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test mode是什么意思















  匡威onestar怎么清洗   定期清洁鞋子,鞋面脏后,用柔软的抹布蘸水活洗条剂轻拭,切勿用刷子猛刷   皮质运动鞋应该打油以保证皮革韧性   清洗时不可以用漂白剂   避免渗水,暴晒及火烤;洗后避免阳光直射,一面引起老化,变形,褪色及网面断裂   避免与锐利物,化学品接触   维持两双以上可替换的鞋,让鞋子轮流休息   要注意专鞋专用,休闲鞋,凉鞋不宜做剧烈运动,室内运动鞋不宜室外进行剧烈运动   使用时,大底避免接触油污或其它腐蚀性药剂,如有沾染,需立即用水冲洗。   鞋带/魔术带不可系得太紧,以脚能活动为宜,否则会影响舒适度   不穿之时,取出鞋垫,将鞋子置于干燥通风处,便于鞋子散发热气,恢复原状   尽量避免挤压,使鞋子保持原状态不变形   长时间不使用时,需洗干净晾干,用纸包裹后存储于干燥处   避免高温烘烤,如遇水浸可在鞋内塞报纸,吸干水分及湿气,置放通风处风干即可




可在鉴别匡威onestar的时候,可通过上面的字母变化进行区分,通常正品的匡威onestar上字母R去掉了,同时也可以通过看上面的防伪标志和质感进行鉴别,正品匡威onestar上有tm的标记,也有相应的防伪标志,而假的是没有的。 1、看字母 匡威onestar是目前最为流行和时尚的板鞋,但在市场上也是有很多高仿的鞋型,可在鉴别的时候看上面字母的变化进行区分,由于匡威onestar更新后鞋标和鞋跟后面的字母R省略了,而高仿的一些鞋子上就保持原有的字母不变。 2、看防伪 通常正品鞋子的上面都会有一些相关的防伪标志,以利于在鉴别的时候更好的区分,通常匡威onestar是通过第二季官方更新的板鞋,而正品的匡威onestar上面都会有tm的标记,若是高仿的或者次品上就没有。 3、看质感 同时正品鞋子和高仿的鞋子其质量也是有很大区别的,正所谓一分钱一分货,通常正品的鞋子穿起来比较舒服,拿在手在的时候也比较轻盈,将鞋子折叠后会容易出现折痕,而假的鞋子就正好相反。








匡威onestar增高也就两厘米吧。这本身就一双普通的帆布鞋,若需要增高效果的匡威帆布鞋,可以选择匡威1970s这是一双鞋底稍厚的帆布鞋,比匡威onestar跟匡威allstar帆布鞋的鞋底都要高出不少,大概有个三厘米的高度。匡威诞生于1908年。创办以来坚持品牌的独立性设计,不追随。最初只生产橡胶鞋,但很快就开始做网球和篮球鞋,匡威全球总部正式落地美国波士顿。相关介绍如其名的一颗星设计标志着匡威公司以往单帆布制篮球鞋时代的终结和新设计浪潮的开始,在极短的时间里,一颗星风靡全美,成为了广大篮球爱好者的共同选择。在一颗星推出后的几十年里,它也被世界各地为数众多众多的演艺明星所追捧,One Star开始随着时间的推移而逐步成为了一双经典的潮流鞋。





onestar鞋带 要穿鞋舌吗









匡威鞋后跟的标志就变成了 在ALL STAR上面加了一个converse。现在的鞋标上面有二维码,这是为了更好的防伪的一种手段,顺应发展的潮流。查






  匡威onestar怎么清洗   定期清洁鞋子,鞋面脏后,用柔软的抹布蘸水活洗条剂轻拭,切勿用刷子猛刷   皮质运动鞋应该打油以保证皮革韧性   清洗时不可以用漂白剂   避免渗水,暴晒及火烤;洗后避免阳光直射,一面引起老化,变形,褪色及网面断裂   避免与锐利物,化学品接触   维持两双以上可替换的鞋,让鞋子轮流休息   要注意专鞋专用,休闲鞋,凉鞋不宜做剧烈运动,室内运动鞋不宜室外进行剧烈运动   使用时,大底避免接触油污或其它腐蚀性药剂,如有沾染,需立即用水冲洗。   鞋带/魔术带不可系得太紧,以脚能活动为宜,否则会影响舒适度   不穿之时,取出鞋垫,将鞋子置于干燥通风处,便于鞋子散发热气,恢复原状   尽量避免挤压,使鞋子保持原状态不变形   长时间不使用时,需洗干净晾干,用纸包裹后存储于干燥处   避免高温烘烤,如遇水浸可在鞋内塞报纸,吸干水分及湿气,置放通风处风干即可










  匡威onestar的官方有说明尺码是不偏大的,但是具体大小要根据自己的脚型以及脚的长度来进行选择。如果是正常或者是偏瘦的脚型,可以根据自己的脚长选择合适的尺码。   如果是脚型偏宽,脚背偏高的话,最好是选择稍微大一码的款式会更好。如果鞋子太小的话走路会挤脚,也会出现磨脚的情况,如果鞋子比较大的话,就会出现鞋子不能够和脚贴合在一起的情况。   匡威onestar的鞋子也是比较经典的,能够搭配的风格也是非常多的。比较休闲的搭配是阔腿裤和卫衣,上衣可以选择比较亮眼的卫衣,前胸的位置选择带有适量的印花的款式会更加好看。   上衣的长度不能够太长,最好是到肚脐的位置,能够比较好的露出腰部的曲线,还有提高腰线、拉长腿部比例的效果。裤子的部分可以选择长的宽松的黑色高腰款式。   长度最好是能够盖过脚面的位置,搭配匡威onestar会更酷。腰部一定要选择贴合的比较好的尺码,这样才会更加好看。比较高腰的款式和短款的卫衣搭配会更加好看,整体的造型也是比较协调的。








  1、看字母:匡威onestar是目前最为流行和时尚的板鞋,但在市场上也是有很多高仿的鞋型,可在鉴别的时候看上面字母的变化进行区分,由于匡威onestar更新后鞋标和鞋跟后面的字母R省略了,而高仿的一些鞋子上就保持原有的字母不变。   2、看防伪:通常正品鞋子的上面都会有一些相关的防伪标志,以利于在鉴别的时候更好的区分,通常匡威onestar是通过第二季官方更新的板鞋,而正品的匡威onestar上面都会有tm的标记,若是高仿的或者次品上就没有。   3、看质感:同时正品鞋子和高仿的鞋子其质量也是有很大区别的,正所谓一分钱一分货,通常正品的鞋子穿起来比较舒服,拿在手在的时候也比较轻盈,将鞋子折叠后会容易出现折痕,而假的鞋子就正好相反。   除了上面的方法之外,匡威onestar系列的真假其实从鞋盒到鞋面、鞋标、鞋底等细节都可以很明显的区分出来,我们只需要在观察的时候都在意一下细节就好了。


serial0,路由器中的串行接口,在DNS服务器中serial值非常重要,且每次更换域名服务器的时候都要更改其serial值为更大一点,这样才可以顺利与全球DNS服务器数据进行同步。request这个对象不用事先声明,就可以在JSP网页中使用,在编译为Servlet之后,它会转换为javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest形态的对象。HttpServletRequest对象是有关于客户端所发出的请求的对象,只要是有关于客户端请求的信息,都可以藉由它来取得,例如请求标头、请求方法、请求参数、客户端IP,客户端浏览器等等信息。扩展资料request.params为一个集合,它依次包括request.querystring、request.form、request.cookies和request.servervariables。如果要在两个页面传递数据的话,只能用request.querystring、request.form、request.cookiesRequest.Params 会在 QueryString、Form、Server Variable 以及 Cookies 找数据,首先在QueryString集合查找数据,如果在QueryString找到数据,就返回数据,如果没有找到就去Form集合中查找数据,找到就返回,否则在往下一下个集合查找数据。参考资料来源:百度百科-serial参考资料来源:百度百科-Request

急需关于《最蓝的眼睛》(the bluest eye)的英文评论?

这是节选:其他见 Bluest Eye": notes on history, community, and black female subjectivity by Jane Kuenz In Toni Morrison"s The Bluest Eye, the Breedloves" storefront apartment is graced overhead by the home of three magnificent whores, each a tribute to Morrison"s confidence in the efficacy of the obvious. The novel"s unhappy convergence of history, naming and bodies--delineated so subtly and variously elsewhere--is, in these three, signified most simply and most crudely by their bodies and their names: Poland, China, the Maginot Line. With these characters, Morrison literalizes the novel"s overall conflation of black female bodies as the sites of fascist invasions of one kind or another, as the terrain on which is mapped the encroachment and colonization of African-American experiences, particularly those of its women, by a seemingly hegemonic white culture. The Bluest Eye as a whole documents this invasion--and its concomitant erasure of specific local bodies, histories, and cultural productions--in terms of sexuality as it intersects with commodity culture. Furthermore, this mass culture and, more generally, the commodity capitalism that gave rise to it, is in large part responsible--through its capacity to efface history--for the "disinterestedness" that Morrison condemns throughout the novel. Beyond exempting this, Morrison"s project is to rewrite the specific bodies and histories of the black Americans whose positive images and stories have been eradicated by commodity culture. She does this formally by shifting the novel"s perspective and point of view, a narrative tactic that enables her, in the process, to represent black female subjectivity as a layered, shifting and complex reality. The disallowance of the specific cultures and histories of African-Americans and black women especially is figured in The Bluest Eye primarily as a consequence of or sideline to the more general annihilation of popular forms and images by an ever more all-pervasive and insidious mass culture industry. This industry increasingly disallows the representation of any image not premised on consumption or the production of normative values conducive to it. These values are often rigidly tied to gender and are race-specific to the extent that racial and ethnic differences are not allowed to be represented. One lesson from history, as Susan Willis reiterates, is that "in mass culture many of the social contradictions of capitalism appear to us as if those very contradictions had been resolved" ("I Shop" 183). Among these contradictions we might include those antagonisms continuing in spite of capitalism"s benevolent influence, along the axes of economic privilege and racial difference. According to Willis, it is because "all the models [in mass cultural representation] are white"--either in fact or by virtue of their status as "replicants ... devoid of cultural integrity"--that the differences in race or ethnicity (and class, we might add) and the continued problems for which these differences are a convenient excuse appear to be erased or made equal "at the level of consumption" ("I Shop" 184). In other words, economic, racial and ethnic difference is erased and replaced by a purportedly equal ability to consume, even though what is consumed are more or less competing versions of the same white image. There is evidence of the presence and influence of this process of erasure and replacement throughout The Bluest Eye. For example, the grade school reader that prefaces the text was (and in many places still is) a ubiquitous, mass-produced presence in schools across the country. Its widespread use made learning the pleasures of Dick and Jane"s commodified life dangerously synonymous with learning itself. Its placement first in the novel makes it the pretext for what is presented after: As the seeming given of contemporary life, it stands as the only visible model for happiness and thus implicitly accuses those whose lives do not match up. In 1941, and no less so today, this would include a lot of people. Even so, white lower-class children can at least more easily imagine themselves posited within the story"s realm of possibility. For black children this possibility might require a double reversal or negation: Where the poor white child is encouraged to forget the particulars of her present life and look forward to a future of prosperity--the result, no doubt, of forty years in Lorain"s steel mills--a black child like Pecola must, in addition, see herself, in a process repeated throughout The Bluest Eye, in (or as) the body of a white little girl. In other words, she must not see herself at all. The effort required to do this and the damaging results of it are illustrated typographically in the repetition of the Dick-and-Jane story first without punctuation or capitalization, and then without punctuation, capitalization, or spacing.


sat 原型是 sit 坐seated 原型是 seat 就坐(使……就坐)你举的这个句子,seated 表示一种状态,就坐着的,道理跟worried,... 类似。因为题干中有just now,应该用一般过去式,用having done 不合适;而且你这样填也不合常理,having sat 是正在做的“完成”,人不能“正在坐下”1.seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思.(1)seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义.如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间.Please be seated.(=Please seat yourself.) 请坐.(2)sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化.如:The students are sitting at their desks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁.Sit down,please.请坐.2.seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语take a seat (相当于have a seat或take one"s seat) ,意为“坐下,就座”.如:Take your seat,please.请就坐.seat 名词.座位。 have a good seat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。 take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Is the seat taken?请坐的3种说法: Sit down,please.(命令性) take your seat,please. Be seated,please.(更礼貌) 考点:作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit--vi; seat--vt seat sb 让某人就坐有帮助请及时采纳哦 谢谢

TAK解压失败:1 files undecodable. Try disabling "Restore wave file meta data" (-wm0).???

WinRAR 是最新版本吗?

English Question

line 是线的意思 通常很细 或者指电线 rope 是绳索 就是一般人们用来困东西的 绳子 一般比较坚韧 cord 这个和rope 可以互换 没什么区别 可以指绞索 strand 这个一般指 绞成一团的绳子 强调按制作方法 经常是一缕一缕的

suggest和 mean用法的区别

suggest意思为:1.建议,提议2.暗示3.使想起4.推荐,举荐5.(间接地)表明,意思是6.启示,启发;促使做(或思考)mean意思为:v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果;adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的;n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数;



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restraint; constrain ;streak 这英语用谐音怎么读?

1:瑞思尊 2:坑死尊 3:思剧



This question is ______ easy. A) extremely B) completely C) totally D) highly


Mario & Nesty组合

Mario & Nesty是一个音乐组合,他们的代表作品是《Never Say Good Bye》。



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revert to 与 restore to区别

revert to英 [ru026au02c8vu025c:t tu:] 美 [ru026au02c8vu0259:t tu] v. 回复,归还restore to英 [riu02c8stu0254: tu:] 美 [ru026au02c8stu0254r tu] (把…)交还给…;恢复到…



翻译一下:They had a video with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the

他们有一个视频集锦的节日都在站在大厅的 仅供参考

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Just One Lest Dance(最后一支舞)这首英文歌的歌词谁告诉我下,谢谢

Just One Last Dance We meet in the night in the Spanish café I look in your eyes just don"t know what to say It feels like I"m drowning in salty water A few hours left "til the sun"s gonna rise tomorrow will come an it"s time to realize our love has finished forever how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) how I wish we make it through Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it"s like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don"t know where I belong Just one last dance The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I"ll never forget how romantic they are but I know, tomorrow I"ll lose the one I love There"s no way to come with you it"s the only thing to do Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it"s like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don"t know where I belong Just one last dance ....oh baby... Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it"s like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don"t know where I belong

Just One Lest Dance(最后一支舞)这首英文歌的歌词谁告诉我下,谢谢



[紧急求助]英译汉:A man is being question in relation to the attempted murder last night. ...


you may trust me, who____ your closest friend.


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Manifest merger failed : Attribute application问题解决

1.在导入别人项目的时候,使用model依赖,报如下错误: Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@icon value=(@mipmap/ic_launcher) 详情看图片 2.分析错误提示, 主程序module清单文件中, application 节点的 android:icon 属性引用了 @mipmap/ic_launcher 图片资源, 而依赖module的清单文件中,同样的 android:icon 属性却引用了 @drawable/ic_launcher 这个图片资源, 两个属性值产生冲突,导致合并清单文件失败。 虽然知道错误是什么,但是仍然不知道咋解决啊。其实英语没那么糟糕,细心点的话,就能看到错误提示中就给出了解决问题的建议。 Suggestion: add ‘tools:replace=”android:icon”‘ to element at AndroidManifest.xml:5:5 to override 意思在 AndroidManifest.xml 文件的 <application> 节点中添加 tools:replace="android:icon" 属性。 3.解决方法 在项目的AndroidManifest.xml加入两句话: 一个是在<manifest节点加入; 一个是在<application节点加入: 如此rebuild一下就好。 4.我好奇查看所依赖的项目,发现根本无mipmap文件夹,只有drawble文件夹。于是我手动创建mipmap文件夹,放入图片ic_luncher,但无济于事。 5.另外如果这样导入仍发现有问题的话,可以尝试改改这个依赖的sdk版本,buildToolsVersion等这些

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《Shipof Destiny》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Ship of Destiny》(Hobb, Robin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: u43k书名:Ship of Destiny作者:Hobb, Robin出版年份:2010-8内容简介:In the powerful conclusion to the Liveship Traders trilogy, Robin Hobb weaves the spellbinding story of a once-thriving city on the brink of ruin, a glorious and mythic species on the edge of extinction, and the Vestrit clan, whose destiny is intertwined with both.作者简介:罗宾·霍布(Robin Hobb)是美国最著名的奇幻小说大师。她出生于加州,但在阿拉斯加的费尔班克斯度过大部分的成长岁月,在那里,她爱上了森林和原野,并形成了毕生对奇幻与科幻文学的热爱,这引导她步入这个领域开始创作。她的短篇小说写作使她获得阿西莫夫读者大奖。她还曾获幻想小说最高奖项星云奖和雨果奖提名。她创作过许多在全世界家喻户晓的奇幻经典,其中包括了《刺客正传》三部曲(The Farseer Trilogy)、《刺客后传》三部曲(The Tawny Man Trilogy)、《魔法活船》三部曲(Liveship Traders Trilogy),以及《士兵之子》三部曲(Soldier Son Trilogy)。

kanye west的mercy歌词

[Hook x4]Lamborghini MercyYour chick she so thirstyI"m in that two seat LamboWith your girl she tryna jerk me[Big Sean]Drop it to the floorMake that *ss shakeWoah make the ground move, that"s an *ss quakeBuilt a house up on it, that"s an *ss stateRoll my blunt on it, that"s an *ss traySay Ye, say Ye, don"t we do this err" day-day?I work them long nights, long nights to get a pay dayFinally got paid, now I need shade and a vacayAnd n*ggas still hatin", so much hate I need an AKNow we out in Paris, yeah I"m Perrierin"White girls politicin" that"s that Sarah PalinGettin", Californicatin"I give her that D, cause that"s what"s born and raised in[Hook][Pusha T]It"s prime time, my top back, this pimp gameI"m red leather, this , I"m Rick JamesI"m bill droppin", Ms. Pacman is pill poppin"This pill popped, I"m poppin" tooThese blue dolphins need two coffinsAll she want is some heel moneyAll she need is some bill moneyHe take his time, he counts it outI weighs it up, that"s real moneyCheck the neck, check the wristThem heads turnin", that"s exorcistMy Audemar like Mardi GrasThat"s Swiss time and that"s excellenceTwo door preferenceRoof gone George JeffersonThat white frost on that pound cakeSo your Duncan Heinz is irrelevantLambo, Mercy-lago, she go wherever I goWherever we go we do it pronto[Hook][Kanye West]Let the suicide doors upI threw suicides on the tour busI threw suicides on the private jetYou know what that mean, I"m fly to deafI step in Def Jam building like I"m the sh*tTell ‘em “give me fifty million or I"mma quit”Most rappers taste level ain"t at my waist levelTurn up the bass "til it"s up in your face levelDon"t do no press but I do the most press, kidPlush out my-my , make yours look like PreciousTalkin" "bout Mary she gone off that MollyNow the whole party is melted like DhaliNow everybody is movin" they bodyDon"t sell me apartment, I move in the lobbyn*ggas is loiterin" just to feel importantYou gon see lawyers and n*ggas ? gettin Jordans[2 Chainz]Can"t ? to my campaignCoupe the color of mayonniaseI"m drunk and high at the same timeDrinkin" champaign on the airplaneSpit rounds like the gun rangeBeat it up like a rampage100 bands, country girl now your girl need a bandaidGrade A, A1, chain the color of AkonPlatinum diamonds backpack around meCosigned by Louis VouttonHorse power, horse powerAll this Polo on I got horse power? wrist cost 4 thousandI make it rain, she want more showersRain pourin", all my cars is foreignAll my broads is foreign, money tall like Jordan[Hook]From.Lin Bros

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waste ahead. The frozen river, bordered b

best case scenario是什么意思

u200dbest case scenario最好的情况下双语对照例句:1.Best case scenario: two years in a dull outpost. 最好的经历是:在一个沉闷的哨所呆两年。2.Keep in mind, however, that this is a best case scenario. And while it wouldn"t bedifficult to get the ball rolling on this, it would be difficult to convince other contentproviders to abandon apple and to switch to sony"s content platform instead. 索尼从苹果公司撤出自己的内容不难,要想说服其他内容提供商放弃苹果而转投索尼旗下的内容平台,非常困难。u200d

你知道the best scenario是什么意思了吗


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文件名问题没遇到过。文件大小的遇到过。。我遇到的是下载小图片压缩包,压缩包小于 64k 时正常,大于64K 后只能解压出一部分约64K左右的数据。后来发现是使用FTPClient 的时候配置参数中 WINDOWS 和LINUX 的问题。你可以去尝试一下,从这个方面着手。



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春日山原始林(位于日本奈良)是世界上最古老的市区森林。这句话翻译过来是这个意思,但到底是不是全世界最古老的就不一定了,注意一下哦~Kasugayama ForestKasugayama Nara Japan

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I m not afraid to take a stand我不害怕表达我的想法Everybody come take my hand众人信念,与我并肩We ll walk this road together through the storm我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather cold or warm无论严寒或酷暑Just to let you know that you re not alone只想让你知道,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you ve been down the same road如果你和我同路你来叫我一声You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay em你可以费尽心思在我开始之前阅读我的歌词But you won t take the sting out these words before I say em但你无法感受这些词句带来的蜇痛感,在我说出口之前Cause ain t no way I m let you stop me from causing mayhem你要知道想阻挡我惹事是不可能的When I say em or do something I do it I don t give a damn我恣意妄为,什么都不在乎What you think I m doing this for me so fuсk the world随你怎么想,我为自己而活,所以去这个世界的Feed it beans it s gassed up if a thing s stopping me若这个世界认为它可以阻止我 我会让他吃烤豆,让它乱成一锅粥I mma be what I set out to be without a doubt undoubtedly我都会毋庸置疑地坚持下去And all those who look down on me I m tearing down your balcony那些高处俯视我的人们 我要拆了你的阳台No if ands or buts don t try to ask him why or how can he没有那些如果或者也不用试着问他有什么借口From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he s still shit and最开始的Infinite到上一张Relapse专辑Whether he s on salary paid hourly无论他是否按小时收钱,他依旧那么怂Until he bows out or he shit s his bowels out of him直到他退休或者遭受穿肠之殇Whichever comes first for better or worse无论先后,也无论好坏He s married to the game like a fuсk you for christmas他都娶定了这场游戏 就如耶稣诞辰的诅咒His gift is a curse forget the earth he s got the urge天赋就是诅咒,撇开尘世To pull his dick from the dirt and fuсk the universe他操纵大地后接着摆布宇宙I m not afraid to take a stand我不害怕表达我的想法Everybody come take my hand众人信念,与我并肩We ll walk this road together through the storm我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather cold or warm无论严寒或酷暑Just let you know that you re not alone只想让你知道,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you ve been down the same road如果你和我同路你来叫我一声(Verse 2)段落2Ok quit playin with the scissors and shit and cut the crap好 停止玩弄这些不通的东西,废话少说I shouldn t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it s a rap我本不该给这些文字节奏,从而让你知道这是饶舌You said you was king you lied through your teeth你说你曾是王!你在扯淡For that fuсk your fillings instead of getting crowned you re getting capped为这我决定不给你留情面,你不可能被加冕,你只扣了一个烂帽子And to the fans I ll never let you down again I m back还有我的歌迷们,我不会再让你们失望,我回来了I promise to never go back on that promise in fact事实上我发誓我不会再离开了Let s be honest that last Relapse CD was ehhhh实话实说,Realapse的CD引来哗然一片Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground可能是我的那些奇怪假音用的太多太滥Relax I ain t going back to that now放心,我不是想打退堂鼓All I m tryna say is get back click-clack BLAOW我现在只想说,我回来了,上膛,枪响Cause I ain t playin around因为我玩够了There s a game called circle and I don t know how有个叫圆圈的游戏我从来都不会玩I m way too up to back down我现在所处的地方太高没可能下降But I think I m still tryna figure this crap out但是我还在试着把这些谜团都解开Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn t我本以为我已计划部署的很好,但我想我还没有真的做到This fuсking black cloud s still follow s me around这该死的阴云还是笼罩着我But it s time to exercise these demons现在是时候让这些恶魔做有氧运动的时候了These motherfuсkers are doing jumping jacks now!这些混蛋现在做跳起举臂的健身操呢I m not afraid to take a stand我不害怕表达我的想法Everybody come take my hand众人信念,与我并肩We ll walk this road together through the storm我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather cold or warm无论严寒或酷暑Just let you know that you re not alone只想让你知道,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you ve been down the same road如果你和我同路你来叫我一声And I just can t keep living this way这样的方式我无法接受So starting today I m breaking out of this cage从今天开始,我要挣脱枷锁I m standing up Imma face my demons我要站起来去面对这些恶魔I m manning up Imma hold my ground我正武装起来,坚持自己的立场I ve had enough now I m so fed up我已经受够了,对这些忍无可忍了Time to put my life back together right now现在该是我重新开始的时候了It was my decision to get clean I did it for me我决定理清这一切,就为自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you应该说我可能是下意识的为了你们So I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through所以我会以一个崭新的我回归,你们帮助我看清了自己And don t even realize what you did believe me you却没有意识到你们对我所做的(帮助),你们相信我I been through the ringer but they can do little to the middle finger我中过圈套,但是面对我竖起的中指他们无可作为I think I got a tear in my eye I feel like the king of我想我的眼睛湿润了,我感觉到了就是王者My world haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead在我的世界里,仇恨者像是无刺的蜂,只能死去No more beef flingers no more drama from now on I promise我保证,不再有那些短暂的徘徊和哗众取宠了To focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father现在我会集中注意力去尽我作为父亲的责任So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it所以我庄严的发誓对待这个,对待这次机会会像我对待女儿一样努力You couldn t lift a single shingle lonely严丝合缝,谁也不能入侵Cause the way I feel I m strong enough to go to the club严丝合缝,谁也不能入侵Put a and lift the whole liquor counter up不会被困住,就是烈性酒也能一口闷下Cause I m raising the bar I shoot for the moon因为我提高了门槛,追求完美But I m too busy gazing at stars I feel amazing and但我忙着尽善尽美,我感到惊奇I m not afraid to take a stand我不害怕表达我的想法Everybody come take my hand众人信念,与我并肩We ll walk this road together through the storm我们会齐心前进,逆风雨Whatever weather cold or warm无论严寒或酷暑Just let you know that you re not alone只想让你知道,你并不孤独Holla if you feel that you ve been down the same road如果你和我同路你来叫我一声

the qualities of a best friend

Qualities of Friendship To have a friend, be a friend; be friendly. As in the word, a friend is like a ship that carries us, abides with us unfailingly, through the calm and rough seas of life. Is there any purer relationship than friendship? It is unconditional loyalty and love. Friendship is a bond of steadfastness and acceptance that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn. Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our depths with non-judgmental feedback and supportiveness. Sometimes, the friendship we give is not returned, but we benefit in another way: The process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While giving and in the afterglow, we feel a sense of connection. Once we experience the connection we feel while giving with care, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connection that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness. HONESTY in friendship: Honesty is a quality that allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are. In honesty we see clearly and can make course adjustments. If we live each day in accordance with our conscience, our reflection in the mirror and how others see us will be well-balanced. Thoughts are forms of energy and produce their exact genetic offspring. Good thoughts produce good; selfish actions lead to repeated dissatisfactions. Just as swimming in cloudy water puts us at risk of facing hurtful obstacles, a cloudy thought process keeps us from viewing and resolving situations clearly. Congruency between our words, feelings and actions, keeping our intentions for the highest good, breeds happiness in living. Honest to good feelings with an attitude for the best resolve reap honest to good thoughts and actions. LOYALTY in friendship: Loyalty -- doing what one has committed to amidst changing circumstances. Loyalty is a quality that develops our consciousness. Loyalty leads us deep into a situation, through it, and out the other side -- emerging as a more developed person. Loyalty is an essential in friendship. Acquaintances become friends through mutual loyalty. Loyalty is an essential in friendship that has developed into the commitment of hearts between two people. Loyalty in a heart to heart relationship develops mutual trust. Above all else in this world is friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. And with the addition of love, life is made beautiful. Above all else in this world is loving friendship, unconditionally given, unconditionally received. Unconditional love -- the best quality of friendship.

英语congestion control怎么翻译?

congestion control的中文翻译为:拥塞控制

she was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built

定语从句 that has ever been built 修饰前面的 one。你的判断是对的,不是修饰 the fastest sailing ships。
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