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fate/zero 里的berserker身份是谁?

亚瑟王手下的第一圆桌骑士 兰斯洛特(Lancelot)以前喜欢亚瑟王的王后格尼薇儿……

Fate stay night berserker到底有几条命?

12试练得12条命,外加本来得一条!12+1=13他在十二年中完成了12现英勇事迹: 1, 剥下尼密阿巨狮(Nemean Lion)的兽皮。 2, 杀死九头蛇许德拉(Lernaean Hydra)。 3, 生擒刻律涅亚山上的月亮女神阿提蜜丝(Artemis)的牝鹿。 4, 活捉爱力曼克斯山厄律曼托斯(Erymanthus)的野猪。 5, 一天之内把厄利斯(Elis)的牛棚打扫干净(30年没有打扫); 6, 赶走斯廷法罗斯湖(Stymphalian Marsh)的怪鸟; 7, 驯服克里特岛上克里特公牛(Cretan Bull)。 8, 驱赶狄俄墨得斯(Diomede)养的食人马。 9, 夺取亚马孙女王希波吕忒(Amazon)的腰带。 10, 到艾菲亚(Erythia)带回格里安(Greyon)养的牛群。 11,摘取赫斯珀里得斯的金苹果. 12,带回地狱的恶狗刻耳柏洛斯[Cerberus(冥王的看门犬,三头犬)]。

兰斯洛特(Fate zero里的Berserker)的详细资料

  Berserker(バーサーカー)  身高:191cm 体重:81kg 血型:不明 出生日:不明   真实身份:兰斯洛特(亚瑟王传说中的第一圆桌骑士)   筋力:A   耐久:A   敏捷:A+   魔力:C   幸运:B   宝具:A   可以把手上的东西变成自己的宝具(包括敌人的宝具) ,即使是路边的灯柱也一样可以。   宝具:无毁的湖光 。与“誓约胜利之剑”一样,同时精灵之国制造的武器。所以具有和它相媲美的能力。但是因为兰斯洛特用它砍杀了同伴,所以被魔力污染,堕落成魔剑。   与第五次圣杯之战的英灵Archer卫宫士郎一様 ,同样是基加美修的天敌。 因和亚瑟王有怨恨,在亚瑟王的时代,兰斯洛特因为和亚瑟王的妻子格尼薇尔偷情,在亚瑟王得知后,带领众骑士讨伐他,也引起了后来王国的动乱。   由于狂化的关系,御主间桐雁夜无法控制。   职阶能力:   狂化:C   除幸运与魔力之外数值全部等级上升,夺去大半的理性,失去语言能力和复杂的思考能力.   保有技能   抗魔力:D   虽然通过除魔戒指获得一定程度的抗魔力,但在狂化后导致该项能力下降.   不能够无效化,只能稍微减少一些伤害值.   精灵之加护:A   由于受到精灵的祝福,在危险的局面中有着化险为夷的能力.   只有建立功勋的战场上才能使用.   无穷之武练:A+   在过去某个时代的盖世无双的武艺.   由于将心、技、体完全融合为一,不管在何种精神制约下都能将自身的战斗能力完美发挥.   骑士徒手也不会死(Knight of Owner=持有者是骑士)   Rank:A++ 对人宝具 距离1 最大捕捉30人   能够赋予手中的武器作为自己宝具的属性并加以驱使   不管是什么武器、兵器,在兰斯洛特拿起的时刻就会成为相当于D级的宝具。   原先的Rank在此之上的宝具就会以原本的Rank置入Lancelot的支配之下   因为Ferotto的策略,而没带着剑进行战斗的困境时,   用(这里没读到)的树枝,打倒了ferotto的小故事的具体化。   不是为了自己的荣光(For Someone"s Glory=为了某人的荣耀)   Rank:B 对人宝具 距离0 最大捕捉1人   能够隐藏自己能力值的能力。   Lancelot在多次的冒险都藉由伪装来隐藏身分赢得了胜利的荣耀   这是作为那个典故的具体化的能力   无毁的湖光(Alondight)   Rank:A++ 对人宝具 距离1~2 最大捕捉1人   封印其他宝具才首次解放的、Lancelot真正的宝具。   抽出这把剑的时候,Lancelot全部的参数值提升一个Rank   再让全部的ST判定中成功率变成两倍。   因为有打倒过龙的故事,能够对持有龙属性的英灵追加伤害。

Fate Zero的berserker




Fate zero中berserker和Saber到底是什么关系啊?

saber是亚瑟王,berserker为兰斯洛特,亚瑟王传说里圆桌武士中的第一骑士。兰斯洛特深受亚瑟王的信任,因此被任命为王后关妮薇的守护骑士。而亚瑟王也就是saber是个女子,不可能与王后关妮薇有男女般的爱情,兰斯洛特的出现 恰好满足了王后的愿望(这形容的真是..= =弥天大雾),两人因此产生爱情。由于私情的被揭发,使得关系破裂,王后因此丧命,berserker也因此对saber埋下了仇恨的种子。(这段有点记不清了,大致上是这样的。)



安徒生童话英文版:Great-Grandfather 曾祖父

  Great-Grandfather was so lovable, wise and good. All of us looked up to Great-Grandfather. As far back as I can remember, he was really called "Father"s Father," and "Mother"s Father" as well, but when my Brother Frederick"s little son came along he was promoted, and got the title of "Great-Grandfather." He could not expect to go any higher than that.   He was very fond of us all, but he did not appear to be fond of our times. "Old times were the good times," he used to say. "Quiet and genuine they were. In these days there"s too much hurrying and turning everything upside down. The young folk lay down the law, and even speak about the Kings as if they are their equals. Any ne"er-do-well can sop a rag in dirty water and wring it out over the head of an honorable man."   Great-Grandfather would get angry and red in the face when he talked of such things, but soon he would smile his kindly, sympathetic smile, and say, "Oh, well! I may be a bit wrong. I belong to the old days, and I can"t quite get a foothold in the new. May God guide us and show us the right way to go."   When Great-Grandfather got started on the old days, it seemed to me as if they came back. I would imagine myself riding along in a gilded coach, with footmen in fine livery. I saw the guilds move their signs and march in procession with their banners aloft, preceded by music. And I attended the merry Christmas festivities, where people in fancy dress played games of forfeit.   True enough, in the old days dreadfully cruel and horrible things used to be done. There was torture, rack and wheel, and bloodshed, but even these horrible things had an excitement about them that fascinated me. But I also thought of many pleasant things. I used to imagine how things were when the Danish nobility freed the peasants, and when the Danish Crown Prince abolished slave trading. It was marvelous to hear Great-Grandfather talk of all these things, and to hear him tell of the days of his youth. But I think the times even earlier than that were the very best times of all - so mighty and glorious.   "They were barbarous times," Brother Frederick said. "Thank heaven we are well rid of them." He used to say this right out to Great-Grandfather. This was most improper, I know, but just the same I always had great respect for Frederick. He was my oldest brother, and he used to say he was old enough to be my father - but then he was always saying the oddest things. He had graduated with the highest honors, and was so quick and clever in his work at Father"s office that Father meant to make him a partner before long. Of us all, he was the one with whom Great-Grandfather talked most, but they always began to argue, for they did not get along well together. They did not understand each other, those two, and the family said they never would, but even as young as I was, I soon felt that they were indispensable to each other. Great-Grandfather would listen with the brightest look in his eyes while Frederick spoke of or read aloud about scientific progress, and new discoveries in the laws of nature, and about all the other marvels of our times.   "The human race gets cleverer, but it doesn"t get better," Great-Grandfather would say. "People invent the most terrible and harmful weapons with which to kill and injure each other."   "Then the war will be over that much sooner," Frederick would tell him. "No need now for us to wait seven years for the blessings of peace. The world is full-blooded, and it needs to be bled now and then. That is a necessity." 安徒生童话英文版:Great-Grandfather 曾祖父

电脑蓝屏了,出现了最不好解决的未知代码:c000021a {Fatal System Error}的问题,希望各位帮我解决下



vital =生命、生机,与 生命攸关 和 fatal = 致命

fatal vital两个词的区别


  1、vital英 [u02c8vau026atl] 美 ["vau026atl]adj.至关重要的; 维持生命所必需的; 生死攸关的; 生气勃勃的; u200d[例句]u200dThese are all vital questions这些都是至关重要的问题。  2、crucial英 [u02c8kru:u0283l] 美 [u02c8kruu0283u0259l]adj.决定性的; 关键性的,极其显要的; 十字形的; [例句]Oil prices are a crucial driver.油价是一个关键因素。3、fateful英 [u02c8feu026atfl] 美 [u02c8fetfu0259l] adj.决定性的; 命中注定的; 重大的; 预言性的; u200d[例句]A college venture in watts terms is a fateful act在瓦茨人心目中,上大学是件有关命运的冒险行为u200d.  这三个词都是形容词,作为重要的含义时,vital比较常用。

《The Godfather》中麦克在西西里待了多长时间啊?


格林童话死神教父godfather death作文

 A poor man had twelve children and had to work day and night in order just to feed them. Thus when the thirteenth came into the world, not knowing what to do in his need, he ran out into the highway, intending to ask the first person whom he met to be the godfather.  the first person who came his way was our dear God, who already knew what was in his heart, and God said to him, "Poor man, I pity you. I will hold your child at his baptism, and care for him, and make him happy on earth."  the man said, "Who are you?"


《The Godfather》(Mario Puzo)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/11fWjLp7jqLyjMvTMw3L6qw 提取码:xpq0书名:The Godfather作者:Mario Puzo豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:G.P. Putnam"s Sons出版年份:1969-3-10页数:448内容简介:Reissued to coincide with the September Random House release of The Last Don, here is the sweeping saga of a family and of its leader, a friendly and reasonable man who just happens to be the deadliest gang leader in the Cosa Nostra.作者简介:作者马里奥·普佐是土生土长的美国人,而且是长期生活在资本主义现代文明的心脏——纽约的美国人。第二次世界大战期间,曾在美军中服役。复员后,先在哥伦比亚大学研究文艺创作,后来又在社会调查学院专门研究美国社会的各个方面。他的第一部小说《明争暗斗》被认为是描写战后被占领的德国的最佳小说;他的第二部小说《幸运的香客》被《纽约时报》称之为“小经典作品”。《教父》是作者的第三部小说。这部小说一出版就轰动了整个美国,引起了广泛的评论和赞扬。

求The godfather《教父》原版英文小说,txt版本的

The godfather《教父》原版英http://pan.baidu.com/share/home?uk=258437024?8k*WZX*7B0JRaC5%

Speak Softly Love (Love Theme From "The Godfather") 歌词

歌曲名:Speak Softly Love (Love Theme From "The Godfather")歌手:Ray Conniff & The Singers专辑:The Essential Ray ConniffSpeak softly love and hold me warm against your heartI feel your words, the tender trembling moments startWe"re in a world, our very ownSharing a love that only few have ever knowWine coloured days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live unitil we dieMy life is yours and all becauseYou came into my world with loveSo softly loveWine coloured days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live unitil we dieMy life is yours and all becauseYou came into my world with loveSo softly lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8730377

Main Title (The Godfather Waltz) 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title (The Godfather Waltz)歌手:Nino Rota专辑:The GodfatherMain Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.http://music.baidu.com/song/10236162



The Godfather (Love Theme From "The Godfather") 歌词

the shadow of growing

The Godfather (Speak Softly Love) 歌词

歌曲名:The Godfather (Speak Softly Love)歌手:Franck Pourcel专辑:100 All Time Greatest HitsParla Piu Piano制作者:番茄酱Parla piu piano e nessuno sentira,il nostro amore lo viviamo io e te,nessuno sa la verita,neppure il cielo che ci guarda da lassu.Insieme a te io restero,amore mio, sempre cosi.Parla piu piano e vieni piu vicino a me,Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,nessuno sa la verita,e un grande amore e mai pi&ugrav! e; grande esistera.Insieme a te io restero,amore mio, sempre cosi.Parla piu piano e vieni piu vicino a me,Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,nessuno sa la verita,e un grande amore e mai piu grande esisterahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2846212

The Godfather 歌词

歌曲名:The Godfather歌手:above this专辑:7L7The Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/19119668

The Godfather 歌词

歌曲名:The Godfather歌手:dag nasty专辑:Wig Out at Denko"sThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/27646676




  如果你玩过GTA之类的游戏的话  应该会对黑手党这个词有印象,教父除了基督教宗教上的意义以外,多数和黑手党有关  特别是美国的黑手党,由于其组织类似家族式管理,特别是甘比诺、吉诺维斯、卢凯塞、科洛博和波纳诺五大家族尤为著名  在“家族”里,最让人害怕的是他们那沾满鲜血的“家法”。一个人只要通过审核,以歃血为盟的半宗教似的仪式加入组织,所有关于黑手党的家法就成为这个新黑手党党徒的终生枷锁。  黑手党在招募新人的时候必须经过严格挑选,并且通常要新人去犯下一桩罪,通常是杀人,来证明他加入的诚意。当然在黑手党家法的重新定义之下,犯罪已经不再是犯罪,而是一项在组织内值得尊敬的事。接下来的加入仪式———在主坛上的圣母玛丽亚画像必须先沾上一滴入会者的鲜血,然后这张纸会被点燃,放进入会者摊开的双手当中。在以死宣誓完成之后,党徒们会拿钱出来办一场盛大的宴会。自此之后,这个人一辈子就是黑手党的一员了,直到死亡或者背叛为止。触犯家法的处罚包括暂时驱逐出门,或者被永久逐出家门。不过通常触犯家法的下场虽有不同,但终究难逃一死。  所以,黑帮组织最高权力的掌握者被习惯地称为“教父”,他是 “老板中的老板”(boss of bosses),他的话就是“法律”。

为什么我看不懂 教父2 阿?The Godfather part2~


The Godfather 歌词

歌曲名:The Godfather歌手:Freddie Hubbard专辑:Sky DiveParla Piu Piano制作者:番茄酱Parla piu piano e nessuno sentira,il nostro amore lo viviamo io e te,nessuno sa la verita,neppure il cielo che ci guarda da lassu.Insieme a te io restero,amore mio, sempre cosi.Parla piu piano e vieni piu vicino a me,Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,nessuno sa la verita,e un grande amore e mai pi&ugrav! e; grande esistera.Insieme a te io restero,amore mio, sempre cosi.Parla piu piano e vieni piu vicino a me,Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,nessuno sa la verita,e un grande amore e mai piu grande esisterahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8392356


Father是指上帝 也就是我们的天父godfather里也有father这个词 在这里不是指的上帝 而是指的god的仆人 god 的仆人成为神父/教父只是天主教有这么个说法`

外国人的孩子有时候会有一个godfather 那是什么意思啊?



Godfather的中文翻译是“教父”。Godfather是指一位家族或组织中的权威人物,通常具有很高的威望和影响力,以及对其所在组织的权力掌控。该词在20世纪的美国黑帮文化中常被使用,也是一部经典电影的名字,《教父》(The Godfather)。《教父》是一部由弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉执导,根据马里奥·普佐的同名小说改编而成的电影,于1972年上映。该电影描绘了一位意大利裔美国黑手党家族的故事,被视为黑帮电影的代表作之一。影片获得了三十多项国际重要奖项,其中包括奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片、最佳男主角等多个奖项。自《教父》电影问世以来,Godfather这个词汇作为英语词汇已经扩展到许多其它领域,也被用来描述类似于组织或文化中权力较大的领导人。例如,“企业教父”可以指掌管大型企业的高管,而“科技教父”则可能指某位创业家或科技领袖。Godfather这个词汇还可以指有启发性或革命性影响的人或事物。如,“嘻哈音乐的教父”可以指饶舌音乐的创始人之一,“计算机科学的教父”则可能指计算机科学领域中的先驱人物。Godfather这个词汇也可以作为动词使用,意味着某个人或组织正在承担一种指导或控制的责任,或者正在提供帮助、支持或保护给其他人。如,“他们帮我找到了工作,真是教父啊!”Godfather的应用领域《教父》(The Godfather)是美国电影史上经典的黑帮电影之一,它的影响已经超出了电影本身,在许多领域有广泛的应用。《教父》以其精彩的故事情节和出色的制作技术,有许多的应用领域,它不仅影响了美国电影工业,同时也在全球范围内引发了影迷和研究者的热情探索,其影响和价值仍在不断扩大和延伸。1、政治:《教父》中展现了黑手党组织的政治手段和博弈,它揭示了政治权利和利益的关系,因此在政治领域中有一定的应用价值。2、商业:《教父》是一部商业电影,它成功的赚取了更广泛的观众群体,同时也为电影商业化的模式奠定了基础,因此在商业领域中有重要的应用价值。3、领导力:《教父》中呈现出的意气风发和领导者能力所带来的权力及其影响若是运用得当,可以在领导力培养中的启示意义极大。4、心理学:作为一部心理电影,《教父》对于黑手党、权力、家族、信仰等议题有深刻的探讨,它也成为了心理学研究的重要文献之一,为心理学领域的研究提供了重要的案例。5、文化:《教父》耳熟能详的经典对白和其中展现出的黑道文化,不单是文化符号,也成为了美国乃至全球文化的一部分,形塑了世界各地的文化风貌。

英语作文杂交水稻之父(Father of Hybrid Rice)

So far, the world"s average per-mu yield of rice remained at approximately 200 kg. Chinese Yuan Longping led his research team, through the haze of science to give the world the power of a strong fight against hunger. Therefore, China"s hybrid rice by the world known as the "Oriental magic rice." Rice even higher than in sorghum, rice was also longer than the broom, rice as big as peanuts, he and his aides sat on rice cool shade below! Cities and villages, river north and south, both inside and outside China in the human will never be hungry, they excitedly spread the news of a legendary name - Yuan Longping1. In September 1930 in Beijing, Yuan Longping, a child born on the dream of becoming a scientist 2. Since 1953, graduated from Southwestern University, he has been conducting scientific research in agriculture 3. The last century 70"s, he found very difficult to improve rice production, we decided to engage in hybrid rice research 4. There is no doubt that he was the world"s food production has made great contributions to 5. Because of his great achievements, he received many honors and awards, including the "World Food Prize"

Sade 的《babyfather》的中文歌词是?

We were waiting for the busNo-one much around but usThen I see this young boy cut a look at meI"m stunnedIn a dazeHe had the whole street set ablazeIt"s only love they sayMakes you feel this wayShe liked his eyes she wanted moreThe baby gonna have your smile for sureHe saw a lovely girlSmelling sweet and soapy like fresh airShe saw him looking acted like she didn"t careThat"s how we knewAnd so love grew a flowerA flower that is youYour daddy knows you"re a flame (x4)Even to the angels it may sound like a lieFor you childHe was the troops and extra backup standing byFor you childFor you he"s the best he can beFor you childFor you he"s the best he can beOh child don"t you knowYour daddy love come with a lifetime guaranteeYour daddy knows you"re a flame (x2)Yeah daddy love you childYour daddy knows you"re a flame (x2)Daddy love you yeah我们都在等公共汽车  没有人多,但是我们  然后我看到这个小男孩砍下一看我  我被震惊  发呆  他有整条街火中焚烧  这是唯一的爱他们说  让你有这样的感觉    她喜欢他的眼睛时她想要更多  婴儿得你的笑容肯定的  他看到一个可爱的女孩  闻着甜蜜、肥皂喜欢新鲜的空气  她看见他看起来简直就象她并不在意  这就是我们怎么知道  ,爱了一朵花  一朵是你    你爸爸知道你是一只火焰(状)

Sade的《Babyfather》 歌词

歌曲名:Babyfather歌手:Sade专辑:BabyfatherBabyfatherSadeWe were waiting for the busNo one much around but usThen I see this young boy cut a look at meI"m stunned In a dazeHe had the whole street set ablazeIt"s only love they say Makes you feel this wayShe liked his eyes she wanted moreThe baby gonna have your smile for sureHe saw a lovely girl Smelling sweet and soapy like fresh airShe saw him looking acted like she didnt careThat"s how we knew And so love grew a flowerA flower that is youYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameEven to the angels it may sound like a lieFor you childHe has the troops and extra backup standing byFor you childFor you he is the best he can beFor you childFor you he is the best he can beOh child dont you knowYour daddy love come with a lifetime guaranteeYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameYeah daddy love you childYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameDaddy love you yeahIt"s only you he"ll sayMade the young boy hungry for the man he is todayIt"s only love, love, love, loveCan make you feel this wayYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameYeah daddy love you childYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy love come with a lifetime guaranteeYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameDaddy love you yeahYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flamedaddy love youYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flameOh child dont you knowYour daddy love come with a lifetime guaranteeYour daddy knows you"re a flameYour daddy knows you"re a flamedaddy love you ye...http://music.baidu.com/song/7438950

求 Fat Shady 你们说锤子 的歌词!

歌曲名:《你们说锤子》歌手:谢帝所属专辑:《说唱会馆Fat shady作品集》歌词如下:环境太黑管我锤子事人民生活水平低管我锤子(锤子=J8)事军事问题政治问题管我锤子事反正我管不到哩事都管我锤子事环境太黑管我锤子事人民生活水平低管我锤子事军事问题政治问题管我锤子事反正我管不到哩事都管我锤子事长这么大喱人咯思想被灌输一啪啦叽里呱啦从学校到家从老师再到妈妈爸爸要当乖娃娃哈 思想不要邋遢不然小心要着祖国妈妈故意洗澡搓成夹夹要晓得啥子可以讲咋个讲啥子不能讲要晓得谈吐要用那个你晓得错哩思想所以有些事要让就让你不要犟有些事哩傻该装要装你不要正正方方你不要紧到扭 没用 要跟到走别个喜欢左撇子你就不要用右手总是那么忧国忧民你又能咋子我给你哩建议就是该干啥子干啥子不是你哩问题你就不要切管偷点懒能力有限跑切逞英雄哩瘪瘪死得惨吃饱咯一天莫的事切管管不如高高兴兴哩多看点赵本山环境太黑管我锤子事人民生活水平低管我锤子事军事问题政治问题管我锤子事反正我管不到哩事都管我锤子事环境太黑管我锤子事人民生活水平低管我锤子事军事问题政治问题管我锤子事反正我管不到哩事都管我锤子事如果世界是棋盘棋手是集团那像我们这些人嘛连棋子都不算那是啥子我告诉你是棋盘上哩灰要是太显眼哩话你娃就只有着吹

这个人在咋子 Fat shady歌词

《这个人在咋子》--fat shady星期一星期二星期三星期五星期六星期天星期一星期二星期三老 子都不上班这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人说哩就是我莫得工作也不觉得恼火你晓得我说唱好火好多哩演出他们都要找我再次把中指送给电 视 台你个骗 子台老 子不得来演出还不是排到要求 你给老 子两个提供平台老 子说唱本身就是名牌在座观众评价就是精彩这个平台本身就是我自己说唱哩我不是你,给老 子等到老 子越做越大你不再无视我 老 子无视你个蠢屌可能只有莫得文化才觉得电 视 台很好我逐渐发觉我不用切迎合当我开口flow可斩群魔对我来说会说唱 行咯老师爬 开不要再点我名咯你们教哩是锤子有锤子用老 子不学又咋子咯嘛这个是说唱会馆Shady哇 我们就是喜欢他这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂你又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂星期一星期二星期三星期五星期六星期天星期一星期二星期三老 子都不上班这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人说哩就是我莫得工作也不觉得恼火你晓得我说唱好火好多哩演出他们都要找我再次把中指送给电视台你个骗 子台老 子不得来演出还不是排到要求 你给老 子两个提供平台老 子说唱本身就是名牌在座观众评价就是精彩这个平台本身就是我自己说唱哩我不是你,给老 子等到老 子越做越大你不再无视我 老 子无视你个蠢屌可能只有莫得文化才觉得电视台很好我逐渐发觉我不用切迎合当我开口flow可斩群魔对我来说会说唱 行咯老师爬开不要再点我名咯你们教哩是锤子有锤子用老 子不学又咋子咯嘛这个是说唱会馆Shady哇 我们就是喜欢他这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂你又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂你又不是没上过班没见识过社会好烂我记得我大学才毕业的时候也找了个公司上班一开始公司的情况很好经常要集体出切狂欢 在KTV 喝到酒 唱的是朋友一生一起走都勾肩搭背在一起吼一口一口兄弟伙要相信我说有钱一起赚兄弟我有菜你有饭效益好切九寨或云南年终哩目标是好多万结果问题还真是出在咯人心都是些人精没事发神经到底哪个做了些假账公司算哪个哩哪个来澄清你说咋个整嘛这些人这么狠心咋个这么冷你在那儿给老 子两个装锤子啊装咯半天还装求得那么真我说你背后的报告你少打咯哇老 子空子又被你找到咯哇明争暗斗的好耍的很哇今天下午你又整到咯他咋个那么瓜 难怪这个公司要垮正好我也不陪你们耍咯像我这种人切上班肯定就只有废咯哑咯我把真实的东西留给咯音乐让你们听咯不经意上心咯这个是我存在的价值你日妈不会就只有听到这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻我的肺活量配合上我哩脑壳转哩快当会说唱往对角放那些最弱哩说唱让你都睡着喊他们搞紧爬问切洗咯睡咯fat shady 来咯就对咯那么最后一段送给我家送给我爸再送给我妈送给那些看不起我们说的哩人觉得我们傻觉得我们瓜送给那些觉得我秋末名堂你真以为我莫得两把刷不信你到舞台上搞哈看哈哪个帅在看哈哪个瓜老 子拿到麦克风就变狂咯强咯把风头都抢咯你娃不要想咯闯咯你妈哩鬼咯好多音乐人被年度毁咯 被商人水咯为了赚钱态度变阳 痿咯你们跪到闹锤子个人起来走嘛 你莫得腿嗦老 子宁愿穷都不得送耸都不得像个奴隶一样就从咯不可能红 如果我都红咯 那么中国就不同咯还录得动歌 如果真的和谐我肯定会写颂歌但是 众多 有那么多的颂歌都是用托切 管我锤子事这个人在咋子每天都不上班你说他凭啥子用啥子切还生活账单你说这个人在咋子每天都不上班上班上班肯定要把人上弯上翻

fat shady什么意思



father 中的 er 与 doctor 中的 or发音相同都是发 [ə]


身由剑所成。血潮如铁, 心如琉璃。纵横无数战场不曽落败。未曾遭逢败退,未尝为人理解。他常孤独一人,于剑丘上沉醉胜利。因此,生崖毫无意义。其身,必由剑所成。



我的WIN8 64位系统玩GTA4的时候弹出 GTA IV FATAL ERROR:WTV190,重新安装了几次window live,没用,咋办


侠盗猎车4进入游戏后弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR :WTV190 10怎么办,求解

去百度下载个game for windows live这个工具装上

侠盗猎车4进入游戏后弹出GTA IV FATAL ERROR :WTV190



father, yard n. a 和 ar 都读 / a: / 发长元音两个单词的元音读音相同。



游戏 Fate / stay night 汉化无码(要安卓能玩的)ONS的模拟器是什么?

ONScripterONScripter是安卓平台上非常好用的一款ONS模拟器,可以用来运行一些经典的GALgame游戏,游戏 Fate / stay night 汉化无码(要安卓能玩的)ONS的模拟器也是ONScripter。ONScripter是一款GALGAME游戏模拟器+GALGAME游戏移植工具,需要配套起来用。它曾可登陆到PSP、NDS、MP4等便携式移动设备平台上,现在安卓系统上也可以运行。

he was happy that his father bought him a Rolls-Royce的树形结构


we eat mach and we will get fat同义句转换

Mach写错了,是much,同义句可改为The more we eat ,the fatter we get. 都表示,我们吃得越多,我们就越胖。






A+ 被说好让我赢剑第八层的封印秒


正传:fate stay night(有游戏和动画)前传:fate zero(小说和动画)后传:fate hollow atraxia(游戏)原型:Fate/Prototype

Fate/Prototype 和Fate stay night有什么区别?人物关系对应是怎样的?吉尔加美什是同一个人吗?

Fate/Prototype是Fate stay night的原型,好胜、聪慧却多少给人以有些厌世的出家人之感的绫香,以及立于少女背后一边嘴里损个不停一边微笑着守护她的Saber,两人的组合就是这样一种关系,参照Fate/Stay Night中远坂凛和Archer(英灵卫宫)的组合就可以很好的理解。金闪闪是同一个人..

My father is an engineer.I am the son of an



FAT/ SAT是测试验收的两个重要阶段和步骤。FAT/ SAT分别代表工厂验收和现场验收

电脑开机出现STOP: C000021a{ FatalS

电脑开机时出现STOP:C000021a{Fatal System error}可能是系统文件损坏,建议进行系统还原,步骤如下:(演示使用WIN10系统,其他Windows版本操作大致相同)1丶开始->搜索“创建还原点”并点击右侧的”打开“按钮。2丶选择“系统还原”。3丶选中“选择另一还原点”,点击下一步。4丶选中你电脑正常开机时的还原点,继续点击下一步按钮,等待系统还原完成即可。

“看不懂英文”怎么修理Windows电脑STOP:c000021a {Fata] System e?

上面可能意思是:STOP: C000021a (Fata) system Error)会话管理器系统进程中的未提交异常终止ywith a status of oxcoooos Cox778bodod oxoo21e780).系统已经关闭。

电脑开机显示stop: c000021a fatal system err?

重置了bios的设置,重启电脑,电脑正常启动了方法一: 因为此故障是开机后,出现windows图标之后,在进入系统桌面之前发生的蓝屏现象,所以大家可以尝试开机按F8,选择最后一次正确的配置或者尝试安全模式是否能进入系统,如果能进入则可以去找找相关问题,想想最近是否有安装什么特殊软件或安装升级补丁之类的,再下手。方法二:方法一如果不能解决电脑开机提示stop:c000021a fatal system error,则只有重新安装下电脑系统看看是否能好,一般来说,重装系统就会OK了,除非你特别倒霉,可能是硬件问题导致,不过小编至今没有遇到过硬件问题导致电脑开机提示stop:c000021a fatal system error。当然如果您遇到了硬件问题导致此故障。

电脑蓝屏了,出现了最不好解决的未知代码:c000021a {Fatal System Error}的问题,希望各位帮我解决下

请问你就那么确定,硬件一点问题没有吗?系统进程终止,这都是废话。正常能终止吗?请先确认能否进入安全模式,如果正常进入了,点正从新启动,恢复操作。如果安全模式都无法正常进入,进入DOS,测试每个磁盘分区数据是否能正常进入,DOS都进步去的话,恭喜你内存没准烧了,再垫背点硬盘被击穿。 上面许多达人都说些引导系统问题或者是GHOST删除错误程序,引导进入系统后错误程序还是会存在。GHOST也只是强行删除。,聪明点从做系统吧。不做,你迟早会因为这点事做。

电脑开机出现stop:c000021a (fatal system error)蓝屏,一直重启都是这个显示,


重装WIN 7系统后蓝屏出现Stop c000021a {Fatal System Error} 是什么原因啊????

依你的描述,1无法进系统,无法进安全模式,无法从最后可用setting重启看来不是系统服务或者是主板驱动,显卡驱动问题。2可能是系统核心文件丢失,这个很棘手的,重装。3RAM 已损坏也损坏(既然你说内存没问题,这个排除)。4依楼主的描述,你可能认为问题出现winlogon.exe。Windows Logon Process,Windows NT用户登陆程序,管理用户登录和退出。对于这个问题,其实可以再cmd中用Regsvr32命令调试,不过你的就不行了。因为这个是System32的重要文件,损坏或缺失都会出问题。也有可能是病毒伪装成winlogon.exe,破坏系统重要文件。5某个硬件烧坏了,比如说主办烧了,显卡烧了,那会出现致命问题。不过这个直接排除。现在的电脑都有过热重启保护。其实你的配置比较高,散热大温度高是可能的,所以顺带说下这个。重要的是文件对吧。那么就把硬盘接到别的电脑上,当然那时候用的系统是他的,把你放在系统盘的重要问题拷贝好(如果你不放心,那么把非系统分区的文件也拷贝一下),然后把硬盘装回到自己的电脑重装系统。在你装到别的机子上时,可能需要在BIOS里设置首引导硬盘。如果弄好后,开机没看到有多了N个分区(N是你自己的硬盘分区数),那说明硬盘已损坏(不过这种可能非常非常微小)。

电脑蓝屏 stop c000021a {fatal}


我的电脑开机就蓝屏,提示:stop:c000021{fatal system error}什么的咋办


电脑开机时出现STOP:C000021a{Fatal System error}


开机进入界面时蓝屏上面显示stop:c000021a{fata]system error]


重做系统,蓝屏出现stop c00021a {fata] system error,如何解决?

哎我也是 怎么办啊

电脑开机蓝屏出现STOP:c000021a{Fata} System Error}

通常是驱动程序或存在BUG的软件造成的1、如果不是最新的系统补丁包,请升级最新的系统补丁包 2、如果安装驱动或软件后产生,请禁用或卸载3、如果上述操作无效,建议进行修复安装或是重新安装系统。

电脑蓝屏 WIN7 提示c 000021a Fatal System Error怎么办?

知友您好!x0dx0a蓝屏代码:0x0000021Ax0dx0a◆错误分析:x0dx0a用户模式子系统, 例如Winlogon或客服服务运行时子系统(CSRSS)已损坏, 所以无法再保证安全性, 导致系统无法启动. 有时, 当系统管理员错误地修改了用户帐号权限, 导致其无法访问系统文件和文件夹. x0dx0ax0dx0a◇解决方案:x0dx0a使用"最后一次正确的配置", 如果无效, 可使用安装光盘进行修复安装.x0dx0a x0dx0a搞定了请给我采纳答案。谢谢

系统错误:STOP:c000021a {Fatal System Error} 求大师解决

你好开机后按F8,可以开机后 到系统选择那里 按f8 选 起作用的最后一次正确配置(可以解决因驱动装错造成的错误)和带网络连接安全模式(进去后是有网络的,再用360软件弄下),可能就可以修复。 还有就是,内存条进灰尘,拆开机箱,拆下内存条,清洁下内存金手指,重新装回去,再开机试以上都处理了,还是不行的话,不用追问了,直接重装或恢复系统吧。没有其他办法的。请选为满意答案哈


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big.the.fat.and.is.pig连词造句The pig is big and fat这头猪又大又肥


l industry the price of noble and enduring success.

I am a fat、big pig 这句是什么意思 各位大虾 求指点


跪求father of the wolf (amon amrth乐队)歌词的中文翻译!!!

So he found the heart in barren land所以他在贫瘠的土地上发现的心It was beating, still alive它被殴打,仍然活着He held it gently in his hand他把它轻轻地在他的手And looked up to the sky仰望天空With evil thoughts of vicious kind随着恶性种邪恶的思想And sinister disdain邪恶的蔑视His thoughts of bringing back to life他的思想带回到生活The witch died in flames巫婆死在火焰(Chours)(合唱)Serpent"s kin蛇的亲属Born of sin出世的罪Dark within内心的黑暗Father of the wolf!狼的父亲!Serpent"s kin蛇的亲属Born of sin出世的罪Dark within内心的黑暗Father of the wolf!狼的父亲!He then devoured Gullveig"s heart然后他吞了古尔维格的心And she was born again她出世了They brought to life an evil force他们的生活带来一种邪恶的力量A beast that can"t be tamed野兽不能驯服With dark deception in his soul在他的灵魂中黑暗的欺骗Betrayal of the gods神的背叛The bane of Oden now is born奥登是现在是出世Born of evil blood出世恶魔血(Chorus)(合唱)They brought to life a malicious force他们的生活带来一个恶意的力量A vile beast that cannot be tamed不能被驯服的野兽Fimbultyr"s nemesis now is bornfimbultyr现在是出世的克星A vile beast that can"t be restrained可怜的野兽,却无法抑制Dark黑暗Deception in his soul在他的灵魂的欺骗Betrayal of the gods神的背叛Oden"s bane is born奥登的灾星出世Born of evil blood出世恶魔血Serpent"s king蛇的国王Born of sin出世的罪Dark within内心的黑暗Serpent"s king蛇的国王Born of sin出世的罪Dark within内心的黑暗Father of the wolf!狼的父亲!Born of sin!出世的罪!望采纳~

在电脑上运行 爱拍软件时 出现fatal error detected 是什么意思?




( )--The girl is really_____. --Yes,she likes esting. A.stiking B.fat C.clever

(B )--The girl is really_____. --Yes,she likes eating. A.stiking B.fat C.clever( C)--_____is your sister?--Her age is a secret(秘密).A.How long B.How often C.How old(C )--How____is that tree?--Five_____.A.height;metres B.tall;metre C.tall;metres

would you mind dating a girl who is little fat?答句什么意si

1,对“sure”的理解:此处,如对方回答“sure”相当于“yes”,即:“Yes, I do. I would rather not meet her”“是,我介意。我绝不愿见她。”如想表达“不介意”,则可用“No, not at all. ”之类的回答方式。2,再说说“why not”。“why not”英英解释为“there is no reason not to"(即没有理由不。。。),如:“Do you want Italian food tonight?”(今晚你想去吃意大利餐吗?) “Sure, why not!”(当然想,为什么不呢?)总结:1,其实“would you mind”并不用“sure,why not.”来回答 , 罕见。2,“sure,why not.”一般针对如“Do you want”之类“提议/建议”提问的肯定回答。3,回答“would you mind”,如使用“sure”,不必再使用“why not”,会产生歧义。4,针对本题,如对方回答“sure,why not.”可勉强看作not 否定动词“mind”,意思为“why not mind”即:“干吗不介意?”。当然,生活中如对方(也许他不是英语母语人)在此情形下如是回答,最好继续追问,以便求得正确理解对方含义。

求一道完形填空加答案,开头是mr johnson worked in an office .he was short and fat

Mr.Johnson worked in an office.He was short and fat and he looked like a forty-year-old man though he was no more thirty-five.He was paid three thousand dollars a month and had his own house and car .But he was very miserly and had few friends.he took good care of nobody but himself.He was introusand several girl to.but henever bought any presents for them and no girl liked a man like him.So he to live alone in the beautiful house.He was always sad of it and didn"t konw the reasons.
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