及其内容也会发生变化。即使通过分析又计算出了固定成本的总额和单位变动成本的大小,那也是彼期间而非本期间的结果了。 2、业务量假设。它是指企业在特定的空间范围内,对成本按性态进行划分而得到的固定成本和变动成本,是在一定业务量内分析和计量的结果,业务量发生变化特别是变化较大时,固定成本和变动成本数额则需要重新加以计量。这时就构成了新的业务量假设了。

is not a sibling in the same RelativeLayout 是怎么回事的呢?怎么解决?








帅哥美女们 请问 vela 这个英文名好听呢还是 vena 好听呢 还是 vina 好听呢?




vela是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉







Vela [vi:lE] [天]船帆座(南天星座名) 应是男名! vela [vi:lE] [植]缘膜, 菌膜


大家有没有想过小米手机不采用华为的鸿蒙系统是为了什么?其实除了小米不愿意帮助华为做大做强之外,它自身也有一套操作系统,甚至一度还要争夺世界第一大互联网系统的位置。 这一款名为 小米vela的操作系统 ,前不久小米就公布了MIUI系统和物联网系统velaOS,小米之所以要研发操作系统就是为了自身发展的需要。 不过不同于华为的鸿蒙系统,小米这一产品不是和各行各业的公司进行合作,而是让其他企业复制小米经营的模式,一旦各企业能够采用小米的操作系统,就相当于为小米创造了巨大的生态环境,未来实现万物互联也就易如反掌了。 虽然目前来看尚难得出结论,但是小米为了达到这个目的确实下了一番工夫。在首次提出物联网建设的理念后,小米迅速打造生态链,像云米和石头 科技 等产品层出不穷,而小米之所以要和这些企业合作投资,并不是为了控股盈利,而是想让该企业的科研队伍继续为公司创造 科技 产品,保证创新输出。 有了这些企业的合作运转,小米物联网体系一步步壮大起来, 像手表、手环等穿戴产品已经做到了世界第二,移动电源领域更是稳居第一。除此之外小米自主研发的电视、电脑等产品都已经在国际上崭露头角,甚至一度打入了前五的位置。 比起华为从零开始,建造一个属于自己的物联网体系,小米此举可谓聪明至极,不费吹灰之力就能建立起一个物联网体系。当然华为还在坚持自主打造鸿蒙生态,就一定有他的道理。 要知道鸿蒙系统是独立于安卓和iOS之外的手机操作系统,而小米的vela系统则是采用了谷歌架构,本质上是属于安卓系统的衍生品,两者不存在可比性,不过我们不妨先来了解一下最受关注的鸿蒙操作系统。 要知道鸿蒙系统的结构框架都是自主研发的,不存在任何软件支持,相当于一个空荡荡的房子,需要各大软件运营商进行产品搬运,慢慢填充起来。而说服各大运营商适配鸿蒙的确是个浩大的工程,毕竟鸿蒙面世不久,各方面的性能都尚未得到充分开发,各方多少都有所顾虑,所以从生态组建的难度系数上来讲,鸿蒙远超vela系统。 而且为了保障运营商们的经营模式不受影响,鸿蒙专门开发出了适配安卓软件的功能,也就是大大降低了软件运营商的入驻门槛,这一点就比小米直接入股,掌控企业操作系统来的自由随意。 不过两者还是有异曲同工之妙的,比如两大系统都能够适配不同的产品,像小米的手机、手环和电视,华为的家电、 汽车 和电脑。能够实现这一点得益于他们采用了为内核的设计工艺,由于开发难度不高,且系统占空间小,因此能够在各类产品中得以搭载。 不过目前鸿蒙系统的发展明显要比小米vela系统势头更猛,毕竟作为国内自主研发的手机操作系统,鸿蒙更有实力跟安卓和iOS同台竞技。根据华为的预测,未来搭载鸿蒙系统的设备总数不下三亿台,华为产品的占比就能达到2亿台,至于其他品牌的设备也会有1亿台左右。 由此可见, 虽然小米对自己研发的vela系统自信满满,但是由于无法摆脱安卓系统的技术影响,因此在知名度和认可度上迟迟难以跟华为的鸿蒙系统作比较 。至于其所梦想的物联网系统建设也许会有所成功,但如果一直没有核心技术作保障,未来很难不受到谷歌等外企的管控。 希望小米能够借鉴华为的研发经验,让国产手机和国产系统的自研技术水平得到有效提高。


vela 英["vi:lu0259] 美["vilu0259]

lovelace script可以商用吗


跪求好心人分享贝蒂 第一季2020年上映的由Dede Lovelace主演的免费高清百度云资源

《贝蒂 第一季 Betty Season 1 2020》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:dr05HBO宣布把电影《滑板厨房 Skate Kitchen》开发成喜剧,剧集版由电影导演/编剧Crystal Moselle及她的长期好友Lesley Arfin共同负责。此剧定于美国时间5月1日首播。这部定名为《贝蒂 Betty》的6集喜剧项目背景设置于纽约,讲述一群多元化女性如何在男性主导的滑板界闯出自己的路。主演有电影版演员Dede Lovelace﹑Ajani Russell﹑Moonbear﹑Rachelle Vinberg及Nina Moran。



Spider-Man (Motion Picture)的《Revelation》 歌词

歌曲名:Revelation歌手:Spider-Man (Motion Picture)专辑:Spider-Man - Original Motion Picture ScoreRevelationD12Devil"s NightI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI wanna kill myself! I"m still debatinIn front of a baptist church, masturbatinPrayin to Satan - think I"m crazy cause I smoke cracklive on beat with the mack in a two-family flat(Fuck it)Tired of gettin hit in the face with a broomMy moms on her period, my dad"s in my room (Daddy no!)I got ten rocks and I need to get outI sold "em in five minutes, in my own damn house (Mom smokes crack)My poor grandmother, God bless her soulThe bitch got AIDS (aww) she just waitin to die of a cold (hahaha)There"s three things that keep me from bein a NaziI"m black, a fag, and my dad"s LiberaceNo matter how bad the beatin, I went to school cheatinMy dad whooped my ass at a PTA meetinStick with school I had to have nuts just to do itGot bored and became truantWhen I had the gall to go I just couldn"t do itI was lured into corners by the peer pressure shitHow would you feel if you was held by the tip of a barrelGettin threatened to get your skin ripped to bone marrowBet suburban kids never got rushed for their apparellike me, outcast, last in classFirst to leave, when the teacher called on meBest believe I had somethin up my sleeveI"ve been praised and labelled as crazedMy mother was unable to raise me, full of crazy rageAn angry teenager, nothin can change me backGangsta rap made me act like a maniacI was boostin, so influenced by music I used itas an excuse to do shit, ooh I was stupidNo one can tell me nothin hip-hop overwhelmed meto the point where it had me in a whole "nother realmIt was like isolatin myself was healthyIt felt like we was on welfare but wealthyCompelled me to excel when school it failed meExpelled me and when the principal would tell meI was nothin, and I wouldn"t amount to shitI made my first million and counted itNow look at, a fuckin drop-out that quitsStupid as shit, rich as fuck, and proud of itThat"s whyI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI was raised with a rifle and maskSteadily beatin my psychiatrist ass just for askin about my past(bitch) I was never on that punk shit; fuckin aroundcan get yo" belove abducted, smothered in blood quickYou couldn"t pay Swift to give a fuckWas crazy like my father, it musta been poison in that nigga"s nutFar as probation, fuck peein in cupsI violate at any time, let "em see the bluntI grew up steadily masturbatin inside of cellsYoung as hell, havin conversations with myselfYou could tell I wasn"t lenient, a disobedientLynched and slapped teachers, bitch I"m not readin itYou don"t know what dawgs go through, a little niggaSippin liquor with my old dude, what the fuck you gon" do?I"m quick to curse you, I told my mother that I"ma hurt youif you ever again mention a curfewLook, my family ignored me and I don"t like thatThey don"t even listen when I tell them I"ll be right back(Yeah whatever) This nice beautiful house ma, it don"t mean shitCause you know daddy"s a drunk and he don"t clean shitAnd yesterday he hit me like a grown fuckin manI couldn"t stand up to him, I just ducked and ranI"m sick of this, I wish on Christmasthat I can get a loaded four-fifth and put a fuckin end to this(Fuck it) I got no friends and I can"t get a bitchOnly thing I have is dirty magazines and sticky fingertipsNothin to smile about, I"m about to lose my mindGot me an automatic nine, now I"m ballin outWait "til school"s over, pu-pil are people to shoot throughKids goin cuckoo, with a two-twoSince my friend is this new dude, in this high schoolLosin his noodle learn that people don"t like youThe football jocks is, spittin on himPopular kids in school is now pickin on himBurn out youngsta niggaz now hittin on himAnd his teacher in his english class keep flippin on himAnd now he"s grounded with no allowancesfor drinkin forty ounces, cause he was caught by his counselorsAnd why the fuck I gotta ride the bench coach?Already got expelled for wearin a trenchcoatAll I ever seen is.. {violence, violence}Told me to keep silent, stepped back in my eyelidsIt"s apparent that my parents weren"t parents at allThat"s why I blew out my brains and murdered you allI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelation

preference revelation是什么意思

  preference revelation  英 [u02c8prefu0259ru0259ns u02ccrevu0259u02c8leiu0283u0259n]  美 [u02c8pru025bfu0259ru0259ns u02ccru025bvu0259u02c8leu0283u0259n]  [释义]偏好显示;  [网络]显示偏好;  [例句]One may distinguish four stages of participation: preference revelation; policy choice; implementation; and monitoring, assessment and accountability.  可以将参与分为四个阶段:意向表示;政策选择;实施;以及监测、评估和问责。

什么是revelation principle ?

启示性原则 The revelation principle is that truth-telling, direct revelation mechanisms can generally be designed to achieve the Nash equilibrium outcome of other mechanisms; this can be proven in a large category of mechanism design cases.据我所查,启示性原则在不同的领域有不同的定义。以上是其在经济学中的解释。

为什么在relativelayout 底部还是有距离


367, 关于relativeLayout的margin_bottom 设置无效的问题

RelativeLayout布局里 1、当设置为android:layout_height="wrap_content"时,最下面的控件layout_marginBottom属性无效,如果其他控件使用layout_above让自己处于最下面的控件之上,那么layout_marginBottom属性有效。 2、当设置为android:layout_height="match_parent"时,或者高度为固定值,那么最下面的控件layout_marginBottom属性才会有效。

android relativelayout 距离屏幕右边 边距 怎么设置




Susan Cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of Chicago. Her father began

Susan Clevelandis the young president of a candy company in the city of Chicago.Her father began the company in the 1960s. He died three years ago. Now the companybelongs to Susan. Susan 1 did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. She justfinished the college. The employees雇员 became 2 ” What doesa “short leash” mean A leash isa kind of rope. We use a leash 9 our pet dogs. The leash keeps the dogfrom 10 away 11 getting into trouble. concerned during Susans firstmonths 3 the job. Mr. Cleveland had been a 4 leader. But Susanpermitted 5 employees to make their own 6 . One employee said “Old Mr.Cleveland 7 told us what to do. He kept people on a short leash. 8 the companydid well. Keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her 12 close control.The person cant make many decisions for himself or herself. Ms Cleveland does notkeep her workers on a short leash. 13 she encourages them to get 14 ways todo business. For example her secretary proposed建议 an idea. She said the companyshould 15 a sum of money as a prize to the best student in the highschool 16 the factory. The winner could use the prize money to study at auniversity. Ms Cleveland 17 the idea. After the prize was announced 18 wholived in the area of the factory began to buy 19 of the companys candy. Localnewspapers wrote about the competition. Business 20 . Ms Cleveland made her secretary the companys first Director of Public Relations.The former secretary was very pleased. 1. A. but B. yet C. so D. however 2. A. so little B. even less C. even more D. no more 3. A. on B. in C. for D. at18. A. students B. workers C. businessmen D. people19. A. some B. little C. more D. less20. A. improved B. failed C. continued D. stopped答案:1-5 DCABD 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 DDCDB 16-20 CBDCA

美国俄亥俄州Cleveland OH克利夫兰治安生活条件水平怎么样?






cleveland steamers means what


Cleveland Tour Action高尔夫球杆怎么样






Cleveland steamer什么意思?

Cleveland steamer意思是克利夫兰的轮船。翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语;“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言文字的过程中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。



Cleveland Ohio是什么地方






Cleveland 在哪里?



cleveland是什么意思:克利夫兰。Cleveland 用法和例句提示:Grover cleveland said both actions had hurt the economy .格罗弗.克利夫兰认为这两项政策都会严重损害美国经济。The cities with the biggest monthly gains included cleveland , san francisco , dallas and chicago .涨幅最大的城市包括克里夫兰、旧金山、达拉斯和芝加哥。

越狱中的 cleveland什么意思

Cleveland [英]["kli:vlu0259nd][美]["klu026avlu0259nd] 克利夫兰 美国城市


cleveland是克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)。克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers):是一支位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰的职业篮球队,1970年正式成立并加入美国男篮职业联赛(NBA), 现为东部联盟中部赛区参赛球队。2003年,骑士队选中状元秀勒布朗·詹姆斯,在詹姆斯的带领下,骑士队于2007年首次进入NBA总决赛,但以0-4负于马刺队。2011年选秀大会上,骑士队用状元签选中凯里·欧文,同时队伍进入重建。2014年7月12日,詹姆斯宣布回归骑士队。同年夏天,骑士队通过签约与交易,组建了勒布朗·詹姆斯、凯里·欧文与凯文·乐福的骑士队三巨头。2016年6月20日,骑士战胜勇士夺得2015-16赛季总冠军。2017年6月13日,骑士获得2016-17赛季NBA亚军。




Cleveland[英]["kli:vlu0259nd][美]["klu026avlu0259nd]克利夫兰 美国城市; 双语例句 1I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out.我想让家乡克利夫兰所有那些烂人都懊悔不已。2Last year, Cleveland was a league-best16-3 on the second night of a back-to-back.去年,骑士队是全联盟背靠背战绩最佳的球队,16胜3负。



related revelant relative 辨析

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: related: connected with *** /sth in some way 相关的,有联系的 relevant:closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about 紧密相关的,切题的 relevant more close and direct than related. related其他意思:1in the same family 2belong to the same group relavant其他意思:having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in their lives and work有价值的,有意义的 relative指“亲戚”,关系比较疏远。 relative adj. 与..有关 The documents are relative to the discussion. 相比较而言的,相对的 We weighed up the advantages of driving there or going by train. the relative quiet of suburbs Since I got a job, i"ve been living in relative fort. related adj.与..有关 We discussed inflation,unemployment and related issue. Experts believe that large number of cancer cased in this area are directly to nuclear power station. 有亲缘关系的 She"s related to me by marriage. She claims she is related to royalty. relevant adj.和手头事务有关联的 relevant to 与..有关 All evidence relevant to this trial must be given to the police. The point is highly relevant to the discussion. 确当的,适宜的 The board of Education has announced plans to make schooling more relevant and prepare students better for life beyond high school.


 把吸血鬼社会以金字塔来分的表格  LEVEL A 纯血种  LEVEL B 贵族阶级  LEVEL C 一般吸血鬼  LEVEL D 原本是人类的吸血鬼  ----------------------------------------------------------------  LEVEL E=LEVEL END 位于金字塔外, LEVEL D会变成LEVEL E,理性逐渐被侵蚀,一步步走向灭亡,由贵族阶级的吸血鬼统管。



求houston LA Cleveland miami四个城市的旅游城市介绍

  休斯顿  开放分类: 美国、地理、城市、港口、NBA 篮球  太空城休士顿  HOUSTON德克萨斯州  美国南方第一大城。全国最大的石油工业中心和第三大港。位于德克萨斯州东南沿海,加尔维斯顿湾西北岸平原上,通过长80公里的通海运河与墨西哥湾相连。市区面积1440平方公里,人口163万(1990);大市区包括哈里斯等6县和附近中小城镇,面积16278平方公里。1836年创建。1914年因通往墨西哥湾的休斯敦运河完成以及大规模油田的开发,工业发展迅速。石油炼制和石油化学工业发展水平很高,钢铁、电子和地球物理勘探仪器、水泥、棉纺织、肉类加工、碾米等工业也相当发达。通海运河兴建后,成为美国大海港城市之一。主要输出石油制品、棉花、大米、硫黄、木材等。东南35公里的克利尔湖畔是美国国家航空和航天局最大的空间研究和发展中心之一,有“宇宙城”之称。有大学、科研机关、美术馆、图书馆等。市中心超高层建筑林立。  地处坦荡的沿海平原,河湖众多,平均海拔仅15米。气候暖湿。1月平均气温12.6℃,8月28.9℃,年降水量1150毫米,夏秋之交常受飓风侵袭。始建于1836年。早期为农畜产品集散地G随着铁路的兴建,特别是20世纪初附近地区油气资源的开发以及通海运河的开凿,城市迅速崛起,以石油工业为主的工业体系逐步形成,人口不断增长,近20年增长尤为迅速。  号称“世界石油之都”。城市周围井架林立,油管纵横,炼油和石油化学工业发达,炼油能力以及乙烯、合成橡胶等主要石化产品产量均居全国首位。以它为中心,东至博蒙特、西至科珀斯克里斯蒂,是美国最大的石油工业地带。原油和油品通过管道输往加利福尼亚、东北部和五大湖工业区。美国各大石油公司总部或分公司均设在本市。其他工业部门主要为与石油工业配套的钢铁、机械、钢管、采油设备和油轮制造;此外,有化学、棉纺织、碾米和肉类加工等。工厂企业主要分布在城东通海运河两侧,这里是美国最大的炼油中心,此外还有许多船厂和粮仓。  休斯敦系人工港。通海运河宽90米以上,深11米,每年约有5000艘海轮由此出入。是全国最大的石油和小麦输出港。年货物吞吐量,仅次于新奥尔良和纽约港,但主要属于本国沿海贸易。美国西南部陆上交通中心,5条铁路干线和多条公路线呈辐射状通向各地,城周有高速公路环绕。市内设有2个机场,其中市中心以北27公里处的休斯敦洲际机场,为通往拉丁美洲和欧洲各国的空中门户。  休斯敦又以宇航和医疗科研闻名于世。美国国家航空和航天局(NASA)最大的空间研究中心设于该市东南35公里的克利尔湖畔,占地历6公顷,该中心以已故总统林登.约翰逊的名字命名。著名的“阿波罗”登月、“太空实验室”以及“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机等均在此升空。规模巨大的得克萨斯医疗中心位于市西南,拥有26个医学院校、医院和研究机构,世界上首次心脏移植手术在此进行。  重要金融中心之一。有本国银行230多家,外国银行50多家。市内商业繁盛,批发零售额居美国南方各城之首。建筑业兴旺,高楼、道路建设很快,城区不断扩大。文化、教育、娱乐设施众多,有休斯敦大学等29所高等院校,艾莱剧场全国闻名。  阿斯托洛圆顶运动场 Astrodome  耗资3,100万美元,于1965年兴建完成的这一运动场是目前世界上最大的一座室内运动场,内部装有冷暖气设备。棒球、足球、骞马,以至于马戏团表演,都可以在室内进行。紧邻的Astro World是一个规模极大的娱乐中心,游客可以观赏欧洲各种村落的景色,也能够欣赏各类表演。  圣哈新托古战场 San Jacinto Battlefield  1836年,休士顿将军为了争取德州独立,率军与墨军激战的地方。现在已成为州立公园,纪念塔高达174公尺,可乘电梯登上塔项。塔下是历史博物馆。距休士顿市约26公里。  美国航空太空总署太空飞行中心 NASA Manned Spacecraft  因阿波罗11号在此升空而全球闻名。美国国家航空太空总署NASA于1961年设立于休士顿东南方45公里处的克利阿湖畔。附近有General Electric和International Business Machines等重要的电子工业企业,是名符其实的航空太空科学中心。  展览馆Exhibit Hall的一号馆中,陈列着太空飞行员使用的器具、太空食物、太空船模型、月球上采集的岩石,对一般观光客公开。  太空飞行中心内部极为辽阔,可在进入中心的问讯处索取地图,备作参考。太空中心内也有礼品店,出售太空船模型、月球石头模型,以及阿波罗帽等。  洛杉矶  开放分类: 美国、地理、城市、港口、洛杉矶  目录u2022 一、历史沿革  u2022 二、地理环境  u2022 三、行政区划  u2022 四、人口结构  u2022 五、财政金融  u2022 六、交通运输  u2022 七、文化艺术  u2022 八、休闲娱乐  u2022 九、旅游名胜  u2022 十、购物天堂  u2022 十一、科学教育  u2022 十二、体育运动  u2022 十三、对外交流  u2022 九、旅游名胜  u2022 十、购物天堂  u2022 十一、科学教育  u2022 十二、体育运动  u2022 十三、对外交流  关于图片  最上:洛杉矶市市旗、市徽  中上:洛杉矶的天际线  中左:柯达剧院对面的好莱坞星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)  中右:回音公园(Echo Park)  最下:洛杉矶繁华夜景  市名  洛杉矶市(City of Los Angeles)。简称 L.A. 。  别称  天使之城(The City of Angels)、罗省。  经纬度  市中心位于北纬34度03分,西经118度15分。  国家  美利坚合众国(The United States of America)  州  加利福尼亚州(State of California)  县  洛杉矶县(Los Angeles County)。洛杉矶市是洛杉矶县的县行政中心。  建立  1781年9月4日  建市  1850年4月4日  政府  市长议会制(Mayor-council government)  市长  安东尼奥·维拉戈沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)  面积  全市总面积1,290.6平方公里(美国城市第2名,仅次于纽约市)。其中陆地面积1,214.9平方公里;水域面积75.7平方公里,占总面积的5.8%。洛杉矶市区面积4,319.9平方公里。  海拔  全市平均海拔84米。Lukens山(亦称为埃尔西峰,Sister Elsie Peak)为洛杉矶市最高点,海拔1,548米。  人口  全市人口384.94万(美国城市第2名,仅次于纽约市)。人口密度3,168人/平方公里。洛杉矶大都会人口12,95.01万。大洛杉矶地区人口约1,777.6万。  语言  洛杉矶地区人口使用约224种不同的语言。  时间  洛杉矶所在时区为美国太平洋标准时间(PST)。UTC-8。  夏时制为美国太平洋时区(PDT)。UTC-7。  邮政编码  90001-90068、90070-90084、90086-90089、90091、90093-90097、90099、90101-90103、90174、90185、90189  电话区号  213、310、323、424、661、818  市花  天堂鸟(Bird of paradise)。也称鹤望兰。  洛杉矶(Los Angeles)是美国加利福尼亚州最大城市,美国第二大城市(仅次于纽约市),洛杉矶县的县治。洛杉矶是美国人口最稠密也最多样化的地方,全球各地的人移民至此并使用224种不同的语言。洛杉矶是全面世界级城市之一。  洛杉矶于1781年由西班牙统治者Felipe de Neve所创建。它曾是西班牙的一部分。1821年墨西哥从西班牙赢得独立,洛杉矶成为墨西哥的领土。1848年,墨西哥在美墨战争中失败,将加利福尼亚割让给美国。1850年4月4日,洛杉矶正式建市。而5个月之后,加利福尼亚正式美国的一个州。  洛杉矶是全球文化、科技、媒体、经济、国际贸易中心城市之一。洛杉矶拥有全球知名的各种专业与文化领域的机构,更是美国最重要的经济中心,洛杉矶市及紧邻的区域的GDP产值为全球第20名。洛杉矶也是全球流行文化的领头城市,在大众娱乐——诸如电影、电视、音乐方面构成了洛杉矶的国际声誉和全球地位的基础。



ufc中的cain velasquez防守能力差,怎么还获得了冠军

因为对手的攻击能力更差, 拳头打在脸上完全靠惯性.而且上来就开始飞膝, 用了太多的体力.另外,一拳恰好击中脸上, 流了很多血.两次让对手没有TD成功,影响了对手的心态.最重要的我认为, 他是在carwin和Brock的对战中吸取了很多的营养,这是他成功的关键.

请问cleveland steamer到底是什么意思啊?别人都说很猥琐,但我真的想知道啊

你好!说 cleveland steamer 是有些猥琐。A sexual act by nature (fetish), the cleveland steamer is when one person craps on another person"s chest and (very important) then sits down and rocks back and forth like a steam roller.一种的性行为(恋物癖),克利夫兰的蒸汽轮是指 一个人舔在另一个人的胸部,然后坐下来,像一个蒸汽轮一样来回滚动。以上摘自urban字典,仅供参考!

A Un Paso De Mi Amor Jaci Velasquez 翻译歌词

歌词:Mi Amor(你是我全部的爱)Travelled all across the world环游世界Seen a lot of fancy things看过许多新奇的东西But I never seen a beauty quite like this但我从未见过一个像这样美丽的(指一个美女)This must be a dream!这一定是个梦So I pinch myself ouch, it hurts man所以我掐自己一下 感受到了疼痛Well I guess this must be real我猜这一定是真的了So I"m gonna cease the moment我想让这一刻停止And tell her how I feel然后告诉她我的感受Let me take you to Chile o Costa Rica让我带你到智利 哥斯达黎加,Puerto Rico o Columbia波多黎各 哥伦比亚We can dance under sky我们可以在天空下跳舞Use the moon as our spotlight让月球以我们为中心Two step with the right man与合适的人一起迈出两步I can teach you how to dougie in the white sand我可以教你如何在白色的沙上做沙堡Just take a chance and runaway只是做个改变 然后逃走Won"t you listen when I say 在我诉说的时候你将倾听吗Will you be mi amor? 你会是我的爱吗Just what I"m looking for正是我在寻找的Don"t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔So let"s go, So let"s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧baby you can let the rest know rest know 宝贝你可以让其他人知道yup yup girl let"s go let"s go 女孩让我们一起走吧baby yo can let the rest know 宝贝你可以让其他人知道that you are mi amor 你是我的爱i got fans from coast to coast 从东海岸到西海岸 我有许多粉丝they show me love everywhere i stay 在每个我停留的地方向我展示他们的爱everybody yell hola when the shows ova 每个人在表演结束是都大声喊holastill wanna see your face 还是想看着你baby es muy bonita numero uno chica 宝贝 你是世界上最美的女孩sing to you acapella let"s fly away 给你唱acapella(歌名) 让我们飞翔let me take you to Chile 让我带你去智利or costa rica puerto rico or columbia或是哥斯达黎加 波多黎各 哥伦比亚we can dance under the sky我们可以在天空下跳舞Use the moon as our spotlight.让月球以我们为中心Two step with the right man与合适的人一起迈出两步I can teach you how to dougie in the white sand我可以教你如何在白色的沙上做沙堡Just take a chance and runaway只是做个改变 然后逃走Won"t you listen when I say 在我诉说的时候你将倾听吗Will you be mi amor? 你会是我的爱吗Just what I"m looking for正是我在寻找的Don"t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔So let"s go, So let"s go所以让我们一起去吧baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道yup yup girl let"s go let"s go 女孩让我们一起走吧baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道that you are mi amor你是我的爱ven conmigo vamono senorita we can go 跟我来 我们可以去vamono senorita(地名)wherever you wanna as long as with me 无论你想去哪里 只要与我一起mi amor mi amor we can get away 亲爱的 我们可以远走高飞all you gotta say is yes 你要做的只是同意take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 就牵着我的手 让我为你指路lead the way 指路take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 牵着我的手 让我为你指路lead the way指路take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 牵着我的手 让我为你指路oh will you be mi amor 哦 你会是我的爱吗Just what I"m looking for正是我在寻找的Don"t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔So let"s go, So let"s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道yup yup girl let"s go let"s go 女孩让我们一起走吧baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道that you are mi amor你是我的爱will you be mi amor 哦 你会是我的爱吗Just what I"m looking for正是我在寻找的Don"t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔So let"s go, So let"s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道yup yup girl let"s go let"s go 女孩让我们一起走吧baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道that you are mi amor你是我的爱



德语 我看了一段视频,发现,telenovela,Museumsmeile 但是我查字典怎么都查不着呢?是特殊的外来词还是




council of europe levelA1 啥意思啊,证书上的,过了么

欧洲理事会 1级,这是英语……

cleveland 在美国的什么位置?


Revelations 歌词

歌曲名:Revelations歌手:Santana专辑:FestivalRevelationD12Devil"s NightI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI wanna kill myself! I"m still debatinIn front of a baptist church, masturbatinPrayin to Satan - think I"m crazy cause I smoke cracklive on beat with the mack in a two-family flat(Fuck it)Tired of gettin hit in the face with a broomMy moms on her period, my dad"s in my room (Daddy no!)I got ten rocks and I need to get outI sold "em in five minutes, in my own damn house (Mom smokes crack)My poor grandmother, God bless her soulThe bitch got AIDS (aww) she just waitin to die of a cold (hahaha)There"s three things that keep me from bein a NaziI"m black, a fag, and my dad"s LiberaceNo matter how bad the beatin, I went to school cheatinMy dad whooped my ass at a PTA meetinStick with school I had to have nuts just to do itGot bored and became truantWhen I had the gall to go I just couldn"t do itI was lured into corners by the peer pressure shitHow would you feel if you was held by the tip of a barrelGettin threatened to get your skin ripped to bone marrowBet suburban kids never got rushed for their apparellike me, outcast, last in classFirst to leave, when the teacher called on meBest believe I had somethin up my sleeveI"ve been praised and labelled as crazedMy mother was unable to raise me, full of crazy rageAn angry teenager, nothin can change me backGangsta rap made me act like a maniacI was boostin, so influenced by music I used itas an excuse to do shit, ooh I was stupidNo one can tell me nothin hip-hop overwhelmed meto the point where it had me in a whole "nother realmIt was like isolatin myself was healthyIt felt like we was on welfare but wealthyCompelled me to excel when school it failed meExpelled me and when the principal would tell meI was nothin, and I wouldn"t amount to shitI made my first million and counted itNow look at, a fuckin drop-out that quitsStupid as shit, rich as fuck, and proud of itThat"s whyI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI was raised with a rifle and maskSteadily beatin my psychiatrist ass just for askin about my past(bitch) I was never on that punk shit; fuckin aroundcan get yo" belove abducted, smothered in blood quickYou couldn"t pay Swift to give a fuckWas crazy like my father, it musta been poison in that nigga"s nutFar as probation, fuck peein in cupsI violate at any time, let "em see the bluntI grew up steadily masturbatin inside of cellsYoung as hell, havin conversations with myselfYou could tell I wasn"t lenient, a disobedientLynched and slapped teachers, bitch I"m not readin itYou don"t know what dawgs go through, a little niggaSippin liquor with my old dude, what the fuck you gon" do?I"m quick to curse you, I told my mother that I"ma hurt youif you ever again mention a curfewLook, my family ignored me and I don"t like thatThey don"t even listen when I tell them I"ll be right back(Yeah whatever) This nice beautiful house ma, it don"t mean shitCause you know daddy"s a drunk and he don"t clean shitAnd yesterday he hit me like a grown fuckin manI couldn"t stand up to him, I just ducked and ranI"m sick of this, I wish on Christmasthat I can get a loaded four-fifth and put a fuckin end to this(Fuck it) I got no friends and I can"t get a bitchOnly thing I have is dirty magazines and sticky fingertipsNothin to smile about, I"m about to lose my mindGot me an automatic nine, now I"m ballin outWait "til school"s over, pu-pil are people to shoot throughKids goin cuckoo, with a two-twoSince my friend is this new dude, in this high schoolLosin his noodle learn that people don"t like youThe football jocks is, spittin on himPopular kids in school is now pickin on himBurn out youngsta niggaz now hittin on himAnd his teacher in his english class keep flippin on himAnd now he"s grounded with no allowancesfor drinkin forty ounces, cause he was caught by his counselorsAnd why the fuck I gotta ride the bench coach?Already got expelled for wearin a trenchcoatAll I ever seen is.. {violence, violence}Told me to keep silent, stepped back in my eyelidsIt"s apparent that my parents weren"t parents at allThat"s why I blew out my brains and murdered you allI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelation

Revelations 歌词

歌曲名:Revelations歌手:Mos Def专辑:The EcstaticRevelationD12Devil"s NightI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI wanna kill myself! I"m still debatinIn front of a baptist church, masturbatinPrayin to Satan - think I"m crazy cause I smoke cracklive on beat with the mack in a two-family flat(Fuck it)Tired of gettin hit in the face with a broomMy moms on her period, my dad"s in my room (Daddy no!)I got ten rocks and I need to get outI sold "em in five minutes, in my own damn house (Mom smokes crack)My poor grandmother, God bless her soulThe bitch got AIDS (aww) she just waitin to die of a cold (hahaha)There"s three things that keep me from bein a NaziI"m black, a fag, and my dad"s LiberaceNo matter how bad the beatin, I went to school cheatinMy dad whooped my ass at a PTA meetinStick with school I had to have nuts just to do itGot bored and became truantWhen I had the gall to go I just couldn"t do itI was lured into corners by the peer pressure shitHow would you feel if you was held by the tip of a barrelGettin threatened to get your skin ripped to bone marrowBet suburban kids never got rushed for their apparellike me, outcast, last in classFirst to leave, when the teacher called on meBest believe I had somethin up my sleeveI"ve been praised and labelled as crazedMy mother was unable to raise me, full of crazy rageAn angry teenager, nothin can change me backGangsta rap made me act like a maniacI was boostin, so influenced by music I used itas an excuse to do shit, ooh I was stupidNo one can tell me nothin hip-hop overwhelmed meto the point where it had me in a whole "nother realmIt was like isolatin myself was healthyIt felt like we was on welfare but wealthyCompelled me to excel when school it failed meExpelled me and when the principal would tell meI was nothin, and I wouldn"t amount to shitI made my first million and counted itNow look at, a fuckin drop-out that quitsStupid as shit, rich as fuck, and proud of itThat"s whyI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelationI was raised with a rifle and maskSteadily beatin my psychiatrist ass just for askin about my past(bitch) I was never on that punk shit; fuckin aroundcan get yo" belove abducted, smothered in blood quickYou couldn"t pay Swift to give a fuckWas crazy like my father, it musta been poison in that nigga"s nutFar as probation, fuck peein in cupsI violate at any time, let "em see the bluntI grew up steadily masturbatin inside of cellsYoung as hell, havin conversations with myselfYou could tell I wasn"t lenient, a disobedientLynched and slapped teachers, bitch I"m not readin itYou don"t know what dawgs go through, a little niggaSippin liquor with my old dude, what the fuck you gon" do?I"m quick to curse you, I told my mother that I"ma hurt youif you ever again mention a curfewLook, my family ignored me and I don"t like thatThey don"t even listen when I tell them I"ll be right back(Yeah whatever) This nice beautiful house ma, it don"t mean shitCause you know daddy"s a drunk and he don"t clean shitAnd yesterday he hit me like a grown fuckin manI couldn"t stand up to him, I just ducked and ranI"m sick of this, I wish on Christmasthat I can get a loaded four-fifth and put a fuckin end to this(Fuck it) I got no friends and I can"t get a bitchOnly thing I have is dirty magazines and sticky fingertipsNothin to smile about, I"m about to lose my mindGot me an automatic nine, now I"m ballin outWait "til school"s over, pu-pil are people to shoot throughKids goin cuckoo, with a two-twoSince my friend is this new dude, in this high schoolLosin his noodle learn that people don"t like youThe football jocks is, spittin on himPopular kids in school is now pickin on himBurn out youngsta niggaz now hittin on himAnd his teacher in his english class keep flippin on himAnd now he"s grounded with no allowancesfor drinkin forty ounces, cause he was caught by his counselorsAnd why the fuck I gotta ride the bench coach?Already got expelled for wearin a trenchcoatAll I ever seen is.. {violence, violence}Told me to keep silent, stepped back in my eyelidsIt"s apparent that my parents weren"t parents at allThat"s why I blew out my brains and murdered you allI don"t wanna go to school.. I don"t need no educationI don"t wanna be like you.. I don"t wanna save the nationI just wanna live my life.. everyday a celebrationOne day I"ma leave this world.. I"m waitin for the revelation