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what a ___ to cheat at the exam

shame. What a shame 是“真丢脸”整个句子的意思是:考试作弊真丢脸!

CFA level 1往年的mock exam有必要做吗

从CFA协会官网获悉,2017年通过CFA各级别考试的考生平均花费时长:CFA一级考试平均花费时间:300小时;CFA二级考试平均花费时间:328小时;CFA三级考试平均花费时间:335小时;根据CFA考试调查报告,通过CFA考生考生,平均花费320小时学习CFA,通过CFA考试。下面根据CFA英语基础、金融基础,考生大致复习周期时间:如果你通过了英语六级,且投资学、基础会计知识掌握良好,可以说基础不错的人,看Notes和做练习需要两个月;如果你通过了英语六级,且投资学、基础会计知识尚可,基础中等的人,看Notes和做练习需要三个月;如果你通过了英语六级,但投资学、基础会计知识较差,算是基础较弱的人吧,看Notes和做练习需要四个月;如果你没通过英语六级,对投资学和基础会计也不甚了解的话,算是零基础学员吧,那么可以按照官方建议的时长备考CFA--不要畏惧,这正是你搭建起金融投资知识体系的绝好时机;当然也有资质优越的学霸级人物考前两周突击且通过CFA考试的,不过这种冒险行为并不建议各位照搬,多花点时间老老实实备考吧。考CFA最基本的或者说必读的教材有CFA 协会官方教材(CFA Curriculum)、Schweser Study Notes、CFA 协会道德手册(Standards of Practice Handbook)。考生一般先看Schweser Study Notes,将每一个Session 都学习之后,如果有不理解的知识点,可以通过Curriculum 对相应的内容进行查看。对于一级考生,重点学习CFA Level 1 的Schweser Study Notes 辅助CFA协会官方教材的章节习题及道德手册就可以了。补充说明:1.是否一定要买CFA 协会指定教材(Curriculum)?从2008 年起,CFA 协会指定教材已经包括在考试费用中,分别有电子版教材、纸质版教材、电子+纸质版教材三种类型选择。2. CFA 协会指定教材和Schweser Study Notes 有什么区别?CFA 考试的学习资料主要有两类:专业机构出版的Study Notes 和CFA 官方教材。CFA 协会指定教材包含在考生注册费中,是CFA 协会指定核心阅读教材,不过并不是针对复习与考试的学习精要。Schweser Study Notes 的编写以LOS(Learning Outcome Statement或译为"考纲") 为基础,是备考CFA明确、高效的学习补充资料。许多参加CFA 考试的学员都很依赖Study Notes, 以Study Notes 提供的方法和指明的重点学习研究每个LOS,然后再阅读CFA 教材中的例子、资料作为学习补充。建议:CFA一级考试可以只学习Schweser Study Notes, 当然如果时间充足,建议阅读CFA 协会指定教材,打好基础。3. 已经买了当年一级的Schweser Study Notes,但12 月的一级考试没通过,想重新参加下年6 月的一级考试,有必要再买新的Study Notes 吗?建议:考生重新购买最新的Schweser Study Notes。每年的考题都会有变化,因而Notes 的内容也会根据LOS 作出相应的调整。4. CFA 协会道德手册(Standards of Practice Handbook)是什么?考试一定要看吗?建议:CFA考试道德部分很重要,考试只看study notes内的道德是不足的,一定还要看道德手册(道德手册的内容与官方教材第一本书的道德部分内容是相同的),2005年-2010年的道德手册都没有 变化都是第9版的,2011年的考试换成了第十版,内容不变,题目更新了。建议考生以手册中结 尾处的习题和手册内容中的EXAMPLE为主。CFA历届优秀考生的复习资料参考1:CFA一级必备资料:1、Study Notes2、CFA道德手册 V11版本,考试专用handbook;(2015年)3、CFA考试专用计算器:CFA主要的参考教材为官方指定教材(约3500页)及study notes(约1500页)。CFA以及考试复习资料参考:Schweser Notes历年Mock和Sample原版教材(电子版,主要用的是原版教材上的练习题,这个题非常好!)Schweser的Practice ExamStandard Handbook金程基础班&冲刺班视频复习材料的时间分配将近80%的时间用在Notes上其中Ethics、FRA、Fixed Income、权益投资、Derivatives、Alternative三遍数量、Corporate Finance、Portfolio两遍经济学一遍最后看视频,做历年的Mock和Samlpe看其他材料的时间不足5%忽略不计。

Rate amount (for example exchange rate) 请问 Rate amount 是什么意思?

rate amount 应该不是个短语,而是两个单词。rate意思是:..率amount是:数量。exchange rate 是汇率的意思

以good example为主题的英语作文 10句话

my good example(母亲)It is my mother gave me a life, I love my mother. My mother has been 40 years old.she is a staff in a company. My mother is my good example since childhood. She like always educates me.In the past, I always get bored and can"t understand her. With age increased, I gradually came to understand her efforts.All she made is for me,she want me will have a good future. My mother is very hard-working, she always likes to clean up the house,give me a comfortable learning environment. I hope my mother would have been very healthy!

exam the ground

was seen by Weiwei failed stop feeling worried lend to me favored without help one of my It is of to Would leave when to make

Do you know后面怎么用? 多给我点example.我都遭整疯了.一定是宾语从句吗?

Do you know 本身就是一个完整的句子,所以如果后面要加具体的问题,就应该把问句改为陈述句.如,你知道他是谁吗?如果分解成两个句子是 do you know+who is he.合并起来就是一个宾语从句,为:do you know who he is?再如: 你知道这是什么吗? do you know + what is it? 要改为: do you know what it is?明白了吗?

Do you know后面怎么用? 多给我点example.我都遭整疯了.一定是宾语从句吗?

Do you know 本身就是一个完整的句子,所以如果后面要加具体的问题,就应该把问句改为陈述句.如,你知道他是谁吗?如果分解成两个句子是 do you know+who is he.合并起来就是一个宾语从句,为:do you know who he is?再如: 你知道这是什么吗? do you know + what is it? 要改为: do you know what it is?明白了吗?

How to Deal with the Exam Stress Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can b


把这段话概括总结一下 Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced su

Consideralso the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships, failures and repeated misfortunes in his lifetime. His background was certainly not glamorous. He was raised in a very poor family with only one year of formal education. He failed in business twice, suffered a nervous breakdown when his first love died suddenly and lost eight political elections. Later in life, he suffered profound grief over the tragic death of three of his four children. Yet his strong will was the spur that pushed him forward, strengthening his optimism, dedication and determination. It intensified and focused his efforts and enabled him to triumph over the overwhelming failures and profound difficulties in his life. A hundred years later, people from around the world commend Abraham Lincoln as the greatest American president of all time.

专四听写exam fear原文

美国本科申请,common app 的counselor推荐表格中 senior secondary leaving examinations怎么填?

senior secondary leaving examinations 指的是高中毕业过关考试,很简单的。如果你没有这么个考试,你可以填N/A。美国高中数学物理老师

英语exam domain number怎么翻译?

exam domain number的中文意思是 考试域名


as far as 与as long as的用法区别(顺便给个example)

as long as固定短语,有"只要"的意思而as far as没有这个意思





He gets A in every exam,so he is a good _____.

He gets A in every exam,so he is a good student.

规格书中sexample board layout 和tencil opening 怎么翻译?结合图片


The entrance exam to high school will be in a week.


if 句中,Will 和 would 的区别。for example, what will you do 和 what would you do 怎么区分?

would 表示比较婉转

for the coming exams 为什么用coming

coming是即将到来,很快到来的意思。coming 在这里相当于形容词 "即将到来的"the coming exams即将到来的考试这句话的原本意思就是:在即将到来的考试中类似句型如下:Let"s wait for the new year coming.让我们等待新的一年的到来。句意表示“新的一年”即将到来,“wait for”后接动名词短语修饰the new year.如果换成to come 你一定理解,只不过coming是即将到来,很快到来的意思,但是to come 只是将要到来,有可能要等很久。

such as 和 for example 和i.e.的区别

l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末.如:x0dMany people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡.x0dThere are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染.x0d2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号.如:x0dEnglish is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等._________________________________________________________________________________英文论文中“such as, for example, e.g., i.e., etc., et al. ”的用法分析黄龙旺 龚汉忠(上海交通大学学报编辑部, 200030,上海)在英文论文的编辑加工中,常会遇到such as, for example, e. g. , i. e. , etc. 和et al. 的错误及混淆使用.这里,举例分析这几个词的意义,并阐述其正确用法.1) such as.常列举同类人或事物中的几个例子.其典型的表示式为a plural + such as + single instance( s) of the group to which the plural refers.正确使用的是: The Arts Faculty deals only with humanities subjects such as history and literature. 混淆使用的是: The Science Faculty deals only with the measurable such as physics and seismology.论文中常出现such as与and so on或etc. 连用, 这是不正确的.①如 It is noted that the features such as clean cut ratio denoted by Rc , die roll height denoted by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , and so on (有的出现etc.) , are better than the ones with the other models.应为It is noted that the features, such as clean cut ratio denoted by Rc , die roll height denoted by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , are better than the ones with the other models. 当使用such as时,读者已理解后面接着的会是一些不完整的列举,因此不需加上and so on或 etc. 等.② 因为such as是对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,若全部列举出,要改用namely,意思为“即”.文章中出现的He knows four languages, such as Chinese, English, Japanese and German,应将such as改成namely(或i. e. )及后面加逗号, 即He knows four languages, namely, Chinese, English, Japanese and German. ③用such as来形容复数名词( the plural)可以放在such与as中间,一般插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间.2) for example.用来举例说明,由它引出介绍普遍概念的例子,使用范围要比such as自由.可以出现在句首、句末或有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系.例如, Cryptography operations, for example, decryption or signing, in a given period only involve the corresponding temporary secret key without further access to the helper. 同样for example ( e. g. )表示泛泛地举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含“等等”,如果再加etc. 或and so on,就画蛇添足了.如论文中出现的这句话是不当的:Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e. g. , organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc. 正确的为e. g. , organization, clear expression, and logical thinking.3) e. g..是拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,意思是“举个例子,比如”,等同于“for example”,目的是用例子来说明前面的观点,用法与for example相同.4) i. e..源于拉丁语,是id est的简略形式.其意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is, in other words”和“namely”,目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点.正确的用法是Use a comma to enclose ( i. e. , both before and after) the year in a month day year sequence. 而文章中出现的这句The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior ( i. e. , coming to work late, failing to complete projects) ,应该用“e. g. ”而不是用“i. e. ”,因为插入句是对“irresponsible behavior”的列举补充.5) etc..是et cetera的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and so on”.可用来列举事物,若要列举人,则需用et al. 或用and others.6) et al..是拉丁文简写.其一为et alibi (以及其他地方) ,相当于and elsewhere;其二为et alii (以及其他人) ,相当于and others.


sample = 样品instance用法 = for instancecase用法 = in this case 指某一个事件example用法 = for example除了第一个,后面三个都可以用来举列。


sample = 样品 instance用法 = for instance case用法 = in this case 指某一个事件 example用法 = for example 除了第一个,后面三个都可以用来举列.




sample,specimen,example这三个名词都有“样子”,“样品”的含义。sample 所表示的“样品”指的是其它的都与这个“样品”在质量、性质和设计上相同。例如推销员持本厂的产品的“样品”去推销,或出版社要求你把自己的书稿寄去一个章节作“样品”去评审是否有出版价值等。In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individul"s ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds….在智力测验中,我们取样于个人解决各种难题和各种问题的能力。specimen 为“试样”或“样品”的意思。例如医生抽血化验,这抽出的血液即为“试样”。He gives the bank specimens of his signature,…他把自己的签名字样交给银行,……He collected specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.他采集了各种岩石和矿物的样品。example 有不少别的含义,在这里所对比的是作为有典型的、能说明问题的、有代表性的例子Even if one didn"t know from the concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games,for instance)that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred,one could deduce it from general principles.即使人们没有从具体的事例(例如1936 年奥林匹克运动会)得知国际体育比赛会导致深仇大恨,也能从常理中推断出这一点来。


template是指模板,型板。特指切割木材、纸张、金属等使用的模板,样板example是例子的意思。是平常举的一个事例,for example就是举个例子的意思sample是样本的意思,指做研究调查所抽取一定的人数或物品,叫样本

Steve Jobs was also a good example of The America

Steve Jobs was also a good example of The American Dream乔布斯也是美国梦的典范!


criteria 英[krau026a"tu026au0259ru026au0259] 美[krau026au02c8tu026aru026au0259] n. (批评、判断等的) 标准,准则( criterion的名词复数 ); (criterion的复数) ; [例句]Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.会对每家旅馆都进行检查,如果它达到了一定的标准,就获得推荐。[其他] 原型: criterion


我们这个直接看源码看如何由example映射到sql语句 Stock.java 只有5个属性。 StockMapper.java: 我看只看countByExample接口,看名字就知道是返回给定example参数的结果个数。 再看 StockMapper.xml该方法实现: 很简单给定参数类型StockExample 返回Long类型 select count(*) from stock 返回满足条件的stock表中数据数量 再看<include refid="Example_Where_Clause" /> foreach表示循环,分隔符是or(或者)重点在于数据集oredCriteria,我们去给定参数StockExample中寻找oredCriteria 是一个List刚好和上面的集合对应了,看看单个Criteria是什么 再看GeneratedCriteria 我们发现Criteria里面居然还有一个list,我们翻上去看刚好与上面一个foreach里面还有一个foreach对应,那接下来研究Criterion 这就是该类的声明,里面有这些值,这时候应该结合着之前xml第二层foreach属性看了,知道这些值有啥用 一看我们根据when知道有四类情况,noValue,singleValue,betweenValue,listValue,对应着查询中四种情况 1.只是单纯是否非空 2.value=?多少查询 3.两者之间查询 4.在list中查询。 所以我们构建的查询参数就是criterion,看一下上面四种咋构建吧 以下均是lGeneratedCriterial类中方法,addCriterion是把生成的Criterion加到Ctriteria中 1.是否非空: 2.值查询 public Criteria andIdEqualTo(Integer value) { addCriterion("id =", value, "id"); return (Criteria) this; } 3.两者之间 public Criteria andSaleNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) { addCriterion("sale not between", value1, value2, "sale"); return (Criteria) this; } 4.list public Criteria andVersionNotIn(List<Integer> values) { addCriterion("version not in", values, "version"); return (Criteria) this; } 完结,相信通过上面的源码剖析,大家都知道如何构建查询条件了把。 总结 StockExample.java 构造 三个参数 orderByClause:返回结果升降排序,字段+空格+acs/dcs(升序/降序)例子count acs setOrderByClause方法注入 distinct:true/false 返回结果去不去重复,setDistinct注入 oredCriteria:就是查询参数,之前狗讲了啥意思,构造方法 构造Criteria 收工。

fail the exam和fail to the exam有区别吗?

“考试不及格”的表达法是fail the exam,不是fail to the exam。
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