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org.apache.jasper.JasperException:无法编译JSP类 怎么解决??

1: <%2: String str = request.getparameter("info");//接收表单参数3: out.println("<h1>"+str+"</h1>");4: %>2:---这行的request.getparameter("info");使用的方法不正确应该是getParameterP是大写的试试是不是这个问题









那有的硬盘上SAST 后面有2个Jumpered pins 3 and 4 enable 或1 and 2 怎么理解

也就是说,有的硬盘是 1-2短接,或者3-4短接。你可以尝试一下。不过一般情况下不用动这些设置的。


时尚先生,OK! 精彩,GQ智族,WSJ.出色,芭莎男士,在此之前,大家利用自己出色的演技和俊朗的外形登上了这些刊面,并且销售量一直都是遥遥领先的。

Bob van Asperen的《Prelude》 歌词

歌曲名:Prelude歌手:Bob van Asperen专辑:Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1On earth as in heavenWe will be strong togetherOn earth as in heavenWe will be untetheredNo martyr can everDivide our beating heartsOn earth as in heavenYour beauty, foreverThe sunrise inside meCalls out to you in mourningHow I hold on,Free from everFeeling your lifeTouch me from heavenOn earth as in heaven,my soul needs youbut can your heart answerAfraid you"d be part toConsent to seal our kingdomHow I hold on,Free from everSeeing your lightTouched you, so loved youOn earth as in heavenYour beauty is foreverNo martyr can everDivide our beating hearts



安卓5.0 SwipeRefreshLayout里面怎么不能嵌套布局

可以嵌套的。 注意下SwipeRefreshLayout里只能有一个子控件,是可以嵌套布局的,只不过嵌套的子布局如果不是滑动控件的话,运行后是没有下拉的效果


SwipeRefreshLayout里面需要注意的Api:1、setOnRefreshListener(OnRefreshListener listener) 设置下拉监听,当用户下拉的时候会去执行回调2、setColorSchemeColors(int... colors) 设置 进度条的颜色变化,最多可以设置4种颜色3、setProgressViewOffset(boolean scale, int start, int end) 调整进度条距离屏幕顶部的距离4、setRefreshing(boolean refreshing) 设置SwipeRefreshLayout当前是否处于刷新状态,一般是在请求数据的时候设置为true,在数据被加载到View中后,设置为false。





工程图纸翻译:Tapered bore is a 3/4" per foot taper to except a QT style bushing. 望好心人帮个忙。

Tapered bore is a 3/4" per foot taper to except a QT style bushing3/4英寸比1英尺的斜度,配合除了QT型的其他衬套Taper .75 per 12.00 to fit QD Style Bushing0.75比12的斜度配合QD型衬套注1:QD是quick-detachable,快速可拆卸的意思 QT是QD之中的一个系列注2:"3/4英寸比1英尺" 与 "0.75比12" 是同一斜度参考:欢迎详细讨论QQ605407473

soda-lime glass是什么玻璃? soda-lime tempered glass是什么玻璃?

这实际上就是普通钠钙硅玻璃——最常见的玻璃。soda,苏打,即碳酸钠;lime,石灰石,碳酸钙。tempered which is up to 3X harder than normal. 强度高于普通玻璃3倍以上的钢化玻璃,就是普通钢化玻璃。钢化玻璃强度就是普通玻璃的3-5倍。高硼硅玻璃无法加工成常见的物理钢化玻璃。




更新1: 没有解释ego哦? ID是本我 EGO是自我 SUPEREGO是超我 由佛洛伊德提出的心理学说 超我(super-ego)是人格结构中的管制者,由完美原则支配,属于人格结构中的道德部份。在佛洛伊德的学说中,超我是父亲形象与文化规范的符号内化,由于对客体的冲突,超我倾向于站在本我(id)的原始渴望的反对立场,而对自我(ego)带有侵略性。超我以道德心的形式运作,维持个体的道德感、回避禁忌。 超我的形成发生在恋母情节的崩解时期,是一种对父亲形象的内化认同,由于小男孩无法成功地维持母亲成为其爱恋的客体,对父亲可能对其的 *** 报复或惩罚产生去势焦虑(castration anxiety),进而转为认同父亲。 心理学上的自我,又名与兽我或本我以及超我相对 本我(英文:id)是在潜意识型态下的思想,拉丁字为「it」,原德文字则为「Es」)代表思绪的原始程序—我们最为原始,属满足本能冲动的思想;此字为佛洛伊德根据乔治·果代克(Ge Groddeck)的作品所建。 本我为与生俱来的,亦为人格结构的基础,日后自我及超我即是以本我为基础而发展。本我的目的在于遵循享乐原则,追求个体的生物性需求如食物的饱足与 *** 的满足,以及避免痛苦。 参考: zh. *** /w/index?title=%E8%B6%85%E6%88%91&variant=zh-&quot; 人的心理分为:本我(id) 自我(ego) 超我(superego) 「本我」 Id 人格的原始基素,包括人从出世开始本体上一切的要求和欲望。包括性(sex)和侵略(aggression) 超我是一个道德标准 受到环境因素所影响 一些道德的价值也包括在超我之中。 所以「超我」与「本我」是相对的,在羣体社会上,因人的理智和文化的要求,不能随着「本我」的任性要求,人的行为要跟从人行为的价值观,这就成为人的伦理规范,「超我」是「本我」的规范,使人分别出好歹来,它由父母的教导和社会文化而来。 能中和「超我」和「本我」二者的冲突对立,「自我」扮上重要角色,它界乎「本我」和「超我」中间,使人获得「本我」的要求,也能保持不失人伦规范的「超我」。 例子: 当我们看见一个漂亮的女子时 id:主张我们去和这女生发生性关系 满足 sex 既欲望 superego:但是我们知道这是不可能发生的 因为我们受到社会规范和道德价值 ego:所以我们控制住id 决定只是偷望这位女生 而没有做任何其他行为 当本我愈强 或是超我愈弱 自我便难以控制本我的需求 我们便会出现焦虑(ANXIETY) 人便会崩溃 影响我们的日常生活要阻止这情况发生 我们的潜意识便会发生防御机制(DEFENCE MACHANISM) 来令到我们的心理不受影响 例子 用返上面果个例子 如果我地控制唔到id我欲望 而做出d违法既行为 同我地既superego产生矛盾 我地就会出现anxiety 这会令到人的心理受到严重影响 所以我地就会有defense mechani *** eg: 我地会否认自己做过这些行为(denial) 呢d活动全都系我地既潜意识里进行 所以我地系感觉唔到的~~~ 参考: me~~~

wallpaperegine 4k壁纸怎么完整的放映在1080p的电脑屏幕上?


Sapere aude 是什么意思,或者是谁?

Sapere aude is a Latin phrase meaning "dare to know". Originally used by Horace, it is a common motto for universities and other institutions, after becoming closely associated with The Enlightenment by Immanuel Kant in his seminal essay, What is Enlightenment?. Kant claimed it was the motto for the entire period, and used it to explore his theories of reason in the public sphere. Later, Michel Foucault took up Kant"s formulation in an attempt for a place for the individual in his post-structuralist philosophy and come to terms with the problematic legacy of the Enlightenment.这是维基百科上的解释.意思就是“dare to know”“dare to be wise!”敢于知道,敢于运用你的智慧。是一句拉丁语座右铭。



钢化玻璃上的tempered glass这个标志是什么意思?



温馨解答:sapere 和conoscere都有“知道”的意思,只是性质有些不一样。1.举个例子:知不知道火车几点的? Tu sai a che ora parte il treno?Sapere+句子即从句,就是表示知不知道。。。什么内容。。。2.sapere还有一个意思,是"会,懂得"Sai guidare la macchina? 你会开车吗?3.对比来说sapere 经常表示【经过努力学习而懂得的,而获得的】4.conoscere后面一般都接名词,表示“知道某人或某事是怎么样的”Conosco questa persona.我认识他。



怎么用法语说这个?用法语说Il y a mon pere,ma mere et 我,这个我是用moi还是me?简单解释一下。


pereverance and success作文

perseverence and success.There are many reasons if you succeed.Those who have achieved a lot have many good qualities:intelligence,hard work,interest and especially perseverance.Some people are very clever and intelligent.At first,they can work hard like others.They can finish what is required of them and go ahead of others.But after a short time, they don"t act as they have before.Of course they fail at last.Some people are not as clever ,but they can work hard all the time.They can overcome all difficulties on the way to success and reach their own destination.In Chinese ,there is a saying:perseverance is victory(success).

Pere Ubu的《Nevada》 歌词

歌曲名:Nevada歌手:Pere Ubu专辑:CloudlandCodeine Velvet Club - NevadaShould you always be a mysteryI"d be lost in daydreams constantlyOut of reach, strung out like yesterdayClose your eyes and watch me drift away.Somewhere in between the speeding carsI was born beneath a shooting starIn the morning sun they sold meElectric hours of fun needlesslyPromise me, promise meYou"ll never wait for meThere in the vacant lightDon"t say a prayer for meTell them I"ve got somewhere I have to goThat I wished on a starI"ll be back by the end of the showShould you ever drift into the paradeI"ll be the first in line to be savedAnd after all know one really knows this desert windOr which way it blowsCome out tonight and realiseHere upon my restless sunken eyesWe can sleep till night comes callingAnd stop this sky of lights from falling in

Parler A Mon Pere 歌词

歌曲名:Parler A Mon Pere歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Parler A Mon PereParler à mon pèreCeline DionJe voudrais oublier le tempsPour un soupir pour un instantUne parenthèse après la courseEt partir où mon c?ur me pouceJe voudrais retrouver mes tracesOù est ma vie ou est ma placeEt garder l"or de mon passéAu chaud dans mon jardin secretJe voudrais passer l"océan,croiser le vol d"un goélandPenser à tout ce que j"ai vu ou bien aller vers l"inconnuJe voudrais décrocher la lune,je voudrai même sauver la terreMais avant tout je voudrais parler à mon pèreParler à mon père…Je voudrais choisir un bateauPas le plus grand ni le plus beauJe le remplirais des imagesEt des parfums de mes voyagesJe voudrais freiner pour m"assoirTrouver au creux de ma mémoireDes voix de ceux qui m"ont apprisQu"il n"y a pas de rêve interditJe voudrais trouver les couleurs,des tableaux que j"ai dans le c?urDe ce décor aux lignes pures,où je vous voie et me rassure,Je voudrais décrocher la lune,je voudrais même sauver la terre,Mais avant tout, Je voudrais parler à mon père..Je voudrais parler à mon père..Je voudrais oublier le tempsPour un soupir pour un instantUne parenthèse après la courseEt partir où mon c?ur me pouceJe voudrai retrouver mes traceOù est ma vie, où est ma placeEt garder l"or de mon passéAu chaud dans mon jardin secretJe voudrai partir avec toiJe voudrai rêver avec toiToujours chercher l"inaccessibleToujours espérer l"impossibleJe voudrais décrocher la lune,Et pourquoi pas sauver la terre,Mais avant tout, je voudrais parler à mon pèreParler à mon père..Je voudrais parler à mon pèreParler à mon père..

Pere Ubu的《Breath》 歌词

歌曲名:Breath歌手:Pere Ubu专辑:CloudlandTydis - BreathI can feel in the air the way you move.Took me, babyWhatever ya need, Im willin to pleaseI give it to you, whatever you gonna dowe need to take the time to make you mineA girl like you, can do what you doWhatever ya did girl, it blow me awayI never hesitate toBreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheYou need to know that your, suddenly my life supportBreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheShorty is sustaining me, I can do incredible thingsI can live the water nowI can flow in and out of spaceEvery since you put me down and supplied your nameInhale, Exhale, BreatheI come to life when Im breathin your love.Hey girl, Im feelin emotions, gettin closer to youWhatever ya do, Im makin the move, Im feeling your grooveSomeone like you girl, you make feel,like, likewhatever you did to make me feellike, likesomething boutcha girl, to make me feellike, likeyou took my breath away, from the first time I had saw you todaygirl you make it hard to BreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheYou need to know that your, suddenly my life supportBreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheShorty is sustaining me, I can do incredible thingsI can live the water nowI can flow in and out of spaceEvery since you put me down and supplied your nameInhale, Exhale, BreatheI come to life when Im breathin your love.Breathe (beat boxing starts)Shorty I like itThe way you put itGirl I dont really breatheShorty I like itthe way put itit makes me Ahh, breatheYou know how we do, I should be somewhere with youThe way we feel when we breathe, baby girl, cant you seeIt makes have to tell the truth, girl you really sexy coolthe way you breathe, the way you do it, its makes me AhhYou know how we do girl, I should be somewhere with youThe way we feel when we breathe, baby girl, cant you seeIt makes me, have to tell the truth, girl you really sexy coolOhh Ohh Ohh OhhIts makes me AhhBreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheYou need to know that your, suddenly my life supportBreatheMommy, shorty, I like itwontcha tell me to tell breatheShorty is sustaining me, I can do incredible thingsI can live the water nowI can flow in and out of spaceEvery since you put me down and supplied your nameInhale, Exhale, BreatheI come to life when Im breathin your love.inhale, exhale, your loveshorty I like it, it makes me Ahh.inhale, exhale, your touchshorty I like it, it makes me Ahh.……

Pere Ubu的《Flat》 歌词

歌曲:flat作词:内村友美/作曲:school food punishment编曲:school food punishment/江口亮歌手:school food punishmentあぁ トンネルを抜けた冲撃的なくらい何もかもが绮丽だ夕阳は桥を渡るフラッシュになって世界を记録する呗うように春を呼吸する君と空と街を共有する融けるように君を想えれば苛立ちはただのスパイスに変わる今ならば掴める 明後日のその先も夕阳 倾く 背筋を伸ばす今ならば掴める 明後日のその先も梦うつつ さよならあぁ 昨日の言叶処理できないくらい 梦に出るくらい响いた见えない冷えきった毒がまるで春が散るみたいに消えた今ならば掴める 苛立ったその理由も君をやっと 嫌いになれる未来から呼ばれても あたしだけ动けない梦を见てた さよなら収録:school food punishment - futuristic imagination発売日:2009/05/27噛み砕くように回想する君と空と街を共有するそれはすでに过去の魅力もう今は必要ない记忆今ならば掴める 明後日のその先も夕阳 倾く 背筋を伸ばす今ならば掴める 明後日のその先も梦うつつ さよなら今ならば掴める 苛立ったその理由も君をやっと 嫌いになれる未来から呼ばれても あたしだけ动けない梦を见てた さよならまだ 残ってる 幻想も揺らぐ时间の境目も今スパッと切って行くんだまだ 残ってる 幻想も揺らぐ时间の境目も今スパッと切って行くんだ→歌词 By KID←



Pere Ubu的《Honey Moon》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Moon歌手:Pere Ubu专辑:Story Of My LifeHoney Moon - 田村ゆかり作诗:田村ゆかり 作曲:太田雅友苍(あお)い空(そら)に 浮(う)かぶ想(おも)いそっと 零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちた星(ほし)のかけら愿(ねが)いごとを 乗(の)せて廻(まわ)る今日(きょう)も 明日(あした)も これからも ずっと侧(そば)にいてねきらめく流(なが)れ星(ぼし) いつか消(き)えちゃうけど瞳(ひとみ) 见(み)つめあえば 光(ひかり)があふれだすLove love! さぁ 歌(うた)いましょう空(そら)を泳(およ)ぐ鸟(とり)になりたいこのままどこまでも君(きみ)と 描(えが)く 未来(みらい) 探(さが)しにゆこう晴(は)れた朝(あさ)は ハチミツ色(いろ)そっと ミルクのキス 梦(ゆめ)の途中(とちゅう)瞬(またた)きさえ 忘(わす)れちゃうのもしも 岚(あらし)が来(く)る夜(よる)も きっと大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)よ过(す)ぎ行(ゆ)く毎日(まいにち)に 动(うご)けなくなったら苍(あお)い海(うみ)に眠(ねむ)る 気持(きも)ち迎(むか)えに来(き)てねLove up! さぁ 踊(おど)りましょう甘(あま)く 揺(ゆ)れる 水(みず)になりたい吐息(といき)の花(はな)を咲(さ)かせ2人(ふたり) だけの 秘密(ひみつ) 集(あつ)めにゆこう梦见(ゆめみ)てた こんな甘(あま)い甘(あま)い蜜月(Honey Moon)涙落(なみだお)ちる日々(ひび)も 2人(ふたり)离(はな)れないよLove love! さぁ 歌(うた)いましょう空(そら)を泳(およ)ぐ鸟(とり)になりたいこのままどこまでも君(きみ)と 描(えが)く 未来(みらい) 探(さが)そうLove up! さぁ 踊(おど)りましょう甘(あま)く 揺(ゆ)れる 水(みず)になりたい吐息(といき)の花(はな)を咲(さ)かせ2人(ふたり) だけの 秘密(ひみつ) 集(あつ)めにゆこう(Honey Moon)(Honey Moon)终わり

这句拉丁文是什么意思?Pereunt et Imputantur






parler a man pere歌词 Celine Dion中文翻译








peremirie 支不支持mp4

是的,premiere是不支持MP4格式的。可以转换成WMV格式,就完全支持了, 如果转换成AVI格式,需要选用divx或H264编码,或转换成无损的AVI。 用格式工厂转换就可以了。不建议用安装解码器的方法,这会带来软件不稳定






n名词 prep介词 adj形容词 pron代词 v动词 adv副词 conj连词 modal情态动词 没有了吧,一时间想不起来了


père音标:[pεr] m. 父亲m. 1父亲; 神父, 圣父; 老头2 pl. 祖先专业词典n. m. 【宗教】(三位一体中的)圣父:Dieu le P~, le P~éternel天主, 上帝la Maison du P~天堂

建筑行业内的TFC tapered flange channel是什么东西


Pere Goriot最后一段的原文有人知道么?

拉斯蒂涅一个人在公墓内向高处走了几步,远眺巴黎,只见巴黎婉蜒曲折的躺在塞纳河两岸,慢慢的亮起灯火。他的欲火炎炎的眼睛停在王杜姆广场和安伐里特宫的弯窿之间。那便是他不胜向往的上流社会的区域。面对这个热闹的蜂房,他射了一眼,好象恨不得把其中的甘蜜一日吸尽。同时他气概非凡的说了句: “现在咱们俩来挤一拼吧!” 然后拉斯蒂涅为了向社会挑战,到特·纽沁根太太家吃饭去了。He went a few paces further, to the highest point of the cemetery, andlooked out over Paris and the windings of the Seine; the lamps werebeginning to shine on either side of the river. His eyes turned almosteagerly to the space between the column of the Place Vendome and thecupola of the Invalides; there lay the shining world that he hadwished to reach. He glanced over that humming hive, seeming to draw aforetaste of its honey, and said magniloquently:"Henceforth there is war between us."And by way of throwing down the glove to Society, Rastignac went to dine with Mme. de Nucingen.


全新2024MiniCooperElectric就像当前的汽车一样,新款Mini Cooper electric 以圆形触摸屏为主——与原始概念中显示的非常相似。我们的图片显示它位于更传统的气候控制(按钮万岁)上方,还表明它也将显示驾驶舱:看看广播电台列表上方的速度。独特的 Mini 轮廓没有显着变化,浮动的对比色车顶、涂黑的窗柱和齐平的玻璃窗都延续到第四代 Mini。也许最与众不同的新细节在前后:新款 2024 Mini Cooper 由单面板格栅和传统的椭圆形前灯和独特的新三角形尾灯组成,与今天 Mini 的英国国旗图案相呼应两厢车。Mini Cooper Electric 是我们首次看到宝马与长城汽车在 Spotlight Automotive 合资企业中合作的中国制造的新型电动汽车架构。这是一个新的电动平台,它将支持我们在未来三年内看到的每一代 Mini,因为慕尼黑将升级其整个小型车系列。它将提供以下电池容量和规格:入门级 Cooper E 40kWh 电池,续航里程 200 英里顶级规格 Cooper SE 54kWh 电池,续航里程 250 英里Mini 在今年春天的上海车展上展示了其新的信息娱乐系统的一部分:英国斗牛犬图案在中国被用来强调品牌的英国性——但忽略了犬绒毛,这是我们第一次看到中央安装的表盘将如何为车主创造了一个新的数字接触点,车主可以从仪表盘上醒目的圆形屏幕上运行导航、应用程序和供暖系统。


是这个吧preferenceKK: []DJ: []n.1. 更加的喜爱,偏爱[U][C][(+for)]A window seat is my preference.我喜欢靠窗的座位。We dress simply by preference.我们仅凭个人偏爱选择穿着。2. 偏爱的事物(或人)[C]Which is your preference, tea or coffee?你喜欢喝哪一样,茶还是咖啡?3. 偏袒[U][(+for)]Parents should not show preference for any one of their children.父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。4. 优先(权);优惠权[U][C]We give preference to applicants with some experience.我们优先录用有经验的申请人。



horse whisperer是什么意思

horse whisperer 轻声细语;马语者;情深说话未曾讲(电影)例句筛选1.I learnt to ride for The Horse Whisperer.为了演《马语者》,我学会了骑马。2.Forget "The horse whisperer" . Some people call this man the lion whisperer.忘了马语者吧。有些人称他为狮语者。3.Her debut single, "A Soft Place To Fall, " was featured in the film The HorseWhisperer .她的首支单曲,“温柔的坠落”成为了《马语者》的主题曲。

fightstar的《Whisperer》 歌词

歌曲名:Whisperer歌手:fightstar专辑:Be Human-Search And DestroyFightstar - WhispererYou are the whispererYou are the unborn sonYou are the looks of misdeceptionin the eyes of all the people you loveYou are the whispererYou are the new-bornYou are the sun in the skythat makes it seem so blueWhen heaven and hellare caught playing cards with our livesAnd you know that house will always winHow can I have lost all my faith in youwhen your eyes are wide openThese hands will never seperate the armourYou know it only makes it harderYou are the whispererYou are the mystery girlYou are the noose around the neck of all the peoplethat will hang to save us allYou are the whispererYou are the new-bornYou are the sun in the skythat makes it feel blueWhen heaven and hellare caught playing cards with our livesAnd you know that house will always winHow can I have lost all my faith in youwhen your eyes are wide openThese hands will never seperate the armourYou know it only makes it harderIt"s amazing how every time you save mefrom another day inside my headWhen the good, the bad and allthe ugly people seem to gambleIt makes it obvious to meThat we won"t be the ones all left behind

wind whiseperer中文是什么意思

wind whisperer 风语者


whisperer[英]["wu026aspu0259ru0259][美]["wu026aspu0259ru0259]告密者; 低声说话的人; 拨弄是非的人; <美>(剧中)提词人; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Do I look like the ghost whisperer? 你看我像是鬼语者吗?

鬼语者(ghost whisperer)第一季中出现的狗狗homer 后来怎么样了?



/"wispara/, 在whisper后面加上轻读的a就可以了。whisper:窃语,悄语whisperer: 说悄悄话的人。


whisperer[英]["wu026aspu0259ru0259][美]["wu026aspu0259ru0259]告密者; 低声说话的人; 拨弄是非的人; <美>(剧中)提词人;双语例句:1、Do I look like the ghost whisperer?你看我像是鬼语者吗?2、Where"s the other whisperer?另一个鬼语者哪去了?扩展资料:whisper的用法:whisper的复数形式为whispers,第三人称单数形式为whispers,现在分词形式为whispering,过去式为whispered,过去分词为whispered。whisper作名词表示低语,耳语,私语。whisper作动词表示低声说,悄悄说,耳语,私语。whisper也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词,带疑问词的动词不定式和that从句充当。whisper还可表程度,在句中可用作状语,修饰形容词,副词,介词及它前面或后面的动词。

buby superejo是什么意思

baby是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为“婴儿,婴孩;孩子气的人;作动词时意为“纵容,娇纵;把……当婴儿般对待”,作形容词时意为“婴儿的;幼小的”。superego,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“超我;超自我”。baby词语搭配baby girl女婴;小女孩have a baby生孩子baby boy男婴;小男孩baby boom婴儿潮;生育高峰baby food婴儿食品;儿童食品baby formula婴幼儿配方奶粉;婴幼儿配方baby carriage婴儿车;童车(等于baby buggy,carriage)baby stroller婴儿推车come on baby宝宝总动员(一款韩国街机游戏);来吧宝贝儿baby teeth乳牙baby bluen. 淡蓝色baby shower宝宝派对(在孩子出生前举办的特殊派对)baby facen 娃娃脸baby talk儿语baby sitter临时替人看小孩者;照顾婴孩者baby carrier童车;婴儿背带;轻型航空母舰baby car微型小客车baby wear婴儿装test-tube babyn. [医]试管婴儿

Harper Perennial这个出版社是在哪个国家哪个城市的?


硬盘上标注jumpered pins pins 5-6 limits phy to 3Gbps是什么意思 pins 3-4 enable plus,是什么意思???



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葡萄牙人名Joao Paulo Da Cunha Pereira Ribas 怎么缩写?谢谢,帮他订机票,需要缩写。






Peregrine公司的代理商有:1.Premier Farnell 2.AO-Electronics (傲壹电子)3.Digi-Key (得捷电子)4.Arrow (艾睿电子)

本我id,自我ego,超我superego有哪些区别,以及防御机制defense mechanism是如何协调三者之间的关系的?


本我id,自我ego,超我superego有哪些区别,以及防御机制defense mechanism是如何协调三者之间的关系的?




求一篇开头为Mr Dawson was an old bad-tempered man的英文完型填空

Mr. Dawson was an old bad-tempered man, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick apples, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun. son"s house, but as they saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they 2/10 Amy said, ―Don"‖ frown (皱眉. Amy smiled back and told him that they were going to listen to music. Dawson told them that Later, Janet asked Amy, ―Everyone says he"man in town. us? ‖ started walking past his house, he wasn"smile, so she always smiled. It really took her an apple now, and was always very kind. In our everyday life we are always very busy doing a lot of things and trying to accomplish so much. It"s to forget that we can ourselves and others. Giving a smile takes so but few people are aware of that. Please do remember after a while most people can"21.A.drop into B.go by C.move into D.look at 22.A.close B.inside C.outdoors D.away 23.A.proud B.ashamed C.scared D.fond 24.A.cry B.worry C.follow 25.A.tired B.usual C.rare D.ugly B.hug C.surprise D.greeting 27.A.strange C.boring D.special 28.A.ticket C.lesson D.address 29.A.stongest B.worst C.meanest D.loneliest 30.A.What if B.How about C.What for D.How come 31.A.first B.last C.sometimes D.finally 32.A.charming B.cold C.violent D.friendly 33.A.invisible B.unbelievable C.false D.kind 34.A.until B.before C.after D.when 35.A.suggested B.came C.talked D.explained 36.A.sold B.offered C.showed D.saved 37.A.easy B.challenging C.useful D.reasonable B.cheers C.memories D.rewards 39.A.effort B.bravery D.interest 40.A.accept B.forget C.resist D.dislike

求一篇开头为Mr Dawson was an old bad-tempered man的英文完型填空

应该就是下面这篇文章吧,老师可能考虑到难度所以把grouch换成了简单的词,不知道接下来是不是这个Mr. Dawson was an old grouch (脾气坏的人), and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick an apple, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun.One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was walking out with her friend Amy. They had to go by Dawson"s house, but as they got close Janet saw him sitting on his front porch (门廊) and suggested they cross over the street. Like most, she was scared of the old man. Amy said not to worry. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown (皱眉), but when he saw it was Amy, he gave a broad smile.Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight with her and they were going to listen to music and play games. Dawson told them that sounded fun, and gave them each an apple.Later, Janet asked Amy, “Everyone says he"s the meanest man in town. How come he was so nice to us?” Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house he wasn"t very friendly, but she pretended he was wearing an invisible (觉察不到的) smile and so she always smiled. It took a while, but one day he half-smiled back.After a while, he started smiling real smiles and then talked to her. She said he always offers her an apple now, and is always very kind.“An invisible smile?” questioned Janet.“Yes,” answered Amy, “My grandma told me that if I pretended I wasn"t afraid and pretended he was smiling an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at him, sooner or later he would really smile.”If we remember that everyone wears an invisible smile, we too will find that most people can"t resist our sunniness after a while.We"re always on the go trying to achieve so much, aren"t we? It"s so easy to get caught up in everyday life that we forget how simply we can bring cheer to ourselves and others. Giving a smile takes so little effort; let"s make sure that we"re not the ones that others have to pretend are wearing invisible smiles.

错误 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP


Amanda Perez的《Dedicate》 歌词

歌曲名:Dedicate歌手:Amanda Perez专辑:I PrayThis is dedicated to my favorite girlOh... oh... oh... oh...Oh... oh... oh... oh... ...Ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... yeahOoh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...Ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...Favorite girl, heyYou have given me the best of youAnd you have made my dreams come true, yeahAnd after all the things that you have doneGirl, it makes me say that you are more than a woman, so I"mDedicating this one (Oh) to my favorite girlShe"s the only woman in the whole wide worldDedicating this one (Oh, I"m) to my favorite girl(She"s the only woman in the world for me)Never thought that love could be so kindTill you came and brought me peace of mindI"ll treasure every moment spent with you?Cause no one does the things for me you do, so I"mDedicating this one (Oh) to my favorite girl (She"s the only one)She"s the only (Ooh... ooh... ooh... ) woman in the whole wide world(In the whole wide world)Dedicating this one (Oh, yeah) to my favorite girl(She"s the only woman in the world, world, woo)Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...So I"mDedicating this one (To) to my favorite girl (My favorite girl)She"s the only woman (Oh, yeah) in the whole wide worldDedicating this one (Oh... ) to my favorite girl(The only one in the world, whoa... )Dedicating this one to my favorite girlShe"s the only woman (She"s the only woman) in the whole wide world(In the whole wide world for me)Dedicating this one (I"m dedicating this one) to my favorite girl(She"s the only one, she"s the only one for me)Dedicating this one to my favorite girl (She"s the only one)She"s the only woman



Voltage、Resistance、Capacitance的符号 Ampere、Volt、Ohm的单位缩写

Voltage(V)、Resistance(R)、Capacitance(F)的符号 Ampere(A)、Volt(V)、Ohm(Ω)的单位缩写.

[GPU硬件架构]NVIDIA Ampere 架构:细粒度结构化稀疏性

细粒度结构化稀疏性(fine-grained structured sparsity ,稀疏性),是助力推动 NVIDIA Ampere 架构 GPU 性能提升的一项全新技术,它不但提高了效率,还使开发者能够通过减少计算操作来加速其神经网络。 在A100中,通过细粒度结构化稀疏将训练好的网络权重修剪为2:4 稀疏矩阵,接下来是一个简单而通用的方法来对非零权重进行微调(fine-tune)。然后权重网络权重被压缩之后,数据占用空间和带宽减少为原来的一半,并且 A100 的稀疏 Tensor Core 通过跳过零(skipping the zeros)将数学计算的吞吐量加倍。 根据NVIDIA自述 [1] ,通过对计算机视觉、目标检测、分割、自然语言建模和翻译的数十个网络的评估,这种方法几乎不会导致推理准确性的损失。 以下为NVIDIA使用PyTorch库 Automatic SParsity (ASP) [2] 实现的工作流获得的FP16精度结果示例: 更多信息可以参考 the Accelerating Sparse Deep Neural Networks whitepaper [3] A100 Tensor Core GPU 包括新的 Sparse Tensor Core 指令,这些指令跳过对零值的计算,从而使 Tensor Core 计算吞吐量翻倍。图1展示了,Tensor Core在点积计算中是如何使用压缩元数据(即:非零值的索引)去匹配经过压缩后的网络权重。 通过引入稀疏 Tensor Core,A100使用TensorFloat-32的运行速度比V100 FP32 FMA快20倍。

问Who is Ampere? 答 It was more than one hundred years ago a great French scientist这句语法有错误吗



先总结一下, 三种架构的主要区别在于计算单元和存储架构的区别,这里先用表格列出来,你也可以看下面的图片更加直观一点 SM核心区别:



[GPU硬件架构]NVIDIA Ampere 架构:第三代 Tensor Core

摘录自 NVIDIA Ampere Architecture In-Depth 一文中关于 Tensor Core 的部分 NVIDIA A100 是基于Ampere 架构推出的一款GPU芯片,计算能力8.0。Tensor Core 是 NVIDIA 的先进技术,可实现混合精度计算,并能根据精度的降低动态调整算力,在保持准确性的同时提高吞吐量。 GA100 GPU 的完整实现包括以下单元: GA100 GPU 的 A100 Tensor Core GPU 实现包括以下单元: 基于 NVIDIA Ampere 架构的 A100 Tensor Core GPU 中的新 SM 大大提高了性能,在 Volta 和 Turing SM 架构的基础之上,增加了许多新功能。 如上图所示,TP32提供了与FP32相同的表示范围(与 FP32 相同,具有8 位指数),但与FP16相同的表示精度(与 FP16 相同,具有10 位尾数)。TF32 Tensor Core 读取 FP32 数据作为输入并在内部转换为TF32数据,最终产生FP32 输出。因此在A100中可以使用TF32加速FP32的张量计算,并同时支持FP32数据的输入和输出。其运行速度比 V100 FP32 FMA 操作快 10 倍,或者在稀疏时快 20 倍。
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