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health pro facial oil说明书`麻烦翻译`还有这到底有什么用!!


foaming facial wash产品介绍

facial wash洁面乳[网络短语]Facial wash 脸部清洁,洁面乳,洗面奶facial cleanserface wash 洗面奶Shiso Facial Foaming Wash 天然紫苏泡沫洁面乳

洗面奶可以说 facial cleaner吗

洗面奶:facial cleaner/face wash (foaming,milky,cream,gel)

facial mask是什么意思?



怎么判断是否是氨基酸洁面乳1. 从成分上看氨基酸洗面奶的通用公式为xx酰+xx氨酸+钠/钾。常用的成分为椰油酰谷氨酸钠、月桂酰谷氨酸钠、肉豆蔻酰谷氨酸钠、月桂酰谷氨酸钾、椰油酰甘氨酸钠等,而且这些成分越靠前,是氨基酸洁面乳的可能性越大。2. 看泡沫氨基酸的泡沫是非常绵密与细腻的,因为氨基酸洗面奶比较温和,正是因为泡沫可以组隔对皮肤的直接摩擦,让皮肤不会在洗脸中受到损害。3. 看温和度氨基酸洗面奶得PH值接近人体肌肤,不会对皮肤造成敏感,相反可以保护我们的皮肤,洗后不紧绷。尤其对敏感肌肤是非常友好的。只有我们掌握辨别氨基酸洗面奶,才可以挑选出一款真正氨基酸洗面奶。我现在使用的花印云朵洁面就是一款真正的氨基酸洗面奶。但它与以往的氨基酸洗面奶不同的是,它可以深层清洁,但不会过度清洁,它会掌握好那个度。而且它含有天然植萃,可以改善肤质,只要坚持使用,我们的皮肤自然就会变好。所以我觉得这款氨基酸洗面奶还是值得回购的。

“Facial Cheanser”和“Facial Mist”是什么?有什么作用?如何使用?

“Facial Cheanser”和“Facial Mist”是脸部清洁剂。作用:对脸部的清洁活动,指通过清洁使皮肤处于尽可能无污染和无侵害的状态中,为皮肤提供良好的生理条件。使用方法:把泡沫涂在脸上之后,往顺时针方向轻轻打圈按摩,轻柔一些。错误面部清洁的做法:脸上的每个角落都洗到就行了使用洁面乳,就可以把脸洗得很干净天热出汗,每天多洗几遍脸会更干净洗完脸之后自然风干,起到补水的作用用毛巾洗脸会更干净用热水洗脸能更彻底清洁肌肤洗面奶功能越多越贵效果越好化浓妆后先用纸巾擦拭,可以更容易清洁妆容

facial cleanser oil是什么意思


facial scrub是什么意思

18 《赠汪伦》 李白 李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。

facial scrub是什么意思

facial scrub_百度翻译facial scrub [英]u02c8feu026au0283u0259l skru028cb [美]u02c8feu0283u0259l skru028cb 磨砂膏 [例句]There are a few solutions to acne whether it be a facial scrub or a more serious solutions involving a dermatologist.要解决痘痘有很多种解决办法,无论是面部磨砂膏还是更严肃的解决方法,例如找个皮肤科医生。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

facial wash是什么意思


facial expression和facial expressions?

其实两个单词的意思都是一样的,都是面目表情,facial expression 是说一个表情,facial expressions 是多数个表情因为结尾有了“S” 例:She made a cute facial expression 她做了一个可爱的表情。例:She can make many cute facial expressions 她可以作出很多可爱的表 情。希望能有帮助...

facial scrub是什么意思

facial scrub 翻译成中文是脸部去角质的意思。

买了the body shop的海藻系列为什么有一个facial wash还有一个facial cleanser?这两个都是洗面奶吗?

facial wash 是洗面奶。不知道楼主cleanser指的是哪个,请上图。如果是透明瓶子里面透明的水那个的话,那是化妆水,抹cream前用清洁,易吸收。整个海藻系列就是深层清洁的,比较清爽。





facial foam怎么看真假


facial cream cleanser拱辰享,拱辰享洗面奶用后很多金粉是什么

现在生活中很多人都使用洗面奶来洗脸,市面上洗面奶的品牌种类非常之多,各大知名护肤品牌都有各自的洗面奶产品,人们可以自由选择自己喜欢的洗面奶。近来韩国后whoo拱辰享系列洗面奶很受一些年轻人的喜爱, facial cream cleanser拱辰享是哪款洗面奶,拱辰享洗面奶用后很多金粉是什么?facial cream cleanser拱辰享洗面奶是韩国后whoo护肤品牌拱辰享系列中的一款明星产品,也被叫作Whoo后拱辰享泡沫洁面洗面奶,属于基础护肤类型。洗面奶的膏体呈黄色,容量很大,十分耐用,打开闻一下有一股中草药的味道,温和不刺鼻,很好闻。主打肌肤水油平衡,用完后脸上感觉十分舒爽。 不过很多朋友反映该款洗面奶用后脸上有很多金粉类的物质,大概是该款洗面奶中含有的云母矿物质及黄色着色剂成分所致,云母矿物质具有闪亮的效果,被黄色着色剂附着后,残留在皮肤上就成为金粉物质了。正常情况下,残留金粉可以通过温水清洗掉,对皮肤不会有影响。 洗面奶是人们常用的护肤用品,很多洗面奶有自己的特色,拱辰享泡沫洁面洗面奶的清洁效果还是不错的,很多人都比较喜欢该款洗面奶,不过由于其在脸上可能会有金粉物质残留,很多人也是不太习惯,大家可以根据自己的喜好和需求选择适合自己的洗面奶使用。

facial serum怎么用


facial toner 什么意思

facial toner释义 1. facial toner: 爽肤水 | 化妆水 2. rosewater facial freshener toner: 玫瑰清新化妆水 3. Vcare Facial Toner: 保湿化妆水 例句 1.Before applying any masks though, cleanse face well with a facial toner.无论敷哪类董事总经理,之前都要用投资人代表彻底清洁面部。 2.Before applying any masks though, cleanse face well with a facial toner.无论敷哪类面膜,之前都要用洁面水彻底清洁面部。 3.This extraordinary gel combines the effects of a facial toner with those of a moisturizer.这种特别的凝胶有爽肤水的功效,尤其是在保湿方面。



facial cleanser是什么意思

facial cleanser洗面奶双语对照词典结果:facial cleansern.洗面奶;洁面乳; 例句:1.It"s great for everyday use following the MD Formulations Facial Cleanser.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

facial scrub怎么用

facial scrub 英[u02c8feu026au0283u0259l skru028cb]美[u02c8feu0283u0259l skru028cb][释义] 磨砂膏;一般而言,适宜的磨砂膏使用次数为:油性皮肤每2周使用1次;干性皮肤或者面部皮肤很薄每个月使用一次;中性或混合性皮肤每2周1次,可以只在T字部位使用;另外,混合性的皮肤也可以在皮肤较油或者较粗糙的部位局部使用,持续时间不宜过长,几分钟就可以了。 取拇指大小,均匀涂在肌肤上,注意避开眼睛周围,双手以由内向外画小圈的动作轻揉按摩,鼻窝处改为由外向内画圈,持续5-10分钟。身体磨砂膏沐浴时沾湿身体,取适量身体磨砂膏涂抹于身体部位,双手打圈方式按摩于全身,然后用清水洗干净就可以了,即时就能感受肌肤的嫩白细滑,建议一周1-2次。

"Facial oil"是什么意思?


facial cream是什么意思

facial cream 英[u02c8feu026au0283u0259l kri:m]美[u02c8feu0283u0259l krim]n. 面霜;[网络] 面霜,雪花膏;[例句]He asked whether I was using any facial cream because he noticed that my face had changed and looks brighter.他问我是不是搽了面霜,因为他发现我的脸改变了,看起来比以前更明亮!

facial form什么意思

facial foam 网络 洗面奶; 面部泡沫; [例句]Design of Injection Mould for the Cover of Facial Foam Bottle洗面奶瓶盖注射模的设计

facial painting是什么意思

脸谱双语对照例句:1.If enough skull fragments are found, mallegni will try toreconstruct lisa"s facial features, in order to see if herface matches that of the iconic painting hanging at thelouvre museum in paris. 如果找到了足量的头骨碎片,那么马莱尼就会尝试重新建立起丽莎的面部特征,这样就能知道她的脸是否与挂在巴黎卢浮宫中那副典型的画作相匹配了。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!


1.face主要是脸部分。2. surface指具体的表面、物体液体等的表面。


facial英 ["feɪʃ(ə)l]美 ["feʃl]n. 美容,美颜;脸部按摩adj. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的更多释义>>[网络短语]facial 脸部用,颜射,面膜Facial nerve 颜面神经,面神经,面听神经facial cleanser 洗面奶,洁面乳,脸部清洁

facial cleanser是什么意思

facial cleanser洗面奶双语对照词典结果:facial cleansern.洗面奶;洁面乳; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It"s great for everyday use following the MD Formulations Facial Cleanser

facial configuration什么意思

facial configuration面部配置


第一个是橄榄身体去角质磨砂 成分:有机橄榄油 - 有效修护肌肤。 橄榄籽碎、糙米碎及胡桃壳碎 - 温和地去除死皮。 向日葵籽油 - 蕴含丰富脂肪酸,有助修护肌肤补湿膜,令肌肤回复滋润、幼滑及柔嫰 用法:每星期使用两至三次效果最佳。定期磨砂及...



facial abuse什么意思

facial abuse 意思:性虐待facial 英 [u02c8feu026au0283l] 美 [u02c8feu0283u0259l] adj.面部的;面部用的;表面的n.美容;面部按摩例句:Cross didn"t answer; his facial expression didn"t change 克罗斯没有答话,脸上的表情也毫无变化。abuse 英 [u0259u02c8bju:s] 美 [u0259u02c8bjuz] n.滥用;恶习;侮辱;恶言vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂例句:What went on here was an abuse of power. 这里所发生的事是一种滥用职权的行为。

facial makeup脸谱可数吗?


facial hair什么意思

facial hair面部毛发双语对照词典结果:facial hair[英][u02c8feu026au0283u0259l hu025bu0259][美][u02c8feu0283u0259l hu025br][医]面毛; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 胡须2. 面部多毛收起例句:1.Why does god like facial hair so much? 那么,为什么神仙们这么喜欢留胡子呢?2.I never had any facial hair in my life. 我的一生中从来没有过面部毛发。He didn"t wear glasses or sport any distinguishing scars or facial hair. 不戴眼镜,没有可以夸耀的疤痕,不蓄胡须。

谁能介绍一下 face(facial) blindness的情况?

Face blindness is a common hereditary disorderIn the first study to examine whether the inability to recognize faces can be inherited, researchers found that it is in fact a common disorder that runs in families and is one of the most frequent disorders apparently controlled by a defect in a single gene. The study was published online June 30, 2006 in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, and is available via Wiley InterScience at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/ajmg.Prosopagnosia (PA) or face blindness is characterized by the inability to differentiate faces, except for the most familiar ones such as members of one"s family. It can be caused by brain injury, but cases where the disorder appears to run in families have also been reported. In the first systematic study of hereditary prosopagnosia (HPA), researchers led by Ingo Kennerknecht, M.D. of the Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Muenster in Germany, recruited 689 subjects from local secondary schools and a medical school and administered a questionnaire to identify those with suspected HPA. They found 17 cases of the disorder, and of the 14 subjects who consented to further interfamilial testing, all of them had at least one first degree relative who also had it. "Nearly all affected persons report a problem in deciding immediately whether a face is known," the authors state. Subjects report uncertainty in social situations and the inability to visualize the faces of close relatives or recall mental images of trees, leaves, or birds. They generally have difficulty following TV programs or movies because they cannot tell similar actors apart. All of the PA subjects revealed that they used up to three different strategies for overcoming the disorder. In the compensation strategy, subjects attempt to recognize people by other characteristics such as voice, gait, clothing or hair color. In the explanation strategy, subjects have a ready set of excuses as to why they can"t recognize someone, such as being deep in thought or needing new glasses. In the avoidance strategy, subjects try to avoid situations where they might be unable to recognize faces, such as large functions or crowded places.Because of the compensation strategies that those with PA learn to utilize at an early age, many of them do not realize that it is an actual disorder or even realize that other members of their family have it. "This could explain why this kind of cognitive impairment is largely unknown to lay persons or even to physicians other than neurologists and psychiatrists," the authors state, adding that there are no established diagnostic tools for PA. While face recognition is strongly affected in HPA, the processing of other facial information, such as gender, age, and emotional expression is generally intact. This suggests that facial information and these other characteristics are processed independently of one another. Furthermore, HPA is one of the few cognitive functions or dysfunctions that has only one symptom and is inherited, the authors note."Neurophysiological studies of people with this highly selective dysfunction might fundamentally improve our understanding of face recognition," the authors conclude. "As soon as gene mapping/mutation mapping will be successful, the genotype/phenotype correlations should widen our knowledge of the development of higher cerebral functions."只是认不清记不住人(脸),对正常生活是没有影响的

facial造句 简单的

I"d like a facial massage.

facial;darkness;weakness 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

facial 谐音 非削尔darkness 谐音 搭壳尼斯weakness 谐音 微壳尼斯


facial是face的形容词,adj. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的同时有名词的词义,但与face不同n. 美容,美颜;脸部按摩




facial [fa·cial || "feu026au0283l]n. 美颜术, 脸部按摩术adj. 脸的, 脸部用的



facial怎么读 facial的意思

1、facial的读音:英[u02c8feu026au0283l],美[u02c8feu026au0283l]。 2、adj.面部; 3、n.美容;面部护理; 4、[例句]Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skins elasticity.每天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。 6、复数:facials

the depressed misread,emotional facialcues

stab 作为名词有试图、努力的意思. take a stab 是个固定短语,就是进行尝试的意思.

originsfacial brush是什么意思

Facial BrushFacial Brushes Facial cleansing with a facial brush can be elementary, using just soap and water. Or it can be much more elaborate, using a sonic facial brush with special .origins英 ["u0252ru026adu0292u026anz]美 ["u0252ru026adu0292u026anz]n.出身( origin的名词复数 ); 起点; 由来; [解剖学]1)。 由来

facial features是什么意思


泰国whitening facial foam牛奶洗面奶beauty buffet美白保湿控油怎么查看生产日期

facial landmark是什么意思

facial landmark颅面特征点 ;Perineural vascular plexus as a landmark for identification of the facialnerve in surgery were observed to assess the utility. 观察和评估水平段面神经周围的微血管丛作为术中定位面神经的手术标志的有效性。

amino acid facial cleanser是什么意思


amino acid facial cleanser是什么意思

amino acid facial cleanser胺基酸洗面乳;氨基酸洗面乳amino英 [u0259"miu02d0nu0259u028a] 美 [u0259"miu02d0nu0259u028a]adj.<化>氨基的facial英 [u02c8feu026au0283l] 美 [u02c8feu0283u0259l]adj.面部的; 面部用的; 表面的n.美容; 面部按摩复数: facials派生词:facially cleanser英 [u02c8klenzu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8klu025bnzu025a]n.清洁剂; 清洁工; 擦亮粉,去污粉; 清洁器复数: cleansers


skII 脸部柔和清洁膏