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CFA培训哪家比较靠谱呢,还有谁能帮忙解释下Time-weighted return和 Money-weighted return区别呢?


in favor of 在句子中的成份?怎么翻译?句子怎么翻译?

in favor of 支持的意思

请教各位大侠,下面这句英文是什么意思 A girl should be two things classy and fabulous Coco Chanel

一个女孩应该做两件事:优雅和用美丽的可可 · 香奈儿

开机提示cmos fail press DEL to eoter stup

通电后按DEL键,进入CMOS设置,里面恢复下出厂状态,也就是LOAD 选项,然后点F10,两下Y,应该不会提示了。具体可以看下主板说明书。

开机显示cmos fail press DEL to enter stup怎么解决?


Almost Famous 歌词

歌曲名:Almost Famous歌手:Eminem专辑:Life After RecoveryEminem - Almost FamousYeah, can"t stop now...This maybe the last chance I get, to be famousYou dream of trading places, I have been changing facesYou cannot fill these shoes, there is too much to loseWake up behind these trenches, you run around defencelessThere is too much to lose, You cannot fill these shoesI just wanna be famousBut be careful what you wish for!I stuck my dick in this game like a rapist, they call me Slim RothelsbergerI get beserker than a fed up postal workerA murker with a mossberg, I"m pissed off, get murderedLike someone took a ketchup squirter, squirted a frankfurterFor a gangsta, you should of shit your pants when you sawThe chainsaw get to waving like a terrible dialI faced her around when his fangs come out, get your brains blown outThat"s what I call blowing your mind, when I come back like ?? your spineI"m a thumbtac that you slept on sonNow here I come screaming "attack" like I stepped on one!Lowering the totem til" he showed "em, defiance, giant scrotumHe don"t owe them bitches shit, his bridges, he out wrote "emHe"s so out cold, he"s knocked out at the south pole andNobody fucks with him, rigamortis and post-mortemHe"s dying of boredom, take your best rhymes, record "emThen try to thwart him, he"ll take your punchlines and snort "emShit stained drawers, you gon" fuck with the guy that licks the blades of his chainsawsWhile he dips "em in ? sauce?Game"s off homie, hang it up like some crank callsYou think I"m backing down, you must be out your dang skulls!I"m almost famousYou dream of trading places, I have been changing facesYou cannot fill these shoes, there is too much to loseWake up behind these trenches, you run around defencelessThere is too much to lose, You cannot fill these shoesI just wanna be famousBut be careful what you wish for!I"m back for revenge, I lost the battle, that ain"t happening againI"m at your throat like strep, I step strapped with a penMetaphors wrote on my hand, some are distorting my mem-orySome are wrote on a napkin, do what I have to to winPulling out all stops, any who touch a mic priorIs not even Austin Powers, how the fuck are they Mike MyersAnd tell that psycho to pass the torch to the whacko "forI take a shit in his jackolantern then smash it on his porchNow get off my dick, dick"s too short of a word for my dickGet off my antidisestablishmentarianism you prick!Don"t call me the champ, call me the space shuttle destroyerI just blew up the challenger, matter of fact, I need a lawyerI just laced my gloves with enough plaster to make a castBeat his ass naked and pee"d in his corner like Verne TroyerYa"ll are Eminem backwards, you"re menime"sSee he"s in a-whole-nother weight class, his slugs your BB"sYour bean bag bullets, you"re full of it, you were dissing his CD"sLaughed at Infinite, now he"s back like someone pissed in his wheetiesNo peace treaty"s, he"s turned into a beastHis new Slim Shady EP"s got the attention of the might DREHe"s almost famousYou dream of trading places, I have been changing facesYou cannot fill these shoes, there is too much to loseWake up behind these trenches, you run around defencelessThere is too much to lose, You cannot fill these shoesI just wanna be famousBut be careful what you wish for!Now there he goes, in Dre"s studio, cupping his ballsScreaming the wood off the panelling, cussing the paint off the wallsSpewing his hate to these haters, showing no love for these broadsHe ain"t giving "em shit, he"s scissor pinch a penny so hardHe"ll leave a bruise on the brawn so darkYou can see the mark when it scars, til Abraham Lincoln is screaming out "AHHH!"His metaphors and similies ain"t similar to them not at allIf they don"t like they can all get fucked, instead of sucking him offThey can go get a belt or a neck tie, to hang themselves byLike David Carridy, they can go fuck themselves and just dieAnd eat shit while they at it, he"s fucking had itHe"s mad at the whole world, so go to hell and build a snowman, girlThe bullies become bullied, the pussies get pushedThey better pull me, take me back to 9th grade to school meCause I ain"t looking back only forward, this whole spot blowingWho coulda known he"d grow to be a poet and not know itAnd while I"m being poetic, let me get a storkAnd raise the bar higher than my opinion of these women ?So bare witness to some biblical shitAs the cold wind blowing, this world ain"t gonna know what hit it, he did it, he made it, he"s finally famous!Eminem - Almost FamousEND... ...http://music.baidu.com/song/53722185

Fast SLAM算法的核心思想是什么?




fate stay night存档问题


英语scope link tentative dadfailed怎么翻译?

scope link tentative dadfailed作用域链接失败

slip andfall是什么意思?

滑倒的意思 Fall 单独是指 摔倒 Slip单独意思 滑倒


function check(obj) { obj.value = obj.value.replace(/[u4e00-u9fa5]/g,"");}把this传进去。onblur=“check(this)”

危险英语单词怎么读but he always tried to face any dander

危险是danger(发音类同汉语拼音den zhe)



Aamanda Falk的《redemption》 歌词翻译成中文是什么?

貌似只有英语的呢,那就先把英语歌词贴这里,试试看我有没有这个能力翻译Redemption - Amanda Falkeverything that I was to blame forwas a trade forYour hand in minethe spear that pierced the side of my Saviorwas a payment for my lifeYou"ve seen everyone of us flounderin the waterwe were drowningbut You dwell and delight in the impossibleof raising us to our feetoh Love that runs on oceans with the least of theseoh Love my coveringbecause You gave it allwhen I fall from my feet I knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allYou send word to open my shackleshealing salve on my wrists and feetnow the old is gone and forgottenand the new is coming with the morningoh Love that never fails to set the prisoner freeoh Love running wild with mebecause You gave it allI can stand to my feet and knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allbecause You gave it allwhen I fall from my feet I knowYour love covers allcovers all covers allbecause You gave it allI can stand to my feet and knowYour love covers allcovers all covers all


barefaced是一个形容词,指的是毫无掩饰、不加掩饰或厚颜无耻的意思。例如:1、He made a barefaced attempt to cheat on the exam.(他毫无羞耻地试图在考试中作弊。)2、The politician"s barefaced lie was quickly exposed by the media.(媒体很快揭穿了那位政治家的厚颜无耻的谎言。)3、She had the barefaced audacity to ask me for a favor after betraying my trust.(在背叛了我的信任后,她竟然还厚颜无耻地向我求个人情。)当一个人的行为被形容为barefaced时,通常指的是他们故意无视道义或常规,毫不掩饰地表现出自己的真实意图或动机。这种行为可能是出于自信、傲慢或者缺乏同情心。barefaced也可以用来描述某人的外貌特征,意味着他们没有化妆或遮盖瑕疵。在这种情况下,它与natural或without makeup有类似的含义。以下是一些关于barefaced的常见用法:1、He told a barefaced lie to cover up his mistake.(他讲了一个厚颜无耻的谎言来掩盖自己的错误。)2、I couldn"t believe her barefaced audacity when she asked for a promotion after only a month in the job.(她才刚工作一个月,竟然还有脸厚颜无耻地要求晋升,我简直不敢相信。)3、The politician"s barefaced corruption scandal shocked the nation.(那位政治家公然的腐败丑闻震惊了全国。)4、She walked into the meeting room completely barefaced, without a trace of makeup.(她一点妆都没化,毫无遮掩地走进会议室。)5、Despite her barefaced beauty, she was humble and down-to-earth.(尽管她天生丽质,但她却谦虚朴实。)使用barefaced的注意事项1、上下文:确保使用该词时,上下文语境明确表达了所指的含义。根据上下文,barefaced可以表示某人的无耻行为或毫无遮掩的外貌。2、口语和书面语:barefaced在口语和书面语中都可以使用,但它在书面语中更为常见。在正式的写作场合,尤其是学术写作中,可以选择更正式的同义词来代替。3、注意配合使用的动词或名词:通常,barefaced会与描述行为的动词(如lie、cheat等)或名词(如audacity、corruption等)搭配使用。这样能更准确地表达所指的无耻行为。

w-inds 的 feel the fate 的歌词中文是什么意思

Feel The Fate 不喜欢普通的事 不要没趣的气氛 最近有点明白和你在一起只是必然中的偶然 维持未来的意思 繁华的街道不是冷酷无情的 在寂静的地方跟你说话时 没有言语的限制 因为这是宝贵的 Trust me you gonna be my love 寻求著emotion 想一直待在你身边 Feel me You gonna be my fate 闪耀著illumination 永不消失的梦 互相温暖著 事情互相了解 不会犹豫不决 互相信任 不会害怕 无论何时 去爱的心情也不会变 继续接受 嘴唇差一点就实际行动 可是实际的行动一定比想像中更难 只是 只要每一次也解决得很好 未来的事会更亲近 他人的约定也押後 所以二人只要与对方在一起 情绪不会停止地增加 想在这里说出 Trust me You gonna be my love 主动 emotion 凝视著不说话 Feel me You gonna be my fate 依偎著 illumination 二人的梦 重叠在一起 迷失了重要的事情 必需的也忘了 谁也不会一个人 相信爱 Trust me you gonna be my love 寻求著emotion 想一直待在你身边 Feel me You gonna be my fate 闪耀著illumination 永不消失的梦 互相温暖著 事情互相了解 不会犹豫不决 互相信任 不会害怕 无论何时 去爱的心情也不会变 继续接受

我刚学arcgis不会获得mxd 文件,请各位高手帮帮小弟撒 拜谢,再拜谢! 我邮箱是:fangrenjun1688@163.com


I Fall So Deep 歌词

歌曲名:I Fall So Deep歌手:Gary Barlow专辑:Open RoadI Fall So DeepWritten by Larry Loftin/Amy PowersIm always thinking about you,I wonder if you can tell,These things Im feeling inside me,I keep them all to myself.Scared to show my true emotions,dont want to love alone,Cause I fall so deep,you never know how far I go,And I know why, hearts beat desperately,I fall so deep.Some people think love is foolish,while others think its a game,I think that love is a fire,Im burining up in your flameIm so lost in my emotions,wanting you evermore.Cause I fall so deep,you never know how far I go,And I know why, hearts beat desperately,I fall so deep, I fall so deep, I fall so deep.And Ive come so close to the part,where I reveal my heart to you,But I lose my nerve,cant find the words to tell you that its true.I fall so deep, I fall so deep,You never know how far I go,(I fall so deep)And I know why, hearts beat, desperately,I fall so deep,I fall so deep,I fall so deep, I fall so deep.http://music.baidu.com/song/711811

英文男声歌高潮fan si to ge ra feel,这一句重复了两次

Antidote (Explicit) - Travis ScottDon"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door Through the backIt"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidoteParty on a Sunday That was funDo it all again on Monday One more timeSpent a check on a weekend Oh my GodI might do it all again That"s boss shitI just hit a three peatFucked three hoes I met this week Robert HorryI don"t do no old hoes Oh no noMy nigga that"s a no no Straight upShe just want the coco CocainaI just want dinero Paper huntingWho that at the front doorIf it"s the feds oh no no no Don"t let "em in shhhDon"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door In the backIt"s lowkey at the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showEverything can happen at the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showAt the night showYour bitch not at home she at the night showFucking right hoHad to catch a flight for the night showLet"s get piped thoughBottles got us right though we ain"t sipping light thoughI ain"t got no type thoughOnly got one night though we can do it twice thoughIt"s lit at the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showStacking up day to dayYoung nigga you know you gotta go get it go get it my niggaThey hating they stinking they waitingDon"t be mistaken we dying they stayingLord I"m on fire they think that I"m SatanCalling me crazy on different occasionsKicking the cameraman off of my stagesCause I don"t like how he snapping my anglesI"m overboard and I"m over impatientOver my niggas and these kids my agesDealing with Mo shit that"s more complicatedLike these two bitches that might be relatedH Town you got one and you Bun B like a number oneIt"s late night got a late showIf you wanna roll I got a place wherePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door Through the backIt"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidote

round face是什么意思

round face[英][raund feis][美][rau028and fes]圆脸; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mao has a round face with eyes behind rectangular wire-frame glasses. 毛,圆脸,戴一副长方形金属框眼镜。


Vavg 电压算术平均值?Vamp 波形幅度值Vtop 波形顶端电压值Vbase 波形底端电压值Vover,Vpre?+wid 正脉宽宽度-wid 负脉宽宽度riise 上升时间Fall 下降时间

报价单中英文缩写都是什么意思 TO FM: ATTN: MOBIL: TEL: DATE: FAX: PAGE: SUB: No:

TEL电话号码DATE日期FAX传真号码PAGE页码NO序号(第一第二什么的)SUB替换ATTN联系人MOBIL移动电话号码TO FM是什么意思我就不知道了

wuhan is famous for foods怎么读

Wuhan is famous for foods.翻译是:武汉是以美食闻名。中文谐音:武汉 意思 费谋思 佛 付自。famous ["feu026amu0259s],adj. 著名的;极好的,非常令人满意的。

become famous怎么读

  英[biu02c8ku028cm u02c8feimu0259s]  美[bu026au02c8ku028cm u02c8femu0259s]  become famous  [释义] 扬名;蜚声;成名;  [网络] 出名; 扬名; 蜚声;  [例句]Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.  后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。

famous inventor怎么读


sphinx php连接失败 提示:connection to failed 防火墙已关闭 求助

/usr/local/coreseek/bin/searchd 执行下把9321端口开下

there was some way to swim farther 这句话对吗

应该是There were some ways to swim farther。有几种可以游得更远的方法。

翻译一下at present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport is that it will going……


father doctor father doctor where you are?英语儿歌叫什么

英文歌曲《My father is a doctor》Plague of Love——Katie MeluaMy father is a doctorHe never told meAbout this problemThat I"ve gotI"ve never had itit feels awfulit must be somethingthat I caughtI can"t breath, I can"t eatI hallucinate in my sleepI get a fever whenever you"re nearOh God it"s suddenly clearOoh struck down by the plague of loveSweet poison running through my bloodAnd I can"t bear not knowing if you even care.My mother is nurseShe can"t help meThough she spent her lifeIn the service of othersI told her "bout my painBut she was busyDownstairs serving dinnerfor my brotherNow I can"t get out of bedI"ve got this crazy notion in my headI hear a ghost in my bedroom lurkingIs it me or is the medicine working"Ooh struck down by the plague of loveSweet poison running through my bloodAnd I can"t bear not knowing if you even careOoh struck down by the plague of loveSweet poison running through my bloodAnd I can"t bear not knowing if you even care.Maybe nothing can save meSo come a little closerI"ve got a secret just for youOoh struck down by the plague of loveSweet poison running through my bloodAnd I can"t bear not knowing if you even careOoh struck down by the plague of loveStruck down by the plague of loveStruck down by the plague of love

forefathers与ancestors 有什么区别


英语作文杂交水稻之父(Father of Hybrid Rice)

So far, the world"s average per-mu yield of rice remained at approximately 200 kg. Chinese Yuan Longping led his research team, through the haze of science to give the world the power of a strong fight against hunger. Therefore, China"s hybrid rice by the world known as the "Oriental magic rice."Rice even higher than in sorghum, rice was also longer than the broom, rice as big as peanuts, he and his aides sat on rice cool shade below! Cities and villages, river north and south, both inside and outside China in the human will never be hungry, they excitedly spread the news of a legendary name - Yuan Longping1. In September 1930 in Beijing, Yuan Longping, a child born on the dream of becoming a scientist2. Since 1953, graduated from Southwestern University, he has been conducting scientific research in agriculture3. The last century 70"s, he found very difficult to improve rice production, we decided to engage in hybrid rice research4. There is no doubt that he was the world"s food production has made great contributions to5. Because of his great achievements, he received many honors and awards, including the "World Food Prize"




family outing家庭出游网络释义1. SBS家族诞生例句:1.That is a way of providing extra seating for a family outing, say, or of carrying luggage thatwill not fit in the leading vehicle. 比方说,这是全家远足时提供额外座位的一种办法,或者搬运前导车装不下的行李的一种办法。

fake monk什么意思



babayface是绝对的rnb曲风相当婉约 基本每一首都有些sadusher的早期歌都带些hip-hop的味道 但每一首都控制的相当好,并不过份后期比较类似rnbneyo和babyface挺像的 但也有些chris brown的感觉,这几位都算是顶尖的rnb艺人其实曲风给不了绝对定义的都有些rnb blues pop hiphop的感觉舞蹈么 绝对是usher 你看了2004年上海演唱会么usher舞蹈和chris brown一个级别的比伯师傅嘛!

英语作文 My Favorite Famous Person

1.讲我最喜欢的名人是孔子的,理由充分条理清晰a) The most important person that I would like to talk about, is a man called Confucius.b) I am sure you have heard or read about him before.2. a) He is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times in China.b) For example, he is regarded as the founder of the Chinese literature.3. a) He lived about 500 BC in the region that is known as Shan Dong province today.b) The site of his tomb was later developed by his followers into the first university in China.As to why I would like to talk about him, there are several reasons. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them shortly.4. a) First of all, I firmly believe that he was a very gentle and easy-going person.b) In other words, he did not believe that problems and conflicts should be solved by violence.5. a) Secondly, he obviously was a man who possessed great wisdom.b) You just have to read his writings, and listen to his sayings to agree with me.6. a) Lastly, he is my favorite famous person because of the influence that his teachings have in Asia to this day.b) For instance, countries like China, Japan, and Korea, still use his teachings as the basis to arrange their societies.7. So, that in brief, was my favorite famous person.


p{font-family:微软雅黑,Arial,Times New Roman;}对于“p{font-family:微软雅黑,宋体,Times New Roman;}”这句代码,初学者可能会觉得很疑惑。为什么要为元素同时定义多个字体呢? 其实原因是这样的:每个人的电脑装的字体都不一样,我们定义“p{font-family:微软雅黑,Arial,Times New Roman;}”这句的意思是,p元素优先用“微软雅黑”字体来显示,如果你的电脑没有装“微软雅黑”这个字体,那接着就用“Arial”字体来显示,如果也没有装“Arial”字体,接着就用“Times New Roman”字体来显示,以此类推。否则,如果你只定义“p{font-family:微软雅黑;}”的话,如果你的电脑没有装“微软雅黑”字体,p元素就直接用浏览器默认的“宋体”字体来显示了。默认情况下,浏览器的字体是宋体。中文字体常用的有宋体、微软雅黑,英文字体比较常用的是Times New Roman、Arial。




CSS 文本的编码是不是储存为 UTF-8 的呢?



最好用的泳镜选哪个牌子质量好-Speedo/速比涛YING FA/英发Few/飘Arena/阿瑞娜Sable/黑貂泳镜哪种










minister of state for foreign affairs.英国 什么职务

o science, art, literature, agriculture

municipal foreign affair office是什么意思

foreign affairs office外事办; 例句:1.This official paper is issued by the foreign affairs office. 这份官方文件是外事办公室签发的。2.For this problem, you should go to the foreign affairs office. 这件事情,你应该去找外事处来解决。


家族中风例句Some stroke risk factors are beyond your control, such as getting older or having a family history of strokes.不能控制的危险饮食有些中风的危险因素是无法控制,如老化或有中风家族史。

求British documents on foreign affairs(《英国外交档案》)的英文内容



MFA艺术硕士,是Master of Fine Arts的简称。艺术硕士是一项在世界范围内艺术相关领域的硕士研究生学位,通常需要两到三年的时间才能修读完毕。艺术硕士学位(MFA)是全球性的,国际认可的艺术领域学位。1、MFA是指艺术硕士,全称Master of Fine Arts简称MFA。是一项在世界范围内艺术相关领域的硕士学位,通常需要两到三年的时间才能修读完毕。课程上以艺术为主,包括各种艺术理论、艺术创作与艺术研究。2、MFA指物流分析,是对经济活动中物质流动的分析,它的基础是对物质的投入和产出进行量化分析,建立物质投入和产出的账户,以便进行以物质流为基础的优化管理。3、MFA指外交部(Ministry of Foreign Affairs),一般是指在一个主权国家里执行外交政策、主管外交事务的专门性机构。外交部贯彻执行国家总体外交方针和国家外交政策,维护国家最高利益,代表国家处理双边和多边外交事务等。扩展资料硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位,拥有硕士学位者通常象征具有对其专注、所研究领域的基础的.独立的思考能力。在我国普通硕士研究生分为学术型硕士和专业型硕士(均有全日制和非全日制两种学习形式),主要通过拥有各高等院校举办的硕士研究生招生考试来进行招生。2017年非全日制研究生诞生,全日制与非全日制开始实行相同的考试招生政策和培养标准,两者学历类型均为普通高等教育(统招学历),其学历证书及学位证书具有同等法律地位和相同效力。

seen at ministry of foreign affairs and trade republic of korea. valid only if submitted to foreig

在南韩外交贸易部看到的. 只有递交致在南韩的驻外使节团方为有效

even teenagers are interested in foreign affairs. 这里的intereste 为啥要+ed。

人作主语(修饰人时)用interestedbe interested in对什么感兴趣修饰物就用interesting祝你快乐:)

ForeignAffairs.co.nz 这是什么网站 怎么翻译呢

.nz 是新西兰 网站


faca联邦咨询委员会法;柔性气调库;国血管学院院士;联邦咨询委员会法案;联邦咨询委员会法令。Under faca, advisory committees must hold their meetings in public.根据《联邦咨询委员会法》,咨询委员会必须公开举行会议。In a later proceeding, the court found a violation of faca.在后继的诉讼中,法院裁定该委员会违反了《联邦咨询委员会法》。In the Federal Advisory Committee Act ( FACA), Congress took several steps to promote the public accountability of advisory committees.在《联邦咨询委员会法》(FACA)中,国会采取了好几个步骤来促进咨询委员会的公共责任性。The FACA requirements concerning the paper trail, however, may not be sufficiently specific to generate the information necessary to track the committee"s deliberations.然而,《联邦咨询委员会法》对文档的要求,可能还不足以制作出足以追踪委员会审议过程的必要信息。

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Intel招聘中,FAB engineering 是指什么? FAB是什么意思?




请问为什么晶圆厂商叫 FAB厂,是单词的缩写还是什么,

当然是英文缩写了.fabrication 我现在就是FAB里做事情.我们可以相互学习.


fab (fabrication laboratory)就是市民可以去做自己想要的东西的研究室。微观装配实验室(from 百度百科)。参考http://baike.baidu.com/view/2412702.htm


1.在半导体芯片行业,企业的模式主要分三种,像英特尔这种,从设计,到制造、封装测试以及投向消费市场一条龙全包的企业,称为称为IDM(Integrated Design and Manufacture)公司。2.而有的公司只做设计这块,是没有fab(工厂)的,通常就叫做Fabless。例如ARM公司、AMD、高通博通等。3.而还有的公司,只做代工,只有fab,不做设计,称为Foundry(代工厂),常见的台积电等。




半导体fab全称为Fabrication,是一个工业用词,一般是将一些金属薄板通过手工或模具冲压使其产生塑性变形,形成所希望的形状和尺寸,并可进一步通过焊接或少量的机械加工形成更复杂的零件。在工厂里也有车间的意思。Fabrication件可以通过冲压,弯曲,拉伸等手段来加工,相对应的是铸造件,锻压件,机械加工零件等,比如说汽车的外面的铁壳就是钣金件,不锈钢做的一些厨具也是钣金件。半导体分类:半导体材料很多,按化学成分可分为元素半导体和化合物半导体两大类。锗和硅是最常用的元素半导体;化合物半导体包括第Ⅲ和第Ⅴ族化合物(砷化镓、磷化镓等)、第Ⅱ和第Ⅵ族化合物( 硫化镉、硫化锌等)、氧化物(锰、铬、铁、铜的氧化物),以及由Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物和Ⅱ-Ⅵ族化合物组成的固溶体(镓铝砷、镓砷磷等)。除上述晶态半导体外,还有非晶态的玻璃半导体、有机半导体等。半导体的分类,按照其制造技术可以分为:集成电路器件,分立器件、光电半导体、逻辑IC、模拟IC、储存器等大类,一般来说这些还会被分成小类。此外还有以应用领域、设计方法等进行分类,虽然不常用,但还是按照IC、LSI、VLSI(超大LSI)及其规模进行分类的方法。此外,还有按照其所处理的信号,可以分成模拟、数字、模拟数字混成及功能进行分类的方法。


离开Fab快两年多,以后应该也不会再进去,所以准备写一些文字记录下,没有提纲,没有概要,想到哪里写到哪里。Fab的全称叫Fabrication ,也就是集成电路制造的工厂、车间,Fab里的从业者什么专业的都有,从中文到微电子,有物理,化学,数学,英语等等。Fab的核心工程师种类有:1、研发工程师(TD)(1)工艺(2)整合(3)器件2、工艺工程师(PE)(1)Litho(2)Etch(3)Thin Film(4)Diff3、工艺整合工程师(PIE)4、良率/缺陷分析工程师(YE)5、质量/品质工程师(QE)6、制造部(MFG)7、设备工程师8、量测部门(MMT)9、失效分析工程师10、厂务工程师11、产品工程师(PDE)12、客户工程师(CE)Fab的研发工程师相对于其他工程师来说待遇和前景是最好的,主要负责最新工艺的研发和产品的升级,TD不是每个Fab都会有,一些低端的八寸厂Fab没有,因为不需要,还有一些国外的Fab在大陆设厂,因为涉及先进技术的保密新,研发部门一般会放在在本国,比如西安的三星,上海松江的台积电就没有研发等。国内的Fab一般都会有研发部门,比如中芯国际,华虹,长江存储等。研发工程师也会分不同种类,有工艺,整合,器件研发。工艺只负责某个专门工艺研发,例如etch只负责etch工艺研发,litho 只负责litho工艺研发。整合研发主要是把各个工艺的研发串联起来,协调上下游的整合,对某个工艺理解不需要太深刻,但是需要有广度。器件研发主要是负责产品的电学性能的优化,涉及到芯片的device的设计,掌握了产品的核心性能和工艺指标。研发工程师面临的压力也较大,因为新工艺和新技术面临的不确定性也多,台积电针对研发部门有著名的“夜莺”计划,也就是两拨人,白天和晚上两班倒。负责Fab生产的工程师种类繁多,有工艺工程师,设备工程师,工艺整合工程师,良率工程师,质量工程师,制造工程师等。工艺工程师一般有四大Module,分别为Litho,Etch,Thin Film,Diff,对应的有设备工程师。每个module负责对应的工艺模块,工艺工程师的主要作用就是保证工艺的稳定性,找到不稳定因素,提出解决方案,提升良率,同时还需要解决线上各种异常问题,比如设备宕机等等,同时还


答案:A. 根据"eat for your br___kfast"可知吃早餐,根据单词breakfast,故选A.

Inherits="OASys.Default" 报错未能加载类型“OASys.Default”。

_Default表示你的Default.aspx文件的Codebehind背后代码文件的类名称,你可以在Default.aspx这个文件上鼠标右键单击,在弹出的菜单中点击查看源代码(Visual Studio环境中),你看打开的源代码是不是有个Public Class _Default*****************我是分割线*******************OASys.Default表示你的这个页面在OaSys这个文件中,因为类名不能重复,所以在这个_Default上面给你添加了所在文件夹的名称,来防止重名的。。


6208F51D3CCFE50E3B8A8DF877A9A221 哪位好心的大哥哥大姐姐帮忙算哈 谢谢!!



Debug Assertion Failed! 我用VS2008编程,运行时点击菜单选项报错(悬赏80分,在另一个位置)

程序里用线程锁CComSafeDeleteCriticalSection了吗,出错位置指向了CComSafeDeleteCriticalSection的Lock函数,出错原因好像是说在运行Lock前没有运行Init初始化函数。HRESULT Lock(){ // CComSafeDeleteCriticalSection::Init or CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection::Init // not called or failed. // m_critsec member of CComObjectRootEx is now of type // CComAutoDeleteCriticalSection. It has to be initialized // by calling CComObjectRootEx::_AtlInitialConstruct ATLASSUME(m_bInitialized); return CComCriticalSection::Lock();}




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