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fed 是 federation 的缩写吗?

是federal express后来公司统一商标FedEx

russian federation是哪个国家

  Russian Federation是俄罗斯,它是联邦共和立宪制国家,面积大约是1709万平方公里,是世界上面积最大的国家。俄罗斯有很多少数民族,并且他们很多人都信仰宗教,比如东正教、伊斯兰教等。   Russian Federation是指俄罗斯联邦,也就是俄罗斯,它是由很多自治共和国、州、边疆区、自治区、自治州、联邦直辖市组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。   俄罗斯的面积大约是一千七百零九万平方公里,它是世界上面积最大的国家。俄罗斯内主要的民族是俄罗斯人,但除了俄罗斯人以外,它们还有194个少数民族。   在俄罗斯,有非常多的人都信仰宗教,其中大多数人信奉的宗教就是东正教,其次则是伊斯兰教,我们甚至可以在许多俄罗斯作家的作品中看到各种源于宗教的哲理。

E-40 Feat. The Federation 《go hard or go home》歌词

Go Hard Or Go Home(feat. The Federation) Introducing...E-40...the almighty...707...Rick Rock...Federation...(Whoooooo) Go [x9] Hey hey. Go hard [x2] [E-40] Ooh...Verbal vomit...I keep one on it Not the scrill but you can call me ebonics Sideshows goin nutty dumbin out Take the wrong turn and get your roof stomped out Old school vans doors open, me and my coupe And some stoners we get high like Shaggy from Scooby Doo I"m whiskeyed, I"m hit, I ain"t go no patience But I"m a couple tacos short of a combination Ooh...Get on your head like a shavel ? from the gravel When them scams dope deals be goin south Look how swivel the metal flower want the fast quarter fuck us for niggas 6 bucks an hour From the rooter to the tooter He"s the driver I"m the shooter Don"t be fuckin with my goon Orgasms, high pots, and trill phones, sidekicks and ringtones Go hard or go home [Hook x8] Go hard... Go hard or go home [Goldie] ? To the moon I coon like high school My goons take no prisoners...what fool What"s beef. (Niggas want E-40 on a fat verse) Swingin through the drive-thru, smash the front Jackin" off. If you"re from the Yay, that"s what. Open up the doors, go (go) ? Sick, Monkey on my back Psychos on my milk, won"t let me go Down my throat, Yes (yes), cuz (cuz), buzz (buzz) What (what), I (I), go (go), numb (numb) Slack folks like Droop-E too Put thumb on the back like Rick on the NPC [Hook] [Interlude x4] We jumpin on the top, man, scrape hella cool 3 or 4 niggas tryina cave in a room [Stress] Little purp, cuss like a sailor Hand on my waist in the 2-man tailor Get rich, hate being bold My bitch keep askin for juicy ? In the club, you know we strapped up My white tee shirt look like coke wrapped up Forces and jeans, can"t wear slacks Got good hair, new wave cap Smoke block, standin on the curb Same niggas with me I been knowin since the 3rd Tryna get it, sucks bein bummy Never should"ve give you niggas money [Doon] My bitch wanna see drop H"s Grind more than Haitians or Jamaicans Ain"t about money, then ain"t got patience Don"t bring money, then don"t have relations Some like Hannibal, I"m a mammal Ain"t with monkeys like Mike and Emmanuel Change the channel, rearrange panels 0-7 like the perm old cabby And this babby she don"t bring patties She can"t ride shotgun in the ? Caddy Pull my nigga in, let him count paint Don"t cut him off like J did Dane不知道这个地址能不能发上来(前面加http)://oking.gbaopan.com/files/dcebf2166a6146dea0c3b4e12fb5f729.gbp下载网子:http://lib.verycd.com/2007/01/30/0000137700.html http://www.myspace.com/stomptheyard这有全部歌曲视听翻译. 找不到了

Russian Federation是什么意思?



方舟生存进化创世纪2新增皮肤获取攻略。在创世纪2DLC中官方增加了许多全新的皮肤,下面带来这些皮肤的获取方法及坐标位置,供各位玩家们参考。创世纪2新增皮肤获取攻略首先是FederationExo外观样式(下图)鞋子扫描第一个点:小雪山矿洞进去这里扫描。扫描坐标:19.7/19鞋子扫描第二个点:孤岛右边那个海底矿洞里扫描坐标:48.3/80.3第三个点:孤岛猎手矿洞里 矿洞里坐标 83.1 53.8第四个点:孤岛右上角小岛的矿洞。就进去一点坐标15.4 85第五个点:孤岛左边海底矿洞:进去扫描坐标61.2 21.3新的tek裤子皮肤在焦土。我直接发坐标了还是五个点:22.4/34.1 77/68.6 49.7/16.8 68.1/37.2 51.5/74.4。


Because the Federation Internation Football Association is bigger than the Union of European Football Association国际足联比欧足联大!哈哈。^o^


association 协会:有共同兴趣、活动或目的的有组织的人群团体;学会confederation 同盟国:为了同一个目的而结成联盟的州或国家;联盟federation 联邦政府,联合会:通过联盟组成的团体或组织,尤指通过联邦工会而建立的政府或政治团体


confederation 同盟国:为了同一个目的而结成联盟的州或国家;联盟federation 联邦政府,联合会:通过联盟组成的团体或组织,尤指通过联邦工会而建立的政府或政治团体


很简单,UNION是政府间的合作联盟。比如联合国。而federation是各个部分一起组成的主权国家,是联邦国家。比如美国。对比如下:1.都有组织工会的意思A--union - an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer;比如工会 LABOR UNIONB--federation-an organization formed by merging several groups or parties比如:美国劳工联合会American Federation of Labor2.federation 有官方的政治上的一种联合相比于union- a union of political organizations3.union有配对的意思 - the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes; "the casual couplings of adolescents"; "the mating of some species occurs only in the spring"而federation没有这个意思.4.union有合并的含义 - the state of being joined or united or linked; "there is strength in union"而federation没有这个意思.5.union有结合结婚的含义 - the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life 而federation没有这个意思.综上UNION的含义比FEDERATION更宽泛一点.理解单词的含义可以帮助你在不同的场合使用合适的词.加油!

association与federation 有什么区别?

一:association 1.协会 2.关联 3.协会,团体;联合 4.社团 拓展: business association 1.业务联系,交往 2.业务协会 trade association 1.贸易协会 2.同业公会 consumers" association 1.消费者协会 association (us) 1.美国汽车电气协会 2.美国汽车引擎修护协会 注意词汇 :be associated with 二.federation 1.联邦,联合,联盟 2.联邦 3.联合会 4.同盟,联邦,联合,联盟 拓展 :russian federation 1.俄罗斯联邦 2.俄罗斯 literary federation 1.文联 federation cup 1.联合会杯 2.联合会杯(网球女子团体赛) federation square 1.联邦广场 2.新地标是联邦广场 注意点:前者多为民间合作组织,后者多用在国家名称上,意思是联邦,是国家政体的一种。麻烦采纳,谢谢!




federation 英[u02ccfedu0259u02c8reu026au0283n] 美[u02ccfu025bdu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n] n. 联邦,同盟; 联盟,联合会; 联邦,联邦政府; [例句]The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies.该组织由6个全国性机构联合而成。[其他] 复数:federations


commonwealth 一般指 英联邦国家

表示“联邦”的三个英文词“federation; union; commonwealth”有何区别?

直接解释有点麻烦,直接看例句吧。对了,如果提到英联邦的话,特指用commonwealthThe Commonwealth of Australia澳大利亚“联邦”The Federal government decides U.S. foreign policy.“联邦”政府决定美国的外交政策。The United States has a federal government.美国有“联邦”政府。The jury indicted all eleven men named by the FBI.陪审团对受到“联邦”调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉。The reserve board raised margins from 50 to 60 percent.“联邦”储备银行董事会将定金从百分之五十提高到百分之六十。One of the states has seceded from the federation.有一个州已从“联邦”中退出。The secession of some southern states from the U.S.A. in the 1860s led to a civil war.十九世纪六十年代美国南部一些州退出“联邦”导致了一场内战。People are concerned about the cutbacks in federal welfare programs.人们关注着“联邦”福利计划的削减。